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Hi Ho Hi Ho A Camping We Will Go (CIS Dominion of Nar Chunna)

"I've been through worse." He muttered, sitting up and pushing himself up further. "Feena is a healer, a master. The camp is closer than a karking drop ship..." He explained through gritted teeth as he pushed himself to his feet. "I can walk.." He muttered, taking a few steps, he experienced agonising pain. "Someone grab my saber, someone stay here the drop ship, I'm willing to bet that creatures hide is valuable. The massive tusk in his chest made him smile, "Looks like I'ce for a trophy.." He spoke as he limped along the path they had came.

"Come on..." He bellowed, clenching his fists and pushing himself. Astrian was tough, extremely tough. But, what they had just fought was a tarentateks, he had heard about them in books. Fascinating and deadly creatures, and he had just killed one. He was going to walk away from this, but right now all he could think about was getting back to camp, and at the very least it would give him an excuse to show off his body, even with all the scars and the current wounds. It was pretty amazing, it's not everyday you see a 8 foot tall augmented man with his shirt off, he smirked to himself. A silver lining of sorts, he would make it.

[member="Varesk Fey'lya"]
[member="Atretes Rhoujen"]
@Corvinus Palpatine


Well-Known Member
Atretes nodded to the, at the moment, prostrate man and followed the few instructions. He used his foot to jam the lightsaber further in, and the shuddering twitching ceased. Then he hit the switch with the toe of his boot and with a flick of his wrist he drew the saber up to his hand via a telekinetic string. He then sat upon the hulking corpse.

"I can mind the beast if you like." He said quietly in the dark, turning the lightsaber between his fingers.

[member="Astrian Callus"]
[member="Varesk Fey'lya"]
"I'll see him back to the campsite. One of you, call for the Archon; I doubt she'll have a problem putting our towering friend here back together." said the Clone. Throughout the totality of the battle, Ishmael had hung back and simply observed the strength of the Templars. They were smart and obviously bold, as evidenced by [member="Astrian Callus"]. Motioning for the titan to follow, Ishmael then emerged from his place of cover and began calmly striding back to the campsite. He did not care what the opinion might be in response to his refusal to fight; but he was certain it would not be positive.
"I shall stay behind and await the dropship with [member="Atretes Rhoujen"], I surmise." came the response of the Bothan. His eyebrow skyrocketed when he saw the young man simply land his posterior upon the deceased form of the Terentatek, resulting in a gurgling noise which erupted from its mouth. "Our large friend is correct." he then said, eyeing the carcass before him. "The hide of that beast would carry quite the price tag. Heck, if cultivated properly, cloaks or armor could be made. However...what concerns me is...there hasn't ever been a Sith presence on Nar Chunna to my recollection. What is a Terentatek doing here..."

[member="Corvinus Palpatine"]
[member="Astrian Callus"]
[member="Ishmael Verd"] walked beside Astrian, he had not seen him during the fight. He had possibly hung back and watched, or had just arrived. He honestly would like to hear it was the latter, but he honestly didn't mind. Not everyone is fit for fighting a terentatek, the only reason Astrian was still walking was because of his augmentations, his force speed mastery and his miraculous capacity to take a beating. "Name?" He asked, his head only slightly turning to address the man. One hand on his wounds and the other in a fist.


Well-Known Member
The young man fiddled with the saber in his hand while he listened to [member="Varesk Fey'lya"], never having been able to hold one yet. It was a fascinating device, but he was taught in his brief life as a pirate that you don't open, activate, fire, or otherwise arm a person's weapon without their permission. So the lightsaber remained an inert piece of metal.

"Should we take it to the developmental people in the Confederacy, then?" Atretes asked the elder Bothan as he turned to examine the fallen beast and its thick hide. He had many experiments involving his blaster he'd like to perform to find weaknesses in the hide and know critical points to attack, but that would damage what is apparently valuable property.

Then the Sith name was dropped.

He didn't know what a Sith was, actually, but if they created these they must be bad. Still, he was young, inexperienced, and questions must be asked even if his master wasn't present.

