Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work In Progress Fyrebook

Martin Draigo


  • D E T A I L S

    Full name:
    Martin Draigo​
    38 Standard Years​
    GDI Incorporated​
    Force Sensitive:
    Yes, mildly​

  • B I O G R A P H Y

    Not much is known about the man Martin Draigo’s personal life or history prior to his meteoric rise up the corporate ladder of GDI Incorporated, outside of his heritage as a Hapan born of Hapes. He first arose as a ‘blip’ on the galactic radar when he rose to middle management within GDI’s Cyberdefense division, where he developed and demonstrated a high mental acuity for developments within the cyber-security industry. Over the years, he was successful in ingratiating himself among the corporate elite of the company, metaphorically jumping aboard the ‘fast-track’ to upper management within the company. Within the span of a decade, Martin shifted into the R&D division, raw material procurement, refining, and finally manufacturing. After developing a variety of experience in each of those specializations, this served as a sort of coronation for him as he continued rising through the ladder until eventually being named as the company’s current CEO.

    He is known for his high mental IQ, decisive decision making, as well as a knack for innovation. Under his guidance over the past five years, GDI has positioned itself as a major player within the galactic cybersecurity, manufacturing, and arms development industries throughout the majority of known space. He is commonly seen meeting with individuals of note, such as senators, nobility, high powered businessmen/women of similar standing, and public figures in a well strategized effort to maintain GDI’s placement as a dominant force on the market. He is known as a deft conversationalist and negotiator, and carries a bit of a ‘playboy’ reputation amongst the fairer sex, due in no small part to his ruggedly masculine features.

  • A P P E A R A N C E

    From his strong jawline, to the debonair manner in which he carries himself, it is little wonder how Martin has arisen to his current station. He carries the distinct advantage of appearing comfortable either as opulent galas among the galaxy’s elite, or in a quiet rural retreat with a select few guests via his personal invitation. Being a Hapan, his eyes would normally carry a distinct deficiency in low-light situations, but he bears very high quality ocular implants that give his eyes a very alluring (if not slightly cybernetic) glint. This has been known to win him the company of more than a few female companions when combined with his wide smile. Conveniently enough, these natural traits along with his adaptable personality have granted him success in both his business and personal life.


    +Visionary - Martin is known for a keen sense of innovation, carrying a vision for ‘what could be’ rather than simply what is possible to be.
    +Charismatic - As one might expect of a successful CEO, Martin carries the flexibility to seem at ease in a plethora of situations - whether it be in front of a crowd of thousands at a product line release, or at an intimate dinner with a remarkable woman.
    +Business-minded - Given the amount of time he’s spent in this world, Martin is a very adept businessman, both on and off the clock.
    +Mysterious - People who meet Martin often walk away with the impression that there is more than meets the eye with this man, and are not quite able to ‘put their finger’ on why that is.

    -Ruthless - While not necessarily ‘cruel’, Martin has been described as ruthless when it comes to matters of finance or business, as is the case with many who have arisen to a similar station.
    -Unpredictable - Whether it is due to calculation, or a character flaw, both his rivals and his closest aids frequently are infuriated with just how unpredictable Martin is.

  • I T E M S

    • A wide collection of suits, watches, and other high-dollar clothing.
    • More speeders than he really should own.
    • Typically carries a sidewarm in a shoulder holster.
    • Ocular Implants

  • T H R E A D S

    - Thread Title, Completed/Ongoing - Description

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Template by Pluperfect

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TAG: @

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.


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Lord Saevius


  • D E T A I L S

    Full name:
    Only known as ‘Saevius’​
    The Spider​
    35 Standard Years​
    200 lbs​
    Brotherhood of the Maw - New Sith Order​
    Sith Lord​
    Force Sensitive:

  • B I O G R A P H Y


    ’Chaos is a ladder’ a great man once said. A truer statement has never been said before or since, particularly when referencing the story of the Sith Lord known as ‘Darth Saevius’. From birth, his life began with overcoming adversity. Born to a Hapan-born Sith Lord and a human paramour, Saevius was sickly as a newborn, with talk arising of leaving the babe to die on the sands of Korriban. His life was only spared when the force saw fit to imbue him with the initial presence of one with a strong connection to the force, even as a babe. While hardly as strong or formidable as a grown man, or even as a young child, it was enough to allow him to grow up and experience the hard life he was subjected to. He was raised to believe in the superiority and intricacies of the Dark Side of the Force. His father was his master – a cold, ever appraising Dark Lord who instilled upon his progeny the same remorseless, unyielding passion in the pursuit of further knowledge and power. The lens through which Saevius came to view the galaxy as he traveled alongside his father was always tinted along that vein. Serve the empire, which at that time was secretly growing in strength - spreading its tendrils deep into the galaxy until it was ripe for conquest.

