Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hyporian Nights [CIS Dominion of Hypori] | X-49

Objective: Enjoy the festival
Wearing: <3 | Combat boots
Tags: [member="Lirka Ka"]
Post: 9

Booze was cheap? She hadn’t really checked since she’d sworn off of drinking, but she’d expected the CIS to cover the booze. And most of the food. She’d have to find a way to gently suggest to whoever it was that ran these things that they should spend more money on the people of the Confederacy that attended. Lirka had been with them on Rishi; that meant she was an official Confederate, though Madalena wasn’t sure where in the Confederacy she exactly was.

“I think the tree is made of metal,” she said softly, “at least that’s what the brochure said. There’s rice paper that you can write wishes on, and later tonight they’re going to set the tree on fire.”

She smiled again, looking at Lirka, keeping her body from bouncing with excitement. “It’s the main reason I came here tonight.”
Well, it seemed Lirka always knew how to be completely not fun either.

“Sounds like a waste of good metal to’ me.”

Lirka didn’t believe in wishes, she envoked Gods as a simple bit to express her distaste over one thing or another. But as a whole anything to do with the superstitious was nothing more than nonsense and stories told to children. She wasn’t brunt and aggressive with it though, if anything she was amused at the child-like excitement.

“Or not, whadda’ I know?”

She still had some awareness though, can’t be a total s Hutta 24/7.

[member="Scherezade deWinter"]
Objective: Enjoy the festival
Wearing: <3 | Combat boots
Tags: Lirka Ka
Post: 10


“I think the metal itself doesn’t actually melt,” Madalena laughed, “just the stuff they hang on it.”

Or at least, so she thought. It wouldn’t make much sense to melt the tree in front of an audience, if only for the reason that it would probably reek to high heavens.

“Would you like to go see the tree with me?” she asked, motioning toward the direction in which she thought the tree was at. There would probably be a sign somewhere in the area.
Ka just grunted and shrugged, not all too much else to be doing. Unless she planned on getting more box, but some general paranoia prevented her from ever going deeper from a state than this. Combat ability was already impaired, too easy to go and get her junk snagged.

“Ain’t nothin’ to lose by going.”

Could probably just enjoy her own bit of childlike actions. Break from the mold of the big strong Commander.

[member="Scherezade deWinter"]
Objective: Enjoy the festival
Wearing: <3 | Combat boots
Tags: Lirka Ka
Post: 11


Madalena smiled as Lirka agreed. Knowing better now than to offer to take her hand, the two women began to walk in the direction Madalena had pointed at earlier. It was… Refreshing, to walk with another woman who wasn’t shorter than her, but quite the opposite.

Letting forth a tiny twirl of the Force, Madalena let herself have a small taste of Lirka’s presence through it. There was nothing aggressive about it; a mere touch, a sniff. Just curious, to see what Lirka’s race was. Madalena had met many tall women, had met a few pointy eared women, but something about the general physical setup of Lirka was different than all of them. It was interesting.

“Lirka?” Madalena asked as the two continued to walk, “If it’s not rude, may I ask you which species you belong to? I don’t think I’ve ever smelled another of your kind through the Force.”
Lirka didn’t feel much refreshment, maybe from it not being during some sort of combat mission. But when Ka got drunk like this she got remarkably paranoid about just around everything, though the woman’s question sent an edge through her she hadn’t felt in a long time.

“Sephi. I doubt there’s many left, Mandalorian trash is probably crushing everything that made us anyway special.”

Old grudge, it seemed. Thustra was one of the worlds the Mandalorian Empire has taken over, and their old ways of life would undoubtedly fail under those worthless savages: Ka easily could’ve been present when the conquest took place, but thankfully she had left home long before then. She made no mention to her old status within the Monarchy.

[member="Scherezade deWinter"]
[member="Eternal Vision"]

Approaching a small bar, Adron's eyes fell on the array of drinks that was laid out before him. His eyes scanned over the selection with a rather selective gaze. For an outing such as this the options were acceptable, yet not preferable.

"Corellian, if it's all you have." He ordered, gesturing to the bottle of whiskey that sat to the side of the booth. "Neat." He said, his ears tuning to the sound of his name fluttering about in the background. He turned away from the booth, bringing his cane in front of him while his eyes fixed on the voice that called out to him. She spoke with some familiarity and a tone that lacked the delicate respects and holds of politics. In some small part of the Exarch it was a relief to hear a voice that seemed to come from an earnest place, rather than the influential foundation of politics. Yet still the woman's voice was like a buzzing bee in the way she addressed him. He offered a slight bow of the head to the russet haired woman, recognizing her immediately as Zara Bek.

"Miss Bek." His tone was dry and his greeting was born from a place that showed he was not quite expecting such a rapid change in conversation. Zara was the type of persona that Adron naturally overlooked. She seemed kind enough and only wished the best for her people. Though ignorant to politics she was naturally firm in her beliefs and that was enough to grant her The Confederacy's attention. However, as she spoke an apology for the Geonosian Adron could not help but smirk a bit at her words.

"If Dellso had shown me I could get what I wanted simply by leaning on him in such a manner I would have no interest in working with him. Insufferable he may be, The Confederacy can and will make use of the pride and defiance he has shown me." To a degree every moment Adron spent with a person was used to mark their worth to him and The confederacy. The bartender behind him set a small glass on the stand in front of Adron. "Your drink, sir." He said with a low tone, not trying to interrupt the conversation the two before him were having. Cradling his walking cane in one hand, Adron gestured to the booth with an arched brow. "Share a drink. I'd like to explain to you what Gaza did not seem to understand." He said before his lips met the edge of his glass. He took a generous sip from the glass, allowing the liquid to rush down his throat. While the heat built up in the back of his throat he found the drink acceptable and looked back to the slender woman.

