Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Disturbances in the Force?


Disney's Princess

A single thread where members can place 'disturbances in the force'. Huge events or occurrences that any Force User worth their salt would be able to feel telepathically anywhere in the galaxy. Much like Kenobi sensing the death of Alderaan.

Naturally, yes. Bumps in the road would occur. Many of the posts would almost surely end up being some unicorn variation of: "Ha ha. My character used the toilet this morning and it was glorious. Now every Jedi in the galaxy would feel as if all of my roommate's voices were crying out in anguish. Then quickly flushed away." Bleh.

However. Such trivialities would also surely give way to even greater storytelling opportunities. If only as advertisements for further collaboration and interest into said events. Thusly.

Thoughts? Feels? :)


Disney's Princess

As a codex judge yourself one must surely understand that for every 10/10 submission you judge there are at least a few other meh/10 out there. Luckily. When it comes to collaborations. We can all selectively avoid the mehs on the listing and quickly all grab up the 10s.

Sacrifices Tirdarious. There must be sacrifices! :D :p


Disney's Princess

Ya know. I hadn't thought of that. Naturally, one must suppose that disturbances need be negative and catastrophic in order to appeal to the community? But couldn't good things also spark such a disturbance?

I have no answer to this. Just musing now. Good thinking Krest. :)
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]

Oh, yes, totally in agreement there! It's still a really good idea, honestly.

Now, good things can spark a disturbance, but the question is: how? Negative disturbances are fairly obvious: they represent a cataclysmic loss of life, a major shift in the energies of the Force, a void, for all intents and purposes. Positive ones...I honestly haven't heard of *those*, but it'd be very interesting to see a description of one. Do you have some examples?
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]

Maybe you could use the Netherworld event for this, in theory there are still billions of people missing. So you could use that to have them spat back out and bring back a large portion of them to get the feels. I think there is a portal open somewhere (just can't remember where :p )


Disney's Princess
Tirdarius said:
Positive ones...I honestly haven't heard of *those*, but it'd be very interesting to see a description of one. Do you have some examples?
From canon? Mm. Nothing immediate comes to mind. Perhaps that is because the birth of benevolent power never comes suddenly or with such great force. Or, perhaps I simply haven't scoured enough of Wookieepedia to remember any. Admit ably. I am at a loss.

I'll have to look into it.

Coci Heavenshield said:
So you could use that to have them spat back out and bring back a large portion of them to get the feels.
Another excellent idea Coci. If I remember correctly the obvious portals are on Brokellia and Csilla. Interesting. Though, given that 6 years has already past IC? I wonder just what a few billion people being spit out on Csilla would look like? Ha. :)

Valiens Nantaris said:
Big Zeltron party Joza Perl throws?
A disturbance of the booty side maybe. But, that's a different kind of feelz. :p

A massive change from darkness to light could rival a cataclysmic event. I imagine something along the lines of losing, say, Nihilus level sith lords would be felt as a more 'benevolent' type of events.
[member="Darlyn Excron"]

Hmm...possible, but I don't know that such would signal a massive Light Side disturbance. Certainly a shift, but it'd be a local event, the same way as a person losing their life would be felt through the Force, but not be a Galaxy-wide thing. Unless the Sith Lord was projecting a presence that could be felt across the Galaxy (unlikely!), I don't think that one would serve as a disturbance.

I'd also note that absence of Darkness does not equal Light, nor vice versa: if a Nexus were to be cleansed, for example, it wouldn't jump from Dark to Light in a single stroke, but would simply be cleansed of the Dark. That would herald an energetic shift, but not a mass Light disturbance.

Still struggling with that one, honestly. I've always felt that the stream of Force energy remains pretty consistent unless some major event happens in the fashion of a rock being thrown in a calm pond: massive ripples obviously being felt throughout. The destruction of Alderaan and Carida (canonically) would have served because it's a sudden decrease in the 'water level', a cessation of life and a change in the landscape. I'm not sure that any positive events would have the same effect: death is a very sudden, very shocking change. Everything positive/Light-oriented would be a gradual change over time, so I can't see that providing the same sort of disturbance.


Disney's Princess
Darlyn Excron said:
I imagine something along the lines of losing, say, Nihilus level sith lords would be felt as a more 'benevolent' type of events.
Rather cheeky to say that the life of a single Sith Lord rivals equally the death of a few billion 'normals' on Alderaan against the Death Star? But. I suppose an opinion is an opinion. More than likely this thread will be full of them should we ever get around to building it. Hehe. :p
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]

In complete fairness my exact example was Nihilus, who was essentially darkside energy capable of devouring worlds.

Correction. That *did* devour at least one world.


*Shrugs* I'm just throwing out ideas. As i said it might be more 'benevolent' rather than Light, seeing as again my exact choice of example was.. less than beneficial to life in the galaxy as a whole.

Though now that you bring in the idea of Nexus's (something i forgot about) and massive changes, I suppose if you could reverse darkness to light quickly that might do. But again it's all just speculation, we don't exactly have much to go on.

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