Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion I'm On A Boat [OS-Republic Invasion of Manaan]

Keanu Shan

Call Sign: "Chatter"
Location: In space/left flank of the Sith battle fleet
Objectives: wreak havoc on the fleet :p
Allies: [member="Friedrich Stahlmann"]
Foes: [member="Mordecai Zambrano"], [member="Alicia Drey"], [member="Darth Nephthys"]
Keanu's ship drove deep like a dagger into the heart of the fighter swarm. Soon the battle became a flashing blur, what fighter pilots affectionately called a "Furball" ships swirling around, tangled trying to get a clear shot. His tactic proved quite effective; moving close and being among the enemy, thus outnumbered, he was turned the tables of advantage to himself. Yes, he was vastly out numbered; however, the vong fighters whirled about trying to get a shot off but soon found this to be almost impossible. With the lone enemy ship in among such a large crowd, and given that the XJ-9A advanced X-wing was no slouch when it came to maneuverability. The fighters found that every time they would get in a position for a shot another vong fighter would be in the way. Not so with Keanu, who although he had to be constantly avoiding enemy fire, was surrounded by enemy fighters, blazed away at every thing, it was like a shooting gallery. He could shoot at them will near impunity. Even so his shields were taking a hammering, if nothing else but from the stray shots as they tried like mad to blow him away. He ordered his astromech to
Summary: engaging enemy fighters closely making almost impossible for them to get a shot without hitting their own fighters or colliding with each other. In short Chaos.
Location: Sith Cruiser
Objective 2 : Silk Holdings Kolto Center
Allies: Beta Team - [member="Darth Elecebra"] | [member="Xilo Gale"] | @Darth Nephthys | [member="Vaermina"] | [member="Selka Ventus"]
Foes: Republic/Jedi

The hovering Sith Cruiser would start to move over Silk Holdings facility. Soon it would be time.

A small comm and a villip would be used to relay the following information to their contingent. They were here to protect Gamma Team ( [member="Darth Carach"], [member="Viktor Romanov"] , [member="Darth Layil"], [member="Selka Ventus"])

The Vong Warmaster standing next to diminutive Darth Nephthys would start to send in the aquatic troops, as they would dive under the water.

The gruff voice would say this --
[ Deploy ]

Vaudin Miir

Planetary President of Iktotch
Location: Selkath Submersible
Objective: Objective 2
Allies: [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Qae Shena"] [member="Varus Shatterstar"]
Enemies:[member="Darth Praelior"] - Don't steam roll me homes
[member="Vaermina"] [member="Darth Tsolan"] + [member="Yusan Fenn"] = Puppy Love
[member="Darth Vivaldi"] - [member="Lisa Ticon"] [member="Selka Ventus"]
[member="Darth Carach"] - Kark @Luminara Rikanti [member="Xilo Gale"] [member="Hion the Herglic"] - *blubbers* [member="Viktor Romanov"] [member="Darth Layil"]

Vaudin’s team streaked through the watery depths as they approached the rift. Teams of Sith dive troopers moving swiftly through the water ahead of them were far more exposed than was likely advisable.

"Fire on those troops." Vaudin said a moment before he began following his own orders.

"Sir these are ship grade weapons and those are personnel not ships." A Bobby Bluestar replied.

"Did I say debate?" Vaudin replied, "follow orders and let Jedi worry about moral uprightness."

With that the squadron opened fire on the sith dive troopers as it began to patrol the rift. There were submersibles near the two underwater facilities near the rift both of which had odd amounts of activity. Curious, no?

Vaudin opened a comline to the two facilities and decided to warn them of the impending attacks.

"This is republic defense force to republic and Silk kolto facilities. The One Sith have begun invading Manaan. Lock down your facilities and order no one to enter or leave until republic or Jedi strike teams have dealt with the threat and proper evacuation support is in place."
Location: East-West Central
Objective One: Embrace the Force and Delay the Enemy
Allies: [member="Kiskla Grayson"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Qun Vell"] (Behind Doors) | [member="Spark Finn"] (Behind Doors) | [member="Meeristali Peradun"] (BEHIND DOORS!) | @Republic Members who are at OBJ One
Enemies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Reverance"] | [member="Darth Vitium"] | [member="Logan of Little Coruscant"] | [member="Nick Gamastar"] | [member="Darth Inferno"] | [member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Nulgath Zardai"] | [member="Darth Helios"] | @Remaining members of One Sith that are attacking OBJ One.
Music: Demonhunter – Jeffrey Hayat

