Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ending the Chaos (SSC Only)

Aris did not have the luxury of time to react with hate towards the appearance of Nikias, although within him the hate still brewed but this focus was on the current danger ahead. Staying behind Master Tann, which demanour had swiftly changed after being faced with a sudden peril at her hands, she seemed nothing as before. Another woman joined the small team of three.

Nima Tann said:
"So... uhh... you all know how to fight right?"

The Hellyn raised an eyebrow at the question and curtly nodded. Of course, he did know how to fight. Aris would prove that to her quite soon enough, he believed.

As the turbolift doors finally opened, Aris mimiced Master Tann's action of taking out his lightsaber hilt but not activating it as the team proceeded within the dark corridor filled with the sound of blaster fire.

Nima Tann said:
"Okay, stay sharp. I can sense at least 5 people inside. They are bad news. But one of them is not in good condition. It must be the lightsider we are looking for. You two want to go stealthy or do you want to see a cool trick?"

Once again, Aris raised his eyebrows at what the Master asked. He had never seen such an excited to be in batte Master before, almost like a kid. For the sake of it, the black-haired Hellyn replied:

"I want to see a cool trick." Aris replied and shrugged at the other team member - an explorer looking woman who quite resembled a character from a holomovie he had seen as a child.

[member="Nima Tann"] [member="Jonathan Hex"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Nikias"] [member="Aldera Antilles"] [member="Kyrana Gould"] [member="Sorel Crieff"] [member="Audren Sykes"]
Sensing the Padawans scrambling for cover as she had advised, and batting back the relentless volley of fire, Coci decided enough was enough. Whoever this group of darksiders are they are not armed with any weapon that would pose a problem for them, but this did not cause any complacency in her, but rather set her mind to be more guarded. There must be more to this attack, considering they had infiltrated the ship and she doubted it was not for simply to kill someone, for if it was an assassination only one person should be required, no this was a far reaching plot and this small group before them simply the first 'wave' of defense?

Pulling back, the attackers hide behind a door leading to another room, what was in that room Coci could not tell, besides she was busy. A charge into the fray would be dramatic but would be counter productive at this point, and so the best thing in this situation was to gain a better position for the Silver Jedi. The firing had split, with volleys focused on her as well as the padawans in cover.

A bunt application of her saber, sent the bolt back to the attacker hitting his arm directly on the wrist, causing them to drop the blaster, another redirected to the control panel on the wall that operated the doors. It was a bit of a long shot but she hoped the damage to the panel would short-circuit the controls and cause it to close on them cutting the attackers off and buy a little time to regroup and form up a plan.
[member="Kyrana Gould"] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Aldera Antilles"] | [member="Sorel Crieff"] | [member="Aris II"] | [member="Jonathan Hex"] | [member="Nikias"]
[member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"]| [member="Aris II"] | [member="Sorel Crieff"] | [member="Nikias"] | [member="Jonathan Hex"]

With the door slammed shut Coci’s team was able to move up and cut the door open at their leisure. When they broke through they’d find two guards waiting for them with blasters along with an injured one.

Nima’s team meanwhile would interrupt the fourth guard who had been knocked back and over by Jonathan Hex.

(Please feel free to dispose of these NPCs in any manner you choose so we can shift things along. Good job so far!)
Wheels within wheels. If the mess playing out on the lower decks was indeed a diversion, what would the target be? The bridge was always a prime target, but they had their own security up there. Not to mention that there was no need to start from this level if that was their target, the particular bank of turbolifts had access to most of the ship. The engines would be another target, but they too had higher security.

Three beings in security uniforms stood outside the turbolift door as it opened. Though they carried weapons, they didn't have the look of guards - two were facing away from the lift talking with smiles, and the other was listening to them.

"See, I told you there were only seven Jedi. We're right on track."

"Actually, there were eight of us."

