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Faction Coruscanti Nights


Coruscanti Nights


Coruscant, the Jedi Temple… The Core Worlds have been plagued by war for centuries as various dark and light sided factions sought galactic supremacy. Coruscant is no different. The historic capital of the galaxy has been torn apart and rebuilt more times than most can count and from none of this destruction has the Jedi Temple been spared. Built long ago, the Jedi Temple was constructed atop the Sacred Spire, one of Coruscant's greatest peaks.

Now, having reclaimed Coruscant, the Alliance and the New Jedi Order seek to return the temple to its former glory. An undertaking that will take a great financial investment.


The Sword of the Jedi, Ryv Ryv Karis along with Emmen Tagge Emmen Tagge Chancellor of the Galactic Alliance and Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra Senator of Balmorra have devised a plan to raise money for the restoration project. In the Great Hall of the Jedi Temple, a grand ball and fundraising gala is being held for the most illustrious members of the galaxy. With the Chancellor and the Sword of the Jedi as the joint hosts of the event, dignitaries from far and wide are drawn to the luxurious event.


While the Galactic Alliance Defense Force and the Jedi rank-and-file have been called in to provide security for the event, the Senate, the top brass of the military, and the Alliance's most wealthy and royal citizens have been asked to attend. In addition, thousands of invitations have been sent out across the galaxy to welcome the royals and business tycoons from the Grand Duke of Geonosis and the Queen of Naboo to the Director of the Intergalactic Banking Clan and the Masters of the Silver Jedi.

The gala on Coruscant is set to be a who's who of the galaxies richest and most admired denizens, all in the hopes to raise enough funding to restore the temple to its former glory.

OOC: All foreign dignitaries not openly aligned with the Sith Empire or the Bryn'adûl (official hostiles to the Alliance) are welcome to attend the gala.​

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Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.
J E D I . T E M P LE , .C O R U S C AN T
M A I N . E N T R A N C E

"If you try an' check my invitation again, pateesa," the last word was strained, matching the Kiffar's expression that somehow managed to be a smile yet somehow not all at the same time as she plucked the card from the attendant's skeptical hands. "I'll shove it so far up your shebs you'll taste the karkin' embossment, tayli'bac? Now either announce me or get out the karkin' way."

It almost seemed that her appearance didn't quite match the expectations of the evening. And here she was, wearing her best (read: only) dress and her most serviceable combat boots. All scars, tattoos and cybernetics. Perhaps it was the tool belt. It did it feel a little out of place stripped down for a black tie affair.


Her fist began to curl, knuckles popping as she took a step forward to hurry along the decision.

To his credit, the beleaguered looking man tried to regain some measure of control over the situation for a heartbeat longer than most suffering her ire. Clearing his throat in what might've passed as an authoritarian move if his chin hadn't wobbled before straightening his back and bowing out of the way. Clearly deciding that being shanked over an all you can eat buffet and a bunch of rich elites wasn't quite worth hourly rate he was getting.

Finally." Runi muttered, sweeping past without a second or backwards glance. If he was going to call security, she wished him the best. A good honest scrap would be a welcome change to the den of politics she was descending into. Kark, she hated Coruscant. She sometimes wished the Sith had done the galaxy a favor by showing some rare competency and actually finished the job for once. "Now where the flyin' feth is the bar?"
// Whims Of Fate //

Having most of the galaxy either think you're dead or a myth had its perks. Especially when those who knew of you before are only familiar with the appearance of your previous vessel. Despite the many flaws this vessel possessed, the ability to be incognito was a godsend. It was hard not be recognized as a bright crimson Pureblood whose name and face was plastered all over corporate advertisements in the outer-rim. Now, however, with his presence in the force buried deep, he was practically a ghost. ...And a rather handsome ghost at that.

His dancing shades of blonde and sparkling azure eyes were not a visual testament to his identity like the wrinkly shades of scarlet and golden optics of the past were. All he needed was a name to further solidify his 'disguise'. Dax Sunreva, or Dax Sunreva-Veidt for those who claimed to be better acquainted. The rationale? A high-level corporate benefactor of the New-Imperials.
AvCorp™ wasn't publicly flaunted as the megacorp of the illustrious Darth Avernus outside of certain circles. But of course, claiming to be merely an executive board member would further protect him from any suspicions.

Avernus wasn't one to let the drip take a backseat, especially not at such a prestigious and important event such as this. Only the
best ensemble of drip and extravagance would do for this gala. The shades of gold popped severely, complimenting the golden shades of blonde that adorned his head. There was something far more aesthetically pleasing about the human body when compared to the spiny, wrinkly vessels of the Sith Purebloods. Besides, there was no better way to blend in on Coruscant of all places than to be a human. Even if the extravagance didn't do you in favors.

His apprentice Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt had accompanied him in his attendance of the gala. It was only fitting for a New-Imperial legion commander to eventually be groomed for the political echelons, wasn't it? The rationale of also being Dax's 'protection' not only served to make him seem important but also vulnerable. If history has taught us anything, masquerading as vulnerable makes you far less suspected as a Sith. Donating a generous amount of money to the cause of the New Jedi Order probably wouldn't hurt either. In fact, it might just give
AvCorp™ the traction it needs to gain a hold in the core.

Avernus arrived on-time for once. Forgoing his habit of being fashionably late to all events. He scanned over the proceedings with a sense of ease as he entered the Hall. A Sith among Jedi and Officials of the Galactic Alliance. And in the Grand Hall of the Jedi Temple no less. It was an almost humorous irony. Avernus would have to make a conscious effort not to act mysteriously smug when interacting with others. The sheer value of this odd, but not unheard of accomplishment was almost intoxicating.
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Coruscant // Galactic City // Jedi Temple
Great Hall
Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra

The sight of the ancient Palace of the Jedi teeming with activity brought joy to the old Tepasi. Like most unaffiliated with the order, he had never before had the pleasure of entering the Great Temple of Coruscant. The towering statues of the Four Masters at the main entrance had captivated him upon his arrival, long before the gala had begun. Despite quite obviously being restored versions of the long-destroyed original masterpieces, their looming presence still radiated a certain sense of power and significance -- as if the spirit of them had still survived.

