Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Border Surveillance Pt 2 | GA Dominion of Rutan

Objective: Jedi Service Corps Ahoy!
Allies: [member="Lynn Corerunner"] [member="D'vok Windroamer"] [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"]
Post: 8/20

"Oh, I apologize. I got carried away upon the padawans mentioning the gaps in their skillsets, knowing that these skills are nevertheless useful to serve in any of the four corps"

Even though, historically, the Service Corps were for those who failed to reach the point where they became padawans, here it was an invitation to those who made it to the padawan stage and above to take part in the activities of the Service Corps. Cathul is responsible of all the infrastructure work (and also to provide naval support to the MedCorps) among the MedCorps by now... Must try teaching them something at some point! In terms of Jedi skillsets, ExploriCorps needs some lightsaber combat skills, telekinesis, Force-sense and the mind trick, AgriCorps and EduCorps only need telekinesis and Force-sense, MedCorps needs Force-healing, telekinesis and Force-sense, she thought, when her mind raced about the skillsets required of each corps while the presentation ran. Upon realizing that the telekinesis exercise is over for D'vok, she collected the two 12.7x108s, and put them back into some pocket of her Jedi robes.
Location: Assembly Hall
Allies: [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"], @D'vok Windroamer, [member="Cathul Thuku"]
Enemies: None
Post: 6

Lynn felt she had created a bit of a situation. Was it much? No, just slight embarrassment at most, but she wanted to speak on it regardless. "Please, do not feel like you got carried away. I admire such a diligence to want to inspire and teach, I just feel in this setting I can not give full attention to what you would like to teach or what needs to be done." He ever present smile was still there and in the tone of her voice.

As she spoke she noticed a droid moving by with refreshments and took a cup of something hot with pleasure. She hadn't realized it until the drink was presented, but her mouth and throat were becoming very dry from the conversation. She took a sip, only a sip as the contents were still quite hot. She felt the hot substance mover past her tongue and like a breath of fresh air the drink soothed her throat and refreshed it for more conversation. She had not tasted such a drink before, but did notice it gave her a sense of relaxation.

As the spot was offered she joined Rhen and set her cup on a trey. Slipping the straps off her shoulders she removed her backpack and began digging through it. After some time rustling through the bag, she pulled out a holocron and placed it on the table. "Well, I learned most of what I know from this. It is a holocron that divulges into Makashi and expands into advanced movements. It really expands on the Shiak and Sun Djem. I found it also expands on humanoid anatomy and where vital organs are located. This makes it more likely you will know where to strike to end a dual, but not a life. Though, aside from this I just read a lot and gain a working knowledge on a variety of topics, but lack the application." She took another sip of her drink that was beginning to cool down. "How about you two, what are you specializing in. I assume healing for you, Miss. Thuku?"


Disney's Princess
Rutan High Continent
The Northern Shelf

BYOO - Cataloging the Kudana
Post Six

The Northern Shelf was a fractured land mass of flux gravity and massive floating rock formations. Unlike the southern climates, which involve mostly rolling plains and savannas, the high continent was much colder and wet. Making for a much more coastal experience. Still? As the large floating landmasses zipped past the dropship's cockpit, Kat didn't feel any more at ease.

"Amazing. What could possibly cause it?"

"I couldn't say. We've only been cataloguing this planet for about a week now. Meaning, most of our information is taken from local sciences and superstitions. Without a planetary observatory to work from I've afraid the NJO hasn't collected much detailed data about all of their anomalies yet."


As a Doctor of Science at heart, Kat was both curious and understandably worried. Uncharted territory indeed.

"Don't worry Doctor. I sense your hesitation already. Hehe. We'll be landing at a Rutan Village shortly. From there, we'll have access to local customs and trades with which we can explore the Floating Trees. Home to a wild mass of Kudana specimens. Hehe. ...Perfect for our mission, wouldn't you say?"

Kat slipped back into the co-pilot's seat as Kysa flew,

"Of course but, what did you mean by local customs?"

"The Kudana are a sacred breed to the locals. As such, we'll need a guide and a flight-bird to see us there. It's... No dropship. But don't worry. They should let us fly our bird alongside her. Probably."

