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Private A Meeting of the Assembly

Speaker of the Assembly


New Footprints on an Old Path
Location: Pantora, Pantoran Assembly
Time: Morning
Tag: Chu Bornbazin Chu Bornbazin Tin Zeer Tin Zeer @Pantoran Members

The officials of Pantora gathered within the capital city as the Assembly meeting was due to commence, amongst them, many wore fine clothes made of traditional fabrics and the most wealthy wore imported materials from the core of the galaxy. The status of an official could easily be determined by the quality of the clothes, most took pride in the appearance, competing to wear the finest clothes produced by Fashions by F'jlk; a renowned clothes maker.

An important announcement was scheduled for today by the Supreme Chairman, an update from the galactic representative who had been sent to the core of the galaxy, Coruscant, in an attempt to build and foster diplomatic relationships. The officials had a couple of minutes to talk amongst themselves before the announcement was due to begin.

The chatter of the officials gathered within the Assembly was broken by the speaker, in a booming voice that commanded respect. "Make your way to your seats, we don't have all day to begin." followed by the clatter as people began to take their seats. "Over to you, Supreme Chairman." he gestured, allowing him to take to the stand.

The elderly gentleman Charl Masin was a staple of the political scene, he had stepped up during a time of internal strife and war. When the planet had been ravaged and attempted to recover from the post-war, he led the movement and was the founder of the cooperation party; a political movement centred on cooperating with neighbours, and the Galatic Alliance. However, his party had faced threats as a new generation rose up and begin to integrate themselves into the political scene, the expansionist party seeking to take advantage of other planets natural resources to secure a better future for Pantora.

He coughed lightly before speaking "It is with great pleasure that I welcome each and every one of you today. This is a monumental day, our Ambassador Choa Nahi has arrived within Coruscant and has begun to foster a relationship that will bring prosperity to our people, and a stronger foundation to our planet for many generations to come. As we head into our next election in the coming months, it is time that the new generation rise to fill the positions of those of us who plan to retire. It is unfortunate that I have to announce that I intend to step down and retire at that time, I have spent many years within these walls, and it is time that I begin to rest."

The silent room erupted in chatter at the announcement, everyone but the speaker seemed shocked, even the Supreme Chairman's own party clearly had not been informed ahead of time.


Surprise and Opportunity - Chapter 1

Chu Bornbazin Chu Bornbazin , dressed in his finest business dress; a long tailored black jacket fastened with a blue belt, with a blue cape attached by a strap across his shoulder to his hip, arrived early to the assembly. Chu always made a point to be punctual and allocated time before official proceedings to catch up with his party members, prospective business partners, and noted friends.

As the speaker called for the representatives of the assembly to make their way to their seats, Chu would move to the opposite side of the assembly, sitting directly across from Charl Masin, on the front bench in the middle. Chu's seat was afforded to the leader of the opposition, who opposed the current government that was headed by the Supreme Leader. The current Supreme Leader, Charl Masin, was the leader of the cooperation party, while the leader of the opposition, Chu, was the leader of the expansionist party.

As Charl Masin would begin speaking of fostering new relations, of strong foundations, and of cooperation with the galactic alliance, Chu would begin to jeer, heckle, and shout down the Supreme Leader, before falling silent in shock as he announced his retirement. After taking a short moment to compose himself following the shocking news, news that shocked both parties, Chu would stand, looking towards the speaker to be called to speak; no doubt not the only representative standing to make a statement.

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Party: Expansionist
Position: Representative

Tin wasn't that much different from anyone else present. She wore a formal attire, though arguably not as expensive as some chose it was meticulously clean. She was never late to anything important and she didn't plan to change that any time soon. Tin hadn't been able to do much back when things were truly in war, though she had still served in the military after the serious beating that Pantora was dealt. It was that that had truly driven her further into the realm of military and politics alike. She wasn't the most uptight person, but once things got formal and the business got started that could change.

She wasn't out for all this cooperation or potential subservience's to others. They needed to make a stance for themselves. They had to be so self sufficient and capable that attack them was more of a danger than it was of value. She didn't want what happened before to happen again. Expansion was the only way to truly do that. Otherwise, they'd be forced to rely on others and that meant their power could be stripped away at a moments notice. If you wanted relations with others, fine. So be it. But that was not enough. They needed control, resources, and authority. Otherwise none of this was going to matter long term.

