Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Beyond Blue Skies


Bastion Customs Spacestation
There was a lot going on these days. The Fel Empire had just proclaimed that any Sith would be, essentially, killed on sight. Without any trial. Would this make them an enemy of The Republic? Did The Republic have the moral values to oppress the faction that was proclaiming such things?

That's why she found herself here, on Bastion's orbiting station. She wanted a general feel for their foundation, and where better to start than their capital planet? She wasn't outstanding in any way, especially because she didn't don any traditional Jedi robes. Instead, she wore a slightly oversized jacket, skinny black pants and black knee-high boots that clicked as she wandered amongst the throngs of people. Her lightsabers, three now since her recent collection from the Dac invasion, were tucked away beneath her coat against her lower back; ready to snap to attention should she require them.

Until then, she would continue to blend with the random Bastion residents, and those who were like her; checking the place out for the first time.

@[member="Circe Savan"] | @[Member="Tamara"] | @[member="Astrian Callus"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
Circe was on Bastion in order to do a little personal recon. Her appearance was entirely altered, her facial features all somewhat different, which - in concert with her Quey'tek-shrouded Force Sensitivity, her standard Fel clothing, and her radially altered appearance, up to and including reshaped face - would hopefully keep the Fel from detecting her.

Intriguingly enough, she detected someone else particularly important. She had the Force as her ally - though she had no intention of using it, especially not any time soon.

@[member="Kiskla Grayson"] | @Tamara | @Astrian Callus
Kiskla had been so swept up with admiring the inbound and outbound ships (while pointedly scolding their landing and takeoff techniques) that she'd lost track of her footing. Or rather, other people's footing. It was a transition of space that lead Kiskla directly into the path of an unknown woman. She was coordinated however, and stopped abruptly in time so as not to collide with the frame of the stranger.

"Whoops." Kiskla pardoned herself, taking a step backward and instantly checking the civilian for any sort of damages -- which would be strange to have incurred considering they hadn't even touched. @[member="Circe Savan"]

@[member="Tamara"] | @[member="Astrian Callus"]
@[member="Kiskla Grayson"] @[member="Circe Savan"]

Tamara, whose own reasons for being on Bastion were slightly…opaque…stumbled after being walked into the other woman, but held her balance.
Would she explode in righteous indignation and demand apology? No, rather Tamara eased the bag hanging by her side into a better position and smiled.

“Yes indeed! Happened to me before. Watching all the ships is quite amazing, don’t you think? Are you new to the station?” she asked politely. Whatever it was she was doing here she had time to chat.
@[member="Tamara"] | @[member="Circe Savan"] | @[member="Astrian Callus"]

"Apparently I do." Kiskla replied, offering the woman an apologetic grin. She should have been quicker to her words, but she could have sworn she'd stumbled into someone else; maybe she was losing it. Either way, this raven-haired conversationalist seemed pleasant enough which came as a surprise to the blonde considering the statement released by the Fel Empire and their opinion on Sith.
Then again, perhaps she wasn't a citizen.

"And yes, this is my first visit." Visit being the operative word "I've not been in this part of space since the Fel Empire picked up. How about yourself? Are you a pilot, or just travelling about by .. other means?" Hitchriding.
@[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
Tamara made an airy gesture which might have meant just about anything. "Oh, just passing through, you know how it is. My ship's in for repairs so I'm having a walk around until then. It's been a while since I've been to Bastion. They have a large supply of flags no doubt to welcome whosoever is conqueror of the day." A slight exagerration there, but in the timeline condensed galaxy there had been only officially 2 years, and that time had seen three people owning the planet.

"How about you? On important business perhaps?" She had not detected Kiskla as a Jedi because doing so would have revealed her own abilities.

An amused snicker filled the air between the blonde and the raven-haired woman. "An accurate depiction, although I'd be careful. They seem more hasty and conclusive these days." She was referring to the recent act against the Sith the Fel Empire had broadcasted. "I'm interested to see some of their acclaimed Imperial Knights." Mostly because they had sucked up some of the Jedi Padawans, one being a Padawan, @[member="Yasuo"], that she had a hand in training. Yes, it stung a bit. Especially since the broadcasted act was so brutal and so against The Jedi Code.

