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Approved Lore ELITE Program


Elite Program Coat-of-Arms
  • Intent: Create an organisation of super-soldiers sponsored by the New Imperial Military in partnership with COMPNOR and Military Intelligence under the administrative and operational control of the Imperial Military's special operations command.
  • Image Credit: Source
  • Canon: No
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Imperial Academy

Organization Name
ELITE Program
Classification: Clandestine Military Organisation
The Empire
Organization Symbol:
The ELITE Program is an extraordinarily clandestine and secretive military organisation responsible for producing units of expensive and peerless chemically and surgically augmented superhuman warriors drawn from the most genetically fit stock from among the Imperial Academy's Imperial Cadet Program. The purpose of these units is to act as a razor-sharp scalpel for surgical tactical and strategic military engagements to subdue large regular and irregular enemy formations without the necessity of large-scale deployments by the targeting of critical military and civil infrastructure and/or opposing military and political leadership. Additionally, the ELITE Program was sponsored by Military Intelligence for another reason: To liquidate internal insurrections and insurgents. COMPONOR being responsible for screening the prospective conscripts loyalty and dedication to the Empire. When considering the requirements of augmentation the only suitable candidates were the orphaned four to six-year-old inductees of the Imperial Cadet Corps. Military Intelligence genetically, psychologically and physically screen the Imperial Cadets and conscript the suitable prospects into the ELITE Program.

Annual Budget: 450 Million Credits.
Members: ~1,484

  • Cadre Training Staff:
    • Senior Non-Commissioned Officers: 16
    • Junior Non-Commissioned Officers: 68
    • Enlisted: 800
  • Civilian Employees:
    • Biologists: 16
    • Chemists: 32
    • Geneticists: 12
    • Nurses: 180
    • Surgeons: 60
  • Elite Trainees:
    • Class-II: 75
    • Class-III: 75
    • Class-IV: 75
  • Elite Troopers:
    • Class-I: 75
Formed: ~858 ABY
  • Official: None
  • Unofficial:
    • "Get the job done!".
    • "Good soldiers follow orders".
    • "No retreat, no surrender, no defeat".
    • "Tactically withdraw, feign compliance or die trying!"
  • Ambivalent:
    • Spooks.
  • Endearing:
    • Big Units.
  • Official:
    • Elites.
    • Elite Troopers.
  • Pejorative:
    • Freaks.
    • Robots.
  • Unofficial:
    • Sabre Troopers.
    • Ultra Troopers.

