Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Destiny



"A long time ago, in the not so far away reaches of our existence, there arose a shadow, a formidable force that sought to eclipse even the darkest corners of the galaxy. This shadow, known as Darth Solipsis, was like a star burning with an unnatural fervor, consuming all in its path."

Ixen's eyes widened further, captivated by her father's narrative spell.

"As the cosmic ballet unfolded, the Tyrant sailed through the celestial sea, its hull cutting through the currents of destiny. Solipsis, the malevolent sorcerer, sought dominion over the stars, but the balance of power within the ship was delicate, hanging like a fragile constellation in the cosmic expanse." Tirall's voice took on a somber note, the ship's hum beneath them mirroring the tension in the air. "In the climactic dance of light and shadow, Solipsis met his fate. The stars themselves recoiled as his darkness clashed with a force unyielding—forces could no longer be contained."

As Tirall spoke these words, a decision crystallized within him. But as the weight of destiny settled, a nameless Commander, a servant to the High Regent, appeared at the entrance of the chamber. He bowed respectfully, his eyes avoiding the piercing gaze of Tirall.

"High Regent Tirall, the tutoring lessons for the young mistress are prepared," the Commander intoned, his voice steady but tinged with a hint of unease.

Tirall acknowledged the presence of the Commander with a nod, his eyes never leaving Ixen's. "Go, my daughter, and learn the lessons that will shape your destiny. I shall attend to matters of importance."

Ixen cast a lingering look at her father before obediently following the Commander out of the chamber.

Alone now, Tirall turned his attention to the vast viewscreen, displaying the cold expanse of space beyond. With a calculated gesture, he summoned another officer, a communications specialist who awaited orders.

"Activate the ship's transponder," Tirall commanded, his tone firm and unwavering. "Send a signal across the stars, and let it be known that the Tyrant awaits the presence of Marlon Sularen. The time for the next move in this celestial dance has come."

As the officer hurried to carry out the order, Tirall's eyes glinted with a combination of anticipation and resolve, for the destiny of galaxies rested upon the calculated steps of a man determined to leave an indelible mark upon the annals of history.



Sularen sat in his office, going over paperwork as usual and keeping tabs on the ongoing affairs of the galaxy even at this late hour. While Life Day celebrations we're in full swing, the High Regent of the Final Dawn was as usual was plotting and scheming his next move, having isolated himself in the past few days to undertake a period of re-examination. Sularen had made little progress since the conclusion of the Second Great Hyperspace War but had planted enough seeds to create something that could alter the course of galactic history. Throughout the past few years, the High Regent had been establishing connections with various groups and individuals, which if brought together could be forged into a powerful overall faction that could have an effect on the galactic geopolitical arena.

However, all Sularen needed was the proper way to bring them all together. To ensure that there would be as much cooperation and as little infighting as possible in order to avoid repeating the mistakes of the Maw. As the High Regent remained deep in thought over how he could achieve such a thing, the doors leading into his office opened, with his aide Colonel Rackham soon walking in interrupting Sularen's thought process. "Sir?" the Colonel asked, seeking Sularen's attention. "Colonel. Do you have something for me?" Sularen inquired. "Yes sir. I received word from the Sanctum that a special signal was recently intercepted from a Warship identified as the Tyrant." Rackham began.

"...And how does this concern me, Colonel?" Sularen asked once more. "Whoever sent that signal awaits your presence. We also received a set of coordinates and most importantly, the transponder codes affiliated with the ship that sent that signal bares a striking resemblance to that used by Flagship of the former High Regent Derix Tirall." Rackham added. Upon hearing that name, Sularen raised an eyebrow immediately recognizing what that meant. "So...He's alive. After all this time. How interesting." the High Regent said to himself. "Prepare my shuttle. I will personally attend this matter."

The FDS Tyuk would emerge from hyperspace arriving at an unspecified location in Deep Space where it would immediately be greeted by the Tyrant which stood motionless amidst the cold expanse of space. Shortly the arrival of the Tyuk, a single Command Shuttle would emerge from a small side hangar, followed by two pairs of escorted TIE Terminators. After a short while, the Shuttle would make it's way into the main ventral hangar of the Tyrant with the Terminators returning back to the Tyuk.

