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Into the Jaws of Death [OP Invasion of Sith-Occupied Coruscant]


Anzat's How it's Done
LOCATION: Skies Above the Palace District
ALLIES: [member="Sven Talith"] [member="Tsavong Kraal"]
ENEMIES: [member="Sarge Potteiger"] [member="Dicer"]

The overheating engine sputtered and choked as the force manipulated the dropship into a flight path that somehow shifted all propulsion responsibilities over to the dilapidated sublight engine. It only lasted a moment, however, as another dropship plugged the line of sight and ceased the force's hold on Dax's aircraft. Dax nearly thanked the creator before another rhythmic beeping started blaring in the cockpit, signaling the approach of a hefty ground-to-air rocket.

Some people held the notion that chaff countermeasures had a cooldown after they deployed. Maybe this was the case on Omega dropships, but the Sith designers hadn't been so silly. They did, however, have a limited supply of chaff canisters, many of which had been blown off by blaster fire. One remained...

"Ha...Ha....HA....HA HA HA...."

Dax deployed it.

Crisis averted, the smoking dropship entered Palace airspace proper, making Dax sigh in relief as AA canons and turbolasers identified him as friendly. The dropship struggled to gain altitude as Dax pointed the nose upwards, steering the smoking dropship towards the throne room's landing pad. Just as they reached the lip, the port engine overheated and died, but not before it gave one last valiant push to send what could now be considered scrap metal over and above the pad's edge.


And they had landed...
Location:Outside Palace throne room
Allies:[member="Aeon Caedus"] [member="Drex Skyreaper"]
Enemies:[member="Yusan Fenn"] [member="Knight"]

“Karking hell!” Drex’s screams were awful, nothing worse than Sero had heard in the arena but there was something about it coming through on this comm that made it worse. Maybe it was the fact that in the arena screams went in chorus with cheers, maybe it was because the screams he had heard were made by men trying to kill him or maybe it was because Drex was not only his commander but his friend. Sero rushed over to Drex who had placed himself flat on the ground no longer able to stand.

He could smell the burned plastisteel and flesh, as he went over to his downed comrade,it was enough to make a lesser man sick but Sero did his job. He crouched over using his body to shield Drex’s and took a couple of pot shots at the pink haired intruder as she once again shifted her form. There was a small lull in the activity and Sero took advantage, he reached into his pack and found a health stim and without even checking the dosage jammed it into Drex’s wound.

“there you go Boss man.”

Sero raised his sights again as he heard a voice from up above and before he could react to the new figure he was struck with a bolt of electricity, the pain was unimaginable, his whole body felt like it was on fire even with his armor doing its best to redirect the blast and make it less deadly. He let out a scream of pain as his helmet overloaded and his HUD went black.
Location: Giving Chase
Enemies: Deus Ex Machina
Allies: Revenge

Suddenly there was something in front of him, but at this point a cold, cold rage had set in. Nothing was keeping him away from his prize. The pilot of his dropship was already pulling up - but he wasn't dodging, he was narrowly avoiding. But Sarge on the other hand... he'd never been closer to a Sith than he was in that moment.

Combustion was a dangerous power, but he reached out with his mind and detonated a missile through sheer force of will creating a cascade effect of flaming debris that was going to scar and mangled the front of the dropship as it plowed through it.

With Sven's ship beginning to tilt down now that the pilot was gone and his dropship already clawing upward and then tilting forward... this would be close. The top of Sven's ship mangled the bottom of the Sarge's, entire lower section nearly coming away in the process as the pilot fought with the control stick to keep the ship from literally spinning out of control and into a nearby building.

Using his suit, he commed to Ayden, and he made a simple deduction based on the words from the Vong earlier. "Palace. Burn it." The Spirit was in orbit, and nothing would survive it's touch. Nothing.

He could see the target ahead as the pilot screamed bloody murder in languages Sarge couldn't even begin to fathom. Moving from the cockpit, he settled into a jumpseat and secured himself.

High speed on a bumpy road, and at the end comes a holocaust.
Tsolan grinned and started a slow walk towards his opponent, his eyes scanning for every weak spot from behind the mask. Sides, joints, upper thighs... The list went on and on in his mind as he searched it out. Rather easy to find as the actual armor stood out against the armor weave, a material he would find fairly easy to get through. As the moment came, the darth acted quickly, striking with a fake out chop at Canal's neck but stopping just short to bring a powerful kick into his ribs.

