Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ending the Chaos (SSC Only)

She cocked her head side ways as the Admiral spoke, "As I suggested Admiral, the internally scan to detect lifeforms can be isolated to the lower levels, and since there is a death, a dead body would show up as an anomaly, as a steep drop in body temperature would indicate. It will also tell us if the body is being moved or stationary. Please keep me informed". She turned to speak to the Jedi.

"We need to ascertain the exact location of the body and how this death has occurred. I have sensed the presences of the darkside on board this ship, I strongly suggest you all approach this investigation with much caution until such time as we have the truth. I suggest we form two groups, I can lead one, Master Tann the other. There will more then point of access to the lower levels so I suggest we use those and meet in the middle. If you find anything contact me and Admiral Gould immediately. You can do so through your commlinks. Padawan Crieff you are coming with me".

Coci will wait until they are set up in their group and to see if there are any further questions.
[member="Kyrana Gould"] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Nikias"] | [member="Aldera Antilles"] | [member="Sorel Crieff"] | [member="Aris II"] | [member="Jonathan Hex"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
If there was one thing worse than waiting to be picked only to suffer the lingering death of being so low down the list that nobody cared which team you were on, it was having to choose a team, worried that you would upset the other ‘captain’. Sorel knew neither, so could not use an excuse of familiarity or unfamiliarity as a reason to side with one Master or the other.

So she used proximity. She was standing closer to Master Heavenshield, so sidled a little nearer, so as to appear she was so close already, the decision had been made for her. And she didn’t even blush! And then Master Heavenshield named her, making her feel a lot less guilty. Indeed, she immediately looked around, to see who else might join ‘their team’.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] @Everyone else
The first to speak was Audren, the man Aris had earlier stumbled into, he had inquired on the location of the death. All seemed to aim to utilize the ship's life sensors and the Silver Jedi that were more attuned to the Force than he was. They had felt the taking of life, while had not. Aris was highly cautious of his surroundings, that was the only feeling he was getting within. It was a soldier's habit, something taken from the two years of military service back on his home planet.

Surprisingly to Aris, the second to talk was the laconic Master - Nima Tann. Her attitude seemed completely changed and readiness was written all over her body language. Ironically, she seemed at complete odds with the previous image she had projected of her self. The Hellyn had well learned that everyone had their pluses and minuses. Aris was no different. The Master instructed the rest of the Silver Jedi around on what to do. Thus, the Hellyn attempted to reach for the Force but it was beyond his power. A couple of results ended in failure so he simply remained as previously, his hand on his hilt and his senses open to close-ranged threats. A soldier's habit.

The Admiral quickly began instructing officers to run necessary protocols to find unusual activity as per the Silver Jedi's advice and they immediately received positive results of such activities down below in the lower levels. So the feeling everyone seemed to feel apart from Aris was indeed true, not that he doubted it but Aris was certainly delighted with the powers of the Force.

In response to the Admiral's plea for investigation, the Master of the Order instructed her on the next steps to be taken then turned to instruct the gathered Jedi.

Coci Heavenshield said:
"We need to ascertain the exact location of the body and how this death has occurred. I have sensed the presences of the darkside on board this ship, I strongly suggest you all approach this investigation with much caution until such time as we have the truth. I suggest we form two groups, I can lead one, Master Tann the other. There will more then point of access to the lower levels so I suggest we use those and meet in the middle. If you find anything contact me and Admiral Gould immediately. You can do so through your commlinks. Padawan Crieff you are coming with me".

The Padawan Sorel was first to reach to the Master's orders and stepped behind the latter as ordered. Aris took a look around and noticed that he seemed closer to the Master Tann rather than Master Heavenshield. Thus, with a nod to the Master of the Order, he took a few steps to stand behind the Twi'lek Jedi.

[member="Kyrana Gould"] [member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Nima Tann"] [member="Nikias"] [member="Aldera Antilles"] [member="Sorel Crieff"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Jonathan Hex"]
I suggest we form two groups, I can lead one, Master Tann the other. There will more then point of access to the lower levels so I suggest we use those and meet in the middle. If you find anything contact me and Admiral Gould immediately. You can do so through your commlinks."

[member="Kyrana Gould"] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Nikias"] | [member="Aldera Antilles"] | [member="Sorel Crieff"] | [member="Aris II"] | [member="Jonathan Hex"]


Aldy moved to join Master [member="Coci Heavenshield"]'s team, then asked for the comm frequency so that she could reset her link to the proper channel.