    One of the most impactful moments of his young life occurred on a pilgrimage to Korriban’s “Valley of the Dark Lords” orchestrated by his father. The sheer scope and size of the tombs which lined the landscape struck him, especially as they delved within the catacombs of Sith Lords long dead. After hours of wandering the halls, Saevius came upon the realization that he was no longer with his father. In fact, he was completely and utterly alone within the dark and forbidding halls. Distant howls intermingled with the sounds of wind rushing about, and echoed through the chambers of the unknown tomb he found himself within. While fear threatened to settle in upon this stark realization that he was completely and utterly alone, combined with the reports of nameless acolytes perishing within these very ruins, the young Hapan couldn't help but feel this was some test on the part of his father. The torches which lined the particular tomb he wandered within flickered and grew ever dimmer, further handicapping the poor eyesight Hapans were prone to have in dim settings. Yet, even at the age of fourteen, Saevius knew that if he gave in to panic, he would likely never see the light of day again – and obviously displease his father. The trials he experienced as he wandered the tombs of mighty Sith Lords from ages past is a story for another time, but suffice to say that he nearly died several times before eventually making his way out and back to his father, only doing so when he closed his eyes (which were rather useless in the dark), and opening his mind to the force which pulsed around him. While it sounds rather cliche’, the fact remains that when he gave himself over to the force and bent it to his will to guide him out, he exited the tombs with a renewed sense of who he could be. His suspicions that this was a test were all but confirmed when his father gifted him with the components he needed to forge his own lightsaber, marking his ascension from little more than an acolyte with inferior eyesight, to his father’s rightful, fully fledged apprentice.



    As the years passed and Saevius grew in both stature and power, the type of Sith he would become eventually began to take shape. While he imitated his father in certain respects, namely using sensitive knowledge and information to gain leverage over rivals and enemies of the nascent Empire, Saevius took it a few steps further. Becoming enthralled with the legacy of Darth Sideous and Darth Plagueis, He delved into the darker mysteries of the force, specifically in utilizing the force to bend the will of other living creatures to his will. It first began with smaller creatures, and eventually progressed to larger beasts which roamed the ruins and dunes of Korriban. Even further, it evolved into young rivals of his who to the public eye had ‘mysteriously disappeared’ wandering the ancient tombs and ruins of old. This skillset eventually commended the young Sith into joining the ranks of the Imperial Inquisition, where he plied his growing mastery over the force to extract information from known dissidents and foolhardy Jedi intent on undermining the Sith Empire’s ideals.

    This growing reputation as a rising master of the force did not mean he was unskilled with a blade or the martial arts. In fact, the truth is quite the opposite - for Lord Saevius was drilled endlessly by his father to master several lightsaber forms to the point of excess. This added to his efficacy within the Inquisition, becoming one of the foremost Jedi hunters within the Empire all the way to its eventual collapse. He had personally been responsible for the conversion of several misguided Jedi, and the death of many others who refused to bend to his will - making use of their connections to the force to experiment with the techniques he had only previously been able to read about. This eventually led to him acquiring a sobriquet amongst his peers and underlings, being known as ‘Lord Spider’ or ‘The Spider’. Many soon learned to never call him that to his face, as those who did would mysteriously disappear only to be found wandering the dunes as a mindless husk. Nicknames aside, Lord Saevius came to be feared both within and without the Empire, the mystery which shrouded him causing all but the boldest or amenable from involving themselves in his dealings. This obvious led to him being branded as a particularly vile ‘war criminal’ upon the collapse of the Sith Empire and the rise of the New Imperial Order



    In the months that led to the collapse of The Sith Empire at the apex of its power, he took steps to secure his future which culminated in him going into a self imposed exile while the rest of those too ignorant or foolish to acknowledge what was about to inevitably happen fought on. The few who were aware of his subtle exodus would brand him a coward, but such labels did little to affect him. To him, the Civil War exposed the Empire for how weak and corrupt it was. It deserved to collapse and fade into oblivion - he did his part to keep it running for as long as he could until their weakness was apparent to him beyond the point of being able to stomach it any further.

    In the years that followed, Saevius wandered the Outer Rim and unexplored regions with a small retinue aboard a corvette he previously had used during his assignments as an inquisitor, but scrubbed of its hyperdrive signature and undergoing extensive renovations to remove any inkling that it was at one time an Imperial ship. He spent those years of exile delving into ancient, forgotten worlds which boasted tremendous power within the force, learning much to further his own mysterious, unknowable ends. His journey to further knowledge eventually resulted in a confrontation between him and his father, who had become a petty warlord with nought but a few hundred men under his command - believing himself worthy to be the savior of the Sith in his squalor and delusion.

    When Saevius refused to join his former master in his quest to reforge the Sith in his name, his father decided his son no longer lived - but died in the ashes of the former Empire they had served. For the last time, father and son joined together in battle, the likes of which had never been seen before by the men who observed to the side - and which would not be repeated again. Blood meant nothing then, for only one man would leave the duel alive. Eventually, after what seemed like hours of heated battle in the form of powerful strikes, deft riposts, feints and counter strokes, Saevius triumphed with a single blow that would cement his legacy as a master of the arcane arts. After deflecting one of his father’s powerful blows to the side, Saevius’ right hand planted itself upon his father’s forehead - energy rippling from his fingers as they gripped his face like the fangs of a spider. Saevius’ voice took on a resonating, commanding tone as he uttered words that no other man or woman there could comprehend. His father’s words turned a pale white, and he at first struggled against his son’s grasp - clawing at his hand with the desperation of a feeble kath hound fighting against the vicegrip of a Veractyl. Moments passed, with Saevius releasing his grip upon his father’s head. Silence prevailed between them and all assembled, until Saevius spoke one word to break the silence. ”Rise, father...”

