Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dragons and Wagons

Do you believe dragons should be banned?

  • Yes, they do not belong in a SW atmosphere.

    Votes: 28 58.3%
  • No, this limits my freedom of expression.

    Votes: 8 16.7%
  • I don't really care either way.

    Votes: 12 25.0%

  • Total voters
Nocturna said:
Tef would it be fair to say we could hold requirement to PC a dragon?
I'm gonna be fair to you right now and let you know I'm the driving force on the Staff team behind their banishment from Player Character.

Like, I'm literally Dragon Public Enemy No. 1, but as I told you - if you convince all the other elements of this community that it's a good idea, then I won't stand in the way.
I find that even dragon NPC tend to be abused like crazy. (First-hand experience through RPing with a Dragon NPC)

I guess some people take this poll differently. The root of the problem is people try to turn a roleplay board into their personal fantasy. Rather than asking themselves if something actually belongs in Star Wars they ask themselves what they want to RP with or as. Every community faces this problems: You get Neko plagues, Dragon plagues, fifth dimensional imp plagues, you name it...

Doesn't matter if it's Star Wars, Batman, or Fantasy Football. Someone's going to try and inject it with things that don't belong there.

There may be a few instances of 'dragons' or dragon-like creatures in Star Wars, but it really kills the mood when Star Wars RP turns into typical High Fantasy RP. But guess you always have the non-canon prefix for that?

Lurcano Car'dann

"Kark you, I won't do what you tell me."
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"] Hail. Right as always.

I think it's disgusting and unnecessary. I understand we're trying to create a RP environment that is open for all, and allows for many different people to come together. But creatures such as these have no place. I understand it's cannon, but that doesn't mean it should be retroactively allowed to be played. There are some really ridiculous races already. The last thing I want is Dragons running around, throwing force bolts and spitting fire. It's SW for gods sakes. And I know someone is going to RP them with the force. People will warp things pretty heavily. If it doesn't specifically state, "These creatures can't have a connection with the force" people will play them as such.
[member="Tefka"] the only problem is that I know that you have a very valid point Tef. Dragons can be abused hell to play a dragon with realism you have to abuse all of your power. That's why I'm not entirely opposed to just leave things the way they are.

My view on it is that they don't have to be OP. And for the most part they aren't. Any open outdoors fight (where they are most dangerous) is where they are most vulnerable if you shoot it with an anti air gun it's going to die. Hell if you force throw a boulder (or anything close to that heavy) it's incapacitated! Shoot it in the wings a couple times and it can no longer fly.
I guarantee you that if you throw a jedi master at this character she would lose. Hell a well coordinated attack from clones would work.
I would say training should be involved in a dragons character just like a jedi or sith but I don't see it any less powerful than a very slow starfighter
I understand that some dragons have been taken advantage of in the past. Those dragons should be terminated. That would be the rule of use. The first instance of the dragon being used incorrectly the user is given a warning. If it happens again it is terminated. It's quite simple. No discussion. They get a message saying it is being terminated, and then it is. I mean star wars really doesn't have many limits. Should there be centaurs and elves walking around? No. Because you are right this isn't lord of the rings. But take the witches of Dathomir. it has been stated they use magic. So star wars has magic, the force, giant monsters, light sabers that defy all science. What is one more giant flying reptile to add to the monsters list.

Lurcano Car'dann

"Kark you, I won't do what you tell me."
[member="Nocturna"] That's not the only valid argument though. If you're allowed to play Dragons, why am I not allowed to play Elves? Or Orcs? Or why can I not RP the force as "Magic." I mean, a name is just a name right? Then there is the fact, that it just isn't very good...It breaks immersion. Even though IC, our character doesn't quiet realize the difference; OOC, we're all thinking. 'Why in gods name is their a Dragon here....' People are here for SW RP. No matter what kind of RP you enjoy, whether it's peaceful or conflict RP; or at least that's what I'd like to assume from someone on a SW RP Forum. So why would we want to see something that's so obviously high fantasy?

[member="Ardeo Sophos"] The point still stands. I don't want High Fantasy elements mixed with my Roleplay, and I assume the majority of people here don't want it either. Just because you call it magic, doesn't mean it is. And if a Witch referred to the Force like that in front of my character, I would for sure think them crazy. And anyway, the Witches of Dathomir have been dead for a while now. Tells you something, doesn't it?
Lurcano Car'dann said:
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"] Hail. Right as always.

I think it's disgusting and unnecessary. I understand we're trying to create a RP environment that is open for all, and allows for many different people to come together. But creatures such as these have no place. I understand it's cannon, but that doesn't mean it should be retroactively allowed to be played. There are some really ridiculous races already. The last thing I want is Dragons running around, throwing force bolts and spitting fire. It's SW for gods sakes. And I know someone is going to RP them with the force. People will warp things pretty heavily. If it doesn't specifically state, "These creatures can't have a connection with the force" people will play them as such.
Dragons if allowed should be unable to have the force in any way :/

Lurcano Car'dann

"Kark you, I won't do what you tell me."
[member="Nocturna"] Point still stands. I just don't want the word Dragon used in my Roleplay of SW. It absolutely kills it for me. Am I a biased? Yes. Hell yes, but that's why I'm arguing my point on a SW RPing Forum, and not a High Fantasy LotR/GoT Forum. And don't even compare the Force to Dragons. One is 100% cannon with a system put into place. The other is someones hard on for edginess.
Ardeo Sophos said:
That would be the rule of use. The first instance of the dragon being used incorrectly the user is given a warning. If it happens again it is terminated.
But that's just another thing the RPJs have to deal with. The staff will be working to prevent all of this OPing.

Ardeo Sophos said:
It's quite simple.
Not so much.
[member="Lurcano Car'dann"] there is sith magic. People unfamiliar to the force call it magic.
You are a jedi KNIGHT
star wars is FANTASY IN SPACE.
[member="Lurcano Car'dann"] dragons are canonical you just said it yourself you can't argue that we can't have them because
Lurcano Car'dann said:
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
I think it's disgusting and unnecessary. I understand we're trying to create a RP environment that is open for all, and allows for many different people to come together. But creatures such as these have no place. I understand it's cannon, but that doesn't mean it should be

Right now we're getting into semantics. The debate here is about Dragons. If you really believe you have an argument to support that and that alone being no longer a banned PC species then by all means do so.
Just realize you're not going to make a very strong argument without the proper information or analyses.

By pointing out other things that are in existence you're not arguing for why it should be unbanned, you're trying to find an excuse for its validation. Very different things.

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