I hope that we don't run into the dead body, Aldy thought with trepidation. This one will be fresh, not thousands of years old. I hope I won't have to ... touch it.

She had a *really* bad feeling about that.

A wave of nausea started to come over her, but she held it back ... just barely.

Composing herself, she put on a professional demeanor.

Perhaps just my skill of observation will be needed here, she thought. If not, I guess there's always my trusty blaster. Oh dear. oh dear!
[SIZE=10.5pt]It seemed that this would be more than just a gathering where the Silver Sanctum members could spend time enjoying themselves and meeting others. Instead they were being thrown into the fray probably off to face an unknown enemy. Or at least unknown to Nikias, as the groups began splitting up Nikias saw the first three people go off to choose their teams. Considering the last person had joined Master Heavenshield's team Nikias would probably be expected to join the team with the twi'lek. That was going to be a big fat negative, not as long as Aris was in that team. It would probably degenerate to the two being at each other’s throats... Literally, and while it could probably be a benefit to have two beings from the same species fighting side by side it would have to wait for another day. Staying on the bridge was not an option either, while the crew could possibly use protection he was sure they could probably seal themselves in and they should at least be armed. Weren't they? [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]So stepping off and joining Master Heavenshield's team Nikias ensured one last time that his lightsaber was clipped to his belt. He hadn't brought his shield on this mission as he did not believe he'd need it. Cursing himself for his lack of forethought Nikias began to think of potential things that could go wrong when they moved through the ship. If they were engaged would the jedi be able to activate and use their sabers without getting in the others way or injuring each other? [/SIZE]

[member="Aldera Antilles"] [member="Sorel Crieff"] [member="Aris II"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Kyrana Gould"] [member="Audren Sykes"]
[member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Nima Tann"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Aris II"] [member="Sorel Crieff"] [member="Nikias"] [member="Jonathan Hex"]

Down below, Jonathan’s entrance had not gone unnoticed. From the next room there came footsteps and the door opened. A blaster rifle extended as a uniformed soldier entered, moving the blaster to cover all angles.
The soldier did not say anything, and seemed the sort to shoot first and ask questions later. Fortunately, the storage and data control room had plenty of places to hide. The Force would probably be warning Jonathan that admitting his presence was probably a very unwise move….

Meanwhile, on the bridge, the Admiral listened to Coci’s plan and nodded. “Run scanners on 17-01A. Search for unusual signs. Master Heavenshield, the turbolift there will take you directly down. Here is the key card you will need,” she added, handing it over.
Turning to the Twi’lek, she took another keycard from a security officer. “Master Tann, there is a turbolift at the end of the main corridor. That will take you directly down behind the sector. You’ll move in from one side, Master Heavenshield from the other.”
“Shall we go to full alert, sir?”
“Not yet, I don’t want whoever is here to know we’re onto them yet. Ready security teams however.”
Before the Jedi could depart however, the scans officer hurried over. “There is a large concentration of activity in Security Station 17. They have reported in with the correct codes, but scans detect there are far more persons there than there should be.”
“That’s your objective then,” the Admiral told the Jedi. “My marines will seal off the area whilst you move in. Be careful though, if they are saboteurs they are unlikely to be polite!”

Outside in space the corvette edged closer still. Soon
Taking note of the location of the turbolifts, Coci consider another option. The two main groups would take this avenue to the lower levels but their investigation will be noticed by whoever has committed this crime. "Thank you Admiral Gould", she said before the groups would move out. But before so, Coci indicated to Master [member="Nima Tann"] and Knight [member="Audren Sykes"] that she wanted to speak with them and so she moved to the side.

"I can sense another force signature in the lower levels, it is not familiar to me but there is a lightsider down there and maybe find themselves in trouble. We have to assume this is the work of a saboteur and I strongly suspect they are not working alone", she turned to Audren. "We need someone to operate separate from the groups as our presence will be detected, to not only watch our backs, but to find out if there are more and their movements", Although she is aware that Audren is not a part of the brother and sisterhood of the Silver Shadows, she is effectively asking him to operate in this capacity as she can not do so herself at this point. "If you feel you need someone to go with you, choice that person now, or go it alone".

"Come", she said to the rest of the group that will accompany her, and she walked toward the lifts and entered it. "Now, I want you all to be alert, use your abilities in the force to guide you and stay close", she looked pointedly toward the young Sorel.

