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New Star League Remnants

The New Star League Remnants are a highly militarized exile group who travel the galaxy bringing aid to those in need.

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Arla's Thread

Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Intent: A quality long range weapon for the discerning market
  • Image Source: -
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Panther's Arsenal
  • Affiliation: Panther's Arsenal, Mandalorian Protectors
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: PL-1
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Minor
  • Material: Durasteel, blaster components.
  • Classification: Matter/Energy Projectile, Magnetic Accelerator
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Power Cell
  • Ammunition Capacity: Very Small
  • Effective Range: Extreme
  • Rate of Fire: Very Low
  • Damage Output: Extreme
  • Recoil: None
  • Advanced Computerized Sensor Scope
  • Inertial Compensator
  • Matter/Energy Converter
  • At full power, it is likely to kill whatever it is aimed at
  • Completely silent (except for full-power blast)
  • Extreme range provided by weapon power and advanced optics
  • Fully customizable energy or solid matter projectiles
  • Zero recoil provided by the spaceship grade inertial compensator
  • Fired at full power, minimum of 30 seconds before can be fired again
  • Heavy and Large making stationary aimed fire a must for accuracy
  • Power cells are heavy and bulky

Developed to provide Mandalorian hunters with a suitable long range weapon powerful enough to take on even the hardest and most dangerous of targets, the Septiforge's custom design heavy sniper rifle packs a mean punch.

The weapon has a long rifled barrel which links to the firing chamber where the round is prepared. The barrel accelerates the projectiles or energy packets by magnetic force. Each power cell has the capacity to generate six projectiles, which can be individually dialed in by the user. The weapon can fire a solid shot similar to a slugthrower or gauss weapon, or an energy blast similar to a standard blaster. These can be further tuned for penetration, spread, and energy type.

The weapon can also be fired on full power, which generates a mighty blast which is as loud and bright as it is devastating. The blast itself combines the projectile material into a fusioning sub-critical mass which is hurled toward the target at maximum force. This will fully deplete the power cell. Reloading the heavy cells can take time, as they are necessarily quite large.

Advanced optics and computerized sensors in the scope allow for an accurate shot at virtually any range. The sensors allow for wind, coriolis, projectile drop and decay, as well as target motion, and all forms of interference.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Classification: Shotguns
  • Size: Small
  • Weight: Average, Light, Very Light, Extremely Light.)
  • Ammunition Type: Shells
  • Ammunition Capacity: Extremely Small - 2
  • Effective Range: Battlefield
  • Rate of Fire: Very Low
  • Damage Output: Extreme
  • Recoil: None
  • Custom Ammunition [Ice, Fire](Kiiricabine+SoulSteel, Isorite Barinium+Lum'baranium tip)
  • Blast has a wide spread for maximum hit potential
  • Damage potential is extremely high for both ammo types
  • Penetration potential is extremely high against
    technology for Fire rounds and the Force for Ice rounds
  • Takes two hands to reload
  • Ice rounds can interfere with nearby friendly force users
  • Fire rounds can interfere with nearby shields

A pair of matching handheld shotgun weapons which have been carefully crafted for durability. The weapons themselves are fairly unremarkable except for their hardened construction, made to endure the concentrated effects of the unfired shells.

The ammunition, also handcrafted, is what sets this pair of shotguns apart. These take advantage of some of the most advanced and deadly Mandalorian science ever perverted to the course of warfare. Time consuming in the extreme to forge the materials for the ammunition, and then tedious and careful precise work to engineer the razor shards.

A million miniature razor sharp x-shaped shardlets formed of highly rare and dangerous materials which can inflict a wide array of horrors upon targets.

The Ice rounds are made up from Kiiricabine shardlets which will flash-freeze organics on contact, combined with the highly Force averse effects of the Soul-Steel.

Fire rounds, Lum'baranium tipped Isorite barinium will be heavily interfering with electromagnetic and gravitic fields, capable of bending and deforming shields and lightsaber blades as they pass by. The radiation absorbing tips will drive through armor plate and cause horrific damage to targets as they pass through.

The deadly shardlets are shaped to catch within an organic mass as they tear through it, slowing down. This maximises the potential for serious internal damage, which can be ongoing as the damaging shards remain within a body.
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Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Intent: To worldbuild on restoring Mandalore
  • Image Credit: Source
  • Canon: Clan Rodarch
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Organization Name: Clan Rodarch
  • Classification: Mandalorian Clan
  • Affiliation: Mandalorian Protectors
  • Organization Symbol: Asharl Panther
  • Description: A mutually beneficial grouping of tribes and family units
  • Headquarters: Mandalore
  • Domain: Based around their underground city, the Clan generally keeps to itself and its own lands. A third of the clan is dedicated to exploring this area while another third is dedicated to defending and protecting it. It's a small area on a big planet, but they look after it.

    Clan Rodarch hails from Mandalore's southern hemisphere, in an area of vast deserts spotted with small areas of wild and alien vegetation. From above it would be easy to assume that this area is lifeless like much of the planet, especially the ravaged northern hemisphere.

    The Clan's home is located in a desert oasis, surrounded by high rocky peaks. In the shadow of the high hills there are some few trees and sparse grasslands. Like much of the planet this area is comprised of much broken terrain and subterranean caverns. The settlement is much like an isolated village on the surface, with a small number of tent-like dwellings among the cliffsides.

    Extending far below is the city that is home to the Clan, with the greenery stretching down into the depths, going from surface vegetation to mosses, lichens, and vines that grow even into the areas beyond the sun's light.
  • Notable Assets: A small splinter colony in the Qena system
  • Hierarchy: The Clan operates based mainly on a mix of tradition and common sense. The Alor is the chief, with any elder, warrior, or any other adult able to speak on or raise any issue. The issued raised is usually then debated with the Alor settling anything that can't be worked out by general assent. The reality is far more democratic than the strict hierarchy practised by other Clans with the Alor role being almost but not quite ceremonial among this Clan.
  • Membership: Though much smaller than other Clans or Houses who can number in the tens of millions, there are a lot more Rodarch than might be apparent to the galaxy.