    Without hesitation, without even so much as a protest, his father rose to his feet, his shoulders sunken like a defeated man who was a prisoner in his own body. From that point forward, “Lord” Saevius became “Darth” Saevius, and nearly all of those assembled upon the far flung fields of an unknown planet flocked under his thrall - either as willing minions to his goals, or as mindless husks alongside his father. Today, Saevius’ travels near their end as he has adopted a new mission - to seek refuge amongst the ranks of the New Sith Order within the Brotherhood of the Maw. One may wonder why a man who has spent years acquiring both knowledge and power would do such a thing, but who can truly know the unknowable?

  • P E R S O N A L


    While exceedingly tall, and not appearing to be an overly bulky man by any means, Saevius could neither be described as frail or weak in any sense of the word. His musculature is wiry and compact, indicative of his life of honing both his mind and body to master the dark side of the force. His eyes glow a faint yellow, which is partially due to ocular implants he has received to enhance his natural eyesight, but also due to the intense levels of corruption his body has suffered. He can easily hide this imperfection if he wishes, but he only does so if he desire to mask who he truly is.

    His hair is a raven-black, and currently styled in a short slicked hairstyle for both convenience and for the regal appearance it affords him. Being in his presence has often been described as unsettling, as if one is being appraised by a predator rather than a fellow sentient. That this does not mean he is incapable of being friendly or otherwise civil to others, but is likely a combination of his manner and the reputation he has built for himself. Personality wise he is a man of refinement, and can smile quite easily and speak softly. Clearly raised to carry himself like a gentleman, he appears equally as comfortable at a dinner table vs a torture chamber.


    +Master of the Dark Side+ - Saevius has spent years mastering the dark side of the force, including visiting force nexuses and anomalies throughout unexplored space, and has delved into the arcane arts further than most average Sith have ever thought to do.
    +Duelist+ - Considered an expert in Makashi, as well as the defensive Soresu form, Saevius is near-equally as deadly with a lightsaber as he is with the force.
    +Qâzoi Kyantuska+ - Among the plethora of force techniques Saevius has gained mastery over, his signature would be the use of a force power known as Qâzoi Kyantuska, which translates to ‘Suppress Thought’ or ‘Control Mind’ in galactic basic. This enables him to utilize his own exceedingly powerful will to overwhelm those of others in his presence, literally bending their will to his own. The result is they either submit to his will, and therefore retain a level of consciousness at his pleasure, or their psyche breaks entirely, causing them to become mindless husks enslaved to his will.
    +Inquisitorial Background+ - Saevius is known to be a very effective Jedi Hunter and interrogator, and is oft called upon to ply those skills to his fellow brothers within the New Sith Order.

    -Psychopath- - To say that Saevius is a psychopath is a very large understatement. He views any who are not Sith or in service to the Sith as little more than objects, or at best inferior beings to be used at his own pleasure.
    -War Criminal- - In most civilized systems, particularly those within New Imperial Order space, Saevius is considered a war criminal and would easily be regarded as a threat to be shot on sight.
    -Mysterio- - Chief among Saevius’ defining characteristics is the simple fact that he has a mystique surrounding him. While this acts as a means of intimidation against his enemies and rivals, it also has the unfortunate side effect of preventing him from connecting with others. After all, who wants to be around someone who makes them feel uneasy?

  • I T E M S

    (1) Double-bladed lightsaber which contains (2) kyber crystals, allowing for both halves to be detached into two separate weapons.

    Dark robes and tunics

    (1) Belt with a myriad of pouches, containing rations, stims, deionizers, a commlink, and other miscellaneous tools and supplies

    (1) Heavily modified corvette (factory submission pending)

  • A B I L I T I E S

    Force abilities include, but are not limited to:
    Physical/Martial Abilities:
    • Form I - Shii-Cho
    • Form II - Makashi
    • Form III - Soresu
    • Teras-Kasi
    • Medicine/Healing
    • Interrogation

  • T H R E A D S

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Template by Pluperfect

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e jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

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  • Intent: To provide a baseline, mass-produced assault rifle for use on the open market.
  • Image Source: Image Source
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A

  • Manufacturer: GDI Incorporated
  • Affiliation: GDI Incorporated
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Model: EF-100 ‘Enforcer’ Ballistic Assault Rifle
  • Modularity: Yes - rail attachments (I.E Tactical Flashlight, Laser Sight, Tactical Sight Interface, etc), Variety of Slug-Ammunition Types, such as armor piercing, incendiary, or explosive or any other variant of slug ammunition.
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material:
    • Titanium Casing
    • Interchangeable Machined Parts
    • Mechanical Internal Assembly

