Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Crystal Hunt gone wrong(?)


She roamed around the forest of Veridia, a simple world but she was not here for its people and the like, she was here for its resources, but she was not one to deal with traders and the like so she searched around for a cave to gather a few resources herself, for her own personal projects, she dawned her Armor and Sword and lightsabers on her belt as she looked around little did she know this hunt would land her for a rather interesting encounter, she continued scanning around for these veins or a cave entrance to traverse...she would be lieing if she wasn't abit bored and hoped to see some fighting here that part of her always hungry and anxious even on a quiet world and a simple resource gathering mission, she kept her ship away from her but ready for autopilot retrieval whenever she needed.

She hoped to find a cave soon so she can get her resources and leave ..she had other things to do.

Braze Braze

Mask | Knife | Gauntlets | Saber-Claws | Boots | Ring | Fang | Charms x3 | Training lightsaber | Resurgence | Corsage | Calypso | Sentry | Requiem | Echo | Twilight | Amulate | G.O.O | Survival Kit | Exo-Arm | Ashwing


Braze was searching for crystal deposits. He could sense them all around, even in the forests. He had encountered problems with others in the caves the last time he was hunting for crystals, but out here, he could keep an eye on his surroundings. He felt the stone calling to him and discovered a small deposit of crystals sprouting from a stream. He spotted one that seemed to call out to him, and so... he plucked it up. "Hello there," Braze purred. "Welcome to the Party~" He moved to place this particular gem alongside the other Kyber crystals he had picked up earlier that day. He already had four others. This was becoming easier to do.

She stopped her walking when she sensed a light sided presence, behind her helmet she smiled as it would seem her hunt for crystals has found her more ..lucrative prey, she made her way to the source and what she stumbled across was mildly disappointing, when she sensed the presence initially she was hoping to see a more experienced or at least older target but what she found was a child picking up crystals like one would pick candy from a store, either way she slowly approached, it wasn't hard to hear her this armor wasn't built for stealth it was built for durability and survivability for now as she approached she did keep her senses on guard incase there was others around when she spoke her voice was deepened a little but the feminine tone was still present.

Long way for a little youngling too be out here on there own is it not?

It was clear what she was but for now she kept on guard to fight or chase, though she hoped they would run.

Braze Braze

Braze plucked up another rock and cleaned it off before tucking it away. As he turned to face the voice that spoke to him, his hand instinctively moved to his braid, twirling it around his fingers before running them down the braid, tracing the beads, and finally brushing the blackened feather tipped in red.

Soft jade green eyes swept over her form, curiously studying her appearance. "Is it? I don't think so. Do you live near here, Miss?" Braze asked, looking around expectantly as if searching for a nearby cottage or house in the woods.
When she observed the child tracing his braid she caught sight of that feather, she recognized whose feather that was from Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax 's wings, curios how did this one get a hold of that feather did she just stumble across it or was there more too it then that, She leaned against one of the trees arms crossed as she looked at him with a light chuckle.

I do not live near here i was...exploring as it where, what about you? do you live around here...also forgive my curiosity but I noticed that feather on your braid..its quite pretty.

Everything within her wanted to start slicing and dicing this padawan but she decided for amusement to toy with him while seeing how much information she can get out of him before the inevitable conflict..well..that and its always good to see if she is going to be dealing with reinforcements at any point in time before hand

Braze Braze

"Maybe I do Maybe I don't. " Braze chirped softly.

"Thank you... A little birdy gave it to me. " He stated simply as he stopped fidgeting with it.

He eyed her warily. "Are you perhaps lost?" He asked having taken note that she seemed to be looking for something.
Vandra took note of what she said when she said a little birdy gave it too her answered a question of hers, this one managed to work there way into Teresa's good graces enough to earn one of her feathers, oh well just means possible backlash on her end from her after this but it didn't matter too her as she approached where Braze was. see I was looking for something but it would seem I found something abit more ..appeasing.

She raised her hand slowly as her other hand kept near her belt for but a moment.