Kat seemed puzzled.

"Flight bird?"

"Yep. One of the big ones."

"Bigger than us?"

"Oh yeah. Hehe."

Kat sat back down in her seat and marveled. What a fascinating planet. Kysa smiled and flipped the pulsar switch,

"Hold on tight Doctor. This is our exit."

"Oh my!"

With a dashing swoop the dropship broke through the clouds and the floating debris. Leveling off it's rapid decent and coming back into bright blue skies. Wild and open.

"There it is!" Kat beamed through the glass, "I see the village."

"Here we go!" Kysa smiled with a turn of the stick.


Little Malamala Village, here we come.
As he would enter the room, she would turn around offering a friendly smile. "Director, I've been expecting you. Care for some tea?" as she would take a sip from the mug. "Regardless, I believe the establishment of the Corporate Sector will bring a positive shift in the galaxy away from the corruption that is embedded deep within, and I'm here to discuss our alignment with some political entities. As you may already know, I've been in discussions with the Iron Empire and I just wished to gather your opinions on them."

She would begin walking to the discussion table, sitting on it and placing one hand over another, taking notes on her holopad as he spoke. This was an important meeting, not to be taken lightly. If the Corporate Sector was ever to gain weight behind the name, they would need other entities backing it.

[member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Choli Vyn"] [member="Castor Ren"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Kira Vaal"]

"This is the ground crew over at the surveillance post, Rogue One. Some of us thought that it looked like something was going on up there and wanted to know if we needed to duck," replied the man over the communications channel.

Meanwhile, Saul continued his work on the communications array while he awaited an answer from Rogue Squadron, standing up for a moment and taking a quick glance around the surrounding area to see if there were any signs of activity. Nothing would come to mind though as the site was surveyed and so he went back to his work.
Objective: Jedi Service Corps Ahoy!
Allies: [member="Lynn Corerunner"] [member="D'vok Windroamer"] [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"]
Post: 9/20

"Yes, I do specialize in healing. This is my only warning: if you choose to serve in MedCorps, you will begin by learning Force-healing and Detoxify Poison, if you don't know these already, because these are two critical skills to possess for anyone wishing to fly around the galaxy healing people"

A MedCorps member that doesn't even have a working knowledge of either Force-power, or fails to learn the power after a probation period ends, will probably end up working for its internal bureaucracy. Sure, she might be part of the MedCorps finance committee, and the head of the capital investment division (which is mostly about infrastructure expenditures), but anything more senior in the administration of a Jedi Service Corps than the third-highest level (a committee member) requires the holder to be a Jedi Master or equivalent. And the financial administration of any Service Corps is notorious to lead to high turnover rates: the NJO learned the hard way that financial administrators are performing the dirty jobs of the Jedi. In the NJO, the topmost two levels of the bureaucratic machine of a Service Corps, and the topmost four of the NJO as a whole (the Grand Marshal and Jedi Marshals are above the corps heads and the committee heads within each corps, and their equivalent levels among the main NJO administration) must be held by Masters.

Hira Mitsae

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
Objective: 3
Allies: [member="HK-36"] | [member="Aeron Kreelan"]

"We have worked together before." Sardun mentioned, while going over the situation again. "She has a tendency towards unorthodox solutions."

Diplomatic as always.

"I fully believe that we will be able to add some moderation to her... methods." Of course, the Jedi wasn't a stranger to the mindset Kreelan seemed to possess.

Years ago, when he was younger, he was much the same. Bold plans, bolder ideas. A rigid ideal forged in heated and unyielding fire. He would have done anything and everything to stop the Sith threat. Including blackening his own hands and spirit in the process.

He did not understand then.

The damage it did to his cause or the damage it did to those around him.

But age did funny things to your perspective.


Disney's Princess
Rutan High Continent
The Northern Shelf

BYOO - Cataloging the Kudana
Post Seven

Little Malamala Village. Home to the Jade Palace of Rutan and the sacred hunting grounds of the Ratisk Clan. Located high, high up in the Rutan northern shelf. A city of gold and streets garnished with white silver. A home made of marble and long purple banners made of grander silks. Finer abodes amid the thin air and brisk floating skies of Rutan.