‘Make no mistake, hell is coming’ Said the solemn voice of Lyn-Char Beohrt echoing softly in her mind yet she offered no response. Her concentration was elsewhere, on the Force. She could feel the eternal wells of the Light calling to her, begging her to pull from their vast energies and empower her being – and so she did. She embraced the energies of the Light, allowing it to fill her and overcome her physical being. Becoming one of sound mind and of physical body when attuned to the Light was a feeling that one could only describe as blissful. A battle focused mind that allowed her to press herself beyond the limitations of physical nature, allowed her to press the very core of her soul and Force energies to their ethereal peak and beyond.

It was how she trained and how she taught, it was how she bettered herself each and every day. One of the ways to better understanding the individual within is knowing that there is no such thing as a limitation to what can be achieved. When she had fallen from grace and into the abyss of darkness, she did what she could to understand how it worked, how to allow emotions to encompass her without consuming her. A trait her father commonly shared and was able to Master, a man who as truly gifted and someone who she wished was on the battlefield this day – but this was a day the Republic would have to stand alone.

Deep within the recesses of her mind, she knew the Republic would make a stand today, but it would also start a journey towards either greatness or annihilation. Once the blood hit the waters of Manaan, the sharks would come and the same could be said for the Galactic arena. The blood of the Republic hadn't hit the ground just yet, despite the loss of Coruscant and Alderaan – somehow the Republic had managed to fight off starving wolves with a broken stick but eventually the stick would be taken out of the wounded hand. The Jedi knew the wind had picked up and the scent of the bleeding Republic was wafting about and soon there would be more than wolves in the darkness – for the dark had far worse creatures to worry about.

Aaralyn closed her eyes softly as the Republic troops moved into various defense positions around the entrance to the Generator facility. The heavy weapons emplacements were aimed at the entrance from the East-West City as they prepared to defend it with everything they had. Despite the explosions in the distance and the sound of battle, Aaralyn remained calm and poised. To whomever made their initial appearance in the corridor entrance that lead to the long bridge which led to the center, she would appear in the rear, seated calmly. Of course, they’d also be contending with the troops and local defense Forces before they encountered her…unless she decided otherwise – Or they were just that good.

But with how everything felt and the approaching One Sith forces, the defense forces would not last long and it was known atleast to her. The massive darkness she felt was swift and swept over the city like a blanket of cold night. It attempted to snuff the very light of the planet itself, reaching far beyond the city. Its presence was converging on her position and she could only hope that the Grandmaster would join her soon. She needed [member="Kiskla Grayson"] by her side, her sister in battle and her best friend when it came down to it.

She inhaled deeply and focused on the Light that enveloped her, allowing herself to focus on building small mental barriers to prevent intrusion of her mind. With each barrier that came, an enforcement came up behind it like a ray-shield that was coated with the Force. She’d protect her most secret of secrets, and she wouldn’t allow the same mistake as last time. Unlike preparing herself for battle with Battlemind, this would take a few moments….and no doubt she had a few moments to prepare for the oncoming onslaught.

There was another presence on the bridge that Aaralyn didn’t recognize but much like the Light that enveloped her, it was soothing. A Jedi presence no doubt, Aaralyn could see her through the Force as she focused on the mental barriers within her mind. Who was this Jedi who appeared to be a bright star in a dark night, it reminded her much of [member="Corvus Raaf"], her old Padawan.
[member="Kana Truden"]
Location: Ahto City
Objective: 2 – Kolto Rift
Allies: @Republic | @Jedi, | [member="Varus Shatterstar"] | [member="James Mathison"] | [member="Kian Karr"]
Foes: @Sith

Corvus and celebrations. She supressed the desire to shake her head. For the 99th time. She’d rather go shopping for clothes than be here – and this was a woman that only ever wore Jedi or the Shadow robes she was currently wearing. Every minute watching people being happy was a minute less studying, or teaching or…well anything that was part of her daily routine. At least she was smart enough to wear the mask. Its symbolism was the reason she told everyone she was wearing it – but in truth it allowed her to meditate without anyone noticing.