One of them slumped his shoulders and another's eyes snapped up to the Jedi, but the third acted. He spun, bringing up the compact blaster he carried and pulling the trigger as soon as the barrel was facing towards the turbolift. Audren, however, was already tumbling forward into a shoulder roll. He came up with weapon in hand, laying out right and left. The first stroke took the gunner in the back of his leg, where there was no armor. The second hit an armpit while the third the side of a neck. Light flashed as the weapon swung, and each hit was accompanied by significant pain. However, not a single one of the hits was fatal; the baton was set only for stun mode.

As the three bodies hit the floor - still twitching - the Sephi stooped to look inside the packages. One contained computer parts, the bits and pieces he recognized were used to connect to other computers, as well as a computer spike used for hacking. Another had explosives, breaching charges if memory served. And all three wore security uniforms, they would likely have been able to get fairly close to the bridge before even being questioned. Yet the Force, as unpredictable and difficult to read as it was, indicated that these were not the whole of the threat. He secured the fallen people with the stun cuffs they'd been carrying and moved the weapons to an empty refresher nearby, which he then locked. Not as secure as an armory maybe, but close enough.

[member="Kyrana Gould"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Sorel Crieff"] | [member="Aris II"] | [member="Aldera Antilles"] | [member=Nikias] | [member="Jonathan Hex"]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Nikias stared in awe at the dexterity and ease at which Master Heavenshield was able to deflect the blasterbolts to the side though head snapping back into cover as one of the stray bolts struck the wall next to his head Nikias growled. They had been effectively pinned down and when he rounded the corner to engage the guards Nikias had found them behind the now closing Durasteel door. Running up to it he'd look back to Heavenshield to ensure he got permission before activating his lightsaber a violet blade springing to life. Jamming the beam of plasma in to the hilt Nikias slowly began working it in a circle till he was able to cut out one large enough for all three of them to fit in to. Though he did not immediately push it through and jump in. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Instead Nikias watched as the portion of Durasteel slowly pried itself free and fell into the room. With a practiced leap Nikias drew on his martial combat skills and landed in a crouch in the room. Master Heavenshield had said to not take lives unnecessarily, something he was still getting used to so upon landing in the room. He did not rise instead lashing out with his right foot at one of the guard’s knees. With a sickening crunch the bone was shattered a piece of it protruding out the back of the man's leg. The second guard was already in the process of raising his blaster rifle to shoot at Nikias, but with an upward palm strike the weapon soon discharged into the ceiling while Nikias struck a second time bringing the hilt of the saber around to club the men in the temple and knocking him unconscious. Feeling a blasterbolt hit his armored shoulder Nikias stumbled back before throwing his lightsaber like it was a javelin. Piercing the final guard through the gut Nikias examined the pauldron that now had a smoking black mark. "Clear." [/SIZE]

[member="Sorel Crieff"] [member="Aldera Antilles"] [member="Nima Tann"] [member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Jonathan Hex"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Kyrana Gould"] [member="Aris II"]
Nima Tann said:
It seemed like another member has joined their team! She nodded to the woman, and said with cheerful tone. "Welcome to the team!"
[member="Aldera Antilles"] [member="Aris II"] [member="Kyrana Gould"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Nikias"] [member="Jonathan Hex"] [member="Sorel Crieff"] [member="Audren Sykes"]
"Thank-you, Master Tann," Aldy said humbly.

Nima Tann said:
"So... uhh... you all know how to fight right?"
Aldy nodded solemnly.

Nima Tann said:
"Okay, stay sharp. I can sense at least 5 people inside. They are bad news. But one of them is not in good condition. It must be the lightsider we are looking for. You two want to go stealthy or do you want to see a cool trick?"
Aldy listened carefully to Master Tann's assessment of the situation, then considered the options which were presented.

"I suggest that we use stealth and the element of surprise, especially if someone -- perhaps a hostage -- has been injured."

She re-checked the charge on her stun blaster, unsure why she had even brought it with her, and even more unsure of how she would feel if she had to use it.

