Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How Your Character Came To Be

Alright so, i've seen a lot of pretty cool characters on this site so far and can i saw 'wow'. You guys are really creative when it comes to character creation. Personal favorites are [member="Fabula Caromed"] - [member="Malik"] - [member="Aria Fel"]l - And [member="Darth Vornskr"] . Sorry if you're names are not included here but i cant go through everyones character bios x_x.

So, this thread is for all you writers out there who enjoy exploring the possibilities of character creation and development. Although i know some just throw on an avatar, make a quick Galan Marek copy and then they are off to the races!

But seriously, i'd like to hear from you guys how you all came up with some of your characters. The inspiration behind their conception, the themes used when made, and the path you plan on taking them down on. I love hearing the creative process of others, helps me with my own sometimes cause i get writers block pretty often and am like 'What am i doing with this character again?'

Though, since i ask you guys its only common curtsy i go first. As most of you know i play a character named Winter. first i didin't even know who this character was cause at first i made the character [member="Unknown"] . (All my creativity lead to a character who was basically a ?). And after a while i was not sure what the hell i was doing with him. Not to long after i was watching Game of Thrones and being all gawky cause its an awesome show. And eventually that repetitive phrase 'Winter is Coming' was repeated.

From there i was like "Haha, they should have winter be a real person."

And just like that it hit me like a sac of bricks. I suddenly had this awesome idea for a the problem was how do i even execute it? I mean, star wars has a pretty massive collection of crap that i could use but i still was after doing a few hours of reading on Wookiepedia i found enough evidence that made me confident in the type of character i wanted to make.

Next came how they would be represented. I already had a guy character so i wanted to rock a female...but who would be the face of this ice queen? I went through all kinds of characters such as everyones favorite princess Elsa from Frozen. The White Witch from Narnia. And a few other FC's from comic books and such.

After a while i almost gave up. Could not find the right FC and with me, if i don't have a suitable FC for the character then the character wont happen lol.

So i went and messed about with my PS4...decided to play some Destiny to relax a bit. And during my game i realized i did not get the next two DLC's House or Wolves & Taken King. Frankly because i was satisfied where i was and people told me House of Wolves sucked so i ignored it. But, all my friends got it...where doing stuff without me and i was like 'Ok screw it its just 20 bucks'. So i bought the DLC and saw This trailer.​

Easy to say i was hooked. The monologue, the characters voice, that shot of her with that glare. Sent shivers down my, at this point. I knew who 'Mara Sov' was but...only though like two cutscenes in the game. This game came out like a year and a half ago so you can understand how i forgot she even existed lol. Anywho, i looked her up on google and oh man i hit the jackpot. The FC was almost to perfect. Always having a scowling glare of a cold look, icy blue eyes frosty white hair. I had found my ice queen.

Now, from here, i was pretty darn happy. It's been a while since i've been able to make a character i'm super excited for. And she was shaping up rather well.

Next came what i wanted her to be like...solution was simple enough. I doubt an 'Ice Queen' would have a hothead personality and such so i made her rather straight forward. Blunt, spiteful, and to the point. She speaks coldly and when angered she becomes harsh like a blizzard. And that was all well and good but i wanted her to have some emotion aside from the stoic 'Blanked face' character. So i gave her a wild side. Flirty and willing to use her feminine features. I made her dominant, and rough. The type to be in the gym pumping dem weights and fighting guys bare handed because pffft eff being a damsel in distress.

After that came history...i knew from the start i did not want her to just be some girl who lost her family and thus got really emo. And i did not want her to just be royalty and 'entitled' to stuff. I wanted her to have something and protect it. So i made her royalty of a planet (That i still need to make) and had her entire kingdom taken and her family dethroned. Living from place to place while she seeks vengeance on those who wronged her. This, along with the Game of Thrones theme where she was pretty much conceived from is where she comes in as a character.

Winter is Coming, A Sovereign always repays their debts, The North Remembers. These are iconic quotes from Game of Thrones that have been purposed to fit her.

At first, i was going to name her 'Frost' or something generic but ultimately decided to use Winter as a literal reference to Game of Thrones. Which serves as the baseline inspiration behind her. I mean having a character named Winter with her powers being ice based and her leading quote being 'Winter is Coming;.' Pretty ironic. But still fun when she is about to drop into a battle and some guy below is like "Winter is Coming!" lol

Using Mara Sov as an FC is cool because since she is from Destiny and is a Queen she has tons of imagery i can incorporate into the character. Though i have to constantly reinvent things so i am not plagiarizing anyone it has worked out rather well so far.

I eventually plan on having her grow stronger and study magic so she can really connect the her force abilities. Eventually developing her own spells that revolve around freezing and such. And soon take back the kingdom she lost and reclaim the throne.

And thats how Winter Sovereign, The Queen of the North was created.


