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Focus of the One Sith


The Second Seal, broken.
As the title of this thread hopefully conveys, we are reaching out to you again, this time with the big picture in mind. During the discussions surrounding the "parliament" and the Cold War, we were faced with the fact that we must determine the focus of our faction; the direction in which we would lead the One Sith.

Seeing as we are a faction of members, not admins, it felt only right to address this question to you. There is no wrong answer, only your opinion.

I chose other so here I will explain the other.

What we have here with the recent Parliament discussion, cold war discussion, the Navy/Army restructure/modification is a whole lot of changes that I believe could use some extensive threadage.

For example:

Why are we going from a format of the Sith (force users) are all powerful to a format where to some extent Sith and Imperial share power through the Parliament system. Maybe it ties into the Dark Lords aggressive expansion policy and needing to maintain control of new territory.

Which ties into the changes in the Military. With the expansion into new territory new Fleets had to be create to protect large areas of space, new Army garrisons had to be established to maintain order on planets new to One Sith Control.

If we did this right there is months worth of lore to hash out an establish. Not to mention greater opportunity for tying in individual stories into the large story of the One Sith as a faction.

Too many new members have to claw for training of their characters, and eventually that just wears them down to the point they dont RP anymore. We've gotte better, but there's so much more to improve on.

Lets focus on that for once.

/Me returns to loa.
Since I can't vote for two i voted other so I could combine.

I write for story, and personally hate the drama of invasions. Anymore you have to find a good writer to pair off with, and let's face it none of us want to lose and therefore throw story out the window.

We need a large lore story we can all tie into. Dominions can be part of this, faction canon can be created, all sorts of things can be done. Whatever we do, what is the story behind it. Does taking a world in a Dom make sense, if there is a good stroy there and it is of strategic value to enhance the over all story of the Sith. To get to the what you have to answer the why.

My why is story. What is the factions why? That can't be answered by all 500 characters our roster says we have. The Admins have to set the why, we as writers need to get on board with it, and make the what happen.

Now to answer on training, a comment Ferus made. We need people willing to train yes, but lately we have had an influx of noobs already knowing master level abilities, and master level lightsaber forms. Also again this comes back to story for me. They need to be walked through. When a person can join the faction and in one month be a Knight there is little story that has happened, just a lot of posting. When I first got here someone took a toon from apprentice to master in 3 months time. Then they quit saying they've done all there is to do.

Story. I vote for story.
If I could vote on multiple things, I would. I'd vote all three, as I feel they all tie in with what it means to be Sith.

The reason why I ended up on "Faction threads" is mostly that I have more fun building the faction and helping the community grow from within. I love the opportunity it gives for character development, group training sessions and faction-wide events that shape our stories. More than just adding planets to our roster and then leaving them behind, it helps us develop them and make them matter. With this option, we are also not dependent on activity from another faction to sustain our own.

Invasions, skirmishes and dominions are all fun, and there's of course a ton of opportunity for development there as well. I will always join those, and I encourage others to do the same. I think we've got a great member-base, with the activity to do all those things. I'm all for freedom and giving people the opportunity to do what they like. So for me, I view this more as my "personal preference", rather than what I think OS should focus on.
While I will agree that training is an area commonly brought up as well as near and dear to my heart considering neither one of my characters past or present have ever had Masters..................

I now find myself on the other side of the argument. The current position being I can offer to train everyone who still needs or appears to need a Master but I can't make them accept.
Here's some thoughts on the focus idea. I voted faction threads and lore exploration but I'll tell you why.

There are a lot of writers in the One Sith. That's a lot of varying opinions from an OOC standpoint and IC standpoint. That many people are never going to fully agree on everything. Everyone has to be flexible, and open minded to new things because the cup of tea for one character will not be someone else's.

When you're running an RP faction, especially a large one, you really need 2 plans; an OOC plan for writers to know how to engage with the rest of the writers, and an IC one where the Dark Lord's goals are implemented by the characters we write. These two ideas should be intertwined.

I've been reading over things put here since I joined and I'm still unsure of where or how Sinistra can be involved in the OS beyond sticking her in doms. While doms are fun, they lack a certain aspect of character development that is needed to help Sinbin grow as a vile tool of the Dark Lord's arsenal.

From an OOC standpoint, in talking with other writers, I know that the OOC goals are expansion and war with the Republic, but it looks from others that repetitive doms over and over get stale after a while. Which is where I think the Cold War and Parliament ideas are coming from. They enable Sith from a IC standpoint to have a focus on taking the Cold War from 100 post doms with no opposition to engaging with other writers and being more clandestine and taking on the struggles of governing the new planets added to the OS which are likely not to be too happy about being taken over. There is great RP to be had in converting the masses to the philosophy of the Sith.