    As with most mandalorian clans, one can be born into Clan Rodarch, or adopted. Some are adopted as foundlings, some as adults, who may have lost their own Clan or otherwise. There is some mistrust of force users, with what the Sith did to Mandalore.

    Any adult, over thirteen and having been recognized as such, is considered a full member of the Clan, expected to contribute, but also respected as any other.

    With the abundant genetic and species diversity generally found among Mandalorians, there is little need to marry outside the Clan, though it is not forbidden, it is uncommon. The Clan practices a little known tradition of sha'kajir riduurok, literally 'treaty marriage'.

    This tradition weds a younger male or female to an elder male or female. It is implicitly understood that there will be no biological children from the union, which is platonic in nature. The arrangement serves primarily to educate the younger partner on the trials of running a family and raising children. In this tradition the partners will adopt one or more foundlings and provide a family unit. The children get two dedicated parents, the younger partner learns how to be part of a family, and how to raise children, and the elder has a dedicated life partner who will provide companionship until their time of death.

    Though there are no enforced marriages or anything of the sort; what Mandalorian would tolerate such a thing? the tradition is encouraged as a duty to younger members of the Clan who might wish to have a family of their own in the future.

    Though all of the Clan are united, and share a common gruff aspect, there are three significant types of Mandalorian among Clan Rodarch. These are not exclusive, Mandalorians being as unique as any other beings, but most of the clan fall into one of the three archetypes. All are brave warriors who are loyal to their people.

    Most common are the city dwellers, who live in the underground city, and go out among other Mando'ade of the galaxy. These are the most varied among Clan Rodarch, and the most alike with other Mandalorians. These are the most likely Rodarch that other Mandalorians or especially Aruetiise will ever see.

    Less common are the desert dwellers, who keep to the surface, and make their lives in the harsh environment. They are expert survivalists with a keen understanding of Mandalore's flora and fauna, and the dangers presented on the planet. They prefer to stay close to the Clan's lands, and are particularly good at ambush and defensive warfare.

    The last and rarest are the cave dwellers. These brave and often solitary Mandalorians stay underground, and map out and discover the extensive caves and caverns under the surface. They are extremely well equipped for traversing the dangerous dark depths, and make particularly fantastic scouts.

    Despite the different lifestyles, the Clan is made up of those who understand survival against all odds. These are the survivors of the purge, the cataclysm, and all the many travails visited upon the Mandalorian people. They have endured, and they have built to endure.

    Even with all that has been done to them, the Clan has existed unbroken for thousands of years. They have rebuilt and recruited well, thoughtfully, quietly, and efficiently. Though they show few numbers to the galaxy and therefore to any enemies of Mandalore, there are far more Rodarch living on Manda'yaim than any might expect or know.

    OOC : Anyone of any species can be a Rodarch character. Force user or no. This clan creation is just to serve as an idea starter for others who might want to play this kind of Mandalorian.
  • Climate: A Mandalorian not of the Clan will find a gruff welcome. Clan Rodarch makes an effort to be a good host and part of the greater vode, but they mistrust outsiders. A non Mandalorian would not be tolerated inside the clan's lands. Knowledge of their home is closely guarded.
  • Reputation: Neutral. Clan Rodarch members go out of their way to avoid courting controversy or having too close ties outside the Clan that might draw them into compromising situations.
  • Curios: n/a
  • Rules: The Resol'nare
  • Goals: To continue to grow, be part of the rebuilding of the home world, expand to new locations across the galaxy. Maintain the best traditions of the Mando'ade.

- Arla Rodarch


Many records have been lost and or destroyed, but it is known that Clan Rodarch existed thousands of years ago during the time of Valkorion's Sith Emprie. There are examples of Mandalorians fighting during that Great Galactic War.

It was during this era that the clan's residents on the homeworld separated into three disparate but united tribes. Those who protected the home, those who explored the underground, and those who served the Clan outside the home.

In modern times, Clan Rodarch resided on Mandalore, but in diaspora as well. Each group remained small, in keeping with the clan tradition of hiding their true numbers from outsiders. The Clan were present for both major cataclysms that impacted on the home world, and many thousands died in both catastrophes.

Following the Sith devastation, the Clan relocated from desolated lands to a region in the south, far from the carnage. In time they settled on a canyon with significant natural barriers and the deep caverns beneath, as well as the area still possessing some plant life that had survived despite the travails of the world.

As under any of their previous hardships, the Clan rebuilt, recruited, and adopted war orphans of which there was no shortage. Those who followed the path of protecting home became the desert Rodarch, while the most intrepid scouts were of the cave Rodarch. Those who went out into the galaxy became the city Rodarch.

By this time the cave dwellers had developed what appeared and sounded to outsiders as their own language. In fact, the monotone, soft but fast-paced speech is actually Mando'a but spoken in such a way as to make it unintelligible even to native Mando'a speakers.

In more recent times the Clan has voted to establish an enclave colony in the Qena system with the aid of Arla Rodarch. So far only city Rodarch have made the choice to relocate and inhabit this splinter offshoot.
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Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Intent: A signature weapon system for the United Galactic Federation
  • Image Source: Img Source
  • Canon Link: Particle Beam
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Phaser
  • Manufacturer: NSLR
  • Affiliation: NSLR, UGF, PKA
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Minor
  • Material: Durasteel, blaster components.
  • Classification: Beam Weapon
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Average
  • Ammunition Type: Energy Battery
  • Ammunition Capacity: Average
  • Effective Range: Average
  • Rate of Fire: Average
  • Damage Output: High
  • Recoil: Average
  • Damage over time effect
  • Stun settings for non-lethal use
  • Versatile with multiple power settings
  • Good energy and kinetic damage with aftereffects
  • Loud and bright with a very unsubtle visible audible beam linking the weapon barrel to the target.