  • Classification: Slugthrower, Ballistic Rifle
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Ballistic
  • Ammunition Capacity: Average - (24) Round Magazine
  • Effective Range: Average
  • Rate of Fire: High
  • Damage Output: Very High
  • Recoil: High


  • Interchangeable Parts: Parts can be swapped out from any rifle-type weapon of the ‘Enforcer’ line, making the EF-100 Assault Rifle a highly dependable battlefield weapon. Additionally, the stock can be folded into the frame, replaced with a custom stock, or removed entirely.
  • Mechanical Design: Due to its pure, streamlined mechanical design, the EF-100 rarely ever experiences complications or failures through use barring extreme physical damage to the weapon itself. This lack of electronic mechanisms render the weapon impervious to EMP or Ion damage.
  • Firing Modes: The EF-100 is able to fire fully automatic, three round bursts, or single-shot semi-automatic.


  • +Mechanical Design: (See special features)

  • +Versatile: Despite the perception that slugthrowers are ‘antiquated’ compared to blaster-based weaponry, the EF-100 provides much that any soldier would appreciate - very high stopping power, versatile payloads based on ammunition types (such as armor piercing, incendiary, ion-tipped, riot munitions, etc), and rails to attach external accessories.


  • -Spartan: The EF-100 is a fairly baseline weapon platform, devoid of much by way of ‘advanced technology’. While this is considered a strength in many ways for a ‘battlefield’ quality weapon, one should understand this if in the market for a more specialized platform.

  • -Munition Dependant: Although this might be an obvious drawback, it should still be noted that this weapon’s effectiveness is entirely dependent on the quantity and type of ammunition one has access to. While standing well on its own compared to blaster-based competitors, one advantage such platforms have over the EF-100 is that blaster technology is more efficient with its power cells to prevent ammunition from being a significant detriment.

While the most common weapon type available in the galaxy is a blaster, one cannot fully replace the versatility and effectiveness of a slugthrower. It was with this in mind that GDI opted to invest in the production of a flagship series of slugthrowers to both modernize the profile of slugthrowers, and to serve as a mainstay within the class. GDI’s answer to both goals is the ‘Enforcer’ series of slugthrowers, with the EF-100 being the assault rifle variant of the series; providing the versatility and dependability one would desire on the battlefield for a very reasonable price.

Over a fairly short period of time, the EF-100 has become a favorite amongst budget-conscious militia or law enforcement agencies, and even cornering a market share amongst private military agencies given its simple and hardy design, the system’s resilience against ion and emp technology, and the versatility afforded by a variety of different ammunition types for developing situations on the battlefield. Why wait? Pickup your EF-100 at a local GDI-certified dealer near you!

Faison Kelborn


  • D E T A I L S

    Full name:
    Faison Kelborn​
    Born: Mandalore | Raised: Corellia​
    Nighthawk, Ghost, Kelborn​
    Human (Mandalorian)​
    32 Standard Years​
    The Mandalorian Enclave​
    Force Sensitive:

  • B I O G R A P H Y


    Before the great hyperspace war - or rather, before the Red Coronation, where Mandalore became the shattered husk of a world it is now known as - the planet was once considered a gem within the Outer Rim. The proud home of a warrior culture nearly as ancient and formidable as the Jedi, the surface was altogether a terrestrial mix of dense forestry full of animals both predatory and gentle, alpine mountainous regions prone to dense snow coverage during the winter seasons, to sprawling flatlands divided by rivers both great and small. Such a setting served as the backdrop of Faison’s childhood. The firstborn son of a chieftain of Clan Kelborn, Faison was taught from an early age what it meant to live the life of one born into the Mandalorian culture. From the moment he could walk, the lessons began - from learning how to hold and safely handle a blaster, how to grapple and wrestle amongst his siblings and cousins, how to track and hunt, and how to survive off of the land.

    It was a happy childhood to be sure, with many memories of both father and son striking out into the wilds with nothing but the rifles in their hands, the clothes on their back, and knives on their thighs. This happy time - one of the few in Faison’s life - would soon be tragically cut short. Near his tenth birthday, a wave of Mandalorian-centric nationalism began to rise to the fore, wherein the promises offered by the rising Sith Empire to restore the Mandalorian people to greatness, along with the opportunities afforded to more independent minded ones within Mandalorian society, became too hard to ignore by the vast majority of the Mandalorian people. Clan Kelborn was among the few notable clans wherein dissension arose, namely due to uncertainty that the Sith were needed to give the Mandalorian people anything they could not take themselves, as well as those who questioned the wisdom of involving themselves in a war against the Galactic Republic.

    Faison’s father, known to history as Chieftain Vardek Ro’tall Kelborn, was among the elder members of the clan advising such caution. This made Vardek a prime target for the purges that soon preceded the Mandalorian people’s near-wholesale alignment with the Sith Empire. Assassinations and skirmishes erupted between the two factions across the planet, with Faison and his Corellian-born mother narrowly surviving the purges by being spirited away by one of Vardek’s most loyal friends - a kinsman by the name of D’aryc Kelborn. Ever since that fateful day, Faison has not again set foot upon his ancestral homeworld.


