Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Clubbing


Hacks shouldered her way through the crowd towards the bar, standing a head and a half above everyone else in the room. A heavy set leather jacket hung from her shoulders, adorned in a hundred small trinkets of trash and rusted spikes that had once littered the streets of Denon and the Smugglers Moon. Latex pants clung tight to her metal form and heavy combat boots cushioned the thunder of her steps. When her eyes scanned the room she knew this was no Iridium Green or Count Zero, that much she could tell. It would make do.

Her plastic eyes fell on Yula Perl and Hacks' heart beat quicker. The last time she had seen her Hacks' had been an entirely different woman, yet much the same. Her foul attitude remained, but her body forever changed. Once a Denon mod-junkie with a penchant for abnormal enhancements. Now she strode on long metal legs, towering over even the tallest in the room, her body all plates and wires and tubes, a grotesque caricature of cybernetics gone too far. All that looked natural was her face, but upon closer inspection one could see the distinct indents of synthskin that ran in geometric shapes along her bone structure, and plastic eyes that never blinked.

Hacks had been furious with Yula in what felt like another life, believing the woman to have conspired with the Jedi to infiltrate Darkwire. Daiya had disregarded her as delusional. Hacks could taste the bitter irony, the Jedi now controlled her as a puppet, the yoke of SIA weighed heavy. Although she had lost her freedom and the last vestiges of her humanity, the shadow of her handlers gave her some leniency to wander the planet-city on occasion. Now she stood staring at Yula, an unwilling lapdog of the Alliance and the Jedi, hatred seethed.

A deep grunt left her clenched jaw and as she moved to find another bartender, only to see Yula retreat from the bar herself in a huff. Hacks shoved her way through patrons, then spying a girl who brought back a sense of familiarity, someone she had seen once before but forgot. She looked down at the blue haired teen and frowned, she tried to grasp where and when but gave it no more than a second thought, brushing past the girl and deeper into the club.
ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ


"Hey. Good to see you. Oh. Luric, Tayl. Tayl, Luric. Jedi friend, Mandalorian friend."

Tayl nervously glanced at Iris and then Luric, but still managed the decency to give the man a smile and a polite nod.
"Well, there's my cover gone I guess" she stifled a chuckle.

"Well met, Tayl. Any friend of Iris is good company indeed."

From there, Iris' friend seemed more interested in her, so Tayl simply took her drink once it had arrived and got to sipping the orange-red cocktail which she had grown accustomed to over the years she was stuck here. Though, This place was a lot more welcoming than the places she'd been drinking at until now, and the drink was a little higher quality too.

As their conversation went on though, she couldn't wondering just who he was to Iris. It sounded like maybe they'd seen some heavy chit together, maybe even on part with the things she'd seen and done beside Iris? Well, minus the whole being burnt to a crisp part and Iris saving her life part too. Luric here seemed like he had most of his skin still, unless he got higher quality synthskin than herself.

Honestly, the guy was kind of pretty. or... handsome? whatever the Aruetii word was for an attractive guy. More so an internal acknowledgement than genuine interest though, considering the young Twi'lek was definitely more of a girl's kinda girl. Maybe...

Not exactly something they taught her about when leaving Kamino.

More so she was starting to figure she might be a little late in her previous attempts to express whatever she was feeling to Iris, given that the two seemed so friendly already. Chit, did Iris even like women?

I would be honored if you would allow me to take you to dinner, if it pleases you?"

Couldn't they just order food here though? No wait, isn't that a romantic gesture in their culture?

Oh! Ohhhhh...!

She swallowed or rather inhaled her drink a little too quickly just then, getting some of it stuck in her throat which she had to clear.
Of course she'd also just take another sip and glance off at the dancing crowd, pretending like nothing had happened at all.

It was right around then that Hacks Hacks , an intriguing cyborg she'd never quite seen before, stopped at the bar for just a moment.

The synthskin was actually what caught her eye at first, even despite the extensive cybernetics that also had her curious after a time. A part of her wondered if that woman had gotten her mods in a similarly violent fashion as herself, or if it was more common than she thought to replace things pre-emptively. Maybe she was from Denon? where she'd actually first met Iris.

Funny to think that they were enemies by circumstance back then. And not nearly as long ago as she'd like either. But thankfully, it seemed that her bounty hunting days were over.

"Oh you are too beautiful." He said when she handed him a glass of booze. "Thank you, Mai, I got the next one."

