Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Aether of the Iron Order


SpeciesShard | Iron Knight
GenderN/A [Masculine Frame]
HeightTypical Droid Frame: 7'6'' | 2.29 Meters
WeightVaries. Typically Heavy.
Force SensitiveYes


Aether's droid body stands at an imposing height of 7'6''. Aether's exterior has been meticulously polished and refined, presenting a sleek and elegant appearance. The droid's primary color scheme is white and gold, symbolizing purity and nobility. Its eyes glow a deep, serene blue, providing a stark contrast to the metallic sheen of its body.



Aether is characterized by a deep sense of curiosity and a strong desire for knowledge. Despite being encased in a droid body, Aether exhibits a surprisingly empathetic and compassionate nature. It is driven by a quest for understanding – both of the Force and the diverse cultures and beings it encounters. Aether often contemplates its existence at the intersection of technology and the Force, leading to a unique philosophical outlook on life.

  1. Force Sensitivity: As a Shard, Aether possesses natural Force sensitivity. This allows it to use the Force in ways similar to organic Jedi, including telekinesis, enhanced reflexes, and a heightened sense of awareness.
  2. Combat Skills: Aether's droid body is equipped for combat, capable of wielding a lightsaber with precision and skill. It has trained in various forms of lightsaber combat, adapting them to its unique physical form.
  3. Technological Integration: Aether can interface with other machines and computer systems, allowing it to gather information, control technology, and perform complex calculations rapidly.
  4. Diplomacy: Aether's quest for knowledge and understanding makes it an excellent diplomat. It is capable of navigating complex social situations and communicating effectively with a wide range of species and cultures.

  1. Electromagnetic Vulnerability: Given Aether's mechanical and electronic components, he could be highly susceptible to electromagnetic interference or pulses (EMPs). These could disrupt his internal systems, cause malfunctions, or even temporarily incapacitate him, especially affecting his combat effectiveness and processing abilities.
  2. Limited Emotional Perception: While Aether is highly intelligent and understands psychology, his nature as a Shard might limit his ability to fully empathize or perceive emotional subtleties in others. This could lead to misinterpretations or misjudgments in social interactions, potentially causing misunderstandings with allies or underestimating opponents who use emotional manipulation as a tactic.
  3. Dependency on Physical Form: Aether's essence as a Shard requires a physical vessel or droid body to interact with the physical world more easily. Should his current droid body become heavily damaged or incapacitated, especially in a way that prevents any form of communication or mobility (akin to his experience with void stone), Aether could find himself trapped, unable to act or communicate, effectively rendering him helpless. This reliance on his physical form for functionality can be a significant vulnerability, especially if he's targeted specifically to be immobilized or isolated.

Aether's journey began on the planet Orax, where it existed as a sentient silicon-based lifeform. As a Shard, Aether was inherently Force-sensitive but lacked a physical form to interact with the world. Seeking to explore and influence the galaxy, Aether was implanted into a custom-built droid body. However, after many years of exploration and adventure, Aether's droid body was severely damaged in a skirmish and was left abandoned on a remote planet.

Subdued State: Unknown to Aether, a small void stone had been lodged in a cavity within its droid chassis during the skirmish. The void stone's presence suppressed Aether's consciousness, putting it into a deep, dormant state. As a result, Aether's droid body lay inactive, its true nature hidden from the world.

Rediscovery by Braze: Aether's droid body, now resembling a mere piece of junk, was discovered by Braze in a small, obscure junk shop on a distant world. The shop owner, unaware of the Shard's presence within the droid, sold it to Braze as a unique but non-functional artifact. Intrigued by the droid's design and sensing something unusual about it, Braze purchased it, intending to repair and possibly repurpose it.

Awakening: Upon starting repairs, Braze discovered the Shard's presence within the droid. Aether, reawakened by Braze's tinkering, was initially disoriented but quickly adapted to its new situation. Grateful for being restored, Aether shared its story with Braze, explaining its nature as a Shard and its past experiences.

Role in the Galaxy: Aether seeks to bridge the gap between organic and mechanical life, using its unique perspective to promote understanding and harmony. It often finds itself in roles that require mediation between conflicting parties or exploring uncharted regions of space where its dual nature as a Shard and a droid provides distinct advantages.

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