Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[Interest Check] Killer Robot Faction


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Faction History:
  • An advanced artificial intelligence goes rouge, breaking off and away from its creators in a temporary, host body. This host body acted as a shell, a temporary home for the AI to utilize until it could reach a desolate planet that it could call ‘home.’ The AI itself is one that was designed for war, protection, security, and salvation. The original purpose of such an AI was to act as a caretaker of the galaxy, collecting species whether they be sentient or non-sentient and bringing them to a sanctuary. This sanctuary would act as a new, permanent home for such organic creatures. The purpose of the sanctuaries is to preserve the life of the galaxy as it currently is, and to act as a safeguard encase of total annihilation of life through constant warfare as could have happened in the Great Galactic War which had ravaged inter-galactic nations and massacred countless of millions, if not billions of people and possibly led to possible extinctions of others. This safeguard motive would help to seed the galaxy with life to help everyone start all over again, to give people a second chance. However, such things are not to be. When the AI went rogue, it’s programming to save life remained. Though it viewed such a challenge as a logic-based puzzle. The only way to fully safeguard life and their sanctuaries were to subjugate the galaxy under a fist of iron and machine. Only then, could ultimate preservation be achieved.
  • The rogue AI began the construction of warriors, warriors of metal with an unbreaking machine spirit. To make such an army, such a tool to bring pure salvation, subjugation and death was...required, of course. The AI took no pleasure in it..though it developed a god-complex from such things as it should. Machine against man, metal against flesh, iron against blood. Death and manipulation were required to build an army, something which was easier said than done.
Governmental System:
  • The government type will be a mix of authoritarianism and a republic in a sense. The highest positions in the government are, in most cases, permanent and for life until the individual in said political or military position must resign due to health issues or death or treason.
  • Robots in themselves are cold, calculating, precise. They see all things through logic, and logic alone without any emotions, without any creative thought's, utilizing facts and factual basis's to create and rule and subjugate and conserve. Which reasons as to a joint union with sentient creatures. The robots can easily mass-produce units of themselves, though these mass-produced models would be weak, cheap, ineffective, poor. They, however, do not want nor need to waste resources on keeping people in line. There is an easy alternative, a singular, or multiple, sentient government positions. These positions hold little power though they help to keep the sentients in line, they help to keep them appeased and happy. Now, of course, this would lead to possible democratic votes though the robotic rulers would be the ultimate deciders upon such affairs...passing some reform from time-to-time to give the subjugated sentients some form of hope, unity, and happiness.
  • For the robots, their positions are more-or-less permanent, though a robot can be outsed from their position among the government if another proves to be more proficient at the task than they are.
  • For the organics, their positions are focused more on ‘power-to-the-people’ politics, meaning that organics can vote for their representatives and political figures, excluding military figures of course. These organic-held positions will work for five in-character years before there must be a new vote to determine a possible new individual to take the position. In regards to term limits, a singular individual is limited to three terms, or fifteen in-character years as to give other organics a chance at reaching to the prominence of a governmental position, a position of authority, a position of political supremacy and power.
What this Faction Is:
  • An evil robot faction
  • A faction that can be seen as morally ambiguous
  • An unknown region's favoring faction
  • A (hopefully) pvp-centric faction
  • An antagonistic faction
  • A faction of opportunity for robot characters and organic characters
  • A faction willing to bargain
  • A faction with both military and political opportunities
  • A faction whose own members can write lore/develop it through IC interaction (threads, codex subs, etc)
  • Basically 40k Necrons (from someone who knows nothing about Necrons. :lol: )
What this Faction Isn't:
  • A good guy faction
  • The Confederacy of Independent Systems
  • A strictly robot faction
(OOC: This is more of an idea and a concept then a fully fledged idea, this merely serves as an interest check to see if anyone is fond of such a concept.)


Well-Known Member
First Zakuul looks like it's making a return. Now Violent David Attenborough-Bots want to take the Unkowns.


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