Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Feast of Delcarde: SJO Dominion of Toydaria (AC-36)

Objective: 1

Post: 1

Wearing: 451 Suit (

Armed with: Wind and Fire Wheels (Twin blue bladed lightsabers)

Shooting Star (

(Character Theme Song Power Up)

Theme: "Girl on Fire" by Alicia Keys

It had been worse than Syd had feared.

Of all the places this had to happen it would happen in a swamp. She'd already had to be careful around the methane pockets, in some cases having to resort to using her crossbow pistol when flame would have ignited an entire area. But still the beasts from the ancient wreck came out, littering the landscape, more than thirty people were already dead, various people having been in the Swamp when the reck crashed. Some had been killed by the falling debris, the rest by the twisted things escaping the wreck. She had been relentlessly, ruthlessly killing the beasts for the last half hour, controlled, carefully aimed acid tipped crossbow bolts, chewing through. Her flying and use of lightsabers aided somewhat by the knowledge of Ataru she had received from studying under Master Wu.

Syd's blue blades ripped into this one creature with too many arms and heads and teeth everywhere, what reduced emotion she possessed feeling a self aware disgust that she was essentially the successful attempt these wretched things were possibly meant to be.

Syd was, any way one sliced it, a product of experimentation that was not at all ethical at some points...why, she'd smoked someone not five minutes after waking up, after all.

Her chrome, red and gold skintight suit, once infamous on the Rim as a sign someone was about to get the ultimate hotfoot, reflected various monsters more noticing her as she moved deeper into the swamp, floating over the muck as she readied her blades, prepared to turn herself into a propeller. Syd did not mind killing mere abominations...there was even less guilt involved than the small amount she had started to develop. It was so easy to forget that even the darkest Sith started out as someone's baby once. So easy to just see the red blade and make the decision to kill on the spot. She had never given it much thought until being revived in this era. Now, every once in a while, when a Sith died a particularly brutal death by her hand, she felt a small discomfort.

Not so with pure monsters as these. Syd would not let sentiment get in the way of common sense.

But still, these were a lot of monsters, and as Syd cut down a baby rancor sized beast that seemed to be made of teeth and human tongues, spinning through its flesh with her flight and her blades, she knew she would need help soon. There was so.e fowl substance in this era called Rozzum loose in the area, and when she had been told what it could do, she had shuddered...

[member="Kiran Arlos"]

[member="Sera Inkari"]

[member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Objective: A Throne of Glass
Allies: [member="Wu Yeoh-Mei"] [member="Rick Kaloo"] [member="Sko'saht"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"]

Poodoo... to think that I am approaching this like a Hutt? That's what I'm getting for dealing with a race that is difficult to read, Jessica thought, while Wu was apparently doing the cooking this time around, and the King as well. Oh well, just because she could be made to feel that she had a position that took into account what she feels is best for the long run, didn't mean the other side would accept it as a solution for the long run. Or even view the long-run implications in the first place. As dinner was being served, it became clear to her that they paid no attention to the offers of weather control stations, nor industrial investments. She could understand that Rick could feel alienated, and mostly kept quiet afterward, but perhaps these Toydarians were much more concerned about the short-term than initially accounted for. Once again, even if only the short-term aid was going to be settled today, she still needed to ensure the proper amount of such supplies would be delivered: surely the King would have realized that the people's needs must be catered to in their entirety, even temporarily.

"Maybe we could postpone any notion of even supplying weather control stations and have a meeting regarding the topic of weather control stations and other industrial investments at a later date. For now, we're willing to supply food, medical supplies and other necessities, just how many people are there to supply for? You have a point that aid must be rendered in full or not at all here"
Location: on the derelict cathedral ship
Objective: investigate
Post: 5
Interacting: [member="Cassius Droma"]

He nodded as the other man explained his goals on the ship. It made sense. Explore and collect anything of value. The information and artifacts that could be stained would be enlightening. A civilization in history that had fallen from memory. Although he would have found different avenues of utilizing the collected for value, this was a Silver Jedi mission that the USC were assisting with. And he was requested to help.