If a Jedi ignites her lightsaber, she must be ready to take a life. If she is not so prepared, she must keep her weapon at her side. It is thus even with a blaster.

But if someone should be injured or ... killed ... because I did not act swiftly enough, Master ...?!

Trust to The Force, young Padawan.

Aldy nodded, then returned the stun blaster to its holster.
Jonathan's body lay on the ground for a bit of time until another door on the other side of the room opened. The guards talked in hushed tones as they could hear the fighting happening and saw the young boy on the floor. One guard checked his pulse, "He's alive, leverage?" The other guard thought it over and nodded as the two guards grabbed Jonathan and moved him away.

Jonathan was jarred awake with the cold sensation of water being aggressively flunk into his face, "Ahh wh- what!?!?!" He looked around, his eyes not adjusting quickly to the low light. He tried to move, but he was strapped to a chair and the wound to his shoulder stung like a thousand bees, "Who are you? What do you want from..." His voice trailed off as he was struck across the face hard enough to make the chair fling over and crash into the floor causing his head to crash into the ground and he let out the sign of pain. The guards lifted him back to a sitting position as his forehead began to bleed, "We ask the questions, not you." Jonathan knew he was in trouble, but being almost dead, what else did he have to fear? He spat blood into the guards face which received him a punch to the gut. Deep in the shadows was another man, this one quite, but the way the guards were acting, possibly the leader or high ranking officer.

I am bored, so bam, spice time!

[member="Kyrana Gould"] [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"]| [member="Aris II"] | [member="Sorel Crieff"] | [member="Nikias"] |

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel remained in cover as Master Heavenshield dealt with the shooters and then closed the door. A chance to regroup perhaps and devise a plan now they knew at least part of what they wer pe up against?

She walked over the the Jedi Master and nodded, "I am unsure of a motive Master. Maybe saboutage? Are they insiders or have they sneaked on board? I fear I can offer little in the way of a plan without further information, although subduing one and asking them questions may be a useful next step?"

No sooner had she spoken that's her fellow Padawan breached the closed door with his saber before entering the room and engaging the enemy. "Perhaps the time for planning has passed?" There was more than a hint of sarcasm in her voice as she looked to the Jedi Master for guidance as to their next steps.

[member="Nikias"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"]
A wry smile graced her lips at Sorel comment, “Indeed, come, we need to secure them before we move on. I suspect these attackers are but the first line of defence and we have yet to find their leader.”

“Let’s hope Audren was having more luck with ascertaining information”. Stepping through the hole in the door Coci looked at the men splayed on the ground. “Call the medical staff to this location and have these injured men moved, they are in no state to be interrogated now”.

Standing silent for a moment, Coci focused her senses to search further into the level, she could sense the young light sider in a couple of room across from them, he is in pain and there is a strong sense of fear and anger welling within him. The experience of youth, uncontrolled emotions allowed to vent so that his force presences is ‘loud’.

“Stay focused, we need to proceed through those doors”, she pointed to the side of the room to a connecting door way leading to the next room. What they would find behind the doors was yet to be seen, but she could feel the presence of more beings, whether friend or foe was undetermined. The natural urge to move forward herself and provide vanguard, Coci held back wanting to see what initiatives the Padawans would come up with to this problem. Nothing like training on the run.

[member="Kyrana Gould"] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Aldera Antilles"] | [member="Sorel Crieff"] | [member="Aris II"] | [member="Jonathan Hex"] | [member="Nikias"]

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
She was a bit disappointed at the one of the Padawans' replies, but the other, the girl, had the right idea. So, she turned towards the Padawan, and said with a firm but not cold voice, a little lesson for the Padawan to understand. "In situations like these where you clearly have an advantage over the enemies, you take it. 'Cool tricks' are going to get you killed. So, if you have stealth as an advantage you go stealthy. This way, you won't endanger the ones that are at the other side of the trigger." She said, then turned back to see what was going on in the hallway. One of the guards was there, seemed alone and half conscious. An easy target to eliminate. The lightsider must be strong, she thought, a good Force Push was always effective. "Okay, you see the guard over there, let's start with him."

