Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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High Marshal of the Mara Armada
Location: Umbaran Capital City
Objective: Aid SOJ forces
Nearby: [member="Caedyn Arenais"] | [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] |[member="Ember Farseer"]

Havoc had long hated the Jedi devotion to "peace'" and "harmony. Peace didn't topple governments, it did't annihilate enemies, and most of all it was just overall inefficient. For that reason, Havoc took great joy in watching the outburst from [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"]. He looked over at Ember who was in the process of calming the girl. "You Jedi really do ruin everything fun, don't you?" Just then, his commlink lit up. He lifted his upper right arm to his face, the voice of a battle droid came over the comm; "Vice Marshal, we have a group of civilians that are requesting permission to board our transport. Should we let them?"

"Yes. Our first priority is the safety of the civilian populous." If Havoc had a heart, it would have broken once he said that. "But sir... there's so many of them. If they use our transport, there will be no room for us!" "That is not my concern. My mission is to get the civilians off this planet, not you. Find your own way off the planet." With that he shut off his comm. He then turned over to [member="Caedyn Arenais"] and [member="Ember Farseer"], "What else do you require of me or my forces?"
Objective: Save all of them.
Allies: SJO, [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Sko'saht"] [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] [member="Ahron Rol"]
Enemies: Mandalorian Marauders [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Droz Munin"]

"I have an idea for the EMP, but I need to get in contact with an old friend." He turned his gaze to Darlyn, giving a nervous smile. Kahlil wasn't planning on it being a suicide mission, but if it meant saving the lives of those civilians that so many seemed so willing to sacrifice, it would be worth it. Better those prepared to fight and die do so then those who are not. He flicked back on his com, dialing into his personal coms.

And contacting Allya.

"I know you're onworld. Where are you? I have a plan and I need your help."
Objective: Save the civilians
Allies: [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Kahlil Zambrano"] and SJO
Enemies: [member="Droz Munin"] and marauders

Yuroic nodded his head, he remembered Allya from his training with her on Force Stun, he could tell that she was a smart girl. Somewhat hotheaded from her Sith upbringing but a good person anyway. She was proof that not all Sith were evil and wanted to harm others, proof that their alliance with the Confederacy was beneficial both ways. No matter what this Mandalorian holding their people said about the CiS, Yuroic thought that they were doing their best even if they had very different ideals to the SJO. Yuroic finished putting the armour on and looked over to Darlyn then Kahlil. "Well, think this will fool them?" Yuroic enquired as he rolled his shoulders trying to get more comfortable.

"If we can't get something smaller, then we should infiltrate the Mandalorians and wait for someone else to throw in the EMP bomb. That should give us a signal to then turn on Mandalorians. Should draw their attention from the hostages long enough for a strike to get them out as we fight the Mandalorians." Yuroic stated with some confidence, he had belief in this plan because there was no other real plan that they could come up with in time. "Right, so how many of us are going in disguised as captured Mandalorians?" Yuroic asked, curious to see how many would back them on this plan.
Capital City, Umbara
Objective: Protect the innocent, Support.
Nearby: [member="Caedyn Arenais"] ; [member="Havoc (CT-375)"] ; [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"]
Interacting (through the Force): [member="Coren Starchaser"] and those around him

A worried burden fell from his shoulders when the lady controlled herself and locked her anger away. Midway to listening to her, the young Jedi and the droid, Ember was distracted by an old and unsuspecting channel on his comlink. He activated it and he immediately recognized the voice.

Coren Starchaser.

A dozen of thoughts passed through his mind but one stuck - the Jedi Knight was glad Starchaser had survived while Ember was gone in the Unknown Regions.

"I will stay behind but physically I will be useless." He told the young Je'daii before him as he sat down and crossed his legs. "There's someone I owe a due." Yes, Ember had co-led Coren Starchaser's break from the Sith prison but he'd vanished leaving many, many people behind that needed his support. Anais, primarily. Starchaser, as well.

During his tenure in the Unknown Regions, the Jedi Knight acquired the skill to be able to focus immensely despite his threatening surroundings. He'd acquired it through a long and treacherous path.

Closing his eyes and entering a trance, Ember threw himself into the ethereal that is the Force and sank in the waves of the Light Side of the Force. To those attuned to the Force, he'd be as clear as a beacon. No more low profile.

He weaved the Force and plead the Light Side to aid his comrades. A surge of the Force would surround both those in his near vicinity and Coren and those with him heading to the 'head of the snake' boosting their fortitude, reflexes and resolve.
Objective: Run and gun.
Location: Umbara
Fam: [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Droz Munin"], [member="Zann Munin"],
Equipment: Cayata B'Tor, SpeakEasy, NeverCrack, 2 R-1s, Erebos Protocol,

The vast wilds of Umbara were filled with untold horrors and fierce creatures that, to the untrained and experienced, spell certain and painful doom. But, to those who have the proper skills and training to handle hostile environments such as this one, they use it to their advantage against their enemies. To know one's environment is a serious advantage. This is why Hana had already won the fight before getting to it. She was raised and trained in the hostile wilds of Felucia. That planet was not too much different than this one. There was just less light than she was accustomed to, however, adaptation leads to survival.

The young Munin followed in her clan's footsteps and had her armor painted in the colors of Clan Cadera for this operation. She was tasked with the same the rest were: painting a mural of blood and bodies across the planet. A mission Hana happily accepted. She had no love for the pretenders calling themselves the leaders of the Mandalorian Clans. It was a disgrace. Hana was not born into a clan like most, but she is no less a Mandalorian than any other.

Retribution had to be taken.

