Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corrupt a wish


Well-Known Member
Granted, but it's white chocolate and therefore not even really chocolate at all.

I wish people would stop wishing for what to wish and more wishes.


Well-Known Member
Granted, now there are so many websites that your particular site gets washed away in a flood of twelve year olds who make copies of 4chan to prove ot their friends that they can internet.

I wish this airtight cell had Type I atmospheric air with the purpose of my being able to breathe with no poison or additives that would make it difficult for me to breathe.
its an airtight cell and you are unable to see the outside world... ever. You die lonely and quickly as you starve to death without food or water.

I wish for lies to cease existing.

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
You think of more wishes, knowing full well that they will either not come true or be corrupted, whichever leaves you worse-off.

I wish to not die.
Granted, you never die.. but eventually Earth does and you spend the rest of forever floating aimlessly in space.

I wish I didn't miss that event.

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