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Into the Jaws of Death [OP Invasion of Sith-Occupied Coruscant]

After from taking the chop to the front side of the neck he got up and began looking at the Sith through his emotionless helmet and began popping his knuckles. "And I thought this was gonna be easy," he thought in his mind. The adrenaline pumped through his body making him a little bit more stronger, faster than he was before. The commando then approached him and did a quick feint as he stepped with his left foot and moving his body in that direction. But that wasn't all. With his right leg he moved it as if he was kneeing him but at the same time he activated his jetpack and would send Canal through the air and giving Tsolan a fast and painful knee to the chin.

[member="Darth Tsolan"]
Location: Imperial Palace

Allies: [member="Darth Mierin"]

Enemies: [member="Azrael"]

Objective: Run and Gun.

The girl was dead. Things were looking up. Rather he should be looking up. The Mandalorian biker wound up rescuing the corpse, And in all the flying debris of his crash he and his men were unable to stop him. For ow that is. Bastian took his words in about this falling ship. annihilation wasn't on his list of things to do today. "Men, make a break for the terrace"! Black boots carried him as fast as they could. He wasn't fleeing though, more advancing in a different direction. That Mando was on his list now, what with the nearly killing him and all.

"Echo 337 I'm in need of transport. Pursuing HVT who's in the air. Meet me on the south side terrace, throne level. And make it quick; ships gona wreck this place in a minute". He huffed and puffed out the call as he ran for his life. Quick feet brought them to the LZ before the cavalry came in. Basian made note of the smoke trail the jetpack made, and he could see him still, flying off in the distance.

"Affirmative. Diverting to you now". Echo 337 touched down only for the seconds it took for Bastian and his troopers to pile on. Full throttle opened up and they boosted off. They were all thrown of their feet but the hanging handles saved hem a meeting with the rear bulkhead.

The black capped man commed to the pilot to pursue the smoke trail to the target. Pilot probably had him on the scopes for all he knew. Bastian and co flew fast and away from the Palace. The ship and horrific explosion seconds away.
"Sorry? Why are you sorry?" She looked to the Sith a little confused as from what she knew they loved to fight. Could their be different Sith that she just wasn't well aware of. It was possible but she wasn't sure.

Shaking her head slightly she unclipped her saber and prepared for the battle that was about to begin. "You know we don't have to fight. There is no law that says this must happen."

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]
Tsolan grinned and made a quick leap back fro the attack as Canal came forward with his feint. However, he had to admit that the jetpack caught him off guard and forced him to throw his body back in an awkward way. After a short stumble which caused his nimble frame to roll and do a back flip to his feet, the sith turned to face his opponent. "With me, nothing is easy. Not that you'd remember Canal 117." He grinned and started to walk in a slow circle, happy to see the clone's face through his now cracked visor.

[member="Canal Tal'Verda"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Katrina Garnier"]

"No, we sadly do have to, if i were to let you pass then i would fail in my place with the Sith... do not mistake this for me wanting to fight though, that is something i am sick of, something i no longer want to do. Death and destruction is all my mind, my memories hold... and until the day those memories are gone, then i must do this... That is why i am sorry." Her hand found the warstaff, she did not grab her sabers but the echani warstaff she held and moved to set her feet. It acted in the same way as a vibroblade in which it would be able to hold off strikes, but it was not invincible. The reason she used it though is to avoid causing this woman's death if she won.
Location: Ground outside of Valley
Enemies: Omega Protectorate [member="Feena Mason"]
Allies: One Sith [member="Feena Mason"]
Objective: Get patched up

Balaya was laying there, her shoulder and thigh bleeding as she watched the ships leave and let the frame of her fiery red hair curtain around her in the dirt while she spoke onto the comlink. The force had returned and feeling it was like a shock to her system as she had pushed some darkside energy into it. Above in the slky things were changing and she spoke. "This is Balaya, I need a medic at my location."
The Eternal Queen
Location: heading to Valley
Enemies: Death
Allies: Omega Protecturate
Objective: Heal the things

The call for a medic came at just the perfect time. Feena was just making herself available for healing. She had her medical kit fully stocked, her medcoat clean and pressed, fresh gloves... The only thing she didn't have was her handmaidens. She'd gotten so used to having those girls around her to help her in all matters that being without them, even for a day was... well, it truly made her feel quite lonely.

