Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Episode IV: No Hope

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Episode IV: No Hope
Characters with an EVEN USER ID have been left behind in the Galaxy. You start in Episode IV.
Characters with an ODD USER ID have disappeared from the Galaxy. You start in Episode V.
You can find your user ID's on your profile page. It's in the URL - the number that comes before your name. Link
On the eve of 12th Taungsday, 844 ABY...
Chaos erupts in the Galaxy as billions disappear.​
Rioting in the streets.​
Wild flames leap through the capitals of most governments within the Galaxy.​
Everyone, everywhere... is confused. Hurt.​
Military bases sound their alarms as the remaining armies and fleets of each government prepare for war, believing some strike to have had occurred on it's citizens.​
Except there is no strike.​
There is no immediate threat.​
There is only the chaos, and the questions it brings -​
"Where did they go?"

"Are they coming back?"
"What took them?"
"What do we do now?"

Jak Skirata

Mandalore-12th Taungsday

A cold sweat woke him from his slumber. Pain riddled his body as the Force wrecked havoc on his being. Alarms, screams and the smell of death penetrated the air. This was wrong. Springing out of bed he reached for the nearest com. Dead. What about short range? As if on cue the primitive radio in the corner of his room began to whir.

Taking a few steps towards the radio along the cold ceramic floor of his apartment the Force sent a shiver down his spine. Looking to his window his eyes widened in surprise as a burning starfighter flew towards his room. With his heart beating quickly he dashed into the hall, just in time. The starfighter crashed through his home, destroying everything in the room.

What in the Manda was happening out there?

From the gaping hole in his home he could hear speeders fly by, sirens blaring and people screaming.

Mandalore, outside Keldabe...

It was quiet. It was quieter than anything he had ever encountered before. When he rose to his feet, his eyes danced around the room. Aditya was gone. Business trip. Yasha was with her. The growing child had done well to travel. Crawling over other planets and distant shores made her stronger and more adventurous. However, Preliat felt something was off. It was a familiar, yet alien sensation. He could not place his finger on it. The homestead was quiet, the rustling of the trees in the winter's morning and the snow-laden ground, spotted due to the fading days of winter. The sun was bright, and it caused Preliat to pause as he stepped outside his home.

Then, the alarms became noticeable. He saw ships in the sky, searching the planet. Spotlights from speeders. Preliat glad he was already in his armor- the Field Marshal would be needed. He struck up his hand, shielding his eyes from the sun, before placing the sunglasses over his eyes. No need for a bucket on his home planet. Not yet, at least. He took the M45 rifle, and set it across his chest. A speeder pulled up to his homestead, and a Sergeant jumped out. One he did not know.

"Sir, I've been dispatched to bring you up to speed."

Preliat's eyes danced over the Sergeant. It was not that he did not trust him, he was weary. Sergeant Raj was the one usually to relay information to the Field Marshal.

"I am not going to be happy, am I?"

"People are gone, sir."

Preliat cocked his head and removed his sunglasses, approaching the Sergeant. He needed to understand it better, and the distance between the two. He looked worried.

"How many people? How did they just disappear? Who attacked us?"

"...So far, we've counted millions, maybe more sir. No damage. No attack. People are just...gone. Sir." The Sergeant replied.

Preliat's lips pursed and pulled inward. He gulped.

"Take me intto Keldabe. And sent out word that any Rally Masters and Field Marshals, and anyone with sense remaining to come and meet me there." He said to the Sergeant."I would have word. Keep me updated, Sergeant."

