Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

- Intent: To expand the lore of Ahch-To
- Image Credit: Pokemon
- Canon: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Links: N/A
- Name: Do-Ro-Ro
- Designation: Sentient
- Origins:
- Average Lifespan: 600 years
- Estimated Population: Scattered
- Description: Tall and slender, the Do-Ro-Ro are almost humanoid in looks but clearly a massive stalk. With small tendrils on their 'feet' that absorb water and fiber used as a form of skirt that is attached to them. THeir bodies are a massive biomass of plant material that absorbs sunlight and can convert carbon into oxygen. Their eyes are considered larger then normal creatures and work good during the day and night but at dawn and dusk it is hard for them to see.
- Breathes: Type I
- Average Height of Adults: 2m
- Average Length of Adults: N/A
- Skin color: White, green
- Hair color: Green
- Distinctions: The species reproduces asexually
- Races: N/A
- Force Sensitivity: Standard
- Biomass: Their bodies are a large plant, a series of tubes and spongy material that absorbs nutrients sending it throughout the body. Their bodies can heal the more food they have but they can also absorb liquid poisons which will cause their bodies to rot.
- Physically Weak with a lack of bones and muscle they can lift a little usually tools but are not warriors.
- Poor Eyesight at dawn and dusk as light is shifting.
- Afraid of fire
- Cannot feel the cold (they can freeze but do not know they are freezing until it is to late)
- Diet: Other: Sunlight, water
- Communication: Verbal
- Technology level: Advanced in farming and cultivating, below galactic standard in other aspects.
- Religion/Beliefs:
- The Do are different, they are not simple as they appear or warlike but they don't deny sometimes one has to fight. They simply are there existing and seeing the world they are on as more important. Communing with the heart of the world is more important then having a sector of the galaxy, in ancient times when they first explored they saw little use for taking over worlds and planting a flag. They wouldn't know what to do with a thousand worlds under their foot.
An older species who have stayed in the farmlands, their society revolves around farming and they are very singular. Preferring the life style of no major technology except certain levels. They are not hippies saying all technology is bad, they use tools, they use irrigation systems but prefer not to have artificial lighting, prefer not to have mass produced clothing.
Technology is regarded as something to be on guard against, something to be wary of but they are not hostile to the ones who use it. Offering home grown food to those who come to their section of the planet. They are one of the few species who really do celebrate the blackest night honoring the Gulag plague that saved their people from the Vu a race of parasitic worms that overtake the minds.
Leadership is more communal, the different groups in an area will meet and discuss important issues spending time to give everyone a voice and work to navigate the difficult situations. Then they will set out to do it if it can be done without going to far or breaking their own beliefs. The ones sent are usually the old Do to show the strength of community and comradely.
Holiday's are strange within the Do, they do not celebrate things like the harvest, they harvest different crops year round as well as some of the live stock. They more celebrate the time of pollination when they reproduce making a large day celebration of it with food and simple music leading up into the night as the younger ones begin sending their spores out into the air.
They celebrate the name day ceremony of the younger children, after their born and grow in the earth they are fed and grown until able to survive by themselves out of the earth. The children are given their names and get to take their first steps as children. Learning all their parents can teach them and seeing the fields they will get to farm or over see. A special day every year for a few hundred kids.
- The Do are different, they are not simple as they appear or warlike but they don't deny sometimes one has to fight. They simply are there existing and seeing the world they are on as more important. Communing with the heart of the world is more important then having a sector of the galaxy, in ancient times when they first explored they saw little use for taking over worlds and planting a flag. They wouldn't know what to do with a thousand worlds under their foot.
- General behavior:
- Towards the Del-Ya: The equine species within the Asobi system are their friend. Fellow farmers and innovators who have worked to have their farmlands be their own. The forests housing the species like the Sal and the Tals is not terrible, they are all part of the circle of life on the world. Each living together and contributing towards a greater goal. They always have apples and grains for their friends.
Towards the Mar-Ro-Toe: The primitive hunters are cared about but confused. The Do, do not have a against them, do not hunt them but the Mar have invaded their homes. Come after their crops and encroach on their territories. Which has led to disagreements and problems with the creatures just learning how to do the most basic things attacking them on sight. General disposition is to disappear and let them move on without interrupting their natural evolution.
Towards the Humans: They are peaceful, not at odds but not really buddy buddy. They'll feed and shelter them but they do not want the technology of the humans coming to their people or for their ways to influence their own. It is a dangerous and simple species they are neighbors with compared to longer living ones like the Tals and the Sals who they can be friendly wit for a few centuries.