But Feena was not a Queen today. Not here. Not on this planet. Today, Feena was a healer. Just a healer. Back to her roots. And tomorrow she could go back to Naboo. Tomorrow she could put on the flowing robes of office and go to her important meetings, and sign her important documents. Today though, today she had lives to save.

"This is Healer Feenarah Mason. I have tracked your location. Hang on there. I estimate my arrival at ten standard minutes."
[member="Darth Praelior"]
The galaxy was a place full of death and war much more than Alex knew. It seemed they were at a cross which was sad as they both had the same goals in mind of making the galaxy a better place it was just they didn't have similar thoughts when it came to how to do it. It was better to not speak as it seemed this was what she wanted out of duty it seemed which wasn't too much of a good thing.

"It's a crying shame how we get subtrained. We can't see past our our sad stories and see what we are missing and what we are doing to this galaxy."

The way things were now nobody would be allowed to live in peace. She could see it now all of this was a useless. She didn't draw for the moment at the very least.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Katrina Garnier"]

"I wish that things were not this way... forgive me for striking." With that her eyes hardened slightly and she shot forward, augmenting her speed and power right off the back as she swung the staff around and over her before bringing it down on the woman before her. The regret and sadness stayed though, and in her mind a few words ran off... 'This is the last time i will ever cause pain...'
Location: Ground outside of Valley
Enemies: Omega Protectorate [member="Feena Mason"]
Allies: One Sith [member="Feena Mason"]
Objective: Get patched up

Balaya gave a nod of her head to that as she laid there and focused on the force energies in her body. A healer could be just as dangerous a thing and while she laid there she saw Elara appear holding her sabers. "Master do you require aid?" "No Elara, go and make sure the blackblades are ready and return here with them, a healer is coming and only step in if she means harm. We don't attack those who offer aid until they prove hostil and then you shoot them in the heart with a shatter gun is that understood?" The little girl gave a nod of her head and raised the hood over her shaven head covered in tattoos

Leena Mai

LOCATION: McYoda's, One of Hundred of Thousands
ALLIES: One Sith, The People of Coruscant
ENEMIES: Omega Protectorate, Mandalorians
OBJECTIVE: Suicide Attacks, Mass Murder, Terrorism

Leena and Sandra chatted a metric tonne of absolutely nothing, filled with tropes, sass and mild scatological references, it was hilarious and I'm sorry you missed it but in the light of recent events chronicling that seemed to be of little importance.

Within the hallowed walls of McYoda's sat a plethora of innocent civilians, excited, on the edge of the seats and fearful for their homes. No matter how many times Coruscant experienced war the people would never truly become accustomed to the horrors that came with it. When the One Sith came, they went out of their way to avoid harming a single civilian's life.

Evidently the Omega Protectorate did not hold the same concerns, their panicked attack having already caused more than their fair share of mid-air collisions in the prime of Coruscant traffic.

The footage recorded by the droves of Coruscant's hovercams littered displays and drew both gasps, screams and cheers as their heroes battled their villains and said villains so dutifully ran away.

Then it came.

All screens inside of the fast food restaurant flickered out in a haze of static and in perfect unison changed to the same report.



Leena's heart got caught in her throat. She worked there, in the offices. Had she actually come into work today, she...oh Force...


The mood around them in McYoda's turned sombre, mouths left hanging open, some with hands clasped over. It was a deathly silence, all with the exception of one woman, looked to be in her fifties who let out a panicked sob and began to desperately rummage through her purse for her personal communicator. “JOHNNY! JOHNNY WORKS IN THE PALACE! HE...HE...HE'S MY SON!”

A number of customers and staff alike in the McYoda's restaurant went to the woman, comforting, hugging, telling her that it would be alright, as over and over again she attempted to call her son, her Johnny.