[member="Kyrana Gould"] | [member="Nikias"] | [member="Aldera Antilles"] | [member="Sorel Crieff"] | [member="Aris II"] | [member="Jonathan Hex"]
In situations of extreme stress the body enters into a fight or flight frame of mind. Normally, Jonathan was a fighter, but seeing your first murder victim tended to flip things. He bolted out of the room just wanting to get out of there. It seemed life had other ideas as Jonathan sensed a door opening and so his mother's basic Mandalorian training kicked in. He ran faster at the man coming out which would give the man with a gun a slight hesitation. Jonathan's body jumped with all the speed and strength it could muster. He knees the guy in the stomach, not easily done, but when instinct kicks in odd things happen. The gun was shot loose which Jonathan pivoted to grab and turned on a dime to gun the man down.

He was breathing heavily his heart pounding in his throat as his mind caught up with what his body had done. He began to shake and dropped the gun. Did he? How did he? This person was dead, were they good or bad? Jonathan moved too fast to find out. He rushed to the man and checked his pulse... Dead. No, this was too much, he had killed someone, what was going on? Was this a Silver? What would happen to him if they found out? He was protecting himself, they would understand. Would they? If he hurt someone by accident site, but murder?! His body began to tremble, had he gone too deep, he didn't feel dark, but he did feel fear and that was the first step.

It wasn't for a few more moments that logic began to be added to the emotions and Jonathan saw the patch in his arm, it was not Silver. He had seen that patch somewhere. This was not a good guy, he now knew that, but now they all knew he was there. He heard foot steps and so he dashed into the room the man came out of an looked around. He ducked under a storage container and tried to calm his breathing, but he had VERY little training and this was all too real. He began to fear his own death was coming soon.

[member="Kyrana Gould"]
The Knight had been hopeful that the life sensors would be able to narrow their target location down and make the job of finding the perpetrator or group that much simpler. They had no such luck, however the Admiral had another tack to try. A marginally successful one as it so happened, revealing that there was unusual activity - or lack of it - in the lower portion of the ship. Having only caught a whiff of the death he couldn't tell for sure, but it was possible that it had originated from down there. When Master Tann spoke, she had changed. Gone was the socially-bumbling Twi'lek, here was the Master.

It seemed Master Heavenshield wasn't so greatly impressed with the findings, as she specified that she wanted to search for a steep drop in temperature from the body. That wasn't how things worked, the death was only moments old at most, but he would not be the one to publicly call her out on it. She didn't fixate on a single strategy however, she brought another up as well. Two teams of Jedi, led by the Masters. The younger ones split off almost immediately into the teams. He was about to join the Twi'lek's team when Coci indicated that she wanted to talk to the two of them separate from the others.

The first part of what she said he understood, it was simple enough. Another person below, unknown but light-side aligned. Check. Saboteur, probably not working alone. Check. That's where it started to get odd however. She asked him to be the rear guard, to watch their backs and gather intelligence. It was something he could do, absolutely, just not something he'd expected. Unfortunately he didn't know any of the others well enough - he gave them a quick glance before shaking his head - and both Masters were needed elsewhere.

There wasn't much he could do to cover both groups. Fortunately, by good luck or will of the Force, it appeared there was another anomaly showing, an over-crowded security room. That would be where both groups were going, albeit from different directions. Optimally he'd be able to find a position to watch both...such as a security station. Smart move on their part, assuming the excess bodies were saboteurs. Another step he'd take were he going to infiltrate was disabling cameras, which presumably could also be done from a security room.

But no, thinking like a saboteur and the best response was the job of the first-line response teams. He was the second line. Which meant he needed to find where someone else would be watching from. Appropriating yet another keycard, the Sephi headed for the lift, taking his own car. He patted his waist, starting on the right and moving to the back and to the left. He pulled his datapad from a pouch on the left side of his belt, but the patting had verified that his lightsaber and baton were both still present while appearing to scan for the datapad. They'd gotten basic schematics when arriving on board and now he had to figure out how to use them to his advantage.

