Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Civil War: First Strike | Mandalorians

Location: MandalMotors
Allies: Death Watch- [member="Kad Tor"], [member="Marev Priest"], [member="Strider Garon"], [member="Yasha Mantis"], [member="Tahn Vizsla"], [member="Kaden Farr"],
Not an Enemy but Not DW: [member="Calico Tal'verda"]
Enemies: Da'manda- [member="Zeke Farthen"], [member="Gilamar Skirata"], [member="Mia Monroe"], [member="Rhodessa"], [member="Rekali the Hutt"], [member="Daedel"]

Silas had bitten down hard, and it made little difference. The pain had been bad, excruciating to the point water welled in his eyes, but the smell had been worse. Choking back bile Silas essentially dragged the corpse of the shape-shifter along with them as he couldn't manage to removed the blade from the skull, but the two young ones didn't seem to notice, especially as he helped them move him by scooting himself along.

The boy with them was likely one of many of those orphaned by Monroe, now driven by a furious anger. He knew anger like that, he'd seen the likes of it before. "You will have your justice before this is over boy, Mand'alor the Coward will run out of places to flee soon enough." Silas said with a wince, clearly a tad lucid as he struggled to wiggle the knife out of the skull of the Gurlarin.

His vision was blurred by the repeated blows to the head he'd taken, as well as the blood loss, but he still could make out Marev. "Ad'ika, help him." Silas released the hilt and raised his arm, pointing to the crawling Tal'rekr. "Both of you go get him. Now." He ordered firmly before his hand went back to the blade embedded in the skull of his foe.

Chaos still reigned all around them, but MandalMotors had fallen, and while Monroe may yet have escaped, the Death Watch had certainly struck a blow. Perhaps it was too early to be thinking as such, but he did so anyway, a small smile on his face as he looked about at the corpses of the traitors that littered the area.

Mandalore remembered, and Mandalore would not forgive. This was only the start.
The blade dug into Preliat's knee, although the Beskar'kandar slowed down the blade that it made little more than a deep cut in Preliat's leg. Preliat however, growled in pain, and anger. Adrenaline soured through his body. His body's flight-or-flight mechanism kicked in, and picked one. Preliat raised his fist back- the spikes on the gauntlets stained red with the blood of the Mando'ade that Ordo shot down in the dropship glinted in the fading light. It was a stark red in a sea of white and gray.

Preliat went to drive his fist into the visor of one of his oldest friends. And at the same time, he blinked thrice and just so- and the jetpack's thrusters died out. They both began to fall, heading to the ground- rapidly. However, Preliat was a madman, a ferocious beast that would chew off it's own leg before giving an inch to the enemy.

And right now- the enemy was someone whom he thought would never falter in his support of him. And yet- here they were. Ordo and Preliat began to plunge towards the Cold Iron City, towards the frost-bitten ground, Preliat sought to drive his fist into his face as many times as he could, if Ordo did not find a way to deter Preliat from doing so.

Location: Basement/Outside the tower
Allies: Death Watch [member="Silas Mantis"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Kaden Farr"] [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Tahn Vizsla"] [member="Marev Priest"] [member="Kad Tor"] [member="Ra Vizsla"]
Enemies: Dar'manda [member="Mia Monroe"] [member="Gilamar Skirata"] @Gravity on Heavy Objects

"Ba'vodu, if you want your knife I'll skin it!"

Yasha didn't need to be told to help one of her own. Much like the moniker her father [member="Preliat Mantis"] earned from [member="Ashin"] Varanin, Yasha was as much a pup as a Mando'adika. Tal'Rekr was her pack, her Ba'vodu's pack. She paused only long enough to look up at [member="Kaden Farr"].

"Shoot anyone who doesn't have a Death Watch patch. You're one of us now, Kaden. You've got our backs." She nodded to [member="Silas Mantis"] and ran. The rubble cascaded around her. Pockets of motion closed off with the falling duracrete, transparisteel and metal. Yasha tightened her lips and bolted straight for [member="Marev Priest"], skipping to avoid a falling mass of duracrete. She jumped and scaled it, sliding over the side and hitting the ground on her feet. Springing forward, Yasha got to Marev and held his hand. He called her by another name, but the girl shrugged it off. He could call her Mand'alor the Tiny for all she cared.