[member="Canal Tal'Verda"]

Sven Talith

Somewhere Near the Palace

Will this was certainly awkward, apparently his missiles and done little to no damage, how awkward.

It did mitigate the danger to himself luckily, as there was no huge explosion that could send fragments of starship into his vulnerable and squishy body. Instead the remnants of his dropship simply fell out of the sky, twirling around and around without a pilot and crashing into the base of one of Coruscant many skyscrappers.

Sven watched the ship for a moment, a bit of sadness flowing through him. The vessel had served him well.

Well, there wasn't much he could do. Slowly Sven floated down towards the ground, his parachute letting him drift onto one of the catwalks. Eventually he stood up form the dropshps evac chair, unstrapping himself and stretching slightly. Sven surveyed the area, and then spotted a nearby landspeeder. It would be slowed than a dropship, but it would get him back to the palace.

Jogging over Sven spotted something near the ground. He frowned slightly and noticed something on the side of the building. Was that? Was that explosives? Sven leapt down from the catwalk to investigate, and found that yes, indeed they were explosives.

His eyes bulged open wide, and slowly he began to diffuse the bombs.

With his expertise in explosives, and his grand luck, Sven managed not to blow himself up as he diffused the explosive. Taking the device and beginning to walk away with it, its detonator inert.
Location: Imperial Palace
Allies: OP, [member="Sarge Potteiger"]
Enemies: OS

If they thought it was that easy, they were mistaken. If they thought they'd take Cira that easily, they'd have another thing coming. Ayden continued to listen in on the com chatter and decided it was time to make a point. He tapped on his wrist device and brought up the plans for the Imperial Palace. Finding what he needed, Ayden switched channels. "To any Protectorate bombers or gunships, I need an airstrike on the following coordinates. Priority Omega." Immediately, several squadrons of Inimica broke off of their runs and turned towards the Palace. Fighters came in to ward off any Sith fighters that might try to stop them. As soon as they came in range, a torrent of missiles were fired. Chaff wouldn't stop them; these were proton rockets. Dumbfire missles. Composite beam cannons lanced the defending Sith fighters. Even if the Sith somehow managed to stop most of the rockets, it would only take a handful to accomplish his goal.

​The shield generator that kept the shutter planetary shield in place over the palace was obliterated. This didn't affect the wider planetary shield, but it did open a hole above the palace. Ayden simply watched the fireworks and thumbed over to the Sith channel. "I'll make this simple. You give up now, you return Cira to us, and you can walk away with your lives. Refuse and I will send us all to the Nine Hells. And just so there's no question to my resolve." Ayden thumbed over and signaled to the fleet in orbit. "Execute Order Delta Seven." The Spirit of Druckenwell,and the Leviathan, each turned their turbolasers on the weakened area and began bombarding the section with turbolaser and ion cannon fire. It wouldn't take them long to break through with such massive firepower. The Starfall began to move into position to fire downward as well. "So I reiterate. Surrender or be destroyed."


Anzat's How it's Done
LOCATION: Temple near Valley
ALLIES: [member="Salvor Arnex"]
ENEMIES: [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Electrobe"]
OBJECTIVE: Change of Plans

Ayden thought he was protected from detection. Force detection, yes, but not the senses of a 'soup' starved Anzat. Menoetius stalked him from the shadows, noting his placement of a device that was likely explosive in nature. He frowned and promptly removed it with the skillful use of telekinesis when Ayden had cleared from the area, throwing it far into some slummy skyscraper district. He was just about to continue the act of stalking his prey when a metallic clink tugged at his sensitive hearing.

Menoetius turned to face the sound, which promptly exploded. The blast sent him back, shrapnel embedding itself in his exposed flesh but not piercing any area on his chest due to his metallic chest plate. His face's avoidance of shrapnel was just pure luck.

As he flew, he groaned, scolding himself mentally for not being more alert. His reflexes were the only thing that allowed him to assume a standing position after rolling through the dirt for a few feet. He re-activated his lightsaber and growled, facing down his new target with the pain from a few deep gashes fueling the force that flowed through his corrupted form.
LOCATION: The Imperial Palace
ALLIES: One Sith
ENEMIES: [member="Ayden Cater"]
OBJECTIVE: Deliver Cira to the Dark Lord.

Ayden Cater said:
"I'll make this simple. You give up now and you can walk away with your lives. Refuse and I will send us all to the Nine Hells. And just so there's no question to my resolve."
Tsavong came on the Sith comms through his chirping villip as he calmly walked towards the Palace Gates, well protected, Cira's unconcious body on his shoulder.

