Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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AMCO's Skunkworks

  • Intent: A rather capable transport for a 'legitimate entrepreneur'.
  • Image Source: Star Wars Hutt Frigate by AdamKop
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Elite Freighter
  • Length: 230 metres
  • Width: 90 metres
  • Height: 60 metres
  • Armament: Low
  • Defences: High
  • Hangar Space: Average | 1
  • Hangar Allocations: The Wily Banshee can hold a single squadron of starfighters, support craft, or a mixture thereof within its hangar. It can fit two or potentially even three squadrons if they are stored so tightly as to be unusable in combat.
  • Single Craft Hangar: The Wily Banshee holds an FTL-capable escape craft in a concealed compartment.
  • Manoeuvrability Rating: Very High
  • Speed Rating: Very High
  • Hyperdrive: Class 0.11
  • The Wily Banshee has all the features and facilities one would expect from a vessel of its size and purpose.
  • The Wily Banshee is full of hidden nooks and crannies; even the secret rooms have secret compartments.
  • The Wily Banshee is nearly entirely automated; what little is not done by the ship can be done by droids.
    • As an example, the primary cargo hold is loaded and unloaded by robotic arms built into the walls.
  • The Wily Banshee is equipped with a slew of systems intended to conceal it (or its identity) as well as escape danger. These systems include, but are not limited to, a cloaking device, a holographic cloak (disguises the ship as something else, as opposed to rendering it invisible) a high-end ECM, Shrouds, a Gravpulser Shardform, and a (very illegal) transponder spoofer able to generate false identities on the fly.
    • The hyperdrive is equipped with both HIMS and HIMA; pick one at a time, as using both is suicidal.
    • The engines are optimised for bursts of extreme speed to escape danger / run blockades.
  • The Wily Banshee is equipped with a Stargaze Engine, greatly aiding the charting of unusual routes.
  • The Wily Banshee comes equipped with advanced sensors and some 'mildly illegal' slicing tools.
  • Blockade Runner Extraordinaire: The Wily Banshee's slew of advanced features allow it to run circles around law enforcement and slink past most blockades with relative ease. Furthermore, its high-end hyperdrive and 'proprietary navigational devices' allow it to for traverse the galaxy with remarkable speed - and take unusual routes to avoid detection or navigational hazards, if need be.
  • The Better Part of Valour: While hardly toothless, the Wily Banshee is not designed for 'honest' fights.
(Describe some of the history behind the submission. Please provide a detailed account or link of each special feature that is listed in this submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. All miscellaneous descriptive elements go here, such as Cargo Capacity, Passengers, Consumables, Crew, etc. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)

(Some sort of connection between Max & House Terassi?)

Add thrust trace dampener & GAM.

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"Sometimes [HUMAN CO-WORKER] wants to just sit and talk. No work gets done during this timeframe.
Despite this, it seems important to him. I fear refusing might lower his workplace satisfaction.
I cannot meet my quotas without him. I hope you understand why I let him have these moments."

- Pello-39 to a Section 19 Supervisor.
  • Name: Bioservitors
    • Also known as Gene Thralls, Servs, Biodroids, etc.
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: The Globex Corporation
  • Average Lifespan: Exceedingly variable. Standard Bioservitors have an estimated lifespan measured in decades or, for certain 'models', centuries. Under ordinary operating conditions, their 'neuroprints' are habitually backed up to external servers, making them immortal. In theory. In practice, memory corruption is not unheard of and if you believe in 'souls' each body arguably has a new one.
  • Estimated Population: Common; fabricated as required to meet the needs of Globex / the market.
  • Description: Bioservitors are a bizarre new species created from the ground up to be ideal servants. They are fully sentient, but only when their brains are completed with the addition of a (mechanical or neuromesh) 'command node' - this unique design allows their minds (usually referred to as 'neuroprints') to be uploaded, transferred, or even duplicated with relative ease. It 'coincidentally' also has the 'side effect' of neatly side-stepping a variety of bans on commercial cloning, most prominently that imposed by the Galactic Alliance.
"Why do I have these thoughts if the reason I am here is primarily to increase production?
From what perspective are these thoughts productive? Was there an error in the update? If there was, I'd like to be rebooted."