Cabuor traat'aliit. Protect the squad.

A security guard crawled out of the wreckage a few feet from Marev and shouted "Osi'kyr!" He grabbed for his beskad but Yasha sprinted at him, yanking her tomahawk free and jumped onto his chest. The tomahawk hacked and whistled, vibroblade axe head making shorter work of the armourweave than it otherwise would have, if it weren't so finely made. She fumbled for the beskad, as the man roared, landing a punch clear across the girl's face. Yasha scrambled for his fallen beskad, slashing him across the crushgaunt. It pinged off. She kicked with her back on the ground, hacking up with her tomahawk and the man's own beskad. While the beskad stuck into his arm, Yasha made good on skewering him between his chest plates. He fell on top of her.

"Buir!" The girl screamed, forgetting her father was nowhere near. Yasha kicked and scrambled, inching her way out from underneath the heavy body. She panted and hacked at the back of his neck, until she saw bone. Sheathing her tomahawk and taking his beskad, she slid it beside her mother's and crawled to Marev.

"We gotta go now! The building's inshmegrity is... um.. boom goes the building! Boom and crash and... come oooon!" Yasha didn't care about the rubble falling around her. She was not prepared to lose another to [member="Mia Monroe"]. Priest was a comrade, he deserved help, even if it came from someone less than 4 feet tall.

Yasha crawled under Marev's arm and chest, heaving with both feet planted on the debris. He moved by inches. Yasha shuffled her feet up, backside still on the ground and heaved again. He started sliding loose. She turned on her hands and knees, anchoring her boots in the wreckage and keeping Marev's body on her. She pulled and heaved, dragging him free.

"Tal'Rekr! Any more of you stuck!? Rrrgh... I got Priest and he's heavy! RRRRH." Yasha panted, "I'm gonna skin that Gurlain and use it as a scootch... Rrrgh! Nothing's... Too... big... to ... BUDGE!!"
Location: Sundari Throne Room
Allies: Death Watch | [member="Narir Tracyn"] [member="Aryn Spar"]
Enemies: Insurgents

Atiniir studied the young boy in front of him. Something about him was intriguing, and Atiniir realized he saw himself in the boy. The child was young, ten maybe, seven years younger than Atiniir himself, but he already had the look of a warrior in his eyes. He was Mando'ade; he'd grown up in the culture, had been saturated by it. If Atiniir's father had lived, he would have been the same. Atiniir met eyes with the boy, and felt pain. He could tell; this boy had lost something. He said he'd followed the sounds of blaster fire; where were his parents.

"You lost your parents, didn't you?" Atiniir said, making the not-even-close to wild guess, "You lost them to the bombardment."
Location: Sundari Throne Room
Allies: Death Watch | [member="Atiniir Starrider"] [member="Aryn Spar"]
Enemies: Insurgents

Narir locked his eyes with the red and black Mandalorian's t-visor. The man wasn't much taller than Narir, and while his voice was deep, it didn't have the ring of age and experience his father's had had. This man was young, though only in years.

"Yes," Narir said simply, "I did."
Location: Cold Iron City | Outskirts
Allies: Death Watch ([member="Vilaz Munin"],[member="Briika Tor"]), Clan Namadi ([member="Rena Namadi"], [member="Dagon Namadi"] , [member="Rhaenys Namadi"], @Listrani Namadi)
Enemies: Monroe's Insurrection ([member="Ru Tetsuya"]), Clan @Ordo (@Ginnie Ordo, Rianna Ar'klim-Organa)
Engaging: N/A

Gear: Armor, Weapon,

[Feels good having the clan together again.] Kervo returned the binoculars to the sack that was hanging off the handle of his speeder bike. [Let's get in there and tear some chit up, Namadis.] Kervo held his fist up to his vod, Rhaenys, for her to pound with her own fist. He then sat himself on his speeder bike and revved it up before securing his helmet to his head. Kervo turned his head to the other two Namadi and nodded. [Fight strong, die well, Namadi.] He waited for Rhaenys to mount her basilisk before taking off on his speeder bike towards the city. The cover of the coming snowstorm gave him good enough cover to enter Cold Iron City without being detected.