Captain Bell and Doctor Rivers dismounted their aircraft nearer the palace gardens. The landing pad of grass and taller greens was already brimming with activity. The welcoming committee of Little Malamala had already arrived.

"It's okay Kat. Just let me do the talking. They don't get visitors often out here and tend to throw a grand parade when it comes to introductions."

"Oh? ...Yes. Of course. Lead the way Captain. I'm terrible at foreign introductions anyway. Oh dear."

As the engines cooled to a slow hiss and trembling whine, our Jedi pair was approached by the womanly entourage of Clan Ratisk. A dozen clan mothers lead forward by non other than her esteemed reverence, Archmother Matisse. An extraordinary tall Rutai woman of remarkably thin frame and cleanly sloping head. Her green skin sparkled in the waxing of the afternoon light as she began with a bow,

"Welcome Jedi Kai. Welcome to Fa Rutan."

Kysa gave a bow to mimic those offered in greeting by the Clan Mothers.

"Thank you, your eminence. We are honored to walk among you this day."

Mother Matisse gave a long wiry grin and folded her long brown robes about herself,

"It is well. I am Archmother Matisse of Clan Ratisk. Guide and hostess to all guests of our trees. ...Come then child. Let the mothers of our fair earth guide you towards the palace. There we can welcome you openly among our people and begin the feast of Sai Bel. Truly, a welcome worth of a Jedi."

Kat Rivers seemed surprised by these strange tribal greetings. Having suspected a more modern audience amid a modern culture, she none-the-less allowed Captain Kysa Bell to continue their introductions unaided.

"Of course. Lead on then your eminence. We, your guests, ...shall follow."

And so it was that afternoon became evening. The many mothers of Clan Ratisk leading our fair Jedi into the village with grand pomp and circumstance. Declaring their visitation with a feast worthy of The Elders. They banged the drums and set forth the great bowls. Turning the whole village over to a holiday. With diverse fruits and vegetables for all.

The Mothers then ushered the Jedi back into the shade and quiet of the palace temple. Into a den of quiet spaces and reverant abodes. Where they might converse more freely about the mission to come. Granting Kat and Kysa the blessing of the Mothers and the goodwill of Clan Ratisk. That there travels in these lands might go unmolested.

So it was that business continued. Even as the lights of high evening came hurling on.

ExplorCorps- GUIDE
Little Malamala Village
[member="Kat Rivers"]

There was an expedition here on Rutan- to the Northern shelf. Two ExplorCorps personnel were already on site, but Aeshi was directed to assist, given her experience with the GUIDE. She'd been on exploration missions before, but not usually one quite like this. Reports indicated a floating continent, but whether that was literal or not was up for grabs. It looked like she was going to find out. She nudged the StarDream into a different course, its nose leading to the coordinates of the village. The ship rattled as it dropped through the atmosphere, shields flaring up against the friction.

It wasn't a long descent, by any means, and the Corellian freighter soon settled onto the grassy landing pad with a hiss of landing gear. The airlock hissed open, ramp lowering. Aeshi leaned out the hatch, watching the small village. It was quiet, except for what sounded like a celebration farther up the village. The other vessel sat nearby. The StarDream engines cooled with a hiss as Aeshi strode down onto the grassy field, holding a backpack on one arm. It had her normal exploration gear, but also her pistols tucked under the top flap. She never went anywhere without them. Even as a Warden, she'd spent too much time beaten down by those with blasters. Never again.

Grass whispered softly beneath her boots, merging with the soft breeze tugging at her hair, sending a few strands loose. The village slipped past her until she came to what sounded like the holiday. From the looks of it, the entire village was there. She smiled as she reached the doorway and leaned in, getting a look at the situation. The ExplorCorps members stood out like a sore thumb. Everyone else was green and tall.

That was a new one, but then, she lived on a planet inhabited by sentient birds. This was no different here. Aehi took a deep breath and stepped into the party, catching the attention of those nearby, who quickly rose and approached her. They had a reverence towards her that caught her off guard, starting with their bow. It was elegant and formal.

Aeshi returned it as best she could with the pack. One of them took it for her, setting it down beside the table as they offered her food and drink. She held up her hands taking what she could and trying to sift through the words as quickly as possible.