"My job as an Exarch is to preserve The confederacy and act as an extension of The Vicelord's will. His will for me is prosperity and vitality. So to best execute his will I create a vision for everything under my control, this includes Hypori. You see this planet is capable of progressing into a powerful world that could be a great asset to The Confederacy. Now if that happens it means your people will not have one droid factory, but ten. Your economy will rise and with it, your place in The Confederacy."

"As I told Dellso, once we have found your value, you can be handed contracts that will lead you to a path of longevity in the industry."
Objective: CIS Security
Location: Qixi Festival
Tag: [member="Naedira Darcrath"]
Post: 11

Silver-green eyes were focused on Naedira during her retort, but the words that the woman spoke rolled through his mind like those of a sycophant. Aiden neither needed to know nor cared to know the extent of the relationship between the Vicelord and Exarch Talon. In truth, it wasn't his job to know. However, as a mostly casual observer at the time, he could report very simply what it was a demonstration of. It did not equate to any true amount of power, control, or finesse over either the Force or the situation. If that actually related to his assessment of each individual, then it should have been obvious he held them in some amount of esteem. After all, Aiden would certainly have no reason to support any organization guided by people he found to be...less than.

Now - did he judge any of the people involved? Yes, he judged them all, and that included his acquaintance, [member="Anesia Jy'Vun"]. Naedira, however, had most certainly not been there. For all of the secrets she possessed, she lacked the one thing that mattered in the light of the Minister's comments. That is to say...she lacked any actual exposure to the situation. The warning did give Aiden a reason to smile out of amusement, however. He wondered...when in recent years did it become such a fashion to issue threats on a whim. "The only thing more ridiculous than a verbal threat is one issued on behalf of another person." Naedira could spin it however she all amounted to a threat, warning, whatever. Aiden took nothing for granted, and he trusted no one. This was the quality of his life regardless of the capability level of those with whom he interacted.

As the conversation, or however one might actually refer to the back-and-forth exchange he was having with the woman, progressed, Aiden found that Naedira's relentless efforts to seem or be unremarkable were rapidly wearing on his nerves. However, that feeling was mostly a function of her efforts very clearly...not working. It was not that conversing with the woman was a genuine struggle. To be sure, there were others that he could stomach far less. He respected and appreciate her blunt nature, and it was refreshing to have an interaction with someone that was not afraid to simply speak their mind. Still, if it was a true irritant to her, she would get much further with him by simply asking him to leave her alone.

The diversion to sample a delicacy did not see Aiden irritated, but he did politely refuse her offer. "I would prefer not to partake, thank you." There was neither insult nor judgment to his tone, the Sith Lord simply was a creature of simple needs. He consumed only that which was required to keep his body functioning at optimum performance at all times. In fact, that was how he approached life shunning most elements of decadence or displays of wealth.

As he continued to walk with Nae, Aiden glanced at her out the corner of his eyes when she asked for the story of his family. "If it was, you've already opened the door." Waving a dismissive hand to indicate there was not a problem, Aiden offered a succinct response. "The woman's name is Cersei, and she hails from a planet in Wild Space. My family finds it origins on another world nestled in the Unknown Regions." Aiden purposefully avoided naming the worlds. "My great, great, great grandmother was from the same planet as Cersei, but she eventually abandoned it to be with the man with whom she would come to start a family. They ruled over a sprawling Empire together for quite some time. Creatures of pure pleasure and conflict, my ancestors. They created a society based upon the concept of rule by a Sorceress and a Warrior. Their Empire was never inherited by any of their children or even their grandchildren. When Maximus and Boadicea perished, much of what they had accomplished crumbled with them. The exception being...the two worlds from which they respectively hailed."

Aiden paused again as he turned his head from the sight of his brother and Cersei to give Naedira his full attention. "I have never been to either world. My brother, however, clearly has. Similarly...I do have a much younger niece." Though Aiden had yet to physically see [member="Scherezade deWinter"] present, he certainly did know she was alive...thanks to his relatively recent vision from Maximus and Boadicea. "She was born on my ancestral homeworld, and she serves this government. So you see, Naedira. I am here largely for them. We have a fractured, broken family. Yet somehow...a great many of them seem to have gravitated here, to the Confederacy. Perhaps what was once broken can be mended."

Clearing his throat, Aiden turned and resumed a casual pace in the direction of the Wishing Tree.
Objective: CIS Security [Off Duty]
Location: Qixi Festival
Time: Evening
Tags: [member="Aiden"]
Thoughts: "Wishes don't come true...."

Naedira shrugged when the Minister refused the sweet treat, entirely unabashed, and passed it off to a child running through the square. She guiltlessly nibbled on her treat and kept her gaze forward while she considered what he had spoken last. A threat? Did he always see things in such definitive areas of black and white? She licked the candy sweetness from her lips and swallowed fully before responding. There was no rush. No hurry, and zero acknowledgments that her deflections might have worn his patience thin. “You don’t know me very well. Or at all. That wasn’t a threat. I told you….”

“I watch. I listen. It was advice to the Minister of War regarding an arena he is unfamiliar with.”

Even if Aiden thought that he was above the political sphere he now served, his title alone, ensured that he was smack dab in the middle of it. He would be free to make his own mistakes. Free to anger whomever he pleased. There were several individuals in the Confederacy that Naedira knew very, very well. It was out of necessity. She could not perform her duties to letter if she didn’t know her subject. There was an ecosystem to be observed within the CIS.