Energy cell powers targeting beam and energizes firing chamber. Excited plasma is released along the length of the beam and carried to the target. The particle beam once energized lances out and carries the plasma particles along it at near light speed. This fires what appears to be a bright energy beam lasting several seconds.

The plasma can be excited to stun individual nervous systems at low levels, or to cause significant heat and kinetic damage at high levels. After being struck at high levels, excited plasma will continue to persist for several seconds after the phaser fires. This effect can completely vaporize a target at maximum power.

The technology is a match for blaster and turbolaser technology, and scales up in purpose and power in a similar fashion. A Federation soldier might carry a phaser sidearm, while a battleship might be equipped with incredible orders of magnitude larger and more powerful starship primary phaser.
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Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Intent: Creating a signature weapon system for the Federation
  • Image Source: Image Source
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Missile Launcher
  • Manufacturer: NSLR
  • Affiliation: NSLR, UGF, PKA
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Minor
  • Material: Durasteel, missile launcher components.
  • Classification: Projectile Launcher
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Average
  • Ammunition Type: Missile/Torpedo
  • Ammunition Capacity: Average
  • Effective Range: Average
  • Rate of Fire: High
  • Damage Output: Average
  • Recoil: Average
  • Integrated magazine with autoloading system
  • Faster rate of fire
  • Rate of fire suffers when using more severe heavy munitions

Modular design for maximum compatibility, integrated magazine and autoloading mechanism. The launchers are produced in sizes suitable for man-portable systems, fighter craft, and the heaviest starship classes. The design has been heavily engineered to be easy to use, easy to maintain, easy to repair, and able to be quickly and efficiently integrated into any platform. It performs especially well in reload speed and fire rate.

Where the technology excels is when it is married to proprietary ordnance produced by QDY and SF. These munitions range from concussion missiles and proton torpedoes, ion, emp and pulse wave torpedoes or plasma torpedoes, to the excessive baradium, antimatter, and rhydonium warheads.

Of course with the more dangerous less standard missiles and torpedoes, the loading and reloading process is far slower, depending on the care needed with handling. There is no way to avoid such a drawback and use the weapons system safely.
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Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Intent: Creating an ally and family NPC
  • Image Credit: source
  • Role: Sha'kajir Riduur
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Age: 75
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Arkanian
  • Appearance: Tall and well built man who wears plate armour with ornate feathered wings and carries a large war axe. His white hair is quite thin, and he keeps it short. His watery blue eyes retain their light and enthusiasm despite the many marks of age he wears.
  • Name: Archimedes of Clan Rodarch, Arch
  • Loyalties:
  • Wealth: Moderately well off due to a lack of need and a long history of earning credits.
  • Notable Possessions: Ornate Mandalorian Armour, War Axe
  • Skills: Axe-related duties
  • Languages: Basic, Mando'a, Rodarch cave dialect (very basic)
  • Personality: Quiet and unassuming, modest, and dutiful.
  • Weapon of Choice: Axe
  • Combat Function: Axe
  • Axe use
  • Experienced
  • Strong
  • Intolerant
  • Old
  • Slow

Arch was born into Clan Bralor, and lived and grew up on Manda'yaim. He was alive during the Civil War, and the Cataclysm, and for what followed. When his Clan was destroyed during the final battle on Mandalore, and he lost everyone he had ever known, he fell in battle. Near dead, he was found by Clan Rodarch scouts. They brought him back to health, and when he recovered, he joined their tribe.

He was instrumental in helping to secure the Clan's home city during several battles in the deep underground. These battles in the darkness were savage and brutal. The Clan at the time had lost most of its warriors, like many clans had. The scouts benefited from his experience, and he worked to train fighters old and new.
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Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Intent: A defensive technology
  • Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
  • Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)
  • Permissions: (Please link any Marketplace purchase approvals or other permissions to use other Writer’s submissions as part of the submission)
  • Primary Source: (Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in your submission.)
  • Manufacturer: NSLR
  • Affiliation: NSLR, UGF, PKA
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Minor
  • Material: Durasteel, electronic components.
  • (Detail briefly in a list format actual contents of the known abilities, special features, qualities of note, etc. If these are notable enough to be strengths, please add them to strengths)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)

First devised as an enhanced defensive measure for infantry, the initial success in augmenting basic blast dispersal vests led to expanded further research. This process worked on refining and engineering the technology for practical applications, boosting the output and reducing the power needs. The end result is a finely engineered and compact unit, which is universally adaptable with any form of armor plate.

Microscopic gravity generators aligned to a precise sensor allow for incoming kinetic impacts to be absorbed, effectively ensuring that a wearer's armor stopping a blast from an enemy weapon will not involve the wearer turning to jelly from kinetic force. Even the most advanced and precise technology will only lessen such impact, reducing fatal to painful.

The technology is ineffective against any projectile or energy blast that penetrates the armor it is fitted to. It is intended to prevent death by kinetic impact from hits that are stopped by armor. The technology can be applied effectively to any form of armor, at any scale. This breakthrough was one of the first major commercial successes for Septiforge and Qena Drive Yards, with several billion credits of pre-orders lined up even as the Q-KIA went into production.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Intent: A personal weapon for Arla of Clan Rodarch
  • Image Source: sourcelink
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Fed Phaser
  • Classification: Energy Weapon
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Very Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Power Cell
  • Ammunition Capacity: Average 50
  • Effective Range: Average
  • Rate of Fire: Average
  • Damage Output: Extreme
  • Recoil: None
  • Extremely high energy output
  • Can be set to extreme low power and serve a non lethal stun function
  • Packs the power of a mounted weapon into a hand weapon
  • Super heavy
  • Tends to vapourize targets leaving little to no loot remaining

Custom designed by the Keldabe branch of Panther's Arsenal, Arla's hand phasor works upon the same principles as the United Galactic Federation's signature phaser weapons, but with a new ground-up engineering approach. This approach was to create a supremely powerful hand held weapon enabling a user to cut through marauding enemy warriors.