Hierarchy: The Elite Program is administered by Military Intelligence but its' participants are under the operational command and jurisdiction of the New Imperial Military's Navy Special Warfare Command as part of the partnership to deliver the capability, as such. The military personnel in the program including the "Elites" themselves are Navy personnel with Navy Ranks. All Elites on graduation are provided with a letter of appointment and a minimum rank and pay grade equal to that of an 'E-5' which generally corresponds to the rank of "Sergeant" a senior non-commissioned officer, this provides them with a salary significantly greater than average and a level of leadership responsibility and ensures that their operations and orders are not readily interfered with by those outside of their chain of command. Elites who possess unique or elevated skills when compared to their peers but without leadership potential are graduated from the Program at the pay grade of E-6 "Petty Officer First Class" or "Sergeant First Class" while Elite team leaders graduate from the program with a pay grade equal to E-7 "Chief Petty Officer" or "Sergeant First Class" as it is more commonly known. Very rare trainees who are deemed to not only be excellent combatants but natural-born leaders are entrusted with responsibility for multiple teams are commissioned at O-2 or "Lieutenant Junior Grade".
  • Commissioned Officers:
    • Senior Commissioned Officers:
      • O12: Lord Admiral
        • Salary: 357,000 Credits
      • O11: Fleet Admiral
        • Salary: 321,000 Credits
      • O10: Admiral
        • Salary: 291,852 Credits.
      • O9: Vice Admiral
        • Salary: 275, 964 Credits
      • O8: Rear Admiral
        • Salary: 195,248 Credits
      • O7: Commodore
        • Salary: 162,248 Credits
      • O6: Captain
        • Salary: 123,035 Credits
      • O5: Commander
        • Salary: 102,568 Credits
      • O4: Lieutenant Commander
        • Salary: 88,491 Credits
    • Junior Commissioned Officers:
      • O3: Lieutenant
        • Salary: 77,804 Credits
      • O2: Lieutenant Junior Grade
        • Salary: 67,223 Credits
      • O1: Ensign
        • Salary: 58,350 Credits
  • Non-Commissioned Officers:
    • Senior Non-Commissioned Officers:
      • E9: Master Chief Petty Officer/Command Sergeant
        • Salary: 97,136 Credits
      • E8: Senior Chief Petty Officer/Master Sergeant
        • Salary: 79,530 Credits
      • E7: Chief Petty Officer/Sergeant First Class
        • Salary: 55,283 Credits
      • E6: Petty Officer First Class/Staff Sergeant
        • Salary: 47,804 Credits
      • E5: Petty Officer Second Class/Sergeant
        • Salary: 43,770 Credits
  • Elites:
    • Age:
      • Augmentation: 13-14 Standard Years.
      • Graduation: 13-14 Standard Years.
      • Recruitment: ~4-6 Standard Years.
    • Citizenship: New Imperial Citizen/Permanent Resident/Asylum.
    • Demographic:
      • Racial:
        • Human: 100%.
      • Sex:
        • Male: 64.5%.
        • Female: 35.5%.
    • Education:
      • None (Recruitment).
      • Tertiary Graduate-level (Graduation).
    • Physical Capacity Testing:
      • Agility Test: <7 Seconds
      • Body Mass Index: 27.3 (Average)
      • Handgrip Strength:
        • 130 Kilograms/286 .lbs (Male).
        • 108 Kilograms/238 .lbs (Female).
      • Lifting Strength:
        • >500 Kilograms/1102 .lbs (Male).
        • >300 Kilograms/661 .lbs (Female).
      • Reaction Time: <7 Milliseconds.
      • Running Speed:
        • 2,400 meter run in <160 seconds/2.6 minutes
          • Mean running speed: 55 Km/h (34.2 MPH/15 Meters per second).
      • Visual Acuity: 80/20 Vision
Climate: The Elite Program is more than a clandestine military training program to its' graduates, in the absence of a family and being recruited as a child for the Elite Troopers. Their peers in the program quite literally are their family, they live, sleep, fight, lose, win and cry together from the age of four to six standard years all the way through adolescence and into adulthood. Independent thinking is encouraged as opposed to the brainwashing that Military Intelligence would have otherwise desired, training for the Elite children focused on reward-based persuasion and steady acclimatisation to military culture and tradition. The Elites as a result are independent thinkers and are fiercely loyal to one another no matter what petty internecine disagreements that might arise between them. There is a profound and deep understanding among the Elites of their fate and nature as living weapons and tools for the New Imperial state. However, because of their almost paternal relationship with their instructors who were the earliest representations of the military and state to the Elites, they embrace their tragic lives as a brutal necessity of a galaxy constantly at war and believe due to their high level of training and skill that it was something each of them was born to do. There is a certain scholarly reverence for war and conflict itself within the Elite Program with the works of influential and famous historical military commanders frequently circulating through Elite living quarters, for an Elite soldering and warfighting is more than a career or profession it is their very life.

Reputation: Elites to all outsiders are viewed as being cloaked in a shroud of grim mystery and awe though others are revolted by their superhuman abilities which for any non-augmented humanoid or non-force user are intimidating and frightening. Elites when observed by normal Humans appear to move with an unnatural speed, precision and grace of movement. Most people military personnel included would probably hesitate to so much as come into physical contact with an Elite. Elites are known to be perceived as single-minded droid-like people by outsiders as Elites are gregarious and prefer the company of their own, more often than not it isn't because Elites walk around with some sense of superiority but rather that Elites acknowledge that for most people it would be difficult to understand or comprehend their tragic nature in full and as such prefer to keep to themselves rather than socialise with the rank-and-file men and women of the New Imperial Military. This, however, leads some to genuinely believe that the Elites have a "I'm better than you" attitude. Many among the mainline Special Forces community such as the Storm Commandos view the Elites with contempt from an inferiority complex they often disdain the Elites as "Freaks" although this hatred is almost always one-sided as the Elites themselves have no such contempt for a fellow soldier.

Training: Elites are recruited from the Imperial Academy's Imperial Cadet Corps' four to six-year-old trainees who are selected based on the results of their genetic screening and aptitude testing. Eligible children are cloned by Military Intelligence with the host being conscripted into the Elite Program, the cloned replacement is intentionally engineered with genetic flaws and dies soon thereafter. Lawfully, each member of the Elite Program is considered dead at this point and upon conscription into the Elite Program is provided a new identity consisting of their original given name, with their surname being replaced with an Imperial Military service number where the first letter is an "E" followed by a three-digit number which is their unique personnel serial number within the Elite program with a maximum number under this scheme of 300 Elite Troopers. This was done to help marginalise the lives of the Elite program inductees and separate them from their families which is represented by the forced discarding of the family name.