He would either come to know it or he would not.

She went silent again when he began to answer her inquiry about his family. Cersei. She didn’t miss the details in the impromptu history lesson. No surname, no house name, and only the vaguest mentions of Wild Space where hundreds of thousands of planets turned without anyone being the wiser. Omission. Secrets. Things he either didn’t want her to know or didn’t have all the answers to. He spoke of an Empire that had risen and fallen. Glory and dust. Regardless, she didn’t comment. The Knight merely listened and filed away the details for later. Instead, she posed a new question.

“Is that why I’ve never heard your surname?”

They moved toward the wishing tree, an easy thing to do, since it was it was in the center and they passed by the Minister's family with a wide berth. If he had wanted to meet with them, speak to them, by his own admission he would have done so. Someone passed her one of the rice paper slips and a piece of charcoal. Who wrote like this? Regardless, she looked down at it, a little clueless. Part of her wanted to fill it out. The rest of her was a little too cynical.

Her eyes would seem luminous when the fell on the Minister. A deep, rich shade of tawny brown, that seemed to say more than she had all night. “Do you think this is a waste of time?”

It seemed like a simple answer—but was it? Wishes were meant for those that still had the capacity to dream. The concept of a dream felt so old and outdated. Dreams didn’t come true. They weren’t real and didn’t exist. Naedira pulled her eyes from Aiden and looked back at the rather intricate metal tree that sprawled above them. It was beautiful. An artistic testament to what the people of Hypori were capable of with the correct support.

“I used to believe. When I was a little girl. I can remember feeling so…”, she trailed off, almost wistful, before her lips pressed closed. Naedira had already spoken too much. Said too much in front of her superior. Many Knights had family, friends, and distractions. For the most part, Naedira avoided it. Her family was safe. Her cousin was safe. She’d lost the majority of her friends when…

When things changed. When she went from a beloved wife to a miserable widow.

“Forgive me.”

It was clear what the apology would be for.

Purpose: Make Nice with CIS Personnel
Location: General Wishing Tree area at the Qixi Festival

Zara followed Exarch Malvern, murmuring small apologies, as she squeezed through the crowd. Most people knew her name, or at least who she was, and she smiled at anyone that greeted her. She appreciated the people of Hypori flooding the City of Ensign in support of their new big brother. This was the first time in a long time that she had seen hope in her people. A chance to return to brighter, better days, when they made so many credits they didn’t know what to do with them.

“Exarch.”, she breathed out, educated, but with a slight twang. She was polite and respectful simply because she was. Everything about Zara was the antithesis to what Gaza Dellso portrayed. His dry greeting flew right over her head. Her conversation pieces often consisted of Gaza and the upper echelon of Hypori. Dry was a far cry better than rude. The answer that Malvern gave was surprising. He was also, by her estimations, surprisingly handsome up close. “He’s not insufferable. I suffer from him daily and I'm still here...”

A lame attempt at humor. Regardless, the Exarch offered her to sit down for a drink and she obliged carefully. She wasn’t used to teetering around in such high heels. Zara much preferred her work boots. “A Shtööhb. Please.”, she asked the bartender kindly, gifting him a smile that made green eyes brighter, clearer. It was a type of beer made out of vegetable tops. Most of the classier guests wouldn’t ask for it but Zara, in their economic depression, had gotten fond of it. It held a lighter flavor and was a light shade of amber. “Explain away. I’m all ears.”

Zara focused as he then did so. Everything seemed to be the regurgitated, flowery speech, that the Minister of Commerce had fed them over holo-transmissions. “I understand. I’ve always understood.”

“Gaza doesn’t really want us off this rock. He doesn’t want to leave it either. We’re just used to this scenario of big promises. The Confederacy arrived with a carrot. We’re just waiting for the stick.”

She knew that it was the nature of any transaction, of any business deal, for there to be give and take. If they couldn’t provide something there was of value there was no reason for the CIS to shelter them or provide support. Zara had heard rumors that arrangements had been made with other worlds that had nothing to give, but in the case of Hypori, it seemed that everyone in the galaxy knew about their droid foundries. “We’ll be lighting more than one tonight. You should come with me. It’s a heck of a view.”

At some point they would set the Wishing Tree aflame and that would signal specific droid factories to relight their furnaces. Once that happened and all new or rehired employees were sorted they could begin production. Just like before. Only this time, there was a possibility, that they might be able to stand on their own two feet once everything was said and done.

“My people work hard Exarch. The Geonosians work hard. We won’t disappoint you…”

Just as long as the Confederacy didn’t disappoint Hypori. Give and take.

[member="Adron Malvern"]
Objective: CIS Security
Location: Qixi Festival
Tag: [member="Naedira Darcrath"] | [member="Scherezade deWinter"]
Post: 12

Aiden's response to Naedira's continuance with the back and forth was swift, unfeeling. She was young, clearly, to hold such a myopic view of the reality of political and social interactions. Regardless of what she had seen, heard, whatever, it had nothing to do with him. It had nothing to do with the manner in which he interacted with others. Certainly people could have their preconceived notions of self-worth or capability, that was their prerogative. In that same manner, it was his prerogative to judge each individual situation as it arose. "You know far less about me than I do you as a matter of consequence, Naedira. Let's just say your advice on the matter of Srina Talon is appreciated but ultimately beyond unnecessary." Allowing his gaze to fall on her briefly one more time, Aiden allowed a gentle smirk to touch his lips. "You are both exceptionally young, and I assure you the ebb and flow of the Confederacy is nothing in comparison to a greater galaxy teeming with life. Rest assured I have lived this long on my own intuition and judgment across several governments and large enterprising organizations for a reason. I even managed to do it without you."