One of her apprentices was here somewhere. She could feel his presence even amongst the throng of people that were here to listen to speeches or whatever it was that people did that passed for entertainment. She heard the GrandMaster’s voice – it permeated her meditative state – but there was something wrong. Instead of her words she only heard a warning.

Her eyes snapped open. Selkath were still rejoicing the anniversary but the Jedi around her clearly felt it too.

She immediately followed Kian as he set off – clearly informed of their priorities. She followed him wordlessly. No need to ask questions or debate actions. If Kian was heading this way – she was too.
Location: Docking bay to streets
Objective: Kolto Center
Allies: @Luminara Rikanati [member="Viktor Romanov"] [member="Darth Layil"] [member="Hion the Herglic"] [member="Xilo Gale"] [member="Darth Nephthys"] [member="Vaermina"] [member="Darth Tsolan"] [member="Yusan Fenn"] [member="Darth Vivaldi"] [member="Lisa Ticon"] [member="Selka Ventus"] [member="Darth Carach"]
Foes: Republic/Jedi

Balaya moved, these republic and jedi were falling back it seemed and that meant either they were scared or trying to trap them.... Given the jedi never tried to try them before she doubted they would have been knocked with the smart stick now while the other teams were moving. Her men were feeding her reports while they were planting thermite explosives and in the submersible bays of the station. The one aquatic jedi going after the herglic Darth Orcus would provide the cover needed as they rest of them were heading towards the distribution centers. She was moving with the cloak still closed while one of the lone jedi came out to face her.

The sight of him standing proud when the message came, a repeat that she could finally hear. They were falling back to the rift, to the station there while she inwardly crooned and she held the rifle under the cloak not opening it to reveal the weapon or her armor. Just a figure in a black cloak that towered over him while he started running. She let him go following at a distance as he ran and coming to the pathways leading to the Republics area as it were. She was looking at it and spoke seeing some of the vong with the container. "Take that to them and seal the submersible bay the Republic have. Destroy everything so it cannot open and report back to me.

She turned her head while the vong and a few graug went off with the battle lord to deliver the golden ropo to the republic. Below as fighters started firing on the teams several of the divers slinked into the bays using them as cover while others used the breathing suits as needed and started turnign the station into their cover. They might die but they were protected by the metal so pick a target. The vong aquatic units were serving a purpose clearing the way as they looked to attract the progenitor. They wanted the big beast to come out and had the weapons to subdue it as they chummed the waters with the bodies of its babies.

The other teams were in the submersible bays of the city coming up as they started to attack. Weapons at the ready and the silk employee's were as ordered ignored or at least knocked out with thump bugs for stunning blows over razor bugs to slice them up. They might not be with the sith but their orders were clear and their priority was there... just make sure unless one of them grabbed something deadly stun and knock them out. The vong stood with one of the battle lords as the beast froms ector five waded into a group retreting to the rift station. The blades coming in quick slashes before they were sealing the bay doors and trapping them inside with thermite strips to weld it shut.

Balaya was walking, the Kolto distribution center in Ahto city where the selkath brought the kolto to sell and trade on Manaan was their target. The Silk holdings center was as well and further down the rift station but there was a problem. Why take the means to harvest and search for them when they have all this already taken and stored klto for themselves right here. She was moving and came to the fishies as they brought their weapons up. The shambling of the unseelie was more disturbing while Balaya used that to draw out the rifle letting the paddle beamer part of it fire and motioned the graug forward towards the doors.

"Make a hole, secure the center and contact the facilities at the rift. Inform them they are now under the One Sith's order or they are expendable." She was moving while looking at the reports from the one console. The Selkath had been harvesting and trandporting kolto thousands of years before the Rift and Silk stations were built.... why would two places be more important then the primary selkath stations? She wasn't sure but as the ones were falling back to defend theirs and the Sith were sending troopers to Silk's to secure it. Balaya didn't speaking just brought up the hologram of her troopers working on the pathways from station to docking bay to flood it and leave it cut off.

"Elara ensure that Reverance is happy with his addition to the destruction, I don't want Glitter to be wasted on this endeavor when we could just as easily have him destroying the republic's barracks, bases and embassies on this world." She clicked the channel over. "Team gamma you are a go and team beta happy hunting. We have one of the distribution centers and the republic is falling back to defend the rift station as predicted. Ensure plan A comes off without a hitch and I see many enjoyable things in your futures." The rest of the distribution centers were not as easy or as close to the docking bays but they were there and there was still silks while the vong let loose a golden ropo to kill in the republics on Ahto city.