The Galactic Alliance and New Jedi Order had worked hard to reach the level of trust and cooperation that brought them together for this moment. Despite the biases toward the Jedi that linger in some pockets of the Core Region, Emmen felt an obligation toward the Jedi Knights for everything they had done. Their successes far outweighed their failures, and as far as he was concerned the Galactic Alliance could never succeed without their guidance & wisdom.

Only together could they hope to stand a chance against the forces who would see the galaxy burn.

To respect the sanctity of the temple's hallowed grounds and to act as a show of trust between the government and the Jedi Knights, the Office of the Chancellor had declared that the Defense Force would not maintain a presence at the Great Temple. However, for the event on this night, members of the Federal Assembly's well-respected Senate Guard were granted special clearance to serve alongside the Temple Guards to ensure order.

"Magnificent work with the decorum, Senator," Emmen's compliment doubles as his greeting to the Balmorran as he joins her with a drink in-hand, "the Temple is far more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. Hopefully, with the funds received tonight, we can soon begin restoring some of the other temples across our territory."

He smiles and looks across the masses, watching their cheerful expressions while taking a sip of the bubbly blue liquid in his flute glass. With glimmering hope in his eyes, he looks back at Adhira and places a hand gently on her arm, "Were it not for your efforts, I fear the opposition may have seen their scheme brought to life. Your resolve on the matter as done a great service to this Alliance and New Jedi Order."

Holding out his glass to broadly gesture at the event, the Chancellor continues, "With each passing day, we seem to find more smiles on the faces of our people. Only a few years ago I could have never imagined this as a reality. Some might declare it a miracle, but I think that detracts from our hard work and effort. We've done this ourselves -- all of us. And I would say we've done a damn good job so far, wouldn't you?"

Coruscant // Galactic City // Jedi Temple
Great Hall - Near the Entrance
Nearby: Emmen Tagge Emmen Tagge | Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra | Avernus Avernus | Runi Verin Runi Verin


Although their reign within the Core was relatively short, the Galactic Alliance found itself rapidly taking strides towards restoring the Core Regions to the once and former Glory. Forever removing the stain left behind by the Sith and banishing all notion of the supposed Curse of the Core. The Republic Engineering Corporation was more than pleased to assist the fledgling Government in this endeavour - as they managed to establish a beneficial commercial pact. The Intergalactic Shipwright would strike it rich through the production, assembly and development of new technologies for the Alliance to purchase and utilize to their heart’s desire. This allowed the Corporation to spread its Influence across many member worlds - as they began purchasing significant quantities of unrestricted hardware to shore up their planetary defences. Such was the case with the myriad planets outside the Alliance’s sphere of Influence. However, those star systems would find their gear wholly different than what was provided to the Defence Force. It was a part of their pact’s stipulation, after all.

That didn’t stop those systems from bombarding their Sales Department with a ceaseless cascade of never-ending Orders. It was starting to get to the point that all of the manufacturing assets at the Corporation’s beck and call were overloaded. For the first time in years - Republic Engineering was forced to consider expanding its deep space fabrication facilities to keep up with the ever-increasing demands. However, that was a topic that could wait for a few hours at the very least. Tonight - this event was all about the Jedi making their triumphant return to the Queen of the Core. Naturally, having been favourable to the Jedi and their redemption, Otto believed that it would be beneficial to his Corporation to support them. The first step of such an initiative was the creation of the Star Runner - which wasn’t as popular as the Replica Droid initially hoped. Sadly, they elected to go with a design from one of his Competitors.

He couldn’t blame them, of course. Having seen the design himself - the Replica was impressed. It was chocked full of supplementary systems that were designed to aid the Jedi in combat. At the same time, the Star Runner was admittedly basic in comparison. That was fine. He wasn’t jealous. If they wished to compete in that arena - then more of his Design Teams would have to be devoted towards developing new, more responsive components to flesh out the next generation Jedi Starfighter. Sadly, that was an effort that would see precious personnel taken away from other projects that were currently in development. Otto mentally filed that issue under the pile of non-priority items growing within his cunningly concealed positronic matrix.

“You’re doing it again,” a soft voice whispered in his ear. Otto rapidly blinked twice before turning to the Woman clutching onto his arm. She was a Thyrsian who hailed from the distant, Sun-baked world of Thyrsus. Her Father was the Chieftain or Leader of Clan Nekarr. A man who had long been a supporter of Republic Engineering, and a high-ranking member within the Sun Guard - before their Reclamation Crusade. It was only fitting that he - the CEO of that Intergalactic Shipwright show that Warrior’s daughter the glitz and glamour of the slowly recovering Coruscant and the Core Worlds after that.

“Sorry,” Otto replied with an embarrassed smile. “If you weren’t here, I’m afraid I would’ve made quite the fool of myself.”

She smiled before shaking her head ever-so-softly. “You do that, regardless. Isn’t that why you’re always accompanied to events by a beautiful someone to keep your thoughts occupied?” Her words caused his lips to peel back into a wounded smile before issuing a whispered chuckle. She was right, and there was no way that he could contest her words without causing a petulant scene. So, the Replica took the gentle ribbing in stride - choosing to focus his photoreceptors on the gathering crowd before them.

