Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A man, broken from within (ask for invite)

In the silence of the forest, within the humble shack of a home, I sat. Long mangy hair that had not been washed in months. Flies moved about me in such a crazy fashion. It was sporadic. No real path of movement. However, I knew the truth behind the flies lies. They moved to avoid prey. Using circles much like the starfighters in space to avoid fire from enemy ships. It was a good tactic. However, if one smart and agile enough, could easily take them out. Much like how I was- SNAP! -going to.

My hand had moved faster than lightning to catch the fly. It buzzed in my large grasp, tickling lightly on the rough skin on my hands. It felt good. Weird I know, but it was different. Different was good sometimes. However, I could feel a slight twinge in the darkness. I felt almost like someone had gripped my heart and squeezed. While I was not so great at any kind of imprinting on objects, I did do one thing for a friend a long time ago. I had taken a tusk from a creature and made a pennant out of the tusk. Over the time I have been gone, it had slowly been growing darker. The connection that I had made with the amulet. Keeping an eye on the young man I had high hopes for in overcoming the darkness. I knew the problem he had.

Only now, I could feel it completely leave. It was a sudden crash. I should have suspected it. My hand opened and released the fly when I had felt it. THe fly returned to buzzing around when the room turned into a fury of clothes, weapons and tools. I went from being dressed in a pair of shorts, to being dressed in full Mandalorian armor with my two sabers and hammer. My helmet slamming into my hands as I walked out of the door.

It looked like I would be finding this young man, and revealing how he can purge the darkness from his heart. Yes, the physical scar may be gone by the time I reach him, but he would never truly be healed unless he faced his ultimate test.

Ending the curse against him, by ending the man who gave it to him.

And I was prepared to help him.

[member="Solan Charr"], [member="Nefertari Sovint"], [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"], [member="Sanya Val Lerium"], [member="Vulpesen"], [member="Gherron Vael"], [member="Emilia Marean"],

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
Sanya didn't have the chance to restrain but instead got knocked unconscious by his master, as she was directly behind him she caught gherron body before he had chance to fall limp onto the floor.

Sanya carried gherron to Joshua's ship as he'd probably be safer there and kept under close observations. in alot of since she wanted to arrest solan for interfering with Jedi business, but she knew he wasn't worth the time and effort and that there where more important things to do. Although it looked like nefertari had handed things in her own way. as nefertari walked away from the man she asked a question, although Sanya could turn her head well with gherron on her shoulder she answered non the less. "I guess some people don't know how to keep out of Jedi business. things could have gone alot smoother without the mishap."

it wasn't long before they had got to dragonsflames ship where she had set gherron down into the closest chair strapping him in. she left nefertari to watch over gherron, it seems she would rather had time to think about things even if a good distraction would have been better, her ship was still on the planet.

on the way back to her ship she collected her speeder and made haste. not long after sanya had reached her ship that was now fully fueled. sitting in her seat she fired the display up following with the thrusters. the ship left the platform it was on into a vertical climb to brake the atmosphere. once she was now in orbit of coruscant Sanya set the auto pilot to join up and follow the other.

[member="Nefertari Sovint"] Ξ [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] Ξ [member="Gherron Vael"] Ξ [member="Solan Charr"] Ξ [member="Vulpesen"] Ξ [member="Emilia Marean"] Ξ [member="Xander Carrick"]
Nefertari approached her lover. Everything was different now, only a fool would think otherwise. There would be some things to discuss later between her and Gherron.

Nef gently kissed her love. True, he hadn't been honest with her. Yes, there might be changes to their wedding plans. The Jedi knew this and loved [member="Gherron Vael"] yet.

Nef sat on a nearby chair and watched over her lover. It seemed like just yesterday, they had gone on their first date.
"I love you, Gherron." Nef spoke softly, hoping it would break through to him.

[member="Sanya Val Lerium"], [member="Xander Carrick"], [member="Emilia Marean"], [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"], [member="Vulpesen"]​
Gherron's mind was a nightmare. He found himself standing with his lightsaber at his side, not ignited. Dark clouds swirled around him, obscuring his vision almost completely. Voices traveled around him, chattering in strange tones and frequencies. He would've swore they sounded familiar, however. One traveled past his left side, sounding a bit like his love, Nefertari. Another made its way in front of him for a split second, then flew backward at an incredible rate. The voice must have belonged to his old master and close friend, Josh. Where was he? Last thing he remembered, he was in his apartment... He focused for a few moments until an answer appeared. Was he in the realm of the force? Had his wound taken him finally? He ripped open his shirt to show a blackened claw centering his chest. No, he was still alive somehow. Voices continued to surround him.Three words made themselves visible in the corner of his mind. His head perked up. "Nef?" Suddenly, his vision flashed red, and the clouds around him began swirling more rapidly, as if being churned up by an angry god. Pain went through his chest, arcing back and forth throughout his body. Clutching his wound, he fell to his knees in agony.