"What is a Sith?" he asked, his voice ripe with curiosity rather than confusion.
Danger gave a becoming smile to [member="Isley Verd"]. "Of course…” she began with a slow purr, bringing that cigarra to her full lips. Her cheeks sunk in as she took a slow deep drag, two fingers drawing the vice away as she began to speak.

“ATC has some warehouses as well as storage units scattered about in the main areas; the capital and some outposts. I’ve also some fuel extraction sites and fuel refineries along the fuel rich site up in the northern sector.” just like the large majority part of what used to be Hutt Space, the planets were rich in old mineral deposits, of the kind traders out in the outback were more than willing to use for their day to day lifestyle and survive the OutterRim.

They were factories and refineries she’d taken over with Ironwolf’s help and the Star Wolves a while back, a contract accepted by the pirate king to aide the full figured business woman.

“Now… the local folks are right keen on trade and opening ventures… I’m sure we can come to an accord with the local populace that would be mutually beneficial to all.” she said with a slow smile.
Lancer pulled the bolt back on his rifle, glancing around. There was a man he was tailing, and he placed the rifle on his back, preferring to use his pistols for this kind of thing, this hunt. He narrowed his eye. His eyes met his man, stalking him through the market, watching him twist and turn. A disgusting pile of skin and bone, he would soon meet his maker.

And his revolver.
"Y'know began the Bothan in response, "that is a novel idea. Not only is there the plausibility of developing something from this beast, but perhaps the developmental personnel can give us a clue as to why this beast is here." Then came quite the loaded question...Verask reached a single hand up and silence came to rule him; for such an inquiry demanded an accurate answer. It would not suffice to simply write off the sect of Darkness-wielding warriors as a fanatical cult hellbent on massacring or dominating the Galaxy. No, the young man deserved something much more thorough than that. As such, the elder drew upon his years upon years of experience within the Galactic Republic to formulate a full and proper response. Upon deciding upon what to say, Verask turned and looked upon [member="Atretes Rhoujen"] before inhaling a calming breath.

"As you may or may not be aware, there are two halves to the Force." he began, straightway reaching into his cloak. Fumbling about in the pockets, he then ultimately produced a single credit: a coin of copper with an obvious "heads" and "tails". For this explanation, he would need a prop! "The Light Side." he then said, holding up the "heads" side of the coin, "And the Dark Side." to which he then held up the "tails". "Sith are those who, first and foremost, utilize the Dark Side of the Force over the Light. They believe in the shedding of all that they perceive as weaknesses, such as love, patience, self-control, etc. and then dwell upon emotions and behaviors they perceive as strong. These are anger, hatred, pain, and much much more. The morality of a Sith is...severely lacking; for they have no qualms about cutting down the innocent or their own in pursuit of power."

He paused, placing the coin in Atretes' hand before folding his hands behind his back. " a very abridged explanation of what a Sith is. Once, an entire Empire of Sith controlled a massive region of space; in recent history in fact. Yet, they were ultimately defeated by the combined efforts of the Mandalorians and the Galactic Republic. Now they exist, scattered about the Galaxy...and I've no doubt in my mind that they will eventually return. They always do."

[member="Atretes Rhoujen"]
[member="Corvinus Palpatine"]
[member="Astrian Callus"]
As the fiery-haired and excessively pretty woman listed off the facilities owned by her corporation, the Mandalorian nodded along. His right hand, grasping a pen, then scrawled the words she spoke down on a piece of parchment; so that he might commit them to memory for later in the conversation. Then, upon concluding her listing, [member="Danger Arceneau"] posed a suggestion that would spell the beginning to a mutually beneficial venture. To this end, Isley eagerly responded. "Well, that is quite the idea...and I do believe that we can provide the local population with plenty of work that would bring commerce and trade to their world." he said, taking a moment to review the list once more before continuing. "To begin...I have yet another inquiry to make. Does Arceneau Trading Company have any holdings on Dirha? It is a rather notable refueling world that recently came into the Confederacy's fold; complements of the Eastern Campaign."

Of course, there was a method to the Mandalorian's "madness", for he had an idea which had popped into his head.