Her eyes narrowed as she heard the statement from the Supreme Chairman. She hadn't joined in on the jeering or noisemaking. Sure she'd heard it and done it in less official matters. But right now wasn't the time for it to her. It actually bothered her that more preparation wasn't given to his own people, she never liked lack of planning. She understood necessity of the spur of the moment. But your own allies? They should know what they can know without jeopardizing things. Still, there was some inherent respect in his military background as well. Even if it could be set off by choices, it was there. Whatever, he'd said it, this could be a problem or it could be good. Time would tell.

She decided to stand and await her turn, or at least it be recognized that she wished to speak. More than likely Chu Bornbazin Chu Bornbazin would be given precedence over her in this situation given his position. But nevertheless she stood waiting patiently.
Party: Cooperative
Position: Representative

For the longest time, Aífe had been told to quiet down and in general, not to yell so much when trying to defend her side, and that no matter how accurate her information was, the way it came across to people was going to hinge on her tone first.

She had never listened to any of that advice, of course. It was ridiculous to think people didn't actually listen to what someone was saying at any given time, especially on something as important as this.

Now, though, she didn't say anything. She sat in her chair, dumbly, in every sense of the word.
It wasn't completely the end of the world, and it wasn't completely unexpected -he was getting older, after all- but it was enough of a shock to send her and the entire assembly into some kind of mass hysteria. All of the information came at once and hit her without any warning.

Of course this was good news, of course it was. Why shouldn't he retire? But at the same time, it was all a blaster bolt straight to the chest.
Normally, she'd have said something, anything, a jest, an argument, anything.

But instead, the sounds blended together in a perfectly hideous combination of nothing and everything at once.

Speaker of the Assembly


New Footprints on an Old Path
Location: Pantora, Pantoran Assembly
Time: Morning
Tag: Chu Bornbazin Chu Bornbazin Tin Zeer Tin Zeer Aífe Lin Aífe Lin @Pantoran Assembly Members

The Supreme Chairman remained silent as the room erupted into chaos from both the Cooperative and Expansionist parties, with jeering and heckling occurring from both sides as was not common from within the Assembly. Political gatherings behind these walls were not the civilised things that many imagined them to be, more comparable to fans of a sports game.

After a brief moment, the sound of a golden ornate ceremonial hammer slammed down, as the speaker signalled for silence. The speaker's voice once more was heard booming through the large building in which they gathered. "Silence!" a short pause was left before he continued to speak. "I understand that you have all been given some shocking news, so before we hear from the Ambassador, let us hear from the opposition. Over to you Chu Bornbazin" He signalled for Chu Bornbazin Chu Bornbazin to take the stand.

Charl Masin took a seat as it seemed that a visible weight had been lifted from his shoulders, it was no secret that he had begun to feel weary after many years of politics, but few would have suspected that he would throw in the towel and retire. He had been a soldier on the battlefield and a soldier within the political scene, and though victory had been achieved in the last election, it was clear that the Assembly was far from united.


Surprise and Opportunity - Chapter 2

Chu Bornbazin Chu Bornbazin , on hearing the speaker state "Over to you Chu Bornbazin", would move towards the stand, taking a moment for the gathering to settle down so that his words would be heard. He would look towards Charl Masin, his gaze fixed as both of his hands gripped either side of the podium while he stood tall and proud in the monumental and surprising moment As he spoke, he would only briefly glance to the speaker now and again as he addressed the room

"Mr Speaker, On behalf of the Expansionist party, I would like to be the first in wishing the right honourable Supreme Chairman Charl Masin a happy, long, and prosperous retirement.". He would take pause, to allow the room to breathe and to gauge the reaction from his own party and the room. "Mr Speaker, the Supreme Chairman has served our country within these walls for as long as many of us will remember, and he has tried, during his tenure, to pull our great moon out of the fire and destruction left in the wake of the Sith. The stronger foundation for our moon, that the Supreme Chairman speaks of, is one that my right honourable friends in the Expansionist party would echo - for it is the stronger foundation that the Supreme Chairman and his party have failed to deliver thus far, as they continue to turn to others and ask them to provide it while failing to look within our own system to deliver that stronger foundation.". A small smirk would appear on his face, however, he would quickly return to his usual, cold and calculated manner.

Chu Bornbazin Chu Bornbazin , would take a pause once more, before continuing "Mr Speaker, the Supreme Chairman and the Cooperative party turn to those in Coruscant, to the Galactic Alliance, to bring prosperity to our moon. But where was the Galatic Alliance when the lives of the Pantoran people were destroyed by the Sith? Where was the Galactic Alliance when the Sith left Pantora aflame? Mr Speaker, the time for negotiation with the Galactic Alliance has come and gone - it is too little, too late.".