"Kark yourself," he responded to the voice's ultimatum.
Location: Imperial Palace
Allies: OP
Enemies: OS

"So be it," Ayden said grimly. At that same moment, a shot from the Sith fleet struck the Starfall. Explosions ripped apart the hull near the middle of the ship. With that, the once great flagship of the Protectorate began to plummet downward. A controlled descent carried it down and the bombardment stopped as it grew closer to the last layer of the planetary shield. In a moment, a hundred meters worth of durasteel crumpled and broke, but the massive ship would not be denied. It smashed clean through the planetary shield on a direct collision course with the Imperial Palace.
Location: Imperial Palace, Third floor
Allies: [member="Knight"]
Enemies: [member="Drex Skyreaper"] [member="Sero Valrel"] [member="Aeon Caedus"]
Objective: Kick, Sith, Ass.

Yusan's feet left the ground as he stayed in the air and time slowed down for him as he focused on on his opponent, and oh how he must have thought he man so unobservant to miss such a common form of misdirection. As Yusan hung there in the air he saw the grenade be tossed from his hand, his eyes following its path as he watched it and reached out. Not for the grenade but a sheet of metal. It is this sheet of metal he sent under him to protect him from the foam that would shoot out from the grenade. The pressure of the foam shot out would be enough for Yusan to use the sheet metal as a split second platform and set his foot before kicking off from the sheet metal.

This quick act would only happen in no more than a split second and when he landed his eyes would focus and dart between the three enemies for only half a second before he laughed. 'Good, a challenge.' The words rolled in his mind as he focused on the only man worthy of him as a opponent. Just as Aeon used a single saber he stored the two basic sabers and grabbed the true one, a single and elegant design as he activated its blade and said a silent prayer to his mother, the blades previous owner. "Sith, your path of death ends today with your own, what say you." With that he rose the blade in both hands, his eyes focused as he continued to pull on the pain, terror, hate, rage, and all those emotions around him as well as fueling his power with his own and something far greater than just his emotions.

He poured his will into his body, willing the force to fall under his control, willing his body to stand and account for all the things in the past. He would have the will to win, because if he did not win, then the one he loved would be lost and held by the Sith until she too died... He would not die, not till he freed her. "Say your prayers and give me your name Sith."
LOCATION: The Imperial Palace
ALLIES: One Sith
ENEMIES: Ayden Cater
OBJECTIVE: Deliver Cira to the Dark Lord.

The planetary shield, obviously the highest form of defense they had over the most strongly fortified position on the planet, flickered. The night sky glowed blue with a slight illumination. There was chatter on the comms from his villip informing the Dark Tyrant of wreckage that had been similarly dispersed by the One Sith's fleet and the atmosphere of Coruscant, causing very little damage to the planetary shield. As Tsavong continued his walk, wondering who the woman was, the Captain of the dropship provided by [member="Commander Orin"] graciously provided @Tsavong this knowledge. Good timing.

Tsavong picked up his villip again while entering the Palace proper and heading towards the throne room, where he knew two of his most highly valued guards were awaiting. ([member="Sero Valrel"] & [member="Drex Skyreaper"]) He shouldered the weight of Cira's body again with his good arm. He heard a battle up ahead. Has the palace been infiltrated?

"I told you to bring a bigger gun, boy." The words growled off the edge of his tongue like a knife. Tsavong was beginning to recognize the voice he was speaking with. "Come to the plaza of the Palace if you ever want to see your Lady Protector again."

"Don't run this time."


Anzat's How it's Done
LOCATION: Valley of Lords
ALLIES: [member="Hal Terrano"] [member="Darth Akron"]
ENEMIES: [member="Kaida Taldir"] [member="HK-36"]
OBJECTIVE: Save Hal, Kill Omega

An explosion signaled the end of the dropship that had dropped off Commander Orin and his squad, causing him to cease spewing blaster fire at an Omega soldier and glance over his shoulder at the explosion. Feth, he thought as he watched the droid fly through the air back to its partner. Droid's nearly as badass as me.

"Trell, Freeta, Klix, Kloet, Greta, new target!" Orin called out, turning his body to face HK and Kaida. He pointed to them as well, in case the intended target wasn't clear. "The rest of you, keep us covered!" And with that, him and his selected five dived behind cover, blasters poised over it, sights roughly aimed at HK and Kaida.