Once in the city, Kervo steered into a dark alleyway where he'd leave his bike. [To the base. Keep low and stay sharp.] he would say to Rhaenys once she'd catch up to him. He then retrieved his gun from the rear of his speeder bike and moved out towards the Mando military base, ducking and diving through the alleyways, keeping an eye out for any snipers taking him for him or his vod. They were a few hundred meters from their objective so it'd be some time before they'd make it there.

Rekali the Hutt

Location: Descending onto Cold Iron City Outskirts
Allies: Mandalorians [member=Ordo] [member="Ru Tetsuya"] [member="Ginnie Ordo"] @Rianna Ar'klim Organa
Enemies: Death Watch [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Briika Tor"] [member="Dagon Namadi"] [member="Kervo Namadi"] [member="Rhaenys Namadi"] [member="Darth Metus"] The Winged [member="Vilaz Munin"](Whenever you get on your feet brother. Take it easy)
Gear: Axe, Pistol, Armor, Crossbow

The Hutt was still flying, or falling with style rather, when he was hit in the chest by a wrist rocket, about where a humanoid left shoulder might be. It put his fall off balance, making him spin to his right in violent fashion. The Akaan fired slugs as he span, but the flight wasn't stable anymore, but rather erratic. Where he might have landed three shots before Rekali hit the ground, he simply hit one. Thankfully more towards his tail than his chest, it was already a decent big banged up from the wrist-rocket, but dang. The hutt hadn't felt pain like that in a while.

The hit on the ground wasn't much fun either, but Rekali the Hutt made it work. Holding his crossbow tight he fired at [member="Vilaz Munin"] once, then in another second again, then he'd take another shot at [member="Briika Tor"]. Some cultures might think it impolite to attack a lady, but the Mandalorians weren't one of them. Neither were the Hutts. Chivalry might have had some value, but both sides of Rekali the Hutt found more value in pragmatism. Depending on the visors and vision of both mandalorians they may have noticed that after the third shot Rekali the Hutt discarded a magazine, forcing a reload of his crossbow. Time to counter attack, close distance, gain distance, or whatever was needed. Rekali the Hutt would use this time to slither forward at a nearly human running pace. It was in his best interest to get as close to the tiny humans as possible.


Location: Keldabe, a building east of Mandal Motors HQ

The city had erupted into the chaos of battle. When the sirens had went off the youth woke with a start. The revolver in his gloved hand rose aiming in the darkness. As the message continued the arm slowly lowered and holstered the revolver.

He was alone.

Pushing off the hard, cold stone floor he grabbed the jacket that had been draped over him and pulled it on. Grabbing his pack he tossed it over his shoulder then bent to collect the Verpine sniper rifle. It was time to move. Once on the ground he slipped the gogles over his eyes, the rangefinder flicking as he gazed around.

Sounds of battle sounded nearby and the youth shouldered the rifle butt and quickly traversed the cluttered street to reach a neighboring building that rose several stories into the sky. Once in the building he let the rifle swing back on it's strap and pulled the revolver to hope at the ready. You never knew who or what you would run into these days.

Finding the stairs he went up until he neared the top floor. Eyes glanced up following the path to the roof, but it would be easier to be spotted upon a roof, his body breaking the plane of the sky. Opening the door he moved into the top floor, revolver held at the ready, as he quickly and thoroughly checked the rooms. No one.

Moving to the west side he found an old office with windows broken out. Dropping his pack he silently closed the door to the room and wedged a chair against it to make it quite difficult to open from the outside. Blaster fire and jetpacks were seen in the distance as he watched the Mandal Motors HQ, one of the last standing towers in Keldabe, come under attack.