And so he would.

As the ship came alive his sense of forbidding returned. The revitalization of the vessel combined with the revelation of sentient beings made his lips curl into a frown. Yet he was here and there was no point in wasting the opportunity to explore. He offered the Silver a small nod.

"Yes, let's find out what's going on."

As the words escaped his mouth the engraved symbol became illuminated before the bulkhead retracted revealing it wasn't a wall but a doorway. A darkened hallway led deeper into the ship, shrouded in shadow. Arching a brother he inclined his head.

"Jedi first."

He waved at the YVH droids motioning for them to stay while preparing to follow the Silver into the ship's recesses.

In the stasis bay a dozen figures slipped from their chambers and pulled on black bodysuits before each taking a cylinder.
Objective Two: Triage X
With: [member="Mariya Fleischer"]

The burly knight had been called off elsewhere, leaving the two women to handle the Toydarian. Seemingly more compliant, Unto simply grumbled and squeezed his eyes shut as the sedative was applied. Perhaps the severity of the situation around him had finally caught up. That, and perhaps he didn’t want to incur the wrath of any stressed Silvers.

“It’s good to meet you Mariya, and thank you for your help.” Nida managed a distracted smile as she carefully worked the central line into a now hazy Unto’s chest. A bag of antibiotics was secured nearby, and Nida signaled for the transport team to remove the patient. “You’ll feel better soon, believe me. These fine folks here are going to take you to a facility where you can be treated in the long term.”

No sooner had the Toydarian been ferried away, did a pair of children with burns come into their care. “Oh dear,” Nida looked the worst of the children over quickly, gently, trying not to touch any of the damaged skin. Already, they were beginning to blister. “Here, we need to clean their wounds with fresh water and apply an antibiotic cream.” Rummaging around, she produced a container of filtered water, doused a cloth and began to carefully clean one of the injured children.

“May I ask what brings you to the Jedi, Mariya?”
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[member="Syd Celsius"]

He could sense something.. there were fighters among the jedi and within the silver jedi well there was a few powerhouses... mostly he counted ones like the mutaki trained Saki or himself, others had to make sure everyone knew how strong they were but if you had to claim it then usually in his experience it wasn't true. Meanwhile he himself barely went with or after the others as a blade sliced into the flesh of something. The Rozzum were nasty business and dangerous... these ones had hollowed out others for thousands of years and used them as hosts. Who knew what could become of such a union as it were and he could feel it in the wet heat.

"Something is here." Someone more like, he had heard tell of a Silver Jedi somewhat like him.... an experiment. THe blade went through the body of the thing as it gave way. THe flesh was puss filled and oozed as he scented it moving back into the marsh before leaping up. His senses flared outwards though and he brushed towards the other jedi fighter. THey had nasty things to kill and handle here when he came down perching in a ruined tree. "THis is not ideal but it will do." ONe hand extending as he broght kinetite balls to smash into a meaty pulp the rozzum with more eyes and things flailing around from the body.
Objective: Investigate derelict cathedral ship in orbit above Toydaria

Cassius turned to the new doorway, as if it had happened due to their presence – he didn’t like that. That meant that someone or something knew they were here, and were perhaps trying to lead them somewhere else.

If the Jedi was thinking more logically, he would head back to his ship, call in more help, and wait for more people to arrive. Then again, treasure hunters and scavengers were due to arrive at any moment. If he could somehow get to the computer core, extract some data… this would be worth it.

Nodding back to William, Cassius took the first cautious steps into the dark hallway. T-4D4 trailed behind the two of them, his right hand already unholstering the blaster that had been magnetically attached to his leg. Meanwhile, Cassius tried to keep his senses about him, trying to stretch as far ahead as he could to detect any sort of threats.

The lights on his suit only went but so far – they were able to see maybe twenty meters ahead, but beyond that, utter darkness. Cassius could sense a growing number of presences in the Force, sparking to life as if they were candles.

“Tee, are you detecting more organic life?”