"He's already half conscious so we can eliminate him easily. And there are covers there if someone would hear him. Plan is, do it as silent as possible in order not to attract any more unwanted attention" She said firmly and looked at the Padawans. "You ready?" Then she started to walk towards the guard, very slowly. One would say she was flying on her feet, no footstep voices on the hard metal.

[member="Aldera Antilles"] [member="Aris II"] [member="Jonathan Hex"] [member="Kyrana Gould"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"]
[member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"]| [member="Aris II"] | [member="Sorel Crieff"] | [member="Nikias"] | [member="Jonathan Hex"]

Word of Audren Sykes’ encounter spread through the ship, and soon all decks were on lockdown, and guards deployed to protect the bridge and other vital components. If there were more infiltrators they would become known very quickly.

Meanwhile, as Jonathan Hex was interrogated, the full attention of the two faux-guards and the leader. The leader though, the origin of the dark aura, could clearly sense the presence of so many Jedi.

“Jedi! We have one of your friends. If you enter, he dies!” they called out so both Nima’s group and Coci’s could hear.

Coci’s group, entering the main door, would have to have a creative way to deal with the three enemy quickly before they could dispose of their hostage.

Nima’s group meanwhile was coming in unexpectedly and facing only a single guard away from the others.
The guard did not hear the Twi’lek’s approach until too late, and was swiftly overcome by the Jedi Master.
This gave Nima and her group a chance to strike whilst the two guards and the Dark Side user were distracted by Coci.

(Feel free to dispose of these NPCs, they’re just stage one.)
[SIZE=10pt]Retrieving his saber from the body of one of the guards Nikias bowed his head to Master Heavenshield. “I am sorry; I did not mean to do so much damage to them. I was just caught up in the moment” Nikias had truly forgotten that he wasn't on a battlefield but in a ship and among jedi. Feeling a bit ashamed of having played a part in taking on the guards. They wouldn’t be able to get any information out of them and it was indeed Nikias’ fault. So he took the responsibility of activating the coms and calling for the medical crew to come and retrieve the guards. Feeling the dissapointment weighing on him nikias decided to remain silent and deactivated his saber, the violet blade retreating back into the hilt.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]This time being sure to follow Master Heavenshields orders Nikias stuck behind her and Sorel so he wouldn’t act in such a way to compromise their mission again. Nikias had almost moved to the door when he heard the shout from the assailants inside that caused him to pause. It seemed that they were becoming desperate and were willing to even kill their hostage. Stopping Nikias looked at the other two jed[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]i[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] and was at a complete loss for what they should do. They couldn’t just bust in and try to take them on, it was too dangerous. At least Nikias couldn’t.[/SIZE]

[member="Sorel Crieff"] [member="Aldera Antilles"] [member="Nima Tann"] [member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Jonathan Hex"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Kyrana Gould"]
Jonathan blinked rapidly waving his head trying to get the blood out of his eyes, but only succeeding in making himself light headed. He looked at one of the closest guards, "Hey, got a piece of silk? This blood is getting to be a bit distracting." He smirked, but the guard turned to him, "Shut up." He punched Jonathan in the face causing him to spit blood and grunt. The leader turned to the guard, "Francis, enough, killing him will only hurt us. We leave him alive til we get what we came for."

Jonathan began to laugh at those words, "Your name is Francis?! Geez, your mother must hated you." This got him another strike across his face causing Jonathan's right eye to blacken, but when the punch connected it helped to muffle the sound of Jonathan's left thumb breaking. The leader gave Francis a serious look which Francis gave to Jonathan.

