Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Did you know (IC)

The Reaper of Won Shasot
Did you know, Dax doesn't own any sabers he himself crafted? His original was lost during a conflict on Tatooine, and since then he has used his master's old saber, the saber of a Sith he killed during the Omega conflict, Darth Moreth, and the saber of a Sith he encountered while chasing down a ghost ship @Selka Ventus.
Did you know: Kyrel self-taught himself during his early days as a Disciple of Ren, learning from Sith records, and Holo's of Darth Vader's skills in Lightsaber combat even making an incomplete first Lightsaber.
Did you know that [member="Aryn Teth"] does not play the Valachord so much as he abuses the right to own one? Srina has many regrets, yet, encouraging this hobby is paramount. Did you know that [member="Darth Metus"] will soon be roasting over a spit for divulging her secrets? It is not her fault that her muffins are so dense after baking they could possibly be used as an interdictor.
Did you know: that despite having been High King of the Commenor Systems Alliance, Veiere hates politics and outside of Advising his wife, did not have a say in the political affairs of the CSA unless things boiled over into a conflict.
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Did you know Dax will eat almost anything put in front of him...and he's a blasted black hole, he can eat...and eat...and eat...I guess getting stabbed in the stomach really makes you appreciate the ability to eat and digest food...
Did you know: The Commenor Systems Alliance started with [member="Lady Kay"] leaving the Galactic Republic to run for President over the formerly lone world of trade. The voting and everything was played out while [member=Veiere Arenais] was, at the time, her bodyguard. The CSA was minor for 7 months before going major.
Did you know, Ashtara's mother Ceres was genetically manipulated from the womb by her father as part of his ongoing research into creating a perfect super-human pilot. Her entire life was filled with copious amounts of brainwashing, mind wiping, and surgeries, all to perfect his research.

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