[member="Danger Arceneau"]
The wounded titan was a man of few words, of this Ishmael could tell right off the bat. Furthermore, he either had one helluva pain threshold...or he was some sort of monstrosity. The clone had never before seen a man who could be wounded to such a degree and still walk around. Yet, as he marveled, a realization entered his mind...a realization that would only serve to hasten his walk down the path of darkness. "Ishmael." he said in response, keeping in step with the bleeding titan. "How's about yourself?" he then inquired, still reeling from the epiphany which reverberated about his psyche. This man...this bleeding, towering warrior...was apparently devoid of weakness. He was a flawless vessel for the Dark Side.

Something that Ishmael aspired to be.

[member="Astrian Callus"]


Well-Known Member
Atretes listened intently to what [member="Varesk Fey'lya"] had to say. Though the elder Bothan was not his master, it would be unwise to disregard the wisdom of others simply because of some trivial lack of title. It was interesting, and gave the young man a glimpse of insight into the workings of the universe. He wondered if the Force would ever stop being so mysterious and complex.

When the coin came to rest in his hand, he looked it over. He tried visualising it less in the symbolism that held within the 'heads' and 'tails' and chose instead to view it simply by colour. He was unsure if it were a play of his mind or reality showing, but as he concentrated on the abstract, the coin's designs melted away and one side was left shining and the other corroded and oxidised. He tucked the coin away, nodding to himself. While he may consider attempting to harness both sides of the Force, he was sure that surrounding one's self in the dark could be self-destructive.

"Thank you for the explanation." he said simply, then he looked out to the woods. The sounds of creatures were loud, but nothing like the Tarentatek had made. The Tarentatek... he looked back to its malformed structure and thick hide, and looked back to Varesk.

"This thing was made by the Sith? Or is it some mutation of a person?" he asked. His curiosity was running free -- and it wasn't as though they had anything better to do than talk.
"You are most welcome, young man." replied the Bothan in turn, giving his youthful companion a nod. He then looked to the deceased form of the Terentatek and shook his head. Such a revulsion...a slap in the face of the natural order of things. To exist solely to feast upon the blood of sickened Verask to a fundamental level. However, Verask did not voice these thoughts. Instead, he looked up towards the heavens as a new sound filled the evening air. 'Twas the din of engines propelling a vessel ever forward: the dropship was on its way. It was the voice of the young man which tore the Bothan away from his skygazing, to which he then replied: "There is a simple saying that explains the creation of the beast. As the Jedi have uttered repeatedly, the Dark Side corrupts. Sith wield the corruptive power of this spectrum of the Force in order to twist and mal-form creation; resulting in beasts such as Terentatek...and much, much worse. I believe the art is referred to as Alchemy; although the exact rituals and formulas I am ignorant of."

Another pause then characterized the Bothan as he listened intently to the din of engines, which grew louder with each passing second. "I assume that the dropship will be here in only a few minutes' time." he said.

[member="Atretes Rhoujen"]
Astrian strode beside the younger, smaller and ordinary man. "One of the Verd boys." Astrian spoke, he could sense the boys curiosity like a foul stench in the air. "Astrian." He replied to Ishmael, the terentatek had given Astrian quite the beating. But, he was still walking and talking. But, he would of liked to reach [member="Feena Mason"] and the camp soon. The boy and himself walked in silence for a few moments as both came upon the camp. Astrian stopped as he came upon the fire, his eyes darted about the camp to where Feena sat amongst other templars who had decided not to come. "Terentateks are nasty business." Astrian grunted, standing with one hand clenching his wound and another clenched into a tight fist. His eyes fell upon Feena as his legs were getting weaker and blood dripped from his lip. "But, its dead none the less. I saw to that." He said, looking at the large tusk rammed deep into the songsteel and his chest. He gritted his teeth and fell to one knee. His hand bracing himself as it caught the ground beneath him.