Hana flew through the Umbaran jungle with the aid of her jetpack. From the air, she hunted down fleeing Umbarans and gunned them down with ultimate and extreme prejudice. A hail of bullets came from above onto young and old, men and women, any who dared come into Hana's sights.
Objective: Cover the civilians' retreat
Allies: [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Voph"] [member="Sko'saht"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Enemies: Mandos

"To all Jedi forces, I want every heavy gun firing at the coordinates I am sending you, it is the landing zone of these fools. Ignore any prisoners they have taken and shoot through them if it means killing the Mandalorians, they will do the same so the only way to stop this slaughter is to kill these aruetyc before they can do more damage. Showing mercy will only extend this killing."

"By now it's clear the enemy has started attacking"

"We can't simply bomb the landing zone in hopes of beating them back and ignoring the prisoners there! But whatever we do, there will be collateral damage so we need to limit collateral damage to the extent it's feasible. So we're going to need as many snipers as we can get to that area, and have mortars load flashbang rounds"

And yet, it was painfully clear that the Mandos began engaging Silver forces in the streets from the moment they began attacking civilians, and 120mm mortars started loading up flashbang rounds trained at the coordinates Sko indicated. Before the volley of flashbangs could fire, however, snipers positioned within range of the Mandalorian landing zone took aim on Mandos with as much pinpoint precision as was possible in these cicumstances. Firing flashbangs would be a very noisy proposition that would probably force civilians to get out of the area more so than Mandos, but speaking of civilians, she was lucky these Mandos didn't hit the outbound train yet: it just left the station at this point. In fact, it was essentially a very noisy illum round. It would be so noisy upon firing that it could temporarily deafen both Mandos and civilians, while also impairing with their ability to aim since their balance could also be affected. And also potentially cause friendly fire, or otherwise render those Mandos to be more vulnerable one way or another. Hopefully there won't be enough flashbangs in the area to affect our snipers and other forces that much, she thought, while the mortars within range of the landing zone.

"Mortar battery Vorzyd stands ready"

"I can sense Yuroic is trying something, some plan to infiltrate these Mandos, the time is not ripe to have snipers fire yet, nor the flashbangs"
Objective: Try not to die...maybe help some people
Location: Umbara Jungle
Allies: None
Target: [member="Hana Munin"]

Cory hit the ground hard and played dead as blaster fire rained down from above. Part of her was mad that she’s landed the Liberator so far out from the city, the other half was eternally grateful that it wasn’t in the space port because feth that noise. She waited for the jetpack to sail over her head before moving, finding herself staring into the dead eyes of a teenage girl.

Her chest tightened and anger boiled up inside her. Pushing herself to her feet she pulled her own helmet free from her belt, her own armour all black and free of any clan sigils. She didn’t have a jetpack, or very powerful weapons.

She did have a couple of Glop grenades, a set of beskar batons and a good right arm. She took off after the jetpack demon and wound her arm back, sailing the glop grenade on a true course. It would explode on impact and a lot of adhesive would clog up that pretty jet pack and bring its wearer down to the ground.

It seemed that the Jedi didn't wish to speak with him, a shame in Adenns opinion, but that was their perogative. He was about to make his way elsewhere when the first speeche came in([member="Droz Munin"]). Snarling in disgust, Adenn truly despised these fake Mandalorians. Taking prisoners to keep themselves alive? A cowards way. Frowning behind his helmet, Adenn didn't bother to hide his anger for them, instead beginning to make his way towards where this enemy was. He would rip them apart and leave their bodies for the carrion's, such dispicable fools didn't deserve a burial, they deserved to die and be left to rot.

Chuckling slightly to [member="Darlyn Excron"]'s comment, Adenn couldn't agree more. These people hadn't been there at the reunion, even now what had transpired there brought a smile to his face, and these people most certainly weren't for the Mand'alor. As the speech from [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] repeated in his head, Adenn couldn't help but agree. These huu'tuun should surrender, more honor in that than in taking hostages. But they wouldn't, and prisoners would die for it. Honestly, Adenn couldn't care less about the civvies, but knew that this view wouldn't be shared by the majority of the populace, and most definitely not with the Jedi.

Snarling slightly behind his helmet, Adenn activated his jetpack and flew up onto a nearby building before beginning to make his way towards the fake Mandalorians. As he walked, Adenn opened up a direct line to [member="Darlyn Excron"] to send him a message. The message was heavily encrypted, and no one would be able to hack into it.
"Hello once more vod. This is Adenn Kyramud, we met at the family gathering. Personally, I wish to knock these fakes down a peg or ten, and make sure they're dead. If you have some sort of plan, I'd like to join in."

With that, Adenn kept walking, waiting for a reply. He had a frown on his face, and was idly tracing a finger on the blaster pistol on his right, while his left hand was ready to draw his beskad at a moments notice. Adenn was ready for whatever was to come, and he wanted to join this slaughter of false Mandalorians. So he kept walking, drawing ever nearer to the prisoner sight, all the while hoping to join in whatever plan Darlyn had.
Location: Umbaran Capital City
Allies: Mandalorians | [member="Droz Munin"] | [member="Zann Munin"] | [member="Hana Munin"] | [member="Esvan Verd"] | [member="DT-2319"]
Enemies: SJO | CIS | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | @Cotan Sar’andor
Objective: Slaughter

It amused him when their enemies called them cowards, false Mandalorians with no honor by hiding behind hostages. It was more comedic from the Mandalorians that licked the boots of their Jedi Masters. Honor did not belong to the enemy nor how a battle was conducted. Honor, for warriors that followed the old ways of the culture, was the battle itself whether they stood proud in triumph or fell in defeat. There was nothing to be ashamed of using hostages as a leverage against their opponents. The threats of the child, Vi’Dreya, were just words lost in the wind. And to think she or any of them were in some position of power to force their terms of surrender to them? How shortsighted they truly were, not realizing the reality before them. The Jedi and their allies continued to show their hypocrisy to their people, not that Vilaz or his warriors cared. They boasted to be the defenders of the weak and innocent, yet it seemed they cared for little what would happen to their captured civilians. Perhaps Droz would have them know what reality they lived on after executing several hostages.

