Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Get Rid of Numbers

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Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
I've had it with numbers. I hate math, I hate seeing them in my tech subs, so I suggest we get rid of them starting in the place where they're most offensive; Starships.

I believe that Min-Maxing is super real when it comes to starships, and I believe this most often occurs in gun counts speed, etc. How do I know this? Because I myself am super super guilty of it and I'm well aware that others are too. I've talked with multiple people and am well aware that it happens, as I'm sure most everyone is. So here is my suggestion, scrap the current system, scrap any idea of numbers and replace it with simplicity;

Strengths and Weaknesses, Description, Special features.

That's all you need to make a starship work. I know for a fact that right now several people don't even go near Starships because the numbers, gun counts, speed, etc, confuses them and they're afraid they'll mess it up. There's no real point to having the numbers either, they don't effect RP anymore than a description of "This ship has lots of guns" do and just serve to aggravate and push an arms race on the board(again I know this happens because I've participate in it).

Here would be my example Template;
Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
Affiliation: (Example: The TIE (Twin Ion Engine) Starfighter was primarily created for the Galactic Empire. Do not put the company unless the product is only for your company's use. Common choices include 'Open Market', Personal, or the name of a specific Faction/Major Faction.)
Manufacturer: (Kuat Drive Yards, BlasTech Industries, [Insert Major Faction Name], [Insert Character Name], etc. You must link to any Chaos Company submissions.)
Model: (Example: TIE (Twin Ion Engine). For submissions where a model wouldn't be appropriate, such as a custom walking stick, put 'N/A' for 'Not Applicable'.)
Modularity: (Can you add components to this submission? If so, link to all Approved Factory Submissions applicable. For most submissions, put 'No'.)
Production: (The scale is Unique (Only One Character), Semi-Unique (Only A Handful of Characters), Limited (Only A Select Group Of NPCs/PCs), Minor (Any Character, Only Select Groups Of NPCs), Mass-Produced. (Anyone.))
Material: (What is your submission made out of? Certain materials are more resistant, or vulnerable, to certain weapons. Example: 'Durasteel.' Link: Manufacturing Compounds, Metals, Compounds)
Classification: (Corvette, Personal Transport, Envoy, Scout, Assault, Freighter, Patrol Ship, Dropship)

Length: (Via Metric System. Max: 200 meters. Examples: Defender Class Light Corvette: 94 meters, CR92a Assassin-Class Corvette: 139.25 Meters, Marauder Class Corvette: 195 meters)
Width: (Via Metric System. Max: 200 meters. Examples: Defender Class Light Corvette: 34.7 meters, CR92a Assassin-Class Corvette: 58.95 Meters, Marauder Class Corvette: 131 meters)
Height: (Via Metric System. Max: 200 meters. Examples: Defender Class Light Corvette: 29 meters, CR92a Assassin-Class Corvette: 16.97 Meters, Marauder Class Corvette: 22 meters)

Hangar: (None, Standard, High)

Special Features: (Provide all of your submission's special features, including non-combat items and special weapons, here in a list. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Typically requires development: Stealth technology. Ensure capabilities from features are included in the Strengths list. Links: Starship Weapons, Approved Technology, Shields, Engines)

Maneuverability Rating: (Low, Medium, High)
Speed Rating: (Slow, Medium, Fast)
Hyperdrive Class: (Slow, Medium, Fast)

Strengths: (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 3 strength of this submission.)
Weaknesses: (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 3 weaknesses of this submission.)

Description: (Describing your submission's history is optional. Please provide a detailed account or link of each special feature that is listed in this submission. All miscellaneous descriptive elements go here, such as Cargo Capacity, Passengers, Consumables, Crew, etc.. There is no requirement for amount of words here so long as you meet the minimum requirements for your special features.)
Development Thread: (The main way people work for their toys, though most submissions don't require a development thread. Restricted items require specific development threads. Substantial development threads can help judges approve more powerful submissions. If in doubt, put 'If necessary,' and a judge may or may not ask you for one. Threads cited here must be at least 10 quality posts and must be cited as the full thread title, no abbreviations.)(Restricted Items require specific development threads. The more posts, the more powerful the submission can be. Links: Banned & Restricted Items)
Intent: (Please describe your reason for submitting this. It may be simple or complicated. The Factory Judge will take this into consideration.)
Who Can Use This: (Optional. If you chose Limited, Semi-Unique, or Unique in Productivity above please list what groups/characters can use this submission in role-plays.)
Primary Source:(Please link the source of another writer's submission that you are modifying for your use; only necessary for "Chaos Canon" submissions)

Obviously this is a quick thing and would be refined but yeah...that's really it. No Gun counts, no speed ratings to push the envelope, the only numbers are in the Length. The lack of numbers simplifies things.