When I meet your little birdy Ill be certain too send your regards, but for now lets see how strong you are.

With that said the hand she was raising shot out a blast of lightning too her as her other hand in quick rythm pulled out her lightsaber and activated as she also darted forth after the blast to go for a swing to her right side.

Braze Braze

Mask | Knife | Gauntlets | Saber-Claws | Boots | Ring | Fang | Charms x3 | Training lightsaber | Resurgence | Corsage | Calypso | Sentry | Requiem | Echo | Twilight | Amulate | G.O.O | Survival Kit | Exo-Arm | Ashwing


Braze was alert and sidestepped, raising a boot to absorb the brunt of the electricity hurled his way, almost as if he were expecting this opening volley.

Sentry and Resurgence sparked to life, flinging out to either side and hovering midair as Braze ignited Requiem in his hands.

The large crossguard blade intercepted her, and there was an attempted disarm between her blade and the crossguard that had moved to protect. The small crossguard shoto-like saber zipped forward, spinning like a corkscrew as it flew at her head. Meanwhile, Braze, propelled by the momentum of the kick he used to block the electricity, fell forwards towards the attacker, launching a low attack aimed at her shins with a sweeping strike form the lightfoil.

Evidently, she had chosen to pick a fight with a child unnaturally skilled in telekinetic combat.
She had a wild grin behind her helmet when she saw what was transpiring and the attack, she batted away the crossguard that was heading for her head or atleast that was the attempt but the blade was too small and quick for even her reflexes so she just barely managed to move her head out of the way but the blade still grazed the side of her helmet. before she leaped back from Braze's shin attack before she took a defensive stance, seeing the blades floating around her as well, would seem this Padawan here has quite the telekinetic gift, she reached out with her telekinesis of her own to lift up several crystals and send them flying towards her spinning like drills towards her, she mixed the crystals she was sending with lightning as well to make them like lightning drills being sentt at her and her blades before she leaped up into the air following the barrage with a powerful downward swing.

I have yet to have met a youngling with such mental prowess!, Lets see how much you have learned!

Braze Braze
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As the crystals charged with lightning spun towards him, Braze's focus sharpened. He extended his hands, channeling his telekinetic abilities to create a swirling vortex of air around him. This barrier deflected the crystal drills, causing them to scatter harmlessly around the forest floor. Braze maintained his defensive posture, readying himself for Vandra's next move while conserving his energy for a necessary counter.

"You wield your power with great skill," Braze called out, maintaining a calm demeanor despite the intensifying conflict. "But I must wonder, what brings someone of your talents to chase after a mere apprentice? Is there not a cause more worthy of your blade?" His words, measured and curious, were aimed to probe Vandra's intentions, possibly to find a non-violent resolution or at least distract her.

With Vandra perhaps momentarily distracted by the defensive maneuvers, Braze would attempt to seized the opportunity. He used his connection to the Force to lift several large rocks from the ground, hurling them towards Vandra to disrupt her advance. Simultaneously, he maneuvered his floating sabers to execute a series of coordinated strikes, aiming to test her defenses without causing serious harm, demonstrating his control and mastery over both his weapons and the environment.

Sensing the battle's strain on the surrounding nature, Braze tapped deeper into his Force sensitivity to detect any natural advantages. Noticing a nearby cluster of thick vines, he used his telekinesis to in an attempt to entangle Vandra's movements subtly. As she dealt with the vines, Braze shifted positions, using the dense forest foliage as cover. This not only obscured his movements but also prepared him for a potential strategic advantage or escape route if needed.
Vandra observed what Braze was doing as he spoke and questioned what she was doing maintaining a mobile stance, she was about to move again before she saw the rocks being thrown at her, She responded by sending several rocks to collide with them in unison as she saw the blades coming again, even for a mere apprentice this child was potent as she kept blocking and parrying away the telekinetic blades before she felt the vines entangle and try and wrap around her, she ripped away the vines with a lightning infused repulse that sent sparks across the landscape.

