Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I Swear, If This Turns Into A Dinner Date, Chi's Going To Kill Me (Rianna/Josh)

He laughed at the pun. Very nice. Very nice. He smirked as he walked in with her, looking around at the booths.

He followed Rianna toward the booth she was going for, almost crashing into the Jedi Master as she abruptly stopped to turn to face him. His hands gripped her shoulders to stop him from crashing into her. He gave her an apologetic look before letting go.

He looked over at the booth at her question, and a smirk crossed his face. Never tease the Dragon.

"It's bootyfull" he cracked with a grin.

@[member="Rianna Organa"]
"We are both going to suffer into the nine rings of hell for all this talk of full moons" Rianna slid into the booth and pressed a button for the menu, several things looked good. Something sweet, something savory, something....hmmm...

She looked over to Joshua, "They have some drinks on the menu, do you drink?" What kind of drink she left open for his intrepretation.

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
He chuckled. "If nobody finds out, then hopefully NEITHER of us will have to see the full moon" he joked with a grin as he slid into the booth, looking at the menu. "Hmm..." he mused, scratching his beard as he looked it over. Maybe some steak would go nicely....

He looked over at her at her question, and smiled faintly. "Soda, generally. On rare occassions, maybe wine. Why?" he asked curiously, but smirked a bit. He knew completely what she meant. "Master Organa, trying to get your fellow Councillor drunk is a very unprofessional thing to do" he joked playfully. "Especially when the Master you're suggesting it to has a very good tolerance" he teased.

@[member="Rianna Organa"]
She looked at him with an evil grin, "Why Master Dragonsflame, are you saying I would intentionally get you inebriated?" She meant no such thing, there were however several drink on the menu that were rather.....racy.

"I like a glass of wine once in a while, red usually but never to the point of no control." Rianna looked at the menu, you know pasta looked good tonight there were several on the menu she didn't recognize, nor understand all the ingredients.

"Soda is ok I like the bubbles." She looked across he was definitely studying the menu, "I've been inviting everyone to Alderaan, you should come to. I'll teach you to ride if you don't know how" Then she nodded to the rolling waitress, "Are you ready to order Joshua?"

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
He chuckled. "Oh noooo, Master Organa. I wouldn't DARE suggest such a thing" he said, grinning. He knew she was joking, but it wouldn't hurt to tease her a little after she had gone to town teasing him about his unfortunate situation with Selena's ginormous rear end. He agreed though, they had added several... Racy drinks since his last visit with Sao. Hell, if he'd taken Sao here at this time instead of before, their date would have likely gone a lot different.... Or maybe not. Both ways probably would have led to his bedroom anyway. The former was simply sober. Although he doubted he would have found out she was a Sith if he was drunk.

"I'm fine with wine once in awhile" he said with a shrug. "Alcohol in general is a rare treat for me. Usually to try and calm myself down, or forget things. Being a Jedi, believe it or not, can be stressful" he admitted.

He eyed her at "I'll teach you to ride" and blinked.

".... Teach me to ride what?" he asked curiously, then eyed the waitress. "Ah... I'll have the Krayt Rib, Prime Brand, Medium Well, with Ketchup, no veggies, and I suppose some fries to go with it. And for drinks, I suppose....."

He eyed Rianna and smirked. "You drinking wine as you suggested, or something else?"

@[member="Rianna Organa"]
"The wine is tempting but no, I'll go with water, and this pasta dish with all this stuff in it" Rianna pointed to the menu, then she thought she'd tackle Josh's comment about riding, "I am quite the capable rider, some might even think the mile high club"

She let that sink in for a bit, "We ride the thranta Joshua, what did you think I was going to ride Hmmm?" She peered at him intently, yes she would tease him as much as she could. They needed to relax, and if this teasing back and forth, well so be it.

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
He laughed a bit. "Good" he said. "I was going to be VERY curious if you were going to say something else" he teased with a grin. Served her right for not elaborating early on, of course. It left the door VERY open for teasing.

"I'll have the soda then" he said toward the waitress with a handsome smile. As she took their menus and orders, he cracked his neck and relaxed, looking back toward Rianna.

He was enjoying the conversation so far, even the teasing believe it or not. She was a nice break from the stiffies of the Council. Especially Selena who, despite having the fairest booty in the land, was cold as ice.