- Skyler-14, reboot request granted. Error log updated.
  • Breathes: Variable. Typically Type 1.
  • Average Height of Adults: Typically human equivalent.
  • Average Length of Adults: Typically human equivalent.
  • Skin Colour: Typically human equivalent; greater variance.
  • Hair Colour: Typically human equivalent; greater variance.
  • Distinctions: Bioservitors typically resemble an organic species, most commonly humans. This resemblance is skin deep, if that - it is not uncommon for Bioservitors to lack reproductive organs, for example. Most lack the capacity to gain or lose muscle (without a brief stint in a Biosculptor or a less advanced analogue), they never have the capacity to reproduce, and they generally do not excrete waste - instead, what little cannot be recycled is stored in a 'waste pouch' which is meant to be emptied by attaching a tube to an access point. They do not visibly age, but errors in cell replication appear as they grow older - after an average of twenty years, a body is recycled after a final upload.
    • Bioservitor brains are composed of three functionally identical lobes (the fore lobe, the right lobe, and the left lobe). Most of the time, two of them are 'active' and one is 'restive' - the restive lobe 'sleeps', but also has a role to play in memory formation. Where the three lobes meet, a 'command node' is located - this mechanical device is necessary for the stable functioning of a Serv brain. In addition to certain regulatory functions, it is used to upload/back up 'neuroprints'. The command node can override the organic lobes.
    • Bioservitor bodies have various access points, including but not limited to holes through which nutrient paste can be pumped and a spot in the upper spine where a mind-machine interface is typically located. Bioservitors do not need such an interface to live, unlike the command node. Uploading one's neuroprint is difficult without an interface, however, and Bioservitors have been known to suffer from emotional breakdowns and other severe performance issues if unable to upload/back up their neuroprints.
    • Bioservitors should enter a regeneration cycle about once every eight days, or more if engaged in damaging work. Ideally, the cycle should be spent inside a dedicated 'pod' - if so, it takes about seven hours. Properly regenerating without a pod takes at least thrice as long. Inadequate regeneration will increase the risk of erroneous cell replication. Conversely, unusually frequent or thorough cycles can be used to drastically extend a Bioservitor's lifespan, if such a thing is desirable, e.g., staff in very isolated facilities.
  • Races: Bioservitors are at once astonishingly diverse and freakishly homogenous; they come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can be adapted to a variety of tasks and environments, but most non work-related differences are skin-deep. Their brains in particular are virtually identical across 'sexes' and even 'species' to reduce the risk of memory corruption and other cognitive anomalies.
  • Force Sensitivity: Officially, all Bioservitors are Non-Sensitive. They have a presence in the Force, but it is less distinct than that of most other Sentients. Unofficially, a Rare few Force Sensitives have been created by [REDACTED] in order to [DATA EXPUNGED]. These units have been recorded to [DATA EXPUNGED]. Other behavioural anomalies are unusually common.
"Doctor [REDACTED] told me I was fundamentally the same as the rest. I just had a few 'prototype features'.
I believed him, of course - he was my supervisor. I'm afraid I must report a divergence - I no longer believe him.
I see things, you see. When my eyes are closed. During maintenance cycles. Sometimes I even [DATA EXPUNGED]."