Jonathan let his breathing catch up as he began to formulate a plan. The leader stood near the door, 7 meters away. Francis stood next to Jonathan within arms length and the second guard was 3 meters away. Jonathan moved his head like he was blacking out, but really he was looking around the room. He saw 2 meters to his right an open vent, well that was a miracle to find. Jonathan took a deep breath as the leader brought his walkie to his mouth to speak to his men. Wiggling out of his holdings, Jonathan used his good right hand to draw a knife from his hidden spot in his pants and stab Francis in the hip then the leg. Before the people in the room could react the second guard received a knife thrown at his shoulder.

Jonathan bolted to the vent which was barely big enough for him, but too small for them as he heard gunfire and was clipped in the leg, but he escaped. He made his way through the vents hearing shouting about his escape and and for him to come back or he was dead. He kept moving letting his instinct or the Force lead him, he wasn't really sure. His broken hand gave in over a vent trap door and he feel through landing with a thud and cried out with a grunt as he felt his hand break more. He was bloody and didn't think he could go on anymore, luckily he was in a really convenient spot, behind [member="Coci Heavenshield"] and [member="Sorel Crieff"]. He laughed a little and coughed up some blood as he made a final joke, "H-hey....mind if I...drop in?" With that, the cutans bowed the the comedian succumbed to the alluring pull of unconsciousness.

[member="Nikias"] [member="Aldera Antilles"] [member="Nima Tann"] [member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Kyrana Gould"]
"It is alright Padawan [member="Nikias"], a good lesson learned is it not?", the control of emotions in these situations is paramount to a Jedi and one that can only be learned when faced with the 'real life' event. "The ship will be fixed although the Admiral might think otherwise", she grinned.

As she was about to move forward, a thud hit the ground behind her and as she turned to see a coughing spluttering young man, Coci arched her brow. "So you are the young wayward soul, you look terrible". But now the situation had changed for the attackers, they had lost their hostage and advantage.

"Master Tann, the hostage is free. We can ceil to room off so they can't escape", she said through the open commlink. "Admiral Gould, please have security come to my location we have the attackers confined".

Turning her attention back to the young man, "And who might you be?", she asked as she looked his face over, he seemed familiar to her, at least part of his features. But before he could answer her, he slumped to the floor unconscious.

[member="Kyrana Gould"] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Aldera Antilles"] | [member="Sorel Crieff"] | [member="Jonathan Hex"]
[member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"]| [member="Sorel Crieff"] | [member="Nikias"] | [member="Jonathan Hex"]

(Botting Nima with the writer’s permission.)

With their hostage gone and the two guards wounded, they presented little challenge when Master Tann swept in, leading a group of Coalition security forces. After a brief struggle the guards were overpowered and secured.

The leader, from whom the Dark Side could be sensed faintly, was not so ready to give up. He drew a blaster, but when faced by a mass of enemies he looked around, then suddenly leapt forward and hit a button on the control panel.
A stun bolt caught him in the chest and he fell.

However, the giant ship rocked faintly underfoot and alerts started blaring.
“You’re too late…this ship…will be ours…” the leader said before slumping to the ground.

Suddenly, the Admiral was on the commlink to all the Jedi and security forces.
“He shut down the containment fields on docking bay 17 and one of the escorting corvettes has crashed in and we’ve been boarded! We need to stop them before they can escape!”

From where they were standing, the Jedi would be able to see that in the docking bay below was suddenly full of landing transports, six in total, each one filled with blaster armed soldiers in armour, and led by red lightsabre wielding Sith!

Those unfortunate enough to be in the docking bay were soon being cut down by the professional troops. If the Jedi wanted to stop them breaking into the rest of the ship they’d have to hurry back to their turbolifts!
For his part, Audren slowly moved through the hallways, checking each room. He didn't know what he was looking for as Force promptings typically didn't come with instructions like five saboteurs in the number three engine room. Too bad, that would have been useful. He was close enough to hear the call about the hostage followed fairly quickly by blasterfire, a pause, then more blaster fire. He ignored it for the most part, it was coming from the direction the other Jedi were located.

