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Approved Species Hi-Zen-Ko

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

  • Intent: To update previous subs to new standards.
  • Image Credit: Fringe Flower
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Name: Hi-Zen-Ko
  • Origins: Shri-tal
  • Other Locations:
  • Classification: Flower
  • Average Growth Cycle: 100 years
  • Viability: On average it survives once it blooms for several hours. Spreading its seeds to the wind to grow in new locations to continue the cycle
  • Description: Beautiful icy blue petals and a white stem. Able to grow in the coldest temperatures with a bloom every hundred years or so. The flower itself is small and almost delicate looking despite how hardy it is for being able to survive.
  • Average Height: .33m
  • Average Length: .04m
  • Color: Icy blue petals
  • Nutritional Value: A cure all for sore throats
  • Toxicity: N/A
  • Other Effects: Its leaves are able to be dried out and used to make a soothing herbal tea.
  • Distinctions: Around a foot tall and small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. The couple dozen or so petals are a shade of icy blue when they finally bloom showing the small center where the seeds grow and disperse as it blooms on the wind. Finding new places to take root and begin the cycle again. The stalking is thick like a reed or bamboo and doesn't bend easily in the wind while staying above the snow. If requires near constant sunlight which is easier to get in the polar regions where they have sunlight almost all year round.
  • Relaxing: When dried out and used as a tea it is soothing a great for a sore throat.
  • Able to survive in sub-arctic temperatures.
  • Exaggerated Effects: Given its long time between blooming and generally being found in remote areas of the polar regions the properties have become highly exaggerated over the centuries. Where the flower does provide a nice cure to a scratchy throat or a cold it has been made to sound as a cure all to the most serious conditions making people hunt for it.
  • It is a plant
  • Requires near constant exposure to sunlight
  • Has had a tendency to to be fought over in the past
  • Does not deliver on its legendary healing properties
"A long time ago, the emperor got very sick. The dragon king being asked for a way to save him suggested seeking out a flower that bloomed once every hundred years and was reported to have the most powerful healing abilities in the galaxy. For months the army searched the polar regions marching deeper and deeper into it as winter came with blizzards and supplies ran low. Eventually they found it in a field and had to wait for it to bloom. Ten years passed and finally it bloomed as the soldiers remained slowly dying and trying to stay alive long enough to get it. Marching back to the silver tower the lone soldier returned the news the emperor was dead and most of the army that had marched had died without returning. "

Just one of the many stories that went with the legend of the flower, not many able to really report on what it does aside from feel good in tea. The possible potency likely lost long before you'll be able to get it to whoever needs it and needing to be dried out and ground up into tea leaves. There is no way to really tell beyond looking back at how it has been blown out of proportion due to word of mouth over written evidence.

In the beginning of the Asobi system when the Nagai were first exploring the worlds and leaving their homeworld of Cazador they came to colonize Shri-Tal and see what there was. Recording a mysterious flower in early records that existed at the top of the world and bloomed once to twice in their lifetime. As their race declined in the system giving way to others the reports they had took on a more mystical property.

The humans on the world believing it to be a myth started to tie more to it as time went on and the few cases where it was used were always talking about the successes of it. Not really on what it cured but more on that it "cured" the person and they had paid much to recover the flower right after it bloomed. When word like this reached the ears of the emperors and rulers on the world they searched for it.

Their searches often led to war as even if they couldn't prove it was a mystical cure all the flower could be a moral booster. The warriors would fight stronger if they believed they could be cured from the gravest of injuries as the effects continued to grow into near god like proportions of its healing powers. Then something happened and slowly it declined in myth and legend while fields of it were harvested leading to it becoming a rare sight once again.

With the conquering of the other nations and unification of the planet under one family the flower was mostly forgotten in favor of modern medical technology that could do what it promised in books but didn't require waiting around for it to bloom and endangering many. The flower was preserved, many of them taken off world to other planets with the sith attacks on former jedi worlds. It was adopted and brought when it was in bloom to the worlds and planted in the polar regions to survive and spread its supposed healing properties.
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Insert Hilarious Title Here
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Matsu Ike said:
Exaggerated Effects: Given its long time between blooming and generally being found in remote areas of the polar regions the properties have become highly exaggerated over the centuries. Where the flower does provide a nice cure to a scratchy throat or a cold it has been made to sound as a cure all to the most serious conditions making people hunt for it.
I'm not really sure I understand how this is a strength.

Matsu Ike said:
Homeworld: Shri-Tal
This is a custom planet. Please provide a link.

Matsu Ike said:
Average Measurements: length -
Why is this blank?

Matsu Ike said:
Intent: to create one of several planets for the Asobi system
As far as I can tell, this is not a planet. Please correct.

Tag me with edits.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="The Black Hat"]
edited in planet
I was honestly not sure what the length would be... if it is on its side then wouldn't that be the height and if it is how large the bloom is wouldn't that be the width.
edited planets to plants
and well I couldn't think of a second decent strength for a flower to be used in tea. I mean an exaggerated healing ability would work in its strength for making people wish to seek it out and add to its value if it is danger I could stretch. Perhaps that it is able to grow and survive in sub-artic temperatures would be one.


Insert Hilarious Title Here
[member="Matsu Ike"]
I would just put the length of the petals in that field.

The thing is, that's not really a strength. If anything, that's a glaring weakness. A strength for the people who get the flower, sure, but not really the flower itself. If you want another strength, surviving is sub-arctic environments will work just fine.
Submission Name: Kreea Shrill
Link to Submission: Kreea Shrill
Reason for Moving to Pre-Codex: Update to current standards and fix subs

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Submission Name: Fa-Ut
Link to Submission: Fa-Ut
Reason for Moving to Pre-Codex: Update to current standards and fix subs

Submission Name: Hi-Zen-Ko
Link to Submission: Hi-Zen-Ko
Reason for Moving to Pre-Codex: Update to current standards and fix subs
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