[member="Varesk Fey'lya"]
[member="Atretes Rhoujen"]
[member="Ishmael Verd"]


Well-Known Member
With yet another nod, Atretes tried to fathom what kind of beasts could be spawned by the Sith and the Dark side. The thought made him shudder, if there were worse creatures than this horror. He looked up to the skies and could see nothing past the trees, so he clipped the large man's lightsaber to his belt and climbed a tree that was still intact. He carefully stepped his way up to the top, and when his head popped out of the canopy he saw the lights of the dropship flying over the canopy, likely a few miles away still. He slid down and decided to experiment.

He dropped. He exerted his telekinetic abilities upon himself, in an attempt to slow his fall. [Roll! 1d20, DC: 16 ... 2] That didn't go exactly as he planned, though [Saving throw! 1d10, DC 5 ... 6!] as he plummeted the distance between treetop and the ground, he threw out a lash of energy again, at least to slow his fall. His velocity slowed, and he paused about five feet from the ground, before his focus vaporised again and he hit the ground with a dull thud. He grunted from soreness of impact and ground himself to stand again.

"I believe you're correct," he said, pretending he didn't just foolishly drop from a tree, "it should be here, well in around three or four minutes now".

[member="Varesk Fey'lya"]
Nature was something that Katrina loved and as such she couldn't help but come out here with the others. She was a loner though and in honesty that was the best option for her. When she got close to someone nothing good happened. Kat always seemed to lose those she cared for or those whom she loved. She still wished to be close to the group just not that close for the time being.

Kneeling down on the forest floor Kat hummed to herself as she began to dig around a little in the dirt picking up the seeds that fell off the nearby plants and trees. She could use these for her little garden that she was creating for herself back at her cottage.


Ashe wasn't sure what in hells everyone else was doing, but she had kept very busy chasing rabbits through the woods. She wasn't a CIS member yet, but she was there with her daughter on vacation.
"There you are, you little runt!" she yelled, chasing after one like a wild animal.
She almost lost its trail, finally veering up upon a hill centered in a clearing of the forest. Eyes glowing golden under the moonlight, she slowly rose off of her palms, conjuring gouts of blue, watery flame in her hands. Condensed by the force of her prowess, she finally gave the bomblets of fire a strong heave, leaving them hurdling towards the rabbit. The reflection in its eyes glowed until they were right before it. Startled, it simply hopped off, down the other side of the hill.
When Ashe had finished running to the top of the hill... she noticed something peculiar. A single glowing hand raised to the back of her head, scratching quizzically through her prismatic baby-blue hair. The alchemic blaze rapidly grew upon the other side. The forest was on fire.
Danger kept a pleasant smile, bringing the vice to her lips as her cheeks sunk in to inhale deep. Emerald eyes appraised [member="Isley Verd"], as he asked her the question about Dirha.

Ahh, Dirha. A most recent Confederacy acquisition if she wasn’t mistaken. A fantastic refueling world.

At the present time, no, it does not,” she replied with a coo, along with an arching of the brow.

What are you plans for Dirha?” she asked with seemingly mild curiosity. Ah, one couldn’t jump the gun now could they?

It was all part of the game of business.
"Our plans for Dirha are...intimately...tied to your corporation." began the Mandalorian in response. He paused for a moment, taking the time to dance his fingers across the terminal before them. After pulling up the file in question, he promptly sent it over the secure channel; 'twas a building plan for a rather sizable refueling station. "We would like to construct a series of refueling stations for usage by our military vessels. The fuel will, of course, be provided by Dirha; but there is something missing from this equation. A certain expertise, if you will. I'd like your corporation to assist us in this venture of constructing these fueling stations, and in exchange we will see to it that new facilities for your corporation are build on Dirha. Of course, this comes with your blessing of our moving to add Nar Chunna to the fold."

[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Tricia Kalamack

Sleeps all day.... yawns all night
"How curious" Tricia was hovering a bit as she looked at [member="Astrian Callus"] and dropped her mental shield. Mainly to hide from sight. Mentalists cloaking might be the weakest but she was putting the weight of twenty seven thousand years behind it to create the illusion she disappeared with a smile. Then she was sitting there in the air while a saber hovered to defend her as needed. "It is a very strange place we have come to, last time I was in such a place the Taung were choking on ash from a volcano."

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