Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ancient Acquisitions and Antagonist Annihilation [GA Domininon of Ord Vaug]

Objective: 1
Location: The Prison
Allies: [member="Kira Corsai"]
Enemies: [member="Chevu Visz"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"]
Post: 1/20
Weapons: See Bio.
Armour: Sith Assassin Armour. Appearance (Ignore the scythe).

Xavka Duquo leapt from tree branch to tree branch as he speed towards one of the prisons on Ord Vaug. Recent intelligence from intercepted from the group calling themselves the Galactic Alliance had lead to him learning of their presence at the planet. The decryption of the messages had been slow to be accomplished and only the barest amount of information had been recovered, leaving being specialising in decryption slaving over the communiques. All that had been discovered was the fact that a cache belonging to the Old Empire had been discovered under the ruins of a prison and Xavka had set out towards for one of the prisons, one that he had explored while he had been wondering the galaxy, before he had become a Sith.

While normally no information would had been passed to those in power, due to the small amount discovered, which wouldn't had lead to his presence planet side, Xavka had been present on a nearby station where the decryption was being conducted. He had been on down time, waiting for his Mate to finished her mission in a nearby sector when he had leant of the new intel. Seeing the opportunity for action he had leapt at the chance to land on the planet and search the prison, needing something to do.

The feeling of Force Users in the distance brought Xavka out of his memories and to a sudden stop crouched atop a moss covered branch, his one arm steadying him. All three that he could sense were much stronger than he, the feeling of their presences belaying that they had more experience with the Force, a stronger attachment forged from hours of experience. One presence was definitely Dark, the Dark collecting around it and settling like a cloak, while the other two were mainly Light, though slivers of Dark existed within them.

Shaking his head, Xavka continued his run through the trees, although this time he was moving much faster as he sought out the source of the presences. While he was running, his presence within the Force was becoming less obvious, sinking into the background feeling and camouflaging itself. Xavka hoped that such an action would be enough to hide his approach from three he was seeking.

Stopping at the end of the tree line before the ruins of the old prison, Xavka had arrived in time to witness the Dark Presence, most likely Sith, unleash a stream of Lightning towards the two Light Presences. The male, someone he realised was Coren Starchaser having seen his face in briefings from his spy network, caught and subdued the arcing stream, but not before the second, a female Mirialan he failed to recognise, was hit momentarily and drop to the floor.

By that point he had reached into his robes to withdraw a Chakram, intent of throwing it at Starchaser's neck (after choosing to assist the Sith. However he altered his aim to throw the Force Imbued weapon at the smaller diskblades the Mirialan had thrown. His throw, accurate born from hours of practice and guided by the Force, intercepted the diskblades before they could reach the Sith, the Chakram's greater mass serving it well as it knocked the diskblades from their trajectory.

Immediately after his throw had served its purpose, Xavka called the Chakram back to him through usage of the Force, leading it back to his perch in the trees. All the while his orange eyes, the left sharp and bright while the other was covered by a milky film that came with its blindness, continued to flicker around the area before him, anticipating the group's moves.


Objective 3 via 1

Kiyron cut his jetpack as he touched down on the roof of the ancient prison, boots clanging against the metal. He froze, dropping to a crouch. Nobody seemed to notice except for a bird that flapped away in alarm. Excellent. He strode forward to the edge of the building and looked down. There was a window right below, one he could just reach to smash open with his bolter rifle. Glass fell, clattering against the steel inside. Kiyron grabbed the edge of the roof and swung himself in, landing with a roll.

The room was empty, abandoned and coated in mildewy dust. Excellent. He couldn't tell what this used to be, so he strode out, prying the door open and stepping into the hallway. He needed to get down and the chances that what he was looking for would be up here was unlikely. Time to find an old turbolift.
Location: Swamp
Allies: [member="Rovasus Vonstrogg"]
Enemies: TBD
Objective: BYOO - find salvage

The pain was ever present, but Darius would manage.

His wounds were acting up again. Dathomir had not been kind to the padawan. The scorch marks along his torso still aches when he twisted the ring way, but medication and meditation nullified the pain to tolerable levels.

Commander Starchaser was off with his apprentice today. Darius wasn't going to get near that mess. He was still working up to telling Coren that his niece was working alongside the Sith, and more importantly, that he was working take her away from them. He just needed more training before he could do so; more experience.