Arrogance? Yes, perhaps a little, but it was arrogance bred out of continuous success and failure. Aiden endeavored never to repeat any one failure. It didn't always work, but through the course of centuries there had been plenty of time to refine various techniques. Take his interaction with Naedira, for instance. He'd learned more about her quality and perceptiveness in the last fifteen minutes than any file would ever dare tell. Similarly, he was learning a great many of her faults. Funny...her perception of 'definitive awareness of the functioning of the CIS' was certainly one. The point of absorbing lessons and learning idiosyncrasies was to expand upon one's own capabilities, to improve them. Yet, Naedira seemed content to float along in the river with the rest of the debris.

As they arrived at the Wishing Tree, Aiden's gaze diverted from Naedira to the source of a sensation. He'd felt it earlier but dismissed it as something shy of a priority. Silver-green eyes focused in on the back of [member="Scherezade deWinter"], ignoring the much larger figure standing beside the young woman. Aiden's one and only thought in the moment was she even breathing in that dress.

Once again, Aiden returned his attention to Nae effortlessly. "You have not heard my surname because there is no surname to hear." Aiden paused briefly in thought. "Nor will there ever be. The story and reason behind may yet hear in time." As he fell silent, the Minister contented himself in watching Naedira seemingly contemplate a message. He did not draw his own materials.

"A waste of time? No." Motioning towards the tree, Aiden continued his thought. "This is important to someone. In that regard it serves a purpose." That was the diplomatic answer, at least. "However, I've never been one to ask or wish for deliverance to or from anything. Who I am is a conglomeration of where I've been, what I've endured, my successes, and my failures. I wasn't...raised to believe in anything other than myself and the Force. Since the passing of...the people that raised me, that's been all I have had, in truth."

Shrugging his shoulders, Aiden allowed his gaze to fall back on the tree. "You need not be forgiven. We all have a story." The Minister of War did not pry, allowing Naedira to partake in whatever ceremony she so desired.
Objective: Enjoy the festival
Wearing: <3 | Combat boots
Tags: [member="Lirka Ka"] [member="Aiden"] [member="Naedira Darcrath"] [member="Alora Fae"]
Post: 12


Sephi. Madalena had never heard of the species, but with so many species in the ‘verse, alongside the mention that there weren’t many of them left, one could never assume to know even most of the existing ones. But she nodded, cataloguing the feel of the species in her mind. If she would ever stumble into another one, she would recognize him or her immediately for what they were.

As the two walked, there was little Madalena could do other than nod regarding the Mandalorian comment. They were a pest upon the ‘verse, all of them except her dear friend Daisy and maybe a handful more. It had been too friggin’ long since someone glassed their planet last, and although she had promised herself not to get involved, she was more than happy to hear rumors of their Empire coming close to falling. It was only a shame that others would rise in its stead instead of just lay down and die like vermin.

The two women advanced through the streets of the festival, finding the Wish Tree with relative ease.

A small tug pulled something within her, but Madalena ignored it for the time being, the sight of the tree revealed to her being absolutely breathtaking. “It’s… Beautiful,” she whispered, looking at the gigantic metal monument.

Stepping a little bit away from Lirka, she wanted to get closer to it. A few steps, and she could touch it. The metal was cold, as though it didn’t even suspect that it would soon enough bit put on fire. The smile that spread over Madalena’s face was wide.

Turning around, she was just about to say something to Lirka, when she realized where this new pull was coming from. Emerald green eyes fell on a giant of a man ([member="Aiden"]) that she knew for a fact she had never seen before, and his eyes flowed in a similar fashion to hers, though his hue was different. It was a weaker pull than the one she felt towards another person who was at the festival, or at least someone she assumed was a person as it wasn’t the first time she’d felt it ad had yet never followed it thus.

Rooted to her place, Madalena merely stared, unsure of what to do.

Defend Hypori

Objective: 4
Goal: Secure and provide security for Hypori festival.
Post: 7
Location: Hypori
Time: Night

The Stars To Embers hastiley approached the massive Exploiter that had now entered the atmosphere of Hypori much to Vildarn’s displeasure. The massive vessel fired its cannons at them alerting him that the thing simply was too well armed to be a standard mining vessel. As it approached the ground tractor beams and inner forges came to life, there was no way the Hutt thought he could still win with only one ship left.

The Exploiter to his surprise began launching fighters. Scans showed they were in fact some sort of droid fighter, Vildarn realised, the Exploiter wasn’t meant to just destroy the planet, it would create an army capable of killing them all. The few fighters they had left could hold back these ships but they would whittle away their resistance until nothing remained.

“Sir, the ship is somehow beginning the construction of larger ships on its hull, if left unchecked it could build a fleet big enough to retake Hypori in only a day.” Brook said looking to him for a plan.

“The ships drawing too much power and materials to take it out now, we need a new plan.” Vildarn would inform command of this news and hopefully fleet reinforcements could still make it in time.

“This tactic is not unheard of.” TD-666 said clearly reading through some historical logs.

“TD, we don’t have time, how do we beat it?” Vildarn asked annoyed at the Tacticsl droid’s egos they were programmed with.

“Sir, the inside of the ship must be breached now while it is still in its weakened state.”

“How, we cant do enough damage before it repairs itself.” Brook replied before Vildarn.

“I’ve got a plan, Edren you’re staying here on this one.” this was bound to be a suicide mission.

“What’s the plan, Sir?” Edren asked worried by the idea she needed to stay behind.