[member="Kyrana Gould"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Sorel Crieff"] | [member="Aris II"] | [member="Aldera Antilles"] | [member=Nikias] | [member="Jonathan Hex"]

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
The thoughts of a relaxing journey turned into a dangerous one as the seconds passed. The crew in the ship moved from left to right, quickly with a worrying expression in their faces. She concentrated on their group though, since watching the worrying people running around would be no help to her or to this situation. Then, not that long time later she heard Master Heavenshield's voice. Splitting up would be the better tactic in this situation, to search the area 2 times faster than going with whole group, not surprisingly, the team captains were the two Master aboard the ship, but it was up to the other individuals to choose their team. Well, that was going to be painful. Tactically, it would be the best to split up in half, yet she trusted more on Master Heavenshield than herself for the Padawans' safety. And she would do it alone, no problem for her. Or that was the lie she was telling to herself and she desperately wanted someone to trust her on this, who knew, the woman's mind was indeed like a mystery box. One for Master Heavenshield's team, another for hers, and the remaining went to Master Heavenshield's team as well. Okay, that went better than she expected. She nodded to [member="Aris II"], then listened the admiral, [member="Kyrana Gould"], for information. She got the place, she got the mission, and she got her team. The only thing that remained was the action.

Then, before they would start the mission, Master Heavenshield came towards Knight [member="Audren Sykes"] and herself for the last orders. She nodded to her, then talked. "We'll be extra careful, and find the lightsider if they are still around." She said for her part, then continued. "See you in the middle, Master Heavenshield." With that, she put a smile on her face and then turned to Aris. "I think it's time for us to go as well." Then waved to her group member to follow her to the end of the corridor, which awaited the turbolift that would start their dangerous journey.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Sorel Crieff"] [member="Aldera Antilles"] [member="Nikias"] [member="Jonathan Hex"]
Nima Tann said:
Then, before they would start the mission, Master Heavenshield came towards Knight [member="Audren Sykes"] and herself for the last orders. She nodded to her, then talked. "We'll be extra careful, and find the lightsider if they are still around." She said for her part, then continued. "See you in the middle, Master Heavenshield." With that, she put a smile on her face and then turned to Aris. "I think it's time for us to go as well." Then waved to her group member to follow her to the end of the corridor, which awaited the turbolift that would start their dangerous journey.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Sorel Crieff"] [member="Aldera Antilles"] [member="Nikias"] [member="Jonathan Hex"]
Curiouser and curiouser, Aldy thought. Why does Master Tann have only one person accompanying her, while Master Heavenshield's team is brimming over? This sounds like a mystery which I want to be in the middle of. I do not really know any of these people very well, so it should not matter which team I am on. This will be a grand ... adventure! Besides which, Master Tann's skin is purple! Surely, that is a sign of The Force that I'm making the proper choice ... right?!

"Master Heavenshield, with your permission, I wish to accompany Master Tann instead ... to even the odds a bit," Aldy said, giving a respectful and deferential nod of her head to the Master of the Order. "May The Force ... um ... be with us!"

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel looked at the ground again. She was initially pleased to be picked and wondered if there was some positive aspect to this. But she was sure the Master of the Order had pointedly looked at her when she mentioned staying alert. Or was it the staying close bit? She wasn't aware she had a habit of wandering off and she was invariably alert. All Jedi were attacked by creatures from time to time, that wasn't a crime was it?

And that matter with the other Master Heavenshield and the dye was a long time ago. Well, more than weeks anyway. And it wasn't like she was the only one involved. She shuffled her feet and made a point of standing directly behind Master Heavenshield, out of her eyeline. But then she probably used Force Sight and so the move was pointless, but it made her feel a little more comfortable. "I am ready and will remain alert," she said, her voice a little quieter than usual. She smiled at Nikias. "Hello again, not the best circumstances though?" And to the other young woman, who excused herself, she merely bowed politely.

[member="Nima Tann"] [member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Jonathan Hex"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Kyrana Gould"] [member="Nikias"] [member="Aldera Antilles"] [member="Aris II"]
Nikias watched as one of Heavenshield's group branched off to join the other masters causing him to sigh in relief. Now the teams would be even and there wouldn't be to much worry about them being overrun. Nikias had took up a position to the right of Sorel having met her when he first arrived on Voss to join the Silver Sanctum. Looking down and giving Sorel a smile as well Nikias nodded his head. These were indeed not the best circumstances to be meeting each other under again. The ship could possibly be under attack and who knew what else was waiting for them once they went down below.