In many ways, the gathering was a melting pot of political aristocracy who gathered on the steps of the partially renovated steps of the Jedi Temple. The Irony wasn’t lost on the Replica Droid, but the man would’ve been a hypocrite to not count himself amongst their growing number.

“So,” Otto said, clearing his proverbial task manager of all active threads and processes. “Shall we get ourselves something to drink, before mingling with the crowd?”

// FOCUS // Emmen Tagge Emmen Tagge Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra
Down In A Hole //

Coruscant. Tyrell hadn't been to the ecumenopolic heart of the galaxy since the days of the One Sith. It'd been years since he'd even thought about the massive city-sphere. The advent of The Sith Empire, the rise of the New-Imperials, between it all Coruscant was a distant and unimportant memory. The odd twists and turns that lead the once decorated admiral for numerous Sith regimes to being the high-command of the New-Imperials who defied Sith authority all culminated here; Among the Jedi and the Galactic Alliance as an ally. Jedi, Imperials, Federalists, and even Sith working together, even vaguely, was one of the odder alliances for the history books.

The Jedi Temple evoked an inexplicable sense of calm in Tyrell. He ignored any implication that it might be the supernatural significance of the site having and effect on him. He was here to represent the New-Imperials and show support for their allies, the last thing he needed was bothersome thoughts of 'the Force'. Though galas and fundraisers were far from the Imperial MO, he figured he might at the very least try to enjoy himself even for a little bit. It was the only reprieve he'd be getting for the foreseeable future.

"Chancellor Tagge," Tyrell greeted with a nod. His accent was a stark difference from the usual Core dialect. He either was unaware or not worried about the fact that he may have been interjecting. "A pleasure to finally and properly make your acquaintance. Tyrell Paxxus, Grand Vizier," he offered a hand to the Chancellor, some small semblance of a welcoming smile crawling across his face. Despite the lack of experience with galas and fundraisers, he was still, at the very least, confident in his skills as a diplomat and representative. Now he just hoped that Chancellor Tagge was as reasonable as Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar had claimed.



OBJECTIVE: Um.... diplomacy?!?!?
COMRADES (?): Avernus Avernus | Galactic Alliance? Wait, aren't they the enemy? Weren't they?
OPEN TO CONVERSATION (As long as it doesn't create an arrest warrant)
EQUIPMENT: Riot baton, armor
Dress suit, hat and shoes (unsuitable for combat)

What the hell was FN-999 doing here?

The idea of ever wearing dress clothes and going to a formal party had literally never entered the lieutenant's head before this very day. He was half convinced it was all a dream, and that he would wake up delirious from the still-healing wounds he received in Mygeeto. Yet the walls and floor felt solid under his body, and everyone around him seemed real. Without his trusty riot baton by his side, FN-999 felt uneasy. While he might be skilled in hand-to-hand combat, his lack of any weaponry made his chances of surviving a fight with an Alliance soldier close to nonexistent. Of course, it wasn't supposed to be a hostile meeting. However, he would have felt more comfortable having a weapon to defend himself with, After all, he had been at war with the Alliance less than a decade prior.

Yet, FN-999 specifically had still been called in for the occasion of this diplomatic meeting. The higher-ups thought that it was a good idea to expand their relationship with the Galactic Alliance, so they had brought along their usual assortment of noblemen and diplomats. For an unknown reason that still eluded FN-999, they had decided to bring along a field officer to represent the rank-and-file of the Stormtrooper Corps. The lieutenant had no clue why the Stormtrooper Corps needed to be represented at a meeting that was supposedly on friendly terms, but he was in no position to question his superiors. So here he was, miserably walking through the halls of a vast complex surrounded by people far more important than he would ever be.

FN-999's specially tailored dress suit covered up most of his fair skin, but his bald head remained prominent even under his hat. While the trooper normally didn't think much about his looks, he sincerely hoped the eyes of the attendants of this ceremony descended to the various medals of service on his chest instead of the empty spot on his head.

While the suit might be useless in stopping a bullet, it fortunately was not very heavy, almost feather-light compared to his usual armor. However, his dress shoes were another story entirely. Having practically lived in boots for the past two-thirds of his life, he would have preferred running into a machine gun nest to wearing these thin and cumbersome shoes. However, like many other choices that had been made throughout the night for him, FN-999 was in no position to question his superiors.

So he continued to stroll through one of the temple's main hallways, hoping earnestly that no one would recognize him as an ex-First Order stormtrooper.


Coruscant, how many times had Isaiah truly been able to visit the planet? To visit what many considered the center of the galaxy? In truth not many. Many political powers had held dominion over Coruscant, and many times over the ecumenopolis had faced destruction. Thankfully it was now held by a political power that sought to do right by the galaxy.

Standing at the base of the Jedi temple, Isaiah watched as others began to file into the building. One would like to say it was all walks of life that entered the building, in truth from what Isaiah could see it was more bureaucrats and those of high wealth. Puffing on his cigarra, one last time, the exile let it fall from his lips to the ground where he stomped its flamed and embers out.

Exhaling the smoke, Isaiah centered himself. This was his best bet to find Kaito if the man had deemed it time to show his face in public. The obnoxious growl of the warrior’s stomach gave a second reason why it was wise for the one-time Jedi to enter. It had been hours since he last ate, and the food was sure to be plentiful.

If people had been expecting someone Isaiah’s size to show up dressed to the nines, how wrong they were. The man wore a simple dark gray shirt, and pair of black pants as he made his way up the stairs towards the Temple Entrance.

Nearing it the mandalorian planned to stroll right in, but soon found his progress halted by an individual drabbed in cobalt armor, a pike held across the entrance. “Sir, I’ll need to see your invitation if I’m to let you in.” The soldier said, giving Isaiah a bilious glare.

