Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A man, broken from within (ask for invite)

Coruscant, 2:43 p.m.

"Never let the sun go down on your anger."

Gherron sat in his apartment, holding himself together as best as he could while pacing back and forth. His eyes were bloodshot, and a ragged beard covered his face. His entire body was covered in thin, black tendrils that emanated from a single spot in the center of his chest, a burning hot scar that was shaped like a deformed claw. His eyes fluctuated colors, changing from their trademark steel grey to a deep, hellish red. Anger boiled from inside him, a deep, intense anger, and while he tried his best to keep it down, it would not give way. It pushed against his mind like a raging fire, consuming everything that made him the man that he was. There was only the rage. No remorse, no sorrow, no other emotion showed itself but the constant pit in his eyes that said that he was finally gone. Finally letting it spill over into his consciousness, a wave of force pushed out from inside, obliterating the room's contents.

Rage awakened.
Tearing the door from its hinges, lightsaber in hand, Gherron made his way to the streets below, causing any matter of havoc that he could. Destroying anything that got in his way, it would soon be very easy to track him down by the trail of destruction in his wake. His tattered and dirty t-shirt hung from his shoulders, and several holes showed the destruction caused by his wound on his body. By this time, civilians rushed to get out of his way, and law enforcement had arrived on the scene. "Drop the weapon, and come with us!", boomed one of them on his speaker. Looking up at the man, Gherron's eyes twitched for a moment, and a hand reached up. Channeling the force into his being, he began to choke the very life out of the man. His eyes bored into anyone who dared watch, as he slowly took the officer's life. Once it was done, the body fell to the ground with a thump. Lowering his hand, the man flicked the button on his lightsaber, watching as a pale blue blade sprung forth from the hilt. Looking out among the crowd, he twirled the blade in challenge to anyone who decided they wished to die.

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Nefertari Sovint"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Emilia Marean"] [member="Solan Charr"]

Others who may be interested:
[member="Nickolas Imura"] [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Sam Jhovna"] [member="Xander Carrick"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

OOC: Any healers are welcome to join, as to cure Gherron towards the end of the thread.
And one man stepped forward.

He was a cloaked man, brown robes. It was pretty obvious that like the Jedi Knight that had gone mad on the One Sith owned planet of Coruscant, this man was also a Jedi. But who it was, well... Gherron in his madness wouldn't know until he removed his hood.

It was his former Master, Joshua DragonsFlame.

Joshua stared his former Padawan down, with a sad, somber look in his eyes. He wished he could have been able to protect Gherron. Spare him from this fate. If only he'd known what was going on... But he hadn't seen his Padawan in so long. Didn't know what was going on in his life that would drive him to this.

The least he could do... Was try and save him before it was too late.

He let out a sigh. Gherron wasn't going to be stopped by talk. He'd have to take him down, he knew. Hopefully, if he could calm Gherron down... Perhaps he'd be able to reason with him.

The Jedi Master bit his lip. He didn't want to do this... But he had to. To protect the people.

To protect Gherron.

A single tear strode down his cheek, this hurt him more then anything. But he had to. For Gherron's sake.

".... I'm sorry, Gherron"

It came out in almost a whisper, before the Jedi Master drew his lightsaber. The blue blade matched that of his Padawan. He just hoped he could save his life.

[member="Gherron Vael"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Emilia by some stroke of fortune was in the same place as both of these men and her eyes cut over the ground and stared as they faced off now. She would do nothing any time soon but it came to the point where her interesting in the face off between friends would get ugly. Her eyes lowered to the ground as she sank into the crowd and watched from the shadows, she would not reveal herself for now to either men or to anyone that showed up and instead took a passive stance. These two were being idiots anyways, they were in the middle of Coruscant, a place that in its current state meant Sith would be here sooner or later so she hoped they concluded their business before for that occured.