Send in the Kissai. Revive the old religion of the Sith people. Make them zealots. Give them freedoms denied them by the Republic. Throw money at them. Make political deals to stave off rebellion on newly won planets.

You won the planet, the RP for that world isn't over or else we take planets just for the taking of them. That's no fun.

So what I want to see is a plan that has two sides that links the IC and OOC goals. Put some incentives in it. Ways people can become involved. How can they become leaders? Where can new people start? Outline a procedure for how writer/characters can become a member of the family. (Apart from being thrown in the deep end of a dom on their first RP.)

Faction threads and lore, yes. Because if you plan this out right, it can lead to all the rest.

Just my two cents.
Picked Lore and Character development, but expansion through dominions should be a close second. If this Cold War is really going to benefit us in the long run, there should be some semblance of outer expansion and growing military strength for the preparation of another costly war.

Sifa Tirel

Actually, my suggestion was entirely serious and if we're going to go with the "Lore and Story" option during an ooc peace I also believe that it is the best one for the faction. My reasoning;

OOC Reason:
This is actually quite easy, generally faction threads are boring as poodoo. You can argue all you want, but I've been on SWRP since the beginning, I've run 4 factions, some have failed, others have done exceedingly well. Faction threads generally aren't all that popular, and if its the only thing thats going on in a faction, people will get bored. This is mostly because "Temple Exploration!" or "Korriban Holocron Hunt!" or "Sith Lord Gathering!" Get's really karking boring really quickly. Faction threads absolutely can be popular, but it is rare that they actually are, even rarer that they get finished.

So how will a Civil War be different? Thats quite simple, much like an Invasion, a Civil War can create dynamic changes. It can force power shifts, belief systems in the faction, military strategy, it can turn apprentices into legends and tear down Sith Lords over the course of a single thread. A Civil War creates a stake, a certain extra push that makes people want to join in and help, because ultimately ti will effect them in the future if they do participate.

Other than this logical choice, there's the point that Civil War's are just karking awesome for story. Brother against brother, friend against friend, old Masters fighting against the new. It's an amazing opportunity for stories of all sorts, even if your character doesn't pick a side just being there is a huge development because its one of those events that in the future they can go "Yeah, I was there when Reverance razed Byss and put an end to the Rebellion."

It's an amazing dynamic and open plot that should at least be considered.

IC Reason:
The biggest argument against a Civil War for the One Sith is the fact that ICly there's no "reason" for it. Horsepoodoo.

The One Sith is basically designed to end up in a Civil War at one point or another, so much so that in canon, where the One Sith originally came from, the entire thing eventually develops into a Civil War. Granted this is extremely quick and ended even faster, but that was a necessity to facilitate their story. Wyyrloks betrayal lead, in the course of a few days, Nihl and Talon to nearly kill one another.

That's pretty much all the evidence we need that ICly this could be done with a simple wave of the hand. Here's a few of my ideas for starting a Civil War IC;
  • Several powerful Sith Lords decide that the Dark Lord is no longer fit to lead, they split away a large part of the Military and Civil War Ensues.
  • The Dark Lord disappears one day, Reverance, the Hands and the Voices attempt to cover this up. However, their treachery is discovered and those not within the "circle of trust", as well as a few within, follow a Dashing Sith Lord in his attempt to become the new Dark Lord.
  • The Dark Lord is killed! Isolda finally figures out that the Dark Lord has been...doing something with the Vahla and has lied to her, she gets really upset and uses her own connection with The Dark Lord to render him unto death. The subsequent power struggle becomes the Civil War, with Isolda leading one side obviously.
  • The Dark Lord is Killed #2! An assassin, a powerful one obviously, or a character of some sort(maybe get a Jedi to come help you, there's plenty cool ones.) Kills the Dark Lord. The same thing as when Daella did it happens, except this time the fallout is worse. Several younger Sith Lords become uppity, thinking that Reverance and the hands are too weak to effectively lead. Boom. Civil War.
  • The Dark Lord fades. For some unknown reason, the Dark Lord has been fading. His power, once rendering blood from the eyes and tearing away at ones soul has now become less than a dull throb. The strength he used to hold the One Sith is fading, and Reverance and the voices and Hands sense this. In order to keep the faction strong, they decide on betrayal. Their betrayal is swift, but the Dark Lord survives. He gathers his loyal supporters to him and begins to retrieval of his worlds.
  • Vonbellion(Thanks m8, @Khallesh)
These are five ideas, and they took me like 3 minutes to think of. All of them are plausible, all of them are really easy. I'm sure if I actually gave myself half a day I could think of something even better than what I just came up with.