Making a show of it Isaiah reached down and patted his pants pockets before reaching in. “Aw, now I know I put it here somewhere.” The exile commented in a clipped
coruscanti accent that he’d manage to pick up in his youth. “Here we are.”

Reaching out Isaiah slapped what appeared to be a credit chip into the official’s hand. Glancing back and forth the guard pocketed it and nodded his head. “Enjoy yourself sir.”

“Oh, I will.” As he passed by and entered the temple, Isaiah whispered. “Don’t spend it all in one place mate.” A large grin crossing the man’s face as he walked into the party blending in with the throng of people.

Raising an eyebrow, the official quickly fished in his pocket withdrawing what he thought to be a credit chip, to realize it was instead a token to redeem Avcoins. “Son of a Ka-!”

Isaiah heard the beginning of the insult as he moved deeper into the temple, a deep laugh escaping him at the naivety of the guard. He was lucky that the exile had even given him that much.

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Coruscant // Galactic City // Jedi Temple
Great Hall

It's So Overt It's Covert
Focus // Avernus Avernus FN-999

Cohered or tricked, it was difficult to decide how Avernus Avernus had managed to lure her into a gala of all things. Though it stirred the faintest of fond memories from Bescane. This was not her sphere of operation, but he hadn’t stopped talking and she had relented at some point for a moment of
silence. She had been cowed by the sheer stubbornness. Sweeping across the stone, the only reassurance she had were the polished boots under the layers of taffeta. The lights of the city were but smudges of colors as she shadowed the opulent Lord.

She had not expected to step foot back on the mega metropolis, let alone look upon the Jedi temple-the city was a quarter a credit but this.. The Temple had loomed well above her head, visible from the air space. An imposing sight, it lent a kind of grandeur and respect to its occupants she had never considered before. A different air in light of Korriban. Though it made this charade her master flaunted along as all the worse, and her gaze lingered on the back of the ‘man’.

This was tame for him, and still a cold sweat built on the back of her neck. Faintly considering points of exit out of bad habit. They couldn't truly be doing this right now.

He would spin his games as he saw fit, leaving Lyra to trail behind feigning interest-a stiffness to her shoulders as she idly watched those in attendance. The woman bet she could pick out an Imperial by posture alone amongst this crowd. The Alliance seemed to enjoy it’s celebrations, two in only a handful of months? The thought of the previous event wrought a frown from herself and she smothered her growing distaste. Everything shined and what a pretty idea it all was. Another cog to turn out a greater effort on the front and that was all the Commander wanted to see come from it. The faint inkling of the musicians and the thousands of voices forgotten in the cloudy hum of her mind. Raising deft servo plucking a chute of golden champagne from a server’s tray as they navigated the hall.

“Tell me Sunreva did you design these contacts to burn?” she muttered, stalking up to Avernus’ side; airing her ire. She was already counting the minutes. Lyra raised the glass to her lips, sipping away. A subtle hand swiping at the corners of her watery eyes. Sobriety above all was optional in her mind and she had an itch at the back of her throat that needed taming.
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// Moff Predor //
Objective // Find New Allies //
Focus // OPEN //

The partnership with the Galactic Alliance had been very lucrative in terms of information and access to all the core worlds that Boram visited for other, less official, business practices. Boram was hardly foolish enough to believe that this alliance between the two emergent factions would go so smoothly that they would never war with one another, even as much camaraderie as some of their more naive members seemed to have with one another.

It was the Good Moff's purpose here to understand his counterparts in the Galactic Alliance's senate. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.

But Boram was here to make sure that they didn't know him.

The kindly old man in the well-fitted suit was hardly what the former Serenno duke was in reality, the beautiful daughter clinging to his arm only here as another tool of influence. Family was only good for so little, but Tiala understood her purpose in life well enough. Her only goal in life was to benefit Boram's standing in the galaxy and to eliminate his enemies. That was all her position as Captain in the Imperial navy was good for.

"I will see you later, my dear." A falsely paternal kiss on the cheek, before he continued to whisper in her ear. "Find their admirals... and their vices."

One last soft smile towards his daughter as he began to feel the pain in his cheeks from forcing it so hard. It was unfortunate that people didn't love associating with blatant opportunists, it would make his life so much easier.

But for now, his hand grasped a glass of champagne from one of the passing waiters. Weathered old eyes looked out in the crowd in front of him, a hunger in his heart looking for something appealing.
Jedi Temple
Runi Verin Runi Verin

It was a very fancy party, and honestly, Ria wasn't sure she'd been to one fancier. Well, if she had, she didn't remember the slicer from the Vertical City was just passing by when she happened upon the ongoings. Ria at the very least dressed to play the part, utilizing funds she had gotten from somewhere. There was however the matter of being announced what is this one of those old FO gigs? People bein' announced always felt more like something the Imperials or Sith did when they wanted to show themselves off. When it was her turn to be announced she gave them her name and where she was from, Demonsgate. It was where she got her start, when the Underground rebelled and become the Kathout Outback - and then the Outer Rim Coalition and now the Outer Planets Alliance.
The blonde took a deep breath and exhaled time certainly had gotten away from her.
After she had been announced, the spacer stepped into the temple and suddenly felt very out of place. This feels worse than the time I ended up being named cat of the year on Eshan. Back when Ria was without a human form, and was stuck as the pet of the Echani Queen, Spencer Varanin. Although in hindsight, she should be grateful, the slicer could've easily ended up cremated after the events of the first Atrisian Rebellion. Ever since then the blonde has been here and there, mostly keeping to the shadows and monitoring the galaxy at large. Listening for whispers in the undervine, or whatever passed through the whisper network or even Darkwire as it was these days.
Ria strolled past the buffet and several prominent figures. She was nervous and decided that much like in her work, she would keep to the shadows. The blonde walked down the ambulatories. It hadn't occurred to Ria that an old friend was around, but then these days Ria didn't have much in the way of friends or relations. She was only grateful to be off Sotta the Hutt's radar, for now. Still, there was something welcoming about the Jedi Temple - even after the Sith had brought it to ruins. There should always be a place for the Jedi, she thought to herself. Taking in a deep breath again, she exhaled, right, bar - drink, something. Ria surveyed her surroundings before asking someone to point the way to the bar.
Jedi Temple