Her hands rested on the twin sabers she owned. Her body cloaked in a grew hood and wrapped in the cloak itself. Lastly came her clothing which was a normal duster's set that she really didn't look too hard to put together. She had not been here to fight, nor did she want to.
A robed woman sat in her parked fighter. She had wanted to pay a surprise visit to her fiance, make sure he was alright seeing as he was a Jedi on a planet in Sith territory.

Nothing good was on the subspace waves, she absentmindedly turned the tuning knob.
Some interesting music came over the speakers and suddenly stopped. It was soon followed by a voice.
"We bring the tide out on this wave of pure sound to bring you an emergency broadcast."
What the...what is this station?
"A mad forcie is tearin' up the streets of Coruscant. One of the boys in blue has been strangled, and the crazy fool is goin' nuts with his flashy laser sword.
So get inside, and don't forget to lock those doors boys and girls. 'cause a whole load of trouble is heading your way!"

The woman switched off the console. This didn't sound like a normal Sith causing trouble. There was only one person it could be...

As the lady in brown robes left her ship, she spoke to the pink droid behind the cockpit.
"Lock everything down, R3. I will return when this problem is solved. I only hope I am not too late."

At this point, the Jedi didn't care if the Sith saw her. They were responsible for this event anyway.

The lady rushed to the spot where [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] was in bladelock with [member="Gherron Vael"]
A look of horror crossed her face. This wasn't the kind, inteligent, attractive Gherron she knew. Something was wrong.

Then it hit her. The sight of the scar on her love's chest. It had gotten worse.
Nefertari lowered her hood and cast off the robe from her back. Three lightsabers were on her belt, and a blue crystal with the symbol of the order in gold was strung on her neck.

Tears ran down her cheeks. Nef was about to fight the man she loved.

The blade which had carried Nefertari through many battles ignited.
"Gherron!" She shouted "If you are to fight anybody, then fight me!"

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
during the usual scout patrols Sanya was heading into sith space, her ship using fake codes to conceal the ships identity. she had been in the sector for the past two weeks with nothing out of the odinary to report. non the less she had a strange feeling what normally felt cold, hatred the typical feeling of dark side she felt a small shimmer of the light side surrounding something, no someone.

Sanya flicked through the broardcasting channels to hear a force user had been terrorizing civilians and the law enforcement of coruscant. she thought to her self for a moment could it be sith it didn't feel like it to her. something was up other light side users this far out and a strange sensation through the force, it had to be investigated.

she plotted in a course for courscant and set off into hyperspace, beams of light wizzed past the window before finally the giant sphere of the planet was in view. even though it was a sith controlled planet it was a sight to behold it was essentially a enormous city. this had been the first time she had seen it for herself, but now Sanya was in orbit she could feel what was only shimmers more stronger now. focusing on the rough location Sanya sent her ship down to the surface. as the ship came closer she sent a scan of know Jedi ships. after three minutes a hand full had shown up on the scanner. frantically pushing buttons the ship had gone into auto pilot to take her close to the scene, but far enough away so she would remain unnoticed.

the gunships soon touched down at a landing pad. Sanya stood from her seat and disengaged her speeder from the under compartment of the ship. checking all the equipment she would need she set off with haste. "now let's see what is happening down here." she said to herself.

a crowd had formed on the other side of the two force users both wielding blue sabers. releasing the cockpit door she climbed out and stood a fair distance away that if something would to happen she could intervene and attempt to calm the situation. as the man looked around she only just recognized who the crazed man was. "gherron?" it was hard to tell his features had deformed and corrupted. Sanya was right to presume something was not right. not before long nefertari had stepped forward and ignited her saber, she said something to him but couldn't make out what it was.

Sanya knew she could no longer stand by, "GHERRON!" at the too of her voice as she approached un clipping the sabers from her waist. "STOP THIS MADNESS, STAND DOWN!" she was but a few feet away now where her normal voice could be heard. "gherron, please there are innocent people around and I know this isn't you. what happend to the man that protected people not frighten them and hurt them?" she raised her hands to swoop down her Hood, her orange eyes glowing in the illumination of the city lights. "don't make me have to ignite my sabers."