By pushing the physics and energy storage limits, the weapon packs the fire power of a mounted or so-called portable weapon into a hand weapon. A pull of the trigger unleashes a dazzlingly bright beam of energy which transfers from the muzzle to the target. The energy engulfs the target in the same level of brightness, which when it fades, leaves relatively little matter behind.

With precise fine tuning, the creators of this gun were able to impart a stun setting by virtue of a particular frequency and energy output. A blast on this setting is capable of overwhelming the electro-muscular nervous system of organic beings or the circuits of a droid. Either way the target is rendered helpless.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Intent: A signature weapon for Arla of Clan Rodarch
  • Image Source: Combi-Claw , Dagger
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Arla Susni
  • Affiliation: Arla Susni
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Beskar
  • Classification: Claw and Dagger
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Very Heavy
  • Extremely sharp
  • Very durable
  • Capable of nasty slashing and stabbing attacks
  • Heavier than a durasteel example
  • Limited range

The claw and dagger combination is a traditional weapon of Clan Rodarch, specifically of the desert dwellers of the southern wastes of Mandalore itself. The claw is one of the first weapons young foundlings train with and learn to use, paired with a stylized dagger. This combination is integrated into the clan martial arts, which emphasize surviving in the harsh environment of Mandalore's surface.

The master craftspeople of the Clan will create a beskar version when a warrior has mounted and ridden their first Trinitaur. This beskar claw is paired with a unique style of dagger, the size of a short sword, with a nasty set of micro recurve barbs along the edge to maximize wounding. This weapon is also often coated with various poisons. A weapon of the desert dwellers, to cause maximum damage at short notice and short range.

Arla's very own personal claw and fang were forged by her overseen by the Clan's Alor, not a smith himself, but in a ceremonial role supervised in one of the Clan's small forges. Finest beskar, they are heavy, durable, and very deadly in trained hands. Arla's claw sports a unique knife-like blade on one side. Arla's fang is more ornate with a panther's head hilt, and a sturdy and heavy, sharp beskar blade.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Age: 17
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Prowler-class Mesenlora
  • Appearance: Two hundred meters in length, sleek, and armoured heavily she is a fusion of technology and sentience, bioengineered to be perfect. She is beautiful and deadly, and knows it.
  • Name: Cameron, Cammy
  • Loyalties: Clan Rodarch, Mandalorian Protectors
  • Wealth: None
  • Notable Possessions: None
  • Skills: She a living spaceship
  • Languages: Basic, Mando'a, others at need from databases
  • Personality: Utterly loyal to her pilot and family. Reactive and protective of same. Extremely curious and inquisitive.
  • Weapon of Choice: Her own plasma cannons, bomblet generators and Dovin Basals
  • Combat Function: She is a fully functional sentient warship, and though she follows her pilot's directions, she can and will kick ass independently of instruction.
  • Can travel across space
  • Incredibly powerful
  • Dependent on her crew
  • Elemental and Enigmatic
  • Personality of an angry teen girl
  • Spaceship sized

Cameron (the closest basic approximation of the sound of her name) was born into a family unit of her kind, living in deep space. Her early life was learning her place among the family unit. From a young age, she loved nothing more than to hear the stories of the elders. So much younger than the others of her kind that they met and lived among, she was resigned to hearing of great events and deeds but not partaking. There were very few truly old among their beings, being an artificially created species originating in the relatively recent galactic past. They were intelligent, and capable of communication.

Through stories she learned of their origins, and of the Mandalorians. Though urged to remain with the group, and not to go back to a world that had been ruined, the young one wished to explore. When she did, she was at first disappointed to find a wrecked and despoiled planet, but she found that it was inhabited, if sparsely. This exploration changed her life as she met the first individual she was able to bond with, a young cave Rodarch named Vaar, son of Arch and Arla Rodarch. The bonding changed both their lives, giving each a purpose, and a partnership. Adopted into the family as one of their own, Cameron joined Clan Rodarch as much a Mandalorian Protector as anyone else.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Intent: To worldbuild on Mandalore
  • Image Credit: source
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Name: Chakaar Weed
  • Origins: Mandalore
  • Other Locations: N/A
  • Classification: Weed, Flower
  • Average Growth Cycle: 6 months from seed to grow roots. 6 months to grow bulbs and flower. Bulbs will burst and disperse water and seed if not harvested. Plants will drop their flowers when this process happens. Then the growth cycle resumes with new bulbs and flowers.
  • Viability: Highly adaptable, able to grow deep roots in the harshest, driest climate through sand and rock.
  • Description: The plant is a small weed which is a dark green in colour. Small dark green leaves with green bulbs and purple flowers. Most of the plant is below ground in its long, deep roots.
  • Average Height: 0.3m
  • Average Length: From 3-10m depending on depth for water
  • Color: Black, Green, Purple
  • Nutritional Value: The flowers are edible, and the bulbs contain a good source of water. The bulb's water also contains significant healing properties on the level of Bacta or Kolto.
  • Toxicity: The green leaves are incredibly toxic.
  • Other Effects: The leaves and flowers can be mixed into a very powerful contact poison.
  • Distinctions: A small and unremarkable weed notable only for the fact it persists on ravaged Mandalore. When it flowers, it signals that its lifesaving nourishing buds are ready to be harvested. The flower also attracts those creatures unwary enough to avoid the plant, and their skeletons can often be seen languishing beside a Chakaar Weed plant.
  • Hardy and rugged
  • Provides food and water and a useful poison to knowledgeable desert dwellers
  • Dangerous to the unwary
  • Easily ripped out


Evolving from a basic desert weed common on Mandalore, the Chakaar weed is a product of the many cataclysms that have ravaged the Mandalorian home world. The lack of available water forced the species to adapt deep roots, focusing its biology on the retaining of water, and evolving its very toxic defense as a means of protection from desperate species struggling to survive.