Once the Command Shuttle finally came to rest within the ventral hangar, the main doors leading into the shuttle opening up with a ramp quickly extending outwards, allowing Marlon Sularen to finally make his long-awaited arrival as he would emerge from the Shuttle, adorned in a prestigious Crimson Red Neo-Imperial Uniform complimented by Golden Shoulder Pads, an All-Grey Rank Plate and a long Red Cape. walking down the ramp escorted by a group of four Raptor Commandos as he made his way towards those who awaited him, eager to meet with his former superior and see what he wished to discuss with him after all these years.


Tags | Derix Tirall Derix Tirall



For a very brief second, Derix thought his invitation was to be ignored.

It wasn't an unreasonable assumption, when one considered the amount of time that had passed since he and Sularen has last conversed. They weren't particularly close during the days of the Second Great Hyperspace War, through no fault of Sularen's however. There had been projects for him to oversee, sermons to deliver, a Church to satisfy. Derix wasn't called by Solipsis to make friends, but to execute His indomitable will, something he had always suspected Sularen had been jealous of.

When Sularen's shuttle touched down in the ventral hangar, he would be met with a ceremony befitting an official of high rank. The highest ranking officers present aboard the ship gathered in the hangar in full dress uniform, and at the head of their formation, standing side to side stood Tirall and his most loyal lackey, the High Admiral Nyree Pavan.

But Marlon Sularen was no fool. He was intelligent, if misguided by emotion and the desire for revenge. He wouldn't dare pass up a chance to consolidate power and bring an end to the mystery that was Derix Tirall's disappearance. Ixen was also summoned to be by her father's side for this moment, wearing a white uniform that bore no rank and contrasted with her pale blue skin. As for Tirall, he opted for a simplistic black uniform that bore the rank plaque of Grand Vizier.

When Sularen exited his shuttle, Tirall would be the first to greet him. An outstretched hand would meet the reigning High Regent. "Welcome back aboard the Tyrant, Marlon."

A pause. "It's been far too long."


"It's been far too long indeed." Sularen said as he shook hands with Tirall, before withdrawing and clasping his hands behind his back. "I must say i was quite surprised to hear that you had sought me out, considering your work with the resurgent Sith Order in the Outer Rim." the High Regent further added. As Sularen spoke, he took some time to look at those who had accompanied the former High Regent, among them being Admiral Pavan who had once served within the Final Dawn Navy, she had been a talented commander and her loss was somewhat regrettable, but with the Final Dawn's relative isolation, the Navy had seen little action these days. Beside Tirall, was another younger woman although Sularen could not recognize who she was, perhaps a young protege of Tirall.

"Admiral Pavan, it's also nice to see you" Sularen said once more addressing Nyree Pavan who stood beside the former High Regent. "And who must this young lady be? I must assume she is your protégé, correct?" Sularen inquired, deciding to be formal. However, Sularen was quite intrigued to know what Tirall had in mind, as he had assumed it was a matter of great importance considering at how he had called for Sularen's presence in person to receive such information rather then relaying it in a holographic meeting. But for now, he would have to wait for Tirall to give him a response.


Tags | Derix Tirall Derix Tirall



Derix Tirall maintained a composed demeanor, his dark eyes locking onto Sularen's with an intensity that betrayed nothing of his inner thoughts. The years had etched lines on both their faces, and yet, the gravity of their past encounters seemed to linger in the air.

"I sought you out," Tirall spoke, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips, "because one must not underestimate the importance of old alliances, especially in times of shifting tides. The resurgent Sith Order, while an intriguing endeavor, is not my sole focus."

He gestured toward Ixen with a sense of pride. "This is my daughter, Ixen Tirall. A promising presence in her own right, though still learning the intricacies of our chosen paths."

Ixen offered a respectful nod, her gaze steady. "High Regent Sularen, it's an honor to finally meet you in person."

As the pleasantries settled, Tirall's expression turned more serious. "But let us not dwell solely on the niceties of reunions. I've called you here, not just for a stroll down memory lane. The galaxy is in flux, and I believe our shared history could prove valuable in navigating the currents that lie ahead. There are matters that require delicate handling, and alliances that can shape the fate of worlds."

He glanced toward the assembled officers, a subtle signal that the conversation extended beyond the two of them. "I propose we discuss these matters in a more private setting. The Tyrant has facilities conducive to such talks. What say you, Marlon?"

Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen



It was somewhat refreshing to speak to Tirall after such a long time. He was one of a handful of individuals that Sularen actually respected as he was had shown himself to be someone who could be properly reasoned with throughout the years Sularen had known him. Differences in beliefs and thought would eventually lead to both Sularen and Tirall being separated for decades but when presented with a common cause and a common objective they still had a connection as demonstrated today.

Once Tirall had finished introducing his daughter, he moved straight to the point speaking of alliances and hinting at major geopolitical changes in the near-future that they together could navigate. This only Sularen even more interested seeing that Tirall had more things in mind then simply restoring their relationship, as his facial expression and his request to speak somewhere more private we're indications of such. Regardless whatever the former High Regent had in mind would most certainly be something of great benefit to both men, and to that Sularen was fully onboard with it.

"Very well then, Derix, lead the way. I look forward to hear what you sought to discuss with me today." Sularen said motioning for Tirall to lead him towards his ideal destination. Perhaps they would truly forge an alliance that could shape the fate of entire worlds, but all of that depended on what Tirall had in mind and how it could benefit Sularen and his own aspirations.


Tags | Derix Tirall Derix Tirall



Derix Tirall led the way through the metallic corridors of the Tyrant, the atmosphere thick with unspoken history between them. As they walked towards the secluded meeting room, he couldn't help but appreciate the familiar cadence of their conversation, the echoes of a connection forged in the crucible of past alliances and shared endeavors.

"As you know, my dear compatriot," Tirall began, his voice measured, "there are always things outside of our control." His gaze lingered on the distant stars visible through the ship's viewports, a silent acknowledgment of the vastness of the unknown.

"Even when we think we are doing what we want to do, in truth, we are being guided by a higher power," he continued, his words carrying a weight that extended beyond the mere acknowledgment of fate. Tirall's expression remained composed, his eyes reflecting a complexity that hinted at a deeper understanding, one touched by forces that transcended mortal comprehension.

The subtle shift in the conversation hinted at a larger narrative, a current flowing beneath the surface of their alliance. Derix Tirall, despite his mastery of strategy and political maneuvering, seemed to allude to forces beyond the immediate scope of their discussions. The path they were treading, while chosen by them, seemed to be part of a grander design—a design he wasn't yet ready to fully unveil.

The meeting room awaited, its sterile walls concealing the secrets that would shape the destinies of those who dared to navigate the intricate webs of power and influence in the galaxy.




As Sularen and Tirall walked through the black-colored hallways of the Tyrant, the latter began speaking about fate and how regardless of what they did there would always be things outside their control. Out of respect for the former High Regent, Sularen did not react to this statement at first but deep within he dismissed these ideas of fate and destiny. The idea that a higher power guided people towards a pre-selected destiny was in Sularen's opinion a delusion and fallacy that allowed self-righteous religious orders such as the New Jedi Order and the Sith Order to manipulate and deceive naive and gullible people in pursuing their goals and exerting their wider influence across the galaxy.

Even during his time within the Brotherhood of the Maw, Sularen had maintained a particular dislike for the Sith Cultists within the Church of the Dakrside but he had never acted directly against them seeing their continued participation within the Final Dawn as a means to an end that would enable him to further advance his own goals. Setting his perspective towards fate and destiny aside, Tirall was right about one thing and that was the idea that there would be things that would always remain outside your control, which Sularen had some experience with given that many of his schemes and plots had been derailed due to unforeseen circumstances.

As the two men continued their walk towards the meeting room, the High Regent proceeded to offer a response to his predecessor. "It is true that there are always events that are outside your control." Sularen began. "But i still find it hard to believe in this concept of a higher power and the ideas of destiny. The idea that we are walking on a pre-determined path laid out for us rather then one that we choose for ourselves to determine our own fate as we see fit." Sularen continued. "However i'm quite curious about all this talk of destiny, fate and control, there is another meaning to it isn't there? You know something that i don't, more specifically something big, something impactful." the High Regent inquired.


Tags | Derix Tirall Derix Tirall



As they traversed the black-colored hallways of the Tyrant, Derix Tirall listened intently to Marlon Sularen's measured response. The subtle tension between their differing perspectives on fate and control lingered in the air, underscoring the complexity of their alliance.