Six automatic blaster rifles unloaded in their direction.


The second squad from dropship two had landed very close to Hal, already securing the area surrounding his body. The squad's medic ran out to the crater he was laying in, covered by his squad's blaster fire. Diving into the crater, the medic immediately slapped Hal across the face and ordered in a voice that would make children pee themselves, "Stay with me."

Then the medic began unpacking various medical supplies that he'd need for a field surgery.

Evard L'Rik

Got Lightning Running Through my Veins
Good The dropship was safe. I walked back to my yacht. The green and gold ship gleamed in the sun, and I took off after the dropship. Flying towards the palace, I saw the evidence of a major bit of destruction in the front, and craters in the roof. Wow... Those Omegas knew how to kark up a nice place...
Objective: Bring Order to the Chaos
Allies: [member="Mia Monroe"] [member="Darth Mierin"] [member="Ember Rekali"] [member="Azrael"] [member="Sven Talith"] [member="Darth Junra"] [member="Darth Janus"]
Enemy: Disorder and The Short sighted Protectorate

Ordo stood to walked to his sister and help her see the truth. She was always stubborn, she always wanted the hard road and before he crossed the floor she had chosen. His hand went to his chest as she fell to the ground. His now burnished gold eyes began to water and he quickly donned his helmet. She was not gone. He still had their secret pact and he would not fail her in the sworn promise he had made. He forced himself to remain erect and burried his pain as he had always done and reminded himself of his duty to the galaxy, his vision had to be realized for his children and the children of every living thing. A duty that was more important than his own selfish desires. He knew that [member="Rianna Ordo"] would need to be guided gently toward the truth but he would try after he defended his throne world.

Ordo could hear the chaos outside but he had taught yhem all the truth and these once rabid sith now had transcended their former ways and saw the light, his brothers and sisters would see too. Ordo pulled his hood back as [member="Darth Janus"] and the Agent led his buir in. Hewatched from behind his iron mask as they presented his master to him. Ordo simply nodded as they left Ember in front of him and as he had earlier they exited and Ordo waved a hand to close the doors.

Ordo stood looking at the man that had helped him learn to control his power and embrace the side of him he had always sought to drown.

"It shouldn't have been like this, Ember." Ordo began resting a hand on his War droid as he steadied himself. Mia's death was just another of his failures and one more reason to bring peace to the galaxy. "I would have liked to yell you the truth under better circumstances, but this will have to do."

Ordo looked back to the man he had thought of as a father and brother.

"I see this going where it must." He straightened to his full height, "the sith are only the begining and if the republic would have listened and given up the Jedi they too would have peace. The Jedi would have been taught the truth and they too would have joined as many have." Ordo's tone softened and showed the depth of emotion and belief he had in his current course. "Ember, how long can any man stand by and watch the galaxy rip loved one after loved one away and do nothing? We fought and fought and still nothing changed. Something had to be done on a far greater scale than one world or one people but it had to begin somewhere. Our families...the desreve a galaxy without suffering and there anything that you wouldn't do to protect your family, all families?"
Location: Coruscant Airways, now
Objective: Destroy the Protectorate's dreams

Using binoculars, Daella continued to observe the battle of the Valley from afar. She witnessed the destruction of the Bral from her perch.

Pulling the binoculars from her face, Daella muttered, “Seems as if they had no need for me.

The Sith Commander with Daella talked with some people on holocomm. Then, he walked up to Daella and updated her on the situation. To better help the Dark Lord, Daella boarded her shuttle and headed off to a new battlefield.
Location: Valley of the Dark Lords
Enemies: [member="Commander Orin"], [member="Hal Terrano"]
Allies: [member="HK-36"]
Goals: Hit things, get evacced. Nothing special!

Dramatic events were occuring across the city! Unfortunately - or perhaps fortunately - Kaida was a good deal away from most of those and in any case for the most part concerned with staying alive and not getting gunned down. Not that 'noble' perhaps, but very straightforward and logical. It was not like she was getting any actual orders from central command.

So she was catapulted by HK through the air. Thinking quickly, as she flew she hit a button on her comm as she flew, alerting the Iron Company to send them a dropship. She could see Sith reinforcements swooping down from the sky, swarms of dropships coming down through the atmosphere. She could not know that by now Alderaan had fallen to the One Sith, but then she had more important things to focus on. The landing was rough, very much so, and she tumbled to break the velocity as she hit the ground. At this moment an extreme sensation of pain shot through her and she cried out as suddenly the Force once again surged through her body and filled her being.