Over time the aboveground plant got much smaller, growing only to a small size, but with long and deep roots upon which it can depend. Instead of proliferating to a large size on the surface, each individual weed is much smaller. A patch of such weed is made up of many individual plants rather than one large and dominant one.

In modern times, Clan Rodarch are among the Mando'ade who have learned to use the weed's healing and un-healing properties to best advantage on ravaged Mandalore.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Intent: Creating a device to nullify force-nullifying-nullifying abilities
  • Image Source: Found
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Ysalamiri
  • Manufacturer: PKA
  • Affiliation: PKA
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: EGK
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Material: Biological components, Technological components
  • EGK utilizes an approach similar to the technology of the Netherworld gates. Through broadcasting a form of high level energy frequency manipulation jamming, they are able to block specifically a connection between the Nether and the real world over a small area. Though similar to an Ysalamir's biological effect, the EKG does not affect the Force directly. A Force user will be able to commune with the Force within the area of effect, but the world of the dead cannot touch the world of the living.
  • The EKG is most effective against certain approaches to countering the Ysalamir and Void Stone
  • These devices are very rare and precious

After tales of and rumours about several encounters with Sith who were able to touch the Force despite a Ysalamir presence which should have rightly prevented them from doing so, Mandalore's mad scientists got to work on identifying and countering such a unique and frankly annoying technological advantage.

From the start, their investigations went poorly. Mandalore is not known for its Force lore, and the effort initially was focused in this area, to little success. Biological and technological manipulation of the now rare Ysalamiri was another approach tried, to varying degrees of success, but taking a significant toll on the numbers of the available creatures. Progress was slow, but slowly but surely, dead end avenues of research were exhausted, and the focus narrowed.

With aid from external sources, eventually research on high energy manipulation provided the key. Through technology, people had built gateways to connect the real world more stably to other dimensions. Sometimes the barriers between dimensions became weak enough for a crossover to happen without a gateway. The Mandalorian scientists would take the opposite approach, by strengthening the fabric of reality, and manipulating certain harmonics at just the right pitch to make connection between this real and the realm of the Nether impossible. This proved successful in concept, and a device was engineered to project a small energy field to purpose. Testing produced successful results and it was noted that the soul is still able to find its way to the world of the dead, it is assumed, through utilizing other realms as a 'back door'.

The device itself is reasonably small and compact, but powerful enough to generate a stabilization field of around a hundred meters, allowing it to support a small unit which may be augmented with Ysalamir or Voidstone to protect against use of the Force.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Intent: Create a medicine/poison for various uses
  • Image Source: Source
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Chakaar Weed
  • Name: Mr Sleep/the Sleep poison
  • Manufacturer: NSLR
  • Affiliation: Mandalorian Protectors
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Chakaar weed leaf, Chakaar weed flower, Water
  • Classification: Anaesthetic
  • Method of Consumption: Contact
  • Average Life: Properly Stored (1 year) Freshly made (1 day) Effect duration 1 hour
  • Nutritional Value/Allergies/Side Effects/ Purpose: No known nutritional value, allergen, or side effect. Used in medicine as a safe anaesthetic where circulation and respiration bypass is available. Used in warfare as a deadly poison.
  • Chakaar weed leaf contains an extremely powerful paralytic neurotoxin. When mixed with the otherwise safe and nutritious flower and a quantity of water, a thick black paste is produced. This paste is drowning in neurotoxin, and can affect a creature through the skin. The neurotoxin will interrupt all neuromuscular actitvity until it is exhausted.
  • Fast-acting contact paralysis
  • Quite dangerous to handle

First discovered by Clan Rodarch desert scouts, all of whom knew of the Chakaar Weed, its benefits and dangers, what they called the Sleep poison had been used for many years in warfare and hunting. It became one of the Clan's secrets, kept quiet, known only to the desert dwellers.

It was Arla Rodarch who first introduced the poison to a Remnant medic, who was to Arla's surprise very interested in the medicinal benefits of the substance. Arla was confused until the doctor explained that an anaesthetic that could be used effectively on any species without other risks, was a valuable thing indeed. The Remnants were the group who funded further investigation of the substance and discovered it could be stored safely for up to a year while retaining its potency. They produced a goodly supply of the substance for their own purposes, internally marketing the drug as "Mr Sleep" for a useful and profitable trademark name.