Location: Sith Carrier
Objective: City Generator
Allies: [member="Reverance"] [member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Logan of Little Coruscant"] [member="Nick Gamastar"] [member="Darth Helios"] [member="Skorn Draclau"] [member="Arkia Zinn"] [member="Nulgath Zardai"] [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Darth Vitium"] [member="Invicta Zambrano"] @Khallesh
Foes: Republic/Jedi

Elara was watching, there were locked doors, resistance at the controls and oh so much more while she was bringing the carrier down. They had a clear line of sight to the streets but there was more. There wasn't one generator keeping the city afloat there were several and if you couldn't get to the controls as Lord Reverance was plotting to do and take them all at once there was the old fashioned way. Elara was looking at the edge of the city that they could attack while rubbing her hands together before speaking to her graug bodyguards. "Lets have the men clear a little path to the generator yes, not the controls to deactivate them, lets just destroy the ones along the city." The graug snarled in his understanding while directing the soldiers they had with the battlelord to began attacking.
Location: Generator
Objective: Defend
Allies: Republic, Jedi
Enemies: Sith

Nefertari had snuck off from the crowd before all hell broke loose. The blast doors had closed in her face.
"(gunganese expletive)" she was outside with the sith coming her way. She took her lightsaber from her belt and moved into her improvised Trakata stance. When they arrived, there was no turning back.
Location: Ahto City
Objective: [Objective 1] Defend the City.
Allies: Republic, Jedi, [member="Kana Truden"]
Foes: Sith, @Matsu Xhiangu

Korsan grabbed his Lightsaber out and brought it to his side, ready to fight, even though it remained un-ignited. He then heard a reply to his telepathic warning, which honestly made him a little nervous. He wasn't expecting it to actually get trough to anyone, which meant that the one on the receiving end must have been very powerful to hear his weak message. After a few moments passed, he heard another voice talking to him by name, which he thought was the Sith again, until he noticed it was his master, [member="Kana Truden"], speaking to him via comlink. He quickly grabbed it from his belt so he could listen to his master speak, before speaking into it himself. "Yes Master, I'm on my way." Korsan started running in the direction he believed the generators were in, keeping his Lightsaber clenched in his right hand just in case he had to use it. He felt disappointed that he couldn't face the sith that replied to him in the force, but also relieved that he wouldn't have to fight by himself. That is, as long as he got to the generators without running into any trouble...
Location: Sith Cruiser
Objective 2 : Silk Holdings Kolto Center
Allies: Gamma Team - [member="Viktor Romanov"] [member="Darth Layil"] [member="Selka Ventus"]
Foes: Republic/Jedi

There were those who enjoyed fighting in the thick of battle, shed the blood of their enemies and wallow in it. Those were all signs of youth, if you asked Darth Carach, once he too had been much the same - sprinting into the battlefield, the first of lines and staying there until the last had fallen. But no more, it had taken him a while to realize that frontline warfare wasn’t his style, it wasn’t what played to his strengths, but eventually… age and a dozen or so asskickings will do the trick to even the most stubborn of Sith Lords.

And so Darth Carach had infiltrated, nay stolen into the entourage of [member=Selka Ventus] this way he’d be close enough to give aid, but have enough deniability not to become some target practice. Oh… right, he didn’t exactly look like a Sith Lord anymore either.

Next to Selka stood an unassuming young man, spectacled and with short-cropped hair, the faintest muff of beginning beard growth and everything else that came with being a pubescent individual.

You know.’ the Sith Lord, not Sith Lord shared with Velok inside her mind. ‘I met one of your friends a couple of weeks ago.’ They were waiting anyway, neither of them would be doing much so they could share some conversation.
Location: Closing in on generator facility
Objective: 1
Allies: [member="Reverance"] [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Darth Vitium"] [member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Logan of Little Coruscant"] [member="Nick Gamastar"] [member="Nulgath Zardai"]
Enemies: Republic

Vaas gave what could almost be considered a smile as [member="Darth Vornskr"] commanded him to wreak havoc upon the city. "It will be done, my Lord."

Would it ever.