Unfortunately, it bloody hurt and left her dazed for a moment. Her heavy armour thankfully cushioned the fall as she tumbled onto the rooftop and rolled amidst a salvoe of blaster bolts coming her way. She groaned, her visor having cracked slightly from the impact and she felt a sharp pain coming from her side. Likewise her legs felt like they would not cooperate but she forced herself up. Her bolter had fallen out of her grasp and was now lying discarded a bit away from her.

In a flash her lightsabre had leapt into her hand and the brilliant yellow blade had ignited with a snap-hiss as blaster bolts came shooting her way, furiously slashing the red-hot bolts of death out of the air as they came streaking towards her with lethal intent. Kaida was no great duellist and also not a master of Soresu, however, her moves were practiced, coordinated. Bolts were batted away by her blade as if they were tennis balls and it a bit, trying to create a zone of denial.

Nonetheless even so her technique was not perfect and in any event she was still reeling from just having the Force returned to her. She bit her tongue as a blaster bolt slippd past her defences and hit her in the forearm. Her armour resisted most of the blast and kept her arm from being blown off, but she still felt a strong burning sensation and cried out in pain, tumbling down from the impact as her lightsabre fell out of her grasp. She breathed heavily, clutching at where the blast had hit into her armour.

The feeling made her angry. Cryomancy was a power that required focus and, especially when it came to the more powerful applications, was more of a support power than something that could be used in a duelling situation. But her pain and fury found an outlet as she violently lashed out with her powers. She could not try to freeze the soldiers or something as complex as that, so she tried something else, harnessing the Force as she rapidly manipulated the water molecules in the air, her anger charging her up as she twisted and hardened them. Seemingly out of thin air a hailstorm of very sharp, vicious looking ice spikes manifested, around the Sith soldiers. Cold steam escaped her gauntlet and at tremendous speed the spikes surged towards the Sith troopers.
Location: Interior of the Imperial Palace, Outside of the Throne Room.
Objective: Time to finish things up.

The man didn't get caught in the fast-moving foam sadly. In fact, his movements had surprised the Sith Knight and he had moved with such a speed that he had avoided it with a simple piece of metal. Unfortunately he didn't expect the man to do such a thing, but it was too late to worry about it now.

With a small burst of the Force he leapt onto the bubbly foam thing in front of him just as [member="Yusan Fenn"] began to speak.

He instantly began to regret bothering to listen.

Sometimes he wondered why he was so polite.

There was a snort of laughter at his own thoughts.

"I've never killed an innocent in my life."

Was that the truth? He couldn't remember, nor did he bother to think back upon it. Now that he was a Sith Lord in title alone (thanks to the Darth title) but still a Knight, he considered whatever he had done as Aeon Caedus as another person, another life. Someone that had been killed so that Phobos could come to life.

"But I'll kill you."

In a moment he was flipping, and his crimson lightsaber beam was coming down upon the clearly Lawful Evil man that was Yusan Fenn.
Location: Third Floor, Outside the Throne Room
Allies: [member="Knight"]
Enemy: [member="Aeon Caedus"]
Objective: Kick a Sith Shitling in the skull.

Yusan smiled and moved through the pillars that filled the entry area to the throne room, staying on the defensive as the man, the Sith, charged him. He would have trailed along the blade of the Sith's first strike, moved with it and let its force be transferred to the side while he took the time to get back. The Sith always humored him, laughing and lying, whether in humor of pain or to deny what they had done... Yusan did neither.

The moment the attack came his face hardened, not even bothering to question how the man jumped into the foam and jumped out but hey, maybe there was some secret technique to repel your own grenades effects that should last for five minutes, who knows. He was more focused on his blade work and once Caedus' strike ended, Yusan's would begin. First came the physical strike a quick and powerful jab that was also precise and calculated as he aimed it at the man's inside shoulder to get around the blade he had just knocked to the outside. Next would be the Ethereal strike, following his blade was a blast of force energy, aiming to send Caedus into and possibly break or bruise a bone or a few depending on the Sith's reaction. Lastly came one that would be chillingly familiar as Yusan pulled out a grenade all too familiar to the Sith, a Force breaker. "Have you fought without the force?" He armed it and threw it, looking to remove a Sith's greatest ally.
[[ This post has been agreed upon by faction admins. Naturally, there is some presumption on my part, but... well, I trust it is within the realm of possibility given the event that has taken place. Enjoy the story. Of course you have time to try and find places to not die, etc. This isn't instakill on anyone. ]]

This post affects all characters in the palace.