- Donar-27 to a Section 19 Investigative Commission. [DATA EXPUNGED]
  • Adaptable Biology: Bioservitors can be tailored for physical labour, social roles, intellectually challenging pursuits, and more. They can be produced in the image of various species (most commonly humans) and can be further customised using cybernetics and biotech transplants.
  • Digitised Minds: Bioservitors regularly back their 'neuroprints' up to external servers. Between uploads, they are avid note-takers, making sure to record anything of note in their personal logs. Should their body expire or be purposefully terminated, they can be 're-uploaded' into a new body. This is, in a sense, a kind of immortality. If you're not too fussy about 'souls' and 'continuity of consciousness'.
  • Data Corruption: Bioservitors may experience memory loss during re-uploads and never remember anything that occurs between uploads and 'death'. Most receive regular 'updates' that affect their behaviour - update errors can, not unexpectedly, prove problematic.
  • Diet: Omnivore; typically subsists exclusively on nutrient paste.
  • Communication: Virtually all Bioservitors are fluent in Basic and Binary at an academic level.
  • Technology Level: Bioservitors are more product than species and are, as a result, inherently tied to the high-technology devices that grow, nurture, and alter them as dictated by corporate policy. They can use low-tech tools but tend to struggle if denied access to upload facilities.
  • Religion/Beliefs: Bioservitors are generally programmed to place little significance on 'nonsense' such as 'souls'. Instead of religion, they work to fulfil their purpose in life (as dictated by corporate policy) with an almost religious fervour.
  • General Behaviour: Most Bioservitors are polite, inhumanely precise, and beyond industrious. Their lives tend to revolve around the tasks assigned to them by their owners. They generally find meaning in this irrespective of external factors; whether engaged in genuinely fulfilling work or rolling a boulder up a hill for all eternity, they are likely to be satisfied with their lives unless they fail to complete their tasks.
"You want to know how I am doing? Very well, thank you very much.
I have completed my assignments faster than scheduled during the last three cycles.
According to my supervisors, this efficiency has not come at the expense of quality.
Excuse me? Is this line of questioning relevant to my work performance?"

- Vala-9 to a human co-worker.
[ Include a description of the species history here. If your species is genetically engineered or Sithspawn please describe the process through which they were created, by who, and why. Explain the various challenges encountered during their creation. Most galactic species will be quite old - include major events relevant to the species in how they evolved and developed into what they are today where appropriate. Including Chaos canon events, where they impacted the history of this species, is a plus. ]

/ Bioservitors - Can be deactivated. Three-chamber brain, one rests at a time, never have to sleep. The 'inactive' part doesn't just rest, also plays a part in memory formation and learning! Central 'command node' - cybernetic! /
/ Obsess over minor errors / deviations. Hate lying. /
/ Intentionally incomplete brains; engineered that way to bypass anti-cloning legislation? /
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"Welcome to Detainment Centre Null-5. This onboarding process will acquaint you with the amenities available to you for the duration of your stay. Your request for a communications link has been denied. Your request for legal counsel has been approved - I will be your counsel."
  • Astronomical Location Name: 78G-ACO-665 or Detainment Centre Null-5 aka the Icebox.
  • Classification: Asteroid; houses a corporate 'Ultramax' prison designed to hold Sith, eldritch entities, and litterers.
  • Location: Distantly orbiting a black hole in the Deep Core; relatively close to the Priviak system
  • Rotational Period: N/A
  • Orbital Period: 3121 Standard Years
  • Size: Large; internal volume of 9.7 cubic kilometres.
  • Affiliation: The Globex Security Division | 'Counterintel'
  • Population: Sparse; normally around 500 prisoners, but can hold thousands.
  • Demographics: Various species; the facility holds unusually many Force Sensitives.
  • Accessibility: [ Describe logistical information on how easy it is to find/access this location. Is it hidden? Is it isolated from society deep in space or is it in the middle of civilization near busy hyperlanes and star systems? Is it guarded? Open to the public or private access only? ]
  • Description: [ Provide a description of this location at a glance. More in-depth descriptions can be added in points of interest. ]
  • [ What areas are significant? Give a description of each point listed. ]
  • (The Ysalamiri Habitat - separate air system.)
  • (The Inclusion Zone - blocked off from Ysalamiri; Force not cut off?)
  • (The Black Vault - holds bound Sith spirits and the like; named for synthetic voidstone-derived walls?)
  • (The Techno-Exclusion Zone - Mechu-Deru users are sedated for transport and kept in a section staffed by clones?)
  • (Single-use hyperdrive can propel it towards the black hole? Takes 'about a minute' to hit the mass shadow of the event horizon upon activation, but needs to spool up and finalise calibrations first.)
  • (Presided over by H1RARC, a coldly pragmatic AI willing to do whatever it takes to prevent escapes.)
  • Security Rating: Maximum
  • Defensive Systems:
[ Include a description on the location's history here. It can have lasted since well before our current timeline, or it can be brand new due to current circumstances. For older locations you may include historical events from the Chaos Canon timeline or board history where appropriate. ]

