Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aliit (UCM Caderas)

Erebos had become the largest centre of Clan Cadera’s more familial associations. Home to desert and jungle, the Anubian [member="Skorvek"] ’s world was as resplendent for the botanically minded Yasha as it was a bastion of the Force.

The darker passages rolled with it, leading to the Netherworld Gate. Yet, this Gate was not the meeting place Clan Cadera was utilizing today. Yasha busied around the kitchen, helping her sister Tamar, grandmother Ada and three Clan Cadera ladies set out plates of food.

It was time for the Family to celebrate not only survival, but the community of the aliit. Family brought its’ own joys, and as the children ran around outside, presided over by Ambrose and Tuulu, Yasha set down another plate.

“Yash’ika, darling would you like some wine it’s a simply divine vintage.” Ada poured herself another glass, tipping it to her nostrils to sniff the bouquet.

“I’ll be happy with my iced tea, thanks Ba’buir.” Yasha laughed and shook her head. Ada peeked over the edge of her glass, and gave a knowing nod.

“Sorry, I forgot.” The Panathan Noblewoman was as caustic and unappealing at times as her upbringing, yet the more time she spent away from Panathans, the more her eyes were opening. “Tamar, dear? You? Wine?”

Tamar grinned and shook her head. No wine for her… she wondered if [member="Mig Gred"] would have the opportunity to take time off work and arrive for the gathering. She sipped her own mug of tea, and set down a basket of rolls.

“Well, if neither of you are going to avail yourselves, I’ll ensure it goes to no possible waste.” Ada padded off onto the porch, which spread from the kitchen out in the landscape of Erebos, with a stair leading down to the grass clearing where the children played.

“Hey precious girl. You’ve done enough work alright? Go chill. Mama’s orders.” Aditya tugged her sleeves up her arms, and pulled [member="Tamar Fitz Kierke"] in for a quick hug, her chin propped on top of Tamar’s hair. She let go and tapped Tamar’s nose. “Go on, now! Go on.”

Chased out of the kitchen, Tamar walked barefoot across the porch to lean against the railing and watched the children play.

[member="Skorvek"] [member="Adara Raxis"] [member="Achani Raxis"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Taru Cadera"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Noah Corek"] [member="Kay Arenais"] [member="Caz Australis"] [member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"] @Caderas Far And Wide
This was her first time on erebos, just barely entering the atmosphere it felt like she had entered a ocean of the force with the dark and light being felt all around her. Upon stepping into the surface she looked out among the sand and jungle as she took a deep breath and placed a hand on the side of the small shuttle she had just arrived on

However she was not here to admire the landscape, nor focus on the force. I was to be with a family that had cone to adopt her and she herself had adopted....she never thought she would have a family...but was lucky to have a amazing wife, husband, daughter, and clan to call her own

Walking up to the home she saw children playing and smiled. She wore her armor per the usual even if this was a social meeting, spotting tamra she smiled and spoke

I see things are underway!
Tʜᴇ Cʜᴀʀʜᴏᴜɴᴅ
[member="Yasha Cadera"] | [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"]

Ah, family. It was something to reflect upon. Especially for Quintus. On a family long gone, and a family new before him. It felt so....strange. He gazed out into the distabce, hearing the distant laughter of children, of family conversing one another. He was dressed in breathable, silken robes. The robes showed off his physique, and complimented his olive skin and black hair. His ears perked up at the mention of wine. He made notice of the older woman, clearly from the Mand'alor's Panathan side. He gave a charming smile.

"If I may trouble you, my lady. I could partake in some of that wine." He kept a noble posture while addressing her. He had a hunch that she, like the Hellyni he spent many years with, had a sense of a sort of "casual formality". Additionally, he did not want to anger someone who could possibly have his head on a pike if she had the whim.

"Where are my manners? I am Quintus." He gave a graceful bow, leaning slightly from his waist. "This is, admittedly, my first time at one of these functions."

He returned back to a refined posture. Quintus still felt like the odd man out here. He had spent much time a recluse even after being admitted into Clan Cadera. An adjustment period, perhaps. But to be sociable was long overdue.
The kids were all playing hide and seek, and the game had just started. Taru, running away as fast as his little legs would carry him, jumped around Tamar and sprang into the kitchen. He dodged around his grandmother, and attempted to steal a drumstick from the plates of food. As his hand came close to one of the plates, his hand got smacked out of the way by grandma, and he jumped straight up into the air in mock surprise and pain. In truth, it didn't hurt him at all, and it was all a plan, for as his right hand got a smack, his left hand deftly stole a snack.