Due to the nature of its' recruitment method and the no-doubt controversial means of creating these supersoldiers, the Program's activities are carried out in the highest secrecy with knowledge of its' existence and methodology disclosed on a need-to-know basis with all relevant information being treated as an official state secret. Despite the unethical and immoral means of recruiting and creating these "Elite" supersoldiers, the Program was authorised and administered by Military Intelligence in cooperation with the military. The Elites themselves were made to endure harsh fully-fledged military training and drills which was designed to push their young physiques to maximal exertion. This is complemented by a high-quality of civilian education delivered by highly intelligent droid constructs and artificial intelligence, the subjects they studied included: History, literature, mathematics and science. The training methodology was devised by Lieutenant Colonel Berach Ulrand whose curriculum was harsh in regards to its' discipline instilling respect and a sense of honour through competitive sportsmanship.

Although Berach Ulrand's methodology was sometimes brutal in regards to how he punished those were ignored or tried to shirk the ethics of a warrior as he saw them: Teamwork, initiative and courage. Berach Ulrand pitied the Elites for their nature as orphaned children and not wanting to see them wind up as amoral killing machines was careful to ensure they understood the difference between right and wrong. Fundamentally, the training program was built from the ground up to instil all trainees with traditional military values and a true understanding of war through assessing its' history and the development of tactics and strategy which is something that cannot be taught to enlisted soldiers or adult officers. Even as children, the trainees were instructed in survival and evasion tactics where they had to adapt and become comfortable with hunting and killing wildlife to prepare as food. Their other military training included emergency medical training, camouflage and concealment, drill, marksmanship, physical training and small unit tactics. Trainees who fail any component of the training are repeatedly recycled until achieving competency, and with a focus on teamwork. If one trainee in a single sub-class fails an assessment, all had to re-attempt to foster a sense of shared responsibility and to raise the performance of each trainee overall to a greater level with each attempt.

To make their combat training as realistic as possible, Military Intelligence requisitioned several companies of full-time professional and seasoned Stormtroopers as the Elites opposition forces. Each class is required to maintain a 99% success rate against the Stormtroopers in order to graduate. It isn't uncommon for the Stormtroopers to suffer such frequent defeats at the hands of the child prodigies that they occasionally physically and verbally abuse their Elite trainee detainees. While not encouraged these practices often occur without censor as part of the trainees' training to resist and tolerate cruel and unusual punishment. Each class within the Elite Program trains for roughly eight years until they reach the age of fourteen, it is at the onset of pubescence that the members of the class graduate as a Non-Commissioned Officer in the Navy and undergo their surgical and chemical augmentations. The primary reason for this is so that the Elite Troopers can grow with their augmentations for maximum acceptance and physiological acclimatisation with the ultimate goal that each Elite trooper will become more powerful as their bodies grow to accept their augmentations. When graduated and deployed, Elite Troopers are organised into the Navy's Special Warfare Division in individual fireteam-sized units, some Troopers who perform exceptionally well during training are further specialised and requisitioned by Military Intelligence itself for their shadowy operations.

Psychology: There is an extensive focus on perseverance and completing the objective at any cost in the training of the ELITE program, which fosters a high level of dedication and tenacity among the characters which are counted among the program. An Elites' primary concern above all others is winning the day for the Empire and are noted to often neglect their own health and wellbeing in the pursuit of completing their objectives, to the point where some might observe that Elites seem to possess a level of abandon and disregard for their own lives. This is interpreted by most observers as fearlessness and courage. The bond between members of the Elite program is nigh unbreakable and this relationship is developed by the nature of being raised side-by-side in the military, the level of solidarity and camaraderie among Elites goes beyond what is typical for a military organisation and is more akin to a large adopted family. Due to the familial nature of the Elites' relationships with one another when among their own Elites totally disregard rank and call each other by their first names despite any difference in authority between one another no matter how large. Part of an Elites' training is emotional regulation where they are taught to refrain from overt emotional displays to make their body language more difficult to read, as such they are notoriously difficult for body language experts to interpret and will convey their emotions to one another when in the company of strangers through subtle and cryptic gestures or statements. Many among the Elite Program have been known to practice meditation.