Sanya walked a little closer, if he was to swing it would be close to making contact. "remember gherron... remember who you are." she closed her eyes for a brief moment to feel that there was more Jedi in the crowd. those of which she didn't know.

[member="Nefertari Sovint"] Ξ [member="Emilia Marean"] Ξ [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] Ξ [member="Gherron Vael"]
"Let him fight the blonde, some of us need entertainment from time to time... then again, three on one sounds all the more interesting. So in fact I change my mind, how about all three of you fight him?" Solan smiled as he merged from what remained of the crowd with a glass in hand. "Granted, if these people were smart they would leave now, and if you four were smart, you'd hurry and killeachother. Sith are probably on the way as I speak... or perhaps they are here. And while I'd love to see you all tussle with sith, how about you do so not on their planet with as you said innocents nearby."

He was going to get front seat to a show anyways and this man's obvious break was something he found curious. He did not feel or look dark as he let his force sight take over. A very curious individual with a very curious problem. He would love to pick apart that brain.
Vulpesen knelt down on on the surface he had chosen to perch on. Elevated above the fray, he found his eyes drifting up from [member="Emilia Marean"] as he watched the carnage and conflict. "No way in hell..." His eyes narrowed and he called upon the force to clear his vision. Sure enough, it was him. [member="Gherron Vael"]. Now that was something that simply wouldn't do.

He leaped from perch to perch as he made his way to the fight between master and apprentice. Though, while his hand stayed by his saber, her refused to pick it up or ignite it. Surely he could find another means of stopping this. "What in the living hells is wrong with you?" The words were spoken purposefully to avoid using his name, just in case they were lucky enough for the crowd not to recognize his face.
Gherron looked out at the fee who emerged from the crowd, and in his madness, sneered at each one. His old master, uttering a few words before drawing a brilliant blue blade. His bride-to-be, crying profusely and drawing her own pink lightsaber. A fellow Jedi he remembwred working with a few times, her face full of concern. And a zorren, one he knew well. All come to stop him. Centering his attention on the four in front of him, he stepped forward, his eyes flashing with rage. All of his senses were dulled by that one emotion. The words said by those around him were drowned out by a single need to destroy. There was no remembering who he once was. Reaching out with his free arm, he shoved the girl closest to him out of the way to look dead into the eyes of the man who stood before him. Ignoring the others, he stared him down with such intensity that the crowd around them shrunk back a little. "A shame you couldn't have saved me when you had the chance. Few knew what was wrong, but you know me more than most. Now, look where we've come to." With that, he let his fist fly forth into DragonsFlame's chest, intending with every piece of his will to make the elder Jedi fly several yards away.

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Nefertari Sovint"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Emilia Marean"]
Gherron shoved Nef out of the way. After getting up from the ground, she picked up her lightsaber and approached him again in the stance of Shii-Cho.
"You idiot! If I'd known you were this bad off, I would have done whatever it took to help you."

The love of Nefertari's life was being controlled by the dark side, that much was certain. What could she do to help him now?

Then she got an idea. It was a bit far fetched, but it could work. Apparently, when she had previously lapsed, Nef had used force subjugate against an opponent or two. From what the knight understood, this technique could be used to drain force energy from another. Sure she hadn't used this technique knowingly, but perhaps it could work without lapsing to the dark side.

If this worked, Nef could take some of the dark energy pulsing through her groom-to-be upon herself; hopefully allowing him at least a brief time remembering who he was. All she had to do was get close enough. If she could get Gheron's weapon out of his hand or put it out of commision, that would be good too.

Nef extinguished her blade and moved around the crazed man, trying to get around to his sword hand.

[member="Gherron Vael"], [member="Emilia Marean"], [member="Vulpesen"], [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"], [member="Sanya Val Lerium"]​

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
'is he too far gone.' Sanya thought to herself. 'no there is always hope, a chance.' watching the man she once knew push away the girl she could only presume he lobed, and punching the other Jedi. She set clipped one saber back upon her belt and watched Nefertari stand back up disengage her saber. "gherron we don't want to fight you."

