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Approved Planet Mortowa

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  • Intent: To build upon the idea of scar worlds, a result of the Draelvasier campaign of genocide.
  • Image Credit: midjourney
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: The Draelvasier, Mortowiins
  • Planet Name: Mortowa
  • Demonym: Mortowiin
  • Region: Outer Rim Territories
  • System Name: Gand System
  • System Features: Gand
  • Location: Gand Hex, Kessel Sector
  • Major Imports: N/A
  • Major Exports: N/A
  • Unexploited Resources: Ammonia, Aurodium
  • Gravity: Standard
  • Climate: Temperate on a select few untouched, islands and a single unnamed continent. Arid elsewhere.
  • Primary Terrain: Volcanic Mountains, Arid wasteland, Abandoned Urban Civilisation
  • Atmosphere: Type I
  • Capital City: Ard-Cassa
  • Planetary Features: Ruins, damaged battlefields, destroyed Draelvasier craft
  • Major Locations:

    The City Ruins:
    Ard-Cassa, was once home to five-hundred million. During the four-hundred year darkness, the tribes of the Mortowiins banded together. Building a society as they set their differences aside to survive. Now, it is an empty husk. The burn sites for the bodies still remain, massive trenches of graves that were burnt into glass exist all throughout the city ruins. The southern district of Ard-Cassa was where the Mortowiin military made their stand. Remnants of the battle remain to this day. Weapons, tanks, and improvised defences. The southern district is where the most damage is present throughout the city, with signs of serpents underneath the city surface having caused many of the highrise buildings to sink. Much of the surrounding smaller buildings are partially melted, giving way to the broken roads beneath.

    The mines of Mortowa are infamous, having been used to search for rare Aurodium. Aside from the metal, Ammonia had become the bedrock for the economy of the Mortowiin's. During the invasion of the Draelvasier, many miners and their families retreated into the deeper Ammonia mines.

    Draelvasier Outpost:

    An abandoned, small outpost a mile north of Ard-Cassa. This small recon outpost is accompanied by the very early beginnings of the creation of a Draelvasier fortress on Mortowa.

    Mortowiin Academies:
    The Mortowa military academy, a once prestigious training facility for many of the governments aligned with the Jedi over the years. The Mortowiin's established themselves as military personnel when an adjoining Jedi Academy was built into the face of the mountain the military academy was built into. From this, the Jedi of the Outer Rim formed a bond with the planet Mortowa.
  • Force Nexus
    To add to the depth of the atrocities committed by the Draelvasier on this planet.
    Nexus Name: Ammonia Mine Nexus
  • Nexus Alignment: Other | Dull, like an echo
  • Size: Small
  • Strength: Strong
  • Accessibility: Untouched for nearly a decade, this nexus has become a tomb, echoing the demise of the Mortowiin's trapped within the mining caves.
  • Effects: If empathy is something carried, an emptiness in one's stomach. A hollow feeling as if the eyes of those who perished were all around.

  • Native Species: Mortowiin
  • Immigrated Species: Humans, Togruta, Gand
  • Population: Uninhabited
  • Demographics: None
  • Primary Languages: Galactic Basic
  • Culture:
    The Mortowiin were a trading society, working hand in hand with their neighbors on Gand. The gas found in the mines below Mortowa's surface were used to trade for supplies and space-worthy vessels. Their relationship with the Gand was the beginning of an expansive network throughout the Kessel Sector.
  • Government: Non-existent
  • Affiliation: Neutral
  • Wealth: None | An uninhabited world has no wealth
  • Stability: Low | Mortowa remains untouched, save for those brave enough to land in its barren wastes to strike a deal without prying eyes. Mortowa is lawless and silent.
  • Freedom & Oppression: When the Draelvasier attacked, Mortowa was an independent ally of the Silver Jedi. Mortowiin's had an active military, but one that served the Concord when called upon and oversaw law enforcement under the guise of a democratic party otherwise.
  • Military: Demilitarised
  • Technology: Much technology that once belonged to the Mortowiin's still remains on the planet surface, within the destroyed city and scattered across the once-populated continents. However, withered over time.
Four-Hundred Year Darkness:

AFter the end of the Gulag Plague's four-hundred year darkness in 835ABY, Mortowa saw a rebirth of prosperity. The Kessel Sector banded together quickly as contact was established once more. Gand extended its arm out to the isolated world with the might of the Kessel Sector relief efforts at its back, providing essential supplies to stabilise Mortowa. This relationship continued to blossom as Mortowa provided military protection to its neighbouring Gand and the other planets in the Kessel Sector.

For the next fifty or so years, Mortowa continued to build. Becoming the homeworld of an accomplished Jedi Knight in late 860ABY. Their mines continued to be a boon to the Gand in all corners of the Galaxy. Their academy, continued to exist as a respected institute, teaching soldiers how to fight in high terrain.

The Draelvasier arrive:

However, when the Draelvasier began to expand outward. The Galaxy did not listen, the pleas of the smaller governments fell on deaf ears, and even the complaints of the Jedi, affected as their homeworlds were burnt and their people slaughtered; continued to make no difference. The battle against the Draelvasier had begun by the time they reached Kessel. But their amassed strength meant that no one could save them in time. As the growing borders of the Drael drew closer, the Kessel Sector devolved into its habits during the four-hundred year darkness. No communication came from Gand, and the people of Mortowa assumed the worst.

When a ship from the Galactic Alliance arrived, they believed help had finally arrived. But this was not the case, only the nameless Mortowiin Jedi knight. Two other Jedi had chosen to stand beside her. Their ship was destroyed by spying orbital cannons, surrounding the planet and targeting any means of escape. It did not take long for Mortowa to fall, overnight the calm city had become a no-mans land.

The Mortowiin Academies were orbitally bombarded, whilst Drael beasts battered the city from all sides. The Jedi Knight and her fellow Jedi fought for twelve hours before a Drael known as Sethrak, hunted and assassinated them during a feigned retreat of Drael forces.

All life on Mortowa was wiped out within the following weeks. The last to succumb to the power of the Drael were the miners and their families. Hiding in the deep caves, the Draelvasier released gas pockets using their serpents. A firing squad waited at the mining facility for the survivors, but none ever came.
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Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

I wanted to take a look at this planet after reviewing the species, but, now I'm all up in my feels.

A firing squad waited at the mining facility for the survivors, but none ever came.

At any rate, it's well-written, and everything is filled out correctly. The AI Art is pretty cool and the historical information flows nicely into a record of the savagery of The Brynadul The Draelvasier. Good work! [APPROVED]
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