Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Home is where the heart beckons.

Hope is the elixir of life. (retired)
The Taanabian reached out once again with the Force as [member="Kahne Porte"] had taught her to do, yet she did not sense anything out of the ordinary. It frustrated her, but maybe it was not meant for the apprentice to find at her level of skill. The Jedi Master had the keen ability of both fore and farsight. Ever since Alex had known Kahne, he from time to time had visions, some very powerful of things to come or that had passed with far reaching implications to current events. This was one of those moments obviously and not to be taken lightly.

"Obi-Wan, really? The Force has always worked in mysterious ways when it comes to us. I have yet to experience a boring time with you. Why start now, hmm?"

Alexandra's hand rested upon the blaster pistol that was strapped securely off her shapely hip more out of habit after all these years of not knowing she was Force-sensitive. The former Rogue felt the familiar comfort of the pilot sidearm in the holster, but fingers did not linger on the grip. They moved over to pat the hilt of a training lightsaber that was attached to the brunette's unity belt worn.

"I will be mindful, sweetheart," she answered with a nod, then followed the Naboo deeper inside the crystal cave that made its own lighting once past the entrance. It was beautiful.
Kahne smiled as he glanced over to Alexandra and nodded his head. The Jedi Master led the way further into the cave and then came the problem. The cave split off in two, while Kahne wasn't keen on splitting up, especially with his padawan unless he absolutely had too, and no to mention said padawan being his wife and mother of his children. However something was at work here that called out to the Jedi Master, something was trying to grab his attention. Then again [member="Alexandra Russo Porte"] was no push over. He was more than sure she could handle herself.

Someone was seeking him out....

The Jedi Master stared deeply down the path to the right, almost as if something was staring back and him. It wasn't until the cool air took hold of him a few seconds later that his concentration broke. He glanced to Alexandra and shook his head. "I'm not sure what it is, but something is calling out to me down this way. Will you be okay continuing the search down the path to the left?" Kahne inquired, while he knew she was new to the force, but he felt she was more than capable giving her military background.
Hope is the elixir of life. (retired)
Something had [member="Kahne Porte"]'s attention. Be it illusive nonetheless, this calling must only be for him as she did not sense it at all. And that is what had Alexandra concerned.

"Yes, I will be fine. I'm more worried about you, Kahne. I haven't forgotten what happened on the space station... " Alex replied, referring back to the time when the Jedi Master's old flame had appeared as a Dark Lady and nearly killed them all in the name of vengeance over how he had left her for dead.

"May the Force be with you as I know it will be with me," the brunette smiled, leaning over to give her husband a hopeful kiss, then she stepped off to the left and descended down the path away from him.
The duo split up after the kiss and Kahne gave her a hopeful smile before they went their separate ways into the caves. The cold seemed to cut to the bone even more now that it did before. The Jedi's breath materialized before him as he glanced to either side of him.

No that's not possible, the Jedi would be aware of it.

Kahne popped the flare as to give him better visuals within the cave as the light seemed to fade just a little bit. Then there was laughter, and he couldn't decipher who it was until he turned the corner and few feet in front of him, stood a young girl. She was probably in her early teens. "Daddy...."

"Addison." Kahne whispered as he tried to get closer. "Daddy...." The girl whispered again, it was her. And before he could even move closer, the slash of a lightsaber blade cut across his body. The Jedi Master breathed heavy for a few seconds as he touched his chest and realized there was no cut. An illusion....

A trial....

The Jedi Master started to pick that up when he appeared before her. The Jedi could see a gleam in the distance, a crystals gleam. The Jedi raised his hand to his comlink as he spoke to Alexandra.

"Stay alert Alexandra. A Jedi trial just appeared before me, there might be one for you too. Be careful."

[member="Alexandra Russo Porte"]
Hope is the elixir of life. (retired)
Alexandra grabbed a glowrod off her utility belt and moved further down the path she's taken opposite of her husband. She didn't know quite what to expect, but the Taanabian's military background told the former Rogue to be mindful...

Well, actually that was part of the Force training [member="Kahne Porte"] had been giving her too. Sometimes it was hard to remember to think like a Jedi first as not thinking like one came all to natural. The realization that she was indeed Force-sensitive and now becoming an apprentice of the Master Jedi's at Alex's age had both pros and cons.

The Jedi padawan reached out with the Force, but still didn't sense anything that would make her danger sense go off until a whispered voice broke the dark silence ahead.

"Mom.... "

A mother knew that voice, but how could it be her son? He was just a baby back home with his twin sister and their caretakers.

"Aiden?" Alexandra replied quizzically, then she heard it again and saw a flicker of an image of a teenage boy this time before her in the distance.


