Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[Insert Pun Here]: Contruum Invasion OOC


The Second Seal, broken.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]
Fine by me. :)

[member="Davin Skirata"]
Would be an interesting culmination to that plot arc for sure! I'm down for a dance if the GR accepts you. :D

@the rest of GR allies
Tag me again when you have GR FA confirmation, and I'll add you.
[member="Nubica Felidae"]

Darth Hauntruss, Naval Warlord, shall be there with her war fleets. Shall be leading commando squads into the shipyards!~ Feel free to engage me hahaha. :)

However, I will be very busy with work from 20-21st, so I will only be joining post-21st. Hopefully the thread hasnt reached a bagillion pages by the time I join in.

Obj B
Which of you Republic scum wishes to test your might against my NPCs and myself for Objective C? I promise that I, in my infinite Acolyte-level, pink-sparkly-nailpolish glory shall go easy on you a smidge.

Just a smidge though. I don't want to break a nail going easy on you.


If the spots haven't been filled, and I am able to do so, I'll take you up on the offer. This would be my first invasion, so it would definitely be a learning experience for me.

[member=Varus Shatterstar], tagging you to show that I'm interested in an ally spot if no one else comes along that's more qualified.
Cristina Zeitlin said:
With Lieutenant Zeitlin being located at Objective B, specifically commanding the GR Corvette New Hope against the Sith Fleet; whom among the Sith would like to garner the Sith Fleet's Terms of Surrender to Lieutenant Zeitlin? It seems like everyone is either focused on Objective A, or Objective C with those few focusing on Objective B, being focused on boarding the Space Station. I.E. WHERE ARE THE FLEETERS!
Not gonna happen dear. I'm gonna hunt you down and sith assassinate you.
Unless thats a typing mistake and you plan to surrender. In which I will accept.
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"], [member="Vrag"]

What are the rules for moving between objectives? Say I couldn't find an opponent at Objective B, so I decided to hop on a little fighter or freighter and move planetside to Objective A. Is that allowed? If so, is there a number of posts required to relocate?

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