He wasn't trying to show off. Well, maybe a little but he'd always tried to live his life not owing chit to nobody, even a drink.

"You here alone or got a date?" She asked, drawing a wide glowing smile on his face.

"Nah. It's just me tonight and you got all my attention if you want it." He said leaning in so he wouldn't need to yell.

His smile remained even though he immediately felt like a karking fool. Being alone was a mistake on his part really and had nothing to do with not having a date. If he was smart he would of brought one of his boys with him. Right now if chit went down, he was alone, not s single soul to have his back if got into a mess and Ragos' life as of late was jumping from one mess to another.

Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus
Making a thoughtful 'hmm' at her woes, he took another gentle sip.

"Perhaps a change of perspective? You see love flourishing, I see it wax and wane - some of these couples will last, some will not, and some will not even get off the ground. Take it as it comes, I say." Smiling wryly, he held a hand to his chest. "Unless you happen to me, of course. If I bring someone of insufficient status home I would never hear the end of it."

His family was not entirely unreasonable, of course. Nobility wasn't a hard requirement - exceptional merit would do too.

Eying the whiskey, he clicked his tongue. "True, but it's a bit too woody for my taste. Especially the older vintages; to be honest, I prefer some of the newer, cheaper alternatives... but I keep the older, pricier goods around for appearances."

Gaze briefly wandering, the young Serennian shuddered as he caught sight of Hacks Hacks - a hand subconsciously reaching up to touch his cheek as if to confirm the flawlessness of the artificially regenerated tissue.


Location: Mirage
Objective: Have a drink, check out the VIPs
Tags: Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek

"You bet you will!" Mairéad laughed as she tapped her glass against his. He was Family, she really wasn't going to keep track of a single drink. It was good to run onto a familiar face, even if it wasn't one she knew well, yet. "Your undivided attention? Lucky me." she smiled while her eyes scanned the room quickly just out of habit to check noone else was trying to eavesdrop. "What brings you here? I have a club of my own not far from here and it's always nice to see what the competition are doing." by competition she meant the club, but also the other gangsters that circled local Family assets.

She continued to with her drink leaned her back against the, bar lighting up an Ivory and offering the open cigarra case, there were only white tips in Mai's packet unlike the mischievous Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora . A light puff of smoke swirled around the beautiful brunette and she gestured into the room. "I can't imagine too much excitement here tonight though, place is half filled with fething jedi." She recognised a few of them, but often it was just the way they carried themselves and the sensation of the force about them. She let out a light laugh, she didnt really have a problem with the Jedi, some of the more militant types such as the Ashlans could be trouble, but most would leave you alone unless you tried something.



Iris canted her head to the side. Just a little. And laughed.

"If you want to ask me on a date, ask me on a date. Nobles might expect a lot of the flowery language, but I don't. We're friends, right?" Was Bri taught to behave the same way? Iris's earliest memories of meeting her didn't seem to suggest it. Maybe. Honestly, those were still under the haze of colors she still hadn't learned to see through. Regardless, floweriness wasn't her cup of tea. She took another sip of her drink, glanced towards Tayl. Snickered again, just a little.

"You look good, Tayl. I don't think I've seen you out of your armor like this." Since what happened, anyway.

Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla | Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest

Outfit: Link

Unable to spot her in the crowd, Aiden decided to turn back to the bar and perhaps strike up some conversation with the bartender or other patrons who had gathered near him while he waited. But right after he did, he noticed someone walking up to the bar in his peripheral vision, a little too close to him for it to be anybody but-

"Hey there, handsome,"

He felt his heart skip a beat when she stepped in front of him, leaned against the bar, and brushed against the side of his arm with her hand. For a moment longer than he probably should, he just looked at her, his jaw lowered enough for anybody to notice. When he realized he was staring himself, he snapped out of his trance with a shake of his head and flashed her the usual Corellian grin she was quite familiar with. "Bri..." he began, still a little lost in those sapphire eyes. "You look amazing," he quickly added, now a little more composed again.

Be cool, he kept reminding himself.

Aiden then watched her again, as she ordered a drink and gave it a try, which sparked quite a surprising result from her. He began to chuckle and nodded at the bartender, who understood his signal and put her drink on his tab. "Just don't drink it too fast. It'll knock you out quick," he warned her with a wink before he took quite a large sip from his own drink. "I didn't think I'd find myself in a place this fancy, but it's pretty great."