The Phoenix Protocol - droid minds, backed-up? Bioservitor insp.?
-- Can be applied to organics, officially illegal? No different from dying, unless Force 'Magic' is used?
--- "There is no such thing as Project Evermore."
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Shipyard next?
  • City Name: 'Unity' Corporate Communes
  • Classification: Semi-Autonomous Settlements
  • Location: Various planets, principally in the Mid Rim, the Outer Rim, and the Deep Core.
  • Affiliation: The Globex Corporation via the Autonomous Operations Section of the Office of Colonial Affairs.
  • Population: Moderate; Communes tend to have notably lower population density than Residential Arcologies.
  • Demographics: Varies from settlement to settlement; a clear majority of residents tend to be human or humanoid.
  • Wealth: Low; Communes provide their members with food, housing, clothing, healthcare, and more, but the lifestyle is modest. Especially compared to the hedonistic indulgence and wealth accumulation characteristic of most Globex-operated civic centres.
    • What wealth Communes do create is maintained by the Intercommunal Welfare Fund, which is managed by the Office of Colonial Affairs to the benefit of everyone! In exchange for certain privileges (prominently mining rights and monopolistic regulations) and a reasonable annual contribution, Globex helpfully serves as the middleman between Communes and the galactic market.
  • Stability: High; Communes tend to be small, close-knit communities. They normally self-regulate rather well, limiting the need for direct intervention by the Office of Colonial Affairs. The risk of corruption and power abuse is curtailed by Globex-affiliated AI overseers.
    • The Globex Security Division generously protects Communes from external threats in exchange for a reasonable annual contribution. As a result, residents do not need to worry about self-defence. In fact, weapon ownership is often banned for their own safety.
  • Freedom & Oppression: Communes tend to be reasonably free, though both emigration and immigration tend to go through the Office of Colonial Affairs. No one is forced to stay, however. Economic freedom is, for obvious reasons, virtually nonexistent. Most prohibitions stem from local regulations, not corporate mandates - some Communes are downright puritan, while others make heavy use of narcotics.
  • Description: [ Provide a description of this city at a glance. More in-depth descriptions can be added in points of interest. ]
  • Communal Administration Centres (COMCENs) are
[ What areas within the city are significant? Give a description of any locations listed. You can link structures you've made, or create them on the spot here and provide location entries for them later if desired. ]

[ Provide a Security Rating (choose from: None, Low, Medium, High, Maximum) and any specific security assets in list format. What defenses does this location have, including internal and perimeter defenses? Please note that the rating is relative to the type of location this is. Normal civilian locations have a different scope in security, compared to military locations. As such a primarily civilian location with a Maximum security rating is not on the same level as a military base with a Maximum rating. Consider the ‘Stability’ and ‘Freedom and Oppression’ fields when working on this section, and make sure these reflect each other in your final submission. Please link rare or uncommon tech/equipment to the SW wiki article or Factory-approved submission. Common canon items do not need to be linked. ]

[ Include a description on the city's history here. Detail how it came to be created and why. Talk about the people involved in this city's history and expansion; and what role it played and still plays. For historical cities, if you so desire, you can include events from the Chaos Canon timeline or board history where appropriate. ]

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  • Classification: Automated Shipyard
  • Length: 850 metres (Default Module)
  • Width: 180 metres (Default Module)
  • Height: 210 metres (Default Module)
  • Armament: None
  • Defences: Low
  • Hangar Space: Most Fabricors have very limited hangar space.
  • Manoeuvrability Rating: Very Low; manoeuvring thrusters only.
  • Speed Rating: Very Low; manoeuvring thrusters only.
  • Hyperdrive: Class 5 | Class 30 (Backup)
  • (Provide all of your submission's standard features, including non-combat items, here in a list -or- alternatively simply state 'all standard features'. This includes all features that are common for vessels of this class. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Links: Starship Weapons, Approved Technology, Shields, Engines)
  • (Provide all of your submission's advanced systems, including non-combat items and special weapons, here in a list. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Stealth technology and other advanced systems may require other weaknesses or reduced ratings for balance. Ensure significant capabilities from systems are included in the Strengths and Weaknesses lists. Examples include: Stealth systems, Advanced ECM systems, Crystal gravfield traps, HIMS, Molecular shields. Links: Starship Weapons, Approved Technology, Shields, Engines)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)
(Describe some of the history behind the submission. Please provide a detailed account or link of each special feature that is listed in this submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. All miscellaneous descriptive elements go here, such as Cargo Capacity, Passengers, Consumables, Crew, etc. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)