He was afraid. He was very afraid. His wife, his friends, his people- taken. No strike. No foreign enemy came and took his people. He had a sinking suspicion, however, that they were not the only ones suffering. As they pulled into Keldabe, Preliat saw the chaos, the grief. It was not an easy thing for people to comprehend, let alone Mandalorians. Order had to be restored. Had to be maintained. Answers needed to be given to panicked people. None of which, he could provide from his homestead.
Location: Keldabe, Oyuu'baat Cantina
Allies: Mandalorians (The ones that are left)
Enemies: Unknown
Objective: Regroup

Strider woke from his deep slumber. The two whores he had hired for the night had left with out a trace and with that they left with out any of their belongings including clothing and their hard earned credits. The old man rolled out of his bed, mouth dried from dehydration from a night of drinking and lust-filled activities. He heard faint screaming from outside his apartment above the Oyuu'baat. Many screams... enough to get the warrior to rush to his feet and grip his blaster.

Westar-34 blaster pistol in hand and only black trousers for clothing Strider would slowly prop his door open to survey what was happening. He saw a woman in the middle of the hallway just screaming...."THEY ARE ALL GONE.......... MY BABIES ARE ALL GONE!"

Cautiously Strider would slip out of his room and approach the woman "Whats going on Cyar'ika!" he would try and sooth her with his calm voice but she was hystarical and she wasn't the only one. Strider good hear more shouts below in the main cantina and in from other rooms,

"THER ARE JUST ALL GONE!" She kept screaming
Location: Unknown
Allies: Jedi
Enemies: Unknown

Serena stood there the emotions of the thousands crashed against her. Her ability to protect her mind diminished she sank to her knees as she screamed trying to find a way to block the emotions of so many. Serena whimpers as the pain assaults her over and over.
Vulpesen rolled over as he woke up, expecting to see his love, Alexandra Lianne Feanor. Instead, all he saw was an empty half of the bed and a pair of eyes in green fur staring frighteningly at him. "Daeda,... wha-?" The wolf yipped and Vulpesen was chilled to the one. No voice in his head. "ACE!" His body sprung out of the bed and he picked up his lightsaber. "ALEX! ACE!" Something was wrong. He couldn't hear them, smell them, or even sense them. something was VERY wrong. He picked up Daeda and placed the Ashlan on his shoulder as his head went thrust itself out his window. All through the capitol cty, he could hear it. Frantic screams and calls and pleas. People were gone... but where? "ALEXANDRAAAA!"
Upon his own ship sat the red man, oblivious to the mass disappearance of the citizens of the galaxy. Of course, that's how he wished it was. Such a large void was felt through the entire being that was Krest. A tremor, greater than he had ever felt before, shook the Force to its core, and he, once sleeping, would sit up in an instant, completely shocked. He felt empty, like something had sucked the very life out of him.

Shakily he would stand, trying to get his feet under him, but he couldn't. Moving his way to the front of his ship, he would try to send out a call to any and all he knew, trying to figure out what it was he had felt. And what he learned would haunt him to the end of his days. People, in random, had just disappeared. Pulling up a holocomunicator he would try to get ahold of the Seven, so very unsure on what had happened.

"If any of you are here, answer me."

[member="Ruby Wilded"]
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
Draich had never been on this world before. He walked the surface of the planet, dead flora crunched under foot. Light imprints from his boots where left behind in the dead soil. Dust wafted into the air as he slowly trudged on. Where he was, where he was going was a mystery. But his feet seemed to know, aso he followed them. Mountains in the distance, grey and dead as the rest of the world hung imense. A storm in the distance. The clouds as crimson as blood. Lighting as black as the void. But he had been here before.

Had he? It felt so familiar and so alien.

Draichs feet where not his own. They carried him to the distant mountains taking him through this wasteland. The sun dissapeared from the sky and the world grew darker.

Look upon me and dispair.

Draich spun but found no one.

I have been here since time immemerable and I will be here long after the last stars go out. Civilizations crumble at my command. Stars die by my will. Death had come to this place again. Look upon me and dispair Draich Venator. I am your fate. I am your death.

Darkness consumed his world and Draich Venator felt no more.