The cool wind that was blowing complimented the night very well. Coruscant had been a place he avoided for some time and the constant exchange between forces had seemingly crippled the populace to something of insanity almost. Or so it seemed that way to him. Aston was indeed happy to see the planet back into the hands of what the Repulic should have been, or well was. Since he was a young boy had had a soft spot for the Republic as a whole, over the years that spot hadn't changed very much. He just hoped that it would stay in good hands this time and wasn't bogged down by fething corrupt politics and the like.

Aston was here for really only one purpose, and that was to check out the seemingly refurbished Jedi Temple here on Coruscant. Aston was dressed rather decently and he started his path up the long steps of the Temple. The further he rose the statues of the four Master that had created what was this place could be seen. And a sense of awe and inspiration swept over Aston, almost like as if he was with Katrine but different. Simply because anytime he was with her that was always an adventure and something to be cherished. It was very personal too, and yet this was as well. This moment just struck home more than he would've fathomed. When he first arrived here many years ago as a young child these steps were intimidating and when he reached the top and the statues of the quad were towering over him. They were frightening to him at first as he wondered why one would need such a monument.

However as he learned more about them and the History of the Jedi it became clear and evident they were paramount. Aston glanced up and just gazed upon them as he placed his hands behind his back. The night was quite peaceful and the cool wind made things even more perfect. More so than he could possibly imagine. His concentration broke from laughter by some passerbys and Aston took a deep breath as he made his way further towards the enterance, passing his name off to the guards at the gate and suprisingly he was allowed in. He was sure he was going to have to take some convincing gvien he wasn't at full capacity with the Galatic Alliance, and for all intents and purposes was still a Jedi at heart.

The place was lively and Aston couldn't contain a laugh as it had been too long since he'd seen the place with this much life in it. Albeit, it was a political night, still a night that belonged to the Jedi and Galactic Alliance. Aston grabbed a drink from a passing waiter as he made his way through the crowd. His full purpose tonight was to scout the temple and see what changed and what hadn't. He raised the glass and took a drink.

It was good to be back.

He just smiled.

Coruscant // Galactic City // Jedi Temple //
Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt // Avernus Avernus //


Luc couldn't recall the last time he'd been invited to attend anything as pompous or official as a Gala, not since the last time he'd been on Serenno, at least. Recent memories were filled with the sweet smell of oil and grease, and where the comfortable environment on board a ship was missing, memories of combat and fighting had filled the void, warping the spacer's paradigm away from the free-spirited roots that he'd embraced, and carving him out into a man with ambition that he intended to see through to the end.

For the Exiled Prince of Serenno, his service with the New Imperial Order had brought with it plenty of opportunities to prove himself more than just that kid with a a laser sword, the same boy who was once content to travel the stars, jumping between different employers in order to sell his services to the highest paying bidder. For once having thought himself destined to a life in the shadows, Luc was proud to be more than just a rogue Jedi, and the exiled Prince of a Sith world would no longer come to refer to the underworld as his home. Nirauan had replaced that bleak existence, and even though the world paled in comparison to his beloved Serenno, he'd come to appreciate it for all that it was, and all that it would become in the future. For much like the world he now called his home, Luc planned on carving himself a place in history with nothing more than his own diligence, a similar fate which awaited his new home once the threat of the Sith was dealt with for good.

But until that point was reached, all he could do was be patient for the opportunity of a lifetime to arise. In the meantime he'd continue doing his duties to the best of his abilities, and making an appearance at the Coruscanti Gala just so happened to be one of them, much to his dismay. Pompous gatherings of Jedi and foreign dignitaries was not the scene that he'd come to enjoy, but the Order's lone Jedi stood alone as one of the more marketable force users that openly served the New Imperial Order in their stand against the Sith threat. Despite his questionable Jedi lineage, Luc was a far-cry from the Inquisitors and Force Knights that equally sought to be the will of the Imperator in their respective roles. The reclamation of his homeworld was the primary reason for his continued service to the Order, but it didn't hurt to market himself as a bit of an altruist in the fight against the Sith, in case it helped sway anymore Jedi to arms against the immediate threat to the Galaxy, Bryn'adul aside.

Lucien didn't mind most of the publicity that was being delivered his way, as his own plight against the Empire required allies, something that he found lacking among the ranks of his own peers for reasons that seemed more selfish than anything. As much as he hated attending events such as the current one he was at, he could at least take solace in not having to deal with the game of thrones that was Imperial politics for a short period of time. And besides, there was free alcohol being offered, and that was more than enough to seal the deal in his books.

With a glass of expensive brandy in hand, Luc wandered around the expanse of the room with no goal in mind but to have as carefree a night as he could make it. He was under no orders to make an impression, and besides, it wasn't in his character to not be himself, regardless of the company around him. Small talk would ensue wherever he went, but sooner than later the Prince would make his leave, heading off into the crowds to wander his way to the next gathering of people to entertain him for a time. But the conversation would grow stale, as his interests in the topics of high society had long waned since his fall from grace, and Luc could only entertain them -- or be entertained by them, for that matter -- for so long.