The Blackblade Guard forces commanded by Overlord Vaas were moving in from the East, enclosing on the generator facility while the other Sith forces planetside were approaching in the opposite direction. During their sweep of the eastern part of the city they encountered little resistance - the Republic forces seemed to mostly be falling back to the generators to mount a defense there. Vaas quickly proceeded forward with the vanguard of his forces to link up with the rest of his allies at the generator. However, he had commanded a few of his forces to set up defensive encampments in the buildings to their rear, to avoid being taken from behind.

The Guard moved until the generator was in sight. "Set up defensive fortifications immediately," Vaas commanded, and it was done. His troops began activating portable shields and pushing down debris to form makeshift bunkers and a battle line, as fire from the Republic defenders began to grow serious. Ludolf hunkered down and began to return fire.

He also saw that the Vong forces commanded by [member="Khallesh "]had joined the fray. The Overlord signalled to her as she approached the front line before the generator facility.

"Focus fire those heavy weapons on the West, so that the rest of our forces on that side can get through," He said. "I will have my forces do the same. Men! Mortars!" He barked, and the Blackblade Guardsmen began to set up heavy weapons of their own, firing off rounds into [member="Aaralyn Rekali"]'s heavy weapons emplacements aimed at the West.
Location: Local Police Station
Objective 1: Find reinforcements to aid in the defence of the generators
Allies: All Republic
Foes: One Sith

The lone soldier broke into a sprint. His muscular legs allowed him to glied past many other citizens that were running from the danger. He would have to get geared up soon, a local enforcement station was the most likely place to find weapons and armour. As he ran, his eyes scanned the streets. All that could be seen was panic. Like a drowning ant colony it was clear chaos had set in, it seemed like nobody knew where they were heading.

Finally Slate spotted it! The local police station.

As he arrived at the scene the doors swung open and gave Slate an open view of complete madness. The secretary stood behind the front desk furiously in her monitor. It was out of control. "Sergeant Major. Estrada of the Galactic Republic Military!" "I need 4 units of your finest men geared up and on me ASAP!" Before the overworked lady had time to respond Slate moved to the armoury. As he entered the room it was clear that Slate's order had gone through. Men and women clad in armour grabbed weapons, ammunition and equipment from the large array of racks. "Let's make this sharpish, men!" Slate roared over the confusion as he grabbed a set of his own armour. It only consisted of a thin layer of Durasteel plates and wouldn't stand up to much fire, it was complete by a title on the chest that read 'enforcer'. Ironic, considering the situation.

As the 4 teams of six men exited the building onto the now calmed down streets, Slate radioed into his comm unit that was hopefully connected to the generator control room, where he was heading. "This is Sergeant Major Slate Estrada of The Galactic Republic Military. I have 24 men here fully equipped for combat, and we are itching to shoot something!"
"Stay put, we're on our way."

(OOC Note: [member="Spark Finn"], Slate is radioing you, considering you are still present at the generator control room.)
LOCATION: Ahto City West Central – heading East, en route to bridge leading towards Hyperbuoyancy Generator Complex
OBJECTIVE ONE: Sink dat city; get inside corridor guarded by [member="Aaralyn Rekali"] leading to the main bridge.
ALLIES: TEAM R 4EVER, [member="Reverance"], [member="Darth Vitium"], [member="Nick Gamastar"], [member="Nulgath Zardai"], @Khallesh, [member="Ludolf Vaas"], [member="Darth Vornskr"], [member="Darth Praelior"], [member="Logan of Little Coruscant"]
FOES: [member="Aaralyn Rekali"], Republic, anyone who wants to tango in the corridors

It was a few moments, boots landing on the ground and fanning outwards in to the city, before she felt the Republic bolster itself to respond. Fast, she had to give them that. Defense turrets were up within moments, the smell of hot metal and already, already blood in the streets breezing past her as picked her way at a sprint. Vornskr’s vast armies seemed to be setting up through rather quickly, picking away at the more entrenched defenses as the Sith making their way towards the generators pushed through.

It took her several minutes to push through the swarming forces put up by the Jedi and the city alike, groups of men and women brave or foolish enough to stand in their way swept aside as their team made their way towards the hyperbuoyancy generators. She could feel the more powerful of the defenders deeper within the city, steeling themselves in order to defend the vital equipment. Khallesh’s forces swarmed in the corner of Matsu’s vision, a shuddering mass of Vong crawling over anything that stood in their way, dismantling and destroying alongside their Sith counterparts, and Matsu let the fear felt by those in their way fuel her, pushing on alongside the biots.