“I’m going in, prepare for boarding operations.” Vildarn knew they had only a short window to pull this off.

The Munificent shook as its shields barely held against the continued increasing firepower of the Exploiter and its increasing amount of ion propelled droid pirate fighters. Vildarn had Edren standing by in case the Hutt troops found a way aboard their docking ports but that was probably unlikely.

The docking ports opened as Nikto troops and some sort of three legged battle droids opened fire across from the Exploiter. The amount of firepower back and forth caused explosions on both sides which motivated Vildarn to speed things up. He had rapples as they would be needed for this one. The rapples were shot across and connected with the Hutt Exploiter’s hull. Droids began sliding across as did he as he gripped the grapple with his hands. For a few moments he was sliding far above the world of Hypori, one mistake and he could have dropped to his death, if he wasn’t shot first like so many battle droids had already been.

He detached quickly on the other side and combat rolled forward before firing and taking out three Nikto, he knew his crew would stay and send as many B1 droid’s a season possible to help but they needed to pull away soon or otherwise risk losing shields. A Nikto charged at him but he hit the crazed alien in the back of the head leaving him unconscious. Droids would provide an excellent distraction for a time but his plan involved at least some of them making it to the end with him.

Moving inside the ship it quickly became droid vs droid as B1’s fought AR-34 Hutt enforcer droids. He brought up a holographic scan of the Exploiter, he knew where he had to go now it was just a matter of living long enough to make it. Squads of droids pushed inward taking heavy casualties, Vildarn assisted with his Blurrg as much as he could but the Hutt droids seemed too numerous, it angered him to know the Exploiter was merely cranking them off of its massive assembly lines.

Accompanied by three squads of droids he found an elevator that took him deeper into the ships depths. More enforcers were hot on their trail and though resistance outside probably still held he found it doubtful the Stars To Embers had not already pulled away removing any chance of him returning to his own ship. The lower levels were crawling with Nikto who didn’t take kindly to the arrival of Confederate droids, Vildarn took his time assisting in clearing the corridors, nearby had to be the hypermatter chamber that connected to the ships engines.

Losing one of his squads he finally approached a sealed door. “Sergeant get one of your droids to fusion cut this door immediately.”

Droids began falling as more enforcers approached their position, with little cover and nowhere to run they were really little more than fish in a barrel. Vildarn threw a thermal detonator, it rolled along the ground before taking three of the Hutt droids with them. Finally the door opened revealing the room they had been looking for, though it was protected by a few turrets on the ceiling.

“Plant those D-5 Detpacks now!” he ordered the battle droids.

The final two droids guarding the doorway fell leaving him with only the one squad left. He charged up to the doorway personally and opened fire taking out an enforcer and two Nikto. The droids didn’t need to be told it was time to flee. With only eight droids left he ran for the elevator that would take them out of the blast zone.

The droid sergeant aimed his blaster ready for whatever they faced, then began counting down. “Detpack detonation in five, four, three, two, one.” Vildarn pressed the button on the controller, the explosion was massive and secondary explosions followed suite almost immediately as fires spread around the elevator shaft, the elevator shutdown just at the top of the shaft leaving them almost stranded. Vildarn and the droids leapt up and pulled themself up to find Nikto scrambling in panic unsure entirely of what was happening, Vildarn knew what was happening, the Exploiter was going down.

He fired and took out two of the Enforcers who didn’t seem to concerned with their imminent demise crushed under the weight of their own ship. The battle droids programmes to keep him alive at all costs mentioned ships they could get to but the fact was there was no time.

“So long you stinking Hutt Fool.” Vildarn said out loud just to spite the Hutt as he moved toward the outside of the ship intending to see the ground fast approaching.

Sure enough the hard dense desert rock of Hypori was fast approaching, this wasn’t the way he had intended to go but at least the people of this world would be safe under the Confederacy’s protection, maybe the Geonosians would even make a statue of him and his victory here today.

“Sir, Geonosians defected.” the Sergeant said pointing upward.

“What!?.” shielding his eyes as best he could from the harsh sun he looked up as a VAC was fast approaching them with its doors open.

Inside were battle droids surrounding a couple Geonosians, the ship flew close as the droids helped the other droids aboard, Vildarn went to step aboard but at the last moment the VAC hit the edge of the falling Exploiter and almost spun out of control. The Geonosian leapt over gripping onto the floor of the Hutt ship with its claws. Getting to its feet it grabbed him from behind and flew him over to the Confederate dropship. Vildarn watched as the Exploiter fell away before the doors of the ship closed protecting the sentients from the massive shockwave that would be caused by the upcoming grand collision.
[member="Eternal Vision"]
Although Zara had a....different bit of humor that Adron did not care for nor acknowledge. She did not seem as naïve as he had suspected. This came as a shock to the man who was rarely surprised by his estimations. She agreed to a drink and he arched a brow at her selection, yet said nothing on the matter as it was irrelevant to their conversation. He listened to her with a bit more interest than he had allowed the Geonosian. She seemed sensible enough to understand that Hypori could utilize The Confederacy and vice versa. He inclined his head at her silently before downing a bit more of his whiskey.

"Hypori is a significant world in Galactic History. Having this world and it's foundries will be a boon to us. Especially if you manage to bring it to any semblance of his history." There was a brief moment before the Exarch downed the rest of his whiskey, setting the empty glass on the table beside them. "I'm sure the lighting will be spectacular. However, I must report back to the Vicelord. There are still many preparations to be made and I'd rather see them done while I'm on this world."