Suddenly a lightsaber came out of nowhere thrusting forward at her abdomen in an impaling motion. She gasped and looked down, but there was no wound. That is when the comm crackled to life with Kahne at the other end with a warning.

"I just experienced one too... I think. I've just made it to the entrance to the crystals. I love you. Stay safe," she said, then walked forward into the illuminated area that had sparkling gems sprinkled around the cave like stars.


It was beautiful, and gave Alexandra a feeling of peace, but mostly hope.
"Will do." Kahne whispered back to her, as he noted the very blue crystal just a few feet before him. Kahne was no stranger to trials, however this was something deeper than that. The Jedi Master took a deep breath as he took a few more steps forward and went down to one knee before the crystal. The Jedi Master placed his hand out towards the stone and it just held there for a moment as he closed his eyes and centered himself with the force. He could feel betrayal,pain, and yet there was hope most of all. This wasn't any ordinary crystal that was before him.


A voice that seemed very unfamiliar yet didn't raise any worry could be heard as he glanced around for a moment. The Jedi Master placed his hand on the crystal and immediately felt a rush of emotions that in truth caused a bit of pain in the Jedi's mind. He could see images, of someone's life that wasn't his. A Jedi Master that Kahne had learned about during his studies he had live a very long time ago. Kahne let out a small groan as the pain receded from his mind and he was able to breath a bit easier. And yet those feelings of pain and hope were suddenly overcome with hope and strength as the crystal began to glow a bright blue light in his hand.

The force will be with you, always

He glanced to his side nonchalantly as he heard the voice again and took a deep breath before he stood up fully. He know knew that he had found what he was looking for.

"Alexandra, are you alright?"

[member="Alexandra Russo Porte"]
Hope is the elixir of life. (retired)
Alexandra felt strange suddenly. She was experiencing a tingling sensation. It wasn't an all over one either, more so on her left side.

Brandy brown orbs looked in that direction while the Jedi padawan reached out with the Force at the same time. A particular crystal at the edge of a grouping in the cave started to glow brighter like the North Star would appear in the night sky back on Taanab. It seemed to be calling to the brunette. She took a few steps closer to and stretched her gloved hand out cautiously to grasp the gem that had rich and multi-depth purple hues to it. There was a sense of peace once it was within her palm like the crystal had found its rightful place.

A call from her husband prompted Alex to take out her comlink again and respond.

"I'm fine, well actually more than that... I found a crystal, or rather I think it found me. How about you? Shall I come to your location or just meet you back at the junction where we split off?"

[member="Kahne Porte"]​
The duo made it back to the ship after the met up at the fork in the cave and Kahne didn't really say much other than asking if she was okay. The Jedi stared at the crystal in his hands and he placed it in the cabinet that held the other items necessary to reforge a new lightsaber. His hands rested on the cabinet for a little bit before he turned around and looked at Alexandra. "You did a good job, I'm proud of you." The Jedi moved forward and pulled his wife into a warm embrace as he kissed her sweetly.

After the kiss Kahne leaned his forehead against her's for a moment before asked.

"What did you see...?" The Jedi inquired rather curiously. While he was sure why the trial before them had happened and as to why it put their children there. As they were the two most important people in their lives. He had also wondered if it was something reaching to them, not necessarily a warning. But in Kahne's eyes it seemed like a question as to ask.

What would they do if their children turned?

The Jedi Master pushed the thoughts from his mind as he knew visions and trials could be interpreted many, many ways.

[member="Alexandra Russo Porte"]
Hope is the elixir of life. (retired)
Alexandra was ever thankful for the warmth of the ship after they returned from their snowy trek to the crystal caves and back. She shrugged off her parka, then went into the galley and started a pot of fresh caf. While it was percolating, the brunette stepped back out to go find where Kahne had gone to.

The Jedi Master seemed to be lost in thought as she approached him in their cabin. After a moment, he turned and took her into his arms. Kahne's warm lips felt good and the kiss very welcomed. The couple touched foreheads tenderly, then curiosity killed the cat and the Naboo wanted to know more about what his student-wife had seen during her trial of sorts in the cave.

"Well... I first heard Aiden calling for me, then I saw a flickering image of him as a teenager. It only lasted for a moment before the visage of a lightsaber being thrust at my mid-section came. I was not impaled though... Also, there was no notable color of the blade. The whole scenario took less than a few seconds I would say to play out. The sound of your comm seemed to end event just as quickly as it started," Alex answered, fingers stoking her husband's hair lazily at the back of the Jedi's head as she often did.

"Was this one of those visions of possible things to come?" the novice Force user asked of her mentor. "What are your thoughts about what happened to each of us, but more so why were our children involved, hmm?"