Sanya set herself into a full sprint towards the man her saber ready to engage if he swung around. she had to do something. as she closed the ground between them she leaped at him widening her arms to wrap around his and cause them both crashing to the ground. the situation had to get under control and fast, who knows what people could be watching what event are unraveling right now.

[member="Nefertari Sovint"] Ξ [member="Gherron Vael"] Ξ [member="Vulpesen"] Ξ [member="Solan Charr"] Ξ [member="Emilia Marean"] Ξ [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
Nefertari saw [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] break into a full sprint at Gherron.
Good idea
The man's bride-to-be also rushed at him. If [member="Solan Charr"] was watching, he would be having the time of his life.

The lady's Jedi weapon was back on her belt. Her arms were ready to grab around her love.
A backup plan to the force technique then occurred to her. True, it wasn't exactly befitting of a noblewoman. However, if force subjugate failed, it would have to work.

The thought of being in [member="Gherron Vael"]'s arms again, even though he was seemingly going mad with this...thing which had taken over his mind, made Nefertari smile even though there were still tears on her face.

[member="Vulpesen"], [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"], [member="Emilia Marean"]​
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Nefertari Sovint"]

Solan watched these two rush Gerron and with his hand he reached out in the force and grabbed at both their feet. He was merely attempting to trip them and remove them from the equation so that he may see which of these two old friends would come out on top. And these two... Especially the one with brown hair whom was filled with some sort of love for Gherron. They were getting in the way of an entirely entertaining scenario. So his use of the force held no hesitation, his eyes remained on Gherron though. The only care he had was if Gherron injured innocents... if he did that, well then Solan would have to attempt to put him down for good to remove that man from doing anything like that again.

His eyes did move to Lerium and Sovint for a moment, and his mind reached out to deliver a message. "Those two need settle this, you two, while your hearts are in teh right place... especially yours..." He turned his head solely on Sovint. "It is possible something else may interfere and all of you cannot be so weakened on the planet of the Sith. If one were to show up, there remains the fact all of you would be too drained to fight. The Innocents also need to be evacuated from the area before your friend causes collateral damage... Understood." Yes, Solan liked to see people fight, he enjoyed the chaos but he knew there were more important things and as he stood there he expected the Jedi to look at the situation with cool heads and they not be the ones driven by their emotions to act, even if one was acting out of love.
Gherron looked on at the Jedi he had sucker punched, a smug grin on his face. He went to say something else, when he felt a surge in the force behind him, followed by a quick cancelling of that surge. Turning back around, he saw the two women on the ground, having both been taken off their feet by another man through the force. Had his shenanigans really attracted this much force user activity? And how was it possible that so many who knew him were in the same place at the same time? The answer to both meant that Sith could already be on the way, or may already be in the crowd, hiding their presences. One Sith in particular he hoped to see, so that he would witness the full extent of what his mark had done to Gherron. He was the reason the Jedi had lost control, and he would pay the full price with Gherron's wrath. However, this newcomer interested him. He had stopped the two other Jedi from attacking, yet he didn't seem to be against them or for them. In fact, his force signature seemed muddled, at best. One who had his own agenda. Turning to face him fully, he crossed his arms across his chest. "Okay, enough messing around. What's your deal, and what do you want?" His crimson eyes bored into that of Solan's, as if he were interrogating the man. He kept glancing at the zorren, wary of attack. He knew how Vulpesen thought in terms of combat, and he wasn't quite sure he could best him, even in his rage-induced state.

[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Nefertari Sovint"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Emilia Marean"]
Vulpesen watched Gherron, stepping behind Gherron and casting at glance at [member="Emilia Marean"]. This was a thread that needed to be ended as quickly as possible and with the man's induced rage he doubted any amount of words would calm him. Moving through the Ashlan link he pressed one idea to Emilia's mind. Light.
There was only one Sith Nefertari hoped would show: the punk who had given Gherron that scar. The only reason being that she wanted to give him a good one across his lip.