"But Chris!" You say. "What about my creativity?"

Well, you don't need to list everything out in numbers to be creative. You can absolutely still say your ship uses mostly turbo-lasers or Mass-Drivers or whatever, you can even say that your ship is "More powerful" than the next, Just instead of throwing a bunch of numbers out you now have to creatively explain in the ships strengths why it's more powerful. In the end I believe using exact numbers creates complexity and narrows Starships to a creative point where only a few people are actually capable/willing to make them, which is obviously a bad thing.

We want more participation, not less.

PS: When I told [member="Raziel"] this idea he said he loved me, that I'm awesome, and that all of my ideas are great and wonderful.

EDIT: Added Rhys' suggestion
Alric Kuhn said:
several people don't even go near Starships because the numbers, gun counts, speed, etc,

This is the exact sentence explaining why I do not judge starships in any capacity.
I like it.

Numbers are the most contentious thing about starships and people keep pushing to get one more than their starship making rival and then arguing vehemently about it with judges.

People could still describe the types of weapons they use in the description.

The only thing I'd add is to up the strengths and weaknesses to a minimum of 3 each to really give people a feel for a ship at a glance.
You probably understand that starship components are also a part of the naval arms race, it's not restricted to the ships themselves. Nevertheless I could understand if so many feel as if the starship section and, with it, fleeting, is like a tabletop game.

However it would make it harder to determine the amount of dev required.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Cathul Thuku"]

While I understand your thoughts on this, I would have to disagree. Dev isn't based on numbers however, not entirely. You can see this through the Factory all the time in the Technology creation section. People work off of mostly the description and S&W there. It would be much the same with Starships.

[member="Otto Shule"]

What kind of abuse would be more prevalent that already doesn't exist? A serious question.

Also under the current system Numbers for armaments and defense are already optional, but people don't often use that option. Why? Because they're afraid they're doing it wrong or the number they put(A simple 1-20 number instead of actual guns) will be discounted.
I'm not a tech-y kind of guy so this really doesn't concern me, but I imagine for fleeters the numbers are important? Otherwise it'd just be one fleeter claiming his fleet is better equipped than the opposition without any numbers backing him/her up.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

I see your point, but you're surprisingly wrong...At least from my experience with Fleeters.

When Fleeting the amount of guns your ship actually has doesn't matter a huge amount. There have been instances after all where tiny fleets have beaten bigger ones, vice versa, or even were a single ship beat an entire fleet. Gun Counts don't really matter because in the end this is RP it's not a tabletop game where everything is based on Dice rolls and exact math.

Besides that point, several Fleeters have talked to me and a few have posted in here and they support this so I don't think thats a huge concern.
The number game (and general time) keeps me from going actively fleet. I'd personally love to get my Honor Harrington on with just well described tactics and firing weapons.
I'll admit the last update to the starship template took a lot of work for me to add the example starships.

The idea was anyone could copy and paste them, tweak them and post them.

It hasn't gone as well as I'd hoped.

Vosh Mozh

[member="Otto Shule"]

What's your reasoning for that?

​I don't mean to sound hostile, I'm just new to this and I want to fully understand the situation at hand :unsure:
They're right to be afraid of doing it wrong, because ultimately it doesn't matter when the RP aspect comes into play. You could theoretically have over a thousand turbolasers on a larger than average Star destroyer and your opponent can merely ignore/negate any of the incoming damage, as evidenced by my posts as Astarii Saren during the Deadly Void encounter. Now removing that aspect entirely, and not the rating system mind you; as no matter what someone does it's always going to be wrong in one person's eyes or another, will open up the handwaved avenue of my ship is equipped with Turbolasers. Not a clearly defined amount, but an ever shifting denomination that will change from each person's interpretation of the originally submitted design.

The fact of the matter, at least from my experience both on Chaos and another site where it has had similar issues as the one's we face, is that Fleetingf is perceived to be nothing more than a game of Mathhammer, rather than an enjoyable affair like reading the X-wing novels or the Honour Harrington series. All the information that's been blasted over every fleeting engagement can and should be strictly kept in the IC realm- rather than what it's become by mixing both.

But, that's merely my brief thoughts on the matter. Do with them as you will.

[member="Alric Kuhn"]
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