Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Discussion Important Chaos Timeline Events

The suggestion was made to compile together a big thread which would provide information on/keep track of significant events in the Chaos timeline. This immediately summoned me piqued my interest, as I have only been here for about a year and while the official timeline with its fancy art and summaries is neat, it doesn't really go into as much detail as I would like or explain why these things matter (or the long-term effects they've had) beyond "a lot of people died".

So, all you elderly people who have been here forever: what do you remember? What's happened over the past... 29 years of Chaos lore? Only obscenely detailed accounts of major events, please. Less work for me.
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Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.

Stop riling up Nimdok with all this talk of timelines, the last thing we need is the Nimdok Timeline Blitzkrieg.

But yeah I agree. Like, from what I can tell, the Gulag Plague had no mention of actual gulags. What the hell is that about?

I legit thought when I first joined that the Gulag Plague meant that Communism was spreading throughout the galaxy and that everyone was getting sent to gulags. But I was sadly mistaken.
I think it's too generic a question. As is obvious, we have the timelines which detail the "important stuff", then you can click on prefixes to detail Invasions, rebellions, etc..

I think what people would actually like to see isn't "what were the events", but a graph that plots the events in a more readable format. And then the definition of "important" is placed on the shoulders of the writer. I'd personally stick to something smaller, like a specific faction or culture or group for now, and then build on that later rather than having a go of it all at once.

I recently compiled all past and present "Manda'alor"s and even that was a bit of a chore.
Zori Kapshan Zori Kapshan

Mmm, I hear ya Mr. Fuchsia. I’m very bad at making graphs, but I agree I should probably be more specific. On the other hand, I don’t know all the factions that were around before I came here... so I guess the question for this thread should really be “what were the biggest factions and groups which no longer exist?”
“what were the biggest factions and groups which no longer exist?”

The best approach to that question would be a review of the map archives (if we even have the old maps, clicking around I don't immediately see them). However, our maps are not all created equal. Given how the hex size has changed between the various incarnations of the map, "big" becomes relative. The clouds used to be Cthulu tentacle monstrosities, linking individual planets in splatter-blobs. We have these very clean edge clouds now, which appear more voluminous even while they may actually contain fewer planets than some smaller clouds on the older Chaos maps.

Practically speaking, the Silver Jedi Concord is the oldest continuous major faction we have currently, dating back to before the Netherworld Event (which was when I joined). So every other major faction has either gone minor or come about more recently.

Now, to your question: In terms of a "large" (relatively speaking) Major Faction that had unique elements that are no longer present writ large (I'd define this as no longer written by multiple writers): I'd offer the Primeval, which were a player-made religious invasion (similar to the Ori from Stargate) that fought several invasions against the Silver Jedi (and occupied the area where TSE would later launch, with Bastion as their capital). Fatty Fatty was the last Major Faction Owner of that group, and has kept some elements of it with him over in Darkwire.

They existed from the time of the Netherworld Crisis to about the Clockwork Rebellion, if I recall correctly.

They weren't the largest MF of the period, but they had a unique identity and approach to what's otherwise usually an "Imperial vs Republic", "Jedi vs Sith" "Jedi vs Mando" invasion or map dynamic.
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I'm going to do this piecemeal as I think of it, here is some lore on the OG TSE:
  1. Approved Lore - The Imperial-Warlord Conflict | Star Wars RP (from Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex )
  2. Approved Lore - Founding of the Sith Triumvirate (815 ABY - 828 ABY) | Star Wars RP (myself)
  3. Approved Lore - Darth Moridin's Imperial Coup | Star Wars RP (from Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex )
  4. Approved Lore - Chronicles of the Modern Sith Empires - Post Darkness: Volume I | Star Wars RP (myself)
  5. Carnifex may have more if you would like to explore this avenue further. I am certain he has an article detailing each Emperor of the original empire until the very moment it fell, and possibly some One Sith stuff too that I am most certainly less familiar with.

From what I recall, the only original factions that were on the board when the map was first kicking off, was the Republic, The Sith Empire, and the Mandalorians. I don't recall anyone else significant until some time later. The next important faction I can recall is Omega Pyre (later Omega Protectorate), but I don't remember exactly when they came about or their general story other than they started out as a Mercenary organization watching over worlds for a fee (I assume??). At one point or another CIS may have been early faction too, but I don't recall.
...At one point or another CIS may have been early faction too, but I don't recall.

From what I recall of what I have been told (wasn't here for it) there was a predecessor to the CIS that fell apart and after that the CIS was reformed under Darth Metus Darth Metus but if you guys want more details he or Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner are the ones who would know.

Edit: Also Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok I started working on a very rudimentary timeline for CIS a while back if you are interested. haven't gotten very far with it but its something to get you started. I was working backward from the Atrisia rebellion


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