His eyes shifted around for a moment, taking in the dancefloor and all the people around them enjoying their time off. But ultimately, they quickly settled back on the woman who he couldn't stop looking at. "You feel like dancing or want to go for a few rounds of drinks first?" He asked before a more wry grin appeared on his face, "I don't think dancing drunk on those heels is a good idea though, but I wouldn't be surprised if you'd pull it off."

Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Current Outfit

Hilal laughed giving Hex a small nudge on the arm. "Oh you know what I mean!" She spoke giggling. "Yeah I'm not on top yet but I'm sure all that glitz and glamor chit is overrated."

She turned to Hex smiling. "The real reward is hanging out with my best friend in the whole Galaxy!" The young woman rubbed her nose against hers seeing the bartender fix up some drinks. Neither of them were 18 but Hilal is considered an adult by Mandalorian standards and damn it she will present herself as one.

"Let me guess," Hilal chuckled. "It's the neon lady?"

Hex Hex

Location: The Mirage
Outfit: xxx
Tag: Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla

So, Luric went out clubbing and didn't think she'd know?

Of course she knew. Artemis wasn't going to miss out, either. Now that she had officially joined the ranks of the NJO, she didn't need to go sneaking around. She could go out clubbing whenever she felt like it. It was refreshing, not to have to stuff a change of clothes and all of her makeup in her bag and get ready on the go -- and change back into her temple clothing and scrub her face of makeup when she returned. Master Yi had been strict like that, and it really cramped her style. Yes, she was a classically trained martial artist... but she was also a young woman that wanted to party!

This club was nice; she immediately liked the energetic atmosphere. Her dark eyes narrowed slightly as she scanned the club, looking for Luric. And soon enough, she spotted him by the bar... with a girl? Well now...

Artemis made her way over, confident strides in tall heels brought her over to the trio. "I found you," she said, glancing to Luric. "You should have told me you were coming here. You know I love clubs." There was an expression of mock offense on her face. Artemis didn't want to embarrass her old friend... okay, well maybe she did just a little bit.

"Hi," she said, turning to the ladies sitting nearby. "I'm Artemis! It's nice to meet you both. Luc's an old friend... and sort of like, my master now I guess." Wow, that felt odd to say. Nevertheless, Artemis gave Iris and Tayl a friendly smile.

Then, she leaned closer to Luric. "Hey, she's cute." Artemis nodded towards Iris. "Did you ask her out yet?"

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"Your undivided attention? Lucky me." She said with a smile that he fully returned.

"Cheeeit, girl, I'm the lucky one. Before I ran into you, tonight was lookin like a bust fo'real. Chit, I think we might be able to have a good time though."

Ragos wasn't even flirting when he said it. Okay, so he was flirting pretty hard but it wasn't all he was doing because he was talking the truth. This fething club was wack but Mai was undeniably pretty and considering where they met she was also undeniably dangerous. Ragos was a sucker for that, he was old school in that way.

"What brings you here? I have a club of my own not far from here and it's always nice to see what the competition are doing." She asked.

"Oh chit. So I was over in Sunny Side right?" He started to say with a laugh as he gratefully took one of the offered cigarras. Sunny Side was a project house on the eightieth something level of Coruscant that got its name because of the forty minutes of natural light it received each day. It was also the place Ragos bout the avabush he planned on smoking himself.

"So I'm over there right meeting up with my boy G'mz and his other homie is there saying how he been to this club and that chit is poppin, mad exclusive and full of hunnies." Ragos lit the cigarra and took a drag before continuing.

"I says he is full of chit cuz I ain't ever heard of this place and I know clubs." He left out that his dad owned and operated one. "But he won't shut the kark up about it, telling me I couldn't get in and all this chit, so I'm here."

Just as he failed to mention his father, he also fail to mention that he was at work. Casing the club to see what the best way to make it make credits for him. He could maybe come back in through the kitchen one night right before close with some boys and rob the joint but that chit is risky and it's a one time lick. Smart money puts somebody on the inside to sell his chit or maybe a girl or two.

"But no chit? You own a club? What's it called?" He asked with sincere interest.

"I can't imagine too much excitement here tonight though, place is half filled with fething jedi." She said.

"Kark 'em." He said waving the bartender over for more drinks. He looked around the club to get a look at all the Jedi Mai mentioned being around. He couldn't really tell one way or the other, never having really met any Jedi when suddenly his gaze fell on the exactly only Jedi he had ever met. The one responsible for him being here at all.

"No chit" he said quiet looking at Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren the person who saved his life once upon a time.

Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus

If Luric had not had the control of an expert swordsman, Iris's reply would have had that glass of rose-wine pouring down his suit right about now. Thankfully, he managed to keep his composure, at least physically. "Well, uh...I just know..." Luric stammered just a bit, and rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. He set the glass back down once more, and canted his head to the side, smiling widely. It was a rare thing for someone to catch him off-guard like this. Just another thing to add to the reasons why Iris was so alluring in his mind. "...would you like to go out with me to dinner, then?"

He laughed just a bit, maybe a little more than a bit, at that. Though, after another moment or two, he could feel a bit of something like sudden realization within the little eddys that flowed through the Force. In his peripheral vision, he took note of Tayl's expression at that moment, and had a realization of his own. But he'd keep that to himself for now, because it was then that they were joined by another delightful young woman, and one he knew all too well.

Artemis made her way over, confident strides in tall heels brought her over to the trio. "I found you," she said, glancing to Luric. "You should have told me you were coming here. You know I love clubs."

"Hello to you as well! I had a feeling you'd find me sooner rather than later, my brash apprentice." he said with a wink and a hearty little laugh. "Miss Iris, Miss Tayl, This is indeed Artemis Lu Artemis Lu , my padawan apprentice. Temi, allow me to introduce you to Miss Iris Arani Iris Arani , Jedi Knight, and her Mandolorian friend Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla ."

It was then that Temi leaned in and whispered to him exceedingly quietly, to the point he had to use the Force to simply hear her. He almost rolled his eyes, and tried to ignore her quip for now. "Care for something to drink, Temi?"


ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ


"If you want to ask me on a date, ask me on a date. Nobles might expect a lot of the flowery language, but I don't. We're friends, right?"

Tayl couldn't help but smile just a little, hiding it behind her glass while she sipped at the fruity drink. Not smiling at Luric's expense exactly, more so at the expense of whichever nobles Iris was referring to. Reminded her why she liked the young Jedi so much, easily the easiest one for a Mandalorian to get along with in her opinion.
"You look good, Tayl. I don't think I've seen you out of your armor like this."

At this though, she wouldn't bother hiding her shark-like smile, each razor sharp tooth on display as she grinned.

"Oh? So I didn't completely fail at picking an outfit? I feel a little naked to be honest, But I thought I should at least try it"

Yes! mission accomplished!

She was taking another satisfactory sip of her drink when Artemis Lu Artemis Lu approached the bar, seemingly a friend of Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest , so they couldn't be too bad. He seemed like a gentleman of sorts and was good enough for Iris, so his friends must be similar, right?
"Miss Iris, Miss Tayl, This is indeed Artemis Lu my padawan apprentice. Temi, allow me to introduce you to Miss Iris Arani, Jedi Knight, and her Mandolorian friend Tayl Vizsla ."

Again, Cover: blown.

"Olarom! It's a pleasure"

She raises her glass a little to Artemis, and gives a respectful nod to Luric for introducing them. She even busted out the Mando'a, considering she was being introduced as "The mandalorian friend" now.

"So, you're all Jedi then? Most I've ever seen in one place. Though, same could be said when I first met Iris" She stifled a chuckle.



That.. Was a much more honest reaction than she expected. So even the refined gentleman could be caught off guard by her bluntness? She smiled into her drink as she took another sip. Nodded to Luric.

"Yeah. I think it's time for me to start taking more of a break."

She turned her gaze to Tayl, practically smirking at the Mandalorian. "That means you should think of a place too, you know."

Another casual sip and her gaze shifted to the newest addition to the growing party around her. At least this one was here more for Luri- Oh his Padawan? She blinked for a moment, then frowned. Just a little. She was still trying to figure out the Master Padawan dynamic, but it felt odd to have someone you'd share drinks with be your apprentice. In her mind, anyway. Maybe it wasn't?

Later. Something to chat about later.

"I have plans to date them both. You planning to ask me out too?"

Artemis Lu Artemis Lu | Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla | Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest
Hacks moved her way to another counter, bodies brushed aside by the weight of her shoulders. She slid up to the bar, resting her four arms on black marble. She flashed two mechanical fingers to the bartender and then indicated to a beer on tap, the cheapest she saw available. When she craned her neck her plastic eyes washed over the crowd and she mumbled to herself, "Who invited all the Freds and Suits."