"It is true," Tirall began, his tone reflecting a sense of contemplation, "that the notion of a higher power guiding our paths can be viewed through various lenses." His gaze flickered briefly towards the black-clad Sovereign Protectors standing watch as they approached the meeting room, a silent testament to the layers of power and influence woven into their surroundings.

"While some may find solace in the belief of a predetermined destiny, others, like yourself, Marlon, question the validity of such concepts," Tirall continued, his words measured and deliberate. "And yet, regardless of our individual beliefs, there are undeniable forces at play—forces that shape the currents of fate and challenge our perceptions of control."

As they reached the threshold of the meeting room, Tirall turned to face Sularen, his expression betraying a hint of intrigue. "You are perceptive, Marlon," he acknowledged, his voice carrying a note of respect. "There are indeed aspects of our current situation that extend beyond the realm of mere chance or happenstance."

With a subtle nod towards the guards, Tirall gestured for Sularen to enter the meeting room. "But let us continue this conversation within," he suggested, his dark eyes gleaming with anticipation. "There are matters of great importance that demand our attention, and together, we may yet uncover the truths that elude us."




By now Sularen's mind was consumed by intrigue and curiosity, with the High Regent wondering what it was that was so important that would cause Derix Tirall to summon him to a meeting in person after all these years. Both men had conflicting beliefs and held little common interests other then merely being connected to one another. So what was this matter of great importance, these currents that would shape the fate of entire worlds. Why was the former High Regent so keen on working with Sularen after all this time and most importantly what was his angle?

Once Sularen and Tirall entered the meeting room, Sularen moved forth to take his seat waiting for his host to follow suit, still eager to hear what he had in mind. With both men comfortably seated within the meeting room, Sularen proceeded to lean forwards against the desk, clasping his hands on the desk as he proceeded to speak first. "So tell me, Tirall. What is this matter of great importance that you seek to discuss with me. I still find it strange that after all this time you'd call in person so i must guess that whatever you have in mind must be something extraordinary, perhaps even something that could potentially alter the course of galactic history given the way you've been speaking lately."

Sularen was upfront and went straight to business without hesitation. There would be no pleasantries as by now he had a vested interest in what Tirall had in mind today. Tirall's initial call had caught Sularen's interest but now all this talk about important matters and fate-altering events now caused Tirall to have Sularen's full attention. After all perhaps maybe this could be another opportunity he could exploit in his lengthy quest to regain power but that all depended on the contents of whatever information, Tirall had to offer.


Tags | Derix Tirall Derix Tirall



Derix Tirall took his seat opposite Sularen, his expression betraying a subtle sense of intrigue at the High Regent's directness. The air in the meeting room seemed to crackle with anticipation as they settled into their respective positions, the weight of their shared history and divergent ambitions casting a shadow over their conversation.

"As always, Marlon, your keen perception does not disappoint," Tirall began, his voice measured as he carefully navigated the delicate balance between revelation and discretion. "The matter at hand is indeed of great importance, one that has the potential to reshape the fabric of galactic affairs."

He paused for a moment, his dark eyes meeting Sularen's with a hint of guarded intensity. "However, the specifics of our discussion must remain shrouded for now," Tirall continued, his words laced with a sense of calculated restraint. "Rest assured, when the time is right, all will be revealed."

Tirall leaned back slightly in his seat, his gaze drifting towards the viewport as if contemplating the vast expanse of space beyond. "What I can share with you, Marlon, is that our mutual interests align in ways that may prove mutually beneficial," he explained cryptically. "Access to shipyards is indeed a key component of our endeavors, but it is but one piece of the puzzle."

The former High Regent's request hung in the air, the implications of his proposal lingering between them like a silent specter. "In exchange for your cooperation, I am prepared to reopen the coffers of the Church of the Dark Side to the Final Dawn," Tirall stated plainly, his tone betraying a sense of resolve. "But let us not rush into decisions prematurely. There is much to discuss, and the path forward requires careful consideration."

With that, Tirall fell silent, allowing the weight of his words to settle over the room like a heavy cloak. The true extent of his intentions remained veiled in secrecy, leaving Sularen to ponder the implications of their burgeoning alliance.

Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

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