The best part, for the Warlord and his clansmen, was that there was more where that came from. Considering where they were marauding there was bound to be thousands of civilians from every corner in Umbara’s capital city. No doubt would the Confederacy and Jedi do their best to evacuate whatever citizens they could save, but not all could be saved.

While Droz and whatever number of warriors stayed behind to guard the hostages and their perimeter, Vilaz would bring the fight up front. They might have gotten the upper hand, but they couldn’t let their guard down and allowed their enemies to approach while they could. They fighting would stop until the Jedi and their allies accepted their terms; but if they attempted to blindside or take them as fools, they would pay a hefty price for it.

A pair of Jedi stood before him, one of them being familiar as the Sith Empire had a bounty on Starchaser’s head. The other...not so much, he didn’t recall any bounty on Cotan.

”There’s a price on your head, Starchaser. Maybe you could join the hostages so I can make an example of you,”the voice scrambler in his helmet changing his tone to make it difficult to identify him.

”Mand’alor and the others will praise us for the bloodshed on Umbara.”

Sergeant "Kyle Whir"
Umbara Surface, Capital City, Interstellar Spaceport, Extrasolar Terminal.
Tags: [member="Adron Malvern"], [member="Ahron Rol"], [member="Cotan Sar'andor"], [member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Caedyn Arenais"], [member="Droz Munin"], [member="Horus Arseneau"], [member="Esvan Verd"], [member="John Locke"], [member="Gerad Naahan"], [member="Kishala Vi'dreya"], [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Veiere Arenais"], [member="Tanomas Graf"], [member="Hana Munin"], [member="Connory Monroe"], [member="Adenn Kyramud"], [member="Zann Munin"].
Nearby/Interacting: [member="Kishala Vi'dreya"], [member="Esvan Verd"], [member="DT-2319"]

She's unhurt, good. That won't slow down our withdrawal. 'Kyle' thought after finishing their examination of the Umbaran woman, and stepped away from hectoring the shorter ashen-hair woman. Tapping at the forearm-mounted comlink, she turned it off tired of hearing reporters wail and the local open-broadcast taunts issued to and from the Mandalorian Raiders who crawled throughout the spaceport like some malignancy. A council was convened and Kishala, Kyle, Kaedor, Artario, Vlastni the Half Dozen Umbaran Citizens and a lone Umbaran Constable began devising a plan to ensure atleast some of them might escape the Spaceport alive.

Kyle looked thoughtful and concealed a foreboding dread behind a stoic presentation. Not all of us are going to make it out alive She brooded wordlessly, accepting that grim appraisal without protest or disappointment, this was the way of armed conflict a fact well learned during the Galactic Alliance-First Order war where Kyle had fought for that latter government under a different identity. That was barely six years ago and yet despite this Kyle felt like it was almost a different life entirely. Kishala spoke and offered her thoughts in composure befitting a well-spoken and eloquent aristocrat which Kyle found refreshing. She'll live, smart, strong and resilient

Regarding the other Umbaran Citizens and Constable. "Kaedor, Artario, Vlaz." Kyle's voice intoned looking towards the pair of Officers and Artario the latter of whom was thrown over Kaedor's shoulder in an awkward hold. "The three of you take the Umbaran Civilians through the tunnels, some of them are hurt and Artario is in no position to fight." Wearing a blank expression her voice steeled, it is a stark contrast to her thoughts. Breaking into two different teams is incredibly dangerous. This is a bad idea. Without a doubt it would be an extremely poor thing to split themselves into two distinct groups though Kyle did it in the hope that they might have guaranteed survival.

Looking to Kishala again, Kyle instinctively tightened her Rifle's folding stock into her right shoulder the left navy blue pauldron faced the Umbaran Woman and covered Sergeant Whir's shoulder tapering inwards and extended down to elbow with a stylised roundel of the old Galactic Republic worn proudly on its' surface; the Coruscant Security Force's proud insignia. "Good idea Sergeant, but all of us will be leaving together and I won't be hearing any protests on this matter." Kyle's body tensed in contained frustration for just a moment, some twitch reflex that the woman rectified just as quickly as the issue arised. "Yes..." Kyle fought Amur's toothy grimace which almost made itself apparent. "Sir. Might I advise that that the rest of you enter the tunnels first? I'll cover off just in-case bad guys arrive while we're climbing down inside the tunnels."

She didn't wait for an answer and immediately set about prying open the hefty disc-shaped metal grate cover revealing a line of handles descending below. Adopting a crouched position Kyle aimed her DC-15A Rifle back across the landing pad's breadth waiting for the Mandalorian War Party to arrive, she suspected they'd send someone to search for their unresponsive personnel and that had been validated by the earlier sound of a plasma cutter which continued to whine loudly as it steadily sheared through Durasteel bulkhead door, Kyle's hazel spheres couldn't see its' obscured progress but she could certainly hear it. That is so bloody loud, eugh. I'm going to go deaf at this rate. Its' volume wasn't so intrusive on the ears of her compatriots at this distance but nobody else in the gaggle of survivors was a chemically and surgically-forged Superhuman warrior.

Kyle's eyes focused on the lovely Kishala again. "You will be safe with Lieutenant Kaedor, trust him Lady Vi'dreya they'll get you out alive." She tried to comfort the Civilians, her forced smile false and fragile. One might have thought the sound of the Plasma-Cutter ceasing the sound of its' cutting was a good sign, but not to Kyle who knew the marauders were she leapt up and if Kishala hadn't already seen herself down into the tunnel Kyle will embrace the significantly shorter woman heft her up into the air and down into the opening. "I'll hold them as long as I can, good hunting sir!" Kyle then stood diving in a deft roll beneath a smoldering spacecraft bulkhead. Let's see how you do against someone who fights back, bloody cowards. Wordlessly she cursed the murderers.