Moving to the desk he tried to lift and pull it, putting all the weight and strength his light frame into it, to maneuver it over, still a meter from the window. Gripping the Verpine he laid upon the dusty desk and stretched out. The goggles were slid up onto his forehead and he looked through the scope watching the grandiose battle. His finger rested on the outside of the trigger guard. His father trained him that your finger is the safety. Only place it on the trigger if you were prepared to fire.

Basilisk droids, commandos, a deteriorating building. The display was monumental. Scanning the participants he tried to see if there were any sets of armor that he recognized, and just who and what they were fighting for.

A basilisk seeing into view, two men in it's back. Zooming in the youth recognized over of the men. [member="Gilamar Skirata"]. He caught his breath in excitement of seeing the legendary figure. Zooming out he had seen someone else leap from the tower and scanned the landscape a finally locating the figure. He zoomed in.

Cold sweat broke across his body. A metallic taste in his mouth as blood flowed from the clenched teeth biting into his bottom lip. Hand shook. It was [member="Mia Monroe"], the Liberator. Zooming out he began aiming as cold calculations ran through his brain. He had a clean shot. Finger twitched and laid upon the trigger as he slowed his breathing.
Location: MandalMotors
Allies: [member="Yasha Mantis"] | [member="Silas Mantis"] | [member="Marev Priest"]
Enemies:[member="Mia Monroe"] | The Mandalrians

Everything collapsed around them when another of the Death Watch seemed to need assistance. Silas had told them both to go and help him. Yasha was telling Kaden to kill anything not wearing the Death Watch symbol. He was me of them now? That was something he hadn’t heard since his parents died. Yes he had been on Dxun, and yes there were adults who had taken him in, but no one had sad he was me of them. Yasha was the first. Leave it to another kid to say that.

Kaden pulled his blaster rifle close. Anyone that tried to come and hurt the adult was going to get killed. Mia would come later, just like Silas said. The building kept falling, large chunks of duracrete and rebar threatened to flatten them, yet the children moved with an agility only they could. They were not full grown adulet’s, and as a result they were able to do what the older could not. Kaden watched on as Yasha moved like an agile nexu. She was feline in her movements, and Kaden couldn’t help but admire her. He was at the awkward phase of deciding whether or not girls were gross or not.

Security guards rushed them. Two men ran towards their position before Kaden could run off to help Yasha. Two shots in the chest for each dropped the men who lacked armor. Kaden’s first kills and they felt good.

He looked to Silas and nodded before running off to help Yasha. She was hacking away at a guard herself. Kaden didn’t know how dead the guard was, so he just shot the man again for extra measure.

”We have to keep moving,” he said as he helped push the dead body off of Yasha. ”Let's get the guy and go.”

Kaden turned and shot another guard before pushing Yasha out of the was as a piece duracrete flew toward them.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
[member="Aryn Spar"] [member="Narir Tracyn"] [member="Atiniir Starrider"]

Kal left position, the thrill of the hunt made his heart beat out a heightened tempo. He dropped his covering and crawled backwards before grabbing his duffel bag. He tossed his rifle over his shoulder and took a quick run toward the edge of the building and jumped off. he sped toward the ground his mismatched armor whistled slightly as the air rushed by. He watched the ground rush to meet him and his HUD raced through numbers as the distance grew less and less. He fired his repulsor pack, a nearly silent version of the standard jet pack as he neared the ground and jerked back as the thrust countered the velocity of the fall.

He touched down lightly and crouched as he made his way toward his entry point for the next phase of the hunt. The unlocked sewer grate that he had planned to use still sat loose as he reached it. He pulled it aside and dipped inside pulling his gear behind him before he turned to close the grate. The palace wasn't far and the sewer lines only lightly secured. He walked as quickly as he could through the tunnel that lead straight to the palace. His HUD provided a recent map to the system and he planned his next move as he walked.