It wasn't the type of haunt she enjoyed. Too many clean cut kids. The bars and clubs she was oft to visit were found on the lowest levels of cities, shadowed beneath towering skycutters. The drinks were cheap, the company foul and the music loud. SIA never allowed her enough slack on her leash to go to those bars, the type where she was more likely to make friends and find herself stored in the cargo hold of an unidentified freighter outbound, far from the reach of the agents of the Alliance. She would escape Coruscant one day, but not tonight.

Two glasses of the cheapest beer found themselves in front of her, but the cheapest here was not cheap at all. She looked to the bartender, figures lighting up across the display of her dataglasses and a transaction notice appeared then quickly vanished. "Thanks," she said, pushing off from the bar with her two lower arms as her two upper arms held the beers in either hand.

She pushed a path through the dense crowd again, phantom skin prickled with the sensation that people were watching her, some only briefly, others with longer stares. Glass doors led out onto a balcony where patrons were smoking as they drank and talked with a view of the planetcity. She slid out into the cool night air and leaned against the railing, she brought a beer to her lips and took the first sip of the night. It tasted awful, but all beer did, and she wouldn't have it any other way.

Tag: Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

Location: Mirage
Objective: Party

Poor Hex hears voices in her head

Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself

Hexes inner voices

Coloured '.....' are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter


Hex laughed, "No, that's mine, you are the funky bucket... but we can swap if you want?" she didn't really want to swap, the neon lady tasted so good, but it was best to offer. A big and strangely familiar presence loomed over Hex and she turned to see Hacks Hacks At the bar near her. Hex hadn't spoken to her since she took payment for the attack on the soup kitchen. She wished she had never done that job after what happened in space with the other runners, so she just gave a slight grin of acknowledgement to the cyborg before returning to her friend.

She was about to speak then Hilal came in close and rubbed her nose on hers. Hex instantly smelled the perfume and got the strangest sensation that Hilal was about to kiss her, Hex had only kissed one person before so it took her back a little what to do, and she was slightly relieved when Hilal seemed to just be playing.

'...You could? She's pretty, and she's your friend? What's the worst that could happen?...'
'...You misread the signs, one of you freaks out, you lose it, kill everyone in the bar and never see Lal again?...'
"Thanks, that's not helpful!"

Hex grinned as Hilal would have seen her chastising her friends, but was quickly rescued by the batman handing the pair of them their drinks and taking payment. Hex held up both glasses, the neon lady in one hand and the funky bucket in the other. "Choose wisely!" she laughed.


Location: Mirage
Objective: Have a drink, check out the VIPs
Tags: Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek


I think we might be able to have a good time though."
"I suppose we could? Can't have too much fun though, robbing the place would be bad form and be inviting the same on my own place." she laughed and gave a playful look. It would be a fun score, robbing a nightclub, but there were rules and there was a certain etiquette that had to be followed, even amongst gangsters. The guy seemed fun, his speech pattern was interesting but he seemed full of confidence and charisma, he would fit into the Family wonderfully.

"You were certainly right, this place is full of hunnies" The inflection in her voice showed how out of place that word was in her vernacular, but she was having some fun. Sge could only assume poppin was a good thing. "Spotted anyone you like the look of?"

"But no chit? You own a club? What's it called?"

She took the next drink gratefully and sipped it demurely "My place is called Reveries I have one on Denon too, Miss Fiora helped me get started and I guess I went from there." Her club was relatively new, she wouldnt be offended if he hadn't heard of it yet, but suspected he would play along an pretend either way. She was beginning to feel the effects of the few drinks she had so far had and the cool music was flowing though her, she might have to dance soon.


Location: The Mirage
Outfit: xxx
Tag: Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla

Gosh. How many times did he say apprentice?

Was he trying to rub it in? Maybe. After all, she had just tried to embarrass him. It was true, their master and padawan relationship was... unique. Artemis wasn’t some fresh-faced newbie, she did have quite a lot of training under her belt. Luric was her contemporary; they were the same age! But he had managed to surpass her and reach Knighthood first.

Now, he was mentioning her.

“I’ll have a Bespin Fizz,” she said to the bartender. Something a bit, well, fizzy and fruity – pretty to look at and super delicious to drink.

Then, her attention returned to the Mandalorian and Knight Arani. There was… something going on here. Artemis gleaned enough from the conversation to know that Luric had, in fact, already asked Iris out. She flashed him a little ‘way to go’ look.

As she took a sip of her newly delivered drink, she almost spit it out when Iris said she had plans to date the Mando woman and Luric and asked if she had plans to ask her out too. Wow, Iris must be the popular girl around the temple, Artemis thought. “I just met you,” Artemis said with a small chuckle. “But you do seem pretty cool.” Her eyes shifted to the side, finding Luric. “But I won’t encroach on my master’s romantic interest. What kind of paddy would that make me?”