The lady Jedi got up and dusted herself of before throwing seeds in front of the crowds gathered.
Channeling the Force into their growth, Nef thought tap root to break up the street
Cracks formed in the pavement as the seeds grew and the crowds were soon blocked out by walls of thick bamboo

"You with the glass in your hand." The lady addressed [member="Solan Charr"] "As far as I am concerned, the Sith can take a long walk off a short pier! If I let them fight, they will both heavily regret it in the end."

She took a couple steps toward her love and spoke to the Dark Jedi again
"Do not try to interfere this time. I have dealt with Sith in my day, and I will do so again if I must."

Once more, the Countess stepped towards [member="Gherron Vael"]
"Snap out of it. I know the sweet man you are is still in there someplace."

[member="Sanya Val Lerium"], [member="Vulpesen"], [member="Emilia Marean"], [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]​

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
Sanya had also stood up but her eyes glanced straight at solan. the expression on her face said was she was going to say, it was a look of try it again and see what will happen in return. she knew if it wasn't for that then maybe gherron would have been restrained taken somewhere out of sight out of mind.

the large plants grew in the middle of the streets blocking the crowd from seeing what was happening. Sanya got close next to nefertari "good job, now as I've been presuming you and gherron?" she didn't need to finnish the sentence it was obvious what she ment by the few words.

Sanya placed her hand upon nefertaris shoulder, "I'm going to need your help here. your the best chance of getting through to him, and I don't want to hurt him the same as I don't want him to hurt you. he's a friend and I still owe him, so I will put my own life on the line to hold him still. the only way we will get him to calm down is if we restrain before someone here decides to do worse."

Sanya then looped around to the other side of gherron ready to charge again but this time channeling her body with force speed. as she charged once more she force pulled his arms by his side. with in mare seconds she was behind him ready to force him to the ground with his hands behind his back.

[member="Nefertari Sovint"] Ξ[member="Gherron Vael"] Ξ [member="Vulpesen"] Ξ [member="Solan Charr"] Ξ [member="Emilia Marean"] Ξ [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
[member="Gherron Vael"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Nefertari Sovint"] [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

"Ahhh a grand question that one my friend, a grand question indeed." He smiled as he leaned down and put the glass on the nearest object before pulling at the sleeves of his trench coat and smoothing everything out. He then looked at the two female jedi, smiling as the amber eyes flashed for a moment. In addition to this a blue blur left his trench coat and disappeared off to a side ally where if someone tracked it it would be on the roof above watching.

"Now lets see, what do i want. I want to see the strength of a obviously ill-trained Jedi that was not able to stop himself from falling to the darkside. Someone who's own teachers failed him horribly as did his friends..." He glanced at Sanya and Nefertari again for a moment. "You Jedi really are failures these day, unable to stop yourself from falling to the darkside and choosing it over the light. Corrupting yourself and creating demons of your own. Its embarrassing to what is possible the greatest order in the galaxy and now what i see is nothing but a shell and a puppet. That is what i want. I want you to see that your path is a weakness of your own doing. That your corruption is because you are weak. OH and yes, i only one to see the male fight you as part of this understanding that you are a weakling for falling. Maybe after he creams you, you will understand the light is the better of the two."

As he said this his hands came behind him and crossed before he spoke to Sanya and Nefertari. "I am a registered force user to the Republic Military and the Senate, not one of your jedi. Regardless of that fact though i will not allow you to interfere with this. You will remain back of you will go through me, the both of you. And Vulpesen, stand down now." He stared at the fox-man, waiting for his own response.
This madness had to end.

Josh had a plan, and he had allowed Gherron to sucker punch him for one reason, and one reason only: He needed him in range.

Josh took the punch full force, feeling the brunt of Gherron's power... Gauging it, but also pretending he'd been hurt more then he actually had. There was one thing about a man who'd fallen that was their downfall... Their arrogance. Letting Gherron get confident and thinking he'd have the advantage when he actually didn't. It was mind games 101. And it'd keep him from getting too far away.

But Josh's expression would suddenly change and he would aggressively swing...