As he began to turn away he glanced back to Zara with a simple tap of his cane. "If you work as hard as you say, you'll do fine. Good evening, Miss Bek." With that Adron would take his leave, making his way away from the festival.

Qixi Festival • Bar | Lounge
Attire: Dress
Post Four
Mentions: [member="Caid Centurion"] • [member="Alwine Lechner"] • [member="Gerwald Lechner"]

Curious creature she was and the wondrous gaze of gold flickered, as if a photo lens. Aiming to capture even the most seemingly normal moment, storing it away to better reflect later. Behavior. Movement. Scent. Taste. Dialogue. Mostly though, the woman watched their eyes and the way their features changed from one topic to another, auras shifting on the spectrum. Lupines...were different than what she had ever witnessed

Cersei had a moment of- and her hand went to reach, before she closed the one into a tight fist- bemused discipline. She had felt it so strongly, the Princess was sure the residue of wild power could be wiped upon the pretty blue of her gown. Nature had always been an affinity. Animals of different varieties seemed to be drawn to her and the amber-eyed foreigner's current engagement couldn't help but make her curious. However, she reigned in the thought.

The topic of siblings caused her light smile to falter and Cersei took that moment to let the men speak without interruption. As if she had said much to begin with. This was not the sort of setting, normally, that the sorceress would find herself comfortable enough for long bouts of conversation. Even though she was listening, her gaze wandered the crowd while the two bantered about training.

A light draw of her brows and the trek of her gem-like pools slowed to a near crawl. It was not so much as tensing as it were bristling when met with the silver-green of another. The small nostrils on her nose flared and her chin hiked. Whoever he was, [member="Aiden"] bore a striking resemblance to Toren and the man at her side. Even though the Prince did not realize it, the near protective-possessive motion of his hands brought a comfort she did not know she needed- Cersei did not make it a point to melt at the touch however. If anything, it bolstered her defiance of the stranger and tapered the flare of anger threatening to blossom.

It had not been the first time she felt this presence. Why, she thought.

The open, brazen gaze of the Princess lingered only long enough to be noted before her attention was directed elsewhere. "I am from... Malagarr. Where might you be from?" answering near immediately to Alwine, she too offered a smile that mirrored the wolf's. Basic a still. "What you are drinking, Alwine?" The smell of it was...lightly sweet, reminding her of honey and she leaned forward only slightly.

That was when the smoothness of her palm slid, then rested atop Caid's hand. That hunt is sounding more and more appealing.

Caid Centurion

Objective: Qixi Festival
Location: Lounge/Bar Area
Wearing: x
Tags: [member="Cersei Moirae"] | [member="Alwine Lechner"] | [member="Gerwald Lechner"]
Post: 13

Caid smirked slightly at Alwine's response to his joke, "Calm yourself, Little Wolf. It was merely a jest." Returning his attention to Alwine's brother, Caid pursed his lips slightly at the word freedom. There were often times when even Caid wondered what that truly meant. It seemed as if his entire life had been one large collection of manipulated realities and prophesied actions. Indeed he wondered if freedom and choice were even realistic outside of the perception that those with power allowed others to maintain. "Well his is a life to be envied, then."

There was a slight bristle along the hair at the back of Caid's neck. Forcing his gaze to remain centered on the two Lupines with whom he was conversing, the dark-skinned Sith did allow his presence to expand and grope through the ether to identify the source of the feeling. There would never again be a situation wherein Caid Centurion was taken by it a public or private setting. To add to matters, Caid could feel the slight stiffening of the woman within his own grasp.

"Unique?" Bright eyes shifted briefly to Alwine before returning to Gerwald. Despite the look of bemusement he normally had when interacting with Alwine, Caid's face quickly turned to the typical stone expression he had when discussing anything of legitimate business. "I suppose it could be if everyone else is out here coddling their students. The galaxy cares not for one's weakness, exhaustion, or inexperience. It will chew you up and spit you out without a moment's hesitation. My students will always learn, but my lessons, like life, are uncompromising." The shorter version to his loquacious answer was, 'yes'.

Allowing Alwine's voice to cut in to the conversation, Caid merely shifted his gaze. With the respite, he was able to focus more of his attention on the presence that seemed to be stalking the event. Unlike [member="Scherezade deWinter"]'s experience, he felt the presence of Aiden much strong than he did that of his niece. However, it quickly became apparent that the two presences were nearing each other...merging practically. Reaching towards the one he knew to be Scherezade, Caid sent a brief message. He had no idea that Scherezade was now...Madalena. everything okay?

Then, the feeling of Cersei's palm covering the top of his hand pulled Caid's attention back to the woman at his side. He the honeyed sound of her voice in his head instinctively urging him to comply, to give his Chosen everything and anything she might desire. Certainly, it was a strange sensation and one to which he was still attempting to familiarize himself. This was perhaps the largest reason nothing explicitly physical had occurred between the two just yet. Caid was...a little resistant to the reality of what might follow. We can leave at your leisure, Princess.

Caid was sure to draw out the honorific, knowing that she did not exactly prefer it from his tongue. Or...maybe she did?
Objective: CIS Security [Off Duty]
Location: Qixi Festival
Time: Evening
Tags: [member="Aiden"]
Thoughts: "Hope."

Naedira sighed quietly. Again, it seemed, that [member="Aiden"] had taken her words far from what was intended. She had spoken only of the people he did not know. No amount of time or longevity would fill in those blanks. Regardless.... It became clear that he seemed to think them children. Inept, at being the masters of their own fates. Inept at making their own choices. They were small pieces in a much larger game, of little consequence, save for the fact that they did indeed hold merit in the here and now. She drew forward at the arrogance that slid over his features. Not angry, not insulted, but indeed full of questions that she would not ask. So old was he, so ancient, and yet he immersed himself in the culture of the Confederacy for a family that had been broken…

“I will endeavor to remember that you have no use for me, Minister. Thank you for making it clear.”