Peering nonchalantly over a shining panel attached to their leg. It's about time we get this damn thing out. Effortlessly Kyle pulled a three millimeter thick jagged Durasteel sheet from above their knee, her blood gooped lazily in a fetid acrid-smelling dark sludge visibly coagulating and suffocating the flow rapidly. Peering up steadily over the Bulkhead Kyle stood erect their proud posture accentuated their grating working-class Imperial Accent. "Here to surrender? I'll treat you fairly." Kyle's hands held their DC-15A's barrel in the direction of an advancing war party with an unnatural level of calmness. "Enough lives have already been lost, nobody else needs to die." She intoned with a nigh disturbing calmness, her heart beat barely sixty times per standard minute pupils visibly flexed in a focus far exceeding what was normal.

If they can't distinguish between ferocity and savagery Kyle thought examining their blood-sheathed armour and weapons closely. Then they are hopelessly gone and I won't be able to reason with them. A single Death Trooper without Darksabre Power Armour against forty-eight Mandalorians? I'm content with three. With a pause in their self-contained wordless conversation Kyle examined the insignia painted on their armour and recognized it as belonging to the warriors they slew on Eshan while protecting Echani Citizens. Make that eight kills.

Caedyn Arenais

Location: Umbarian Capital City.
Objective: Defend the Innocent and re-route Enemy Forces.
Present Company: [member="Havoc (CT-375)"], [member="Ember Farseer"], [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"], [member="Coren Starchaser"].
<<Looking for an Opponent>>
"What else do you require of me or my forces?".
Caedyn turned back to look to @Havoc (CT-375), the massive droid truly looked like a force to be reckoned with, and yet there didn't seem to be much of an hostile presence concentrating on their location as of yet. "As soon as the Civilians in this area have boarded and are away, I'll be heading further into the City but until then perhaps you and your people should look for any of the Mandalorian's responsible for this mess. It shouldn't be much longer before we're joined by another group of transports, so there's no point the lot of us hanging around while others are out there still fighting" the younger man suggested, soon looking to his peers wondering if they'd all agree with him.

"I will stay behind but physically I will be useless".
[member="Ember Farseer"] opted to remain with Caedyn for the time being, to which he appreciated; having one Jedi Knight with him ought to suffice while the last of the locals are shipped off to safety before they could move on to the next district of the capital city. "I've got your back" Caedyn reassured his older peer, the Knight whom had proceeded to seat himself and from what Caedyn could see, prepared to enter into meditation. Battle Meditation perhaps?

Meanwhile, Caedyn's thoughts soon moved to [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] and her former outrage. Unlike the others, Caedyn understood how the way of Bogan could be fueled by ones passions to strengthen the very practice itself, that wasn't to say that he approved of killing, but she could certainly be an asset in the counter-offensive. "Perhaps you can use the big guy?" he gestured back to Havoc (CT-375), turning to glance once more to the droid and giving him an approving nod.

"Go out there and kick some ass, I'll meet up with you once we're done here".

@Kirchenhof | [member="Sala'dine"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Aedan Miles"] | [member="Gir Quee"] | [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] | [member="Droz Munin"] | [member="Cotan Sar'andor"] | [member="Kishala Vi'dreya"] | [member="Razelle Breuner"] | [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
[member="Havoc (CT-375)"] | [member="Gerad Naahan"] | [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member="Adron Malvern"] | @DT-2319 | [member="Horus Arseneau"] | [member="Sko'saht"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Srina Talon"] | [member="Scherezade deWinter"] | [member="Gianna Aegis"] | [member="Reshmar"]
He took a second to take count of what was going on. Cotan was there and he heard other calls going over the comms. The Jedi needed to get the situation under control. Coren was a visitor here, the Silvers were something he supported but he wasn’t really as full fledged a member as he hoped. A war zone was exactly where he was supposed to be, other Jedi? Maybe not so much, but he could only bring them to the right places for them.

“Silver Command, you read? Getting some beacons lit up, need to get these Mandos out of here, but gotta cover the retreat.” He was broadcasting up to the ones he knew in the Command Structure, [member="John Locke"] and [member="Veiere Arenais"]. “Keep the civilians out of the crossfire. If you’ve got some with you, get them secure, then go for the strike!” He all but ordered.

Many here had been fighting for a long time, but Coren made something of a career out of it.

Looking to Cotan and hearing him about the civilian discussion, Coren shook his head. Extinguishing his blade, he spun the extended hilt. “I really think they need to vet their combatants. We need to get these civilians out of here.” That was when the Mandalorian made his presence known.

Turning, there was a grin on Coren’s face. He knew that coming up against a Mandalorian meant having to revisit his tactics, it wasn’t going to be the Force in this. His blade and shield. “That’s not going to happen, Mando.” The blade ignited as the hardlight shield’s control on his arm light up, ready for his call.

“If that’s how you have to sleep at night, but your attack on this world ends here.”