Washouts: Washouts due to psychological reasons are rare due to the immaculate selection criteria applied to the candidates, the most common reasons for Washout and recycling the ELITE Program is a partial rejection of the associated surgical and chemical augmentation procedure which can result in treatable disabilities. Such individuals are temporarily separated from the program and undergo an intensive rehabilitation program specifically tailored for their needs until they can be successfully rehabilitated and returned to active service. Those rare few who are for some reason permanently disabled or otherwise unable to continue with the program are enrolled into a commissioned officers course and take up non-combat positions within Military Intelligence, often as analysts their brilliant minds used in other applications. Rehabilitation isn't unusual post-augmentation for the candidates and approximately 50-56% of all Elites receive some treatment for an acquired disability post-augmentation and of that 50-56% typically 80% are returned to active duty with the remaining 20% offered the opportunity to undergo significant cybernetic augmentation or an officer's commission in a non-combat role with Military Intelligence.


  • Code Cylinders: Code cylinders are an old yet reliable security system used by the Imperial Military, these pen-like objects are inserted into secure and locked doors aboard Imperial warships or facilities, the cylinder and lock then perform a code exchange to verify the cylinder holders identity and then the lock checks with the database whether or not the person holds a valid security clearance level appropriate for the lock, if not the door will not open. ELITE Program code-cylinders feature charcoal-colouration and a security-clearance level of Top Secret.
  • Holotags: Each member of the Elite Program is issued with a pair of identification holotags bearing the wearer's basic biographical and medical information along with their service number which is formatted as "E-###" With the letter always being "E" identifying the Elite Program, these letters conceal the Elites' origins as officially deceased members of the Imperial Cadet Program by replacing the usual "CD" alphabetical designation at the beginning of the personnel number.
  • Lightsabres: Because of their significantly enhanced senses and perception, members of the ELITE Program are among some of the only non-force user soldiers who are proficient in forms of lightsabre combat. Elites use the fabled Lightsabre as a self-defence melee weapon generally to protect against attack from force wielders. Each Elite is presented with the necessary parts to construct a Lightsabre upon graduation, some of which were sourced from the recycled lightsabres taken from fallen Sith eliminated in Operation: KHYBER Dark.
  • Program Patches: Despite the Program's top-secret nature, Elite troopers are permitted to wear its' prominent and unique insignia on their battle dress and utility uniforms. The patch is generally some description of velcro and can be readily added or removed to any of their uniforms, Elites generally do not wear this patch anywhere there is risk of its' capture on a holostill and circulation through the holonet. As such, it is typically only permitted to be worn aboard Imperial Warships and secure remote military installations.
  • Warrant Card: Every single member of the Elite Program is provided with a "warrant card" a digital military identification holo card that features a portrait of the wearer above their first name with their surname being replaced with their "E" service number. It also acts as a "swipe card" for appropriately equipped Imperial military facilities where the user can utilise the Warrant Card to supplement or outright replace ones' Code cylinders ensuring security redundancy.

  • Law & Policy:
    • Apolitical: As members of the New Imperial Military, Elites are subject to the policy that dictates that they are to maintain the appearance of being politically neutral and are prohibited under administrative punishment from making public comments that are either excessively supportive or disparaging of any New Imperial political party or group.
    • Fraternisation: It is prohibited under the uniform code of military justice for members of the Elite Program to romantically fraternise with others within their own chain of command. The maximum penalty for offending against this administrative offence is managerial rather than criminal in nature.
    • Uniform Code Military Justice: All personnel in the military including those enrolled in the Elite Program are subject to the New Imperial Military's Uniform Code of Military Justice which contains a list of administrative and criminal offences and appropriate punishments thereof, Elite trainees under the age of 10 are exempt from being found guilty of an offence against the UCMJ and a presumption of metal incapacity to commit a criminal offence exists for Elite trainees until age 14, however they can still be found guilty of committing administrative offences as the presumption only provides immunity to offences defined as "Criminal" under the UCMJ.
  • Tradition:
    • Burial at space: When disposing of their fallen, Elite Troopers will gather around plain durasteel military-issue coffins containing the cremated ashes of the deceased. They will then perform a parade where the Durasteel sarcophagi are individually ejected from a warship's airlock into space rather than bury them in a marked grave. Elites believe that so long as the memory of the fallen endures, they survive and have achieved immortality.
    • Leave none behind: In-keeping with military tradition that has been set by the New Imperial Order and stretching as far back in the Imperial tradition to the original First Order. Elites are expected to never abandon their wounded on the field of battle, if not reasonably practicable to evacuate a conscious and breathing casualty. Elites are expected to die alongside them, this not being acceptable offer their disabled comrade the means to defend themselves against an advancing enemy or end their own life in such a manner that they take members of the foe with them in spite.
    • Never say "die": No Elite Trooper ever truly dies and as such the members and staff of the program have successfully lobbied that none of their number shall ever be listed as "Killed in Action" in a similar tradition afforded to lost Warships among the naval tradition, they are considered "Missing in Action" or "On Eternal Watch". Ergo, there is an idea in an Elites' psychology that they achieve immortality through death with the memory of their lives recalled by peers.
    • No "retreat", no "surrender", no "defeat": Fostered a culture of defiance and stubborn resistance, Elites do not use the words "retreat", "surrender" or "defeat" in their operational vocabulary, their versions of these practices are aptly named as "Tactically withdraw", "feign compliance" and "die trying". The thought of an Elite fleeing before their foe, surrendering meekly or admitting defeat is absolutely foreign. They possess a commando's state of mind where anything can be achieved with the right attitude.
  • Avert the possibility of civil war through the surgical destruction of opposing infrastructure and leadership.
  • Create supersoldiers trained to defeat insurrections and insurgent groups without significant casualties.
  • Minimise non-combatant casualties in the deployment of military resources in conflicts.
  • Reduce the cost of pacification operations.