Alright, well thats that. What are yall's story? Just as lengthy as mine or ten times shorter? xD
[member="Winter Sovereign "] kidding.

My inspiration came from his title though. I wanted to make an independent agent, since I figured a guy like Ren wouldn't like an agency. Then... I thought of a story that would explain why he preferred the life of a free agent. My first history was that his parents lost faith in his abilities, so he got angry and left. But I added a death to it. Next, I decided that Ren should have crimson red eyes. That when I found this lovely picture. So he was almost complete. That when I figured I should give him some basic abilities, but I added some complex ones too. Like force destruction. To me, I thought he was complete.

Anyways, that's my story. Btw, mines like 20 times shorter


Well-Known Member
Crux Denko was simple in his lazarus. I had my first character, an aimless wanderer, who had a little experience and was open to the world. He was never able to take off into flight as I wanted him to, but he came back to me recently. A new name, a face I liked, and as bare a story as I could muster without being lazy and doing nothing at all. Chaos-born with natural traits, his progress has been organic. He's CEO of a Merr-Sonn subsidiary by chance, he's a Denko Bastard by birth (and luck on my part OOC), and he's a Je'daii because Jedi and Sith are two extremes he wants no part of.

He's my dream character. Greatness by little-to-no influence of my own except for some nudges in the directions I like. Organic. Not forced. I'm loving it, and I look forward to him being my main for hopefully the rest of my writing career. Unless he dies early. I will have the sad then.
Fabula was originally the black sheep child of my previous character, Anna Sachae. When I brought her to Chaos, I switched her up a bit, since she didn't have much characterization to go on.

Added a dash of Kenshin Himura, a sprinkling of Hinata Hyuga, called it a day.
Gren Reaper said:
[member="Winter Sovereign "] kidding.

My inspiration came from his title though. I wanted to make an independent agent, since I figured a guy like Ren wouldn't like an agency. Then... I thought of a story that would explain why he preferred the life of a free agent. My first history was that his parents lost faith in his abilities, so he got angry and left. But I added a death to it. Next, I decided that Ren should have crimson red eyes. That when I found this lovely picture. So he was almost complete. That when I figured I should give him some basic abilities, but I added some complex ones too. Like force destruction. To me, I thought he was complete.

Anyways, that's my story. Btw, mines like 20 times shorter
That artist is rather talented. But yeah, i can understand the conception. I like to go into enough depth which takes me hoooooours so the short approach is fun to. I did that with my first char lol.

Malik said:
[member="Winter Sovereign"]

Really...I'm one of you favorites?..........Are you sure?
You don't need a super long profile with mind blowing art to impress someone mate. The simple ones can do just as much. Cheers ^^

Crux Denko said:
Crux Denko was simple in his lazarus. I had my first character, an aimless wanderer, who had a little experience and was open to the world. He was never able to take off into flight as I wanted him to, but he came back to me recently. A new name, a face I liked, and as bare a story as I could muster without being lazy and doing nothing at all. Chaos-born with natural traits, his progress has been organic. He's CEO of a Merr-Sonn subsidiary by chance, he's a Denko Bastard by birth (and luck on my part OOC), and he's a Je'daii because Jedi and Sith are two extremes he wants no part of.

He's my dream character. Greatness by little-to-no influence of my own except for some nudges in the directions I like. Organic. Not forced. I'm loving it, and I look forward to him being my main for hopefully the rest of my writing career. Unless he dies early. I will have the sad then.
Thats a pretty interesting idea =D I'm glad you are having fun with him lol. And when your fav character dies it really sucks x_x...

Fabula Caromed said:
Fabula was originally the black sheep child of my previous character, Anna Sachae. When I brought her to Chaos, I switched her up a bit, since she didn't have much characterization to go on.

Added a dash of Kenshin Himura, a sprinkling of Hinata Hyuga, called it a day.
I see =0. Well, you did a lovely job lol. (I havent seen Naruto is years omg)
While considering character concepts, I saw someone had written up Inigo Montoya, complete with revenge fetish. I decided if he could exist, I was going to write Captain Jack Sparrow. And look at me now. Go ahead, look. Hang on, I'll turn around, give you the full three sixty.

Did I think he was going to last this long or be this engaging for me to write? I didn't, really, but he's become one of the most fun characters I've ever gotten to pen in a PbP game. Whether it's because of or in spite of the fact that he really shouldn't be here I can't say, and how much longer he'll last I've no way of knowing. Until his muse packs up and sails away, I guess. :)
Jack Sparrow said:
While considering character concepts, I saw someone had written up Inigo Montoya, complete with revenge fetish. I decided if he could exist, I was going to write Captain Jack Sparrow. And look at me now. Go ahead, look. Hang on, I'll turn around, give you the full three sixty.
Lol, amazing. You got my vote Cap-ie-tan.


