Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Gaanla Munin

    Skirmish  Neo-Crusaders Raid on Umbara | Open to All

    “Victory for the clans! The glory days of the Mando’ade are back!” -Khomo Fett Our beginnings were small and humble. The odds of failure were greatly against us, yet it did not avert us from our righteous path. We heeded the call on Hoylin. And that spark of hope for our culture blazed...
  2. K

    Private  Vendetta on Umbara

    The Shadow World of Umbara was once host to a battle between The Eternal Alliance and the Order of Zildrog over a shipment of Adegan Crystals during the Era of the Old Republic. And once again would become embroiled in conflict when the Grand Army of the Republic and the Umbaran Military battled...
  3. Hansen

    Devils... Monsters...

    “The weak exist because we permit it, and they shall end because we demand it. This time of sniveling pacifism is over, if they kill us they're better if we kill them we're better. That is the way of the warrior.” -Anonymous Clan Munin Warrior Umbara. It is a world consumed by perpetual...
  4. G

    Approved NPC  Nerina Syndicate

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a legitimate criminal gang that can function as opposition for other criminal factions, and also flesh out Gerad Naahan as a character and show another side to the Umbaran politics. ​Image Credit: N/A Role: Criminal organisation Links...
  5. Eugen Aker

    Dressed to Kill - SJO Dominion of the Umbara Hex

    Objective #1: Umbara - The Black Wedding Umbara, the Shadow World, is caught in a state of great upheaval. Within the highest ranks of Umbaran society exists a small but growing number of social reformers seeking to relax the rules of the intricate caste system that has governed their...
  6. Anastasia Verd

    Anastasia Vi'dreya

    (( Social Information )): NAME: Anastasia Vi’dreya NICKNAMES: Ana TITLES:Princess of Lao-Mon Princess of Ashrath SPECIES: Human / Near Human Genetic Mix RACE: Human, Umbaran, Korun, Shi'ido SEXUALITY: Undetermined MARITAL STATUS: Single BIRTH PLANET: Kamino LIVING SITUATION: Sinner’s Well...
  7. Brent Smith

    Lurking Within The Shadows-Ra

    Brent slowly pulled himself hand over hand, crawling on his stomach through the semi-darkness. Over his eyes he wore a visor to help level his playing field with the locals in the mostly-dark setting. Over the years, Brent had changed, slowly, ever so slowly. When had enlisted years ago, or what...
  8. Darth Abyss


    It was easy for Abyss to slip into Republic space, almost to easy. Not that it really mattered for the sith acolyte, he did not came to Umbara to fight against soldiers or tear down the local government. The only reason for him to be here was rumor he heard years ago. A rumor about an ancient...
  9. Tefka

    Pact of the Covenant [ Umbara | T.G.R. Only ]

    Umbara - Construction Site Not far from the site of Diana's fortress construction, perhaps only a klick away, the Jedi Master Tefka has ordered the construction of the Sanctum of the Exalted. Many Umbarans were paid handsomely to perform this construction and as it was in an unsettled area of...
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