Undoing the cape from around his neck Nikias dropped it to the floor. He hadn't been intending on engaging anyone in combat today hence the only reason he wore it. Now that he was to be sneaking and possibly engaging in close quarters combat the cape would be nothing more than a nuisance and a distraction. Entering the lifts with Sorel and Master Heavenshield, Nikias had been confident that nothing could go wrong till she mentioned using the force to guide them. oh kark. Nikias thought as it was mentioned, he was not one of those trained in the art of stealth, much less any form of the force. What he did in combat was natural physical skill and dexterity with only the innate abilities of the force aiding him. He hadn't even learned how to lift a pen yet. Though he steeled himself he had served on the front lines and done hit and run tactics before. He'd have to use those skills to be useful here.

[member="Sorel Crieff"] [member="Aldera Antilles"] [member="Nima Tann"] [member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Jonathan Hex"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Kyrana Gould"] [member="Aris II"]
[member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Aris II"] | [member="Sorel Crieff"] | [member="Nikias"] |[member="Jonathan Hex"]

The shot downstairs had alerted those in Security Station 17 to an intruder. Several more men, dressed in Coalition outfits but not acting like it, entered.
Seeing Jonathan Hex they opened fire, not bothering if they were heard now.

Meanwhile, outside the security station; a large room with TV monitors and other electronics, the two guards could see when the Jedi approached and raised their blasters.
Coci’s team would be advancing into the teeth of heavy fire from this group.

Nima’s team on the other hand, was undetected. They would be able to hear the blaster fire being shot at Jonathan Hex and come to his rescue, then take the other saboteurs at the security station from behind if they moved quickly….

Up on the bridge, a warning siren started blaring.
“Ma’am, they’ve started shutting down the shields and defences of Hanger 17!”

Another operator. “Corvette Centurion correct your current course. Repeat, correct your current course. You are getting too close to the Barsen’Thor!”

“Put all ships on alert, muster all marines and prepare for boarding action,” the Admiral ordered. When she had confirmation that the Jedi had disabled the saboteurs she could make her next move.
Apart from some furtive behaviour and terrible turbolift music, the trip to the lower levels was uneventful. Until they neared the bottom. The sound of blaster fire echoing up the lift shaft, would make them all realise they are about to enter the heat of the 'battle' immediately. So much for investigations, it was about to come to them. Coci's hand reached for her lightsaber, and prepared for when the doors would open. She flashed a look behind her, to find Sorel. The reason for her picking Sorel in this group was not because of any past deeds the young lady may or may not have done, but simply because of an over protective nature that Coci possesses since motherhood. All Padawans should remain close to a master or knight in these situations as it is for the good of the 'mission'. To put ones self in danger to simply be heroic and therefore endangers others, is negligent. It is something all padawans should be aware of or learn fast.

"Form up behind me please", she ordered as the door would open at any minute. Her finger rested firmly on the ignition button of her hilt, no room in the lift to ignite sabers now, "The rules of engagement are these. Protect those that need protecting. Protect yourself in order to do so. Arrest if possible, if there are no other options, kill", there would be no time for questions besides her directive should be clear enough. The doors of the turbolift opened.

Coci was the first one out, and as she stepped in the room, her purple blade snapped to life. Moving forward, her purple blade became a blur deflecting bolts away from the group as they would leave the lift. "Find cover!", if there was cover to find.

[member="Kyrana Gould"] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Aldera Antilles"] | [member="Sorel Crieff"] | [member="Aris II"] | [member="Jonathan Hex"] | [member="Nikias"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel’s foot was tapping in the lift. The music was familiar enough to be recognisable but bad enough to ensure she didn’t actually recognise the tune properly. But she caught sight of Master Heavenshield and decided her focus was best directed at the task in hand.

The sound of blaster fire was another indicator that she was to be firmly foused on the here and now and she unclipped one of her sabers. The narrow corridors were too cramped for her full saber staff or even two sabers, so she gripped the solitary hilt in her right hand. She saw Master Heavenshield glance her way and she nodded to show she was ready. The orders were clear enough and although nothing she would not have arrived at herself, it was always reassuring to be given a clear and unequivocal directive.