No parent should ever have to outlive their child.
The Eternal Queen
Location: outside the Valley
Enemies: Death
Allies: Omega Protecturate
Objective: Heal the things

When Feena arrived, she did not see an enemy. She didn't see a Sith. She saw a sentient. She saw a living creature. Something she could help. And when she did... would she kill her friends? She might. And it would be her fault.
There was a second of hesitation. Only a second. Then she was kneeling, opening her medical kit.

"Any allergies?" she asked, sliding a clean pair of gloves on, "I need to know before I get started."

And that was all she needed to know. Nothing more mattered.

[member="Darth Praelior"]
Location: Getting outta dodge!
Allies: Mando'ade and Omega Protectorate
Enemies: Dar'jetti and friends; [member="Bastian Briareos"]
Objective: Retreat to safety

The desolation of what had happened on Coruscant so quickly weighed heavy, and was mired with casualties. Among them, the woman's corpse that he clutched in his arms while he jetted across the sky twisting and turning around the buildings as he sped off into the distance. He had to bear it though, he had to internalize this grief and push it down while he focused on the task at hand. The Palace was a lost cause, and confronting Ordo now was also just as useless a thought. The Omega Protectorate ship was colliding behind him, leaving the Imperial Palace in ruins. He'd have time to process, time to whether the internal damage this was causing, and to come to terms with what had happened. All he knew now was that he had to make it to the Ca'prudii and deal with the aftermath. Reports were flooding into his HUD while he kept a ping trace on his ship and continued to accelerate to that location. The four Snake eyes tumblers had fled as well, offering up data reports and information on the damage. Soon though that turned into reports of a pursuant craft heading in his direction. The Sith scum couldn't even let them bury their dead without trying to add further insult to injury. Azrael immediately ordered the ruin of that vessel.

Four jet black bikes with riders trained for aerial combat came up from different angles to pepper the craft of Bastian with laser cannon fire. Their swift and nimble crafts barely gave a profile on which to strike, as they came broadside and from underneath. Blades of plasma peppered in four directions, swooping and diving to not only attempt to disable and destroy the vehicle, but also distract from the target. Azrael wasn't in a position to turn and fight, he needed support, and he was going to get it. Ultrachrome armor on the bikes as well made it equally difficult to deal with all four at once and continue to pursue.

In the meantime as his vode began the coordinated assault, Azrael found the location to his ship and took a hard right bank around a building to enter into lower levels, and get himself lost from view as best he could. Weaving and ducking in passages that other ordinary craft could not reach. He didn't have long that he could keep this up however. The fuel supply for the rocket packs was not meant for continuous prolonged flight, especially with a passenger who was essentially (aside from sentiment) literally dead weight. Internal commands measured the output of fuel as he kept it at an even burn to conserve what he had left. The ship had docked by auto-pilot in the safest zone it could find using basic IFF signature outputs and landing codes. Thankfully the ship itself was unscathed and resting comfortably in a dock below the street level. Flames sputtered from his jet pack as he cut the ignition and fell, landing hard to one knee as he kept the form of Mia close in his arms. An immediate dead sprint was taken as he charged up the loading ramp and quickly settled the body of the Liberator onto a makeshift bed and strapped the corpse in after giving it a blanket for cover.

"Alright, you lousy piece of osik trash..let's see how you do against four tumblers and the Night Shadow." Azrael barked as he stormed to the pilot seat and ignited the engines with a whine of power. The sleek stealth ship was not only incredibly fast and basically radar proof, it hosted a nice assortment of artillery that he meant to make full use of if Bastian had somehow survived the assault of his Mando'ade. Hands gripped the yoke and he pulled back, shooting out of the hangar and locking into the signals from the tumblers to head in that direction. If Bastian was still alive, he was about play chicken with a seriously pissed off Mandalorian.
Location: Unknown
Allies: OP
Enemies: OS

As it were, there was no one on the Starfall as it broke up. The ship had been running on a skeleton crew for the duration of the fight. When the order had been given and after the ship had been damaged, the crew had begun evacuations. Not a soul or craft was left on the ship when it began to break apart and crashed into the palace. Though the One Sith would try to spin it as such, the videos of the ship would tell a different story of the accident. The ship only began to list and fall after sustained damage from combat with the One Sith fleet. No one could say definitively that it was an intentional act. The ship had begun moving into position before losing altitude. By many accounts, it could have very easily been, and would likely be viewed as such no matter how desperate the murderers and pillagers of the galaxy would try and dredge up sympathy.