He passed quickly beneath the point where the walls would be over head and reached into his duffel bag to plant his first charge. He clicked it active so it would respond only to his detonator and moved on toward the palace. He would have to be careful but he would plant charges at 20 meter intervals throughout the tunnels. If he was chased, he could blow them as he passed. If not well he had a clean route in place for later....just in case.
Cold Iron City

[member="Preliat Mantis"]

He yanked the bes'kad free a moment before the spiked fist crashed into his faceplate and drove it abruptly into his nose. The air rushed by and his HUD turned from blue to red to warn of the fall that his stomach told him had already begun. His grunted in pain as stars filled his vision and he let his bes'kad fall free.

He hooked his arm under Preliat's swinging fist and grabbed for the collar of the man's armor. His other hand remained on the man's shoulder as they fell and he jerked the man toward him with all his strength and aimed the forehead of his helmet where he imagined Preliat's nose should be. He pulled again and again trying to his best to cave in the man's beskar helm into his face. Mantis was sorry right? Sounded like he needed as many Keldabe kisses as he could get. The ground? He didn't really care.
Location: Cold Iron City
Allies: [member="Ordo"] [member="Rekali the Hutt"] [member="Ru Tetsuya"] [member="Arla Balor"]
Enemies: [member="Briika Tor"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Kervo Namadi"] [member="Rena Namadi"], [member="Dagon Namadi"] & Rhaenys Namadi

Briika's twin rockets veered toward the teenager. Proximity alerts blinked to life. Sliding to the side, Ginnie punched her own jet pack, gaining enough distance to think. Her lightsaber swept into her hand, this was going to hurt. Ginnie ignited the saber and hacked at the rockets. They exploded in veils of fire and flak, knocking Ginnie into the air. She held out her hand, pushing at the heat and the flame and the energy of the explosions to vector away from her and her brothers. Landing hard, Ginnie rolled and groaned back to her feet, it could have been a ton and a half worse. She limped a step or three, catching her breath and deflecting blaster fire.

[member="Briika Tor"] had fired her jetpack and Ginnie grinned under her buy'ce. She rushed forward, hoping to catch Briika and the former Mand'alor off guard. Reaching through the Force, Ginnie found the combustion point of the jet pack's fuel and expanded it by applying pure heat to the exhaust gasses. Intending to rip apart the jet pack in a grand and unconfined explosion.

"I don't agree with Mia nuking Manda'yaim, but what happens when [member="Ra Vizsla"] takes over!? What happens to us Forcies, huh!? What happens to the Clans and our rights!? We have to give up our culture and home because we're different than the lot of you!? How is Vizsla anything but a tyrant!?" Ginnie found herself in a tighteningly dangerous position. What good did [member="Mia Monroe"]'s explosions do? What did it achieve other than hate and horror? Too young to fall back on more than her own experiences, all Ginnie could do was follow her Buir's lead. She would always follow [member="Ordo"]. She would follow him in the forge, in the aliit, she would follow him to a good death.

[member="Rekali the Hutt"]'s fall caught enough attention to let Ginnie slip through, firing with her assault rifle at [member="Vilaz Munin"] and [member="Briika Tor"], in a precise arc, which took out more of their Clansmen. Ginnie pulled the fire away from Rekali, giving the Hutt a wide berth. His cover fire was the perfect thing to shunt attention away from Ginnie.

She blasted toward [member="Briika Tor"], hoping to thunder into her with as much force as she could. "Get out of Cold Iron City. Go back to Sundari. I won't give you another chance! I won't let you kill my family!"

A chime on Ginnie's buy'ce blinked. A danger warning not for herself, but her father. Ginnie threw her gaze upward, grabbing for her lightsaber and igniting the hot orange blade. She deflected blaster fire, trying to ping it back onto [member="Vilaz Munin"] and give [member="Rekali the Hutt"] the chance to fire from a better position.

"Buir! Pull up!" A near-fatal distraction, [member="Ordo"] and [member="Preliat Mantis"]' fall caught Ginnie with a warning on her buy'ce. The slow moving dot of her father's beskar'kandar shifted to red.