[member="Vilaz Munin"]
[member="Cotan Sar'andor"]

Esvan Verd

Esvan Verd
Marauder | Mercenary | Berserker
Location|| Umbara, Capital City
Nearby|| [member="Kyli Graf"] | [member="Kishala Vi'dreya"[/FONT]][/SIZE]
[SIZE=14px][FONT='courier new'][B]Allies||[/B] [member="DT-2319"]
| [member="Droz Munin"]
| [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Zann Munin"] | [member="Hana Munin"]
Gear|| 1x Assaulter Tachyon Rifle | 2x Thermal Detonators | 2x Smoke Grenades | 1x Standard Blaster Pistol | 1x Kukri Sword (55cm | plasma-filiment)

Esvan walked up the paved slope in front of him with his black, silver trimmed blaster pistol in hand, index finger at the ready to fire off a shot. An entourage of collared civilians marched behind him, their faces twisted into expressions of fear, sadness, loneliness, they all knew how they would end now as their lives flashed before their eyes hauntingly slowly. They would either all die in the end, or be sold into slavery, the mandalorian male knew not was what to become of them. He had neglected to ask the question to whomever his employer was, but he knew better than to ask such foolish questions. Employers, contractors, they didn't need to explain anything to those whom they employed in their service, they did not. It wasn't the job of a mercenary, a bounty hunter, a marauder, to ask questions. Their 'job' was to complete the task at hand with no questions asked. That was their sole purpose. Such a thing was something that the blonde Verd learned over the years, at first he had made many, many mistakes. Now he knew better of course than to question his employers.

He didn't need to know the reasoning of those whom employed him or their goals, it wasn't something that concerned him. What he needed was coin, credits, gold...and one did that by not asking questions and just doing the job. Just. Do. The. Job. It was what he lived by. Honor has no place, it never did. It. Never. Did.

The man crested the slope, the HUD within his T-visor helmet alerting him to movement of some sort nearby. However, Esvan did not draw his blaster which sat clasped within his right hand hanging loosely at his side. Ocean blues eyes fell upon a gathering of mandalorian warriors, forty-eight of them all whom wore the symbol and colors of clan Cadera. Their painted beskar armor was stained with the crimson blood of jedi and umbaran alike, no difference between the two, both one in the same to the mandalorians. They were all civilians, all hostages ready to be collared in the glory of the Manda'lor, all worth a fair amount of credits in their own right. Among the forty-eight mandalorians were ninety-six hostages, all with their own collars...two hostages per mandalorian. Added up in total, there were now one-hundred and five hostages with Esvan and his platoon of mandalorian warriors. Though he cared little for the motives of his employers, he came to the conclusion that whoever they were and whatever their intentions, they were aiming for a political attack, a message of some sort.

Verd cared little for politics, especially for the politics involving the mandalorian clans. Politics were boring, aristocrats debating and arguing for days on end with the only conclusion being that one side was 'good' and the other was 'bad.' It was a fruitless endeavor, no fruit was borne from the trees of democracy and senatorial hearings, it was all a show, a rouse, a theater performance to keep people in line.

The blonde-haired man approached the Paba'r, the spaceport with his warriors in tow. Most kept close to him, while others kept to the sides, enveloping the hostages and keeping them located in the center of the mass of mandalorians trapped like sheep in a cage too small. A voice rang out, one that seemed to be of feminine nature. The mandalorians HUD pin-pointed and located the noise of the disturbance, a woman who wore the colors and garb of a police officer from Courscant, a member of CORSECFOR. His lips drew taunt on his cheeks, pressing together in a lined grin.

"I'm sorry to say, lass, but that ain't my call. I can't change my employer's mind, and I don't think I want to, easy credits are easy doesn't matter what you have to do to get them. Handle her."

At the words of the Verd, five mandalorians went forwards to meet this woman in combat, brandishing melee weapons in hand...broadswords meant to cleave flesh from bone and bone from bone.
S u p e r i o r
D r o z _ M u n i n

Objective | Slaughter and wreak havoc
Company | Fellow Marauders
Targets | Anyone who gets in his way

Umbara was in flames and bodies were scattered from the capital to the spaceport. Those who were unfortunate enough to get caught by the Mandalorian raiders would have bomb collars locked onto their necks and herded back towards the large group of hostages under the watchful eye of Droz. Of course, anyone who attempted to kill any Mandalorians that had put down bomb collars would also be killing the poor, poor hostages, giving anyone attempting to kill any of the marauders a second to reconsider their actions; or attempting to remove any of the Mandalorians from their armor or that matter given the kill switches of the bomb collars linked to the lifesigns of the raiders via their armor. The number of issues that anyone attempting to infiltrate or kill the raiders were significant, almost as if these precautions were taking far in advance were predicting anything that the Silver Jedi or the Confederacy were attempting to throw their way. This was a well maintained and well built plan with very few if any holes to exploit. With the collars having inverted battery circuits, the loss of power would result in them going off.

Droz had made sure their contingency plans were near flawless prior to their arrival on Umbara. They had one shot to make their plan work, and so long as they kept pouring fuel over the bonfire, it would only take one tiny little spark to set off an explosive series of conflicts that would rock the galaxy. The Mandalorians involved in the raid were not afraid to kill themselves to prevent information leaking or being taken prisoner. Neither the Confederacy nor the Silver Jedi would take any prisoners live unless they managed to cut off both their hands before they could take their own lives with thermal detonators. They would rather die than disgrace their clan, and had the resolve to do what needed to be done to restore the Mandalorian's glory. For every Mandalorian slain for the Confederates and Silver Jedi to infiltrate their numbers, a minimum of four to five hostages with bomb collars would die.

As the enemy began their delicate little plan to undermine Droz he would simply watch the city burn as Mandalorians were rounding up more hostages, ambushing Confederate and Silver Jedi forces attempting to evacuate them, commandeering the transports used for taking the civilians to safety. There was much bloodshed as each Mandalorian fought as if their entire bloodline rested upon their success. This was the true spirit of being a Mandalorian, not the ways of pacifists and those who pretended like they knew anything of the culture they claim to be a part of. The history of Mandalorians has always been one of war and bloodshed, not peace, and it was long overdue that they be reminded of their roots and the history that their ancestors built.