[member="Winter Sovereign"]

Oh well then. Well you see I always used a character by the name 'Malek' when possible (little fact Malek is almost always some sort of dragon) but I decided to go for something close instead of just Malek. I also wanted some sort of mystery character just for fun. I searched up Malek and discovered there was an Arabic word. Malik. It is actually Arabic for King. So I decided to make a character of of that name. At first he was just a bounty that just kind of appeared in the galaxy. Then I eventually shaped him into something more. He then turned into the gentleman bounty/bounty hunter he is today.
My character is basically the culmination of two villains I had previously written over the course of roughly six years or so.

One was a demented cultist obsessed with the destruction of the material world just to please his eldritch God's nihilistic agenda.

The other was a winged psychic demon who coerced mortals to do his bidding, forming debased cults to spread his malign influence through the realms of men. He was also a master spellcaster and wielded a runed bastard sword.

Using my experience from roleplaying those two characters I made the foundation for Darth Vornskr, who originally was an Imperial Agent named Kaine Zambrano who eventually evolved into the malevolent Sith Lord hellbent on the destruction of society so he could rebuild it in his own vile image.

[member="Winter Sovereign "]


Perfection in human form.
Well, my friend introduced me to RP, and I thought it was pretty darn cool. I am usually pretty conflicted with my love for the canon characters. Sometimes my favourite is Han Solo and then sometimes it is Vader and Boba Fett. It depends on my mood. So I thought one day, "Let's create a character that is badass, conflicted, cocky, heroic, dark and goon-like all in one. In came Vahn Fett, a fabrication of all my awesome fantasies of characters I would grow to look up to. My interpretation of various Star Wars scenes somehow created the epitome of what came to be Vahnnix Sunburner. He had it all, Conflicted attitude of Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker, the loyalty and goon-like behaviour of Boba and Jango, the witty lines of Han Solo, the heroic behaviour of Luke and Obi-Wan and the anger of a Sith Lord.

He is the epitome of freedom, he doesn't obide by rules. He makes his own. Yet still abides by loyalty, respect and heroism. My favourite letters are X and V in the alphabet and that's why I included them in his name.

His origin, of being a clone who killed his Father to inherit his Armor and credits represents the conflict within being a teenager. His growth to become a Bounty Hunter represents independence, experience and the fact that your actions, control your destiny. His joining of the Mandalorians represents regret of killing his Father and the confidence to make it right.

He is also the epitome of being human and having emotions, as everybody makes mistakes, everybody is conflicted from time to time, everybody tries to make things right and everybody is jealous of others at times.

Although I am planning on turning him into a more Darth Vader Cyborg/ John Marston Redemption character after he joins the Republic, I am highly confident in this character. He represents basic human emotion, justice and conflict all in one.
Eralam originally started off as an admin account on my old site. I wrote my original character for about six months, then killed him off when it was clear that I just wouldn't have time to devote any real attention to him. It was a new RP community that had started off as literal anarchy on Facebook forums, and I was one of two people trying to bring some level of order to the place. We somehow managed to get people to agree to little things like giving up their million ship fleets, got some basic rules of RP courtesy laid down, and generally did our best to make it so that people could log off to go to sleep and not wake up to find their planets had been invaded without their say so.

When the owners of the boards decided to migrate off of Facebook to a new site, my partner and I were brought on as part of the admin team. For three years we were so busy, none of us had time to really RP. Every week it seemed like there was a new crisis, and on top of that, I was constantly butting heads with the rest of the admin team. At one point I caught a little break by virtue of chewing out the head admin and getting banned for a few weeks, but he resigned shortly thereafter and I was asked to rejoin the team. I stuck around for about another year, until I managed to piss off literally everyone in the course of rooting out a security leak. Someone was sharing their admin account with some unsavory individuals and I took it upon myself to track them down.

After telling everyone else to go die in a fire, I quit the admin thing for good and left the site for a while. When I came back, I had no established characters. Only a handful of people even remembered my original, and I didn't feel like coming up with something new, so I reworked Eralam as an actual character. On the old site, the admins were known as Whills, so the story was that he was a fallen Whill who decided to explore the galaxy after being cast out.

I wrote him as an easily annoyed gunslinger with a thing for old revolvers and a focus on actual swordsmanship over all the flashy flailing that everybody else tended to favor, and went on to become one of the better duelists on the site. Even won a tournament in the original incarnation of the GBA.
Mullarus is based off of a few different characters of mine. A lot of the inspiration came from some of my characters from SWTOR. The appearance came from an old Jedi Guardian of mine, the name belonged to my Sith Juggernaut, and the personality was inspired by Light Side Sith choices in the arc.