Thus he was assigned to the Black Ravens, a regiment of Galactic Alliance soldiers consisting of Imperial defectors, former mercenaries, and the occasional volunteer. Not the prettiest group, but they were patriotic enough.

The majority of the alliance force was out to annihilate pirate forces and recover technology. The Ravens were going to investigate an old droid factory some ways away from the action. There was hope they would find schematics that would be useful to the war effort, though it was known to the locals and alliance intelligence that the factory and the areas around it were dark zones. People went in, they usually didn't come out.

Fortunately, Darius had Rovasus to guide him along.

"We're going to be landing soon," he quipped, "I'm going to put my credits on our bogeymen being some kind of indigenous tribe. Maybe a swamp witch. Ancient rancor? Either would make for a good story."

The padawan cracked a thin smile at his one-time companion. The drop ship lowered into the swamp surrounding the factory. Time to get to work.
[member="Audren Sykes"]
[member="Marcello Matteo"]
[member="Nubica Felidae"]

“So I’m wondering,” a voice called across the hangar, “whether you took my advice and got yourself fitted with a suit of Vanguard armour?”

The Jedi Master strode across towards the hangar floor towards the corvette. Steam escaped from several vents and the metallic hull ‘ticked’ cool. There were no robes to mark Voidstalker as a Jedi Master right now and for good reason.

“We’re heading into the rainforest to dig out some pirates. Should be good fun, but you’re going to need to grab some water. Takes about seven litres to keep you going a day in those conditions,” he added. He flashed a mischievous smile, but deep down there was a pang of guilt for what he’d put Nubica through to date. She was tough as nails, he now knew, but that only took the edge off.

Nubica Felidae

We are well and truly forked...

Nubica smiled as she realised who the welcome party was. Lesser souls might have wanted to sink into the shadows — when Jacen called it as tough, you knew it was going to be a real pain in the posterior.

“Armour?” she replied, the inflexion of a question heavy. “Armour?” she repeated. “The Force is a Jedi’s armour. Everyone Youngling is taught that.” She was mocking — and in a light-hearted way, although anyone that didn’t know them might wonder.

“But seriously? The loss of flexibility, speed and movement against the increased protection? Each to their own, but I prefer to rely on the Force. And if I die? You have my permission to say, ‘told you so’ over my corpse. In fact, put it on my tombstone. If we had tombstones. Say it at my funeral pyre. There…resolved.”

“But water…now we’re in agreement.” And then she glanced around the hangar. “Who else is coming with us? Do I know them?”

[member="Jacen Voidstalker"] - [member="Marcello Matteo"] - [member="Audren Sykes"]
Arriving Pirate Base
[member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Nubica Felidae"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="The Revenant"]

Multiple presences dotted the rainforest floor as Marcello made a measured progress towards the Pirate Base. Pausing near a moderate-sized river that Marcello had plotted, originally, in his flightplan to be the indicator for an objective rally point, the Jedi Master found some cover as he retrieved his datapad once more. While the terrain association didn't actually change whether he was in the air or on the ground, it most certainly altered the state in which he would arrive at the objective area. Removing his jacket, Marcello stowed in in his hide and marked the location on his datapad.

As he removed the article of clothing, the sweat that had accumulated beneath it quickly began to evaporate, creating a cooling effect on his skin. The effect was not designed to be lasting, but it helped well enough. Once he was satisfied he was on the appropriate azimuth to his objective, the Naboo native came back to his feet, utilizing the terrain and vegetation to mask his approach as he crossed the river. A brief pause to re-fill his hydration source and he was once again angling towards the base - outer perimeter just now becoming visible through the dense foliage.
[member="Nubica Felidae"]
[member="Marcello Matteo"]

Objective 2

"Flak jacket maybe? Just a chest plate?" Jacen said, but he was already shaking his head knowing he wasn't getting anywhere. "Tell you what, I won't write it on the gravestone, when you're lying there bleeding out from a stray frag grenade I'll do a little 'I told you so dance'." [member="Meeristali Peradun"] is one of my Hounds and might be joining us en route. There are several other individuals all on the ground, not sure who. Stali's solid, also as strong as a rancor," Jacen said, thinking fondly of a flying red streak on Bestine.