Location; Near Palace
Enemies; One Sith In Palace
Allies; Protectorate and Crew In Palace

As Sarge's dropship approached the palace, damaged dropship that had carried their leader away in sight, a curious series of events began to occur. He could practically taste the strained shields above them as ozone settled into his mouth, atmospheric displacement from the bombardment of the shield leaking past the shutters.

Several moments later, there was a concussive echo through the skies, like the loudest peal of thunder he'd never imagined as the shield popped from the impact of something exceedingly large and heavy. Slowly, the whine of turbolasers joined the death shriek of something descending at incomprehensible speeds, Palace defenses trying in vain to stop the inevitable approach of the Starfall.

1.75 kilometers of metal wasn't going to be stopped, but it could be deterred somewhat. Arguments and celebrations, fighting and wordplay, all would be halted in the area as piece after piece - knocked from the vast carcass of the impressive vessel - began to impact like meteors onto the palace.

Turbolaser fire was still chugging away, knocking chunks of metal from the flanks of the behemoth. To see a ship in space was to look upon engineered perfection, because the void had a way of making things look small. But here, planetside, the wedge of the flagship blocked his vision and dwarfed the surroundings with its bulk.

He was awed.

But he was also tremendously terrified.

He knew what was coming, even as molten chunks of ship continued to rain like a fiery storm upon the Home of the Dark Lord. Fires were already starting, sweeping through the corridors as the superheated metal - both from reentry and turbolaser fire - turned the area into a moonscape.

They had to get in there quick. He never saw the main impact of the last vestiges of the Starfall, but he could feel it as the dropship settled down and Protectorate soldiers ( the ones from his dropship ) rushed inside.

He could only imagine what was going on further in the interior, where the bulk of the ship had fallen. If anyone was still standing at this point, he'd be surprised. This was an attack that could wake the dead; but Sarge only had one person in particular to care about. She was within, and she would be gotten back. It was going to be a maze of flames, shattered ceilings and crumbled halls.

In other words, a hellscape.

A reckoning was upon this palace, he mused, even as he and his men made their way inside, his own form disappearing as his camouflage activated. "Find her." He says in a steely whisper, voice carrying to the men around him. He gave a quiet murmur of thanks to Ayden.

It was time to find Cira. Time to end this.

Location: Outside the Imperial Palace
Objective: Protect the Throne Room.
Enemies: [member="Yusan Fenn"]

Time to move.

Instead of actually counter-attacking him after his leap the man had simply moved away. Why he had done that, Aeon couldn't guess, but did he care? No. It simply gave him less things to worry about on a moment's notice, and when he found the form of Mr. Fenn again, he waited once he had recovered himself.

When the man jabbed at his shoulder, he leaned downwards just a bit so it just barely grazed over his Vonduun Skerr Kyrric armour, and slashed at his open side, simply to just open up a wound that would be large enough to slow the man, so that he'd actually feel the effects of himself slowing... And possibly dying. He knew what he was doing, if he wanted to kill the man quickly he would've performed a death strike, instead he was... Merciful for whatever reason.

His right hand lifted up and there was a force barrier that formed over him just as the force push hit him. It was hastily created, and it threw him backwards just as he pushed himself from the floor and into a flip. He had leapt straight up, so when the push hit him, it'd barely push him back, and when he landed it was heavily on his feet, only a handful of meters away from [member="Yusan Fenn"],and when the man pulled out his own grenade, Caedus didn't hesitate.

Flamusfracta was an interesting ability, it was also known as force combust, which involved blowing things up with your mind. Of course it took sheer willpower to do such a thing, fortunately enough it was only a casing that he needed to destroy, so that's what he went for. How hard could it be to destroy the casing and possibly the gaseous contents? After all it wasn't solid, therefore giving no reason to take a long time to destroy.

It blew up just as it left his hand.

Again his force enhanced hand drew out a projectile, this time a blast bug.

Was there a way for this man to survive the possible gaseous contents preventing him from using the Force if they hadn't been destroyed in the force combustion, despite Aeon doubting there was a reason for the contents to be destroyed simply because there was nothing to dispense the contents physically.

Anyway the projectile was on it's way the moment the grenade that had been meant to affect him had been destroyed.

As was the beauty of force speed.

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