Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ask the Writer

Hmm... tryed playing a princess-type char once. You know, all bash-ful and using big courtly vords, swooning all over the place, akting the stupid damzel-in-distres trope. Yea... cringe-fest fail. Lets just say that RP ended fast. :p

Vhats ur favorite meal?
Nothing special. I just dont try to vrite. I do something else. Practice, work-out, go out joging, etc. In my expirience, forcing something is a good way for it NOT to vork. Especialy inspiration. Vhen it wants to come, it wil come. Until then, do something else. Hell, sometimes ideas for a post come to me in the midle of doing something else.

Your favorite flower?
Wel tehnically, all of my time is "free", since I'm self-employd. As for vhat I do, I listed it all in Hobbys thread.

How do you think up names for ur characters? Random or using name-generator of some kind?

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