The Destrier: Hyperspace, enroute to Corellia
0700 Corellian time

"Draich." ADA was being more gental than normal and Draich was having a harder time than normal waking up. His mind groggy, his limbs refused to move. He yawned apathetically as stretched his arms, flexing his fingers. "Draich get up. Somethings happened."

"Huh? Wha?" Draich rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "Whats going on? We in trouble?"

"I think the whole galaxy is in trouble." ADA left the captains quarters and the door slid shut with a hiss. Draich sat up, his back aching from the sleep. He was getting old or felt like it at any rate.

His mind wandered breifly where they where in space right now. He had just left Tatooine after cashing in a bounty and had felt the need to visist home for some strange reason. He hadnt been home in.... nearly twenty years. Long damn time to be away from where you were born. But it wasnt as if he had family or friends waiting for him there.

He exited his quarters and walked into the common room where ADA had the holonews playing. He crossed the thresshold of the room to the coffee maker without paying much heed. But as his sense slowly returned to him he began to grasp more and more of the galactic situation.

Chaos. Sheer and utter chaos had taken the galaxy while he slept. ADA stood there, an imovable monument, taking in every word and statistic being thrown at her. Trillions of people gone, without a trace. Heads of state, soldiers, senators, trash collectors. Men and women from all walks of like had dissapeared into oblivion. The whole galaxy was up in arms wanting answers, wondering why their people were taken. Where they had gone. Chaos.

"No way..." Draich said silently to himself as he slipped into one of the seats around the holoprojector. "What happened...?"

"No one can tell. The galaxy is on the verge of civil war. Everyones blaming everyone and no one has any answers as to what happened." ADA cooly explained. "Everyones hurt. Everyone wants blood. Everyone wants their people back."

"Son of a queen..." Draich rubbed his hair in astonishment. He had no idea what to make of this. What could even be made of this? "How long till we reach Corelllia?"

"Two hours. I wouldnt expect the warmest of welcomes."

Romeo watched the streets come with crowds of people coming out in riots from a news report on the holonet. Romeo shook his head. The Eclipse Police was holding the ground to keep them at bay, using the Riot 500s to keep everything none lethal, soon he would have to go out, and say something to calm them down. Whatever had happen, people disappearing, the sudden loss of land, what was this?
He snapped his finger, and the fire came up too big, and exploded, causing to rock backwards out of his chair.
Even the force was acting crazy.
"What is this?" He said out loud.
Toligon came rushing in. "Romeo, what the hell is this?"
Romeo stood up, and brushed off the black soot of his body. "I dont know..." He looked up at her with worried eyes.
In Umbris Potestas Est
An ordinary day typically involved someone waking up and generally enjoying life. Not for her... She was plagued by all sorts of horrifying dreams. The more she tried to ignore them, the more vivid they'd become until she suddenly bolted up from her bed, bringing her hands to her face and hair in order to make sure that she had what she needed. It felt normal, with one exception.

Her hair was blonde, not red.

She brought a mirror to her face, confused at how she could have red hair when there were no illusions she could've utilized. And then, there was a scream of horror from her room as she found that one of her former visages seemed to have permanently affixed itself to her face. Ordinarily, someone would've come to check on her, but as she got up, there was no one.


This was strange. Very strange indeed, considering that she had a full staff that catered to her needs. No one had responded at all. Her nightgown illuminated by the glow of the datapad she used for light, she walked down the hallway, looking to see if there were any signs of the people who worked for her.

There were none. She looked into each and every room, finding that though they looked slept-in, there was no sign of the residents at all. They had all completely disappeared. She went to the database, opening it up and asking a very simple question: "Where did all my staff go?"

"Your staff appear to have been physically removed from the location. There is no sign of a break-in. They also did not leave of their free will. There is a ninety-seven point five percent chance that they have been erased from existence entirely."

"Very well..." She went to her datapad and sent a message out to all contacts she had ever interacted with.