"Ni ceta! Caru! Ni malyasa'yr va ganar e" (Sorry! Ok! I wont take any) he yelped before spryly running back around the table and out the door. He had a grin splattered over his face, and his eyes twinkled mischievously. However, even with his prize, Taru should have stayed inside of the kitchen.

"I FOUND YOU TARU" someone yelled, and Taru didn't know where to even look because of how many people there were. It was good to be together, but Taru being isolated in training for so long did not help him build social relationships. It only helped him survive and kill. so Taru did the only thing he knew to do in such a situation. He whistled a long and strong note. Immediately out of the nearby bushes leapt a little ball of black fur sped towards him. Jumping into Taru's arm was a kitten. A Nexu kitten named Arceus. "Jate b'amr Arceus, jate b'amr." (Good boy Arceus, good boy) Taru then held the little nexu in his arms as he looked around to see who had called. (Arceus was being trained currently to leap towards whoever came close to Taru, but if he would was a different story)...

[member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Skorvek"] [member="Adara Raxis"] [member="Achani Raxis"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Noah Corek"] [member="Kay Arenais"] [member="Caz Australis"] [member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"]
Achani held tightly onto a bowl of chips. Indeed, these were some of her favorite chips - chips she wasn't able to often get at school, or at training, or the like. Special, savory, salty chips. She savored every bite.

Her hair in two braids, Achani sat crossed legged on the floor with an sweater-dress and some Atrisian styled shoes. Being tasked with finding some of the hiding kids of Cadera, well, she wasn't doing a very good job. Mostly because she did it to get them to stop bothering her. Really, didn't they know she was busy?

As she finished the chips in the bowl, she stood, stretched and headed towards the kitchen - only to nearly get ran over by [member="Taru Cadera"]. "TARU," she yelled as the bowl fumbled in her hands, dropping onto the floor and cracking. "Ughhhhhhhhh!" She huffed, although her attention was caught by [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"]. She gave a little wave before she followed Taru to where he was to scold him herself.

Although, the adorable (kind of) kitten removed some of her anger, she gave him a huff. And then turned, angrily, and went back inside to see what what the family was up to, especially those in the kitchen like [member="Yasha Cadera"]. Walking into the kitchen, she jumped up on the counter with a sigh.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Erebos. Kay knew of it well. The planet had been aligned with Commenor for many years. But that was before her loss of power. Now she was visiting not in any official capacity, but as any other common visitor.

[member="Yasha Cadera"] had invited her, and due to Kay's promise to look out for her and to remain in the sanctuary of Mandalorian space for a time, she had agreed. Although she was a member of Clan Raxis; the Clan Cadera was her family too. So in that sense, she belonged.

But there was much on Kay's mind. So much so that she refrained from going inside just yet. Instead she sat at the base of a tree, bare of foot, watching Ambrose and the children as they played. Maybe in a little while she'd fetch herself some tea. But for the moment she needed to process all of the pursuits that she needed to do. There was much turmoil both here and abroad. And it was only going to get worse before it got better.

Kay just hoped that she and her family would survive it all. But the odds of that were slim.

[member="Achani Raxis"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Taru Cadera"] [member="Quintus Cadera"]
Another family gathering from Clan Cadera, and Adenn was at this one too. He'd been there for the last one, had met with Aditya and 'advanced' their relationship at that time, now a new gathering was to be had. Outwardly Adenn was the epitome of calm and in control, inwardly he was excited, wondering what would come of this gathering. He hadn't entered the building proper yet, instead he was outside observing those he could see. That mainly being the children playing and Kay sitting off to the side, also observing the children. Adenn himself had all 3 of his children at hand. It wasn't the best setting, especially since he also had his armor on, but Adenn made do.

Currently he was standing in the shade of a tree, his helmet off, but the shade covered his face from view. Looking down at his relatively peaceful triplets, Adenn smiled in happiness, it had been some time since he was able to be truly at peace with himself and have aliit by his side. Planting a quick kiss on each of his childrens head, Adenn put his helmet back on before making his way towards the kitchen. That is where Aditya was supposedly located, so he wanted to find out.