“No… should I?”

Just then, Cassius could sense a number of new presences in front of them.


With their signature snap-hisses, at least a dozen lightsabers ignited in front of them, with colors ranging from red, blue, yellow, and deep bronze. In the new light of the hallway, he could see the ancient Jedi, ready for combat. Their lightsabers, similarly ancient, were connected to their belts via a long cable – smaller power cells hadn’t been invented yet.

All at once, they charged toward Cassius and William.

[member="William the Bloody"]
Objective: Byoo

Aida walked after Callo, noticing a change in the terrain as they went along. From deep mud to solid ground, the transition was slow but much appreciated to the Jedi woman. The brush and foliage was thicker here, and wild swamp grasses rose all the way to her fingertips. A smile tugged at her lips, this landscape was quite raw and untouched. She had a feeling that the footprints she left behind were the first to mark this land, aside from local fauna.

Callo paused, hovering in place. “Here,” He gestured.

Stepping up to his side, Aida let her gaze roam the landscape. It was quiet, save for the occasional croaking. There was a rocky cliff-side that had long fringes of moss and vines that spilled over the edge. And, the fungus here was numerous – pristine for the moment, and Aida dearly hoped it could be kept that way. She understood that there were some swamps on the world that had been taken by infections spores and other diseases, but this area had not yet been tainted.

Yes,” She started, glancing sidelong at Callo. “This will do nicely.”

The clan leader stood tall, it was easy to see that he was quite proud of his home. Aida joined him in watching the grass billow slightly in the warm breeze. Details could come later, but for now the Jedi traveler was content to merely observe her surroundings.
Objective: A Throne of Glass
Participants: [member="Rick Kaloo"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Sko'saht"]

The food was being served, Wu had brought out some of the rice and it was steaming while the king and her ate with some of the others at the table. "Now, we can get all of this down from the orbital tether, easily enough. Getting supplies to the ruined city where we have begun establishing basic infrastructure once again. Buiildings for patients who are recovering, modules for others who weren't hurt and are displaced." She was eating some of the food as the king followed and there was tea to drink. Steaming from cups as Wu listened and was paying attention to what Jessica said. "All of this master jedi's is good, a chance to let the people recover and see what they want to do."

The two of them stopped for a moment as Wu took one of the grabworms sliced and fried. THe batter around it gleaming with sauces before she was speaking. "I think we can do that, we have no reason to be held up and maybe could get some information on the hutts in the area. We have been looking to work with a few who aren't completely tied to the cartels and if they could handle shipping or requisition here it might be a little easier. We wouldn't have to leave people to oversee and seem like they are imposing or looking over your shoulder." He seemed to perk up, they had worked with one of the hutts who oversaw the orbital tether to get supplies down to the planet.

"It might be possible jedi but the hutts are very selective with who they usually work with. Even the ones on Nar Shadda and Nal Hutta are acting differently now. We will have to work with some most likely but I am not wanting to jump into things. Maybe if this all workls out well we can discuss working to build on the planet. I don't want to commit my people to anything and I would rather have the option of if they choose to remain isolated from the galaxy. Once repairs are done if the people choose to not involve themselves I hope that can be respected." Wu bowed her head. "Of course, we have no reason to force ourselves on the planet so no buildings for now. We'll come back to the table for that."

Wu looked at the others raising an eyebrow. "Do we have any main concerns or ideas that don't involve construction but do involve helping?"
She moves like she don't care
Objective: Triage X
Tag: [member="Nida Perl"]

There were only two of them now to attend the Toydarian but it was an easy process to patch him up. Mariya had forgotten about her urge for tea when the next patient showed up. Or rather, the next pair of patients who probably looked no more than ten. The blonde admired their brave faces despite of the burns, but she knew that the pain would increase during the treatment.

"Agreed. Gotta treat the burns before they get worse," she nodded her head and gently washed the injured skin of the nearest child who started crying.