As [member="Ahron Rol"] went off on their rant that he didn't particularly any attention to apart from how long it went on for, over twenty Mandalorians had their blasters trained on the lizard ready to pump them full of holes from all directions. As the lizard concluded her unimpressive rant and attempt to sound intelligent Droz would send a transmission to those in charge, " How long will you have these "negotiators" of yours speak on behalf of all your people and reflect on how poorly they care for your citizens and troops? Keep this in mind with the galaxy watching everything that happens. Your citizens are dying not because of us, but because your failure to command with any discipline. Ordering your troops to fire upon hostages to get to the enemy, neglecting and threatening the demands of the one who holds the lives of many in their hands, and failure to cooperate with reasonable demands. " A press of another button resulted in five more collars going off. Five more heads were liberated from the bodies of three captured Jedi and an elderly couple in a spray of blood, vertebrae and flesh. If the lizard hadn't realized it by now, they should take a hint that Droz had no intention of speaking to anyone, and if they insisted on staying, they would have the marauders fire upon her and turn her into swiss cheese. Or if she chose to stay and fight, she'd result in the deaths of a lot more hostages if not all of them. She was going to take a gamble against a person who held all the cards. Was she really that stupid and would her superiors ignore that all the hostage deaths would be on their hands?

" You have until this lizard karks off, dies, or gets a collar to send transports and safe passage off your planet. Or all of these hostages will die. Do not test my patience or resolve to do so again. Your forces will stand down and cease hostilities. The longer you take the more people will die. A hostage will die every minute till I get what I demanded, not counting the deaths of your idiot negotiators are responsible for. "

[member="John Locke"] | [member="Srina Talon"] | [member="Voph"] | [member="Veiere Arenais"] | [member="Sala'dine"]

Reminder | Please remember that if you kill any Mandalorian raider within the Capital city, you're going to be killing off a varying number of hostages. Or doing anything that will cause the bomb collars to not read the lifesign of the NPC Mandalorian. Do with this information as you will, and how it would impact your character to know they did something that resulted in the deaths of innocent civilians. If you have any further questions feel free to DM me @┘Soundwave┌#0813 on Discord
"Wait, why is it that you have a bounty and I don't? I've fought the Sith and their leader just as much as you!"

Cotan turned to face the bounty hunting-Mandalorian as well, his lightsaber held in a defensive stance. The armoured and helmeted warrior wasn't familiar to him, no more than any of the others might be. "Kote lo'shebs'ul narit," he growled in response to their expectations of praise. Not that the Mandalorian would have any glory to keep anyways, by the time he and Coren were done with them.

That's certainly a happy thought.

He stood still for a moment more, glancing once at Coren. "You go right, I go left?" he asked casually. "Catch him in a good old pincer maneuver? Works one-hundred percent of the time, sixty percent of the time."

[member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Vilaz Munin"]

Gerad Naahan

Location: Clan Naahan estate
Objective: Commune with the lord
Allies: SJO, Umbaran military, his underlying, Clan Cadera?

"What is the news regarding the developing situation at the capital?" he remarked without even a glance at the hologram, not particularly interested in interacting with the increasingly agitated and increasingly dishevelled Umbaran Constabulary chief.

"Thousands dead my lord, with more to be confirmed as the hour's pass, we've mobilised and the silver Jedi have brought forces to bear on the intruders, though with the hostage situation unfolding at several points where our forces are engaging them, I think it'll be a few more hours before the city is secured once more."

"And why was several security stations undermanned at a time when Umbaras own citizens needed protection once more from the Mandalorian menace?" The Rootai raised an eyebrow in a thinly veiled mark of contempt, both for the constables perceived lack of incompetence and his constable's relatively weak resistance against the savages. He had heard of the Mandalorians animal-like brutality and in a small way was glad he was not in this man's position.

"We are still investigating but we have reasons to believe that it was in part due to a securi---bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz."

The hologram cut off sharply amidst a torrent of static, its pale blue light snuffed out like a candle in the wind. Confirming his inclination that the city was suffering from a slicer's attempt at keeping Umbaran comm channels scrambled, in which it would spread further confusion and disarray in the Umbaran response.

And yet, for all the chaos that had brought itself on the capital like a tidal wave of gore and misery. A thin smirk crossed Gerads pale marred face; his smirk changed his face somehow. It was a small arrogant smirk, light as a spider’s web. It slanted and darkened his features. Like he knew secrets, he’d love to share, if only telling them was sweeter than keeping them for himself. Twenty years he had been a Rootai, and in one night many of his liabilities vanished amidst the confusion. What he could not do in twenty years, a few thousand disgruntled Munins could do in a night. And all he did was open up the chicken pen to the foxes.

After all, all empires are created of blood and fire, and some are meant to fall the way they began. What was a few thousand Umbarans to the eventual fruition of the demise of the hated Mandalorians? A small price to pay if one wished to see the seeds of his labour grow. For years they had been a thorn in his underground empires businesses, raiding and busting the boss of bosses various slave markets and trade partners. It would not stand, it could not stand, for those who stepped in the way of the lord of the lash and his cartel would not live long enough to grow old. The Hutt cartel had learned, the black sun had learned, all who dared the devil's dance came out bloodied in the end some sooner than others.

It was good and all musing on the events at hand, but he had more pressing matters to attend to before the Munins had their fill and departed. Taking his leave across to the controls on his hologram projector, he switched it over to the coordinates provided for the private channel. A life-sized visage of the Sith Anzati crackled to life, illuminating the semi-dark room in a pale blue hue.

"I trust you had no issues on your end of the situation, my dearest acquaintance, though I must say one could be surprised even amused by the antics of that ponce they call the pirate king, its almost as if he wishes to do half the work for us not that I am one to complain."