Whether produced in a sterile laboratory for medical purposes, or mixed in a rough bowl by hand before being coated onto a melee weapon, the substance is fast acting and universally effective on any creature that possesses a brain and nervous system. It will stop all muscular activity for approximately one hour, after which it will have been metabolized and dissipated, rendered inert. This is usually enough to kill any creature, though indirectly, within the time of effect.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector
  • Intent: To worldbuild on Mandalore
  • Image Credit: w
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Name: Whoopsie
  • Designation: Non-sentient
  • Origins: Mandalore (Lab)
  • Average Lifespan: 5-10 years
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: A squat quadrupedal creature with a pudgy face and pleasant demeanour, which makes cute sounds that give the creature its name. It possesses several sensory organs which represent a nose, eyes, and ears, but allow it to sense electrical fields, and see into the infrared and ultraviolet spectrums. The creature is also blessed with fantastic hearing, and smell.
  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average Height of Adults: 0.3m
  • Average Length of Adults: 0.4m
  • Skin color: Grey
  • Hair color: Grey
  • Distinctions: A newborn is very similar in size, appearance and capability of a full adult.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive
  • Drinks Bones
  • Extremely fast hunting behaviour
  • Great senses
  • Small
  • Requires quite a bit of food
  • Diet: Carnivore - Will consume bones of its prey
  • Communication: The creature's tone and movements are a form of ritual communication, relevant only during courtship. Courtship resembles hunting behaviour in every way. Studies have not provided insight into why a male or female accept or reject one another.
  • Technology level: N/A
  • Religion/Beliefs: N/A
  • General behavior: The creatures are solitary wanderers, except for when a male and female meet. They will either mate, or attempt to consume one another. After a successful mating they part ways. Infant creatures are born for all intents and purposes as an adult, and will quickly find their own range and direction from their parent, often within the first few months. Though they do not grow large, they do grow fast, and will find their full growth within their first year.

    Hunting behaviour is rather crafty for such an otherwise unintelligent creature. It will move about slowly, almost comical in appearance, making its cry, and appear rather detached from reality. This changes very suddenly when prey come within its striking range. Like lightning the creature will leap upon its usually much larger prey and bite down with incredible force, unleashing its fangs. These strike into the prey and powerful enzymes shoot into the creature and quickly liquefy its bone structure. This is then sucked out by the creature, and is quickly fatal. The creature will discard the remains with no interest, and either move to another prey, or resume its wandering.

During the destruction of Mandalore by Darth Carnifex the Despoiler, a small research lab was sunk into a deep cavern by massive surface blasts that destroyed its building. Deep inside the lab were a breeding pair of animals which had been created with the intention of breeding biological war creatures for use against Mandalore's enemies. With the destruction, the lab was destroyed, and the male and female escaped.

Due to their engineered genetic diversity, the negative impacts of inbreeding in populating a species from only a single mating pair were vastly reduced. The creatures thrived on Mandalore, particularly in the underground, in caves, caverns, and tunnels deep beneath the surface. Indeed, they might not have proliferated so much if not for the abundant food provided by the Sith instigated infestation of Graug and worse upon Mandalore. But proliferate they did, reducing the fast-reproducing Graug in significant numbers as they roamed.

There are only two reasons they have not overrun Mandalore entirely, for such a ferocious and determined effective hunter seems destined to sit atop any food chain. One reason is due to their short lifespan of a maximum of ten years, but some live far shorter existences. The other is the fact that they can and do prey upon one another. If either circumstance were to change, these creatures would be a terror comparable to any in the galaxy.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Intent: A quality personal weapon for the discerning market
  • Image Source: Link
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Panther's Arsenal
  • Affiliation: Panther's Arsenal, Mandalorian Protectors
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: PH-1
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Minor
  • Material: Dallorian Alloys, blaster components.
  • Classification: Railgun
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Power Cell
  • Ammunition Capacity: Very Small 6
  • Effective Range: Extreme
  • Rate of Fire: Low
  • Damage Output: Extreme
  • Recoil: Low
  • Advanced Computerized Sensor Scope
  • Inertial Compensator
  • Very high muzzle velocity allows projectiles to be launched at absurd velocity
  • EMP Resistant
  • Onboard systems allow for link with HUD
  • Very resistant to wear and external damage
  • A powerful enough EMP will reboot the weapon's onboard system
  • Loud as hell, and still a little recoil even with dampening
  • Will overheat if repeatedly fired on auto

Developed to provide Mandalorian hunters with a suitable personal weapon powerful enough to take on even the hardest and most dangerous of targets. This handgun designed by Septiforge and produced by PKA packs a mean punch.

Advanced optics and computerized sensors in the scope allow for an accurate shot at virtually any range. The sensors allow for wind, coriolis, projectile drop and decay, as well as target motion, and all forms of interference. Dallorian alloy which is naturally resistant to heat, was used in the primary components for preventing the firearms from overheating, similar to Jango Fett's blasters.

The railgun system is modified to account for the serious barrel wear and degradation caused by the high speed passage of rounds by decreasing the magazine size and rate of fire. In addition, the firearm uses a small cooling system that takes space allowed for by a smaller magazine. However, excessive use can still cause the firearm to overheat on occasion if constantly being used in the automatic setting.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Intent: Creating a heavy battleship for the Mandalorian Protectors
  • Image Source: Link
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: NSLR
  • Affiliation: Mandalorian Protectors (Home fleet)
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: BB-5
  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Material: Durasteel, starship components
  • Classification: Battleship
  • Length: 5,000 meters
  • Width: 4,000 meters.
  • Height: 250 meters
  • Armament: Extreme.
    Mass Driver Railgun Batteries
    Federation Phasers
    Federation Torpedo Launchers
    CIWS Batteries
    Point Defense Laser Batteries
  • Defenses: Extreme.
    Primary Retribution Ray Shielding
    Secondary Thermal Deflector Shielding
    Tertiary Ionic Shielding
  • Hangar Space:
5000m [Base: 5
  • Hangar Allocations:
    • Starfighters: 1 squadrons
    • Support Craft: 4 squadrons
  • Maneuverability Rating: Average,
  • Speed Rating: Low
  • Hyperdrive: Class 1
  • Anti-intruder defences
  • Armory
  • Barracks
  • Cap Drains
  • Comm Laser
  • Comm Unit Scrambler
  • Comm Wave Descrambler
  • Hyperdrive
  • IFF Transponder
  • Inertial Compensators
  • Ion-Scrambler
  • Main bridge
  • Main engineering
  • Medical facility
  • Minor Hangar
  • Power distribution grid
  • Repulsorlifts
  • Sublight engines
  • Advanced Navigational Systems
  • Advanced Precision Hyperspace Navigation Computer
  • Encrypted Communications Systems
  • Ion Shielding
  • Molecular Furnaces
  • Primary Retribution Ray Shielding
  • Secondary Thermal Deflector Shielding
  • Standard Long-Range Sensor Suite
  • Absurd Firepower
  • Hard to Perish
  • Must power down all weapons to jump
  • There is no really effective way to protect the engine exhausts on a ship this size.
    (The designers did try their very best, but if this beast has a weak spot, that's where it is.)