"Aeshi Tillian," she managed to get out at last, "I'm here to assist with the expedition."

They nodded and gave her a nudge towards the Jedi, and she flowed with the movement, like a leaf in a river. So very different than her last expedition. That was one to a planet of sentient crystals. What did this one have in store?


Disney's Princess
Rutan High Continent
The Northern Shelf

BYOO - Cataloging the Kudana
Post Eight - [member="Aeshi Tillian"]

"More company is always welcome" Kysa smiled and stepped out from the gathering of Clan Mothers. Eager to shake Aeshi's hand.

"I'm Captain Bell. Of the Jedi ExplorCorps. My partner here is Doctor Rivers. An associate out of Denon Academy."

"Welcome Captain Tillian." Came the strong soothing voice of Archmother Matisse, "I pleases us that so many visitors have arrived. Please. Do enjoy your stay."

Kat smiled stepped forward also. Introductions all around.

"Nice to meet you Captain. Doctor Rivers. A pleasure. And again, welcome to Malamala Village. I think we're just about to get started. Hehe."

* * *

With introductions concluded, the party was allowed to return to their vessels. The expedition was almost ready to begin.

"Wait, Captain Bell?" Kat tapped Kysa on the shoulder, "I know that the welcoming party just ended an all but? Didn't you say we needed a guide?"

"Oh? That's right."

Bell smiled and scratched her head. She'd almost forgotten the most important part,

"Ah! And speak of the devil. Here she comes now."

The party turned to witness an aggressively large bird coming in for a landing against the evening sky. A huge orange creature with a wingspan to rival even their Jedi dropship. It gusted up a torrent of wind as it fell aloft the villages branches. Coming down slowly to a thumping landing.

"...Doctor Rivers. Captain Tillian. Please meet Hunter Simone and her bird-of-prey, Gustly. Hehe."

A large Rutani woman dismounted the huge orange bird. Bone necklaces around her shoulders bespoke her rank aloud. Strong arms and dubiously tall. Her slender green neck held up a noble chin and a even more scornful gaze. This was a true Rutani warrior indeed.

Kysa waved to the flying newcomer,

"Hey hey. Welcome back Simone. I've brought some friends with me this time."

"I can see that Master Jedi. ...Hello friends. I am Simone. A hunter of the sacred Kudana species that you seek. Your guide and tree-friend on this late evening's holiday events. How do you do."

Kat was speechless. The orange bird was magnificent enough but this? A tall Rutani warrior with her long rifle in tow. Goodness. It's almost too much for a poor Denon scientist to take in.


Kat peeped. Blushing from embarrassment just as quickly. Oh dear. What a terrible hello. Rivers quickly turned to [member="Aeshi Tillian"] to save her. Hopeful to fade into the background of yet even more, introductions.

Oh dear. Would this alien planet never end.
Objective: Continue the Construction of the Rutan Surveillance Centre.

———— ———— ———— ————

The Server room was several levels below ground, already established by the Galactic Alliance and well hidden from normal eyes. It was accessed by a small turbo-lift that made its decent slow enough for facial scans and help to be requested if an infiltration was indeed attempted and then another three flights of tight stairs that would be impossible to navigate in a hurry.

Kira’s escort had talked the entire way down to the room, his personality breaking from a faceless guard into a cheerful fresh recruit from Coruscant the moment Commander Nium was out of ear shot. He was everything that was right with the Galactic Alliance, and everything that was wrong with it too.
He wanted to fight, he had seen his home world savaged time and time again before being given the chance to join a cause worth fighting for. His first post? A small surveillance installation on the backend of nowhere.

Kira had convinced the escort that she should enter the server room alone, mostly due to the heat. All the electrical workings made a very uncomfortable atmosphere for the SIS agent as she slipped into the room and sealed the door behind her, reminding her almost of high-noon on Tatooine, except less natural.
Yet having entered the area alone gave her time which she thought she wouldn’t have.
“Forty three…Forty Four…and Forty Five.” Her finger ran along the air as she counted the server racks, sliding on a pair of gloves to allow easier contact with the scorching metal racks. “This should be the one.”
She pressed the connector in, releasing the lock and allowing it to slide out to display the inner workings of the system. It was a simple chips system, routed through a series of transformers that would process all incoming transmissions from the surveillance beacons in the system. Simple yet effective.