Chu Bornbazin Chu Bornbazin would look towards the bench of the opposition as he spoke to his own party members more directly."Mr Speaker, the Supreme Chairman is right about one thing, a new generation is required in our politics, a generation with a vision, a generation that understands that in order to ensure the survival and prosperity of the Pantoran people, we must expand our great nation. We must look to planets such as Orto Plutonia where a keystone of Pantora, The Pantora Mining Company, has elevated the Pantoran economy and provided jobs to the people of Pantora on their Installation B2 facility. Mr Speaker, the only viable option for our nation is expansion, and the Expansionist party are ready to lead this great nation to prosperity.".

Speaker of the Assembly Tin Zeer Tin Zeer Aífe Lin Aífe Lin @Pantoran Assembly Members
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Party: Expansionist
Position: Representative

Good, Chu Bornbazin Chu Bornbazin was given the go ahead to speak first. The most important moments in any conversation was the beginning and the end. They were given presentation, but the decisions on what to do next were still to be made. She listened intently, whatever he was going to say further would be of considerable importance, and it would be unwise to forget the words of the leader of the Expansionist party.

Nodding to herself as he spoke, she agreed with it. All of it. Pantora had been left to rot time and again by 'allies' or other outsiders. She didn't hate them for being outsiders or different. They held themselves as the first to be helped over Pantora, it was time that Pantora did the same. They could trust no one else to have control or authority over anything they did.

This was what needed to be done. She still remembered the destruction that they had faced from the sith. They weren't saved then, it'd be no different if something wasn't done. They needed the power to make that happen, and if that meant some people from Coruscant and other core worlds or empires were going to be sour about it, then so bet it. They'd do what needed to be done.

New Opportunities

Location: Pantoran Assembly
Tags: Chu Bornbazin Chu Bornbazin Speaker of the Assembly Tin Zeer Tin Zeer Aífe Lin Aífe Lin

Khrusaes Akron sat somewhat uncomfortably in his seat after hearing the surprise announcement of the Supreme Chairman’s resignation. Reinserting himself into the upper echelon of Pantoran society had been more difficult than he had expected. The friends he had before his family abandoned the moon to the invading Sith thought he was just as much responsible for that decision as the rest of his clan. His contacts in industry on the moon had gone cold. It was a good thing that he secured financing from Seswenna to set up offices on Pantora after incorporating Akron Defense Labs. Other than that Khrusaes was starting from scratch with an idea to secure the defense of Pantora, a few contacts in other parts of the galaxy, a luxury space yacht, and a barren piece of land that was still deeded to his family. Since none of the others were returning home anytime soon he decided this would be his. For now it was just a landing pad for his yacht which he lives out of.

The young aristocrat’s thoughts bounced back and forth with what the possibilities of a new Supreme Chairperson would bring. The Expansionists seemed to be gaining a bit of ground on the ruling Cooperative party. If they were to wrestle control it would mean a better chance for ADF to fulfill Khrusaes’ patriotic goals for his company. A truly independent Pantora would need to provide its own ship, vehicles and weapons for a proper defense. There was definitely a whole in that need since the Sith left the moon in tatters.

On the other hand if the Cooperatives maintained control and were successful in creating an alliance or even just a functional relationship with the Galactic Alliance and the Core of the galaxy there was opportunity to expand quickly given a good product. Credits were something that Khrusaes was used to having many more of than what he currently held. This opportunity beckoned to his more selfish goals in life.

After a short outburst by all in the Assembly building, the Speaker called things to order. Khrusaes put his feet up on the chair in front of him, he didn’t have anyone around him at this time as he was very much a pariah, and listened to the reactions that were sure to follow. Typical of a politician with much to lose, the Expansionist leader was quite complimentary of the Supreme Chairman’s work and service before twisting the knife with the declaration that said service was not quite good enough. He countered that the idea of relying on the GA for support was a non-starter and suggested to look within the system first.

Khrusaes gave a lukewarm applause for the speech by Chu Bornbazin Chu Bornbazin . Lukewarm was all the support either side could hope for this early in a transition of power. As he clapped Khrusaes took mental note to seek a meeting with the PMC, surely all companies on Pantora would be in favor of strengthening defenses. Perhaps he could secure some funding and a site to start construction of needed factories.

Speaker of the Assembly


New Footprints on an Old Path
Location: Pantora, Pantoran Assembly
Time: Morning
Tag: Chu Bornbazin Chu Bornbazin Tin Zeer Tin Zeer Khrusaes Akron Khrusaes Akron Choa Nahi @Pantoran Members

After the empowering speech of Chu Bornbazin Chu Bornbazin , the chairman motioned for the Supreme Chairman to take the stand once more.