The Resolute-class is the first of a new generation of Mandalorian fleet ships, somewhat of a rushed effort to get a hull into service for the Mandalorian Protectors, but a very capable design nontheless. The vessel is less than fancy, but rugged, and packed with armaments and defensive systems, making it a dangerous opponent in fleet combat.

This Mandalorian design differs more in aesthetic and visual appeal than in functionality from older designs. A modern though spartan command center allows a relatively skeleton crew to manage the entire ship. Redundancies and backups for backups pack the ship, making it just that much more resistant to being disabled.

The efficiency drive of the original design left very little room for excess space, or much of a hangar capacity for a ship this size. The design was intended to be pound for pound the most powerful fighting ship in the size class, so the design teams sacrificed every luxury, and using knowledge from the NSLR's Defender, took advantage of every efficiency or automated process they could add. Mandalorian armourers and weaponsmiths crammed every scrap of power into an overdesigned protective shell, added massive propulsion systems, and then rearmoured the entire thing, before pockmarking every available inch of hull area with shield and weapon emplacements.

By installing state of the art molecular furnaces, droid manufacturing assembly lines, and production facilities, the refit design allows the vessel to replace not only its small arms, but missiles and heavy caliber ammunition as well, through intake of debris, asteroids, or any other material, which is broken down by the furnaces and repurposed at need.

This process feeds the vessel's very impressive armaments, including super-heavy mass driver cannons, capable of launching large shells at high velocity. These are even larger than the heavy mass drivers seen on other vessels in this size class, a truly devastating weapon.

Power requirements are as might be expected, and suitably astronomical. The ship cannot possibly use all her systems at once. To jump, weapons must power down. Under intense and consistent damage, shields will take power from weapons or engines. These drawbacks are a consequence of the sheer array of offensive and defensive military technology packed into this very big war ship.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Intent: Creating a mass produced battleship for the Mandalorian Protectors
  • Image Source: Link
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Resolute-class Battleship
  • Classification: Battleship
  • Length: 5,000 meters
  • Width: 4,000 meters.
  • Height: 250 meters
  • Armament: Very High
    Mass Driver Railgun Batteries
    Federation Phasers
    Federation Torpedo Launchers
    CIWS Batteries
    Point Defense Laser Batteries
  • Defenses: Very High
    Primary Retribution Ray Shielding
    Secondary Thermal Deflector Shielding
    Tertiary Ionic Shielding
  • Hangar Space: 5000m Very Low 12
  • Hangar Allocations:
    • Starfighters: 6 squadrons
    • Support Craft: 6 squadrons
  • Maneuverability Rating: Low
  • Speed Rating: Low
  • Hyperdrive: Class 1
  • Anti-intruder defences
  • Armory
  • Barracks
  • Cap Drains
  • Comm Laser
  • Comm Unit Scrambler
  • Comm Wave Descrambler
  • Hyperdrive
  • IFF Transponder
  • Inertial Compensators
  • Ion-Scrambler
  • Main bridge
  • Main engineering
  • Medical facility
  • Minor Hangar
  • Power distribution grid
  • Repulsorlifts
  • Sublight engines
  • Advanced Navigational Systems
  • Advanced Precision Hyperspace Navigation Computer
  • Encrypted Communications Systems
  • Ion Shielding
  • Molecular Furnaces
  • Primary Retribution Ray Shielding
  • Secondary Thermal Deflector Shielding
  • Standard Long-Range Sensor Suite
  • Absurd Firepower
  • Hard to Perish
  • Must power down all weapons to jump
  • There is no really effective way to protect the engine exhausts on a ship this size.
    (The designers did try their very best, but if this beast has a weak spot, that's where it is.)

Heavily based on the Resolute-class Battleship, the Resolute B is a variant of that design, with several notable differences in functionality. The B-class is designed to serve as a line ship for the Mandalorian Protectors, not quite as powerful as Resolute, but a very capable design nontheless. As per the Mandalorian way, the vessel is rugged and packed with armaments and defensive systems, making it a dangerous opponent in fleet combat.

A modern though spartan command center allows a relatively skeleton crew to manage the entire ship. Redundancies and backups for backups pack the ship, making it just that much more resistant to being disabled.

Mandalorian armourers and weaponsmiths installed state of the art molecular furnaces, droid manufacturing assembly lines, and production facilities. This allows the vessel to replace not only its small arms, but missiles and heavy caliber ammunition as well, through intake of debris, asteroids, or any other material, which is broken down by the furnaces and repurposed at need feeding the vessel's very impressive armaments.

The ship's armaments boast super-heavy mass driver cannons, capable of launching large shells at high velocity. These are even larger than the heavy mass drivers seen on other vessels in this size class, a truly devastating weapon. Power requirements are as might be expected, and suitably astronomical when pockmarking every available inch of hull area with shield and weapon emplacements.

The vessel does have larger and more capable hangars than the earlier design, along with the required support facilities. This led to minor sacrifices in attack, defense, speed and maneuverability. The ship's capacity in fighters and bombers must make up for the slight lag in other areas.