[member="Kahne Porte"]​
Visions were a tricky thing sometimes.

"No, I don't think so." Kahne said as he broke the embrace between them and sat on the edge of the bed. "The vision could have meany many things. I saw Addison and her voice at first was so sweet and serene and then it turned, somewhat hateful." Kahne raised a hand to his chin for a moment as he pondered more about these visions. Kahne had seen some like these before.

Before Alexandra and the twins.

Sometimes it was a way to test him and sometimes it was something to take him off of his guard. During his younger days they had at times, or sometimes they warned him of a coming danger. Kahne cleared his throat and looked back up towards Alexandra. "Let's no dwell on this too much. We have what we came for." The Jedi casually glanced towards the cabinet which held the crystal he had just retrieved. The Jedi Master felt something shift in the force, perhaps it was something within him, and it was telling him to fight and act.

So that's what he planned to do.

[member="Alexandra Russo Porte"]
Hope is the elixir of life. (retired)
"Perhaps it was the Force giving us insight into what to expect during the typical teenage years that will befall us sooner than we think... and times two!" the brunette answered with a knowing wink, thinking back to those days when she had given her foster father, Gus, so much grief as a teen age girl.

The Taanabian hoped that the twins would inherit more of Kahne's thoughtful demeanor than her more stubborn one. Otherwise, a lot of head butting would be in the future, and as Jedi probably wasn't a good thing.

"Alright. No obsessing about what happened in the cave. Just acknowledge what did occur and be mindful of it going forward. Got it, Master," the Padawan said with a mirthful cant of her dark head towards the Jedi Master whom was her husband and mentor now.

Alexandra walked over to the secure cabinet in their cabin where the Naboo had put his crystal for safe keeping. She put in the code to open it and placed her orchid-colored gem next to his, then closed the cabinet door, hearing the lock click.

"Come on, sweetheart... " Alex smiled, extending her hands out to pull up Kahne off the bed's edge. "Let's get out of here and on our way, then I'll make us some breakfast to go with the freshly brewed caf, hmm?"

[member="Kahne Porte"]​
Kahne could sense that their children had bright futures. And it was something he was really happy about, they had a good support system surrounding them. He missed the little ones, he missed them terribly.

"Exactly." Kahne said as he listened to Alexandra and her thoughts of the event. "Be mindful of the future, but not at the expense of the moment." The Jedi smirked as he was sure some wise Jedi said long before he did.

The Jedi Master held his hands out to meet hers as he pushed up off the bed and held her hands for a moment before kissing them both. "I'll set course for home."

[member="Alexandra Russo Porte"]
Hope is the elixir of life. (retired)
A few weeks after returning from Ilum...

While Kahne put their five year old twins to bed as it was his turn to read them a bed time story, Alexandra finished the dishes from their dinner, then she slipped outside for some fresh evening air. The Taanabian was going to just sit on the porch of the beach house over looking Ceto's ocean, but the sunset was so pretty that she walked the short distance down to the beach and sat down on a sand berm with an ale bottle in hand. Alex took a long sip of the cold brew, then her brandy brown eyes stared off to the fiery horizon.

The brunette rested her arms atop her bent up knees and just held the bottle in her hands. There was a cool ocean breezing coming in off the water that felt refreshing as the waves rolled in and out against the shore in a rhythmic fashion. It was relaxing after the busy day with the kids and allowed the aspiring apprentice to easily drift into a light meditative state. Her master would be so pleased that she was practicing what he preached... for once!

[member="Kahne Porte"]​
Addison was in bed by the time he got to her room. She seemed to knock out the second she hit the pillow. However it was enough for her to stir when he leaned down and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Sweet dreams sweetheart." He chuckled slightly as she wrapped her arms around his neck briefly for a hug. He slowly backed out of the room and closed the door just halfway. He stood there for a moment and just smiled as he turned to make his way towards Aiden's room.

Kahne walked in and shook his head as Aiden was in bed but wasn't under the covers. Kahne giggled a bit as he reached the side of his bed and then placed one of the blankets over him, tucking him in slightly. However, he was surprised when his Aiden turned to face him.


"What is it kiddo?" Kahne inquired with a smile on his face as he knelt down next to his bed.

"What is it like being a Jedi?"

Kahne chuckled slightly as he shook his head a bit as if he was searching for the answer. That was a pretty big wide view question to ask and it would take quite a bit to explain everything to him.

"It's different." Kahne replied in the best way that he could for now before giving his son a kiss on the forehead. "Get some sleep." The Jedi whispered as he stood up and walked out of the door, closing it halfway just as he did with Addison's door. Kahne walked down the hall for a moment and out to the porch to where he caught glimpse of Alexandra on the beach. The Jedi just stood from afar, watching her.