Eventually his wandering antics had brought him clear across the room, and with it came the appearance of a familiar sight that far more piqued his interest than whatever conversation the dignitaries present could give him. Weaving through the mass of people between him and the one in his sights, he cut a straight-forwards path towards the woman that had caught his eyes, only shifting his gaze slightly towards the blonde man near her before writing him off as a non-factor and locking his gaze back onto her. Armed with his signature smirk, he approached her from the front, two fingers being brought to the top of his brow as he gave the woman a playful salute to accompany the playful expression that encompassed his demeanor. "Legion Commander Voi'kryt, right?" He asked, if only to be polite, as he definitely knew her by name despite the two having never interacted directly. "Can't say I've had the pleasure nor the opportunity to introduce myself yet-- but now's a better opportunity than any other."

Luc extended a hand towards her shortly after, then segued himself into formally introducing himself, in case she hadn't figured out who he was. He wasn't going to assume that she'd remembered him, as the last time they'd been in eachother's presence had been an extremely awkward situation, no thanks to the red-faced chicken-suit wearing Sith lord whose shuttle they were on. "The name's Lucien, Lucien Dooku. It's a pleasure to finally speak with you, miss Voi'kryt."

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Elias Vati

Location: Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Wearing: Last Minute Suit
Tags: FN-999
All the time he spent on Coruscant and Elias never had the opportunity to spend time in its landmarks, such as the Jedi Temple. When a diplomatic event between the Galactic Alliance and the New Imperials was to take place, Elias was given the 'humble opportunity' to attend the formal event with the one suit he could find at the nearest tailor in the Senate District which was worth more than all his Sector Ranger equipment. He arrived with a few other judicial, both pompous or didn't want to be there though the former was the majority. They were mostly higher rank than Elias and he was one of the only junior officers present. He wasn't good when it came to talking to politicians, he was a solider and he didn't know how to bridge the gap between the two.

With about 10 minutes of just standing around, Elias decided to leave the party floor and drift into the hallway where it was more peaceful as he was nursing a drink he got with the rest of the judicials. He didn't know what it was, one of his colleagues got it for him but it was purple and he knew that much. He was gonna sip it eventually. But right now he needed to find something to make this whole stay worthwhile. As he paced through the hallway of the Jedi Temple, it was something he had never seen before. Well everything new to him was breathtaking and that's what gave Elias something to be happy about. One of the perks of being a sector ranger is that you can be sent to places in the galaxy that each have a unique essence to it. The Jedi Temple was no different. Its architecture and how it utilized lighting was something to behold as well as its nice blend of utility and aesthetic. A look to the side and he could see Coruscant at night. The city lights and the stream of sky cars flooding the skyline was nice to look at in a casual setting. The lights in the skyscrapers and speeding sky cars gave Elias a feeling of solidarity in his own isolation, ironically enough.

He just spent what seemed like an eternity on the balcony in the night sky with the Coruscanti breeze in his face. The blend between utility and aesthetic became more self evident as it was probably instrumental to who the Jedi lived and trained at the temple. He wasn't too familiar with the Jedi Order but he was familiar with how the framework of their code is associated with peace, serenity, and knowledge. There's a lot of that that can be found in the temple even for someone who wasn't as force sensitive. Suddenly the loud outburst of laughing behind him broke the aura and the happiness Elias had was soon dashed. He walked away from the balcony and started to drift down the hallway aimlessly, away from the noise.

After a few paces forward, he saw an officer walking aimlessly in the hallway. The blank and lost look on his face was something he could relate to. He walked up to the man "Military right?" He asked as he stood adjacent to him. "Don't worry, I'm law enforcement. Basically the same, I'm just as lost as you are."
Major Faction


Paragon of Sacrifice

// Sword of the Jedi //
Jedi Temple // Coruscant //
Fornicate with Women // Acquire Currency //
// Emmen Tagge Emmen Tagge // Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra //


"Damn right, Chancellor."

A familiar voice to the Chancellor and Balmorran Senator sounded out from behind them as Ryv joined the duo. He stepped up beside Emmen, the Tepasi man a good few inches larger than the Kiffar Jedi Knight. Ryv offered both of them a broad smile, something many considered typical for the young Jedi Knight. Unsurprisingly, he opted for the typical Ryv-regalia, sticking with the worn leather jacket he'd refused to part with on several occasions thus far. A bit more effort than usual went to styling his hair in a way that kept it out of his face, lending to a more put together aura about the beaming Jedi, even though the rest of him screamed casual Friday. Much like the older man beside him, Ryv held tight to a glass of his own. It appeared to be some form of bubbling drink, likely a soft drink or sparkling water. At first glance, it wasn't a stretch to pass over Ryv entirely, looking for something or someone more imposing. Most came to recognize the Kiffar for his stalwart determination or unfaltering sense of hope, given his outward appearance fell short of many other leaders among the galaxy.

"Everything the Alliance has become stems from the effort of its people. Sure, it had a phenomenal guiding hand along the way," Ryv leaned forward, peering at both Emmen and Adhira. "With the Senate, the office of the Chancellor, the more proactive Jedi, the military-minded, and the well-meaning citizens, we've overcome every obstacle set before us," he leaned back, arms crossed. The Jedi's train of thought faltered momentarily, his mind wandering towards his missing master and those lost along the way. "I'm just glad you've all given us a chance to be a part of something like this once again. I'll never say the Jedi have been perfect, but I think, for the most part, we've managed to do our best. We're just normal people at the end of the day, just lucky enough to have space magic," Ryv's hands dropped to the side, and he took a step forward, moving to disengage from their conversation.