From within her belt she withdrew two small chips, one of which was clamped down onto the wires to the bottom of the main chip and transformer, a small green light indicating that it had made its connection and had started to transmit to SIS secure connections, basically allowing the organisation unrestricted realtime updates from the server without the need to go through the base communication itself. She then placed the other chip to the higher part of the wiring, a red light indicating this one’s activation. Same deal, different reason. This one was not for the SIS or the Alliance, this one was for the Rebellion. If they were going to take a stand against the First Order the small fledging faction needed to know what was happening quickly and quietly. Putting a direct link into the system would allow Rebel Command the opportunity to see what the SIS and the Galactic Alliance were seeing without any knowledge from the latter. She pushed the rack back in and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

A loud bang from the door made her realise that she had spent far too much time in here already. She removed the gloves and moved back towards the exit.
[member="Kira Vaal"]

The SIS and GADF were no slouches when it came to information security. Particularly when it came to their more secure systems. Monthly checks of tamper seals and internal components were standard for their more sensitive assets. Network security was also fully capable of picking up the signal of a server beaconing in a manner that it shouldn't be. A classic example would be a tap that was transmitting information to a location that did not house SIS or GADF assets.

The GADF had started as a backwater operation, a loose conglomerate of former Republic and Omega forces that could stand up to the One Sith. Over time they had slowly changed, become a streamlined war machine that could fight deep into the core. But now the One Sith was gone there was a different kind of war. One which required fending off countless attacks from organised and well funded operatives of the First Order, and Sith orders that had gone into hiding.

The Rebellion would get some information. Pulled right off the rack it would come unencrypted. But not for long. And then questions would start to be asked.

Elmont Block

Your focus determines your reality
Elmont reflected on his own experiences. He had a loyalty to the Jedi even now - even though he’d been badly treated in his own mind. He felt no loyalty to his birth planet, or even his family. His training had made him the person he was and even if he had not re-joined a Jedi Order, the thought of returning to his home world would feel alien to him now. He was no longer the child that left aged four. He bore his family no ill will, but they weren’t who he grew up with - who he counted as friends and ‘family’ in a wider sense.

And it seemed a young royal had the same mind-set and there was a real fear that the two worlds will go to war again.

The mist began to break into patches of cloud. A large city appeared beneath Elmont. His data told him it was Testa, the capital city. He punched in coordinates, to take him to the royal grounds of the king – which were on the outskirts.

Suddenly a warning light flashed on the control panel, followed quickly by another. Elmont sighed. He had got this far on a wing and a prayer and now he was sure the ship’s systems would start to shut down one by one.

He guided the small craft closer to the planet’s surface. He left the city behind and began to glide above a field of stubby pale grass. A rather ominous warning alarm pinged.
Objective: BYOO – System Patrol
Location: Outer Rutan System

Unknowns: [member="Aut-X"]
Allies: Vector Squadron | [member="Tam Severro"]


Gabey listened in with Tam's conversation with the Lead.

They were gonna be fine, tho, regardless of Sevvero's doubts. Because they had him and if Lethe was anything, it was a smooth sailin' fella who could de-escalate situations without much fuss. Didn't Five smile at him just the other day, when they were all drinking together in the bar? Hell, yeah, she did. So that was that, he decided.

He'd save their asses and make this right, he know he'd do it.

"Gonna be fine, Seven. Let me handle this." Gabey comm'ed over after the talk in their private transmission. "And uh... if this fails, we can always find ourselves a tropical planet and crash there, or something."

Then he put on his authoritative voice again.

<< Aut-X, thank you for your patience. Please confirm, how did your ships get damaged and how long do you estimate the repairs will take? >>
tinker tailor soldier spy

Objective: Establish SIS Base
Location: SIS Listening Post
Allies: SIS | [member="Kaileann Vera"]

It wasn't usually that Elliot could be found in situations like these.