"Grab a bag, water and some gear. We're going to hit an outpost just west of the base, where they keep their air speeders. There's a ravine that cuts through the forest and they've got them all stashed out of sight of satellites in the undergrowth. There's a few watchtowers, not much else. If we can hit that, we'll cut off their escape and then we can help the others. Good to have you along again," he said with a heartfelt smile.
Objective: 1

Location: Planetside
Enemies: Darkies, Darthies, [member="xavka duquo"], [member="kira corsai"]
Allies: The Galactic Alliance, [member="coren starchaser"], [member="chevu visz"]

Harm had arrived in the vicinity of the prison only moments before lightning ripped out of one of the people in the entrance to the building towards the other two. Focused on the situation, he crouched within the treeline, watching the battle unfold. The green woman fell to the lightning mere moments before the man seemingly absorbed it.

'Throwing lightning...absorbing lightning...I heard the rumors but never...' Harm thought to himself as he continued to wait.

The green woman, from the prone position no less, through a pair of bladed discs at the assaulting woman. Harm pegged the one throwing the lightning to be the one with the darker feel to her. He was about to commit to defending the man and green woman, he may have grown up as a mercenary but that didn't mean he didn't have his own code, when an even bigger disc weapon flew out of the edge of the forest a couple dozen meters away from him, hit the smaller disc blades, then returned to the edge of the forest. Harm tracked the movement with his disruptor rifle back to a peculiar sharp orange light. If Harm had experience with force-users, he'd know that glowing eyes such as that usually foretold a dark side force user. Harm did have some experience hunting large feline-esque fauna. He was familiar with the way different eye types reflected and refracted light differently.

'It would appear the dark lady has an ally...' Harm thought to himself. He wanted to depress the stud and spray the trees with disruptor bolts, but his discipline and training kept that instinct in check. He had no sight picture except for a glowing eye and the general vicinity that the larger disc returned to. Instead, Harm slowly sank to one knee, knowing that sudden movements drew the eye. He settled in the new position, rifle aimed loosely in the direction of the disc thrower (Xavka), while only paying partial attention to the main battle in the prison entryway. He waited like that, ready for the disc thrower baddie to show him or herself.
Objective: 1
Location: Somewhere, he followed the force
Enemies: [member-="Xavka Duquo"] and [member="Kira Corsai"]

Allies: The Galactic Alliance - [member="Chevu Visz] and [member="Coren Starchaser"]

Posts: 4/20 [Alicia Frost - Alt]
Gear: Lightsaber ((See Bio)) and Sasori Armour.

He heard the voice over the comlink, feint as he listened with the force. He could feel something, something he wasn't sure he liked. It was a presence, Jedi, that he had felt once before. He shook his head, continuing to fly across the battlefield, searching for a usable landing spot for the X-Wing. He saw the old prison in the distance, eyes flicking to a wide clearing in the courtyard area. He heard the astromech beep, clearly spotting something he hadn't. He dropped the ship lower, wings scraping the tops of the trees.

He flew over the battle between the two Sith and two Jedi without noticing. He brought his ship to a stop in the clearing in the prison, flicking the landing gear down. He felt the bump as they connected with the ground, the engines cutting. He pushed open the canopy, sliding from the cockpit. He jumped down. Actually he more slid with his feet down the side of the X-Wing.

He moved through the trees, astromech in tow behind him. He wasn't sure why he had taken such a liking to the droid and why the droid and taken a liking to him. It was an odd pairing but it appeared to play each other out well. The trees were growing more dense however, the droid stopping because of the terrain. He couldn't drag himself, the bumps where the tree roots had ingrown becoming too much for his treads.

Quinn shook his head, oping to leave the droid. He stepped across a tree root, body entering the clearing where the fight was taking place. He chose to stay low after his fight sight, ducking behind some shrubs. He knew what he had felt, Jedi Master Visz hurt. Master Starchaster seemed to be taking a beating, a beating from somewhere he couldn't see. He shook his head, still trying to spot the attacker.

It worried him, he was unable to spot the attacker. He felt out in the force, feeling out for anything. Any ranged weapons coming near him, he would know. His real goal however was to spot, to find that attacker. He didn't want to be seen, didn't want to give away his hiding place just yet. He shivered, continuing to scan the area. He watched, attempting to decide how safe his next move would be.

He would reach out with the force, deciding it was safe. He needed to get Master Visz out of the fight, thus he decided to attempt the hardest force move he had tried yet. He had successfully managed to use the force to force pull rocks to him but never other people. He felt the force grip Master Visz, he looked through the shrub lightly, trying to guide her slowly, slowly so that the attacker wouldn't notice she was moving at all.