    As the Sith Empire’s power waxed evermore until the eventual outbreak of the Great Hyperspace War, the small contingent of men and women loyal to Vardek Kelborn arrived upon the planet of Corellia along with the surviving members of his family - namely Faison, his mother, and his sister Liara. Shortly after their arrival, news came forth of Vardek’s death during the purges, along with nearly all of the other chieftains and prominent elders within the clan who opposed aligning themselves with the Sith. The news of this nearly devastated Faison and his family, but he found strength in the man who would become his adoptive father during this time, namely D’aryc himself. Eventually, as Faison came of age and D’aryc took over as a ‘father figure’ in his life, war broke out between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. As young men are oft to do when the drums of war bellow, Faison enlisted alongside other young Mandalorian refugees within a mercenary company that styled itself as ‘Krayt Company’, intent on avenging his father’s death. Knowing that he could not dissuade the young Faison from this decision, and knowing that Faison’s mother would never forgive him otherwise, D’aryc enlisted alongside his adopted son and promised to bring him back alive.

    The following months were rife with a mixture of routine maneuvers, with a few action-packed skirmishes laced throughout. But the most impactful moment of this war in Faison’s life would take place near the end of the war, on a backwater world hardly important enough to recall the name of. Faison’s unit, comprised of some fifty soldiers - half of which Mandalorian youths who were previously full of ‘piss and vinegar’ at the prospect of war - were deployed to assist in the retreat of the staff stationed within a forward outpost. The Galactic Republic was engaged in a full retreat from the Sith onslaught, and they were doing all they could to prevent the line from completely crumbling as the Empire steadily continued their advance. As they arrived and proceeded in aiding the frantic staff of the outpost in loading both themselves and what necessary equipment they needed to bring along with them, the Empire struck. Artillery rounds descended upon their position, ripping apart some of the lightly armored sections of the outpost. Imperial soldiers clad in camo-tinted plasteel armor surged from the treelines around them, with what Republic soldiers who remained frantically trying to push them back as the last of the staff members loaded into the transport. It all happened so fast, that all Faison could recall was being bodily pushed from his position by D’aryc before a massive explosion tore through where he previously had stood - and where D’aryc did not have enough time to leave himself. D’aryc’s charred remains were all that Faison could see, his armor scorched beyond recognition and hardly a limb attached to each other.

    His surroundings grew numb, and it was only after the whole ordeal that his companions told Faison that he was screaming at the top of his voice while pushing forward to reach his adoptive father’s dead body. It took three of his fellow vode to pull him back and onto the ship so that he would not join his adoptive father in death. Faison entered the war a boy eager for glory, but he left the war a broken man who had lost not one; but two fathers in his life. Soon thereafter, the war ended with the dissolution of the Galactic Republic as it had then existed, and with Faison returning to his mother on Corellia. The strength his mother exhibited when he told her of D’aryc’s fate was indicative of a true Mandalorian woman, even though from what he knew she was not one by blood, but rather one adopted into the culture as is oft the custom. It was that strength which helped carry him through yet another dark period in his life.


    In the months that followed, Faison tried to find some purpose in his life again. The only thing that saved him from becoming a complete liability to society was when he linked up with another soldier who served alongside him during the war - a Mandalorian woman named Jyn Ordo, whose family also fled the purges and took refuge in Coronet City, within a district known for housing refugees. Despite the loss he suffered and the grief which tormented him, Jyn had proven to be a loyal friend through it all. Soon, they fell in love. While the pain would never fully go away, Faison came to see that life with Jyn was worth living, and that both of his late fathers would want him to lead a full life.

    It was during this time that Faison enlisted as a cadet within Cor--Sec’s academy, and soon thereafter graduated to become a full member of their ranks. He spent several years as a uniformed officer on the streets of the city’s more upscale districts, but eventually distinguished himself enough to become a detective. There, he mastered skills that he continues to use today, namely criminal investigative work, interrogation, and navigating the criminal underworld. Eventually, this new chapter in his life began to afford him a level of comfort and purpose, enough so for him to propose marriage to Jyn so they could move even further onward. Fate, the force, some cruel god, or whatever other entity one believes in was not quite done with Faison’s life at this point, however. What would befall him next would lead him down a very dark path indeed.

    Large cities such as Coronet are rife with all manner of crime, whether it be gang violence, domestic disturbances, theft, or even murder. During the waning years of Faison’s career as an investigator within Cor-Sec, he was assigned a particularly disturbing murder case that would dominate his life for the remainder of his career. What at first appeared to be the gruesome murder of a waitress from a local Cantina, and was assumed to be gang related, eventually developed into the beginnings of a prolific serial killer whose modus operandi was to stalk single, nubile woman to their homes, determine their routine, then silently break into their homes during the day and wait for them to return in the evenings. He was known as the ‘Nexu Killer’, primarily because he had a talent for avoiding detection, and because of the particularly grizzled state he would leave his victims in. As the bodies piled up, the Nexu Killer became more methodical with each killing. Evidence was scarce to begin with, and while they had little and less to go on, Cor-Sec eventually stumbled across a single, blurry image of the top half of his face in security footage. Although it was blurry, the image revealed that the killer was indeed male, and had light colored hair, fair complected skin, and what appeared to be either blue or hazel eyes. The few witnesses around each of his victims claim they saw a hooded and masked man lurking around their buildings a few nights prior to each killing, with one witness swearing the person was a human (which matched with the killer’s proclivity for human females as his victims).