"Really, thank you both," Ryv dipped his head in a nod before turning on his heel to stride deeper into the gala. Parties and other rowdy get-togethers weren't an uncommon outing for Ryv. With his past life working within the Outer Rim, and his time spent melding back into society as a functioning member, more casual settings were preferred to the black-tie affair. Still, the Sword of the Jedi couldn't just abandon it altogether. He spoke up in favor of the New Jedi Order, serving as its face during the fledgling months of its existence. Adhira's brilliant idea for a gala to raise money in hopes of completing the temple's refurbishment wouldn't go unappreciated, especially since she allowed the young Kiffar to directly involve himself in its planning beside her. Everything began adding together, slowly but surely. Missions were flown, battles fought, arguments won, and actions recognized. Piece by piece, the New Jedi Order earned its place within the Galactic Alliance, yet, Ryv still wished for more.

It wasn't the corrupting touch of lust or envy that ailed him. What respect came with the unofficial voice of the Alliance Jedi meant the world to him, but it didn't push him, nor did he hunger for more. When he looked over his closest friends, he couldn't be happier seeing them thrive and succeed where so many others failed. Ryv just longed for the days he trained beside his master, Cedric, discussing the simpler things between missions. A hand subconsciously fell to the Blade of Ruusan as Ryv recalled the pivotal role his mentor held in his life. Leadership wasn't a trait the Kiffar felt he held naturally. It was something picked up along the way, a mixture of his experiences and the wisdom Cedric deemed to share. Had the rogue Jedi Master been there to celebrate the future laid out before them, one that could see a potential return to glory for the Jedi, Ryv would've considered the night perfect. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

Ryv busied himself with introductions and greetings to keep his mind off more depressing thoughts. After a dozen senators, a handful of foreign dignitaries, and potential up and comers within the budding Jedi Order, the Kiffar needed something else to do. He excused himself from the ongoing conversation a Chandrilan dignitary roped him into and wandered towards a row of tables lining the westernmost wall. Ryv hopped onto a chair and sipped on his drink in silence, viewing the gala unfold with a somber smile.

LOCATION: Jedi Temple, Coruscant​
WEARING: suit and tie with discreet combat boots​
OBJECTIVE: Jedi Security Detail

Lon didn’t know when the last time he was invited to such an extravagant Gala. He was always away from the temple doing missions at the request of the council and when he was on the temple at Coruscant it was always for business. This was the first time he would have managed to be home for more than a few days and he was revelling in it at every opportunity even if that meant he would just be delegated to the Jedi security detail, with the number of prominent senators milling about it was a necessity if anything were to happen to them it would cause such political chaos that it would spell the death of the Galactic Alliance and squander any hope of an injection of much needed funds to restore the temple.​

Although Lon was a formal man with whomever he was speaking to he found it difficult to blend in with the crowd. The Jedi had been asked to go undercover removing any attire that may draw the attention of any would be attackers, as Lon was usually dressed for a combat situation he found it to be the most challenging aspect of the job having to be dressed in a suit and tie with his lightsaber tucked in his boot with the cold hilt relentlessly rubbing against the back of his heel. If the night went as smoothly as Lon had hoped the worst he would be dealing would be a nasty blister that would form tomorrow morning as a result of tonights events.​

The room was lively and full activity as Lon walked around greeting the senators and partaking in small talk but keeping an ever present eye on the growing crowd of the Galactic Alliance’s most illustrious denizens for any suspicious characters, so far he had not managed to find any that concerned him even with the use of his force enhanced senses.​

Lon however could not shake the feeling that was done intentionally to divert any suspicion of enemies being hidden in the crowd. The Gala had made enough news in the local media which no doubt would eventually reach the ears of the many enemies of the Jedi Order mainly, the Sith. Such a large number of senators under one roof would be a political disaster and a severe loss of life if the Sith had managed to successfully infiltrate the Gala.​

Weaving his way through the crowd Lon made his way on to the other side of the room towards the back wall in clear view of the guests as they began to take to cluster themselves around the tables stationed all around the center of the room. It would be an easier way a keeping an eye on all of them and it gave him a clear line of sight if any of the Sith who would dare think to assassinate any of them from afar with a blaster shot.​

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//: C O R U S C A N T //:
//: T E M P L E //:
//: D I V A //:
D R I P //:
Ryv Ryv Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl / OPEN TO ANYONE

Lights of the cityscape shined brightly as the woman stepped out of the car with the help of the driver. She smiled softly and slipped the man a few credits for his services. Having had to arrive later than her date, Allyson decided to take her time getting ready. The black dress she wore looked as if someone painted her slender frame with a fine brush, even strokes of the fabric moved with her never creasing. It fit her like a glove, and Allyson didn't remember a time she felt more beautiful than right this second. The Temple was full of life, and as the speeder left her at the doorway, Allyson couldn't help admiring the skyline of the city lights.​

It was hard to imagine the full history of the planet in the past few decades. The Sith had held the planet hostage, but now it was back with the Alliance as a beacon of hope. It made sense why he was born here. The Corellian found her mind wandering to a certain Jedi Knight, happy that he was in her life. He made her heart flutter as a blush kissed her cheeks. A cool breeze caused the brunette to return from cloud nine as she shivered and was quickly ushered indoors by one of the door people. Allyson entered the beautifully decorated Temple, she was greeted with hundreds of faces, new and old.​

The room was full, and Allyson smiled, feeling like a small piece to the giant machine. Crossing her arms in front of her as she looked around for familiar faces. She spotted a few, especially one that seemed to instead sit on his own in the corner. She smiled softly, of course, the Sword of the Jedi decided to stick to his guns with his infamous jacket. Allyson began to make her way towards the man but was soon caught up with others that had found interest in the Corellian. Being one of the few Masters of the Order, Allyson seemed to have gained some attention. There were usually so many prolific people in the room, Allyson was used to flying under the radar. No one ever wanted to speak to her, they wanted to talk to the person she was with. The attention was a bit overwhelming, and she did her best to keep up with the smiles and answering the questions.​