Right to the jaw of Gherron, knocking the Jedi Knight out cold (With Gherron's permission). He'd been faking just how much damage he'd taken, but the physical strength of Josh DragonsFlame was something that wasn't shown too often, but this one-two punch was a good example of it. But therein lay another problem. The crowd. The cloaked Jedi Master would clench his fist, before slamming it into the ground with a scream, unleashing a powerful Force Wave that would send back the people that had crowded around them, and it would also scare off a good deal of the outsider crowd that had came around to see what was going on.

With room to maneuver, Joshua would deactivate his own lightsaber, before deactivating and taking Gherron's lightsaber and pocketubg it for the time being, before lifting his former Padawan onto his shoulder and looking back at the others.

"For the ones who're Gherron's friends, and his fiance... Follow me. Anyone else... Kark off" He remarked as he walked off to his ship.


Later, on a space station a long hyperspace leap away from Coruscant, away from One Sith Space

Gherron was lying on a med bay table, being examined by a doctor. Master DragonsFlame and whoever had come along were also on the station, with Joshua pacing the room that Gherron was being examined in, obviously worried sick about his Padawan. Finally, he looked over at the doctor and inquired about Gherron's health.

"His vitals are stable, though he took a rather rough blow to the head" The doctor would answer. Joshua winced... Whoops? "Yeah... That was me. Needed to get him here despite the rampage" Joshua would explain. The doctor shook his head. "It seems like, by what I've examined on him and your story, he's suffered some kind of mental break. His vitals are normally, he's physically healthy. But mentally, there seems to be something wrong with his brain waves. Dangerously wrong"

Josh would slowly look over at Gherron, then at Gherron's lightsaber which lay on the table nearby. Should he move it?
Master DragonsFlame had knocked Gherron out for the count. Seeing this was what kept Nefertari from a lapse to the dark side.

Stepping toward [member="Solan Charr"], a wave of force energy flew at the dark jedi, sending him smack into one of the walls Nef had planted.
"One should not call me weak because I love...and a failure, I am not. I may be emotional, yet I strive for peace. I may be ignorant to some things, yet I have great treasures of knowledge. The passion in my relationship has brought me serenity. More than once have I evaded death because of the Force."

Nefertari drew her blaster and pointed it at the man who had delayed her coming to Gherron's aid.
"It is not the Jedi way, so I would sooner destroy a stained glass window than end you. However, since I cannot have you following me..."
The Countess then shot the dark jedi with a stun blast and followed [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"], falling in alongside [member="Sanya Val Lerium"]
"What was that punk's deal?" She asked under her breath

Later, the lady was on a ship with her love and his friends. Apparently, his vitals were normal...along with everything else other than the punch he had been dealt and something with his brainwaves.

Did Nefertari blame herself? Partly, yes. She should have seen this coming. What would become of their relationship now? Only time would tell. She had asked the doctor to let her know if she could help in any way.
Nef leaned against a wall. Right now, all she could do now was wait. She knew Gherron would probably be fine, but the Countess couldn't help but worry.

[member="Gherron Vael"], [member="Vulpesen"], [member="Emilia Marean"]​
Solan had not expected the force push, it was curious how she got around to slamming him into the wall after a simple trip. Jedi sure were violent ones these days. Then the blaster came up and he smiled as his body pushed the force through it in moments while she spoke where her finger pulled and his feet pushed him out of the way and to the side. The blast slamming into the wall where he once was and his body doubling over some feet away as he had forced that quick a generation he barely stayed on his feet. She was cute, shame the guy caught her eye already it seemed. Oh well.

With that his mind retreated and he gathered the force around him as the shadows leapt from the ground and shot through him, enveloping him until he melted away with the shadows themselves. Gone from sight as he moved through the dark alleys of the city. It would be the Sith's problem now and oh how he could not wait to see those Jedi again. He should stop by their temple and say hello sometime. He could have followed the Jedi, he did like that Gherron man when he met him in the past, but it would probably end in him getting stunned again if he tried to explain that fact to Gherron's lover.

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