    The case would remain ongoing until it grew far closer to home than Faison ever would expect - namely, with his fiance’ being one of the killer’s penultimate victims. Faison could still remember the night he found her body, and even more importantly - bumping into a hooded man leaving her building when he was arriving. When he bumped into him, he got a passing look at the man’s face, and only realized the potential importance of the chance encounter when he entered her apartment and found her corpse mangled and bloody. He rushed out of the apartment to find the man, but by that time the suspected killer was long gone. Needless to say, this loss devastated Faison on a level few men experience and even fewer wish to happen to even their worst enemy. His supervisors in Cor-Sec cleared his name from the investigation soon enough given the camera feeds verifying he wasn’t home during the murder, but also decided to remove him from the case given his proximity to the killer’s latest victim. They of course took his testimony and made a holo-sketch of the killer’s likeness, but proceeded on the investigation without him.

    This enraged Faison, and pushed him into a very dark place in his mind. He soon developed a drinking habit, and was reported to frequent cantinas of ill repute asking questions along the lines of trying to find a man that matched the one he encountered. He eventually encountered a man matching the description, a man who worked as a repairman within the district both he and Jyn had lived in. It was then that he crossed a line that no law enforcement officer should ever cross. He stalked the man home, forced himself into the man’s apartment, and beat him senseless while rummaging through his belongings. He found little by way of evidence, but did find a mask that appeared to match the one the killer reportedly wore based on witness testimony. When word got back to the precinct though, it wasn’t to obtain a warrant for the man’s arrest so as to perform a more thorough investigation, but rather due to a police misconduct suit filed by the man himself while Faison slept off his drunken stupor at home.

    It was only due to the connections he had made in Cor-Sec that he avoided jail time, and instead was dishonorably discharged from Cor-Sec. This resulted in him diving even deeper into his drinking and into his life of crawling around the city’s most ill-known cantinas and clubs. Eventually, Faison ran into contacts he formerly only knew as a police officer, but who in turn saw an opportunity to utilize the expertise of a former officer to expand their criminal enterprises. The place in which this path led Faison was into a life of crime and mercenary work. He donned his armor, pieces of which belonged to his father Vardek, and took his blaster up as a hired gun. It was in this profession that Faison spent several years thereafter, until he found himself on Kestri during the Solstice of Remembrance.


    After nearly stumbling across the location of the secret Mandalorian Enclave homeworld via contacts he maintained from his years within Krayt Company, Faison emerged on the world during the Festival commemorating the renewal and remembrance of the Mandalorian people. At first, Faison thought it a convenient opportunity to acquire new armor and weapons, but being on the world during this time had resulted in the fateful meeting of key individuals in Faison’s life today, such as Vren Rook, Siv Draugr, & Thonn Rokal. While he was still a scoundrel and hired gun of ill repute, them and others on Kestri had awoken something inside of him which he had slowly started to repress upon the death of D’aryc, and ever moreso after the death of his fiance’.

    Purpose. Meaning.

    He had a small amount of it on Corellia as a member of Cor-Sec, but being amongst his vode on Kestri had helped him to see the effect such a thing could have upon a man like him. It was but a first step on a personal journey he began on that day, a journey which would take him across the galaxy on worlds the Enclave conducted operations upon, and others. The mission?

    To purge his life of those who would keep him from moving on. To forge himself anew.

    To be the man his fathers wanted him to be.

  • P E R S O N A L

    With the body of a man whose life has been lived under the tenants of the Mandalorian culture, Faison is easily considered to be the pinnacle of human strength and fitness. With auburn hair, blue eyes, and a square jaw reminiscent of an anvil within the forges of Kestri, Faison appears to be every inch the type of man others don’t want to screw around with. If one were to see his chest and back without the constraints of armor or clothing, one would see a myriad of scars forming a patchwork across his frame, telling the story without words of the life he had lived thus far.

    When wearing his armor, he strikes a very intimidating figure. Encased in pure beskar, and shrouded with a coat of Stygian Triprismatic Polymer, he very much appears to be a denizen of the night - a shadow which prowls the back alleys and dark rooms of the galaxy. This would serve to cement his reputation as a silent and deadly killer. Personality wise, on the surface he is regarded as reserved and taciturn in nature in large part due to the events in his life. But as he gets to know someone, particularly one who has both the patience and resolve to penetrate his gritty exterior, what is revealed is a man who has been broken and reforged as many times as an ancient warblade.

    He is a loyal friend, and a reliable companion to have at your back.