The ship cannot possibly use all her systems at once. To jump, weapons must power down. Under intense and consistent damage, shields will take power from weapons or engines. These drawbacks are a consequence of the sheer array of offensive and defensive military technology packed into this very big war ship.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Intent: A personal defensive device for Mandalorians
  • Image Source: Link
  • Canon Link: ARC Pulse Generator
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Able to safely absorb huge amounts of ARC energy pulses
  • Able to safely absorb huge amounts of ARC energy pulses
  • Heavy

In ancient times, a Mandalorian serving the Empire of Palpatine first created the ARC weapon, infamously dubbed the Duchess by the Empire. This nefarious and insidious weapon strikes at the very heart of Mandalorian culture, targeting and destroying the Mando'ade through their very beskar'gam; iron skin.

Modern science and Mandalorian ingenuity provided a technological solution to this most unpleasant form of attack, the Satine Kryze Device. The device is built around a superdense compressed sphere of pure beskar. The ARC energy fired at a wearer will be drawn to the beskar inside the device. The energy is then dispersed and absorbed by the surrounding crystals which act as batteries, sucking up all the charge.

While the device is powerful, it is heavy, and unsuitable for use on anything larger than an individual set of armor. It is intended to protect Mandalorian warriors from being cooked alive inside their beskar by a very nasty weapon that should never have been invented in the first place. As such, the Mandalorian scientists responsible for the SKD feel they are righting a historic wrong, and taking an immoral, nasty, weapon out of the hands of their enemies.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Intent: A mass produced warship for the Mandalorian Protectors
  • Image Source: Source
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Heavy Cruiser
  • Length: 2,000 meters
  • Width: 460 meters
  • Height: 79 meters
  • Armament: Very High
  • Defenses: Very High
  • Hangar Space: 2000m Base: 2
  • Hangar Allocations:
    • Starfighters: 1 squadrons
    • Support Craft: 1 squadrons
  • Maneuverability Rating: Low
  • Speed Rating: Average\
  • Hyperdrive: Yes
  • Hyperdrive: 1.0
  • Anti-intruder defences
  • Armory
  • Barracks
  • Cap Drains
  • Comm Laser
  • Comm Unit Scrambler
  • Comm Wave Descrambler
  • Hyperdrive
  • IFF Transponder
  • Inertial Compensators
  • Ion-Scrambler
  • Main bridge
  • Main engineering
  • Medical facility
  • Minor Hangar
  • Power distribution grid
  • Repulsorlifts
  • Sublight engines
  • Advanced Navigational Systems
  • Advanced Precision Hyperspace Navigation Computer
  • Encrypted Communications Systems
  • Ion Shielding
  • Molecular Furnaces
  • Primary Retribution Ray Shielding
  • Secondary Thermal Deflector Shielding
  • Standard Long-Range Sensor Suite
  • Absurd Firepower
  • Hard to Perish
  • Must power down all weapons to jump
  • There is no really effective way to protect the engine exhausts on a ship this size.
    (The designers did try their very best, but if this beast has a weak spot, that's where it is.)

When it became clear that the Resolute and Restoration class ships were going to prove too large and too overengineered to suit a mass production role, further designs were tendered. The winning bid was MandalMotors, who proposed a sleek, very Mandalorian design, that would be named the Liberator.

The result is far more attractive than intended, with a tight slim bow, heavily armored, well shielded, and packed with heavy weapons systems. The rear combines the massive engines and a small hangar, as well as the ship's power generators.

Each section of the ship can be sealed off and the entire vessel is fully compartmentalized. Redundancies and backups exist upon redundancies and backups. The Rekindler can fight at near full capacity even with much of its structure blasted away and or sealed off.

With the Mandalorians still rebuilding and recruiting, much automation is assisted by droids, allowing for a far smaller crew complement than other large star destroyers, as well as a significant marine and battledroid contingent for protection.

The ship has fairly average speed, lacking a little in maneuverability and agility, but does not lack for shields, armour, or fire power. The ease of construction and simplicity of the overall design allows the Mandalorian Protectors to produce many of these ships in a short space of time, filling the role of frontline warship for the protection of Mandalore.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Intent: Creating a Mandalorian Protectors unit
  • Image Credit: Source
  • Role: Heavy Security
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Unit Name: Journeyman Protectors
  • Affiliation: Mandalorian Protectors
  • Classification: Security Infantry
  • Description: Physically imposing helmeted armoured figures equipped with advanced technologies. Each is heavily and visibly armed at all times, and they are known for their dedication, obedience, and loyalty. This works with their already fearful appearance to make them appear as dangerous and frightening as possible.
  • Unit Size: Medium
  • Unit Availability: Uncommon
  • Unit Experience: Veteran
  • Equipment: Beskar'gam, Jetpack, Energy Shield, Beskad, Lightsaber, Ripper, Repeating blaster, Phaser, Torpedo Launcher
  • Combat Function: Tank
    They can absorb a significant amount of punishment with their shield and power armour. Offensively they are able to coordinate and lay down overlapping fields of fire, even when under heavy attack. Each can function even when under enormous stress and pain, and continue to focus on their tasks.
  • Heavily Armed
  • Very well protected
  • Utterly beholden to their duty, even unto certain death
  • Walks slowly

Almost immediately following Ijaat Mereel's claim of the mantle of Mand'alor, and the beginning of the restoration of Manda'yaim under the Mandalorian Protectors, the new leader saw a need to create an elite guard. The first of these was a warrior from Clan Rodarch named Arla. She wasn't a native of Mandalore, but she was a resident, and had been adopted.

Arla took it upon herself to recruit from other Clans within the Protectors to build a small and elite corps of fighters. The primary mandate of the Journeyman Protectors is to protect and defend the Mand'alor. They also follow his will, provided that doesn't clash with their duty of protection. They follow the path of personal honour, and have formed a tight knit bond, even among the higher and lower ranks. The JP functions like a paramilitary force under the command of the Marshal.

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