Project: SILVERLIGHT: The most essential and dangerous component of the Elite Program is the biological augmentation process which has an up to 56% partial or total failure rate, leaving 42-45 successfully augmented trainees with the remaining requiring rehabilitation for partial or permanent disability which are acquired as a result of rejected or failed augmentations. The augmentation procedure involves dietary modification numerous infusions, injections and surgeries.

RAMPART Powered Exoskeletons: Developed in parallel to the ELITE Program is a series of powered assault and infiltration armour, it was engineered in co-operation between Military Intelligence and a private commercial company with significant experience constructing powered exoskeleton. The advanced powered exoskeletons provide incredible amounts of enhancement to the Elites' already augmented physiology, multiplying their: agility, endurance, strength, and perception. These powered exoskeletons provide extreme levels of protection constructed from exotic materials and equipped with active protection systems in the form of energy shielding. The onboard computer system in the powered exoskeleton relays basic tactical information including IFF tags, a motion tracker, weaponry information, and health and energy shield level readouts.

REAVER Cybernetic Weapon System: Trainees whose bodies are permanently disabled by the augmentation procedure and cannot be successfully rehabilitated or who are catastrophically maimed or injured are often rehabilitated as Cyborgs using the REAVER Cybernetic Weapon System. Allowing the trainee to retain their brilliant mind and mate it with a cybernetic weapon platform. This allows the Elite to return to active duty and be deployed as per normal.

Neural Interfaces: Every member of the ELITE Program receives a surgically implanted neural interface device that allows their central nervous system to directly interface with and administratively control their powered exoskeleton. Reducing the lag between input and output allowing the user to control the equipment essentially with their thoughts reducing reaction time.


Organization: The vast majority of Elites serve within the Navy's Special Warfare Command, a part of the Imperial Military's Special Operations Command with significant administrative and operational ties to Military Intelligence. Elites enjoy large amounts of autonomy in the operational environment and operate in fireteams or sections typically of no more than three to five personnel due to their small number. The size and composition of Elite deployments varies as dictated by the operational requirements. An Elite commissioned officer with generally select team members based on their personal talents with each Elite typically being exceptionally talented particularly in one or more occupational skills. The teams are semi-permanent with their rosters changing as operationally required and are given callsigns based on colours, animals and personality characteristics such as: "Team Crimson", "Team Shriekhawk", "Team Ardent" as examples. Teams are organised based on class where operationally and administratively possible as Elites from the same class operate more effectively due to their level of familiarity and teamwork although this isn't always necessarily the case and mixed-teams do exist usually on an ad-hoc basis.