    +Mando’ade+ - Not all men can claim to be Mandalorian. Of those who can, not all can claim to have been raised as one from birth. Faison is Mando’ade to the bone, having been raised within the wilds of Mandalore, back when it had wilds to speak of.
    +Silent as the grave+ - From his years learning how to stalk prey, be it food from the wilds, or bounties to collect on, Faison is known for his ability to sneak up right next to or behind others, even it they are friends.
    +Prime Investigator+ - Although his tenure with Cor-Sec was cut short due to police misconduct, that did not mean that Faison was not a capable investigator in his own right - he just disliked the red tape that came with the job.

    ~Well Connected~: Despite his fall from grace within law enforcement, Faison has managed to leverage his prior experience into developing a respectable network within the criminal underworld. As most with any experience of such things knows very well, having such a network is a two-edged sword. Given his prior history of assault against suspected felons and ne’er-do-wells, Faison has equally as many enemies as he does allies due to these connections. There are many low to mid level criminals who would relish the opportunity to hit him back now that he doesn’t have the status of a Cor-Sec agent as a shield.

    -Subtle as a Gundark- - Faison has many talents that render him a valuable asset, but his conversation skills are not among them. To say that Faison is direct would be the equivalent of saying that a lightsaber blade is hot - he means what he says, and oftentimes doesn’t care how it comes across to others. To his credit, years of dealing with the repercussions of this failing has taught him that sometimes it’s best not to say anything, but that problem will likely never fully go away.
    -Inner Demons- - As is the case with most veterans who go through the same level of mental trauma as Faison did, PTSD is a real issue. While whatever Faison has to cope with isn’t nearly as debilitating as others, he finds that the quiet nights are the hardest in which to get any sleep, which has lent itself to a slight drinking habit. Thus far, it has not overly affected his operational capability, but one could wonder how such a thing could continue without growing more serious.

  • I T E M S

    • 1 - Vibrodagger

    • 1 - Vibrosword

    • Concussion Grenades

    • Fragmentation Grenades

    • Misc. Demolitions equipment such as breaching charges, fuses, etc.

    • 1 - Modified Light Freighter (Factory submission pending)

  • A B I L I T I E S

    • Tracking
    • Swordplay
    • Investigation
    • Long range sniping/targeting

  • T H R E A D S

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Template by Pluperfect

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Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.






Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.


[div=background:url( center top; margin: auto; max-width: 750px; background-attachment: fixed; background-position: 5%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 100%; box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #00FFFF99;][div=background: #00000099;border:2px solid #00FFFF; border-image: url( 70 stretch; border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 0px; margin: auto; max-width: 600px; padding: 15px; padding-top: 20px; text-shadow: 2px 2px #4C0099;][center]




Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.[center]


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Baron Reinhardt Ström


  • D E T A I L S

    Full name:
    Baron Reinhardt Ström​
    Anden V (Planet Submission Pending)​
    52 Standard Years​
    228 lbs​
    Eternal Empire​
    Baron, Field Marshal​
    Force Sensitive:

  • B I O G R A P H Y


    Nestled deep within the unexplored regions, Anden V is a bubble of civilization amidst the chaos normally characterizing the region. Known as a terrestrial world, divided into agricultural, industrial, and administrative centers, Anden V has long possessed the makings of being the centerpiece to a galactic superpower. However, its history is filled with accounts of political machinations leading to infighting, outside manipulation, and upheaval. Although it has played host to a variety of different governments throughout its history, it has most recently been governed via a stringently defined hierarchical structure, with several prominent noble houses reigning supreme over the different continents and ‘fiefdoms’ on the world.

    Over the past few centuries, House Ström rose to prominence among them, carving a place for themselves originally as an industrial and military power house in particular, though being unable to fully overpower equally prominent rival houses on the planet. During the reign of the original First Order, Anden V was in the throes of a planet-wide civil war, and was fortunate to avoid interest or manipulation throughout the events which transpired during that time. The concurrent iterations of the First Order were far more prolific in manipulating events to their favor, with other noble houses ascending in both power and influence due to their collaborative efforts with the former galactic powers. House Ström rose to prominence when the most recent First Order, known as the ‘3rd First Order’ collapsed. With the planet forced to once again fend for itself to maintain order amidst the chaos, House Ström and other houses that were disaffected by the previous order of things rose up and ousted their former oppressors, returning to a fragmented state of fiefdoms and domains.

    This would change once again to the current state dominating Anden V when the Eternal Empire rose to prominence, and House Ström itself would ascend to the height of its influence during this fateful period. In imitation of its former rival houses, House Ström would not allow itself to miss out on the opportunity to become the first among equals this time. Near-instantly, the Noble family pledged itself in fealty to Emperor Tacitus in exchange for his support in ruling the planet in his name.

