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Approved Planet Charros II

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Charros II

  • Planet Name: Charros II
  • Demonym: Charan
  • Region: Outer Rim Territories
  • System Name: Saleucami Hex
  • System Features: Saleucami, three moons
  • Location: Saleucami system
  • Major Imports: Charros II used to import hundreds of materials, constantly building upon the foundations of their efforts of creating a mega-city to rival Coruscant.
  • Major Exports: N/A
  • Unexploited Resources: This world was strip-mined hundreds of years ago.
  • Gravity: Standard
  • Climate: Temperate
  • Primary Terrain: Lakes, Arid red desert, Mega-city scape
  • Atmosphere: Type I
  • Capital City: Kol-Farnat
  • Planetary Features: The terrain of the planet surrounding the mega-city of Kol-Farnat is covered in a twisted red fog, brought on by thousands of living creatures burrowed into the desert around the city. It seems that the sheer size of the mega-city led to the Draelvasier attempting to flush out much of the exterior areas of the city.
  • Major Locations:

    Kol-Farnat: The poor man's coruscant. Once a multi-continental home to three trillion. Now, home to none. The Draelvasier blockaded this planet quickly after pushing back the Silver Jedi and Sith Empire, evacuation efforts by the Galactic Alliance and Silver's saw the evacuation of hundreds of thousands. But it was not enough. The mega-city of Kol-Farnat began as an industrial hub that continued to grow exponentially after the end of the Gulag Plague's chokehold on the Galaxy. Kol-Farnat does not have the luxuries of Coruscant's high-rise. Its focus was more on easy traversal from all levels and steady defences at each level of the city. But now Kol-Farnat is nothing but a silent ruin that smoke still rises from nearly a decade on.

    Torma Plaza: At the heart of Kol-Farnat, is Torma. A collection of outdated industrial centres turned into a constant party. Torma Plaza is where all dirty deals are done. Once the red gas had begun to seep into the city, a team of zealot Draelvasier delivered a Barricas Terraformer to the sublevels of Torma Plaza, using their own drilling equipment to plant it deep below the surface. They had arrived with supplies, slowly nurturing the creature until it could sustain itself. Then, it began to feast on the local population. This terrifying, massive creature has extended itself all throughout the Plaza, with hundreds of vine-like appendages clambering over one another into every crevice and twisting and turning inside the vast plaza.

  • Native Species: N/A
  • Immigrated Species: Humans, Twi'lek, Pantorans, Gran, Wookie, Weequay
  • Population: Uninhabited
  • Demographics: N/A
  • Primary Languages: Galactic Basic.
  • Culture: For all the attempts at becoming a rival to Coruscant, Charros II never escaped its role as the next best thing to either Nar Shaddaa or Coruscant. Or if you wanted both...
  • Government: Non-Existent
  • Affiliation: Neutral
  • Wealth: Poor
  • Stability: Low
  • Freedom & Oppression: This world has neither freedom nor oppression. It is a no mans land.
  • Military: The military presence on Charros II was formidable, but designed to withstand the attack of Sith, Jedi, or Criminals. Not horrid monsters.
  • Technology: Was Galactic Standard
Charros II became an ambitious hub world not unlike Nar Shaddaa or Coruscant, but on a much smaller scale.

When the Draelvasier pushed back the Silver Jedi and Sith at the same time, it made for opportunities to pounce upon opportune planets that would have become mostly deserted if they had seen the Draelvasier coming. Even with little time to prepare, the people of Chzrros that did prepare weren't willing to go down without a fight. When the Draelvasier arrived, they faced powerful aerial and infantry resistance. The vengeful forces of the Hutts joined the Charan's defenders, fighting tooth and nail for every bit of ground the Draelvasier gained.

This led to the Draelvasier using alternative tactics, flushing out the defenders holding the front line. They fell back deeper into the city where they were attacked by all manner of beasts, or forced to push into the open fields and face the Draelvasier warriors head-on. Neither choice was favorable, The brave defenders that charged forward were slaughtered by Baedurin Ultras under the command of Gordrak.

Deep within the city, Drael assassins targeted those with military experience, politicians, support systems, and supply routes. The city was crippling, bit by bit until bodies filled every corner. The tallest buildings, oozing carnage.

Years on Charros II, lives as an empty derelict. Only home to beasts that have grown beyond the recognition of the intended designs made by the Drael, the terraformer growing terrifyingly large inside the depths of the city as it continues to feast on an ample supply of bodies, preserved in its sap.
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Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

The only thing to update is the Location.

Location: [ This can be a screenshot of the hex from the map with a marker, or you can say that it is located "in X planet's hex" and give a general description of positioning. If you intend to add this planet to the Chaos Map please review the rules thoroughly.]

So Kessel Sector isn't quite enough. Please use the above as a guide so we know exactly where the planet is.

Tag me when you're ready!
Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

This is a little more specific but "Saleucami System" is still a little off. Do you just mean in the same hex with the planet Saleucami?

If so just swapping the word from System to Hex would be fine. If you'd like to provide general positioning that's always helpful as well.
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