"And importance is relative." Her slender shoulders, beneath the robust jacket, shrugged. "Mostly curiousity for the aforementioned reasons." Might as well keep 20 questions going! "My name's Kiskla by the way, what's yours? And are you captain to your own ship? How neat."
@[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
"Tamara; pleased to meet you," she said with a smile. "Oh yes, it is very neat. Hopefully it will be just as neat when I get back to it," she said. Tamara did not, in f act, have a ship. She was looking, and her main purpose was to find one here she could...acquire. Kiskla didn't need to know that though!
"Ah yes, the Imperial Knights. Let us hope for Emperor Fel's sake that they do not decide he is guilty of Dark Side taint, as it is their duty to depose him if they find that the case. Were I a cynical woman, and of course I am, I would suspect this would be used to their advantage in political struggles. Much as the Jedi leverage their assistance to the Republic by gaining concessions. Of course, the Emperor's announcement that Sith are to be purged brings into question just who a Sith is...could not everyone on this planet who lived under them be considered one?"
Tamara did not know Kiskla was a Jedi, but it was clear this was no idle comment. It was there for a reason. A test, mayhap?

Her brows lofted at the woman's insights, and suggestion that the whole government would collapse should their leader be corrupted. An excellent idea indeed, although they had proven to be The Republic's allies on more than one occassion...she thought. Kiskla wasn't very good at keeping tabs on things. As for the mention of the Jedi and Republic relationship, she almost gave way to a cringe. This seemed to be a hot topic as of late, one she'd been under fire for when she brought it up to the Jedi Council themselves. Only a few had agreed that there was room for concern, which was curious, since the Jedi were supposed to be ever-learning and seeking opportunities to expand their knowledge. Instead of wanting to invest their time in learning how to better themselves, her frets and some of the other Master's concerns, had been squashed defensively.

"I think," Kiskla started, her expression definitely displayed her intrigue into the conversation the dark-haired lady had just exposed "That would all depend on whether or not they could prove Emperor Fel's alignment with the dark side of The Force." She waved a hand dismissively of the thought "If that were the case, though, they could and they couldn't. It depends on the lengths the government is willing to go to eradicate and purge. How hypocritical they are, and how many resources in their Knights they could expend smiting evil." A smirk now fell into it's regular place, curling her mouth upward.

"I'm sure there are some minorities considering mutinies. Would they be the ones considered Sith then? I think there's always a wrinkle in the tapestry."
@[member="Kiskla Grayson"]

“I think, Ms Kiskla, it would depend entirely on how cynical you are, and more importantly – are they are virtuous as they claim? I’ve had a broad range of experience with different groups, Jedi, Sith, other lesser groups, and I’ve found that fundamental sentient nature doesn’t change. Every group has good and bad eggs, even the Sith…though they have more bad than good! I believe that there will be a showdown eventually between them over who has power. I am rather less sanguine than most when it comes to this sort of thing.”

Tamara clearly fell into the realist rather than the idealistic camp.
“Since we’re both waiting and watching, can I offer you a drink? There’s a great observation window two stories up.”
If Kiskla's brows hadn't been high enough, they threatened to maintain permanent surprised-Spock position. A broad range with different groups--and a curious individual. Very intriguing indeed!
"I think there might have already been a showdown between the powers." Kiskla commented, "Although, I doubt there will ever be a finale." Cockroaches had an ability to survive even the most atomic of attacks. When @[member="Tamara"] offered a drink, Kiskla had an internal chuckle. She'd been drinking more than usual lately, and mostly with strangers. But her drinking more than usual could mean she had two sips instead of one -- she wasn't a heavy alcohol consumer. Unless it was champagne.

"That sounds like an excellent way to pass the time, I'll take you up on that offer. You certainly sound like you've a fair amount of stories to share over sips." With a gleeful nod, the blonde followed the stranger's suggestion up a series of stairwells. Kiskla didn't mind stairs, especially since she was here specifically to spectate. Being in a confined turbolift would certainly limit the closeness of her observations. Most people were stoic looking, merely bustling about their business. In her peripherals, she caught a glimpse of a few beings clad in red armour; and she idly considered the possibility that one of them had been trained by her at one point.