He was in the field more often than not. Infiltrating, spying, sometimes seedier endeavors, whatever it took to push the agenda of the SIS out there in the Galaxy. This was strange to him, but what Command wanted it would get. And for some reason he had been given orders to be dispensable and available for this project.

"At least they made it a pretty design." Elly mumbled to himself, while retrieving a cigarette for himself. Got lit up in fast order and the smoke started to raise soon after.

Outside, things were quiet. The air was clear and there wasn't really much to do.

Just sit there and twiddle his thumbs.

There was only one thing on his mind: when can I go back into the field again?


The Pan-Galactic Scumbag
Objective: BYOO - Secret Plotting
Location: Non-descript Cantina, Testa
Enemy: None
Posts: 1/20

"So it's like. . ." A voice purred nonchalantly, "Wait." The thumping pound of drums, the guitar chords ripping so right. A small round head with triangular ears stooped forward. A pair of pink hands lofting a square mirror, holding it steady for the blue-grey Cantrosian.

Now, the coarse-grained Spice that lay in rails on the reflective surface that this small sentient just huffed wildly in to it's wet nose. Was a concoction of it's own design--but one part of a larger regiment---gold dust, with vivid specks of neon blue vanished greedily. By the time Big Boo floated his head back up in the radiant red glow of cantina light in the enclave where he, a twi'lek and the Droid, Six-O sat. A lesser being would have fallen with eyes rolled back, never to rise again. But this Cantrosian was no first time Sally. Clearly this was an experienced connoisseur of psychonautic doctorate. A scholar of the stoned. Also, it was worth noting, he had no eyes to roll in the first place.

"Go on, baby." The buzzing creature purred, long tongue stroking nose, cleaning the remainder of spice that had deposited.

The mirror drifted over to the top of a green lit, circular table, the clank of hard surface to hard surface lost in the rumble of Classic Galactic Rim-Rock. With devious smile, and an ecstatic scrunch to her features which pouted full, luscious, purple neon lips. Akaiya outstretched her hand to the side of Big Boo's tilting head. Scratching her fingers on soft, silk fur and under pudgy chin. "Sooo cuuuuute!" she groaned playfully.

"Meow, baby." Big Boo retorted, shrugging her hand aside. "Go grab me a Pink Nebula, my. . . consort and I have business to talk." He hummed with a strange pause, deep chuckle erupting from mouth soon after as his head kept bounce to the throb of notes in the smoked up Cantina.

"I gotcha, Boo." She said murmured with infectious glee, tossing a single glance towards Six-O with gulping throat before she strode out with swaying hips and bounce in step.

"Ahaha, wait." Big Boo chortled.

Now what he liked, was a nice gasp of Giggledust, cut with a hefty helping of Sweetspice to enhance the sensory enjoyment. Eight to twelve Pyrepenol spliffs to calm him down, Corellian Sunburst to wrest him from stupor, Thruster Head because he liked getting weird, Neutron Pixie to jack him up, and roughly one and a half gallons of Pink Nebula to level him back out.

He was a savage.

"Yeah, so you know what's been going down here?" He asked, those globe-like oculars swaying with drifting head. "Princess this, Princess that. . . everyone makin' a big fuss of some. . making a big fuss over it. So I figure, well, no time better than that to move on in and work some orders out, right?"

The Droid sat still.

"We get here, it's all good. The Rutanians are busy with the Senali's, there's fear in the streets, there's paranoiya keeping people home. We set up shop in the South Plains herding way crazy Kudana's. I mean thinnin' entire herds, cleaning out the place. Cuttin' pelt, killin' Huds. Just raking it in, Six. I mean a Hud pelt alone like, 3500 creds in Hutt Space. Three times that in Silver territory. It's a real cash grab down an easy trade spine."

But a catch.

"Then they start catching wind. We got townsfolk out with pitchforks, like it's Pre-Republic dark ages. Animal Rights, 'hey stop killin' and catchin' the Kudanas!'. It's like bad for the ecosystem or some Sithspit like that. Some tradition or, whatev', dig? Can't let them run us out, Six. Galactic Alliance done shone up, whispers in the winds say you thinkin' of throwin' in with the good guys? You know you bad, Droid. Help me out here, I'll get you paid. I got a list riiiiight here."
PVE Adventure: NJO Mission to find the Kidnapped Princess!
NPCing Grand Marshal Omai Rhen for dispatch of NJO and Allies group for this kidnapped PVE adventure!
| 12 |

"Moderation is key." Omai took both of the Baron's and Master Sardun's concerns. A glance went shifting over towards the tall, broad-shouldered Jedi Master.