In the physical world, Gherron's body seemed conpletely still. His breathing was regulated, but barely audible, and his eyelids fluttered softly. When Nefertari whispered the words into his ear, his eyes snapped open, and his hand shot upward, clenching onto her neck. His face was filled with rage, and there was no recognition in his eyes. They were once again blood red, and the infectious black lines traveled further up his neck, almost conpletely engulfing the area around his eyes. The only thing coming from his mouth was an intelligible, horrifying scream.

[member="Nefertari Sovint"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Xander Carrick"] [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"]
Vulpesen sighed as he looked over at [member="Gherron Vael"], sitting nearby. Ace could bring the Vixen home if he needed, but this was something that he felt he needed to oversee, personally. "Gherron, what the hell happened to you?" He reached out with the force, touching against his friend's mind, attempting to get a read from it, anything other than the pain that Vael was feeling inside. Figuring that one person in here would likely have the answer, he turned to [member="Nefertari Sovint"]. "What happened to h-?" He was cut off by the sudden outburst as Gherron launched for the girl's neck. "Nope!" Bringing down a powerful chop, he aimed at the side of the man's neck, aiming to stun him and knock him back down before things got too serious.
Now was her chance. She was close, and nobody stood in her way.

As Gherron grasped her neck, his love put her hand on the black covering his body more she thought as she began to use force subjugate to drain the dark energy from Gherron and take it at least in part upon herself. She could probably handle this darkness.

The lady winced, this was an agonizing feeling for sure, no wonder her love was going nuts. Gherron's screaming would subside a little.

Keep can do this
Nef hoped she was right. Could the power of her love make this bad situation good and right this wrong?

[member="Gherron Vael"], [member="Vulpesen"]​

From the depths of his mind, Gherron screamed in agony. He felt as if his entire being were being ripped apart. As he writhed in pain, a presence touched his own, and he felt a moment of clarity for once in the darkness. For a few moments, he could see through his own eyes, though the outside world was bathed in red. What he saw horrified him. Before him stood several of his friends, and he seemed intent on hurting every one of them. Vulpesen had landed a hit to his neck, but it was no use as the wound continued to fuel his body full of strength. The darkness seemed to laugh at his demise, as he looked on and felt his love siphoning the darkness from his body to her own. "NO!", he screamed. He couldn't allow her to play with this kind of darkness. He had to get her away from him. Closing his eyes, a single tear crept down his face as he prepared to use all of his energy for one burst of control. Lashing out against the wound itself, it's physical form would flash a blinding blue for a moment while he let out a wave of force in all directions. Collapsing to his knees, the inner Gherron continued to look through his physical eyes, completely out of control.


As soon as Nefertari and anyone else nearby was shoved away through the force, Gherron's physical form looked over at his lightsaber, and called it to his hand with the force. Immediately sensing his old master nearby, he leaped at him, using every ounce of strength in an effort to cleave the man in two. One look into his eyes would prove the evidence of Gherron fighting his darkness, as his eyes had begun to fluctuate between the bleeding red brought upon by the wound, and the startling grey of the Jedi they all knew so well.

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Nefertari Sovint"] [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Xander Carrick"]
It had happened so fast.

One moment, all was still. The next, Gherron was moving, his fiance was trying to siphon the dark from him into her... But Gherron wasn't having it, he'd used the Force to unleash a blast that would send the others flying, including [member="Nefertari Sovint"] and @Vulpesen. Josh would look over, his eyes wide. What in the world had happened? This wasn't good... He had to act. He had to.

Josh wouldn't have much time to react, or to stop him. The only reaction he could get out was to draw his lightsaber, igniting the blue blade just in time to block the charge of Gherron, who had managed to retrieve his lightsaber and go after him.

The two were in a lock upon Josh's counter... Saber to saber. Josh started to push forward, a new aggressive step in his push, trying to get Gherron to release the lock so Josh could try and disarm him. He hadn't been in a scrap like this in quite some time, and his instincts were beginning to kick in.

He would quickly try to get an advantage, freeing one of his hands while still pushing the saber with the other, focusing his power in the Force and trying to unleash a Force Wave on Gherron to push him back..

[member="Gherron Vael"]
A grunt left Vulpesen as his back his the wall of the hull, causing a few stars to momentarily dance before him. "Damn..." He watched as Joshua got ready preparing the force in what to him was the tell-tale feeling of an oncoming telekinetic blast. And he doubted the man had the time for much focus. "Double damn." Preparing himself, he braced for the second impacting wave.
There was a disgusting feeling inside Nefertari after siphoning some of the darkness from Gherron. It would take a little while for her to conquer it.

