Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Creation - Free Houses of Serenno

I don't want the thread to be flooded with non essential folks. You people figure out what you want to do here and lets work it out before it gets a wave of people banging the drums to war against the Mandos. Right now that dom is a dominion and its a political negotiation. No war has been made yet.

If at the end of the dom the counts don't like the deal they have been given then we can do a counter thread. A skirmish or invasion thread where the Serenno people and their allies had time to amass and rise against us.
Yes, @[member="Strider Garon"] is right. Only previously established Serennoan Counts should be involved in any negotiations in the current thread.

A separate thread will be made for the Houses of Serenno and associated allies (spies, mercenaries, etc.) to form and gather our resources. This will happen regardless if war breaks out or not, since I'm of the opinion that we Serennoans should have established ourselves as a minor faction long ago in the first place.

Time to remedy that problem.
Strider Garon said:
It would be in Serenno's best interest to concede to the fair demands. It would also open the door for said counts to join the Mandalorian Empire *Winks*
Nonsense. The high human culture of Serenno has nothing in common with Mandalorian culture. Any Count worth his title would never wish to join the Mandalorian Empire. ;)
Very well then, puppets. If you insist on sorting this out with only one Báthory... good luck. I will need it.

Don't trouble yourself with the Mando's words, @[member="Count Aretine"]. It has never been nor will it ever be our job to teach the dogs of war anything.
@[member="Geneva Báthory"] Don't take me wrong, I think you should definitely be involved in the dominion thread. I was mostly speaking towards other people who are not directly part of the Serenno nobility.

As a Viscountess though, most of the heavy lifting in the negotiations will fall to your superiors. But I'm sure your Countess would want you around.
Strider Garon said:
Well i got my wee wee slapped for saying Mandalorian "empire". Soo..... its mandalorian something something. lol. We won't be asking you to change your culture. Just ask for loyalty and homage.
You won't change our culture. You'll just take our money and resources. Thanks. :p
My dear @[member="Count Aretine"], as I said, a buffer. And an adviser. Carry on though. We shall see. For now, I shall let you deal with my sister.

Perhaps I shall just deal with the ones drinking my wine... hmm. We shall see.

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