Walking along at a slow and gently pace, Adenn took a few minutes to arrive at the kitchen. When he finally got there he was met by quite the sight, 3 generations of women working together to make food for the family. It was rather beautiful to see, at least to Adenn. Gazing around the kitchen, Adenn quickly spotted Aditya. Whispering "Momma's near" to his kids, Adenn made his way to her. He nodded to anyone he passed before arriving at her side.
"Hello c'yare." He'd try to greet her with a Keldabe kiss, making sure to keep the kids firmly in his grasp so they wouldn't fall. "I brought aliit with me."

Winking with a head tilt, Adenn turned so that Aditya could have a better view of the children, or even take one if she so wished. The motion caused them to wake, Hector and Isolde remained calm while Vahan began to stir, starting to cry slightly. Isolde meanwhile was trying to move her little arms around, not quite being able to grasp anything, but still amusing Adenn. Hector was the calmest though, almost instantly falling back asleep, he was rather tired for some reason that day. Even as Vahans soft crying began to grow, Adenn started to rock back and forth with the children, doing his best to keep them all calm. Behind his helmet, Adenn was still smiling down at his children, glad for the time he could currently spend with them.

[member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] [member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Tamar Fitz Kierke"] [member="Kay Arenais"] [member="Achani Raxis"] [member="Taru Cadera"] [member="Quintus Cadera"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"]
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig was surprised to get invited to a Clan Caderas gathering, but when Tamar sent him the message, the Gred couldn't resist. He had arrived a little late, but there was a reason. He had gotten something for his c'yare. Something that he hoped she'd like. Maybe not the best place to give a gift this gift, but this would be interesting. He walked up, seeing Tamar on the porch watching the kids. He smiled, watching them for a second before walking up. He tried his best to stay quiet, sneaking up slowly before tapping her shoulder.

"Hey Ner Kar'ta. Looks like everyone's busy inside."

[member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Kay Arenais"] [member="Achani Raxis"] [member="Taru Cadera"] [member="Quintus Cadera"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Tamar Fitz Kierke"]
“I found you Taru!” Adara ran off from [member="Achani Raxis"] and [member="Taru Cadera"] when Achani split off, and skipped over to [member="Kay Arenais"]. Adara’s adult Nexu hopped down from the tree he was lazing in, and sniffed at the air. The Nexu padded off toward Taru, and his kitten, before flopping onto his side and rolling to streeeetch on his back in an attempt to incur play. “Auntie! Auntie, come play with Taru and I!”

“Yes, Star they are! Grab a platter and shove it on the table.” Aditya called out. The house was utterly alive, when [member="Quintus Cadera"] and [member="Achani Raxis"] walked in. The kitchen smelled of baked goods, roast meat and resplendent vegetables from Yasha’s hydroponic garden. Herbs hung from hooks along the window to dry.

“My, my, what perfect manners. Yes, Quintus you may. It is free for all of u, even if these two cannot partake.” Ada curtseyed for Quintus, in his smashing good robes. Now there was a proper man, if only the others would see themselves in such clothing the Mandalorians would get it right! Pouring Quintus a glass of his own, Ada slid it across the counter for him. “Welcome, we’re glad you came. And right on time for dinner, too. Tis my second. Yasha refuses to let the family spend too much time alone, family is too important, she says. I suppose it is a Mandalorian quandary.”

The Panathan-born Noblewoman quirked her eyebrows, before swerving to grab a bowl and put it on the table. As Achani came in, Yasha skipped over and patted her younger sister on the shoulder. Achani was a quandary, no mistake. As much as Yasha tried to be the one to heal her sister’s heart, the more time she spent the more she knew Achani needed someone else’s hand. It was a heartbreaking sentiment, but Yasha had to think of what was best for Achani. Better, then, that [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] came.

“Hey, goof-troop. You want a secret cupcake? Before any of the others?” Yasha winked, then leaned over to dip a mini-cupcake in a bowl of frosting. She held it up for her little sister, and winked.

Yasha broke off a sprig of oregano and two rosemary, set them in the sauce for the meat as [member="Adenn Kyramud"] came in with his and Aditya’s triplets.

“Aww, how are my brothers and sister, Dad?” Yasha hadn’t realized she’d said it, moving from the sauce too quickly when Vahan began to cry. “Baby boy, hey what’re you crying for? Give big sister a try.”

“Rock him on your shoulder, Yash. Vahan likes that.” Swooping her arm in, Yasha plucked Vahan out of Adenn’s grasp as Aditya put down the roast and wiped her hands on a towel. She grinned up at Adenn, pressing the Keldabe Kiss against Adenn’s helmet. “Hello my love. You did, all of us, eh?”