"Daddy!!" Ginnie's voice hit through the comm in Ordo's buy'ce. They couldn't all go out like this.

Clan Namadi ([member="Kervo Namadi"] [member="Rena Namadi"], [member="Dagon Namadi"] & Rhaenys Namadi) wound through the streets. Out of the snow, a snapping growl slaked across the air, cutting into it like a predator's teeth on its' prey's throat. At once, heavy blaster cannon fire burst from the rooftops and the streets. Fortress-like positions resisted the Namadi's, manned both by [member="Ordo"]'s clones, and others of the Clan. The blaster cannon bolts slammed down with the power to bash against heavy machinery and tanks. It would make short work of the ill prepared.


Location: Keldabe, a building east of Mandal Motors HQ
Enemy: the false Mand'alor

His breathing slowed. A trickle of sweat ran down his forehead, beading on his left eyebrow. Hands were sweaty but steady. The slow breath came. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. His eyes were clear and focused on two spots on [member="Mia Monroe"]. Just above her collar bone and just under her right armpit. Calculating he watched her carefully in an attempt to anticipate her movement.

In the back of his mind he registered the falling Mandal Motors HQ, a picture of a Jenga tower meeting it's end, as it swayed with large chunks raining down. But he didn't care. He was far enough away for the tower to not affect him personally. The basilisk flew through the air with one of Gar's heroes on it's back. But he had only eyes for a single mando'ad. Though she was truly dar'manda for her actions.

For killing millions.

For killing buir and vod.

His heart rate accelerated and he breathed slowly forcing himself to calm. Finger rested in the trigger as he aimed for the collarbone. A mantra echoed in his head, one shot, one kill and yet he knew that mando'ad were hard to put down. Even harder to keep down. So Garon planned on two shots.

His finger slowly tightened in the trigger and felt the resistance. Slowly the poundage on the trigger receded. Then he fired. As the first slug began it's journey Garon altered his line of sight, several inches above and inside of the armpit and fired again. The impact, if it connected, of the first slug would hopefully hit and rock Mia the Defiler back right into the path of the second slug that, if everything went according to plan and trajectory, would pierce into the armpit and travel through both lungs.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Tal Vizsla"],

"Do not underestimate the tricks an old droid has like the Deathwatch and Sith did in the past."

HK quipped at Tal's response, the man seemed very sure of himself, despite unknowingly almost losing the war droid he was currently mounted on, for although the droid did not had any visible weapons in his hands, he commanded different powers still, not the Force, but then again there are other sources of metaphysical abilities than the Force.

"And I am a free being, the one who made me is dead, the one who claimed to owe me is dead, any obedience protocols I had left are long gone, the only thing that is left to guide my behavior are my own desire. It was Mand'alore the Ultimate who freed me, bringing me with other prisoners before him we were forced to kneel and we were all given the same choice- accept the canons and swear by the resol'nare or die. It was not much of a choice but it was the first time I was even given a choice."

The droid explained, giving the Death Watch soldier a glimpse into his past,

"Organics are fickle and your memory is short, but droids do not forget, the oaths we make we do not take lightly. Mand'alore the Ultimate freed me and in return I fought for him during the Crusades against the Jedi. He is gone now but my duty is not yet done, I will continue to serve him by protecting his people, following the resol'nare, and upholding the old canons and codes he stood for."

HK mentioned back behind him with his head then,

"The battle still wages and there are more vod trapped between the two sides here still who could use a hand in being guided out until the fires and gunshots stop."

The droid would turn around then, in one final test turning his back to Tal,

"I hope your curiosity was sated."
Location: outside the tower
[member="Silas Mantis"] [member="Kaden Farr"] [member="Yasha Mantis"]

Stumbling as the tower shook casting off chunks of itself Kal found himself merged with the stream of mandalorians fleeing the shadow. Death Watch, security, bystanders ... At this point it seemed the battle was momentarily on hiatus as all sought to merely survive the moment. Armor blurred together, ally and foe ran side by side in an attempt to avoid being crushed. Many were unsuccessful.