    Once the deal was struck, all opposition standing before the combined might of House Ström and the Eternal Empire was swiftly crushed, and the scion of House Ström (the current Baron, Reinhardt Ström) stood above all as Tacticus’ chosen Baron over the Empire’s newly acquired world. Yet, Reinhardt Ström would not repeat the same mistakes his previous rivals had done. Instead of coexisting with the rival houses who opposed his ascendancy, Baron Reinhardt swiftly and methodically set about eliminating his opposition with extreme prejudice, whether it be by fabricating evidence of treason, or in legitimately stamping out clandestine meetings amongst his rivals. During this period of time, some months after his ascendancy as Baron, nearly all rival major houses were exterminated into oblivion, or otherwise subjugated by means of near-total dominion over their districts in the name of ‘spreading the unifying influence of the Empire’.


    In the years that followed the Eternal Empire’s ‘conquest’ of Anden V, Reinhardt ruled the world with both an iron fist, but also with a steady hand. For the first time in its modern history, the people experienced an age of world-wide peace and prosperity. Even during Tacitus’ brutal reign, Anden V was one of the few planets wherein his extreme measures were relatively rare. Instead, Reinhardt made it a point to stamp out the seeds of dissent actively by shrewd utilization of his own personal secret police agencies, actively tracking down and hunting those who sought to depose the current regime. While the planet’s citizens lived life under the constant pall of totalitarianism, food harvests grew exponentially, industrial output nearly doubled, and Anden V soon became a key center for the Empire; rivaling the importance of more well known worlds such as Bakura.

    This allowed the people of Anden V to look outward in support of the Eternal Empire’s crusade to spread its influence throughout the Unknown Regions, with massive amounts of its youth enlisting within all branches of the Empire’s military forces. Reinhardt himself served with distinction, eventually rising through the ranks to command battalions of his own people in the Empire’s wars, with his army korps being well known for its iron resolve and particular penchant for effective utilization for combined arms assaults. Today, Baron Ström is known as one of the Empire’s foremost military commanders, his legacy cemented during over the last decade to the point of rising to the rank of Field Marshal, at the head of the famed 1st Anden Army Korps.

  • P E R S O N A L

    Grey of hair, brown of eye, and stern in overall demeanor, Baron Reinhardt Ström is a man who exudes authority, and commands respect without ever needing to either demand it or otherwise enforce it, save for the most extreme of circumstances. After spending a few minutes in his presence, it becomes quite clear that this is a figure raised to be a leader among men, who possesses a booming voice capable of speaking with a conviction capable of igniting the passions within the hearts of his subjects and soldiers alike. Although implicated in a series of atrocities against his rivals during the Eternal Empire’s ascendancy on Anden V, no substantiated evidence has come to the fore regarding his precise culpability in the myriad of their deaths or disappearances. Outside of that dark period of time, to the public he is considered an ‘honorable’ commander on the field of battle, but also possesses an air of mystique.

    When reigning upon his homeworld, he is considered to be a stern but otherwise capable ruler, being both ruthless in judgement of those who break the law, but just all the same. On the field of battle, his ruthless nature is near-equally on display, but with a measure of restraint nonetheless. He has never sanctioned the execution of enemy combatants upon their surrender, and is known for treating them with honor according to their station. His style of command favors misdirection, highly focused and potent strikes against enemy weak points, and in combined arms superiority wherever possible.


    +Seasoned Military Commander+ - Serving as a veteran of several wars, both on a planetary scale within Anden V, and on an interplanetary scale over the past decade, Reinhardt is considered a rather unique and exceedingly capable military commander amongst his peers.
    +Trickster+ - While adept at utilizing the ‘storm war’ military doctrine of the Eternal Empire, Field Marshal Ström is well known for his talents of misdirection and atypical warfare strategies, favoring high utilization of elite, highly mobile units capable of hiding when necessary, and/or outmaneuvering enemy positions whenever possible.
    +Noble Birth+ - Given Anden V’s culture of nobility and hierarchy, Reinhardt was raised within a life of privilege, seemingly destined to lead his people within the view of those he rules over. He is also well educated in other pursuits outside of the martial, well versed in the histories of major galactic powers, the cultures of far-flung civilizations, as well as the art of swordplay.
    +Politically Adept+ - Given the cutthroat nature of Anden politics, Reinhardt is well suited to the political intrigue at play at the heart of the Eternal Empire, both internal and external.

    -Ruthless- - Although he is adept at wielding this trait to his advantage, Baron Ström is inescapably ruthless when provoked.
    -Scheming- - Given his talent for outmaneuvering enemies on the field and rivals at court, Reinhardt cannot help the fact he is always scheming, always striving to be two steps ahead of those who would oppose him. This makes it very hard to gain his trust, and it makes it very hard for him to trust anyone else outside of his inner circle.
    -Aging- - Entering into his early fifties, while Reinhardt is still physically fit and healthy, the years are slowly starting to creep upon him nonetheless.

  • I T E M S

    • Imperial Field Marshal Uniform

    • Regal attire when at court

  • T H R E A D S

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Template by Pluperfect

Overseer of Imperial Armed Forces


TAG: @

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère


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TAG: @

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère


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TAG: @

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère


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Overseer of Imperial Armed Forces



Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.


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Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

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Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.



Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.


Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

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Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.


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Special Commando Advanced Recon



Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: ‘Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil’, alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

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