To whom it may concern,

Miss Savan has taken an extended leave of absence. In her stead, a substitute will continue day to day operations. Please forward your current status, if you are still connected, to this datapad number. A large number of worker positions are needed to be filled out as well, and Emeritus would like to help you and your current state however best we can.

Jentara Vel

Location- Mandalore, Village Tal'verda

Morning back at the Tal'verda cabin. The cold winter air blew in through a crack in the window. Zandra smiled, rolling over to look at her husband sleeping beside her.
"Morning," she mumbled, reaching over to lay her arm around him... except he wasn't there. The bed was empty. So typical. Zandra sat up in bed, pulling the furs over her shoulder as she wandered into the kitchen. Cal was probably making her breakfast, the big ol' sweet heart. But when she went into the kitchen, he wasn't there either. She was puzzled by this point, but not overly worried. He probably went to the village to pick up the kids and bring them back home. Not like him to forget to wake her first and let her know, but she wasn't worried.

...Until she saw the speeder still parked in front outside the window. And then his armor sitting by the fireplace, untouched.

Ten minutes later, Zandra was speeding up the the village, only to find it in... a strange state.
"They're gone!" she heard someone yell, "Where are they?"
"Have you seen my sister?"
"I'm looking for my wife-"

"Oi!" she whistled loudly, gathering attention from the nearest few, "Stop yer chatterin' and tell me sraight. Calico Tal'verda, yer kriffin' chief. Where is 'e?"

"I don't know..."

Zandra took this answer with a deep breath, calm.

"And Rawnie and Corrin. My kids were stayin' here for the night. Calico's little ones."


The Echani took a deep breath, let it out, turned on her heel and punched a wall so hard she felt her fingers crack and bleed.
Location- Imerria

Felicity had seen the news from the holonet before she even left her room for the day. Billions. Gone, just overnight. She yawned as she walked out of her room, running her hands through her blonde curls. What an awful thing to happen. Some suspected mass kidnappings. The victims appeared the be completely random. Thank the Force Felicity lived on such a well protected planet. Completely safe from that sort of thing. Daddy would never allow it. He was always watching. No news from Naboo, of course, but Mother was the Queen. Nothing could reach her in the Palace. Not anymore. Security was absurdly tight. She was certain she was fine.

She passed by Owains room, knocking on it to wake him up. She didn't wait though. Best not to arrive at breakfast together and give Daddy the wrong idea. The table was empty when she arrived, not a single plate even set out. Everyone must be lagging behind today. Probably absolutely glued to their holopads, watching for news about the disappearances. She took her seat with a sigh, feeling annoyed at needing to wait.



Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
Immeria - [member="Felicity Mason"]

Grumbling as he got out of bed, Owain pulled on some casual clothing for the day. He had nothing planned with his uncle, thank the Force. A chance to relax - oh wait, he had a princess with an insatiable curiosity who wanted him to teach her all sorts of things badgering him for any free time. And now he had a whole day.

He was going to be seeing a lot of the Songbird, the raven-haired boy realized. Not that he didn't enjoy teaching her, but it was so tiring. He needed SOME time to rest after all. He wasn't a machine.

A smirk tugged at his lips. Well, he'd take being tired out by Felicity than training with his uncle anytime.

With that cheery thought, he left his room and headed for the canteen that passed as a kitchen most often around this castle of the Mason's.
Location: Keldabe, Oyuu'baat Cantina
Allies: Mandalorians [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Davin Skirata"]
Enemies: Unknown and [member="Dredge"]
Objective: Regroup

Clutching to the sheets of her bed Anastasia's eyes popped open and begun to search around. The young woman was used to waking up in cold sweats from time to time due to nightmares but this was different. Something was wrong, she didn't need to be a seer to know that the darkness had arrived. She could only imagine how things were in the city if things were as they were here.

Jumping up out of bed Ana ran to her comlink only to find she would get nothing but static no matter what channel she tried to turn to. Frustrated she threw the devise on the ground smashing it to pieces as she grabbed a shawl and ran down stairs. She needed to find Adaen and Azrael now which meant she was going to the city.