Besides, she was already in love with the member of a popular Seoularian boy band. Not like she’d ever meet him… but a girl could dream. #JinForever

She turned to Tayl. “So, how did you two meet? I feel like this is gonna be a good story.”
After pacing through the kitchen, she exited through the back door leading into an alley. Seconds before a figure appeared at the mouth of the passage, the hairs at her neck prickled to attention.

Yula knew when she was being hunted.

She looks Sars up and down, brazenly so. Unamused that this night seemed to be full of difficulties. "You're familiar."

She'd felt this presence before—on Dorin, where she'd cobbled together a team to rescue her sister. During the battle for Ilum, Nida has been captured and turned over to Imperial forces.

"You that Hutt's enforcer? Here to punish me or some chit?"

In the moment, she couldn't place where she'd recognized him from. But she didn't like that there was something familiar about him.

The PI from the bar appeared behind Sars, and her head tilted to the side.

"You ladies know each other?"

She blew rings of smoke into the night. The air was much more crisp up here in the Senate district, but it had its own metaphorical stench.

"Ain't the first time I've been stalked out of a bar."

Sars Sarad Sars Sarad Toby Russen Toby Russen
No plan survived its own inception. That was as true of a matter of convenience as it was for a grandiose operation.

It would have been simpler if Yula Perl Yula Perl was alone, if Toby Russen Toby Russen hadn't deigned to follow him out of the Club Mirage and into the adjoining alley. Simple was not something that he had the luxury of though if such coincidental events were any indication of fate conspiring against him.

He looked back over his shoulder, towards Toby and read his body language instinctively. Sarad couldn't see the blaster he'd brought with him but he assumed he was carrying something. Looking back at him briefly he'd have eventually said…

"I would relay further wisdom in this case. If you pull your weapon your remaining life will be lived without your natural arm."

…the words were said matter of fact, almost as though Sarad had no doubt that this is exactly what would happen. Of course he could be mistaken but out here, just the three of them for now it appeared as though he was confident in as much.

As his eyes came back to Yula he'd have approached her, explaining that…

" Nida Perl Nida Perl fought well on Ilum, she is a Warrior despite wearing the moniker of a Healer."

…no expression graced his features as he said this, coming closer to her…

"The Empire has a long memory as well."

…he didn't so much care if she thought he was with the Hutts or the Empire, in fact her thinking one over the other may have been a point of confusion. What Sarad wanted her to know was that she was familiar to him as well. They had never met but they'd been on Dorin, unlike Yula he had the advantage of being permitted to view any surviving security footage that existed from the Black Site she'd raided to retrieve her sister.

Already, even as he took his first step towards her the force had begun to coalesce around his person and permeate the air between them. She would doubtless feel it, Toby might also feel it even if he didn't outright understand it…


The Mirage, Coruscant
Tags: Sars Sarad Sars Sarad , Yula Perl Yula Perl


"You ladies know each other?"

"That's a good one," Toby grinned. "Unfortunately we aren't acquainted, but I'm rather familiar with his reputation."

When Sars threatened him, Toby simply offered a frown. The threat, as most threats made against the Umbaran did, fell on deaf ears. What was his angle in all of this? Creeping on some random woman for the hell of it? Typical behavior of Hutt enforcers, but why risk this in the upper levels?

"Nida Perl fought well on Ilum, she is a Warrior despite wearing the moniker of a Healer."

"The Empire has a long memory as well."

"Oh, you're a real creepy bugger," the Umbaran quipped. "Captured a Jedi on Ilum and now you've got yourself an obsession. I'm not one to shame, but I feel in this instance it's justified."

He had taken note of the threat of dismemberment. From the sounds of it, and seeing no sword present on the man, the investigator was comfortable deducing that he had a lightsaber. He only had a blaster and a simple vibroblade dagger to work with there, not much in the face of such a weapon. Still, it was better than nothing. Then, something strange began to happen. It was a presence in the air, moving around the enforcer, one which he had not felt before. It was bizarre, even the slightest bit off-putting. That just made Toby more excited. He didn't fear death, nor pain. There was only one thing in life that he truly lived for: Adrenaline.

"Well," he began, drawing his blaster in one hand and his vibroblade in the other, "I hope you kick ass as well as you sling insults, ma'am."


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