As the sound of gunfire stopped however, the massive ship seemed to rock a bit underfoot. He would have put it down to a fluke, maybe a glitch in the gravity systems. Until the voice of Admiral Gould spilled from the commlink however. Containment fields shut down, crash, boarded. Well, there was the real threat. A small infiltration team - even two teams - he could understand. Infiltration teams for the Barsen'thor as well as teams for the escort corvette and enough to land boarders...someone had seriously karked up on the security side of things. He hoped someone realized that and took action to plug the hole, it wasn't his specialty or his job.

There was a slight confusion over the Admiral's wording of 'stop them before they escape', but that was glossed over.

"Sykes, responding."

He personally didn't have a view of the hangar, didn't know how many were down there. It didn't matter though, he could sense the darkness. This was what he was built for, not for skulking around trying to figure out the plots of others. He wasn't far from the turbolifts, which meant he was heading down to the docking bay quickly.

Why the intruders hadn't immediately set guards on the turbolift, the Sephi would likely never know. He walked out calmly, not stopped by a single soldier. His eyes cast around curiously, taking note of the various ships, the soldiers, supply boxes scattered around, and finally on one of the fallen bodies. That was when he stopped and looked back up at one of the Sith, concern crossing his features.

"Is this the wrong hangar for the tour?"

The Sith didn't even give him the courtesy of a direct response, simply giving an order to the soldiers in some sort of masked voice.

"Kill him already."

By the first word, the Jedi was stretching out with the Force. A single thread of telekinetic power was all it took to disconnect one of the supply crates hanging overhead by shutting down the electromagnet holding it up. Even as the soldiers were bringing up their blasters to fire, the crate - more of a bulk container, actually - was falling. The impact put quite the dent in the decking and launched the Sephi a good thirty centimeters or so into the air, and no doubt attracted the attention of everyone else in the hangar with the noise if nothing else. It also had the side effect of squashing many of the soldiers in that group. Messily.

The Sith was good enough to get some warning and save his own life, though not enough to stop the loss of his soldiers. Instead he apparently decided to take his revenge on the lone Jedi in the good old fashioned way: Force Lightning.

[member="Kyrana Gould"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Sorel Crieff"] | [member="Aldera Antilles"] | [member=Nikias] | [member="Jonathan Hex"]
[member="Audren Sykes"], [member="Kyrana Gould"], [member="Coci Heavenshield"]

Another day, another grand warship, another Sith infiltration attempt. The dramatically named Barsen'thor was the pride and joy the Coalition. Constructed as a 'strong deterrent against aggression', it was the fleet's prize. Firemane Industries had backed the project by providing vital components such as the Colossus Reactor and the Nova Cannon. Moreover, they'd built the ship alongside the Coalition.

Of course, such a prize inevitably attracted attention. It seemed a universal law that no matter what elaborate security measures you cooked up, they always failed at the most critical moment. Perhaps it due to this cosmic Force Jedi and Sith prattled about. Such metaphysical affairs were beyond a homicidal droid. Personally, Caerys was far less enamoured with the 'technological terror' the Coalition had built.

Perhaps it was because a cynical droid who was more than a century old had seen many battles and many grand vessels of war. They'd all met their downfall in the end. Regardless, she had a job to do. It was far more to her liking than blending in with the crew because it involved homicide.

The docking bay was filled with transports. Black-clad goons wielding blasters swarmed out, accompanied by fellows dressed of the black robes, pallid skin and red lightsabre style of fashion. The latter category of organics looked appropriately angry and mildly drug-addled. Careful observation on the part of the aforementioned homicidal droid had brought her to the conclusion that the effects of the so-called 'dark side' were similar to intoxication.

"Kill them all! For the glory of the True Sith!" one of the Sith bellowed melodramatically after some of his minions got crushed by a massive bulk container. Ouch. That reduced them to paste. Caerys approved of whoever had made the big crate fall. Blaster fire and Force Lightning rained down upon Coalition marines taking up defensive positions at the edge of the docking bay. Cries of pain were heard, lives were extinguished. Silly organics.