“Oooh oooh oooh.” Yasha paced around the kitchen with her little brother cradled on her chest and shoulder, rubbing soft circles along his back. The Infernal watched as [member="Mig Gred"] arrived, sneaking up on [member="Tamar Fitz Kierke"] with something in his hands. Yasha gasped and whispered, “Psst! Mama, Grandmama, look… he came, look.”

Life moved on. All the unpleasantness in the universe, and life continued with the laughter of the young and diligence of their elders. Tamar let her hand drift along the railing, feeling its’ cool metal soothe her fingers… until a warm familiar voice stole her from her reverie.

“Mig! You made it!” Tamar broke into a grin, twirling around and tossing her arms around his neck. The former slave kissed her beau, then leaned back. “Mig, how are you? Are you well? Was the trip long? How do you feel about being a father? Are your engineers working on another ship? How’s Leddie, did she get the candy I sent?”

From inside the kitchen, Aditya snorted. “Aw wow, yep! She’s a Fitz Kierke, alright.”
Skorvek couldn't remember the last time he and his new family just showed to enjoy eachothers company without something going wrong, He could smell the food from where he was as he walked up to the house, He didn't bring his gam with him nothing but himself and the spear he spent much time constructing to make. Erebos was a place of incredible life and power that he used to feel al the time, yet now that he has the cure running through his veins he feels nothing of the sort anymore.

Sometimes he wishes he could remove the cure and get back his previous gifts again but that is another issue for another time, As he walked up to the house door and knocked on it he could hear the commotion already was a sizeable amount of people awake in the house. The caderas family was quite sizeable that any gathering would be a sizeable one but for now he waited to be greeted at the door so he doesnt just barge on into their house no matter who owns the planet or not.

[member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Adara Raxis"] [member="Achani Raxis"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Taru Cadera"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"][member="Noah Corek"] [member="Kay Arenais"] [member="Caz Australis"] [member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Tamar Fitz Kierke"] [member="Quintus Cadera"]
Milla ran through the yard, her bare feet padding softly across the grass. Her tail trailing behind her giving her better control of her turns. Which was a huge advantage in avoiding the other children in their game of hide and seek. That, and her exceptional climbing skills.

Her blue eyes spotted Adara and [member="Taru Cadera"] running out of the kitchen before heading separate ways. They were far enough away that she made no attempt to chase, but rather headed into the kitchen herself. The soft grass turned to smooth floors under her feet, and the smell of food greeted her. Her gaze drifted across the room till she spotted her own reflection. She was wearing black capris, and a green tshirt. Her tail sported several dark metal bands, while her horns had copper colored bands wrapped near the base, and brown bracelet around her left ankle.

Milla spotted Yasha and Achani over by the counter. Weaving her way through the kitchen, she grabbed a brightly colored fruit before hopping up on the counter next to Achani.

[member="Yasha Cadera"]
[member="Achani Raxis"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra smiled as her red hair remained pulled behind her, held there in a single tail as she walked through the people in a flight jacket and trousers, her body sliding among those assembled as small monsters, two five year olds charged through the crowd and towards the target in question. Alexandra's body fading for a second and disappearing before she arrived to where she needed to stand, leaning back and resting her back against Yasha's, who she spoke up to, supporting her against the charge of Morgan and Junior as they found their target now.

"Hey there, missed me?" Alexandra's voice was soft, calm, and her eyes turning to look at Yasha from the side.

Her head leaned back, contacting with Yasha's shoulder thanks to the height difference and turning ever so slightly so that she could look at the other woman's face. Would the other mandos notice or care, probably not but Alexandra appearing out of no where and standing right behind Yasha might get a few dirty looks. Alexandra wasn't a mandalorian though, even if Noah tried his hardest to get the Echani out of her.

"Quick, take her down before she can react!" Morgan's voice rang out as she tackled one of Yasha's legs while Junior got the other.

"Down with the dragon!" His voice coming now, his own red hair a mess with Alexandra's head leaning back on Yasha's shoulder, still standing behind yasha with their backs against eachother.

"Watch out Yash'ika, they have gotten stronger." Alex's smile grew as she stood there, knowing Noah would not be far from them all.