The Wishing Tree was something else. She let the sight of it, the lights near the base shining on the metal, steal away her thoughts about the man at her side. So long-lived—was he even a man at all? Naedira did not know. His distractions would also go deliberately unnoticed. His time, focus, and attention was his to do with what he willed. Naedira couldn’t imagine that his intrigue about her person remained any further.

She was a curiosity. Her file was suspiciously perfect. Of course, Aiden would want to solve the mystery. How disappointed he must be, to realize, he’d wasted an evening on something that refused to bend and break under scrutiny.

Chocolate eyes flickered back toward him when he deflected her inquiry about his surname. It was eccentric to hold public office without listing both for the public, however, not unheard of. Some cultures didn’t employ surnames at all. Yet, from his response, she knew it to be a choice. With her previous assessment in mind, she did not comment. If it was a story he wished to share, as the Minister of War, he wouldn’t be hard to find her.

She wrote slowly on the rice paper that had been handed to her. The charcoal felt awkward, but, she managed it. His words were telling in the lack of detail. The small pauses, when he spoke of those who raised him, or when he mentioned the things that he had endured. If he were anyone else she might have offered pale words of comfort. Aiden didn’t need them. Likely, didn’t want them. He wouldn’t want her empty sympathy or any sort of feigned understanding. “I don’t think anyone actually expects their wish to come true.”

“I think…It’s a way of coming together. Of bonding. Now they all have something to fight for.”

Even if none of them knew what their friends, family, and neighbors wished for—Naedira was willing to bet that most of the adults were wishing for a better life. She couldn’t imagine what the younglings might ask for. But those that could, those that understand, would see their dreams burn to ash in the evening air. Perhaps, the symbolic sight of the droid foundries lighting once more would give them a chance to…”Hope. It’s hope.”

Her lips crinkled in a small, almost self-depreciating smile, before she rolled up her rice paper. Nae should have picked up on the theme sooner. Aiden, was distracting. She took the string that came with her little wish note and reached up for one of the low hanging tree limbs but her fingers came short by the tiniest amount. Naedira frowned and reached further, stretching, before she dropped back down on her heels. Instead of trying again, or asking for help, her palm opened and the tiny scroll rose with its own accord. It was a whimsical movement. The string rose and looped around the branch, tying it tightly, before it settled.

Her wish…She didn’t say. Nae had mostly humored the festival goer that had passed her the rice paper and the charcoal but that didn’t mean she hadn’t wanted something. Against her better judgment, wished, for something.

“So. What does the Minister of War choose to do with his time? Someone relieved me of my shift early and I find myself without options. There’s a bar. Or I can try my luck trying to win a fish in a bowl.”
Objective: CIS Security
Location: Qixi Festival
Tag: [member="Naedira Darcrath"] | [member="Scherezade deWinter"]
Post: 14

Aiden elected not to engage Naedira on her quip seemed to be born largely out of a misconception of his words. The point he had endeavored to make was either absorbed or it wasn't. In that particular moment, the Sith Lord simply wanted to move on from the entire topic. After all, he most certainly was not lingering in the woman's company to discuss Srina Talon or any member of the government.

A brief silence lingered between them in that moment. It was a welcome respite from what seemed to be an extremely difficult discourse for several reasons on both sides of the conversation. There was one point of perception she had certainly hit the mark with, however. Aiden, quite simply, had no use for emotional support or sympathy, real or feigned. "No, I don't think most expect it either, but I do think a great many hope that their wish comes true."

The statement had been made casually, almost under his breath. As he finished the statement, his words rose in volume until he realized they'd effectively stated the word hope at practically the same time. There was no real facial expression to adorn Aiden's face in response. However, his gaze did linger over the woman in silence. Did we just...agree on something. There was water in the desert after all.

While that probably would have been a perfect time to lighten the mood of their conversations or divulge truth behind intention, Aiden instead elected to allow his gaze to be drawn away, back to the woman he'd seen earlier. The moment his silver-green gaze fell upon the form of Scherezade, Aiden realized the woman was staring back at him. As it was the first clear view he'd received of her face, Aiden's brain immediately launched into a mode of recognition. Had he seen the woman before? Absolutely not. However, her eyes did not lie. They were the eyes of Boadicea, a woman that was not only his ancestor but far more his mother than the woman whom had merely contributed biological material to his composition.

For a moment, Aiden's dark presence swelled within him, building and rolling through his body like the onset of a great typhoon. However, in the next moment something exceptionally curious happened. There was another presence that reached out to touch his so lightly as to practically be unnoticeable. In fact, the only explanation was that the wielder had not intentionally done it at all. When the voice of the individual in question touched his ears, the storms of his entire being receded, reduced to little more than mildly disturbed waters.

Aiden recognized the individual before he'd heard the voice and certainly before he turned his head to regard Naedira once more. In truth, he had not been exactly sure what compelled him to force an interaction with the woman earlier. Certainly there had been no sparks, no indication of even a possible friendship. The Sith Lord simply chose to act on a...gut instinct, a feeling that called to him through the most natural and powerful of entities in the galaxy.

