Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Does Your Character Have a Signature Force Power?

Hi, everybody!

I have seen characters in this board (or actually in every Star Wars thing) who have a signature Force power like illusions or telepathy or telekinesis or whatever else. Some are known for their dedication to one lightsaber form and have mastered it, being near-perfect in using it. Some have a power they basically invented and keep using it as a sign of their power (or pride).

So a question popped into my head: how many characters actually have a signature power in Chaos? I know Master characters sometimes have them, but I have not played with all of them, so I know basically nothing about what these Masters tend to have. I have also seen some Knights and - much rarer - Apprentices having a signature skill, but... Not as much as I have seen Masters having them.

For instance, my characters don't have any signature powers since they are just a bunch of noobs. :p Equa does, though, dedicate himself to all meditation-related stuff and meditates quite a lot. Darth Malificete can be often seen using illusions. Others... they're all Apprentices at the moment, so they don't have any powers which they like to use so much.

Does your character have a signature Force power?


You don't need to be a master to have a signature skill. :p

Mine is Pyrokinesis. Ashe calls it Pyromancy, and the Ruferalahuin use it much more like a spell than a Force 'power,' with or without any gestures. Her armor makes her flames aquamarine, and fluid-like.


And finally my alt, Tuhros, is an exiled Narran chieftain who can shapeshift into a demon or a little girl... which you would know, because you invented her species! :p


Kasamann made Umbrakinesis. Not just photo-kinetically subtracting light, but actually making corporeal shadows.

Sno Wyte is good with lightning, Lord Daemos is boss at Torture by Chagrin (shouts to voracitos), Varanin is a great hand to hand combatant, and thats basically what I got for my active characters.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Marek's best/apex is TK. But the Starchaser line (I've written many of them due to crazy or uncreative) favor Tutaminis, and that appears to be their best power. @[member="Token Waters"] is very useful with psychometry, or will be.

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