The only person who could have said whether or not the act was intentional wasn't talking. He of course saw the little report and nearly gagged. The karking skrag-eaters. If they seriously thought the galaxy that had just watched them burn Alderaan on holonet vidfeeds was going to feel sorry for them, then they were more foolish than he thought. Theirs was a litany of bloody massacres and traitorous acts. The galaxy was not that stupid of a place to forget them. It didn't matter though. He had carried through on his promise. He had scarred the One Sith. That would have to be enough for now.

Wordlessly, he sent out a command. Order Omega-Zero-One. It was no longer a fight to take the planet. It was now simply a fight to get off the planet. The Sith's backhanded ways had won them the day this time. But they wouldn't have such benefits forever. Sooner or later the galaxy would unite and destroy them. One day they would learn what happened when all you did was murder and steal from others in the galaxy. One day. For now they would be left with the flaming ruins of their palace as a reminder that they were not irreproachable. A gamble had seen the One Sith scarred. What then would happen when a serious effect was undertaken?

As Ayden jumped into a dropship bound to head offworld, he looked down at a remote. The devices he had been planting were not explosives, nor had they been left in plain sight. His time studying the holocron of the Fallanasi had taught him enough of the arts of White Current to hide small objects. Several had been nothing more than decoys. The real one... Ayden simply smiled and pressed the button.

Somewhere in the bowels of Coruscant, a homeless man picked up an odd orb and turned it over in his hands. A small antenna shot out, causing the man to drop it in shock. From somewhere deep within the orb, a maniacal giggle came as her prison was opened.

It was time to play a game.
LOCATION: The Bowels of Coruscant
ALLIES: One Sith; the legless, the armless, the blind and insane
ENEMIES: Omega Protectorate; [member="Ayden Cater"]
OBJECTIVE:Minimize civilian casualties and infrastructural damage; rule over the rubbish

Bloody cannibals. The lot of ‘em.

It was a sinking; a downward spiral in a depression cycle.

Paint whatever slogan you want on your sodding flag, dress it in the colours of your imagination

From the smoldering remains and crushed hope of Aldera to the rot and the eternal hopelessness of Coruscant in one miserable walk.

It doesn’t matter, because once you wrap your cause in that banner…It’ll all be red in the end.

Before, it was the One Sith responsible for the all the heartache; this time, the Omega Protectorate. You could argue to them there was a difference, but hell if he could see it. Benedict walked among the 1313, treading without lust of result underneath the waterproof tarp that shielded this alley of homeless from sewage and ruined rainfall, but did little to protect them from the falling wreckage of Omega Protectorate’s lousy planning.

“Strange weather we’re having,” he muttered, a satire of someone who would think they were clever for stating that in this instance. An orb had fallen, got caught in the tarp and rolled to a nearby hole. It dropped directly into the lap of a homeless man.

No matter what we got, we always want what the ovver bloke has.

“Hey, Jono! Whatchu got there?”

His neighbors immediately took notice. More wealth than a man could handle had a habit of bringing the predators out of the woodwork, out of once close friends.
“Lemme see it!”

We convince ourselves it’s because we could put it to better use; that we, somehow, deserve it more.

The little antenna shot out and the bum dropped it. His buddies descended upon it.

But really, we’re just looking for any excuse to get right savage.

But the looming shadow of the Trenchcoat Man scared them back.

Never you mind, though, children – For you, I’ll reach into the jaws of Death, I will.