Classes: All Elites are recruited into "classes" which contain approximately 75 trainees each, they are typically recruited with a two-year separation between the induction of classes to keep the program's continued recruitment as secretive as possible and so as to not arouse suspicion among the Imperial Academy's staff or its' Cadet personnel. There is a planned total maximum of four classes for the Elite Program.
  • Elite Program Classes: Graduated + Training Classes
    • Class-I:
      • Graduated: 866 ABY
      • Recruited: 858 ABY
      • Serial Number Range: E-001 to E-075
      • Size: 75
    • Class-II:
      • Graduated: 868 ABY (Upcoming)
      • Recruited: 860 ABY
      • Serial Number Range: E-076 to E-151
      • Size: 75
    • Class III:
      • Graduated: 870 ABY (Upcoming)
      • Recruited: 862 ABY
      • Serial Number Range: E-152 to E-226
      • Size: 75
    • Class IV:
      • Graduated: 872 ABY (Upcoming)
      • Recruited: 864 ABY
      • Serial Number Range: E-227 to E-300
      • Size: 75
  • Elites:
    • Class-I:
    • Class-II:
    • Class-III:
    • Class-IV:
    • Class-V:
  • Training Staff:
    • Senior Commissioned Officers:
      • Lieutenant Colonel Berach Ulrand - Training Cadre Officer-Commanding (858-864 ABY).
    • Junior Commissioned Officers:
      • 1st Lieutenant Alais Kaun - Opposition Force Executive Company Commander (864-864 ABY).
    • Senior Non-Commissioned Officers:
      • Commander Haleth Garro - NCOIC Cybernetic Rehabilitation Facilitator (862 ABY-Current).
Date Founded: 858 ABY

In 858 ABY after the New Imperial Order took its' first breaths, the fledging Military Intelligence released an internal report that concluded that without the expenditure of significant military resources and manpower that Sith cults and insurgent organisations in the long term would threaten the existence of the New Empire and that billions may be killed in resulting civil wars that would be preceded by infighting within the government along with political and religious extremism leading to significant casualties and damage to critical infrastructure. Military Intelligence's special projects research division began work on proposals for potential solutions and it was decided that a new super-soldier program would be initiated with the goal of creating chemically and surgically augmenting its' personnel.

The dilemma arose of where to find recruits whose bodies would be capable of accepting the proposed augmentations which would limit the recruiting pool to persons who are experiencing adolescence and have the requisite genetic and physiological constitution to accept those augmentations. COMPNOR and Military Intelligence co-operated on assessing the requirements and sources of suitable recruited and concluded that recruiting Human children who were orphaned from war through the Imperial Academy's Cadet Program. Military Intelligence clandestinely organised for the taking of DNA samples from those identified children that would be sufficient to create a clone, the reason for this was the acknowledgement that to maintain the operational security of the program military intelligence would be forced to conscript the suitable children and fake their legal deaths.

Military Intelligence compared all of the Imperial Cadet's DNA results to the developed selection criteria as created by the Elite Program's talented staff of scientists. COMPNOR agents would then make contact with the prospective Cadet Trainees aged between four and six and would ask them a variety of questions to gauge their psychological suitability for conscription through assessing a variety of personality traits such as agreeableness, conscientiousness and competitiveness. In 858 ABY military intelligence was given sufficient funding by the Imperial Government to induct seventy-five four to six-year old Elite trainees, Military Intelligence created seventy-five genetically modified clones of the conscripts, the conscripted children were then kidnapped in the dead of night from Imperial Academy housing facilities by Military Intelligence agents who then transported them to the program's training facilities where they posed ostensibly as Imperial Cadets.

All classes of the ELITE Program experience tremendous hardship especially in their first years of training where they are steadily persuaded through subtle means to abandon their old identities and accept their roles as living weapons. Their given names remain but their surnames are replaced with a distinct "Elite" number. Even as children each member of the ELITE Program is put through drills and situations that push them to the limit of Human physical and mental capability this hard military education is complemented by a galaxy-class civilian curriculum that includes primary, secondary and tertiary education in a variety of subjects. Though his training methodology could be considered harsh or brutal Lieutenant Colonel Berach Ulrand or "The Guv'na" as he was known by the ELITE Trainees and its' staff, he was sure to instil fierce discipline, a passion for honour and strong respect into each and every ELITE.

Berach ensured that when required by their duties that ELITES would kill with cold machine-like proficiency and indifference to the lives they ended trained to think as the enemy as "Targets" not sentient beings. Almost contradictorily, Berach also ensured that the ELITE trainees developed a strong and honourable warrior code of ethics to distinguish between right and wrong, who and what was a valid target or invalid. Berach Ulrand trains each class of ELITES until they are between the ages of thirteen to fourteen at which point they undergo their augmentation procedure and graduate from the ELITE program. Deployed into the Navy's Special Warfare Division with select few being poached by Military Intelligence itself.

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Link to Thread In Question: ELITE Program.
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