My whole point is, there's plenty of IC reason for a Civil War. In the end, the One Sith are still Sith. Power hungry dicks. There will always be that one guy(probably more) that thinks he's stronger, faster, and smarter than everyone else. All you need is that one guy to lead the other side, and boom you have a Civil War going.

Besides, how many of you truly follow the Dark Lord anyway ;)?

What Will This Change OOC?:

This will change nothing about the faction. Reverance and the current Admins will remain(if they want to). The power structure in the end can be the same. The resources, everything. All the changes depend entirely upon what you the faction wants.

What Will This Change ICly?:
Well, that depends entirely upon the faction itself, who wins the civil war, who gets killed and what the start is.

Again however, these changes are entirely dependent on the people within this faction, and in the end everything can be placed so the faction comes out better than before..

Dark Lord dies? He can be replaced with a new interesting NPC(Or PC if thats what ya'll want) that has a story that many of the current faction were actually a part of. I believe that many current OS members have never actually met, seen, or even heard of the current NPC Dark Lord. This makes it difficult to get an impression of him, perhaps raising a new one through a Civil War will make him easier to relate to and easier to bounce characters off of.

Or you know, get rid of him entirely if thats what you want. Get a council and be democratic Sith.

Power Structure reorganizes? Fine, the Dark Lord lived and came out on top, maybe he decides that its time for a little re-organization. Voices drop from 5 to three, hands become permanently fixed at 2, Wrath is now "Lord Bunny Foo Foo". Again, these changes would depend on IC happenings as well as OOC decisions and would be based on what the Members wanted. Heck in the end all those positions could simply be removed and replaced with something else.

I think the most important changes that will come about IC is the rise and fall of Apprentices, Knights, NFU, and Sith Lords. A Civil War, even more than Invasions or skirmishes, is a chance to involve your character in your faction on a completely different level. You as a writer can choose which side to support, your character then has to live, survive, and possibly thrive depending on that decision. Apprentices who chose well can skyrocket through political scheming, apprentices who didn't choose well can propel themselves by fighting like hell and showing their worth something. Knight's can slay Lords who oppose them, Lords can show why they're Lords. Everyone has a chance to do something amazing, epic, and even legendary.

Want that fleeting battle? Set it the kark up.

Want that epic Crashing Star Destroyer fight? Set it the kark up.

Want to fight 5 Sith Lords at once and Die? Well okay, your choice.

A Civil War gives you options, more than that it gives you cooperative options, because in the end you're all working for the same thing, your Faction.

A Civil War has the same potential for legend making as an Invasion, but with none of the stress, bickering, or OOC hate, because in the end nothing huge OOCly changes and the faction can go back.

Planets can be razed(but not completely destroyed! You have to ask staff for that), Shipyards can be wiped away, armadas can be obliterated, entire Species could go nearly extinct. Anything can happen ICly, literally anything that we the faction want.

Closing Arguments:
A Civil War has the potential for so much story, for so much to happen, its almost ludicrous. The changes are controlled by us, and what happens is controlled by us. It is an amazingly dynamic story setting, and it's one that has never been properly done on SWRP, ever.

Those that tried either did it too late in the factions life or didn't give the proper motives. It's something that can be absolutely amazing, and I think, can create change like nothing else. It would be awesome to RP, and in the end that's all that matters.

The One Sith is a faction of Firsts. First Sith Faction to take Coruscant, first faction to win so many invasions, first faction to win 3 simultaneous invasions.

Why not be the First to properly do a Civil War?

EDIT: If we do a Civil War I will bring back Shara and incorporate him into whatever storyline is decided on for it. Be it as the Sith Lord that rallies against the current leadership or as a supporter of the old Dark Lord.
Elegant and depraved.
Option 5, or a variation of it, seems like the best situation. Just to keep the npc'ness of the top dog. And I'm favoring the idea of a Dark Lord whom the faction can relate to more. One whom was created before our eyes and whom we then saw become our new leader in a mega-event. His origins would be a bit sticky though, but that could be a discussion in itself.

This new Dark Lord could lead one side against those loyal to the fading leader? One whom is being rejuvenated somehow? Separation seems easy enough.

Overall, I like that post. The majority of it makes sense to me. Builds faction lore, involves wide-scale interaction, strategies, mini-events, maybe a little rank relocation, prestige/recognition, some emotional rp(my favorite), lots of stories to be told and lots of fun.

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