"Hush, hush... be good. We'll make things better," Mariya tried to take the easy way out by reaching out for the Force to influence her patient's mind, letting her own soothing presence be transferred over the child. It took a few repeated attempts but she managed to calm the child's nerves and continued soaking the burns with the cold water. A couple of minutes would help to relieve the pain.

"Who me? I am technically not a Jedi..." the blonde wondered what was the best way to explain her belief in the Force to Nida. "My path for knowledge follows the more ancient belief of the Je'daii. That's J-E-D-A-I-I in spelling. We believe that learning about the Force requires a balance of the Light and Dark Sides."

She paused, removing the soaked cloth from the blisters and picked up the antiseptic cream to apply on the burnt areas. "Please, don't move... just a little... more..."

Mariya finally finished dressing the burns and took a sigh of relief. Working with children was always challenging.

"And how about you, Nida? Did you join the Jedi as a youngling?"
Objective Triage X

The caravan was headed out and the jedi master could see what progress they had been making. Reports from the rangers and doctors she had sent to oversee them. She was still amazed at how surprisingly....slow the staff well other staff were going. Most of the doctors who had been brought in from Sakura were preforming and handling the patient loads. They stepped up as the jedi master looked at the nurses who had come through. HUman children had appeared from somewhere on a world of hutts and toydarians and that suddenly dominated attention as more injured were coming in. She spoke. "Run the numbers."

Looking over most of it she could see the transports that were coming in. "We have ten transports every three hours so far, ten toydarians per transport injured and our out flow is down to six patients an hour. We are seeing less then twenty percent of the patients with the new slow down and baby docs." The nurse was looking at her and held the chart as Cathbodua nodded her understanding. "So tell me Cathbodua... when are we getting real doctors. I though the silver jedi had some of the best healers?" That got a small snicker. "Key word had, Feena Sorel hell even Maya are gone, Kei and a few others might be around but they barely come to places like this."

She had a look on her face though under the mask. "Normally I would request for the medical corp from the service corps. They are generally eager to help." THe nurse looked at her. "And where are they?" She tilted her head rolling the one patient over as they started to look over the wounds and there was nothing she could do to stop the bleeder. "THis is them, the service corp has been turned into their circle of healers... and they aren't skilled in handling mass casualities or triage scenarios." That got a look from a few of them and one of the combat medics who was with them from the rangers and setting up for the next series of sleds.

"Don't worry most of the ranger units like us have been ignored as well it is just how it is." That got a raised eyebrow under her mask as she finished up. "These wounds we can't help. He'll bleed out faster just make him comfortable and watch him." SHe looked down at the toydarian and spoke removing her mask. "I'm sorry we can't do much. The debris is in your heart and you are slowly bleeding out." THe toydarian looked at her as the broken tooth at the side of his jaw and burns across his face. One hand going up as she held it and nodded to him. Black eyes looking down as the jedi healer didn't give much away but stayed there as some of the nysillin was being pumped into him.

She was getting up after the patient flatlined and stayed there for a moment longer. Checking the lights before pulling the cover up over the toydarians face. "Alright let do this." She rubbed her hands together and pulled the gloves off then tossed them in the waste bin. She was moving over towards the next patient as one of the nurses brought a fresh set but stopped seeing the large clerk who was trying to keep them organized."Ahh Dr. Cath?" He asked while she was moving around and had new gloves. "Just a minute, please." He wasn't new and didn't usually get in her way but if he needed to. "Uh, well room four is calling about that patient Ferro."

Her eyes flicked towards him without the mask and could be seen. "Yeah, so what did the big hutt do now?" THat question seemed to make him pause for a moment and she could feel unease rolling off of him. "He stopped breathing." That was a bit of a surprise to her and she was moving. "And why the frak would he do that?" SHe was moving into the room down and across that they had set up. Some hutts had been injured but they were notorious for their abilities to regenerate most damage to their massive bodies. The hutt though was laying there and slime mixed with droll coming from his mouth as she looked at the screens.