"I take it you've been to this station before then," Kiskla started the conversation again as they neared the entrance to what looked like Tamara had suggested. "That, or you've a very thorough travel guide booklet."
@[member="Kiskla Grayson"]

Tamara gave an airy wave which seemed her stock-in-trade. "Well, you know how it is. When you pass through places you get an idea of what's around. I've glimpsed this bar before, but never been there. And indeed you seem the sort to also share some stories."
Upwards they headed, passing red armoured Imperial Knights and ordinary citizens. Finally they came to the bar and Tamara went and ordered a pair of drinks. She got wine for them both on the assumption that it went with most things.
"Tarisian, it seems. Move out of ale and into wine. And here I thought the planet was still in ruins...though that was a long time ago," Tamara said idly.

They looked out into space, all the beautiful stars, nebulas and the planet itself below them. "You forget about how lucky you are to see such beauty and take it for granted," Tamara said softly.
Ruins? That would have been before 130 ABY when the Yuuzan Vhong were still a major threat. Ugh, Vong; she'd been poisoned by some venom recently. That had been awkward. "Ruins?" Kiskla echoed, daftly.

"Oh, thank you!" Kiskla chirped, and pinched the glass' stem. @[member="Tamara"]'s comment about ruins still dominated her thoughts so much that she almost missed the tail end of the conversation about the view, to which the blonde responded appropriately to and glanced outside with a slow nod.

"I'm sorry, but you mentioned you recalled Bastion in ruins. That was.." She paused, and attempted to do the accurate calculations before concluding that she would round up "-hundreds of years ago."

Either Tamara had some whacky drugs, or a whacky tale.

"It was restored to where it is today, though granted they've probably developed further but y.." She shook her head "It was a curious comment; is there a reason you recall the ruins of bastion vividly?"
@[member="Kiskla Grayson"]

Tamara raised her eyebrows in a mock serious way. "Oh, I saw a holo once," Tamara said vaguely with Grade A evasion. "The History Channel is always showing things from snapshots of the past. You know how it is, you see a doco on the Clone Wars and next thing you expect to see Jedi and droids fighting each other."
She smiled at Kiskla innocently and moved the conversation on to a new topic.

"Have you seen those new X-34 datapads with the inbuilt data module? Apparently there's a shop on this station that sells them cheaply." As moving discussions on it was a little bit desperate, but there was no evasion too great for Tamara to avoid personal questions!
Tamara didn’t look easily influenced, especially after her speculative comment earlier about The Republic and the Jedi comment. She was too intelligent to be so easily persuaded by holovid productions.
Kiskla’s lips twisted into a bemused line and she took a sip of her wine; sensing it briefly beforehand just as a trained precaution. Good news, @[member="Tamara"] wasn’t out to drug her!

And then the conversation took another turn. Kiskla let the fermented grape juice slip down her throat as she contemplated the question about the data pads and the model Tamara had commented on.

“Oh yeah?” Kiskla asked, lofting a brow and setting down the base of her glass against the table, looking to the skyline Tamara had indicated just moments ago.

“You’ve got quite the traveller’s knowledge Tamara. I’m impressed! From considering Bastion as ruins, to knowing about their latest penny innovations — I’m impressed.

Are you wanting to check that shop out later? I’ve nowhere to be, and I’m sure I can always do a little situational analysis on gadgets.” A smirk now, was passed on.
@[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
Tamara chuckled and spread her hands wide for a moment. "What can I say, Kiskla? You're like a Kath Hound on a scent, and are making me pay for my slip of the tongue. They say that 'the truth shall set you free', but there are some things people usually prefer not to know. So for now, let's go shopping, and we'll see what happens."

They left the bar and headed down to the store. The X-34 datapad was indeed there, at the low, low price of 100 credits. Tamara looked at Kiskla for a moment, as if judging something, then paid for it.
"Did you want one? A little situational analysis goes a long way...." She held up a hundred credit chip. A bribe? A gift? It was hard to tell.
But Kiskla preferred to know everything. She wasn't so thirsty for knowledge that she'd devour novels and scrolls alike in a fashion similar to Master Alince, but she did like to experience things. Her curiosity that was the type that killed the cat, rather than making the cat book smart. But, she digressed and let @[member="Tamara"] dust her commentary under the rug. Had she even had any wine yet? And now they were off!
Such a girly day, drinking, secrets, and shopping. Nice.

