Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aliit (UCM Caderas)

[member="Achani Raxis"] [member="Kay Arenais"] [member="Taru Cadera"] [member="Quintus Cadera"]

ahhh yes indeed you will! How old are you now? What 12 almost ain't ya?

Star had to admit she enjoyed achanis confidence, something that was always much much needed especially in these times. Girl had been through a lot...both of them adara and achani had. Patting her shoulder shoulder again she looked up to yasha and smirked

I know your not hiding any cupcakes from me now are ya?

She said and smirked

Outside kurama had his eyes closed, sun on his back was rather relaxing, however her heard a cry from one of the children. Eyes opened and looked around towards the nexus cornering the child

Standing tall he took a few large steps over and growled loudly so the nexus could hear him clearly

you heard the kid

He growled out standing to his full height
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig smiled as he listened to [member="Tamar Fitz Kierke"] , but he could fell a hint of unease about her. Maybe it was the eye. She had tried her best to save the original after all, but it seemed to be something else. It was then that his c'yare spoke. And then she surprised him. She... she was pregnant.... She then got on her toes, saying it was twins. He was... they were.... They were going to be parents.... He looked a bit shocked and surprised at first. Were they ready for this? Was he ready for this? And then he heard Tamar. She said she wanted to keep them. It made him smile a bit. While he didn't forget her past, he didn't dwell on it much, but to hear her say it, he knew she meant it.

"We're gonna be parents," he said as his smile grew. He then hugged her and gave her a kiss. "We're going to be Buirs. Oh! I... have something for you." Mig then grab the box, which at this point had fallen on the porch, and handed it to her.
Milla gave a small laugh when Achani mentioned that the cupcake was a secret. "I'll propromise not to tell." She whispered back. HerbblHer blue eyes darted between the fruit in her hand to the cupcake. Honestly she wasn't one for such things anymore, which was strange considering she was still a child. Milla shook her head. "Na, you can have it. I don't need the exextra energy."

[member="Achani Raxis"]

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