And I’ll guard you from your own wicked hearts.
Location: Ground outside of Valley
Enemies: Omega Protectorate [member="Feena Mason"]
Allies: One Sith [member="Feena Mason"]
Objective: Get patched up

Balaya heard the healer and she spoke. "None." Her blood augmentations were great for small wounds but all those shots while she watched the skies above and saw a ships falling towards the palace but.... it wasn't a dark blade or some of their ships. "I think that's your ride." Her hand pointed while she leaned her head back and looked to the pale woman with petite bumps and a curtain of black hair.
Location: Imperial palace
Allies: OS
Enemies: OP

Something Veles immediately recognized was the device in [member="Yusan Fenn"]'s hand. The same gas grenade than had affected him during the battle of Empress Teta and also the main reason Veles started wearing his helmet, thus the gas worried him little. What has certainly caused much more concern was the alarm warning him of the impending danger in form of a ship crashing into the palace. The alarms that sounded prompted those who have stayed inside despite the Protectorate's attack to reach the nearest exit or hangar, but the amphibian knew there would be a massive loss of civilian life. A completely pointless and tragic event that will only strengthen Coruscant's resolve and further rally the people into the embrace of the One Sith, away from the "freedom fighters" and "liberators" who so far have only inflicted suffering and pain upon the innocents during their catastrophic attempts to prove the Sith were evil.

Veles gritted his teeth, and if he had not remained calm and in control of his emotions, he might have as well attempted to fight the beast in the chamber and ensure it would not get out of the Imperial palace before its untimely demise. And his own, obviously, but at least he'd die with honor, fighting against the Dark Lord's enemy and saving many lives in the future. What more can a warrior wish for? But the palace would not become his grave today. Veles will allow this experience to make him stronger, add more fuel to the pure and noble flame burning in his heart and spread the righteous fire over the entire galaxy to ignite the enemies of the Dark Lord.

Casting a glance at the hideous form of [member="Knight"], wishing to make her blood boil... and he would have actually done so if not racing against time, the Mon Calamari broke into sprint, heading to the nearest hangar, no longer keeping his body hidden by twisting light and sound. As he ran through the hallways and passages that soon would cease to exist, Veles encountered several civilians and soldiers alike, all headed towards the ships. His strides long and powerful, the Mon Calamari Sith made his way to the hangar, noting the many ships being loaded with people and pilots nervously waiting to get off. Most civilians would not make it in time...

In an act of desperation, Veles turned around and made his way deeper into the palace again, grabbing random people and tossing them over his shoulder before swiftly making his way back to the hangar. By no means he would allow to leave those ships half empty! It was not before a Sith soldiers approached him to inform him they really had to go that Veles resigned on his attempt to save more and boarded one of the ships, still wasting precious time by allowing the last few sentients make their way into the transport that meant the difference between life and death before finally closing the door and almost falling as the ship shot off, away from the destructive force of a ship ramming into the building.

Drex Skyreaper

Objective: Bug Out of collapsing Palace
Location: Palace
Allies: [member="Sero Valrel"]
Enemies: Dying

Drex screamed and cursed as Sero picked him up pushing himself off of Sero simply leaning with one arm to take the weight off of what was left of his lower leg fighting the darkness of unconsciousness seeping in.

"I am not dead put me down."

Drex limped down the corridor towards the hangers activating the Legion Comm channel.

"You heard them Reapers the Palace is lost." "Mission failed bugging out now."

As they reached the doors of the hangar Drex turned to Sero motioning to him to stop. Leaning against the wall Drex pulled off his helmet and looked at Sero Dex's eyes starting to glazer over.

"You fought well today like a true Reaper." "Not many can face a Force user and live to tell the tale."

Drex smiled.

"I just need a moment go on and get one of the shuttles ready I will be right behind you." "Go on now that's an order."

Drex closed his eyes his smile widening as he slipped his helmet back on and reloaded his Rifle.
Allies:One Sith

Sero wordless left his comrade and left for the hanger every step feeling like hell, but with them SO close to being out of here, he kept moving.

“Hey!” He shouted to a shuttle pilot who was preparing to take off, the pilot flinched seeing Sero’s scarred visiage.
“Sir!” the pilot responded after noticing the red armor he wore.

“You got two more for your shuttle me and another reaper, he is just outside the hanger get some guys to grab him up and let’s go.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Sero got aboard the shuttle while the pilot sent a couple of medics with a strecher to go and grab [member="Drex Skyreaper"].

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