With an almost perplexed look plastered on his face, Aiden was silent in response to Nae's question for several moments. Fortunately, her suggestions provided a relative simple transition. There would be no hiding the unmistakable rise and sudden plateau of his emotions, but he rather doubted the woman would care to discern or inquire as to how or why it had happened. "A bar..." Slowly, Aiden's lips contorted into a mischievous grin. "Do you enjoy your drinks straight up or are you more of a mixed drink kind of woman?"
Relationship Status: It's Complicated


Wearing: xxx
With: [member="Alwine Lechner"], [member="Caid Centurion"], [member="Cersei Moirae"]
Post: 8
Gerwald simply nodded. Perhaps Var did have a life to be envied. For his own part Gerwald had committed his life to that of service, and to the Nightmother, whom he wished was on his arm at the moment. While he was grateful for the time with sister, Gerwald had not seen much of his White Wolf as of late, and that disturbed him to a degree. Instead... he sensed her. It was pushed out of his mind. This was neither the time nor the place, but for the briefest of moments his aura bristled, enough that Alwine would know.

Her thoughts came to his mind.

"We can leave whenever you want... A wish for us and best wishes for Var perhaps?"

His own thoughts reached out to hers as Alwine was looking for a way out. Caid had just begun to answer, and the Lupine was curious. A knowing smile pulled at the corner of his mouth as he looked at the man one inch shorter than him. Gerwald could appreciate the man's height as few men he knew were as tall.

"You are the perfect teacher for her then... and perhaps..."

Gerwald's words trailed off as he was not ready to commit to asking this man for training himself. There had been nothing since Scherezade had taught him basic things that would keep him alive, and well, allow them to jump hovercars on Coruscant. Gerwald graciously bowed.

"My Lord it seems the Little Wolf would like to go to the wishing tree, and I will not be refusing her tonight. I have much penance to make before I can feel as though my debt to her has been paid."
Objective: Attend the festival with her brother
Wearing: this
Tags: [member="Gerwald Lechner"] [member="Caid Centurion"] [member="Cersei Moirae"]
Post: 13

Malagarr. Alwine nodded, though she had no clue where this planet was at all. She was becoming better at being able to recite the locations of some of the better known planets in the galaxy, something that had been completely unnecessary to her when she thought her life would end as it had begun, on Stewjon. But now that this had changed, she was constantly chasing, needing to fill in the plethora of educational gaps that existed within her mind. Oftentimes, it was exhausting. Yet there were little moments, such as every time she realized she could repeat the successful results of her training, such as when she realized her handwriting was becoming better, such as when she realized it was taking ever so slightly less time and hurdle to read a long word, she felt a satisfaction that was unparalleled to anything else. It would not last, she knew. The things she was making up for now were, in the not-so-grand scheme of things, basic and simple. Yet a good foundation was needed before she went on into the world of the more abstract things.

"Stewjon," the blonde replied with a friendly expression, "a desolate planet that has nothing to offer either to its people or the rest of the galaxy at large. Best used for target practice by warring space ships." Her voice flowed out of her, her opinion of the planet she and her brothers had been born on now out in the air and known to all. "I have never heard of Malagarr," she resumed, "where is it?"

At the question of what she was drinking, she now offered Cercei a wolfish grin as she thrust the glass forward. "Mead. A drink for those who are strong both in body and spirit. It is customary to drown the mug in one go, but they serve it here in dainty little glasses. A woman is not a woman if she cannot drink it, and a man is not a man. Go on, give it a try."

Her attention shifted back to Gerwald and Caid, who were discussing her training. Alwine rolled her eyes. The only reason her brother thought it was unique was because he himself was lacking in training. He could harp all he wanted to about being equal to the auflaque, when the truth of the matter was that his position with her was more akin to a lapdog. But she would help him through this mess, do all that was within her power and beyond, just as she would with any other sort of trouble either of her brothers went through. The Lechner siblings were united and it would take much more than a little ssindossa to break them apart.

When Gerwald's presence in the Force flared, Alwine felt it all right. She let none of this pass upon her features, as her tone and outward manner remained as Lupine-like as they had been before. To the thoughts her brother pressed into her mind, she did not answer for the moment either. He would know of her will and intent soon enough.

"Then perhaps, if you could spare the time, and are willing, Caid, Gerwald could train with you as well," she cut into their conversation, completing the words that Gerwald would not on his own. "The Knights Obsidian are not fulfilling their duty in providing him with the required training and his advancement has been stagnant for months. Gerwald has the heart and the abilities required of a fierce Warrior and he will put my own potential beyond the shackles of Stewjon to shame if he would just find proper training."

It was… In truth, the first time she had voiced something similar to that. During their upbringing, she had always gone on endlessly about how she would be better than both of her brothers if she'd only been allowed to train. She would not insult her own self by saying that she was bad at any of what she had been doing though. She was a fierce fighter, and while it would take months and years, she had what it took to eventually be among the best. But this galaxy had more to offer than farmer/servant-warrior-lord. The three categorical system into which she had been brought up was so limited. The possibilities were so much grander. It was only recently that Alwine realized that perhaps, just maybe, there were things she could do and would be better at than being a Warrior. But such thoughts did not have space for vocalization in this festival. Those were several conversations with several different people that would have to happen once she herself knew her mind better on the matter.

"Since when do you call me Little Wolf?" she asked Gerwald with wonder in her eyes as she forced her mind back to the conversation. That was a first, "and do not worry, Gerwald. I will ensure your penance is never paid. I charge interest."

Taking her brother's hand in hers, Alwine offered Caid and Cercei a warm smile. "It was lovely to meet you," she said to the woman, "and I shall be seeing you again shortly," she said to Caid.

Half dragging her brother, she waited until they were at least two dozen steps away. "If felt your presence within the Force flash a mere few moments ago, dalninuk. What is the matter?"

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