Diving to the ground he narrowly avoided a large slab that crushed a Death Watch trooper that had been next to him. Shaking his head he rolled to a knee and watched a young girl kill some of Mandal Motors security. Muscle memory had him drawing his pistol and aiming center mass on the girl who was less then ten meters away.

Then not just one, but two kids, without armor or adequate weapons or responsible parental supervision were attempting to haul a wounded mando'ad from the footprint of the crumbling tower. Sweating under his breath he watched two more guards turn from where they too were fleeing to aim at the children. Acting on impulse he swing his arm and fired, both rounds connecting with the security guards' sides.

Swearing once more he ran forward watching a sizeable chunk of duracrete fall in a lazy arc toward where they stood trying to move the wounded man. Spinning he dropped to a knee and good left hand fanned the hammer of the revolver sending three explosive rounds into the chunks center. The slab erupted into pieces smaller then fists. If connected it wouldn't kill them, but it would certainly smart a bit.

Reloading he began to head out, pausing near where Silas lay watching the children. The hand tightened in the pistol grip as he recognized that it would be easy to erase a member of Death Watch, who had in times past torn the mando'ade asunder. Slowly he lowered the revolver to his side wary of the knife in the other warrior's hand.

"Perhaps next time ner vod. Keep them safe."

His head inclined slightly at the ad'ika before he moved swiftly into the dust cloud that was rising from the tower's fall. He never turned his back on the warrior until he was out of sight.
Location: Mandalmotors Tower (Falling)
Allies: Death Watch
Enemies: Gilamar Skirata, Mia Monroe, Zeke Farthen, @Rhodessa , White Knight Mandos, Politically Correct Mandos, Nukes

Ra looked down at the corpse of @Rhodessa. The tower quaked and rumbled beneath him.

His hand reached into a pouch on his belt, bringing forth a small tankard. He spilled it onto the corpse, salt pouring forth. An ancient custom of the Mandalorians, for battle rites, and to honor those that had fallen. May she find her way into the halls of her Ancestors... or not. Ra was rather unsympathetic towards those who turned against him, who turned against their mother, Mandalore. Still, his beliefs in the ancient ways of his culture were unwavering, and even those who turned traitor deserved some semblance of last rites.

Mand'alor restrained his empathy and turned towards the task at hand. The tower was falling. Whatever battle had erupted with the others had been the death knell of Mandalmotors. It was time to leave.

A slight grunt as Ra bound into the air, his good hand reaching out for the marble pillar once more.

His gauntlet caught the pillar, and with the grace and poise of a Mandalorian, he began to slide down to the bottom as the very foundation of the tower began to crack and crumble. The mandalorian landed with a great thud, rolling into the foundation and getting up to his feet in a hurry.

With expediency, Vizsla walked out from the tower as it would crash behind him, pulling his wolf cloak along to prevent flapping in the wind.

You should have stayed in the Netherworld, Pretender.
Ah. Monroe.​
Ever reliant on the Force, the weakness that led her to nuke her own homeworld.​
Ra picked up his comms unit as the tower behind him crashed to the ground.​
He broadcast a public message.​
"Come and see."
Monroe would have no choice but to come and face Ra.​
While she was busy toppling towers,​
Death Watch was conquering the planet.​
He left the transceiver on so it could be tracked, and threw it in one of the flyers before their convoy would depart for Sundari, ancient capital of Mandalore,​
and the seat of power of Death Watch.​
He felt the impact first, then the spider's web of pain, and the noise that was more jarring. Their helmets met and the metal, although slightly denser than the beskar he was wearing, cracked his visor and pushed the metal against his nose. He wasn't sure if it was broken. Blood splattered across the inside of his helmet, and cracked his visor. Preliat snarled in response. He was fighting Ordo the wrong way. He was fighting him as he would like to have been fought. But Preliat Mantis did the one thing as soon as Ordo hit him, the one thing that he did best, better than probably anyone else in the entire galaxy.