Her natural charisma flowed, only proving why she was a natural at her work. Being a Jedi Shadow, she could wear the necessary personality to deal with politicians and those that played in this realm. As a whole, the entire event reminded her of her childhood on Corellia. Having her father be who he was in the Corellian shipbuilding world, she would attend these events being the supportive piece for her father. Memories of doing party tricks with little electronic toys and taking thousands of photos with her family showcasing her father as a family man filled Allyson's thoughts. With a moment of quiet, she excused herself and took a moment to breathe.​

Charity events to raise the money required her to be on her best behavior, show the Jedi in the best of lights. On the note of being a good Jedi, Allyson blinked quickly, remembering her Padawan was supposed to have met her here. Suddenly, she sent him a message through comms asking where he was at. The tapping of her heels echoed as she moved towards the doorway to wait for him. The concept of these events could be overwhelming, and she wanted to make sure he was going to be alright to mingle with the others in the room. Hopefully, other padawans would find their way in so he would be able to find others to relate to.​

While she waited for the Padawan, she looked towards Ryv again, she would have to make her way towards him. Seeing that she had been swarmed, she figured he would be crowded as well any time soon.​
Coruscant // Galactic City // Jedi Temple
Great Hall
Celebrate & Carouse
Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra Ryv Ryv Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus

Emmen's head turns to the sound of Ryv's voice, the smile still stretched across his face from his own words to the Senator. Dressed in casual, modern clothing, the Jedi Knight was a bit of an anomaly to the old Chancellor. He had always pictured the Jedi to be rather plain in their appearances, at least those who still practiced their most ancient traditions. But their Sword, and a number of others he had met since the New Jedi Order came to prominence, seemed to completely defy this image that he had painted of them in his mind. Perhaps it, like many other things, was a product of a bygone age. Another subtle sign that they were stepping forward into a new era.

"Ryv Karis,"
he holds up his glass as a silent toast to the Kiffar. Bringing the glass to his lips to take another sip, he nods along as the Jedi lists those responsible for their successes. It was an indescribable feeling of success to witness most every corner of their region-spanning society cooperate to slowly but steadily pull them from the Core's great recession. In only a few short months they had already made significant progress, but there was still much to do.

"This night is for you and your Order, Ryv," a chuckle escapes him, "you don't need to thank us anymore than you have. Go, enjoy the celebration," he looks back at Adhira with a humoured grin, "I'm certain you don't want to spend the party among politicians."

As one conversation ends, another begins seamlessly with the departure of the Jedi Knight flowing to the arrival of the Grand Vizier.

If he understood the New Imperial Order's feudal-inspired system correctly, Tyrell acted as their head of government while the Sovereign Imperator, Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar , filled the role of Commander-in-Chief and as some form of absolute authority. Here in the Galactic Alliance, these positions were both held by himself, the Chancellor, but under the scrutinous watch of the Senate. Standing face-to-face, he knew that they were two sides of a coin, even if it was not as shockingly obvious as it had been when the Imperator stood before him.

Nonetheless, as his diplomatic counterpart and a military ally of the Alliance, the Grand Vizier would have the Chancellor's respect.

Emmen gives the Balmorran Senator a tight smile with a raise of his eyebrows as a silent apology for the sudden interruption. But, it was business first afterall, and so he turns to greet the Imperial diplomat with an expression of kindness.

"Ah, Grand Vizier Paxxus. Yes, it is a pleasure." he extends his hand to give a firm shake, "I must say, I'm surprised you've come all this way. Have you been to Coruscant before?"


It was very rare that Custani traveled to the Core Regions, much less to Courscant however today was a special occasion and therefore did not count. As the Viceroy of Mechis III entered the Great Hall of the Jedi Temple, he was astounded by the large statutes of fallen Jedi Masters. They were marvelous.​
The representative of the Confederacy was not exactly fond of large, social gatherings however he felt much better surrounded by other diplomats and friends, unlike now. But, he would manage as he always did.​
"Chancellor, Grand Vizier. I've heard a lot about the both of you. Senator Chandra, a pleasure to meet you at last. I am Viceroy Custani Valcho, representative of Mechis III and the Confederacy at minimum"​

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Coruscant // Galactic City // Jedi Temple
Great Hall - Upper Level
Drink & Observe

Quietly standing near the stone railing of the upper level to have a better vantage over the crowds below, Cassius observes the masses while taking occasional sips from a tumbler of Chadian rum in hand. He had already spotted a number of questionable looking outsiders mingling with representatives of the Alliance. With a scowl seemingly chiseled onto his face, he rests his drink on the railing and drums his fingers along the glass.

While he was proud of everything the Galactic Alliance had accomplished, he couldn't help but wonder how long it would all last. To the East, the war against the Sith Empire was already in full swing. The combat reports were promising, but there were many other threats, both within and beyond, that concerned him equally. Between the forces from the Mists rallying in the Brentaal system, the brutish hordes rampaging across the South-East of the Galaxy, and the rumours of organized terrorists hiding in the Unknown Regions, it was easy to succumb to paranoia.

Even the New Imperial Order, who somehow ended up being the Alliance's sole ally in the fight against the tyranny of the Galaxy's great oppressor, couldn't be trusted completely. He could only imagine what twisted desires the Sith who walk among them carried, and where their attention might turn when Bastion finally fell.

The Anaxsi had certainly not forgotten that it was betrayal that had brought the Old Alliance to its knees.

He takes another swig of his drink, his piercing gaze scanning the faces below him with an inexplicable rage welling up inside of him. Realizing this, he draws a deep breath and holds it while closing his eyes, taking a moment to try and gather himself. Indeed, it was far too easy to succumb.
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