Maverick style.
Location: The Sky- Pirate Stronghold
Objective: Spearhead Assault on Pirate Stronghold
Unit: Unidentified


To kill a snake you had to cut off the head. regardless of whatever else was happening Vassara held the craft level. The sound of steel screeching upon steel rang out in the cargo bay as the Mercenary company snapped metallic locks onto an anchor cable above. They were going to fast rope in through the roof of the exposed pirate base.

"All units a go."

"Ok hold tight!"

Alarms klaxons began to blare on the console. The skies came to life in that moment. Her hand slammed the yoke, juking the freighter left to avoid and ever widening ball of flame. Razor sharp shrapnel slammed her sides as the sky began to bursts into a sea of explosions. Torrents of shrapnel shells roared upwards, smoke spiralling from the barrels of the guns in the valley below.


Sky alight with fire she clenched her teeth tight, snarling and bringing the Gypsy Caravan straight in through the chaos. A few hundred meters left to survive.

"Prepare to breach!" She roared.

The Mercs were grunting and cussing now. Explosive charges strapped to their chests bounced as the stumbled on the decks from extreme turbulence.

"Thirty seconds!"
Location: Swamp
Allies: [member="Darius"]
Enemies: TBD
Objective: Guide the Padawan

Being an Imperial defector wasn't necessarily the most praised thing in the galaxy. Especially when your former servitude and military career was known by many and respected by very few by this point. Rovasus was a face meant to be hidden behind his helmet and to never be seen by the likes of anyone whom he used to command or answer to. His blood was hated more than his guts. His medals and exceptional deeds long forgotten and tossed into an inferno of judgement and spite that the Sith held onto like a child's plush toy in their sleep. They didn't scare him. Too much time and effort had been put into escaping such a madhouse, and the former Steel Fist didn't want to go back anytime soon. Being in the world in such a manner as this was foreign and intimidating. Rovasus hated most of everything and expected everyone to follow his way and orders or accept death. Some could say his life wasn't always the brightest or had the most fortunate outcomes. This being a prime example.

Force Users were a cancer. He wanted to blow a bolt through their skulls, each and every one of them. But he had discipline, self-control, a pedigree. A family lineage of military service and the achievement of high rank and profile. But every person has nasty habits and secrets, do they not?

A changing wind came and turned a new leaf in Rovasus' life, that leaf being the Black Ravens. But first, some changes would need to be made.

Personal changes.

Rovasus turned to the Jedi cracking jokes. "And if there are any such things here, I'll blow out both of your legs and let it eat you. Does that sound like a fair bet to you? Open the ramp, we're moving out. Double time it!"
Location: Swamp
Allies: [member="Rovasus Vonstrogg"]
Objective: Salvage
Enemies: TBD

"Sounds like a lovely way to start the evening," Darius quipped, "Never really needed the legs anyway. Not lady enough to use them."

The padawan followed the soldiers as they filed out of the shuttle. The humidity was the first thing that drew his attentions. It was like walking into a sauna, only things smelled as terrible as they felt. His lightsaber came alive in his hands, its stark blue light illuminating the six man team. They would make their way to the droid factory. The rest of the Ravens would secure the area and salvage whatever they could for the alliance war machine.

"I'm picking something up in the distance," Darius frowned. He drew his cowl over his face, and motioned for the soldiers to follow him. Ahead, the massive droid factory could be seen in the center of a clearing. It was covered in overgrowth, but the doors were still open. Darius could feel like within.

"That's our target captain, and - something is in there."
Location: Swamp
Allies: [member="Darius"]
Objective: Bodyguard
Enemies: TBD

First step out of the shuttle was met with the sinking squish of saturated soil and pockets of mud and foliage. The dank aroma of rotting vegetation in the air ventilated through Rovasus' helmet just a tad, leaving his face in an unsatisfied sort of expression. "It's about as lovely as having parasites eating away at your brain stem." The former Imperial drew one of his custom DC-17s from its holster from under his cloak. His armor no longer the flashy chrome of his past career, instead, he was armored in retrofitted Phase I gear dating far back to the Clone Wars. The aesthetic appealed to Rovasus, and he made it his own. Inspiration at its finest.