The angelic features of the death machine were impassive when she stepped in, while blaster bolts whizzed past her. In her hand she carried a 22 kg portable shattergun rotary cannon without the slightest effort. Calmly she primed it with one hand and checked the ammunition lines were ready. A Sith, making the mistake of assuming she was an organic, tried to grab her throat and choke her with space magic. Obviously this did nothing at all and her eyes flashed crimson. Then the barrels fired, spitting out a truly absurd number of rounds towards the enemy at hyper-velocity.

6, 600 rounds per minute, to be precise. It was firing bullets able to shatter durasteel armour and able to penetrate light vehicle armour. Travelling at a speed that would make it difficult even for space wizards to magically dodge. The sound of the chaingun firing was like thunder, only a hell of a lot louder. Hostiles died, bodies hit the floor.

[SIZE=10pt]Turning back to look at the young man that had fallen out of the vents behind the group Nikias moved to squat beside him checking the wounds. The fact that the boy had been able to take all the pain from what had been thrown at him spoke a great deal in Nikias' eyes. Giving a quick examination Nikias was able to conclude that he would live as long as he got some form of medical attention. "I’ll." Nikias started before a message over the com link chirped causing his blood to chill. They'd been so busy worrying about who was already on the ship that they hadn't thought about there being more. "Stang!" Nikias said rushing to the window to look down out the view-screen that allowed him to see the landing shuttles in the docking bay. Gritting his teeth[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] it took everything for Nikias to not storm into the bay and offer his aid.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Though as of right now there were wounded that needed medical attention. Having once served as a general[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Nikias couldn't stand the thought of leaving a bunch of innocents in the docking bay to die. It was too late to save them and he knew it[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] but he could still attempt to avenge them in any way that he could. Though the young boy still needed medical attention. Clenching his jaw Nikias realized he'd have to surrender the lead to someone else. "I will get him to the Medbay and join you in the docking bay." Nikias said to Master Heavenshield as he scooped up the young man in his arms and made his way to the turbolift to take it up and to the medbay. [/SIZE]

[member="Sorel Crieff"] [member="Aldera Antilles"] [member="Nima Tann"] [member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Jonathan Hex"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Kyrana Gould"]
Well the Poop had hit the fan and Coci and her group are down in the 'basement'. "Thank you Padawan [member="Nikias"] be as quick as you can .. we have more work to do". Nima would have got the same message and Coci knew the Master would soon rally the troops to the docking bay.

"Knight Sykes you got that message?", there was no more time for stealth beside the situation in the lower level was executed. Yet, she had the feeling the Knight would already be on this way. "Come on, back to the turbolifts", and that infernal music. This ship is way to big, come on! she thought cause by the time they would get there it would all be over, and this Jedi don't have patience. Time always travels slow when in a hurry and no matter the length of the trip in a lift.

Eventually, after the slow ride in the turbolift and running along very long corridors, Coci finally made it to the docking bay. The sound of rapid fire, and people screaming met her ears, For the love of the force what is going on?!

Taking a quick look around the entrance, she saw much destruction and bodies and standing near by a woman with a gun, a big gun, barrel smoking from heat. Coci could not sense any sign of the force in this woman, attuned to it or no, no life in her at all. A droid. There was simply no reasoning with them.

She found what would deem as cover, a large part of a ship or what was left of it lay near by and Coci made a run for it. From this position she will asses the situation and wait for back up, and hope the crazy droid woman would not mistake her for sith.

[member="Kyrana Gould"] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Aldera Antilles"] | [member="Sorel Crieff"] | [member="Jonathan Hex"] | [member="Caerys Argente"] (thank the force you are on our side :p)
[member="Coci Heavenshield"], [member="Kyrana Gould"], [member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Bodies were piling up. Her scanners registered that multiple hostile organic life forms had expired. This was a satisfactory outcome of her onslaught. The big gun was smoking from the heat. Heat sensors picked up on an organic sneaking into the hangar. Caerys considered shooting her, but her HUD informed her that the individual was a Jedi Master and designated non-hostile.