@[member="Rianna Organa"]
"OH, and what was tickling your curiosity? The Thranta, the riding, Alderaan, or the thought of my having a glass of wine and the repercussions of such an act?" She arched a brow again, narrowing her eyes teasing him with a little smirk.

She nodded, and waited for her water, a very typical drink for Rianna. She was pretty much the salad and protein girl with a glass when needed, or desired. Otherwise, eh water would do.

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
He shot her a wink. "Maybe both" he teased with a grin. "I don't know if I trust you with a couple glasses of wine" he said with a laugh. "Or riding things on Alderaan. That can get interpreted in SO many ways" he joked, grinning.

He relaxed, arms behind his head. "Ah, how Selena would have our heads if she heard what we were saying. Especially the jokes about her Grandbooty" he said, chuckling. "We'd be lucky if she didn't sit on your face. And I only said yours because I'd be gone before she even showed up" he said, laughing.

@[member="Rianna Organa"]
@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

Rianna arched a brow. "Oh when I ride it takes time to recover" she smiled that time. She wondered. Hmm. "I don't know Selena might like the attention. "

She had seen her reaction that night in the spa. She wasn't so sure about how she would react. Perhaps she'd send them to some far off place that required survival skills. Ooo. Rianna made a face.

Then their food arrived. Interesting. What were those little red things in her dish.
He raised an eyebrow at that statement. "And what does THAT mean?" he asked, chuckling a bit. "And... Perhaps. Or not. She might just kill us instead" he said with a shrug.

He had no doubt that Grandmaster Elsa Grandbooty would no doubt kill them, or something worse, if she found out. But, what were the odds.

He looked down at his food and smirked. "Mmm, looks good" he said, digging in casually.

@[member="Rianna Organa"]
@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

Rianna took a bite hmm nice taste. Odd on the tongue though. "I think sometimes we under estimate her" She took another bite strange. "So you have desires regarding Selena?"

She smiled this pasta was really good. Odd though.
He near choked on his food as he started laughing.

"Desires regarding Selena?" he asked, trying not to choke. That was a hilarious assumption, not one he'd considered.

"No, but if she shoves it in my face again, I'm biting it" he joked with a laugh, drowning his food with a drink with a wide grin.

@[member="Rianna Organa"]
Rianna laughed. "A bite of booty. I suggest you run after that take a position in the outer rim" Rianna felt her tongue it felt odd. "I don't think you'd like the outer rim"

Rianna took another bite. "How's your food?"

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
"Been out there, not so fun" he said, taking another bite. "Be careful there, keep being cheeky and I might just bite YOUR booty instead"

The grin on his face showed nothing but cheek. He was really enjoying himself with this.

"Food's good, as always" the Jedi Master said between bites and swallows. "Not as good as booty meat, but it'll suffice"

@[member="Rianna Organa"]
Rianna waved her hand "oh no. You couldn't handle my booty it's of noble design" She laughed at herself. "But now you. Hmmm" She looked over.
"Some potential" She took a drink. Who needed wine to be silly.

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
He laughed. Hard. "Rianna, don't tempt me. Ever. Never challenge me to something like that, because I will prove you wrong and you will NOT like it" he joked, taking a drink. Josh was a daring sort, he'd dated and karked a Sith, he'd matched Karin Dorn word for word and was still able to handle the crazy enough to stick around with her during two seperate instances talking in a cantina, and still had semblance left to free her from a possession inside of her. Wouldn't be a surprise if Josh was insane himself. He probably was, considering what he'd been through. Bottom line, there wasn't much that Josh DragonsFlame could not do.

Who needed wine to be silly? They were having a grand old time, cracking jokes, and getting along better then most Jedi Masters did with one another.

@[member="Rianna Organa"]
"Me?" She acted so so innocent. "I'm. Well. " She batted her eyes at him. " So scared" if he was insane wouldn't his mother of had him tested?

"And who knows what I would like. " She arched a brow at him. She leaned forward. "You'd be surprised" She taunted.

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
What mother? There's an issue, he didn't have a mother since he was 5. Didn't even know his father until now. He's had plenty of time to let the insanity fester.

A smirk crossed his face as she leaned forward. "Oh really?" he asked, amusedly.

He leaned forward in retaliation, before whispering... Enough for her to hear.

"Try me"

@[member="Rianna Organa"]
Perhaps if she had called him Sheldon he might have got the reference but it was ok, she knew it and it made her giggle.

Rianna smiled leaning closer, "you sure Joshua?" Her eyes narrowed.

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

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