As soon as the Jedi felt something, Rovasus held up a clenched fist to signal a halt. He then looked over his left shoulder in silence and made another gesture for the soldiers to arm themselves and take aim. "I see it, fairy boy." Taking a couple steps forward, he attempted to scan through the darkness and humidity to pick up any lifeforms. "Damn HUD is acting up. We'll need to move up and keep our trousers up to our necks. Jedi, you so much as point that glow-stick in the wrong direction and I'll make it your new best friend, understand?"

The DC-17 whirred to life as Rovasus actually powered it on.
Objective: 2 (transitioning to 1)
Location: Corresponding with law enforcement, being sent to investigate a prison
Enemies: Pirates, obviously
Allies: Galactic Alliance, [member="Micah Talith"]

"What's this?" Gabriel pointed to the schematics of the city. To a derelict prison.
"Oh, that. It's an old penitentiary."
"And?" He gestured towards a grouping of colors within the schematic. "What's this about?"
"Well, we have old caches throughout the facility."
"Anything taken for customs, evidence, et cetera."
"Ah." He scratched his beard. "How long have you all had issues with gangs and pirates?"
"Well, its cyclical. Comes and goes."
"What about the most recent cycle?"
"Umm..." he flicked over the data pad. "Increase in crime started occurring two years ago."
"And have you cross referenced that to any of those customs acquisitions?"

Gabriel stared at the man and grabbed the mans datapad. Scrolling through the caches, he stopped the officer before he could talk. "Of course, I don't think they are here because of the caches. But to get to the sandwhich, some times you follow the bread crumbs. And I suspect you have a leak..."

"You're...uhh, you're mixing metaphors."
Gabriel stared at the man and exhaled. "I'll be pulling a number of caches from facility and storing them back at the Sulon law enforcement headquarters."
"What do you mean?" Gabriel turned. "Your bread crumbs are attracting ants. I want to see if they can follow the hints through space."

He pushed the datapad back to the officer and smiled. "Call your brother. Seriously."

He scratched the back of his head, having memorized the coordinates of the caches. He assumed it would be no small feat and from what he could tell, wasn't the mean storage space in the facility.
Location: Swamp
Allies: [member="Rovasus Vonstrogg"]
Objective: Salvage

"Watch your tone Captain," Darius grumbled. He might have been a Padawan, but he was also in charge of the Captain's fate. If the Ravens proved to be less than satisfactory, they would be put out of service. He would remind Vonstrogg of that fact if need be.

"Eastern door, first level." He snapped as something move. A pair of glowing yellow eyes peered out at the team before vanishing back into the complex. Darius had felt its presence for but a moment, and then it was gone. Whatever was inside knew they were coming, and it was not walking outside to greet them. That meant whatever awaited them was quite likely hostile. Darius bristled.

"We'll move up. Send two of your men into the western entrance. We'll overwhelm whatever is inside."

Location: Swamp
Allies: [member="Darius"]
Objective: Kill the xeno scum.

"Watch your tone, Jedi. Let me remind you that I defected on my own accord and did so for compensation and to keep my rank. Credits speak, you glow-stick junkies and your dresses make the real men like me go out and shoot down the people you can't look in the eye. Get out of my face and let me do my job." Rovasus noticed the thick pair of yellow eyes staring at them through density of the swamp. Honestly the Captain was a bit unsettled, but that was what came with the contract. No matter the battles or scars, fear and emotions were natural things and were also vital to survival. The Jedi would have done well to remember there was a reason Rovasus was still around and had evaded or dispatched his hunters.

"R-4 and R-5, I want you to round off to the western entrance. Everyone else fall behind me and the Jedi. Keep your eyes peeled and your arses covered. Once the objective is completed, rendezvous back outside the eastern entrance. Understood?" The small squad nodded and saluted the Captain before moving out. Rovasus looked at his DC-17 and holstered it, instead grabbing the barrel of his T-21 and pulling it out from under his cloak, loaded and ready.

"Remember, Jedi. If I die then you're gonna be sorry."

The Captain began trekking forward towards the facility.
Objective: 1
Location: Arriving at the prison proper
Enemies: [member="Chevu Visz"] / [member="Coren Starchaser"]/ [member='Quinn Michaels'] /[member='Harmon Taldan']
Allies: The Dark Side and [member="Xavka Duquo"].
Silver and red bladed sabers.
Post: 3/20

Throwing arcs of electricity at the man was going to do her no good, but at least the green one was down. She saw the girl struggle to get the blades out and up, the pulses of crimson bolts ceasing as a silver hilt found its away to her already open right palm. Fingers curled around the weighty metal cylinder, the familiar thrum split the air as it sang to life, casting a silver circle around her on the ground as she readied herself to bat the discs away from her. However, they were intercepted on their way by another large thrown weapon. With any luck, it would be Xavka's.

