Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I must say, your work is quite amazing, and I appreciate what you have done for two of my subaccounts. Both pieces turned out splendid, and even better then expected. My applause goes to you, and if I was any good at photoshop and other programs, I'd make you a digital award/trophy.
Sir, I tip my hat to you.

And if it wouldn't be to much trouble, could you possibly edit this image: to make the visor of the armor a dark blue, while making the rest of it slightly darker (from white to grey)? And if possible, could you add some scarring to the armor, along with a dent on the right shoulder?
That, my good sir, would be perfect. Thanks for all your hard work :D
@[member="Kraigmiir Hijiin"] - Awwh, shucks... Comments like these are what makes me want to keep doing what I'm doing. But please, don't call me 'sir' - makes me seem older than I already feel... :p

@[member="Asher North"] - I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific than that, and please link me some pictures so I won't have to scour through Deviantart and/or Google.

@[member="Knight"] - Do you want the second image to be an avatar or signature in size?


@[member="Kraigmiir Hijiin"] - Couldn't make the dent happen, sorry.

@[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Could you please do a photo of mine? I need his eyes more prominent, and in his right hand to have a Red cored orange saber with a better background of your choice. If you can do that I will love you forever.
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