"Master Sardun, I will place you in command of this mission. Please utilize the resources of both [member="HK-36"] and the Omega Pyre Prex." a small press of the holo array and the image of the planet and the kingdoms of Rutan and Senali vanished. A small datachip popped out, and the Grand Marshal plucked it with his fingers. He then extended the datachip over to the Jedi Master.

"Keep it discrete. If you need any other help, please contact me and I will send more aide. I'll be discussing with the King of Rutan to see what we can do to ensure diplomatic endeavours continue smoothly." A firm nod.

"Thank you, and may the Force be with you."
[member="Saul Starskimmer"] [member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Choli Vyn"]

WhiteAlbion said:
[member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Choli Vyn"] [member="Castor Ren"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Kira Vaal"]

"This is the ground crew over at the surveillance post, Rogue One. Some of us thought that it looked like something was going on up there and wanted to know if we needed to duck," replied the man over the communications channel.

Meanwhile, Saul continued his work on the communications array while he awaited an answer from Rogue Squadron, standing up for a moment and taking a quick glance around the surrounding area to see if there were any signs of activity. Nothing would come to mind though as the site was surveyed and so he went back to his work.
"Sit tight ground crews, we've got unidentified contacts in the asteroid belt. You'll get something from command if we discover a threat."

Asmus switched across to the squadron channel before continuing. "Rogues, get into covert mode. No unnecessary radio chatter. We're going to come in nice and slow and passively scan for heat signatures. We do not yet have permission to engage. Is that clear?"

His hands moved across the controls. The engines at the read of the X-Wing tightened their nozzles and the emissions dropped to a bare minimum. His datastream to the GADF battlespace system dropped off as his ship went to receive voice comms only. The squadron angled in towards the asteroid belt at a cool cruising velocity.

Objective: Establish SIS Base
Location: SIS Listening Post
Allies: SIS | [member="Elliot Locke"]
Other GA reps: [member="Vaal Pal Vo"] @WhiteAlbion @Kira Vaal


The surveillance base on Rutan was indeed pretty, however, there were still a few items going through construction. Security and surveillance was top priority. It would match the one settled on Barkhesh. A small deployment of scout fighters were to make a home here along with freighters that were deploy the Nabooian surveillance drones and probes purchased earlier.

A Kar'ara'novor Multifunction Defense Emplacement along with a Darksky Area Shield and a World Guardian Shield. Programming via the O/S Cresh. There were other specific security measures being set in place by GADF and SIS, but for now, that meant little to the Lorrdian walking down to meet up with other SIS agents.

This time around, she'd be easy to pick up. It was the bright pink hair. Those that knew her as 'Kaile' would not be able to pin point her. Top it off with color shifting cybernetic contacts, and she was good to go.

The meet up was to discuss the current First Order threat. Perhaps even discuss a possible infiltration. Padding quickly to the briefing room.

And promptly crashed into [member="Elliot Locke"].
tinker tailor soldier spy
Objective: Establish SIS Base
Location: SIS Listening Post
Allies: SIS | [member="Kaileann Vera"]

The cigarette was burning good, kept the nerves down and the twitchy nature of Elly in check.

You're Elliot Locke. It almost seemed as if the smoke was agreeing with him, the way it curled around in the air of the closed space within the base itself. He was mostly waiting for the meeting to start, outside of the briefing room, at least until suddenly a body collided with him.

Good thing he was a soldier, last month he was getting his face kicked in every single day. If there was one thing he was good at, it was standing his ground in the face of an external force.

Even such a lovely one as this one.

"Not that I mind a bit of roughness in the morning, but don't you think we should reserve that for the second date?" He drawled out from between his cigarette, before offering a hand for her to pull herself up from the ground.

"Locke, Elliot Locke." Felt good repeating the name out loud. Made it more real. Made him real. "What's your name then, Pink?"

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