She ignored the girl for the moment and turned her attention to the man who seemed so unmoved by the crimson storm. She pumped a little speed into her forward motion to close the gap and bring herself in striking distance of her prey. Her saber strike started down in the vicinity of his left knee as she brought it up and slashed across across his body towards his right shoulder. Her right foot was solid behind her but she kept to the ball of her left foot, and allowed herself to remain nimble and agile, as she slipped in her preferred form of Ataru. The terrain might not be adequate for aerial flips but it still allowed her to be flexible and fleet footed.

There were many force users around her, she could feel the collective presence of them nearby but it was the heat vision on her HUD that allowed her to know that this fight was going to quickly get out of hand. She had a couple cards left she could play, but for the moment, she was occupied with her attack.

[member="Rovasus Vonstrogg"]

Darius and the Captain weren't the best of friends. That was alright, of course, you didn't need to be pals to get your objective done. Would Darius appreciate a bit of camaraderie? Absolutely. Was he going to expect it? Hell no.

"You've got quite the mouth on you Captain." Darius sighed, choosing not to rise to the soldier's bait. Now was not the time to get angry over petty insults, no matter how grating they might be.

The soldiers fanned out toward their respective entrances. Darius kept a firm hand on his lightsaber. The darkness of the eastern entrance was fast approaching, and he still couldn't pick up the source of the yellow eyes. "We'll need to try and see if we can't get the factory going again. If it proves to be impossible, then we salvage what we can."

Darius crossed the threshold. The room he entered was massive, though the darkness made it impossible to tell the exact size. It seemed to be some kind of production floor.

"Picking up anything Captain?"
LOCATION: Ord Vaug, Pirate Base
ENEMIES: Pirates
ALLIES: [member="Marcello Matteo"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Nubica Felidae"]
POST: 2/20

With the overcoat, the only thing that made him stand out in the various was his hair. Long blond hair, especially clean hair, was unusual in the group. Nobody stopped him, just provided some snarky comments. The gun slung over his shoulder probably helped with that, no pirate group wanted lethal violence erupting within their home base. He managed to grab a peek at one of the old schematics on the wall and make his way towards the control center.

Security got better the deeper he went, as much as a pirate's nest could. That essentially meant he was stopped at the door of the control room by two heavily armed men, both of whom were rather dangerous-looking even without the guns. Dangerous didn't mean smart though, and a light touch of Force power had him walking by without incident. The control room was remarkably plain and quiet, each person focused on their work. They were obviously aware of the unfolding situation given the orbital view on the main screen, but nobody was panicking and there were no empty seats.

What was most interesting was that there wasn't a commander present, just those peons slaving away at their terminals. Another mind trick had a technician inputting the codes required to initiate a shutdown of the base's power while circumventing the alarms. He'd gotten lucky, the Bothan was tired enough to be suggestible but awake enough to know what to input. Slowly, sections of the base began losing power, their failsafe alarms convinced to look at other areas for the minute or two each area needed to shut down. By the time the alarm actually sounded inside the base, only a few areas were left with power. The doors leading to the rest were shut, and while they could be opened eventually it would take a fair bit of elbow grease and leverage to do so. He had time.

If he was lucky, the guards at the front door didn't have a clue.

Nubica Felidae

We are well and truly forked...

She smiled. No doubt it would be a topic of banter forever. Until she took a lump of shrapnel or he was too slow to avoid a blaster bolt.

“A dance would be good,” she said, smiling. “And I know Meeristali. At least I met him on our first mission. He was the gambler, right?”

She grabbed a bag as indicated and put some of her own things in. In her pocket she carried a small tin. The inside of the lid was buffed to a high polish to use for signalling. All spaces in the tin were packed with cotton for tinder.

There were matches, a tallow candle, a magnifying lens, a piece of flint, a small fishing kit, several needles and one large needle and thread, a button compass, a few feet of brass wire, some medical equipment such as plasters, butterfly sutures, pain relievers, anti-diarrhea pills, antibiotics, allergy relief pills, and potassium permanganate, a scalpel, water purification tablets and a condom.

As she checked her equipment, she listened to his briefing, nodding as he explained the plan.

“And glad to be here. Someone needs to get you out alive.”

[member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

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