The screams that she had heard in her dreams became reality as she got to the city. People crying over there missing family members and not being able to find others. Anastasia couldn't help but get this feeling in the pit of her stomach that everything was wrong. What was going on?

"Morning [member="Owain"]!" Came the Princesses cheery voice the instant she caught sight of him.

Nobody around. She could probably steal a kiss now. She rose to her feet, crossing the room to meet him and press her lips to his. It had to be like this. She got the feeling that Daddy didn't approve of her affections for him. She knew for a fact Mother didn't. Not that she was even here to catch them. Some to think of it, Daddy was running very late...


Lord High Grand Commander Esq.

"Morning," he grumbled, trying to find some caffeine before Felicity suddenly approached and surprised him with a kiss. His mind going into automatic, he embraced her and kissed her back, deepening it as he felt himself awake from his stupor. Well, not caffeine but a nice alterantive to be sure...

[member="Felicity Mason"]

After a moment, they broke the kiss and Felicity stood smiling in his arms.

"Well, at least you managed to show up for breakfast. Did you see Daddy or Celeste on your way here?"

She pulled herself from his arms quickly, looking at the doorway. She thought she heard footsteps for a moment...
| [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] |

The Libertas floated in the void and within it's canopy sat a lonesome figure. Vilox Pazela sat crossed legged before the observational deck of the craft. There was an eerie silence that had engulfed the bridge, one that he had not noticed in his meditation. His ship floated before the dying star, in a region of space that had no world. The Unknown Regions was a frontier of many discoveries, such as this one.

In the gaze of a dying star, the Dark Master meditated on the Force. There was something out there. Something unknown. Like gravity, it had pulled the Dark Jedi towards it. Such was the lure of power for those who sought to use it.

His eyes opened.

To an empty bridge, on an empty vessel. Rising to his feet, he hailed the Host Lord, Anja Aj'Rou. Something was afoot.

Something dark.


Location: Space

More than half the crew of the Pariah II vanished in an instant, nothing of them left behind. Katya stalked the bridge, face an angry mask. The Force fluttered around her like a torn flag, erratic and fraying. None of it made sense. One moment they'd been there and the next... poof.

Although at least a poof would've made some sort of sound. This was just a... a blink.

She folded her arms across her chest, hugging the beskar'gam, and glared at her first mate with cold, blue eyes.


"Twenty-nine at last check, Seven engineers and-"

"Damnit!" She swore, dark brows arcing down like black bolts of lightning. "We were barely leveling at combat readiness before, this is less than a blasted skeleton crew."

"I know ma'am, but we've no idea what's happening. Galactic news feeds are out, some local stations are still operating. Looks like this sort of thing is happening all across the galaxy. It's chaos out there."

Kate snorted. "It's always been chaos." Her lips pursed as she paused in thought. "Fine. We'll have to stock up on crew. There should be plenty of people looking for an escape right now."

Eyes as icy blue as the depths of an arctic pool narrowed. "You know what thrives in chaos, Jan?"

The first mate grinned slowly. Smart, that one. It was why she kept him around. "Pirates, ma'am."

"That's right." She turned and stared out the viewport of the bridge. "Pirates."
"We have to leave... Gulamendis has fallen.", the Host Lord said to the officers surrounding her. The Primeval Fleet still remained loyal but the rapture had caused havoc on the already unstable world below. Everything was in chaos.

"Leave? Are you sure that is wise?", one of the officers protested.

Anja's eyes were fixated out of the command deck's view port. "We'll take a new world. A stronger one." , she turned to the officer; her expression was paler than usual... But I suppose that's what happens when one is betrayed by everything they know.

"I am the only one who was truly chosen.", she whispered softly.

"We're being hailed!", the intercom officer shouted. His hands were frantically tweaking switches to strengthen the signal.

[member="Vilox Pazela"]
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