When she looked around the boy was gone, hiding a opportunity to hunt? good..but lets spice things up a little.

Chasing you was a mere bonus!, I didn't come here looking for jedi, but if you wish to play hide and seek! then lets make this more fun!

She unleashed 4 bolts of lightning into the trees with the intent of igniting them setting them a blaze so the folliage starts to quickly burn as she stalked around like a predator on the hunt for her prey while the flames continued wildly, it was clear this sith was a wild child even for someone of her calibur but how long will she maintain this before she gets bored.

Braze Braze

As the forest around him ignited with Vandra's wrathful lightning, Braze's situation grew more dire. The flames crackled and spread, threatening not only the natural beauty of Veridia but potentially trapping both combatants in a deadly blaze. Recognizing the immediate danger, Braze shifted his focus from confrontation to preservation. The blades withdrew.

Using his connection to the Force, Braze drew upon a more advanced and controlled use of his powers. He reached out with his senses, feeling the air currents that fed the flames. With a deep concentration, he began to manipulate these currents, siphoning the oxygen that fueled the fire. Slowly, the flames started to diminish as he redirected the air, not only from the fires but subtly from around Vandra as well, attempting to disorient her and sap her stamina.

As the air thinned around her, Vandra might find her breaths becoming shallower, her movements slightly slower, though such an effect would be subtle given her strength and conditioning.

Meanwhile, Braze used this opportunity to not only suppress the fires but also to reposition himself stealthily. He moved with quiet footsteps, the smoke and diminishing fire providing cover, as he contemplated his next move.

From his new vantage point, shielded by a still-smoldering tree, Braze prepared for what might come next.
She looked around as she saw the fire's starting to die off, the Padawan's doing to prevent the forest from being engulfed fully in flames, not that she cared she was on the hunt for this padawan even with the air thinning around her slowing her breathing she didn't care about that she's been through worse environments and the armor provided help..but she was starting to get annoyed and bored as she walked through using her telekinesis to push the smoke away so she can have clear visibility even with the help of the HUD of the armor to let her see as she prowled around sensing and looking around for her prey as she kept on guard as well for any traps or tricks he might have in store for her.

Braze Braze

This wasn't good. Braze felt the pressure mounting as Vandra Zambrano hunted him through the dense forest like a relentless predator stalking her prey. He knew he had to come up with a plan quickly, or he'd soon be at her mercy. Her determination was clear—she wouldn't stop until she had him, and if he tried to escape, she might raze the entire forest to find him. Braze's mind raced, searching for a way to outsmart her and protect the forest from destruction.

As Braze assessed his options, he realized that a direct confrontation with Vandra would likely end in disaster. She was powerful and had no qualms about using the environment to her advantage. Instead, he needed to use his surroundings to create a distraction. Drawing on his connection to the Force, Braze reached out to the forest, sensing the life forms around him. He focused on the smaller creatures, subtly influencing their movements to create noise and movement in various directions.

At the same time, Braze began to manipulate the air currents around him. He created a series of gusts that stirred the leaves and underbrush, amplifying the sense of chaos and confusion. The forest came alive with the sounds of rustling leaves and scurrying animals, making it difficult for Vandra to pinpoint his exact location.

To further mislead her, Braze used his telekinetic abilities to move rocks and branches, simulating the sound of footsteps and creating the illusion of multiple fleeing targets. This tactic bought him valuable time, allowing him to find a more secure hiding spot while Vandra was momentarily disoriented.
As he settled into his new position, Braze took a moment to catch his breath and focus his thoughts. He couldn't stay on the defensive forever; he needed a more permanent solution to escape Vandra's relentless pursuit. His mind went to the crystal cave nearby, a place he knew well and where he might find the means to turn the tables on his hunter.

Summoning his courage, Braze made his way stealthily towards the cave, all the while keeping his senses alert for any sign of Vandra. The forest, now a labyrinth of sounds and movements, provided the cover he needed to slip away. He hoped that the cave's unique properties would give him the edge he needed to survive this deadly game of cat and mouse.

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