[member="Noah Corek"] [member="Yasha Cadera"]
Adenn smiled to Yasha behind his helmet, and when asked about her brothers and sister, he held them up slightly more to be seen more easily. The 'Dad' bit at the end surprised him, but Adenn made no comment.
"They're doing just fine, even if Vahan here isn't the happiest. Probably misses his big sis." He winked at Yasha with a quick head tilt, smiling behind his helmet.

When Yasha took Vahan, Adenn merely opened his arms slightly so it'd be easier to take Vahan. The little boy stilled as she rocked him against her shoulder, still sniffling now, but quietly and in a calmer manner. Turning his attention to Aditya, Adenn smiled with the Keldabe Kiss, keeping it a bit longer than normal. Chuckling slightly at her comment, Adenn nodded his head, everyone seemed to be here. Looking up again at Yash, Adenn smiled while rocking his other two children in his arms.

It was sweet to see family bonding in such a manner. Vahan was calmer now and was beginning to drool, why was unknown, but it was happening right on Yashas shoulder. Isolde and Hector were calm as well, but thankfully not drooling. Looking around the kitchen, Adenn observed everyone there and all the smells as well. Then something entered the room, a humanoid but with a tail. Blinking several times, Adenn realized that this being was real, and had a tail. Intrigued, Adenn made a note to speak with this humanoid later.

Looking up again, Adenn saw Alexandra simply appear. Blinking again, Adenn realized that she too was real. Then came a pair of children who rushed straight towards Yasha. Even with Alex there to support her, Adenn feared for his child, for little Vahan. Taking several quick steps to her, Adenn held his two children on one arm while using the other to help hold Yasha up. Turning his head to the two children, Adenn was very clearly frowning.
"Watch it kids, wouldn't want to hurt anyone now. Which you nearly did, my son at that."

Yes they were children, but that didn't excuse this behavior. When he was their age, well he'd had a worse childhood, but he was still careful with what he did. Still frowning behind his helmet, Adenn held out his arm, quietly asking for Yasha to give him Vahan.

[member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Milla Caranthyr"] @Skorvek @Yasha Cadera [member="Achani Raxis"]
[member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Achani Raxis"]

She laughed and entered grabbing a drink first before heading over to aditya and smiled as she took a drink

full house! And I'm sure even more to arrive no?

Then she spotted another person she was happy to see, achani, turning towards her star smiled even more

ahhh! Achani! You've grown a lot havent ya? Been awhile since I've seen you girly

She placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and offered a smile before looking outside, kurama had finally gotten out of the shuttle and laid lazily on the ground right under the sun watching the kids playing and hoping just hoping no one bothered him
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig smiled as [member="Tamar Fitz Kierke"] gave him a hug and kiss, and quickly gave her his own. It made him happy to see her smile, even if it through his now mismatching, cybernetic left eye. His face around the left eye socket was scarred now from Taanab, but he was alive and had his c'yare. It felt like nothing could've been better. He gladly listened as she gave him a barrage of questions. Including one that surprised him a bit. "How do you feel about being a father." Mig thought for a moment before finally answering.

"I'm fine, Tamar. Still trying to get use to this eye, but otherwise ok. And Leddie's good. Loved the candy ya gave her. Engineers have some ideas they're working on, but nothing new just yet. As for you other question.... I'd love to be one. Watch some little Adiik running around. Teaching them. Both of us teaching them." He remembered the box in his hands, but still had to wait for the right time.
"Mig? Miginator?" Tamar raised her shoulders, hands in front of her stomach as she watched [member="Mig Gred"]'s face. He seemed excited, or at least the trail of questions didn't seem to stall him. Neither running away nor freaking out, Mig took it in his natural stride. The cybernetic eye was another piece of mystery, a layer of his ability as a warrior. But more, it was a piece of guilt that Tamar couldn't save the eye. She couldn't help him the way he needed. That day... Tamar shivered and brushed her hands along her upper arms.

"Oh, I'm glad. So glad Leddie liked it, and your engineers and... Mig? I'm pregnant." She held in a breath, finger twining into themselves as she hopped up on her tip toes. "We're having twins... We? I! We! You... I... I... it's twins. And... I would... like..."

Another breath came out ragged and twitching. Tamar pressed her lips together, swerving around to face away from Mig.

"I want to keep them. I want us to keep them."
As he ran, Taru had stumbled into someone. His arms were full with Arceus taking up all of his weight, so Taru barely managed to stay upright. Achani, however, was still very displeased about it, but she didnt scold him. She couldnt! He was older...