He replied with bated breath, perhaps his retirement had not been all his own decision after all, or perhaps the words of Chu had hit a nerve somewhat, but alas he would keep decorum and not lash out; else he'd look like the villain and tyrant in the eyes of the people. "I would like to thank the leader of the opposition, my right honourable friend Mr. Bornbazin for his kind words. I think I can speak for us all when we know the sincerity and courage it must have taken him to speak them." a subtle jab that most inexperienced politicians would have missed, pausing for a moment as he allowed the room to laugh off the comment.

"I thank my right honourable friend once more, for highlighting the achievements that my party and I have been able to accomplish, and hope that the people of Pantora too shall remember as we move into election season. If there is one thing I might count on, is that the right honourable gentlemen can be counted on to provide an outstanding eulogy at my funeral. Not that I hope to keel over any time soon."

He would take a moment once more as he leaned on the lectern before him, steadying himself. "There is one more thing that I can agree on, is that the people of Pantora seek new opportunities, and these lie with the Galatic Alliance. The Galatic Alliance influence has grown over the past years, and finally, it is on our very doorsteps. We should foster this relationship and allow it to bring us into a new era, and build a relationship that the foundations of Pantora can lie on."

He would lean back as he moved to the centre of the room, enabling a holo station that was positioned so that outside representatives could address the assembly. "Now as promised, let us hear the words of success from our very own Choa Nahi, representative to the Galatic Alliance. She has been at work fostering the relationship that will support our people for generations to come." As he fiddled with the machine, the face of a relatively young female appeared on the screen. She would be known to many, playing a major role in the cooperative party, however never formally holding a seat herself.


Choa Nahi


New Footprints on an Old Path
Location: Pantora, Pantoran Assembly
Time: Morning
Tag: Chu Bornbazin Chu Bornbazin Tin Zeer Tin Zeer Khrusaes Akron Khrusaes Akron Choa Nahi @Pantoran Members

The visage of Choa appeared on the screen as she looked towards the various assembly members. "Allow me to offer my greetings to the respectful members of the Assembly, supreme chairman, and Speaker." Her head bowed respectfully, as she gave her greeting.

"I have been in the heart of the Galatic Alliance for some time now, on Coruscant. In the coming days, I shall be meeting with the Chancellor to discuss the current situation on Pantora, and seek an agreement that can aid both of our people. The Senators that I have met with have expressed their own personal interest in assisting our people, and with time I believe that we can come together and build a bond that with support both of our people. I- "

Without warning the holo call would cut out, as the connection seemed to have dropped or perhaps was interfered with. The Supreme chairman furrowed his brow, clearly, this was something outside of his expectations, but alas at last Choa had been able to make some sort of formal announcement about her involvement in the Galactic alliance.

After a brief moment, the speaker stood up and spoke in a stern voice "Reprisensative Tin Zeer Tin Zeer , I believe we have kept you waiting long enough." gesturing for her to speak

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Party: Expansionist
Position: Representative

Honorable. Why do we have to add extra titles onto things? Honorable, your honor, reverend, there's always something. Always preferred the 'sir' and 'ma'am' or just stick the title they have onto it. But he won't even use that. Instead it's 'Mr.' She listened, narrowing her eyes as the chairman repeated reference to his accomplishments, and finally again trying to point them to the Galactic Alliance as a solution. She tapped her fingers on her leg watching as Choa Nahi was now given the stand.

It wouldn't be any surprise that Tin paid attention, yet showed little interest, in what Choa was saying. She didn't want the help of the galactic alliance. There was a reason she chose the party she was in. However in spite of that, she still showed some surprise and confusion when the holo call cut out and glanced around to see if anyone knew what was going on.

Whatever her opinions on Choa's position...this concerned her, because it meant there was a fault somewhere. Whether that was intentional or not was what was even more concern. Because if someone caused it on purpose...then they might have more troubles soon. She'd need to see if she was able, or allowed at least, to investigate that further. She doubted it, given they'd probably assume it was to her benefit that Choa was cut out.