Towards each other: In groups they are friendly and community driven, working in different positions each day to make enough to live and sell to others. They might fight, they might have secrets but they will generally look to protecting one another before acting on it. For a Do to kill another Do is unheard of. They'd rather their food stores and fields be destroyed then harm each other. Sometimes past a point of reson.
Reproduction: Is handled in the later centuries of life, the Do will plant several seeds into the earth that will slowly over eighty years with water and sunlight grow into a baby on its own. The mothers care for the children as they are rooted to the earth for the early parts of their life unable to move and trusting the community to not harm or endanger them. Then they will be strong enough to eventually lift themselves out of the earth and live.
- Towards the Del-Ya: The equine species within the Asobi system are their friend. Fellow farmers and innovators who have worked to have their farmlands be their own. The forests housing the species like the Sal and the Tals is not terrible, they are all part of the circle of life on the world. Each living together and contributing towards a greater goal. They always have apples and grains for their friends.
The Do are older then they act, taking a small cue from other species. They have become more isolationist, letting their people find a primitive world they could live on in peace and not have to try and avoid in the Deep Core where some of the oldest civilizations existed. Their homeworld in the Farlax sector and one of the many inhabited worlds that were not explored.
Their species moving out of the system on large ships as they explored the galaxy and found other worlds. Some hostile, some friendly but the thoughts of making war in the galaxy was beyond them they might fight for a cause. To protect themselves but fighting for a billion planets... They wouldn't know what to do with a billion worlds, or a trillion people. They wouldn't be able to convert them to their beliefs or way of thinking and forcing it on them would be met with resistance and rejection.
They preferred living remote and away from violence, finding a world just starting to show signs of life and filled with different worlds. They settled into the forests and jungle regions finding a home and making it. Their ships sent away or used for scraps to make simple tools. They weren't hypocritical in rejecting technology they just preferred to have a certain level then stop. Their farms and irrigation systems made to last for long periods of time without need of repair.
They let their farm life drift through the ages teaching the other species thy encountered rudimentary techniques to farm their world. To till the soil and distribute water evenly and then to finally harvest it all and preserve enough to last the winters. They were not directing their paths to much but species like the Go Nagai were different. The being more prideful because of their connection to the force and holding an attitude against those who were them.
They took what they could learn and then made the Do seem small, unneeded on the world as they remained in obscurity cultivating the valley's and fields. When the ice age came, many of them froze and died except in areas like the polar regions that had an area built by the Go Nagai that preserved a section of the world. Themselves digging deeper into the earth to find vents, tubes and river's flowing up from the core of the world to stay alive and warm.
When the ice finally receded their population was smaller then they had expected, many more dying in the time but they could repopulate. They could regrow their people and thrive somewhat while the Go Nagai accepted them and used their help recovering on the surface. While the world recovered with them, more dangers were coming. The powerful Ren came eventually fighting and twisting the Go Nagai into something worse. Taking their arrogance and turning it to all lesser species in their eyes.
There was the taung who arrived in the hypergate and pushed back the Go Nagai until they were lost to the system and history. The humans and their allies rising up to face down the dwindling taung before finally an age of expansion and peace. The worlds within the system being seeded more and sharing commerce with each other. Their abilities to farm being something valuable as they spread out throughout the system to aid the others.
Returning after a few thousand years of their own wanting to live again in a village of their own. The arrival of the empire doing little except showing them some plants and herbs grown on other worlds. They came to be attending under guard the biodomes suspended and used to make vine coffee for the nobles. Something rare they disliked but it meant they were allowed to be left alone.
Then the empire faded, the rebels came and met with them, vanished into history while it passed them by until the Blackest Night when the Gulag plague came to Cazador and killed the ones infected by the vu. The parasitic creatures that could not attach to them but the creatures were a threat, the galactic wide plague a sign they could be defeated and killed.
With the routine changing of empires and republic in the area they have remained quiet, farming and working to maintain autonomy from the other species on the planet. They have watched technology change and evolve on the world but maintained their tools, their ideals for the centuries preferring it. Not really knowing what happened to the ones on their original homeworld but never the less sharing the coordinates with the Silver Jedi when asked where they came from.
The Farlax sector is large and filled with hundreds of worlds after all giving them a haystack to search for a needle is still a large and massive haystack filled with hazards of the deep core as it is. With the years they have expanded and populated other worlds joining with the jedi and Atrisian Commonwealth. After the attack on one of their colonies of Shri-Tal they developed friendships with others. Ahch-to proved an enjoyable experience with the sun and water but Atrisia provided a diverse ecosystem that was from the oldest of civilizations.
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