As most everyone knows, Mullarus was originally a Sith. He actually gained a bit of fame in the One Sith, be it positive or negative fame, by 'breaking the mold' that most Sith abide by. Even as a Sith, Krux showed that not all who followed the Sith Code were monsters and murderers who loved to cause destruction wherever they went. Mullarus was a Sith with a heart.

As I do with most backgrounds, I developed his backstory off the top of my head and rolled with it, changing and developing it more as time went on. Even now, I still update it from time to time to reflect the most influencial events that shaped him. As of right now, I dont think ive ever developed a character so well. People can yell and holler at me all they want for originally trying to glorify the Sith and all that - I know some nerds from SWTOR were super triggered when I defended the morality behind the Sith Code the other night - but I thought it would be fun to see where a character like that would go in a universe where character development relied upon writing and storytelling.

Obviously, we see his path led him to the Jedi. Not a big surprise. I still love to write him, and theres so many people in this community who have helped me so much in changing and improving him. I hope they all continue to, because I dont plan to stop writing him for quite some time.
Well Gray is a bit of a long story. I had had some ideas for characters since watching different star wars series on TV over the years. There had been different types ranging from bounty hunters to mercenaries to jedi and beyond. All of them having certain aspects that were similar to each other in one way or another.

During this I had come to really enjoy the idea of a jedi who was originally trained by an ex-sith lord. That eventually spawned a counter to him of a bounty hunter turned mercenary who worked closely with the jedi despite his lack of force powers. They knew each other and interacted in my own little world for a time. After awhile the ideas kind of merged into this jedi who wore trooper armor.

When I came to this site to pick back up on RPing after I had for months, I took the idea of the force user in trooper armor as part of the skeleton for who he was. The rest of the skeleton was formed from an idea I had as I looked around different sites as well as this one. I always liked the idea of the Mandalorians and wanted to use that as part of my character, but I honestly don't know enough about them to really play one properly. So to fix that problem I went with making him half Mandalorian and gave the other side of his blood the polar opposite in mentality and nature. His other side is an idea of a group of free spirited travelers who moved from planet to planet like a band of space gypsies. I added in some elements of frontier people as well (Westerns) because I grew up in the West. I even added in the idea of them being force adept to give Gray his force sensitivity.

And so by combining all of those elements I had the basis for Gray. After that I RPed as him and he fleshed himself out into the guy some people have seen in their threads.
Well, when two people love each other very much and the contraceptives don't work as instructed...

I had to create a character, I wanted to write a depressed electronics store clerk. I got this instead. Ooops.
I had been part of a Star Wars trivia app on Facebook for a long while and seen people RPing in the chat. This confused me as to how it would work. I brushed it off for awhile, but eventually I started to see groups pop up in time and I started reading some of the open ones to see what all this was about. At first I wasn't entirely sure why people were doing this. Then I kept reading and noticed it was similar to a DnD campaign, though I had never played one I knew quite a few avid followers of tabletop DnD. I got interested while reading a thread that was about a full on battle. Air and ground, Jedi fighter pilots, bounty hunters, all sorts of craziness.

Eventually I found my way to a thread and decided to give writing a character a shot. Holy he ll it was fun, even if the bio was a mess and I had no real knowledge outside of basics from the movies, KOTOR series, and a couple books. A couple months later a bunch of us formed an open group on Facebook to give us a central place that was easily accessible and would give us a chance to do more writing since we would get updates about posts. That was almost 9 years ago now. While talking to a friend one day, he pointed out that I had mistranslated the first name name and informed me the word I was looking for was 'Kurayami.' He would later go on to help me try to work out a better backstory, but that one was exceptionally confusing (though at the time I could make sense of it and was the origin of his last name). As time went on I found Kurayami jumping from Sith to Jedi to Grey Jedi, pretty sure that when I moved to another site in mid-08 he had been a part of about every canon faction at some point in his life. It was craziness in the most literal sense of the word.

At first he was meant to be satirical, not to make fun of the people writing, but making fun of some of the more ridiculous characters I had seen on Facebook. To that end he was the culmination of many different parts of characters I had witnessed. Many people did not catch on to this and ended up actually liking him as a more serious character. So i took him that route, having to rework much of his past and try to simplify it(though I never did edit his original bio, which I think I still have to remind me how far I have come). The bio I posted here takes hints from other versions of him that I have written as well as outside sources (such as the mention of Aquila squadron and Yellow 13 from Ace Combat.), but is completely unique to this site. It is the one that makes the most sense, and is the first incarnation of him I have written where he is unaware of being a Force Sensitive. It has been an interesting ride so far something I don't think is going to change anytime soon.
It's kinda funny, Mark was initially a very similar character to the main character in a book im writing because I needed as much practice writing him as I could get. So I turned him into a padawan and from there, he went in a very different direction than I thought he would go. Not that I don't mind. The two are definitely very different from each other now.

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