Elara’s strangely-named guard was wreaking havoc, tossing soldiers in to the air to land with sickening bone-shatter thumps, heaps to jump over.

None had put up too strong a fight thus far, but she assumed most Jedi had taken up positions closer to what they wanted to keep safe.
She could feel lightside signatures everywhere, snatches of emotion caught easily as she read through minds for any information she could use to their advantage. It was when she got closer to the complex leading towards the generator – a huge grouping of machinery protected by bridges and blast doors – that she felt someone shielding herself from Matsu’s mental grip. Calm. Collected. She reached out, another telepathic whisper to whomever was prepared to guard the entrance that would eventually lead to their target.


A group of Jedi, faceless to her in her anticipation of the powerful signature within the complex, leapt down to stop her and her team, one more stand before the Sith could try and get inside. But she was close

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Location: Silk Holdings/Selkath kolto facility, Ahto City
Objective: Two
Allies: [member="Darth Carach"]
Enemies: Whoever comes to this one (there's also the Silk/Selkath undersea facility, where [member="Hion the Herglic"] is bound, and the Silk distribution hub where [member="Darth Praelior"] is bound, and so far it looks like all the Jedi are at one of those, though I could be wrong - [member="Kian Karr"] might be here, or @Verus Shatterstar)

"You strike me as the sort of man who meets a lot of people," she said, eyes flicking from evacuation element to evacuation transport. Vessels had already taken off, escorted by elite Rassilon starfighters, as part of Silk's bug-out procedure. The first freighters -- full of kolto, Selkath, other Silk employees, processing equipment, computers -- were beginning to leap to hyperspace...along escape trajectories that would run a few of them, not enough to attract suspicion, into One Sith interdiction a few hundred light-years away. Interdiction that, ostensibly, was in place for other purposes. There was a great deal to be evacuated yet, of course. Quite a few transports and escort fighters were still right here in Ahto City. In due course they'd join the stream of system traffic trying to get away before the Sith clamped down on it.

She glanced at the nearest security cam, and secretly hoped her associate was using the White Current or some kind of photokinetic illusion -- in this state, she wasn't able to tell the difference. The last thing she needed was to be pegged as a collaborator, or indeed for questions to be asked at all. That right there was a major reason why she hadn't used her position to secure more of the kolto-related assets for the One Sith, or to do more than leave a couple of doors unlocked. Frankly, she wasn't even armed. If and when the Jedi finally stormed in to do their business, there was a decent chance she'd get injured in the process, and she wasn't looking forward to that. She'd been here, in this facility, the last time the Republic had taken measures to deny Ahto City to the Sith. They'd sunk this place, and she'd spent the next...quite a while in a coma. Somehow, this particular AgriCorps washout -- 'the Force is weak with this one,' they'd said -- doubted they'd changed their spots.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
Location: Kolto Facilities
Objective:Treat wounded and survive
Allies: The Republic
Enemies: The One Sith

As I stood up from crouching against the wall I open up the holocom, worried after hearing a volley of shots that I could only presume was the sith. "Can anyone hear me?"
I waited for a reply but no one answered. In panic that the volley of shots seemed worse than what I though I tried again. "Can anyone hear me report in?" I once again waited a few second "Is anyone injured?".

All I could see from the window was a thick cloud of smoke covering the what was once a blue sky, I walked to the stair well and climbed to the top of the facility, there was a small balcony in front of me when I reached to top, I lent over the edge to see what the damage was. At that point there was only one thought I had, I needed to get over there but I didn't know if the city was crawling with the sith. clenching the railing I pushed my self backwards, "I need to find someone to get me there". I turn around running back down the stair well looking for anyone to escort me to where the volley had hit.
Location: InTransit to Kolto Center
Allies: [member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Varus Shatterstar"] [member="Vaudin Miir"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Carach"]

As James, Kian and the arrived Corvus decended the lift to the Silk Kolto center, James picked up on something dark, there were Sith below the water line. He could feel their presence, as well as a few Jedi.