It was truly a beautiful sight.

[member="Alexandra Russo Porte"]
Hope is the elixir of life. (retired)
It wasn't hard for Alex to pick up on her husband's Force aura. He was close yet so far away. Long dark lashes fluttered open, then her head turned back to see [member="Kahne Porte"] standing on the porch of the beach house. The glow of the setting sun upon him gave the Jedi Master a halo effect.

The two had come a long ways together since that fateful day on Sullust when they just happened to bump into one another while standing in line for caf and pastries. It had been a wonderful journey thus far... Well there had bee a few hiccups along the way, but the couple had made the best of it and pushed forward. Their two little bugs were the icing on the cake.

Alexandra smiled and waved at Kahne, inviting him to join her on the beach. Ceto sunsets were one of the most beautiful of them all in the galaxy. The Portes were fortunate to be living currently in such a tropical paradise. Though, soon the monsoons would start. Perhaps it would be a good time to take the twins somewhere on an adventure...
Kahne chuckled at her wave as he slowly started to walk that way. Just more so enjoying the scene and the cool breeze that was off the water. The Jedi couldn't help but have his mind linger on the question that his son had asked him a few moments ago and it was just something he expected would come soon, but perhaps Kahne himself wasn't ready for it.

The Jedi dismissed his thoughts as he neared where Alexandra was and just smiled. "Hey love. The kids are all tucked in." He said casually enough as he stood by her.

"This is nice, you being out here makes it better though."

[member="Alexandra Porte"]
Hope is the elixir of life. (retired)
Alexandra watched as the dark-haired Naboo walked out to the beach from the house. She sure was a lucky lady. Kahne was as handsome as ever in the twilight of the sun setting... and always the ying to her yang. Together they were in perfect balance. Or at least tried to be.

The brunette reached up and slid her hand into his as he stood next to her and gave it a little squeeze and gentle tug downward.

"You are the best, Kahne," Alex smiled sweetly, her lips finding his passionately as soon as they were within range. "I am truly blessed to have you, and the children in my life. I wouldn't want it any other way."

[member="Kahne Porte"]
"Well, I'm okay." Kahne whispered as he felt her hand tug down on his own as he maneuvered himself to where he was kneeling directly beside her. While he wasn't sure if he was exactly the best, he like to think he was above average at least. That was his own way of trying to be modest. He cherished Alexandra, every single part of her. She was one of the best things in his life. Their passionate kiss lasted a few seconds and then continued again for another couple of seconds after Alexandra spoke.

Kahne took a deep breath and then just smiled as he leaned his forehead against hers for a moment before he pulled back slightly to look at her. He caressed the side of her face with the back of his fingers ever so gently.

I wouldn't want it any other way."

"Me neither." The Jedi chuckled slightly as he glanced back to the house for a brief second. "Aiden asked me what it was like being a Jedi." Kahne shook his head and laughed. "I told him it was different."

[member="Alexandra Porte"]
Hope is the elixir of life. (retired)
"He did, huh?" Alex said as the brunette wrapped her arms lovingly around her husband's neck. "I'm not surprised he asked to be honest. Aiden has always been the intuitive one of the pair. And, your answer was correct from a certain point of view."

Alexandra gently pulled the Jedi Master down with her as she laid back onto the blanket atop the sand. "Being Force Sensitive does make one feel different I agree, but so far for me it's been in a good way. It has allowed me to build a closer bond with the kids, but more so with you... in more ways than one," she grinned mischievously.

"The Jedi part I'm still working on," the Taanabian added with a soft chuckle before pressing a hungered kiss to [member="Kahne Porte"]'s desirable lips as he hovered above her.
The Jedi smirked slightly at Alexandra's response, and then he was led further to the ground atop his beautiful wife. The Jedi kissed the tip of her nose just gently as she spoke of her own path as a force user now. Kahne new it was different, for him he couldn't even remember what it was like not being a Jedi. He started off at an early age, so this was something he was pretty much born to do. He wondered if he had the opportunity could he have another life. Kahne wondered at times what would happen to him if he just hung up his lightsaber and stopped being a Jedi.

Kahne chuckled slightly when Alexandra kissed him again, returning her hungry kiss with even more so some of his own. Kahne was pleased that Alexandra unlocked this little piece of herself. Even if she didn't want to fully utilize it, it was always good to know that it is there. But she did, and she was doing really well too. It didn't take Kahne long before his lips left hers and he began to place a delicate series of kisses along her neck.

"You will find you way." The Jedi master whispered to her as he lovingly attacked her neck.

[member="Alexandra Porte"]

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