[member="John Locke"] [member="Kyli Graf"] [member="Adron Malvern"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Droz Munin"] @Caedryn Arenais [member="Kishala Vi'dreya"] [member="Kor Vexen"]

Location: Golbah City {Geonosis} | Wearing: This | Post {II}

The metallic clang of the Magnaguard who trailed behind the Exarch was the only thing that could be heard as the man made his way up the ramp to his shuttle. He'd been notified that his counterpart, [member="Srina Talon"] was expecting him so they could travel to Umbara together. This didn't surprise him, often their minds both came to the same conclusion, to the point where it made Adron question the reality of his own decisions. He adjusted his tie as he ducked into the shuttle. His guard quickly made their way to each side of the transport to take their positions for the duration of the trip. When finally, the two sat down beside each other, Adron gazed at the woman for a fraction of a moment. A wintry beauty, it never ceased to amaze him just how pure the woman was. In many aspects she was as such, no complication, no mystery, just a calculable purity that could be relied on.

When she spoke of Alessandra, the Exarch produced a datapad from his coat pocket and activated it. Hopefully he'd received some notification on Umbara's status by now.

"She'll understand. She always does." He said, simply. Since their engagement the couple had spent a number of days on weeks apart. It was a sad reality that the Exarch must be engaged in business spanning the entire nation. Lately it had been war that Adron called his mistress, and it seemed that he would continue to court her for the time being. As their shuttle made their way out of Geonosis' atmosphere and set a course for The Veil, Adron continued to read over the reports that had been offered to him. Luckily the Dauntless Commandos under [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] instruction continued to supply him with a steady slew of information. Was all of it particularly correct? No, but that was the fog of war hard at work. Eventually he set the datapad down and turned to Srina. Silver and silk spilled from his lips as he spoke, yet still there was a degree of concideration. "I don't need The Force to know another war is coming." He said simply, almost matter of factly as he looked to the Echani woman before him.

"Still. Something about this attack seems odd. It's so...straight forward." The Exarch pulled a set of clear lenses from his pocket, placing them over his eyes to better prepare them for the material he needed to read over. "If the Mandalorians were going to take Umbara, they'd need a massive fleet. However, if it was raiding they were after there are hundreds of better targets. A small strike force could penetrate deep, hit hard, and leave Silver Space before the Jedi could amass a worthy defense. They are savages, but most of the time they are savages who know how to fight." Adron muttered, as their shuttle pulled into the main hangar of The Veil. It was no sooner than the shuttlel anded on the ship that the subtle rock of entering Hyperspace could be felt. They needed to move with haste, if they were to be worth anything to the Jedi.
_ ______ _ ______ __ ______ _ ______ _ ______ _ ______ _

The situation had been developing as expected if not better than originally anticipated. To those who operated from the shadows, silently pulling the strings to orchestrate conflict, things were moving along smoothly. To the Anzati Sith General, the pieces were slowly falling into place as the pawns played their part across the board. General Vexen stood on the bridge of The Bael, the capital ship of the Gehenna Fleet that carried his army. He stared out into the infinite black of space, the bridge crew keeping the ship in order as they patrolled the borders of the Sith Empire, awaiting for conflict to arise and ready to deploy should the order from the top came. Vice Admiral Koruuna would stand by his side, barely reaching the Anzati General's shoulders given how much of a monster the Sith Lord was as he had one hand to his chin as the Atrisian Vice Admiral spoke, " So General. We've been chasing remnants and hunting rebels for quite some time now. Chasing shadows and rumors. How do you hold yourself together so well? "

Vexen would continue to stare into space as his arms were crossed in front of his chest. His vocoded voice would be heard over the quiet murmur of the bridge crew, " We have a duty to maintain peace and order within the Empire. When a threat arises, we are the first to strike down those who would seek to harm our homes. Duty keeps everything else in line Vice Admiral... " The Sith General would not speak any further as the Atrisian man nodded and tilted his head slightly, before speaking once more, " I admire your commitment to the Empire General. Many people in your position are often seen as antsy when it comes to quiet times, men and women of action. I imagine things have never quite measured up to the events on Coruscant or one of our many campaigns together. " Vexen would not respond to the admiral's last sentence as he turned his body and lowered his arms. " I will be in my quarters. Do not disturb me unless your life depends on it vice admiral... "

The Sith general would depart from the bridge as the Atrisian vice admiral chuckled to himself. He genuinely was curious how a man was able to keep himself entertained when he was so used to operating the tide and flow of battle in war. A man who was committed and loyal to the Empire was what he saw when he looked at Vexen, as did many people within both the military and the Brotherhood. Vexen would enter his quarters as the door sealed behind him and made his way to a holoterminal, untraceable as far as where the end point was and impossible to trace back to Vexen apart from the fact that the transmission seemed to be coming from Mandalorian space due to the proximity he was to the border. Being sent over a heavily encrypted channel, Vexen would be able to speak freely, not fearing any chance of their conversation being by anyone apart from himself and [member="Gerad Naahan"]. A small image of an Umbaraan would appear on it. Vexen would appear towering over the Umbaraan on their end as they spoke. Vexen would wave his hand dismissively as he spoke, " Spare me the pleasantries, we both know they are unnecessary. " Vexen would cross his arm over his chest as the Umbaraan spoke. He had been keeping tabs on the situation occurring in the Silver Jedi's territory, operating from behind the scenes as he supported the Munin clan and Umbaraan cartels involved.

As the Umbaraan spoke about the pirate king, Vexen would simply respond, " The Mandalorians are easily manipulated, and also predictable. Nothing happens on Umbara without your knowing, and threatening an asset to the pirate was likely going to draw the fool out into the open at an inopportune time for the Mandalorian Empire. Their arrival only causes confusion and distrust between the Silver Jedi and the Clans's already shaky relationship with one another. Assist the 'Caderas' off the planet in whatever way you can. They still have much to do before we both can feast off the fruits of conflict. "

The Sith General was one of the least suspected individuals in this conspiracy as he had been a loyal and reliable asset to the Sith Empire, though it raised the question of why did he participate in this plot? For Vexen, who had existed for hundreds of years, it was a simple matter of principle and belief. Survival of the strongest. With the galaxy in a state of stagnation and few conflict between the major players present, peace only raised weak and undesirable prey. War and conflict ensured that the strong would remain, thus providing Vexen with what he ultimately desired; Worthy prey to feast off of, and add their strengths to his Sea of Memories.