I sense there are already Sith underwater. I count three or four Sith. Varus is already down there, along with the signature of an unknown Jedi. We must hurry if we are to lend aid. Master Kian, Master Corvus, I have a suggestion, you will not like it, but... I am able to turn my Force signature to the darkside, I know it's not ideal, but it may give us an element to work with. You have my word that I will not stay there in length, only to be used to get a stab on the Sith. I am dressed in appropriate attire, He said gesturing to his black robes, You may punish me later, but if we are to stop the Sith from taking the Kolto, sacrifices must be made.

James then began to focus on his connection with the lightside Force, he quieted its voice, becoming cloaked in the dark side of the Force. He would plan on turning his signature to his former status once they arrived, it would aid in gaining the upper hand if they were to encounter the Sith prematurely.

Objective: NOW: Constructively Pass Time | LATER: Protect the Hyper-Buoyancy Generator from One Sith Forces
Allies: TGR | TJO
GENERATOR CONTROL ROOM: [member="Spark Finn"] | [member="Qun Vell"]
OUTSIDE BEYOND BLAST DOORS, EN-ROUTE, AND ELSEWHERE: [member="Ket Van-Derveld"] | [member="Kiskla Grayson"] | [member=Odeyseis] | [member="Ta'mur Rokar"] | [member="Aaralyn Rekali"] | [member="Korsan Rung"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] | [member=VlPER] | [member=Whisps] | [member="Nefertari Sovint"] | [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] | [member="Slate Estrada"]

Foes: TOS
OUTSIDE BEYOND BLAST DOORS, EN-ROUTE, AND ELSEWHERE: [member="Reverance"] | [member="Arkia Zinn"] | [member="Khallesh"] | [member="Ire'Rain Sekairo"] | [member="Skorn Draclau"] | [member="Invicta Zambrano"] | [member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Darth Helios"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member=Logan of Little Coruscant] | [member="Nulgath Zardai"] | [member="Darth Inferno"] | [member="Nick Gamastar"] | [member="Darth Vitium"] | [member="Ludolf Vaas"]

With himself, Spark Finn, and Qun Vell behind four pairs of thick blast doors in all directions working in conjunction with pairs of turrets at each blast door, and whatever Jedi and Republic Forces beyond those... he, the slicer, and the basilisk were going to be sitting for at least a little while. Why not make constructive use of that time? He was a Knight now, after all. His tail wove a calmer pattern as he turned to the two padawans to broach what he had in mind.

"There's not much we can do for those outside aside from keeping the blast doors down and those turrets up, so I was thinking we could do a little self-improvement."

He paused, pursing his lips to one side for a moment, before continuing.

"How does some training sound? What do you both know so far? I might be able to give the both of you a little something useful."

He never thought the first training he would give as a knight could be in the midst of battle... but opportunity was opportunity, and he and they would be fools to pass that up.
Location: Ahto City - En Route to Hyper Buouyancy Generator - Not behind closed doors
Objective: 1 - Defend Generators from incoming Sith
Allies: [member="VlPER"] | [member="Aaralyn Rekali"]
Enemies: One Sith

Her inkling had been correct. Soon, the operative bracer on her arm was going wild with incoming warnings. The screen that she had just been on shifted from the swollen face of the mayor to a live broadcast of the events. She spun quickly, re-acquainting herself with the Celeste obstacle from earlier. She looked oddly calm while Kiskla pointed to the major screen--
"Get that or any broadcast to all Republic channels -- we're going to need reinforcements." Collected, the girl nodded and assured the Jedi that she'd see what she could do.
The screen shifted from a live stream to an organized warning of evacuation. The mayor was already rallying those near to him to orderly move to the west -- to empty docks that had yet to fall to the Sith's siege. The raid siren executed next, and it was almost headache inducing to the untrained ear. Unfortunately, this was not the first time Manaan had sounded those alarms.
If Kiskla had any time to reflect on the situation, beyond the calculating assessments for acting, she would have been dismayed. This poor, poor city. And also probably irritated. This invasion definitely meant no anniversary rendezvous tonight. Ugh--this is why she couldn't have nice things!