Accuracy of analysis was 98, 5%. Caerys did not mind hunting Jedi, since she did not discriminate based on religious beleifs. However, her present employer would disapprove of her engaging this particular one. She'd probably be of a different opinion if it was someone from the New Jedi Order...

Anyhow, the chaingun's absurdly large magazine clicked shut and the homicidal droid tossed the weapon aside, letting it fall to the ground with a loud thud. Instead she produced a mean looking mace and a bolt pistol. Then she dashed through the clouds of smoke to engage hostiles, seemingly unconcerned for her own safety. More Coalition soldiers were making their way into the hangar and putting the enemy under fire, which gave her some cover.

Clobberin' time! One black-armoured, fascist goon putting her under fire went down when a bolt pistol round connected with his knee, then got pulped by her mace. The next one slashed at her, but his blade bounced off her armour and got his skull crushed. The third got a mace rammed into his chest. Ouch. When she withdrew the weapon it was coated in blood and innards.

A black-clad Sith charged her with his crimson lightsabre and, hearing the noise his boots caused, she spun and fired her pistol. Predictably the Sith tried to deflect with his sabre, but he made the mistake of assuming that a bolt weapon was an ordinary slugthrower. Thus as soon as his blade cleaved through the metal of the bolt it exploded. Shrapnel scored across the Sith's arm and molten copper lodged into the robe, igniting it.

Caerys fired again, but the Sith was smart enough to use his powers to leap backwards and tear off the burning outer robe in one fluid motion. Moving with a preternatural speed that almost equalled his, Caerys leapt after him. Calling on his power, the space wizard crushed her gun with a bang, exploding it. The explosion knocked her back a bit and damaged her skin, but she still advanced. The shot she'd been lining up before her gun died missed him and impacted upon the wall.

Going on the offensive, she brought down her mace. The Sith ducked to avoid an overhead blow but when he tried to to stab into her mid-section she bent her body so that his blade sizzled across her torso but avoided her power core, grabbed him by the throat and slammed him into a container with such force she broke his spine. Grabbing the badly abused body she tossed it into the trajectory of a Twi'lek Sith trying to spear the droid with her lightsabre. The human shield did its job and was impaled by the woman's sabre, the purple Twi'lek fell to the ground by the impact.

But as Caerys advanced her opponent suddenly...multiplied. To be precise, four other shapes suddenly appeared seemingly out of thin air. All looked like the Twi'lek and carried a red lightsabre. Caerys blinked, trying to process this new information, since it didn't make any logical sense. Organics could not clone themselves that way.

This had to be some sort of sorcery. She punched one of the Twi'leks, but her attack went nowhere, as if she'd struck thin air. Her scanners picked up on an interesting fact: Only one of the clones had a heartbeat. Then she was blasted by a surge of lightning. It looked like every single 'clone' was striking her. This made no logical sense because the damage reported by her systems was not concurrent with such an onslaught.

The droid twitched strongly as electricity crackled across her and one of her eyes went haywire, even though she tried to use her mace to shield herself before it was blasted out of her grasp. But she advanced onward, though with a limp and whilst twitching strongly. One of the illusionary clones attacked her with a sabre, she ignored it, and plucked a grenade free from her belt, tossing it into the fray. As expected, the ball was deflected and promptly exploded, releasing a cloud of yellowish-orange gas.

Soon the clones were flickering and she heard coughs, coming from the one real Sith. The gas mucked with the wizard's ability to use the Force. Picking her up with a bone-crushing grip, she split the Sith over her head and body-slammed her into the floor with a resounding thud, then stomped upon her throat. There was a gurgle, then the Twi'lek was dead.The HRD was badly damaged, her human skin revealing the metal beneath, but still standing.

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