_ ______ _ ______ __ ______ _ ______ _ ______ _ ______ _
Objective: Deal with the “Mandalorians”
Location: Capital City
Equipment: Lightsaber, beskar'gam, bodyglove, blasters, emp grenades, fragmentation grenades, various equipment

The Unyielding Faith went unchallenged and it made it's way to the small escape hole in the shield. It opened just long enough to allow the ship to slip through. It closed quickly behind the ship, and the others that carried the civilians. Back on the ground, sensor jammers were being installed towards the direction of the “Mandalorian” Droz.

Confederate forces would attempt to fight the Mandalorians that came to engage them, or hijack transports, with blasters set to stun. However, it would take considerable losses of the Confederate forces even when they waited until they were in small groups to do anything. The fighters were powerful, formidable. And since the group of Confederates had to work carefully to not set off the bombs, it was impossible to minimize losses the way they normally would. Luckily, most of the confederate ground forces were droids. Any Mandalorians that were overwhelmed would neither die, nor have time to commit suicide, the blaster bolts would simply overload their nervous systems, even through their beskar'gam. With luck, on the monitor, it would be within tolerable levels...again, hopefully. The way of thinking was, If it wasn't, then all the slave collars should have already exploded simply due to the natural fluctuations within the bodies of the fighting Mandalorians, lag in comms and the other issues with such a thing.

If it worked, and only if it worked, with datapad in hand, Allya began to monitor the signals that came from the stunned Mandalorian's suit. Each range was scanned, the data looped, and slaved to the original signal. Comm units would began to take in new information from the signals being sent across the city by the Mandalorians. Once you scanned one set of data, it became infinitely easier to find the others that mirrored it. Allya hummed as she worked. She got a call in from Kahlil. “I hear you. What do you need? I'm on the South Side.” One by one, Allya attempted to isolate the comm units, record their data, and slave the signal to it. She did not attempt to overwrite, or over take the signal. It was all about setting up a pathway for the future attempts.

Shortly after the sensor jammers were installed. However, she did not activate them yet.

In the background, Allya's troops hacked up jetpacks, after emptying their fuel tanks. Inside, directional comm jamming units would be placed. Another would be set up on a nearby building. Nothing would be activated yet.

Keep gathering data. Once we have enough, work on the virus.” Her troops set up a command post in a defensible position. There, they set up the equipment taken from the Unyielding Faith. It wasn't as powerful as she would have liked. However, it was much better than nothing. Her eyes moved to Cae, and she shook her head.

"Force right now, is not our ally. Our opponents are cowardly and I feel like they are badly organized. They are definitely skilled, as they were very organized when it came to taking hostages. Probably have experience with it. They came in with the plan to use the Jedi's bleeding hearts against them. They are probably flustered that it's not going the way they envisioned. Maybe? Or is it going exactly the way they hoped? No one is begging them to let the hostages go. No one is just dropping the shield and allowing them a way out. We all understand reality here. At least I hope we do. We can't trust their word, and if we let them go, this happens on another planet. And another. And it won't stop. No one wants these people to die. Me least of all. And I'm going to do what I can to try and stop this if I can. But they keep saying it's our fault for challenging them. We are the ones causing these people to die. But any adult understands the reality, they are the ones who attacked, they caused this. It's like they lack any critical thinking skills. Or they are trying to confuse us, which could be working. Each person they kill, strengthens the resolve of the populace and the defenders to stop them. No, the taking of hostages was the worst possible thing they could have done from a strategic point of view. It limited their mobility. They threw their eggs into a single basket, and now have no clue how to escape because of it."

Allya sighed and looked up from her datapad once more. "So much pointless death. Something weird...I insulted their Sole Ruler in the most insulting of ways over an open comm. No one came to stop me. No words were said about it. I always thought that they would defend the Mand'alor's honor to the death. They would be shouting at me, insulting me, charging into me. These guys? They didn't even notice. It could just be they grew up a bit. Or it could be something else. Either way, at this point, everything we try and do is a gamble with someones life, somewhere."

[member="Kor Vexen"] | [member="Gerad Naahan"] | [member="Cotan Sar'andor"] | [member="Droz Munin"] | [member="Caedyn Arenais"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Esvan Verd"] | [member="Voph"] | [member="Ember Farseer"] | [member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
A lot of conversation at once, the extra heavily encrypted message from Adenn, on a different channel than the one shared with the Jedi, and the JEdi present of course. He bit the inside of his lip in thought a moment, as he ran a thumb over one of the pistols strapped to his leg. "You want me to be optimistic or honest? Truth be told I don't expect this to work, but I don't have a better idea. We can't do much else without risking the hostages, and I'm not one to let civis get hurt without trying to save them. I'd suggest a keyword for activating the EMP as well, something specific."

Across the new channel, he sent Adenn a very brief message as well. "Keep watch. Play with Jedi's rules. And take a recording for Yash, she'll be very interested in this. Radio silence." And with that he effectively cut himself from Adenn, having faith he'd at least keep in mind what he was hoping. If Adenn was keeping watch, he'd find a moment, and hopefully know when to pounce. At least, if he was half the hunter Darlyn hoped he was..

"I would suggest we get at least a few others, say four or so. That plus someone to play the role of the one exchanging hostages..." He hummed again. "He wants a transport yes? IHow about we give one to him? Load it with the 'hostages' and an EMP. We probably won't have long to act before they'd find the device but if it's hidden well enough we could get it close enough..."

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