However, it seemed that it was now her turn to speak. She nodded and stood up folding her hands in front of her,
"Thank you, Speaker. This is not an ideal position to be in, as I and others I think may already be wandering on the cause of that disruption, I at least find it concerning. But I'll need to continue anyway I suppose, I'm sure she can speak eventually. So long as someone didn't fail on much more than communications" She said this with complete seriousness and genuine concern, but also her side of service was showing. Knowing that formerly, if something like that happened, she'd be looking into it more personally than she could here. She shut her eyes for a moment as she took in another breath, trying to move onto the topic at hand, "Whatever accomplishments we may have, they haven't been enough. Any alliance we've made hasn't been enough. Every time we interact and put ourselves in reliance or under the authority of an outside source, it's us that gets the short end of the stick. The only people we can be sure will really fight for us, will really try to protect us, is us. If we can't ensure our own safety and independence, no one else really will. We'll be useful for their votes, maybe even to hand over resources and troops, but all it'll take is a single change of power. Or a moment where saving us looks more risky than the rewards they'd get for it, and that's the end. Again. We can't rely on others."

She remembered the Sith's bombardment years ago. A horrifying event. One that really drove her to try and help her people. It was what really drove home to her that they were truly alone. And nobody was going to be able to protect them but themselves. But too few people with authority were willing to make that happen. They were too used to friendship between governments and pretending like those alliances mattered, or hoping maybe.

"Be friends with the people from the rest of the galaxy if you want. Travel if you want. But Pantora needs to care for Pantora first. Or we risk our own people. And I don't want to see us cut down and our planet burned into again. I joined and served in our military to protect us, and when I realized more needed to be done, I came here. Those that know me know full well that I don't like this job. But it's the only way I can be sure that I'm actually doing enough to try and help. Someone has to, and those of us who do are trying to make sure that Pantora will survive the next time we don't get given the aid we need. No amount of bonding will save us, only we can do that."

She turned to face Supreme Chairmen after a pause of breath and giving him a respectful smile and nod,

"And finally, may your retirement do you well for your service Supreme Chairmen. I won't add as many compliments or subtle, or not so subtle, detractions as I certainly could. I think I've taken enough time."

With that, Tin sat down, clasping her hands together and taking in yet another breath. This was simply politics. So much talking, not enough getting things done. In spite of how gruesome it was, she sometimes missed actually getting to the battle part. It felt like things were getting accomplished. Not everyone felt that way about it she knew, she had...advantages in that regard.

Speaker of the Assembly Chu Bornbazin Chu Bornbazin Aífe Lin Aífe Lin Choa Nahi

Location: Pantoran Assembly
Tags: Speaker of the Assembly | Chu Bornbazin Chu Bornbazin | Tin Zeer Tin Zeer

Khrusaes listened intently as the soon to be former Supreme Chairman went out of his way to be diplomatic with the leader of the opposition view point. If Khrusaes was in a cantina watching the proceedings he would have proposed a game to drink whenever the man called Bornbazin honorable. Again the Chairman pushed the Galactic Alliance which had Khrusaes sigh. There was nothing wrong with the GA in his opinion. Forming treaties within the GA would provide back up. To be truthful the GA was probably better short term for Khrusaes than one of the Empires of the galaxy or the Mandalorians. But for Akron Labs to take off Pantora would need some sort of independence.

The ambassador to the GA then was given the floor via holo. She piqued Khrusaes interest for the short time she was broadcasting. There was a certain presence about Choa Nahi . She expressed hope that the GA would help them. Khrusaes would be happy if that meant sending funds to aid in the defense of Pantora, less so if that meant sending out a defense force. The cut off of transmission was disappointing, and seemingly not something that could easily be explained or restored by the Chairman who quickly recognized Representative Tin Zeer.

Another attractive lady for Khrusaes to admire while he took in her words. These were much more pleasing to the would-be military contractor than the ambassador’s. She was forceful in her rejection of alliances as Pantora’s saving grace. Enthusiastically calling for Pantora to rely only on herself for protection. Zeer was military as well. Another good omen

As she closed her speech by honoring the Supreme Chairman, Khrusaes ignored that part and reached to his side for his data pad. His family might not be very well thought of any longer on Pantora. He didn’t blame his fellow Pantorans for that. But he still had contacts. And he was able to convince one to give him contacts for all the Assemblypeople. Khrusaes began typing up a message to Tin Zeer:

Honorable Representative Zeer,

Your speech to the Assembly was a breath of cold fresh air. And meets quite well with my own patriotic thoughts that were developed while my family dragged me away from our home in its dire time of need. I have secured financing to begin a technologies company on Pantora. I also have made friends with several very capable and in some cases genius engineers.

I would very much like the chance to meet with you and discuss the possibilities of us working together to be outfit our able military with better equipment and vehicles to make Pantora a place outsiders will definitely think twice about trying to invade again.

Sincerely yours,
Khrusaes Akron
President Akron Defense Labs

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