Thankfully, her love was coming around and fighting it himself. His eyes were flickering between a hellish red and the beautiful steely gray she knew.
She had smacked against the wall when an unstable Gherron threw her off him. Nefertari passed out after hitting her head against the wall. another telekinetic blast was coming. Were she conscious, Nef would grab onto something and brace herself.

[member="Vulpesen"], [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"], [member="Gherron Vael"]​

The shock of saber on saber pushed against Gherron, and his eyes squinted for a moment, eyeing the master carefully. With the darkness corrupting his system, his connection to the force fluctuated wildly, so when he felt a rhythm beginning to escape the other's hand, he didn't quite know how to react. Sneering in the elder's face, he freed his right hand and went to send another wave of force in his direction, only to finally realize that he was again being countered. Wide-eyed for a moment, he watched as the both of them stood both in saber lock and in force lock, one hand on their weapons and the other to the side, the air between their hands shimmering brightly. His forehead beading with sweat and his face showing immense strain, Gherron tried to focus on overpowering the other Jedi. In the next few seconds however, he realized too late that they were both putting on too much pressure into their attacks. And what happens when there's too much pressure in one spot? It's going to have to go somewhere. In a split second, both Jedi flew backward against the walls behind them. Grunting, Gherron got back up after a few seconds to see that the entire room was now in shambles, and was beginning to come down on everyone. Calling his saber to his hand with the force, he opened the wall up the rest of the way into a human-sized hole, and leaped through to the next room.

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Nefertari Sovint"] [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Xander Carrick"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"]
Vulpesen grunted as his body was forced back, causing him to slam into the wall behind him. "It hurt, but at least he had braced for it. Besides there was a bit of a tactical advantage that came from the forming bruises on his back. His hand tightened on his saber as he watched [member="Gherron Vael"] move to another part of the ship. "Not so fast, squirt." His free hand pushed him up as his legs extended, pushing off the wal with a force leap that would shoot him towards Vael.

With his lightsaber deactivated, he prepared the phrik hilt to block any attacks of Gherron's saber(no point in this move if he got skewered after all), thus allowing the rest of him to be free in tackling the mad jedi to the ground. If a simple charge didn't work, then perhaps a spring launch on the wall would give that extra oomph that they needed to know the enraged man off his feet.
This darkness was enough to drive anybody mad.

Oh no...not this again, not now.. Nef thought as the darkness she absorbed took shape to taunt her. It was a more...real version of a nightmare she'd had before.
Every dark sider Nefertari had ever faced, both live and simulation, were beckoning her to join them. Nef knew this was a no-win situation. She didn't want to join them, but they'd gang up on her if she refused.

"How many times have you come before me? How many times have you had the exact same result? The answer is no!" While outside, Nef wasn't moving. The room was crumbling around her.

Internally, several weapons were drawn against her.
In the past, Nefertari had drawn her weapon. Now something new occured to her use the force
Her hand stretched out and sent a wave of energy at her mental assailants. They were knocked down, and Nef turned and hoofed it.

Nef's eyes opened. After getting up, she threw herself at [member="Gherron Vael"]

Her lightsbaer was in her hand. Not ignited, but ready to catch her love's blade with the Turadium tsuba.
"Gherron, I love you! Stop this madness!"

[member="Vulpesen"], [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
Gherron had attempted a push with the Force as well, and Josh knew right then that the energy from both attacks would begin to overflow. It had to go somewhere, eventually... But he pushed, hard as he could, but before long the energy between themselves would overload and explode, sending them both flying toward opposing walls, and causing rubble to fly down from the ceiling above. Luckily, the floor above them didn't lead to space, but instead just a higher level in the space station, so nobody would go flying out. Gherron had gone and made a new doorway for himself to escape from.

But quickly, the Jedi Master would plant his feet on the wall in mid-air, before launching himself toward the opening, shoving [member="Nefertari Sovint"] and [member="Vulpesen"] out of the way in mid-air before going through the opening and landing just beside Gherron, charging him with another set of slashes, aggressive slashes, aiming everywhere all around his body, no care, just looking to score a hit somewhere.

[member="Gherron Vael"]
(OOC note: Sorry for the wait guys! I've been swamped irl recently. I should have more time now for a while.)

It didn't take long before the former master and student had resumed their fast-paced duel, the elder Jedi nearly pummeling the younger with his quick flurry of blows and slashes. Amazingly, Gherron was just able to avoid a portion of them, but still suffered a few gashes in his upper arm and chest from a few hits. Enraged, spittle flew from his mouth as he let put a guttural yell and asher his saber down, aiming for the other's head, as if to cleave it in half. His vision was so clouder now that he could barely see three feet in front of him. All he knew was the anger that controlled him. However, through all of this, his very soul seemed to be crying for help. Joshua would notice if he looked close enough, the same look Gherron had given him so many times as a padawan, that of a caged animal, frightened for his life. He wanted release. The boy inside was afraid of himself, and he needed the nightmare to end.