"What happened?" She asked it looking at the two who were there. One almost seemed to throw up and she ran out with the other looking at her. "We didn't see the damage to the lungs on the initial scan and the patient wouldn't let us scope to check out the internals." That got a small look from her but she moved after the one baby doc who had fled from the room and folowed her outside to the edge of the field they had set up. Swirls of spores and pollen coming in different colors as she spoke. "I thought I was gonna be sick..... I'm sorry master Cathbodua." THere was a small look of fear on her face but the jedi master stood there.

"Put your head down." She said it and pointed with her hand while crouching near her. "Don't ever say you're sorry. See, there's two kinds of doctors: there's the kind that gets rid of their feelings, and the kind that keeps them. If you're gonna keep your feelings, you're gonna get sick from time to time. That's just how it works." There was a small look at the girl turned her head upwards to lok at her. "Keep your head down." Her head snapped back down at the look. Few saw the jedi master without her mask and even fewer got advice that wasn't laced with criticism over their abilities. She remained where she was crouched next to the girl and didn't need to touch her.

"People come in here and they're sick and dying and bleeding, and they need our help. Helping them is more important than how we feel. It is more important then how we want to feel or what we want to do. We can socialize outside of trauma, we can practice the force outside of trauma." There was a look of scorn but she didn't get angry, that would be counter prpoductive. If anything she just recited the code and remained unemotional. Most of the people who had volunteered to come and help had proven less then helpful. She could have benefited more from actual children.. though Draven had managed to load up the sleds so point for him.

"But it's still a pain the butt sometimes." She turned to look at the field and didn't touch it as the polen and spores came around in different colors and the light filtering through painted them and the ground in different shades of red, purples, pinks, yellows and green... even blues. "Sometimes, I just want to quit and do something else." That got another look at she did touch her head this time pointing it back down again. "Yeah." She held her hand there for the girl to keep her in place for the moment. "Why don't you take a few more minutes?" That just got a nod and she rose up. "Okay." Cathbodua started walking back towards the building and turned.

"By the way, I was in medical school with Bethany. She used to get sick all the time. So don't let her give you any poodoo. You'll be fine." She smirked a little and vaguely recalled the more fun times before going back into the operating theater as one of her nurses came to her. "Those kids you brought are on my last nerve they neglected every duty assigned to them and backed up the patients. We have lost nearly ten while they try and work on one at a time who are not critically injured." That got a look of annoyance but the jedi master shook her head. "Sadly there is little we can do, sending them home means they would have to be on the next group of sleds when they return... whcih means they would be standing around."

The nurse gave her a look but they were prepared. After seeing the lackluster performance they had redoubled their efforts to see more and that was why the jedi master wasn't allowed to sleep like many of the others."I've been doing this job for twenty eight years, doc. Doctors come and go, but nurses make this place run. We don't get much credit or pay. We see a lot of misery, a lot of dying, but we come back every day. I've given up being appreciated, but I sure as hell won't let any of us be taken for granted." Cathbodua looked at her and started to walk. "YOu aren't being taken for granted, but next time we do humanitarian operations. I'll make sure we select qualified individuals."

The two headed back into the patients as news the sleds had reached the orbital tether and was making its first deliveries of patients to get up to the kiyomi was there. THey would be able to have a system now for transporting them for aftercare and observation while some of the teams continued to try and clear out debris or areas of danger to patients. Perhaps the sleds would return with additional equipment she had requested to aid in the recovery... most more field generators and medical biots to handle the patients. "Lets get back to it shall we?" SHe asked but they were already moving into the theater for surgery.
Asaraa Vaashe said:
Objective: Triage X
Interacting with: [member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

It was like a haze, there was just so much of it, so much pain and fear, it felt like an ocean opening up beneath her, the bottomless sea of anguish pouring into her threatening to swamp her, carrying her away with it into an endless plain of numbness. She could hear the other's talking as if it was from a distance, tears leaking out of the corner of her eyes, if it had just been a muddle of emotions then she could handle that, but this was different. She could almost hear the child calling out for his mother, the woman regretting her choices, the shopkeeper worrying about if he'd have enough stock left to feed his daughter. A million lives gathered here, waiting for transport up to the orbital elevator, a million stories and problems. A million sources of agony, and just her, it was too much, too overwhelming. She could feel herself quailing under the assault, curling up in on herself before a hand touched her shoulder, familiar words, a familiar presence.