Control/hab module optional? Can churn a dozen drone freighters a day? / Pair with Superminer, ship in Hyperdrives and a few other high-tech things.
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  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ]
  • Image Credit: Desert Dome City by Mark Zhang
  • Canon: [ Is this a canon location? If yes, link to the original wiki article here, if no simply put N/A. ]
  • Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers’ content as part of this submission.]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
  • City Name: Arcodomes
  • Classification: Self-Contained Urban Centre
  • Location: Various planets; common in hazardous or unpleasant environments.
  • Affiliation: Built by the Globex Corporation and governed by Globex or its clients.
  • Population: Moderate; Arcodomes tend to be fairly densely populated, but not unpleasantly so.
  • Demographics: [ Describe the population assortment found in this city. Is it primarily human inhabitants with only a small percentage of aliens? Or perhaps the other way around? Is this a city open to all kinds of races or is there a strong theme of racism and xenophobia? Any uncommon species or custom species should be linked. Specific race percentages are welcome but not required. ]
  • Wealth: High; Arcodomes are generally constructed to satisfy middle-class lifestyles and above.
  • Stability: High; the enclosed nature of Arcodomes makes controlling exports and imports significantly easier, which in turn permits reliable enforcement of weapons bans and the like. Furthermore, most such cities are built with robust surveillance systems already in place.
  • Freedom & Oppression: [ Describe the atmosphere of freedom in this city. Are the people fairly free or is oppression of society and commerce heavy? Does it have a dictatorial ruler? Is fear of the ruling body prevalent? Relaxed and open? Is anything unusual illegal or permitted? ]
  • Description: [ Provide a description of this city at a glance. More in-depth descriptions can be added in points of interest. ]
[ What areas within the city are significant? Give a description of any locations listed. You can link structures you've made, or create them on the spot here and provide location entries for them later if desired. ]

Arcodomes are, in general, highly secure locations. Crime rates tend to be low and air pollution or hostile fauna nonexistent. They are rarely built to serve as strongholds, but the domes are resilient enough to withstand light to moderate artillery bombardment, extreme weather phenomena, the pressures of the deep seas, and comparable hazards. Similarily, Arcodomes are always rated to withstand significant seismic activity.

When governed and protected by Globex, internal security tends to be maintained by surveillance cameras and eyebots reporting to securibots. In times of crisis, Stryders can be deployed from concealed tunnels to terminate military threats. External military threats are typically responded to by AD∶D/Rs; in contested or otherwise dangerous regions, a contingent of such drones generally remain airborne at all times for crisis response.

Some, but by no means all, Arcodomes are equipped with one or more shield generators.

[ Include a description on the city's history here. Detail how it came to be created and why. Talk about the people involved in this city's history and expansion; and what role it played and still plays. For historical cities, if you so desire, you can include events from the Chaos Canon timeline or board history where appropriate. ]

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  • Manufacturer: Apex Research Collective
  • Affiliation: Apex Research Collective
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Spectre-series Personal Phase Module
  • Modularity: Compatible with armour, droids, worn devices, etc.
  • Production: Semi-Unique (A single small unit, squad, or squadron), Limited (Only one small group of characters.
  • Material: Technology.
  • (Detail briefly in a list format actual contents of the known abilities, special features, qualities of note, etc. If these are notable enough to be strengths, please add them to strengths)
  • Selective Intangibility:
  • To Phase or Not to Phase: (Can't interact when phased; not all methods of attack phase through; falling through floors is tricky;
  • Unpredictable Displacement: (Don't return inside stuff?) (Remove? Leave it to the user?)
  • (Sensitive to radiation? EM or other?)
(Describe some of the histories behind the submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)

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