"I'm beginning to feel like you're my sugar momma and we've just met." The blonde commented with a slight chuckle to accompany her statement, handling the datapad and scrolling through the screens. Kiskla might have been a Jedi, but she had her own wealth; one of her little secrets -- oh it was hard to keep track of them between The Ones and being a Princess.

"You can put it toward your ship's repairs." Kiskla replied, attempting to politely turn down the offer without saying no directly.
"But, I wouldn't mind taking it for a spin myself. You're right." She nodded at the store clerk, who took the cue and reached under the counter to pull out a box of another X-34 and put it on the counter. Kiskla reached into her coat's square pocket and pulled out a chip, after rummaging for a bit, and passing it to the clerk who asked if she wanted a receipt. Nah. She thanked him, and turned back to @[member="Tamara"], whom she was quite interested by.
"I wonder how, with a new government in place and a new infrastructure, how any of the Fel Empire's merchants can afford such a low margin for their pricing." She couldn't wait for another history slip-up from Tamara -- it was like a verbal Where's Waldo.
@[member="Kiskla Grayson"]

It had to be said that Tamara was probably doing at least some of it on purpose. Either that or she was really bad at deflecting interest in a believable way.
Tamara bowed slightly at her words. "My dear Kiskla, I think that there are far more wealthy patrons you could choose than myself. Perhaps I should enlist you instead, hmm? " she said shrewdly. "Ah yes, the ship repairs. Every credit counts, right?" She pocketed the chip again and took her shopping bag.

"My suspicion is that they will offer favourable terms to merchants to start with to get them happy with the new regime. Of course, when the time comes the taxes will go up. Even a 'light-sided government' needs taxes. I remember someone mentioning something about death and taxes being the only certainties in life. At first I misheard and thought it was 'taxis', though I suppose that is true as well!"

"So, what do you do when you're not sipping wine and buying datapads, Kiskla?"
Enlist her? "You're welcome to try." Kiskla commented cheerily, following after the woman. So far, she'd seen Bastion spacestation on multiple interaction levels, none of which seemed to bark a threat to The Republic. Absently, she checked at her chrono on her right wrist, opposite the alchemical cuff on her left. She had time to spare, which was good because the more @[member="Tamara"] spoke about governments, the more it revealed about her. She'd, a few times now, started her statements off with such promise of intelligence and then frittered it away with an absent minded comment.

Most curious indeed. "Very insightful." The young woman nodded, glancing wayward at a mother and her daughter chatting as they walked through the structured decks "Have you experience within governments?"

Then Tamara asked about Kiskla herself, and she gave as cryptic a message as she often did when people asked her potentially personal questions; "Mostly mischief" accompanied with her typical knavish simper.

"Although in reality, I find little else so entertaining as buying datapads and meeting new people." Not true, apart from the latter. What did she do? Oh, fight Sith, train warriors, rule a planet, assist in the guidance of The Jedi Order, maintain a warden status over two Force entitities. Not bad for someone only twenty. "Seeing as I've accomplished both today, I might take the rest of the month off.

And how do you pass your time?"
She doubted she'd get an actual response, considering the bullocks one she'd given the woman, but she was rarely ever serious or direct when it came to herself. Kiskla was like a mystery wrapped in an enigma, mostly because she was distrusting.
@[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
Tamara smiled. "Experience? You might say that. I've seen them rise and fall. I try to avoid them, personally. I make it a habit to avoid both taxes and taxis where possible. I'm sure you can understand," she said to Kiskla.
"What do I do? Shop for datapads and get dates mixed up, seemingly. Oh, and meet witty and intelligent young women who enjoy verbal sparring matches. It seems that we are having a lot of fun fencing back and forth. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy it, but it seems you value your privacy as much as I do. That's good."

Tamara walked with Kiskla and their new purchases along the shopping strip until they neared a large window which looked out into space. A Fel warship was gliding past.
"Do you think there is such a thing as good and evil? I mean, as an objective rather than subjective viewpoint?"

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