The girl's blue eyes snapped open, the breath rushing out of her lungs as she sagged down, tilting her head back to stare up at him, watching Josh settled down across from her, echoing his stance as she closed her eyes again, breathing out as she reached out through the force. "Always something to teach me huh?" There was an element of forced levity in the force as she looked inward, looking for the positive memories, those hidden gems that made her smile, letting the positive vibes flow out of her into the force to fill the room. "This...does make it a little bit easier." At least she didn't feel like she was drowning anymore.
"The key here is not trying to completely control them, or futz with their head too much" Josh would elaborate toward Asaraa as she would take another step closer to making this work. "Don't get too personal, I guess. Don't delve too much into their head. Just touch their consciousness, nothing more. Touch their consciousness, and project positivity, project encouragement. Don't try and draw anything from them individually, you'll just wear yourself out and won't be able to effect as many people. Battle Meditation is best done through just touching their consciousness. Granted, it's still going to wear you out, it's a very taxing power. But the best users of it focus on just touching their consciousness... And projecting. No more, no less."

It also kept the user sane. Trying to take so many people's suffering into themselves, or even just reading their minds and knowing what they were worrying about... It was too much for even most Jedi to handle.

"Also steady your breathing" Josh would advise calmly. "Relax. Keep your calm. This isn't an ability you can rely too much on your emotions for. It needs a lot of calm and focus. Save the emotions for what you're projecting. Once you've gotten better at this, you can effect more people without completely exhausting yourself."
Objective: Triage X
Interacting with: [member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

There was a lot more to this than she'd thought there would be, her original idea seemed utterly insane and far-fetched when she thought of it. The girl let her eyes close, trying to keep Josh's teaching in mind as she focused on her breathing, the deep breaths inhale and exhale, in hale and exhale, slowing blotting out the rest of the world, all her other concerns. She could feel her panic and worry receding, falling away as the sound of her breathing filled her ears. It was only then she tried reaching out through the force again, not trying to reach out and absorb emotion, or push anything, just the lightest touch, seeking out the minds in the force to establish a connection with them. That was all it took, she'd started with Josh, the touch of his mind a familiar one, and then reached out, drawing threads from her mind to the patients around her, the doctors and nurses. And then she...didn't push. It went against her natural instinct but she reached back for a memory, a happy on, remembering her knighting ceremony, letting her buoyant emotions roll down those links, projecting them at those minds she'd linked to. All the feelings she'd felt, the happiness and encouragement she shared with everyone around her.
Objective Two: Triage X
With: [member="Mariya Fleischer"]

Young though she may be, Nida did not balk at the idea of Light and Dark working together. It wasn’t something that she had chosen to do, but she still had much to learn. “I haven’t heard of that before…Je’daii…” She tested out the word on her tongue, trying to mimic Mariya’s pronunciation. “…but I supposed that there are many things that we all must learn about, right?” She smiled at the young child she was currently bandaging, movements gentle and practiced. The child was quiet but did not turn away, which was a good thing considering the coaxing it had taken to get him to allow her to examine his wounds.

To Mariya’s question, Nida shook her head. “I joined recently. My mother was a Master of the Silver Jedi many years ago.” Joza had kept on good terms with the Order, though her interests took her to other parts of the galaxy. “I was inspired by her stories, so I decided to join the Silver Jedi as well. I’ve been healing since I was young, and had plenty of practice on my brother and sister. They…tend to fight amongst themselves.” She chuckled quietly, wonder if that counted as speaking ill of Alan and Yula.

With the boy all bandaged, she rested a tender hand atop his head. “We’re going to take you two to a hospital ship now, where we can care for your wounds better. Don’t be scared, alright? We’ll be with you.” With careful movements, she knelt down to hoist the child into her arms.

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