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Approved NPC Ari 'R' Ferradale

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Crime Endures, Always

  • Age: Thirty Four
  • Force Sensitivity: Force Sensitive - Grandmaster Level
  • Species: Human (Atrisian)
  • Appearance: Ari is an averaged sized human male, standing around 5'11 and weighing around 190lbs. He sports semi long black hair. Carrying himself with good posture, the man takes pride in his style. While most commonly found in casual wear, Ari can also be found wearing a racing suit.




  • Name: Ari 'R' Ferradale
  • Loyalties:
  • Wealth: Upper Class
  • Notable Possessions:
  • Skills:
    • Racecar Driving
    • Hand-Eye Coordination
    • Calm Under Pressure
    • Masterful Intellect
  • Languages:
    • Basic (Fully Spoken and Comprehensible)
    • Binary (Fully Comprehensible)
    • Huttese (Mostly Spoken and Comprehensible)
    • Twi'leki (Mostly Spoken and Comprehensible)
  • Personality: Being greeted by Ari will let you know that he is a kind, respectable gentleman. But that is only when it comes to business. When he is on the racetrack, he becomes a totally different person. On Kor Vett, racing is the way of life, and Ari will do almost anything to keep his title of Champion Racer. That being said, once the race is over, the calm and collected individual will make sure that your time when negotiating deals is valuable.


  • Automatic Overdrive: Ari has the reputation of being the best racer on the planet Kor Vett, and arguably the whole Darkwire space as well. His Master level of force sensitivity and his deep connection to his Kyber Engine allows him to be a formidable opponent on the racetrack. These expert racing skills also make it so Ari has a much easier time operating different types of vehicles.
  • On With The Show: No matter what challenges are thrown his way, Ari always seems to find a way to pick himself back up. After being knocked down so many times in his life, the man learned how to become resilient and adaptable to whatever the situation may be. This helps him especially with racing and making business deals/
  • Can't Stand The Heartache: Since he was a young man starting his university life, Ari has always found a hard time being committed to anyone besides himself. Though this may not seem like a big deal, this has led the man to be a part of multiple one-night stands. Each one being the same as the last. This fear of commitment has plagued Ari for a long time, and occasionally he has doubts about if he will ever care about anyone besides himself.
  • Livin' On The Edge: Very little care is held by Ari when thinking about his life. As a racer, he realizes that his end could come at any moment, so he doesn't let the fear of death get to him. This, unfortunately, gets him into many bad situations. Whether it be a bad business deal, or confronting gangs on the street, Ari is not afraid to lay down his life fighting. The only problem is that fighting is not his strong suit.


Born and raised on the planet of Kor Vett, Ari would grow up dreaming of being the fastest racer there was. His family home was positioned by one of the largest racetracks on the planet. This octane-addiction also ran in his family, as his father was a force-sensitive racer himself. Each month his father would go compete, hoping one day to join the council of racers that governed the planet. In the end, Ari's father hoped to secure that position so that he could set up a successful future for his family.

By his tenth birthday, Ari was gifted a vehicle of his own so that he can learn to race as well. Quickly his skill began to show. This was very concerning to his mother, who believed that Ari could get seriously hurt. One night, a few months after his eighteenth birthday, while out racing on the public roads, Ari was pulled over by the Kor Vett Police Force for reckless driving. Instead of pulling over, the young boy decided to run. Eventually, after a long chase, he would be arrested and taken to the nearest police station. This would be the last straw for his mother. Once he was bailed out, Ari was informed that he was being sent off world to a college on planet Denon.

Though upset, Ari realized he had no other choice. Packing his bags, he said his goodbyes to his mother and father. Boarding a SH-101 Interstellar Shuttle, the man would be transported to the area known as Skytown. It took him a while to settle into this unfamiliar place, especially since he had never left Kor Vett before. Regardless, this was his life now. Here he enrolled at Globex University, where he would major in vehicular engineering and minor in business. These studies would help fuel his interest in racing, even while off world. And since his family rarely sent messages to him, this was as close to Kor Vett as he could get.

Now in his early twenties, Ari would graduate in the upper levels of his class. After being drilled in various business practices, he knew that his best chance at success would be finding a support job as soon as possible. Thankfully, Seven Corners was just a hop, skip, and a jump away. Work was soon to be found in Sakedo Tower. Here he was hired by Twi'lek named Zhivv, where he was tasked with helping run a speeder company. In the tower the duo sold base model speeders to the general public. But during certain hours of the day, and by knowing the right people, you could purchase boosted and weaponized speeders. Ari thought that this was an interesting side of the business. So, with each purchase he decided to keep a list of connections that may be helpful later on.

When you spend enough time in the Seven Corners, you start to get familiar with all aspects of it. Beginning with a few trips to The Loft, Ari found himself venturing deeper into the heart of Denon. The Lum Rouge became a frequent destination of the man, with him visiting the red-light district multiple times a month. This craving was only fueled by the large income he gained while working in the tower. Eventually though, Ari wanted to go a step to far. After closing the shop one night, the man found himself walking with Zhivv to her home. One unregretful night later, he awoke next to Zhivv, who along with Ari had a red laser pointed at their heads. Zhivv's husband, Tibam, aimed a blaster pistol at each of them. Teary-eyed, the man gave each of them thirty seconds to leave and never return before he put a bolt through their heads. Quickly, Ari grabbed all of his things and ran. The firing of a gun behind him left the man know that Zhivv did not. Screams of anger could be heard behind him as shots raced passed his head. Making his way to the nearest spaceport, Ari bought the cheapest ticket he could. Soon he would find himself on the way to the planet Loronar.

Now jobless, yet with a lot of credits, the man wanted to pursue a something he was passionate about. Using some of his connections gained through speeder selling, he found his way over to Loronar Port 300, home of the famous Dingo Darr. Working out of Block T, Ari helped the Krevaaki with modifying speeders and starships. Here, the engineering degree he earned was being put to good use. Though not the most legal, it allowed the man to work a job that reminded him of home.

One night, while returning home from the Hotel Ovmar, Ari was shocked to mind a holomessage that was sent from his home. Curious, he decided to view it. Contained within was a message from his poorly aged mother. She explained that his father had passed away in a racing incident. His mother had enough of his dangerous job, so she decided to divorce him a few years back. It would only be a couple of months after that when the accident happened. This message wasn't even detailing the death, but explaining to Ari that his mother was moving off world to Hosk-240, where she was going to work at the local waystation. Angered, he shut off the holomessage. He informed Dingo that he would be leaving Loronar to return home. Though disappointed, he helped pay for Ari's ticket back.

Arriving on Kor Vett, Ari returned to find his home had actually not been sold but transferred over to his name. A note on the door let him know that his mother paid off the house. She couldn't stand the planet anyways, so she decided that after the divorce, it was time to move on. Searching through the home, Ari was able to find the mangled piece of Durasteel that remained from his father's crash. Its black and blue plating was now dull with dents and scratches. But it felt dishonorable to leave it in this condition.

Working with what he had, and also buying new parts, Ari would rebuild the racecar and turn it into the Blue Bandit. Within this garage, Ari would develop the first iteration of the Kyber Engine. His force-sensitivity, which he largely ignored for most of his life, was found to be the perfect power source. Pairing this, along with a plethora of other upgrades, the car would soon become the fastest there was on the streets of Kor Vett. When the time came, Ari would enter into the council race in the hopes to make it on. One hard fought race later and the man would find himself promoted. More and more races passed by, and eventually Ari worked his way up to Champion Racer. Now the fastest racer on the planet, he would work with the government of Kor Vett to ensure that the racing always continued, as it always should.

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