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Nefertari Sovint"] [member="Xander Carrick"] [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"]
Vulpesen reached out his hand to [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] with a growl. "Will you stop!" He didn't need this man to go on a rampage as well. One dark jedi was enough. Closing his fist, he would do his best to place an invisible hand on the master before flinging him away while his other hand shot out and released large forks of golden lightning. He needed to knock Gherron out again. Using the jedi variant of force lightning, electric judgement, he was aware that such wouldn't be able to kill [member="Gherron Vael"], but it did sap will and energy, the two most important things for continuing a fight.
Gherron was learning, it seemed, but this wasn't the same Gherron that Josh had trained. And so he knew that he could no longer hold back - not pretend this was his Padawan all over again. This time, Gherron intended to kill him.

Josh would block the blow aimed for his head, and then push forward with the Force to send Gherron reeling back. This would give him just enough time to, by instinct, aim a Force Push that would counter the one that [member="Vulpesen"] sent his way. Watching him pelt Gherron with Force Judgement, Joshua would raise a hand to stop him.

"Peace, Vulpesen" The Jedi Master spoke firmly. "He's my Padawan. It's my responsibility to deal with this" He responded. "Please, help get the others to safety. I'll subdue him"

[member="Gherron Vael"]
Almost instantaneously after he had gone to slash DragonsFlame's head in, Gherron was blocked once again, then pushed backward. Skidding to a stop some five feet away, he looked over to see something like greased lightning coming towards him. He threw up his blade to block it away, but wasnt quick enough and suffered the brunt of it to his chest. Though it was only the Jedi variant of force lightning, it still stung pretty bad, leaving a little trail of smoke coming from the already blackened wound on his chest. Growling in contempt, he shot his gaze to the Jedi who had struck him, then quickly back to DragonsFlame. Upon hearing his words, Gherron sneered at him. "I am not your padawan anymore! Stop calling me that!" And with that, he threw his weapon to the side and made a mad dash for his old master, not caring about anything else. His hair whipped backward at the speed he shot forward, tackling the man with enough force to drive an elephant off its balance. There was no particular plan in his actions, he just wanted, needed to get a blow in and see the blood. Channeling strength into his bones, he began to pummel DragonsFlame, or at least try to, aiming for the face, the ribs, and anything that had a chance of breaking.

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Vulpesen"]
Vulpesen's saber clattered to the ground and is eyes narrowed at the two. Enough. "Piss poor jedi, you are." With the two so focused on trading blows, there was a slim to none chance that either could muster up the concentration to counter focused power placed on them. "ENOUGH!" His hands spread apart ad he put his entire will power into exerting extreme amounts of telekinesis on the two. The amount used to stave off landslides and large projectiles, applies to two human bodies and forcing them away. He felt like a parent trying to separate two bickering children as he attempted to slam Gherron into one wall and Josh into another, using a steady stream of power to pin them in place. "NO ONE DIES!"

[member="Gherron Vael"]
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
Surprisingly, the Jedi Master allowed his former Padawan to attack him. He wanted to see if he'd be able to get it out of his system and if realizing he wouldn't fight back would bring him back to his senses. After allowing it for a little bit, he would finally fight back, nailing Gherron square in the nose with one of the hardest knees he had ever thrown. Before he could try to restrain Gherron though, the guy who couldn't talk in this instance intervened and sent them both flying. Or in terms of Josh, tried. The Jedi Master would get his feet on the wall and fire himself forward, landing on his feet. He would walk over to [member="Vulpesen"] and without hesitating, punched the piss poor excuse for a Jedi square in the mouth.

"FOOL!" He yelled back at Vulpesen. "You don't have the means to talk, traitor. Go back to pretending that you're not a disgrace to force users after betraying us for the Sith like you did" Josh would growl, a rare show of anything close to anger on his part. "Let me handle this. You're a fool, the boy is under a trance of anger. He needs to come back to his senses. I've been close with him since he was a Padawan. Let. Me. Do. It" He remarked. His tone had gone from calm and pleading, like it had been when he first asked Vulpesen to let him handle it, to irritated now that Vulpesen had attacked him.

"Attack me again, boy, and I'll hit you worse then your wife did with the divorce slip" Josh remarked coldly toward Vulpesen before turning back to Gherron. "If you wish for a fight, boy, then give me your best. If I can't bring you back to your senses, then I'll knock the sense into you" He spoke, with a slightly amused hint to his voice.

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