He got mad.

And that anger turned to action. Preliat's fist went not for the falling's mans face as before, but for anywhere on his body. Ribs. Stomach. The gauntlets came flying at him. Anywhere he could hit, he would- if Ordo didn't find a way to block his onslaught, however. Preliat twisted his body sharply, throwing his heavier weight, using his bulk, his savage muscular build- to force Ordo's back to the ground. And he blinked again, and the jetpack came on.

Preliat decided that this was no longer a fight to incapacitate each other.

Preliat was going to kill Jasper Ordo- or he was going to kill him.

That was the only outcome Preliat Mantis saw.


Mia Monroe

Location: MandalMotors rubble pile
Objective: get the feth out
Allies: [member="Gilamar Skirata"] [member="Kad Kando"]ssi [member="Zeke Farthen"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Vila Sayne"]
Enemies: Death Watch @Stider Garon [member="Kad Tor"] [member="Garon Priest"] [member="Ra Vizsla"]
"Come and see."

Mia snarled. She would come and see. She would come and burn Ra and his Death Watch. She pushed herself to her feet, crucitorn diminishing the pain in her knee and made to limp towards the downed bes’uliik, destruction raining down around her. “Vod-” something cracked her hard on her collarbone, a well placed slug to knock her back.

Pain exploded in her side and she dropped and rolled into the cover of debris. Warning flashed across her HUD and she drew a breath that rattled, tasting blood in her mouth. The second round had pierced one of her lungs, the bullet embedded in hr soft flesh.

“Kark it all.” she whispered. Inching out from her cover to look towards the bes’uliik. “Get up!” she shouted towards it. The droid gave a great moan in response, lights flickering on and off across it. “Get up or we will both die here!” Another great moan of mechanics and half the droids engines sputtered and died again.

“Feth!” she put a hand to her side and looked down. Her eyes closed briefly before she opened comms to her followers. “All units, fall back.” her voice was strained. Even if Death Watch were pulling out, they’d never hold Keldabe against another attack. “Regroup in the North.”

She looked over at the bes’uliik. “COME ON!.” she yelled. With a great mechanical cry, a deep whine of repulsor engines the bes’uliik was off the ground, listing badly but still flying. It’d be enough to get the clear of the city, then they’d need picking up. She grabbed it and hauled herself into the saddle, sinking low.

“Goodboy. Now get us the feth out of here.”
Arla stopped short she was getting word that her family was in Cold Iron City. She wasted no time pivoting to go and find transportation to get there. There were comm messages every where. The Clan Channel was jammed up.

She heard [member="Ginnie Ordo"] .............what the feth! She had to get there fast...

Jor Kvall

Ain't found a way to kill me yet
Allies: Death Watch
Enemies: [member="Koda Fett"]

"Your quarry flees. No honor is to be gained from slaying cowards."

Koda Fett's sensors would pick up Jor moments before he announced his presence verbally. Amongst the buildings his silhoette unfurled, clad in little more than rags, for he had not yet earned his beskar. He was clearly young, but even still, the youngster was armed to the teeth and jealous for honor. Vibroknives at his waist, coupled with thermal grenades at his belt, and sporting a slugthrower rifle over his shoulder, Jor had taken the only weapons he could get his hands on. His greatest weapon seemed to be the unrelenting embers burning in his heart, driving him toward the oblivion of battle. Koda apparently hadn't been the only one stalking quarry on this day; for Jor seemed to have been following him for quite some time.

"If you want battle, bounty hunter, then look no further."

Jor had no idea whose side Koda was on in this foray - and he didn't care. It was likely the two were allies, considering Koda had just attacked Mia Monroe, but Jor cared even less. Sides were not important in this sublime war; there was only a young man standing before Koda, eager to prove his martial worth and taste combat. Jor knew that Koda, as a Mandalorian, would understand this.

He didn't need to explain himself at all, which is why only a moment later, one of Jor's vibroknives went slicing through the air, sailing toward Koda's throat.

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