The only problem now was that Taru had been found by Adara, and now he needed to find the rest of his hiding compatriots. Releasing Arceus to the ground, only to find another Nexu beside him. This one was big, but very cute. He put his hand forwards towards the Nexu, and with patience and courage was rewarded by being allowed to pet the nexu. Arceus himself bounded about, with what seemed to be jealousy. Taru laughed, and then pointed into the direction which he had seen the others run to hide. "Oya!" (Hunt!), he commanded.

Arceus, and the other nexu, scrambled forwards with Arceus barely leading the way. As they got to the first hiding kid, Arceus jumped out at him, and he fell to a small biting nexu which Taru quickly pulled off of the kid. In the meantime, the bigger nexu was stalking the rest of the group, and then a (NPC Cadera kiddo) shriek of terror went through the air. It looked like the adult nexu took the command literally. "Uej er..." (Uh oh...) Taru said.

[member="Tamar Fitz Kierke"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Milla Caranthyr"] @Skorvek @Yasha Cadera [member="Kay Arenais"] [member="Achani Raxis"] [member="Quintus Cadera"]
Achani tsked towards [member="Adara Raxis"] as she ran off, seemingly to encourage such behavior from [member="Taru Cadera"]. He nearly ran Achani over! He needed to learn, although it seemed no one seemed to care. Bleh, oh well. She made herself content sitting on the counter, letting her legs swing as she waved as Star came in although she got distracted by [member="Yasha Cadera"] with mentions of a cupcake.

She perked a brow and gave a little nod. In truth, she was trying. Trying to be the sister and kid that everyone wanted her to be. She gave a little nod, "Sure," she muttered as she took it, nibbling a bite. She gave a nod, "This is actually really good," she said as she ate another bite. "I'll try to hide it so they don't attack me!" She said with a grin, although she then glanced up to [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"].

A hand on her shoulder and with a beaming grin, she nodded. "I'mma be all grown up, soon!" She exclaimed with confidence, "Too long!" She said as she gave Star a semi-hug, although careful to not get any of the cupcake on her.

Soon after though, [member="Milla Caranthyr"] showed up and she gave a wave. Probably one of her closest friends, she gave her a huge grin as she jumped up on the counter. "Want some cupcake with your fruit?" She whispered, "It's top secret right now," she said with a light laugh.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
More and more people arrived. Yet still Kay was compelled to just stay outside. She continued to watch [member="Adara Raxis"] and puzzled over her condition. Right now she was as right as rain, yet that was just a mask. Did Baiko know? What secrets did she hold? Did she have a diary or journal? Hmmm.

The chatter from inside was increasing. Soon it'd be hard for anyone to hear themselves. At least the house was big enough. But how many more would come? Kay needed some tea though. It'd help her think and puzzle it out more. So she got to her feet and headed inside, giving small smiles to some, but really she was just looking for her one true companion. Tea. It was always there for her, more of a constant in her life than even politics and trouble.

Oh yes, she'd find her tea.
Tʜᴇ Cʜᴀʀʜᴏᴜɴᴅ
[member="Yasha Cadera"] | [member="Adenn Kyramud"] | [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] | [member="Taru Cadera"]

Quintus kindly thanked the elder Panathan for the wine, sipping on it sparingly. He continued to listen to the sounds around him. More of the same. Children laughing and people conversing among their various inter-familial cliques. It was almost a calming aura in the air. He could not help but smile and feel more at home. That was until he heard screaming off where the children had been playing. While not unheard of during the games of children, it was enough to cause him concern.

"What by Haran is that?" He muttered to himself, before moving across the compound to where he had left his beskar'gam and equipment. He grabbed one of his bracers, holding his energy shield and his beskad. He moved back, addressing those in kitchen briefly. "I heard screaming out near where those children are playing. It's probably nothing, but I'm gonna check it out." With that, he headed off, flicking his wrist as an orange, plasma disc covered his left forearm. He kept walking until he came across a sight that made his heart beat rapidly. An adult nexu starting to corner one of the children. He quickly unsheathed his blade, smacking it against the plasma of his shield, creating a electronic whining, reverberation sound.

"Hey! You! Hey!" He roared at the creature, hoping to get its attention, "C'mere, beast! Come get the bigger piece of meat!" He moved his stance into one ready to fight. He was oblivious that the creature was anyone's pet. He merely knew that he was ready to put it down if it was going to be a threat.

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