The crowds turned to fluid, pouring in the designated direction of the blaring instructions. Like a stone in the stream, Kiskla stood still — letting the citizens weave around her in their departure. Usually wild senses organized themselves, and she tapped into the empathetic direction Rosa Gunn had instructed her. Beyond the swell of terror, she picked through to perceive intent and direction. So when [member="VlPER"] appeared and asked her what to do, her piercing white iris’ snapped open and an immediate answer dropped from her lips “The generators.” No more indication was necessary, Viper had trained by her hand and would understand that when it was time for action Kiskla was quite short with her words, and instead chose to speak with her physical direction rather than verbal. Her slender body moved quickly, an unmatched speed fuelling her footsteps — keeping vague tabs on the presence of the Jedi Knight who had been by her side moments ago.

As she ran, through the crowds she could see bodies falling — and crouching reporters shouting into microphones to broadcast their legacy into live streams.
[member="Aaralyn Rekali"] reached out, and although the situation was tense, a small wave of relief washed over her.
“Rekali — Sith are circling to the centre of the city toward the generators. It’s me plus one. If you’re close, think we can sandwich?” She paused “..There are a lot of them."
Location: Staring down bi*** form Dredge on the streets
Objective: Sink the city
Allies: [member=Reverance] -:- [member="Matsu Xiangu"] -:- [member="Darth Inferno"] -:- [member="Nick Gamastar"] -:- [member="Nulgath Zardai"] -:- [member="Darth Vitium"] -:- @OS
Enemies: [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] -:- @Pubs

It was a damn good thing he was paying attention because out of nowhere a vong and a Sith trooper to his right collapsed, their headless bodies falling limply against the floor. His head swiveled on his neck, eyes narrowing as he stared through the slits in his helmet at @Patricia Sun Garter. It would be the next few seconds that mattered most. That would decide whether he lived or he died. Without stopping to think he broke into a full sprint, the red blade trailing behind him. He shoved roughly into troopers, pointing at her as he ran. "You bas****s! Kill her!" Bullets flew around him, several of the troopers dropping dead as he neared them or went to run further ahead as the girls bullets tore through their armor. They all fell to the ground without a word, their insides torn to shreds. He grumbled to himself as he launched himself into the air, activating the jet pack at the peak of his jump. "I'll just have to kill this bi***myself." he said to nobody in particular.

A bullet grazed the cheek area of his helmet, leaving the metal jagged and hot to the touch. Too close. All of a sudden he started to lose altitude rapidly and he started to veer to the side, unable to do anything to correct it. He let out a loud grunt as his body slammed against one of the walls on either side of the street. He collapsed slightly, luckily "landing" inside of a door frame giving him just enough cover to check his equipment in. He reached behind his back and undid the hook that secured the jetpack and it feel to the ground with a clatter. Judging from the lack of smoke and obvious bullet holes or cuts on it, it must be an electrical problem from where the bullet grazed his helmet. He touched his hand to his cheek and felt the jagged gash on the side of his helmet. It was definitely deep enough to have cut some wires. Hopefully that was the only thing that was messed up because of it.

He suddenly realized that his saber was no longer in his hand, but laying about three feet outside of the little alcove he found himself in. Without thinking he whipped out his pistol and peeked his head out where he was sure a few rounds would be waiting him from the Republic Agent. He fired a few of his own off at the corner she had been at, not checking to see if she was peeking out first. There was still a constant funnel of Sith troopers and vong that made their way toward the city, a few more vong bounding toward her corner in specific. Bolts flew from both sides freely at this point, no quarter being shown to anyone. If someone fell, they were as good as dead. There was no stopping to check on a fallen comrade. Vengeance was a much more satisfying taste to have in ones mouth.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
Location: Kolto Facilities
Objective:Treat wounded and survive
Allies: The Republic
Enemies: The One Sith

After running around for 5 minutes seaching for someone I started feeling uneasy like something bad was to happen. By this point I was by the transports to go to the kolto facility below the surface of the water. At this point my breathing was still fast and my heart was throbbing from the running, but I could hear talking in a few rooms down, I pushed aside I was out of breath and ran to that room. as the door opened there was four Jedi [member="James Mathison"], [member="Corvus Raaf"] and two others, I only caught the last bit of the conversation but I could tell by the expression on their faces that the feeling I had was right.

looking towards Master Corvus with a worried expression, "where do you need me?". I've still not revived a lightsaber but I had a small blaster on my hip as a precaution. I know it wouldn't be useful against a sith but it would buy me time to run and cling to the shadows, or act as a detraction.

I walked further into the room to join the group.

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