As the doors opened, the Master stepped out and Sorel gave her a few steps head start before activating her own saber with a snap-hiss, the golden blade close to her body as she prepared to deflect any bolts that might make their way past Master Heavenshield’s defences. Not that any did – and Sorel reflected that standing behind the Master of the Order was actually the best cover to be had, but stepped to one side where a bulkhead provided natural cover.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Kyrana Gould"] [member="Nikias"] [member="Aldera Antilles"] [member="Nima Tann"] [member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Jonathan Hex"] [member="Aris II"]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Looking up as the speakers played music Nikias raised a brow. Is this what they listen to? Not that it was bad or anything. Simply that he didn't expect for the Silver Sanctum to be so lax. Well everyone needed a release at times. As the elevator descended Nikias twirled the hilt of the lightsaber in his hand feeling the cool metal. It had been weeks since he had used it seriously, but now it was time to bring that experience back to the forefront. To survive what waited them he'd probably need every trick and tactic he had in his repertoire. Soon the music was washed out by the sound of blasterfire, that was enough to signify that this was more than a training mission to Nikias. Listening to Master Heavenshield's directives he steeled himself and breathed heavily. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Doors sliding open Nikias was the last to step out and immediately went for the bulkhead opposite Sorel where he'd take cover watching as Master Heavenshield deflected the blasterbolts. While it was good for one to preserve life Nikias wasn't too sure whether it would be to wise in a situation where they were the ones under fire. Though he'd yet to see what the jedi were capable of. Maybe Heavenshield had a trick up her sleeve so instead Nikias stayed in cover lightsaber still unignited while scanning the walls near him for any vents that he could possibly climb through and drop behind the enemy. [/SIZE]

[member="Kyrana Gould"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Sorel Crieff"] [member="Aldera Antilles"] [member="Nima Tann"] [member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Jonathan Hex"] [member="Aris II"]
[member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Aris II"] | [member="Sorel Crieff"] | @Nikias | [member="Jonathan Hex"]

The two false guards kept up a hail of blaster fire on Coci and the advancing Jedi. However, they swiftly saw this was not getting them very far, so they took cover inside the door and continued to fire, trying to aim at different targets and parts of targets to try and draw a mistake. It was for the best that they were not equipped with any specifically anti-Jedi weapons.

Jonathan Hex meanwhile would have been able to find cover in the storage room. Hopefully Nima would be there shortly to help him deal with his attackers.
Jonathan's heart beat was moving like a incoming train. He tried his best to keep his breathing still and quite, but his mind was moving at 100 MPH. He hid behind a storage container when the door busted forth with people firing. He stayed in his spot until the firing was over. Then when all he heard was silence he pulled the typical move of looking out from his cover, "He's over there, kill the bastard!" Jonathan began to run as he tryed to dodge the gun fire. His senses were on overload with the Force naturally helping him so he was doing quite well. He was almost out of the room when a round hit him in the shoulder. It hit dangerously close to the heart, but without actually hitting the vital organ.

By instint he turned to send a strong Force Blast at the group as he fell unconscious. The group of pirates were sent out of the room and into the hall with Jonathan lying on the floor knocking at death's door.

[member="Kyrana Gould"] @Audren Sykes | @Nima Tann | @Coci Heavenshield| @Aris II | @Sorel Crieff | [member="Nikias"] |

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
It seemed like another member has joined their team! She nodded to the woman, and said with cheerful tone. "Welcome to the team!" She wasn't wise like the ordinary Jedi Masters, or she didn't talk in riddles or even she wasn't that cool. She always saw herself as not a Master yet someone that did what she thought the right thing. So they proceeded to the turbolift, and the annoying music started to play. The seconds inside the turbolift was indeed an awkward one as the three looked at different directions, all silent. She was the one to break that silence. "So... uhh... you all know how to fight right?" What an awkward question to ask, but she was never the social type so it was normal for her.

"We are indeed less from the other team so we need to be extra careful when it comes to teamfight. But you can trust me, I am going to try my best to not let anything happen to you two." She said with a confident voice, she was socially awkward but protecting people was her specialty. Anyway, as their conversation continued, the turbolift brought them to their destination. She took her lightsaber from its hilt, ready to activate it, but when the doors opened. There were no one waiting for them! What a great opportunity for a surprise attack. She could hear blaster voices and some struggling nearby though, and if they stood in the shadows that would be only little problem for them. "Okay, stay sharp. I can sense at least 5 people inside. They are bad news. But one of them is not in good condition. It must be the lightsider we are looking for. You two want to go stealthy or do you want to see a cool trick?" She asked, her tone was excited.

((I godmodded a bit to progress the story, feel free to fill in the blanks!))

[member="Aldera Antilles"] [member="Aris II"] [member="Kyrana Gould"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Nikias"] [member="Jonathan Hex"] [member="Sorel Crieff"] [member="Audren Sykes"]

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